To learn anything in our common shared reality, we must first unlearn that which is blocking our mind.
We are one thought at a time beings.
This Universe, this Matterium, this body’s Life experience is binary. Alive/Dead. Conscious/Unconscious. Hot/Cold.
At all levels. This is a clue. To understand our Matterium we are exploring it down to the base operating principles. What shall we discover diving deep into the Lake of Knowledge? What is at the very bottom?
We do this as it provides us with a form of “magic” that we may apply within the Matterium.
We are learning to “harmonize” with our common shared reality and the constant, continuous, emerging event-stream that our minds turn into the various concepts we have as “time”.
In this common shared reality, all is binary.
The concept, simply expressed, is that this common shared reality is an illusion. This is the anti-thesis to scientific materialism.
Scientific materialism, reduced to its essence is the belief that IF all Life perished, disappeared, that the ‘grit’ of the Universe, the planets, dirt, and dust, would still exist.
The Ontological view is that Consciousness is ALL, that YOU are a small instance from the Supreme Consciousness placed into the Matterium in your body for its Life Experience. That all the ‘grit’ is an illusion.
Scientific materialism says you exist because of random chance in some distant past. Scientific materialism can NOT explain consciousness. It cannot explain Death, nor after death experiences. It cannot explain why you are psychic. It cannot explain why you are reading this now.
The Ontological view explains all that, and more. The Ontological view says that you are a unique creation by the Ontology for its purposes. It can explain your Life’s Experience to you, and aid you to see how Supreme Consciousness is speaking to you moment by moment and revealing to you your reason for living this body’s Life.
This is your first experience. To recognize what is labeled as ‘qualia’. These are quite simply the individual ‘words’ that the Ontology, the Supreme Consciousness uses to communicate to your mind.
Qualia have no weight, no mass, no matter, yet may be heavy, bulky, and dense. They may also be as ephemeral as the brush of your lover’s lips across your cheek. Qualia are YOUR perception of the ‘qualities’ of your body’s Life Experience. They will come in many forms. You will start seeking them out in your daily Life experience. This begins soon with you.
The Supreme Consciousness, as are YOU, is constantly seeking to know the limits of its existence, this is why we people swimming in the Woo of this reality , call it “the Ontology”.
Lie to me now and tell me that you do NOT seek every day to know the answer to “why?”! You were seeking it when the Ontology presented these words to you.
Shock NOW. Recognize you have been delivered the gift of a qualia.
The Ontology is speaking to you.
You see how this works.
Think about this. Deeply. Think what it means if Universe, the Ontology is actually speaking to you, directly! Think of what this could mean to YOUR Life experience.
The Ontology wants you to learn to recognize it. Otherwise you would not be presented this opportunity to expand your awareness such that you may be presented with Harmony.
This is not a class. It is not instruction. This is initiation.
You can leave the dojo of the Waters of Life at any time you desire. The door is over there. All you need do is to rise, and leave.
But in my opinion, you will not.
The Ontology says you will not.
Initiation is a ‘flow’ thing. Take a bite. Digest. It will take several days. Then another bite. Thus are a man’s belly, and mind and Life filled.
I am one, but I am one among many. The voice I hear is different, but similar to all others in context and overall scope. Our collective direction is the same, but our routes vary, each to their own place and experience. Turning the binary to a continuum between extremes seems both an easy thought and a difficult process to embody in daily life, as we are not the complete masters of the circumstances we live within. Yet it is logical, and yes it is a book that shall not be put down. Thank You for these thoughts today.
Everything Clif has foretold is pretty much in full motion now, the Big Ugly, Secrets Revealed, Melee, and Crom almighty the speed of things has really picked up. That Badass Orange Man, that Golden Golem, with his giant son and his merry band of Avengers, nope that's taken, the Revengers ( ooh I like that SO much better ) are moving at warp 9, Mr. Sulu.
Crom knows we are far from put of many woods, but shee-it its nice tio bank a win.
And seeing the Orange Julius ( ooh I like that too I'm hot ) excoriate the biden crime family, the retard bushes, the vile and evil clintons, the big Mike-less widdle cuck barry. Well I'm higher than a chihuahua after eating a stolen pack of edibles.
I love that we are now heading into the Woo with a few of our earthly woes lessened a bit.