When writing a complaint, each pleading should be a single line fact. If you use lots of if's and's or but's, then break it up into smaller facts because they will have to answer "affirmed, denied, or without knowledge". If they say "denied" to a long pleading, you have no idea which part is being denied. So best to stick with single line facts.

Also, it's often not good strategy to make proofs in the pleadings. Your proofs come later. The pleadings are simply facts that you intend to prove to win the case. That's why each fact should have its own line/number. This is how you lock down the defendant. Joining multiple facts together gives the opposition wiggle room.

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Thank you Cliff

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I think RICO is a great Start🫡

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Good advise to think about thanks.

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What is more, this draft has no real substance to the claim that there are Chemtrails OR that the Chemtrails have harmed anyone. Without prima facie assertion that there are facts which would underpin the alleged damages, this draft is likely to be summarily dismissed, and it should be.

To provide any hope of consideration by the Court, or to withstand a motion for summary order of dismissal with prejudice, Clif will have to allege that there ARE Chemtrails and provide some baseline to substantiate that assertion AND then

he'll have to allege that indeed, the Chemtrails can be linked to some form of real and measurable damage. What is the composition of the Chemtrails? Why would the fallout from those elements in the sky cause anyone harm, and then WHAT harm do they cause.

Clif has jumped from the bald assertion to the remedies, and I don't think any Court, or any Defendant drawn into this process, would stand for having to prove their non-complicity without a plausible showing that A) there have been Chemtrails, B) they have been analyzed to contain harmful chemicals, C) those chemicals have landed in sufficient quantity on Clif's property to cause harm AND D) Clif, in fact suffered harm thereby.

Moreso, the other thing Clif has blithely glossed over is that any Defendant charged with these doings would have to be linked to the actual application of the Chemtrails. You can't just call in Boeing, for instance, and make them a Defendant without showing the plausibility of their complicity. Boeing attorneys, rightfully, would be perfectly entitled to move to dismiss that Defendant, and the Court would 99% likely comply.

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Canada just shafted a class action suit by serving and former Canadian Military members using almost word for word the exact same basis. Given the top to bottom systemic corruption at all levels of our current government from municipal on up , I believe It is safe to assume that the out come would be identical regardless of diligence applied. Criminal justice indeed.... ! if this is a 'movie;" it should be titled "Lie Hard" . the obvious sequel being "Lie Harder' it goes on from there I'm sure!

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The truth is, as I see it, that to use the American Judicial system AGAINST the powers that be, one must PERFECTLY plea, must bring a buttload of facts and exhibits from the outset, must have credible and unassailable expert witnesses and an abundance of proof, and THEN be prepared for an uphill, nearly insurmountable battle that will take years and years, if not decades. And in the meantime, if one gets traction and/or notoriety, one needs to be prepared to be OFFED and duly disposed of in a ditch somewhere, later determined do have been a suicide.

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lf you believe all men are cowards and weaklings, then you are not interested in joining the fight. Perhaps you are one of them, hiding behind a fake identity here on Substack.

Richard Gage, a person of courage and conviction, is in the process of preparing a grand jury for the purpose of investigating the crimes committed on 9/11, and the subsequent cover up. https://substack.com/@richardgage911

Scott Bennett, a courageous whistleblower was recently poisoned in Ukraine for shining light on what is actually going on there. Was he aware he was on Zelensky's hit list? Probably, but he had the courage to proceed anyway. We need more courageous people, not more who live in fear Dr. Phrog. Get over your defeatism. It serves no one.

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Why is it you begin with accusations and innuendoes? Ya think that will endear you, or your cause, to any subject of your derision?

When fathers finally have enough testosterone to attack pharmacists and doctors for injecting and killing their families, you will know we have reached something close to critical mass. It takes that kind of kindled fire

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You strike me as a defeatist, a coward. Your message is not one of courage. You don't want to join the fight until it is safe. Don't do anything or you will be "OFFED and duly disposed of."

When I come into contact with someone like you, I can't help but point out your obvious character flaws.

Yes, this will endear me to like minded souls who are willing to fight the good fight and not live in fear. I respect people like Richard Gage, Victor Hugo Vacca Jr.

I am not trying to endear myself to the likes of you. We are far apart in our thinking. You seem to be waiting for a critical mass to go ahead of you so you won't have to risk anything. You are pitiful Dr. Phrog, or whoever you are.

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Dr. Phrog, The evidence is out there. Clif is a fast learner and has experience fighting pro se in court. His aim will be to put the Judge in a position that to find for Clif is the only way to prevent personal embarrassment.

Others are out there uncovering the truth. Tennessee just banned chemtrails within its jurisdiction. So in spite of your defeatist attitude, progress is being made.

The truth is out there, but it won't be discovered by cowards too fearful to fight for it.


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What about RICO?

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RICO is a complicated process, one I doubt Clif could fully execute. But more than that, NO form of civil process for damages will hold if: A) you fail to prove damage; B) the Parties brought in as Defendants have been shown to, at some level, be responsible, and C) the damages are measurable/quantifiable and can be assessed against the Defendants in question.

ADDED to the civil requirements are: To be successful in a RICO claim, the plaintiff must prove three elements: 1) Criminal Activity, 2) Pattern of Criminal Activity, and 3) Statute of Limitations2. The statute of limitations on civil RICO cases is four years, which starts to run the moment the victim discovers the damages.

So, RICO can be a powerful claiming mechanism, but the proofs of it are not easy to establish. If they were easy, everyone would have used it.

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A multitude of thanks to you Cliff for taking this step on behalf of all living beings of this planet .

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Clif, this is awesome! So many of my friends and neighbors think I am crazy when I talk about chemtrails. Drives me nuts!

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This is Glorious. I'll all for it. Count me in! Viva La Woo.

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yeah viva la woohoo

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yes; i third this; Viva La Woo; i love it!

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I'll all for it too... Hows that $100 billion going to be divied up!

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I assume much of the money will be needed to clean up the air, water and soil. Compensation for the injured, i.e North Carolina victims.

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Wow that is amazing and a wonderful idea

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Clif your statement to the Court is brilliant, and your courage and anti-fuckery is inspirational! You speak for us all with this Complaint. I trust the timing of this action will bring victory, now that we are beginning the process of freeing ourselves from the clutches of Evil. BRAVO!

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Let's not all fool ourselves - it's all just a bunch of barking by cliff

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Really. And who art thou exactly to judge Clif (get his name spelled correctly please) ?? Think I've been following Clif for twenty or more years. He doesn't bark. He bites BIG TIME with his VERY SHARP MIND.

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Please forgive me oh 20 yr veteran of Clif for not correcting his name from voice ap, your holy one...amen

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He, in my opinion, is not filing this $100 billion dollar lawsuit.

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Good morning Michael, I just had to sit back and think about this one for a while. I actually said about the same thing when the Plandemic happened. Everyone who was damaged in one way or another, has a right to file charges against the oppressors. The lists of damages are enormous, ranging from misused ventilators, lost wages/jobs and turbo cancers. Everyone here has a dog in this fight. Cheers!

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stuff it dumb ass. this is brilliant SCOTUS level work.

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Pretty bleak outlook, I think. I mean, Tennessee has been successful with their chemtrail lawsuits. Of course criminals beings criminals, they still spray. But it's now on the books and setting precedence, as well as showing the normies that yes, this is real. Washington is another beast though, I will say that.

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If we were all silent, nothing would have transpired. You need to live in a freedom mind not socialist Marxist mind. In Idaho they tried to push rigged. Choice voting called proposition one and if we sat on our hands, the socialist Marxist would have won. But overwhelmingly, Idaho voted NO and told the lives to stick it in their ass.

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Shouldn't we be creating a class action lawsuit for restitution?

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They can go on for years; when each living Male and Female, files a claim,like this; it can turn the tide. We bombard the system with millions of claims all asking for compensation and remedy This is Paramount..

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So can we use this and change the personal details to our own to do so..? I don't have any money so I think I need to go to small claims court because it's free right? I would sure have to change the amount.

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Yeah, now you are talking!!

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Don't forget the Satellites!

Changing the climate through satellites and huge radar weather stations:



And the nano-routers injected by force:


Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?



Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

The way out of this mess:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Directed Energy Weather Manipulation, is what I'd call it -- DEWM (sounds like 'doom').

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This is great but... you are still working within their system. You must declare and remove yourself from their corporate structure. Any name using Capitals in Any position is a Corporate derivation. Your name - removed from the corporate is clif:high or if middle name, clif-middle name:high. Also you must declare and submit your living man status to the local county clerk in a notarized affidavit that spells out, in their terms, by the use of a certificate of live birth AND a birth certificate that you are not a "straw man" entity. It would be Wise to give the document "Teeth" by means of a Waver of Tort, demanding payment in Constitutional Silver for every trespass upon your now reclaimed identity. Non reply to this affidavit after 30 disputing it makes it binding. There is more but this gives a general overview.



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What Michael said...plus. I believe that you need to cite specific names of the people you are talking about. Perhaps a "Notice of Liability " too. Concentrate of the top bosses, instead of the peons that are being told what to do. Who is the head of the Department of Defense? Who is the head of the Environmental Protection Agency? Name them specifically and tell them that you are specially holding them liable for your losses and the damage to your land.

Constitutional "Dollars" are round units of Silver, 371.5 grains of silver, stamped into a coin by the United States Treasury. A dollar is not a thing, but the name of a unit of money, IE, a descriptive Adjective. If I demanded that you give me 10 quarts, it would be logical to ask, "Quarts of what?"; a "quart" being a unit of measurement for liquid. A dollar is a unit of measurement for money, and money in this instance is silver.

I predict that the way this is written, they will ignore it or just kick it out. Not being critical, but you are playing in their sandbox, and all of them are making billions from this. As long as they can keep us all stupid, they won't rock the boat. Lots of good information though.

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You are right about naming the top generals in the DOD and Secretary of the EPA. I think that is making your complaint in a common law court. Listen to Bill Thornton on You Tube. Also Carl Miller is a good source for guidance. Good luck Clif.

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If I remember correctly, Bill open his courts by stating I, Bill Thornton, am making this complaint in this court of record. Administrative courts are inferior courts. The Constitution guarantees common law courts.

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Patty, we speak the same language here for sure. Common law only works for "People" i.e. flesh and blood. We are being treated as "persons" which is by definition an artificial entity. Not the same thing. Everyone thinks that they understand what is being written and said, but most of us don't. It is hard to keep it straight. I hope that they reply to Clif's charge.

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Something I just learned, TPTB cannot securitize people, the birth certificate bond. Can't wait for our day in court.

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Please explain to those of us who don't understand the very complicated (by design) 'Law'.. What is TPTB? And what does the statement from "TPTB ~" mean? Thank you Patty.

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Nice. Mostly correct, except at the time the Constitution was framed, a "[D]ollar" (a term used twice in the text) was universally understood to be a Spanish 8 Reale ***Coin***. The 1792 Act differentiates the physical thing (a Coin) and "the value thereof". So almost nobody today does actually know "the value of a [D]ollar". LOL (Oh, small correction, 371.25 (three hundred seventy one and four sixteenths) grains of fine silver, "as in the Spanish milled Dollars now current". This was actually a bit lighter than the value used under the Articles of Confederation, because between then and 1792, Spanish mints switched from the older "Pillar" Dollars to the "Bust" Dollars. IIUC, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton actually took a bunch of Bust Dollars, weighed and assayed them, and came up with the 371.25 fine Ag number.

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"An Act establishing a Mint, and regulating the Coins of the United States" -- April 2, 1792


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Oh, and Spanish milled Dollars were still lawfully regulated Money up until, I think, the 1850s sometime.

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Yep Clif is smarter than the average bear

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And smarter than anyone commenting here that say he didn't do it right.

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Does somebody say he didn't do it right?

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Only making suggestions, not saying Clif is not doing it right.

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Re: Clif vs Cliff

I use voice to input alot and I missed taking an f out of his name but thank you for scolding and berating me to show your superiority and longer term viewer of Clif's work. 20 years and ur not batching crazy so good to know

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Agree, no need for petty criticisms, we need to fight together, not against each other, doing that is playing into the evil one.

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My bad. It was some other idiot slinging his shit. Not you. Sorry, please forgive me

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In addition, the correct names of chemtrails must be clear. There are others working on this exacting language or it will be dismissed. There are many names as they focus on different facets of atmospheric and weather manipulation. AKA : Stratospheric injections, atmospheric conditioning, solar radiation, etc

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Wigington is controlled opposition. He's a Freemasonic implant.

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Who'd you hear that from?

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Good evening Woo Crew!

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Fubious J whoopee you've done it again first place on the comments..... I have a life and was oil painting 🖼 so that's why you beat me again ...

Next time I'll be on my toes

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Here’s the one I just finished! I am fairly happy with it. Cheer up and make something wonderful! Hugs!


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I was working on 3 mixed media watercolors! I am doing illustrations for my Woo Journals. 😍

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go back to being a fool by yourself just STFU .

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing these bastards should fired and closed immediately and the only job they should have is picking up garbage along the highways for the rest of their pathetic lives. AHHHHHHH!

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A day without clif is like a shit without toilet paper... and a wet bird never flies at night 🌙

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Yep. I have a visit about once a month for "a massage." Its more like having someone with "Physic Hands" finding all the places where this human hides their physical and emotional pain. He is booked out a year in advance. He and I talk. as I have learned over many years we are like minded. He told me once (because he knows what's going on with humans) he had/has a client ( not by name of course) who used to load the chemtrail bombs on a plane at a relatively local airport. Disgusting to see the tic-tac-toe patterns in the sky for years now. Really, really, heavy of late. People I know, younger than I don't even recognize that the chemtrails are NOT NORMAL CLOUDS at all.

Thank you CLIF! You made my day!

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fly back to your Mom's basement. We'll call you when the skies have cleared.

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I'm gonna quote ya on that one.

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Pretty sure we're bringing back public humiliation at least for most of these criminals.

Gates, Soros, Fauci... Maybe something more stern. Like the penguin from Blues Brothers.

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Damn straight!!!

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But they were on a mission from God.

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Nice work!

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Count me in... oh wait... I’m in Illinois!😝

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Start a lawsuit there. Interest of Justuce may help you.

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Lucky for me that my 'permanent address' (though I can roam as I please) is in WA.

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Thank you so much for doing this.

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Awesome work.., Clif!! I’m praying for you!!

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