Mister Butthead Human, meet the Ontology.
The Ontology already knows you. Your body’s Life is lived entirely within the Ontology.
In fact, may as well get into it now. You’re going to think this is like that movie, The Matrix, in which the humans were in little pods fed by tubes all their lives. It’s not.
Reality is FAR FAR stranger than that.
Your body is an illusion. Yep. It does not exist.
The Ontology has no need for racks of little pods & machinery to maintain them.
We told you. Reality is far stranger than that.
Your body is an illusion. Space, distance, matter...all that is an illusion. None of it exists.
But that does not stop you from perceiving that it does. This is part of the ‘fun’ part of this body’s Life experience. There is absolutely nothing out there, but you need not care.
You have no body. You will never ‘move’ that non existent body through the non existent ‘space’ in this Matterium.
All of the Matterium, everything you can perceive, is all energy. None of the matter within the perceived Matterium actually exists. Nope. It’s an illusion. And a damn good one, eh?
That incredibly soft and warm invitation to Life that is that beautiful woman laying beside you is totally, completely, an illusion...at the level of the matter that composes her delightful form.
Don’t misunderstand. She exists. She is ‘real’, every bit as much as you. But the reality is an illusion though she is not. She is energy. Just as you.
She is a mystery of your body’s Life experience. As you are to her. Both energy bundles of consciousness being tricked into thinking they are embodied in a place filled with matter, this Matterium.
That consciousness, that energy, that is Her, has decided to be with you. To share with you.
Be advised. This is where the ‘real’ hits the ‘road (matter)’.
Pain. Sorrow. Depression. Anger. Hatred. Rage. Horror. Kindness. Connection. Sharing. Love. Honor. Sacrifice.
These are ‘real’. These are the complete point of your body’s Life, and its experience of this Matterium. We are here to generate, and respond to emotions.
The Ontology wants to see what will really happen as the event-streams manifest. It wants to KNOW, not what may, might, or could happen. It wants to KNOW, what the FUCK will you actually DO, as the doer-in-the-body.
This is why the concept of ‘time travel’ as put on media is bullshit. There can be NO undoing, NO redo, in this Matterium.
The Ontology wants to know. So there are rules in our bodies’ lives. Karma is one big ass rule. It will be done to you as you do. It may not be in that instant. Perhaps not even in that body’s Life, but it will happen. Karma is a fucking rule.
Learn to harmonize with irreversibility. This means own your crap. Take it. Why not? It’s all an illusion. It’s all energy in play designed to produce ALL the emotions that motivate humans to chose, to make daily, continuous choices as the event-stream manifests into their vision.
That’s the point of it all, Mister Butthead. To show the Ontology exactly what will happen out of the myrid of possibilities and potentials.
What’s going to actually happen?!?
The Ontology wants to know.
So do you.
Wake up. Smell the coffee. Drink tea. Slap her ass. Kiss her cheek. Toast. Bacon. Eggs. Make your choices. They’re all illusions, some more engaging, more attractive, than others.
It’s all unfolding in this Eternal Now. Life is a fantastic mystery that not even the Ontology knows it’s unfolding before manifestation.
And that’s the point. Just like you, the Ontology likes excitement, the expectation of the unknown revealing.
Live. Love. Choose.
Ours is but to do, then die.
Ours is but to do then die, but only the body dies.
It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.
I love your writing. This was inspirational and deep. Thank you