We have been lied to about absolutely everything from our history. Deprogramming is the hardest part for people. What is that saying? It is easier to deceive someone than for them to realize they have been deceived, something like that...

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Thanks, Clif, for sharing your vast knowledge and experience after overcoming your health issues. You seem very energized, and we are subsequently enlightened by your wisdom.

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NOvus Ordo Seclorum as Pelosi once stated on the house floor. She said how much she loved it and its for ‘The Ages’. What a miraculous time to be alive. Thanks Clif! Your the BEST!

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Novus Ordo Seclorum meaning?

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Apr 9, 2022·edited Apr 9, 2022

New World Order (a new order of the ages)

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Thank you!!

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google, can translate any Latin phrases for you ,

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Would you like a little proof its already happened?

Trilateral Commission calls 2023 'Year One' of new world order


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I wonder if that last of the Original Jews are those that are scorned by most of Israel - the Ethiopians, Yeminte and Mozambique? The Somalian Jews have been destroyed. Wonder about Haili Salassi. So much history to uncover.

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According to a DNA report, the last remaining pure blood Jews are the Palestinians. Anyone surprised?

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I wonder about our dear Dr. Zelenko. Could he too be one of the last real Jewish People?

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I'm married to a Sephardic-Danish Lutheran wonderful man. He is my 'Eastern Washington Lutheran Jew" - i.e. the PERFECT GUY (with AMAZING Life Skills).

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I think like ALL Human souls, each of us has Free Choice - he has chosen an arduous trail, but has been an example of PURE RAW COURAGE. It broke my heart when he stated that he was preparing to leave this Earth...I started crying.

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When was that?????????????!!!! Last interview I watched he didn't mention he was worse. He moved to Florida and was looking pretty good in that interview!

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I think it was on an interview posted on Telegram. I didn't realize he is surviving with one lung. He is so amazing!

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Think Sephardic Jews, at least in part

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Sephardi Jews, also known as Sephardic Jews or Sephardim and referred to by modern scholars as Hispanic Jews, are a Jewish diaspora population who coalesced in traditionally established communities in the Iberian Peninsula.

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Great synopsis. "The Fall of the Cabal Sequel" goes into greater detail about the Khazarian's role in history - highly recommended. Keep up the good work Clif!

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Sequel (episodes 1-21) and The Original Series (1-10) are here:


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YES. The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal tells some of the Story,...and now,....thanks to Clif's research using 3 Books, we have MORE! https://www.bitchute.com/video/BRizDPuLs8c4/ The LINK to the Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal. Here is the LINK to the original FALL of the CABAL.

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Thank you for all the infos, you are doing a great work, we need people who know to teach us, many thanks, merci profondément, Quebec, Canada

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We continue to appreciate and look forward to your eye-opening posts! Hope you post another video soon. Your enthusiasm is always greatly appreciated also! Praying for your health, your research, your ability to share it and for your safety!

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Does 23andME test for the dongle?

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23andME, I have belatedly discovered, harvests all your DNA information and it ends up in the "wrong" hands. I have been hounded ever since giving them my blood. Although I believe the company is now in "safe and good" hands.

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what does "23andME" mean please?

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23AndMe is a company that provides you with your ancestry information. They send you a vial for saliva sample, you mail it back, and they give you all this information from their website. It's been loads of fun to find out, their data is amazing. But ... I cannot recommend it after what I have found that they do with your data.

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Rh neg is indeed a "special" breed that is not commonly found in daily human DNA/blood. it is hard to keep going since most breeding is with the "O " variant and the Rh,Neg will be lost. no special ability other then hard to find a donor if you are in need of any transplants LOL.

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According to Alex Collier, O- blood is an alien blood type, but NOT reptilian (as some have said). It's the universal donor, i.e. all blood types can receive it without adverse reactions. It is found in all races of humans, and is just as rare among Jews as any other race. According to the Taygeteans (Cosmic Agency), O- humans are descendants of the survivors of Atlantis.

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I am an O- and have naturally been a rebel all my life against authority and anything that tries to categorise me or restrict me. I am a good person and always ahead of the curve. I have been awake since the early 80s and now know it all but Clif has filled a few spots with question marks. I started Ascension Corner website in 2009 and stopped posting in 2016. I know that there was a major shift in2012 that I contributed to energetically at the time. I am now 77 and my current purpose is energetic grounding of light and focus on best outcome for all. I am detached emotionally and mainly an unemotional observer. I have never feared death and totally understand the holographic universe and our many life streams… I have had recall of several of them. I have had et experience and many ufo sightings during my life which has been blessed and full of extraordinary events. Physically I had to have an infusion to prevent my children from being blue babies. I have always just “known”.

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Good, I know a few O- types. Very interesting people.

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So no capacity of divinatory perception for the O- in comparison with the O+?

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We ALL descended from interstellar races, therefore we are all divine. My understanding is that the O- blood type was probably the original blood type, therefore older. That is why it is the universal donor. All other blood types resulted from later genetic manipulation, but they are no less divine.

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So no capacity of divinatory perception for the O- in comparison with the O+?

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I have a tremendous curiosity about this topic. I am trying to find information about A-. Please can anyone refer me to information on Rh neg in general or A neg? Thank you!

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So if you are Rh negative you have no Rhesus Monkey DNA in you??? There must e a link here in Plain Sight!!!!


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Love you, uncle clif, for your amazing work. And so we go!

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One of your finest Clif. Well done.

We are here at this time for this reason. Knock, knock. Carry the 1.

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One of the great atrocities of this mob was the Israeli attack on the US Navy ship Liberty during the 6 Day War in 1967. These blood suckers have no respect for human life (9/11 false flag) and somehow have seduced most people around in the West (especially politicians)to believe they are guileless and worthy of our allegiance. This video presented a whole different POV. https://youtu.be/tx72tAWVcoM

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the Cabal, the Khazarian Mafia, forces others to do their mass destruction all the time. When I looked up the USS Liberty on honest sites,...there was a lot of suspicion we did it to ourselves, to start a War. Just like we bombed the World Trade Centers to start the War on Terror. Because later the pilots who were ordered to do the bombing said they had told their Commanders that they would not bomb an American ship! They were told, if you do not, you may not come home and you will die, they were given no choice. That was a horrible day! As was the 9/11. The sad things is that very few people "know" that it was our own government that sacrificed 2000 people, not to mention the police and firemen, to once again START A WAR.

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Amanda - Everything is a rich man trick. This excellent film has presented the truth to millions. Creator/narrator Richard Connolly is a friend of mine. Truly Worth the time to see the bigger picture https://youtu.be/E5XiWY3YNT4

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I watched that video of the Liberty attack. I feel tremendous sadness and nothing but hatred for the perpetrators of this action. How in the world could the U.S. continue arming and supporting these monsters after this???

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The US was the guilty party! We pushed them to fire upon our own ship. We wanted a WAR. We did the same thing with 9/11. We did that! So we could start a WAR on Terror. The only Terror is us!

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You are correct. The executioners/perpetrators of allattrocities are human beings who believe in some supernatural being in the sky that we generally call God. Such people have been brainwashed. All major religions of the world were created to control the masses. The word believe has the word LIE in it. We have been lied to about everything. The controllers of this world have occulted real knowledge. Who burned the library of Alexandria and why? Why has there been book burning throughout the history of mankind?

It's to hide the truth of real knowledge.

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Hopefully we will witness changes in our lifetime. Keep the excellent info coming. Thanks Cliff!

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Thanks clif, for true history. Waiting for more.

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Thanks, Clif, for sharing your vast knowledge and experience; and congrats for overcoming your health issues. You seem energized and laser focused.

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He is the Sage of our Time!

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My Chinese contact confirms your assessment, clif, and there is no question that it is worth further research and supporting archaeology. It fits with Genesis and adds credibility to the thesis. I am about to begin reading this book to add more light on the Khazarians:


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After thousands of years of infiltrating populations it’s hard to know who is in there organization. Seems easier to find them through their symbolism and modus operandi than by tracing lineage. I recognize many of their rituals in the religion of my youth and many organizations I attended. The order of the arrow in the Boy Scouts has many rites that seem similar. Weird that you can be involved without knowing your involved. Thanks Cliff

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