It is the experience of the qualia that defines it. That is, YOUR experience of the manifestation of the Qualia into your body’s Life that provides it with value, and meaning.
Note that. It is YOUR experience of a Qualia that defines it. No other perception nor opinion has any bearing on YOUR experience of the qualia. It’s yours alone.
Sometimes, there are group experience of qualia. Such a group perception is a collection of individual experiences of the manifestation of the Qualia into our common shared reality. And while that is a group experience, it is so as a collection of individual experiences. A collection, a set, not a sum, and not an aggregation. As others had their experience of a common shared manifestation, so you had your, unique, not diluted experience.
When there are many woo people around you, they may share in your qualia perception. Or not. Sharing is not possession, and all sharing will have differences within the perception at the level of the individual. At a base level, all qualia are personal experiences; it must be this way as an aspect of the nature of the qualia experience.
Here, in this Matterium, we are all Brothers and Sisters, gathered in the Woo seeking knowledge of our Life’s experience, and limits.
There are no rabbis, priests, nor prelates to force their structure on your Life’s experience. All are equal within Woo, some just know a bit more than others, and have had their awareness for a longer duration. There are NO rulers, NO rules in this body’s Life Experience. Such are delusions laid upon our common illusion.
Consciousness is pervasive, and cannot be exclusive to any view.
We are all expressions of Ontology,in this Eternal Now.
Every decision you make contributes with all other decisions to make our continuous constant emerging event-stream. All decisions and perceptions are equally weighted within this Now, in spite of the variance of the magnitude of the results.
You can easily allow your mind to think it sees qualia where none really are existent. There deception in this Matterium, and much of it we allow, facilitate, or create for ourselves.
One of the joys involved with qualia is when you discover how to determine that they exist, in that moment, and are specifically for you. That moment is true Revelation. The Ontology has YOU. When it happens it begins a contemplation that will persist all of your body’s Life experience.
Qualia will always trigger emotional reactions. But our minds are mostly undisciplined, and WILL intrude with fantasy. An aspect of human tendency towards fantasy is the frequencies of the Earth’s resonance fields. These electrical fields are part of our body’s experience and expressions in this Life. Fantasy is within this Matterium as it suits the purposes of the Ontology. However, this does not give license to our minds to allow our lives to be dominated or overtaken by fantasy. This is a binary Matterium. Fantasy is there for many purposes but primary among them is for you to learn to see it when it arises.
Note also that many people will apply only the metric of their emotional reaction and emotional excitement levels into the determination of what is, and is not, the emergence of a qualia into their body’s Life. This approach fails repeatedly as a critical lesson to be derived from qualia experience is learning to discriminate between the real and false manifestations in this Matterium, and within our minds, and body.
The point, the reason, for the appearance of ALL qualia in your life is that YOU be changed by that experience. It need not be BIG CHANGE, nor even big emotions. Many of the most powerful qualia produce only a state of Silent Wonder and a change in your attitude, your thoughts, and subsequently, changes in your actions that will only be visible to you in hindsight. Such is your body’s Life experience in this Matterium.
Then there is the issue of meaning to be derived from the qualia experience...this is where tricky stuff like ‘confirmation bias’ creeps into our uncontrolled, and undisciplined minds.
Yet more grist for our mills will always, constantly, continuously emerge from the manifestation of the event-stream into this, YOUR, Eternal NOW.
Onegaishimas. With Respect, let us train.
You are such a deep thinker, a master with words. I don't understand all of it but I read on and absorb as much as I can. I appreciate your intellect and I'm so sorry for your loss. You're such a positive presence in this life of negativity and that's as deep as I get. I just turned 71 and I hope I can stay in the game as long as possible to see this world turn positive.
Clif, my sincerest condolences on the loss of your wife. It has been a long road and a huge diversion from the remodel and home care plan that you had so hoped for. Please know that many of us you have never met care about you and hope for your very best life from this moment forward. Thanks for teaching us so much!