You are bent!
Not only your ethics, or your mind, or your dick!
You are bent!
The English use the phase, mostly, to refer to ethics, meaning that one is bent away from the establishment promoted social normal, that one has criminal tendencies. The Russians and the French use the phrase to mean one’s mind is slanted away from the speaker’s perception of the norm. The Americans don’t really have a consensus on the phrase, but, in some regions, it means to be ‘sexually deviant from normal’, though, at a locker room level, it refers to one’s dick.
All of LIFE is bent.
Asymmetry is a distinguishing feature of Life, everywhere, all the time. It may actually be that asymmetry is THE distinguishing feature of Life.
Life has chirality...or ‘hand-ed-ness’. This means that the molecular structure formed by the elements under examination have a ‘bent’ to either the left, or the right. They are either left-handed, or right-handed, in their tendencies in the process of formation, or alteration. So far as the examination has progressed, only elements involved in Life, have handedness. It may actually be that asymmetry is THE distinguishing feature of Life. This has yet to be falsified.
Inanimate matter, such as the general state of crystal formation among metals, and stones, does not have chirality. These crystals form linear structures without twists at a molecular level. This is unlike all the molecular structures in you body.
Inanimate crystals form linear structures, while crystals which are formed from Life created material, do have chirality, with a preponderance of L- bent molecules. As an instance, granite has crystals that are linear, whereas sugars have chirality within their crystalline structure.
Mostly, that is for humans, and most mammals, our molecules are bent left. There are some, such as vitamin E, which are bent right, but they are the very rare exceptions within mammalian patterns. This is why you see all the pharmaceutical grade amino acids labeled as L-, as in L-Arginine, or L-Cysteine.
We do observe that reptiles have much higher levels of R- (right bent) molecular structures than do mammals.
We find that, as a necessity for supporting Life, the green plants produce a majority of their energy transformation & transport molecules as L- structures. Green plants are obviously made to support the Life up-chain. As a general rule, plants with high R- bent molecule production are not favored by animal life.
We also find that most of the ‘native’ poisons to life, are R- molecular structures. This is especially noted in the most virulent, naturally occurring (produced by Life) poisons such as venom of all kinds. We also note that most of the inanimate poisons, that is, molecules that are not involved in Life processes, have an R- bent tendency IF the structure has chirality.
Vernadsky’s work on the Biosphere concept & details also notes that chirality, found throughout geochemistry, is a ‘Life specific’ indicator. Thus it is possible to know, looking at mineral deposits at the molecular level, if Life was involved in the process of their formation. Which, if chirality is discovered, has so far, always been the case.
Now really the ‘bent’ aspect of molecular structure is only ‘bent’ when viewed as a 2-D image. In three dimensions, the ‘bent’ is really a ‘twist’. The formation of the Life molecules ‘twist’ from the base towards the Left, or Right, but do not, ever form linear blocks. Life is 100% asymmetric.
IMO, it is this chirality nature of our molecules that allows for Life to falsify the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This physical law is not so much a Law as it is a general rule applicable to ONLY inanimate materials. The 2nd thermodynamic principle states that ‘objects (matter, systems) tend to run down to a steady energy state’.
Anyone who has ever been around a small child, or young animal, knows this does not apply to Life.
Life is capable of summoning energy from some ‘place’ that is not readily apparent, nor easily located/examined, and transforming that energy within our Matterium. These ‘energy reserves’ of Life, that we all live with, and depend upon, and even comment upon (Young Mother Lifts Car to Save Toddler – that kind of thing) as ‘extra-ordinary’, are, in fact, a key (KI CHI PRANA) aspect of being Alive.
All of the above causes the Malthusians, the “limits to growth” people, to have conniption fits when their ‘absolutes’ are broken by Life, and they are not able to explain the circumstances that they clearly observe. It would seem that though they are alive, they are blind to Life.
Again, IMO, we humans can use the L- bent nature of Life, and its transformation of energies, to locate other Life in far distant locations in our galaxy. The absence of ‘entropy residue’ in the form of steady state energy levels is our clue.
The REALLY INTERESTING part of our exploration of the biosphere we inhabit, is that we find chirality in molecular structures of stuff settling on Earth from Space. If only Life produces chirality, then what are we to conclude?
It is also interesting to note how the idea of chirality affects the abstractions of humanity. That is, the political labels that the name-stealers apply to themselves favor being ‘leftists’, when such a descriptor is actually the opposite of their particular political ‘bent’ as they are demonstrating themselves to be opposed to Life at all levels. Basically they are R- molecular in their thinking, though they wish everyone else to think they are the L-ife affirming ones….
Life… it’s ever so Twisted.
Had to look up chirality. Good word.