Antisemitism is the new climate change.
Jews are carbon too.
The [DS] is desperate.
Nothing is going well for them now.
The [DS] is powered by the Khazarian Mafia.
The [KM] has very limited imagination.
The [KM] will always revert to type.
It is for this reason that the Jewish community is now at risk. The [KM] will sacrifice Jews to promote the idea of antisemitism. How else can they sell it? There MUST be evidence. Just as in the pogroms in the past, in Poland, in Spain, in Italy, in Austria, and on and on. They need bodies in the streets, they need Jewish bodies horribly mutilated in order to sell a False Flag lie by their lying media.
This is no joke. This is a forecast of potential events to come.
My ALTA (Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis) reports had frequent forecasts for this time we now are living through in which “pogrom” was a primary descriptor for the sets of events being forecast.
These forecasts included specific references. One was to an entire subdivision being surrounded and the Jewish houses attacked with fire. The descriptor set was truly horrific in tone.
These descriptor sets were included in the reports for many reasons, chief among them that perhaps forewarning would lead to prevention. The future is developing constantly and as such may be susceptible to efforts to change it.
Now that we are several years into this global, unrestricted war, the questions are more cynically presented as the times now demand that reality comes down to assessments of potentials and probabilities relative to strategies and tactics.
Just how many dead people will it take for the [DS/KM] to sell the idea that antisemitism is the new climate change? Who will they decide to sacrifice to that end?
It’s been obvious since Russia went into Ukraine to clean out that viper’s nest that the [DS] and [KM] would eventually strike back. Their attempts at trying to start brushfire wars around the periphery of Russia, in Kazakhstan, Serbia, Armenia in fact across all of Central Asia has so far failed to ignite anything significant. Their attempts to start WW3 seems to have similarly failed.
In fact it’s finally dawned on these pea-brains that they’re losing and badly.
Unfortunately they don’t have a good Plan B except to panic.
The anti-Semitism False Flag is the [KM]’s desperate attempt to wrap themselves in the shroud of the Holocaust to protect whatever is left of their power and their ‘culture’.
As the truth is revealed about their crimes nothing is going to protect them, not claiming to be Jewish and being persecuted.
The KM really do think their old playbook is still effective, hence pulling the same stunts.
They will try and flee to Israel to claim refuge from their ‘oppressors’, once the world sees through their fake Jewishness nothing is going to save them.
Israel will indeed be the Armageddon of the KM.
The problem is that true Jews need to recognize the imposters among them and to take appropriate steps to deal with them.
Some comments have pointed out one thing I missed.
Many of these KM rats carry dual citizenship with Isreal.
How many in the US gov’t in high places have such dual citizenship?, this is one way to sniff out these KM rats.
Nice and handy to use if things get too hot and it’s time to flee.
It’s also nice and handy to control a tiny nuclear armed nation to use as a shield and a fortress to retreat and rebuild their power from, with nobody daring to attack you.
Unfortunately Revelations 16:16 would say otherwise…
These roaches will find Israel will be their final stop in their earthly existence.
Edit2: This isn’t to imply all people holding dual citizenships with Israel are KM, but that it’s interesting that so many US gov’t officials in high positions seem to be duals.
Gob bless you, Cliff. Prayers for the real Jewish people. Let’s hope your warnings help.