Dane Wigington of geoengineering watch would be a great source of information for this. He is also the producer of the documentary ‘The Dimming.’

Hope this helps

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Joanna you my want to look deeper into Dane Wigington. Take a look at this guys work. Jim Lee is tracking the Climate Changers, Pollution, Privacy, and Propaganda, with over a decade of research on the history, present, and future of weather modification and climate engineering. All of Jim's research, websites, and social media can be reached on ClimateViewer News at https://climateviewer.com/.

Jim is the creator of ClimateViewer Maps on http://climateviewer.org/, where you can monitor our world in real-time on a 3D globe with over 600 unique maps and live feeds.

Jim has archived the world’s most comprehensive weather control timeline with hundreds of verified historical facts, images, and videos from 1800 to present on https://weathermodificationhistory.com/.

Connect with ClimateViewer on social media!


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Jim Lee is a Cat on a bird, very thorough.

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He associates with the gatekeeper Del Bigtree 🙄

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Jim made some very unfavorable comments on one of my numerous posts about geoengineering. He also copped a condescending attitude, saying he would answer any questions I might have. Knowing his positions about jet fuels, I asked him some questions I thought he might have trouble with. He never answered them.

On the other hand, Dane has always been open and helpful.

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Why lie? You never asked me questions I couldn't answer and you never called either. =)

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And now you resort to calling me a liar. To this day you have not answered my questions.

I see you don't deny making unfavorable comments.

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Give Jim a call. Phone number is on the website.

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would ya look at that;

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Jim associates with the gatekeeper Del Bigtree 🙄

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What are your concerns about Dane?

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I find it concerning that Dane refuses to debate Jim.

There is a resent video from Jim, where he shows what "youtubers" like Dane and others do for viewing Numbers.

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Well… Maybe Dane knows something about Jim that you don’t. But isn’t willing to stoop to those levels.

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his misinformation.

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From personal experience, I trust Jim Lee over Dane anyday... and I have had plenty of experience with both.

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Is he a paid crises actor? He sure does know how to put fear in the videos

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'why in the world are they spraying' & 'what in the world are they spraying'

check these first...

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Here's a start https://zerogeoengineering.com/2021/8-chemicals-used-in-artificial-rain-cloud-seeding

In addition to barium, strontium, and aluminum, this is just the tip of the

man-made iceberg.

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LOL I can't stand those guys...

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Rest easy, they suffered in ignominy...

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I'll cut them some slack...

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They are dumping their toxic chemical waste on the whole of the USA rather than paying to dispose of it properly. Things like fly ash etc.

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Elana Freeland has outlined what they are spraying extensively in her book Geoengineered Transhumanism. I think chat AI could also put together information to sue for the damages the towers are doing to us. I expect something to come up for the weather weaponry for N. Carolina moving the hurricane inland and letting the water out with no warning. However, they appear to be a bankrupt corporation, and you can't get blood out of a turnip.

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Even if the corporation crumbled, the people who made the destructive decisions for the corporations should still be liable.

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I agree. Sue them for their indemnity bonds if they have them, even in government, to sue them personally.

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I listened to this several years ago, and was so impressed by her information and research documentation, that I ordered four of her books. It gives validity to show people that look at me as though I have my head in the clouds.

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Thats what I said We need this to stop asap

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Don't we already know that what they are spraying is coal ash?

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Uncle Clif has spoke about the US buying this stuff from China; if i am remembering correctly;

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Definitely not coal ash. That's complete nonsense.

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it is all nonsense; and it's going straight to the hypothalamus;

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I’m guessing he would know which direction he feels in-spired to move in.

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synched lips lose ships

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Jurisdiction and Venue; COURTs don't ruEL on crimes, only HEAR over DAMAGES;

no who YOU are and WHAT EWE R [k]not; what do you claim/complain over injury or harm; inJURY and hARM; PERSON(s) known as and in their full and unlimited capacity/cap-a-city; get'em from the front; get'em from behind; THEY may be surrounded on all sides;

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The Dumming?

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When Chemtrails no longer pollute our atmosphere, it will give me hope that the new republic is doing the right thing for “we the people.”

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Funny thing about republics! It is "We the People" who do the work. Even if you just start doing this in little ways, it is very affirming o be able to own the changes.

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all about 'body politic' or 'body corporate'; when does it go to just 'body'; wonder if people can ever let go of the 'politic' and the 'corporate';

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Thanks Clif It's getting worse hear in Australia I'm out central west NSW in a tiny village and the last 2years we've had them.I went to feed the birds last week in the arvo and saw a strange sky one side white streaks the other perfectly blue. Grabbed the camera and managed to get around 6 pics 3 with a visable white aircraft making a chemtrail.We also had a unusual storm ravaged a pathway through the bush.109km winds with 56mm of rain in 10minutes.Heavy morning fog unusual this time of year followed by rain. Something is not right but the locals just accept it as normal.

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Yes I’m sure I seen this on skywatchers Australia page I have saved and printed off the flight path they took ove r the Hume Reservoir spraying shit

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I love it, I see chem trails here in Florida and cannot imagine how the polititians allow it, I see them and I get ill just by eyesight ! sue them all, big and small !

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politicians are adept at averting their eyes until their attention is called, and even then, the institutional blinders present an obstacle...

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Politicians are hired to represent the will of the people, not (necessarily) to be activist.

When the people direct their will (incl. attention) at a phenomenon, politicians and (where warranted) state/federal agencies are obliged to pay attention.

Is it not that way?

[edited for grammar]

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yes, just not in the real world.

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I travelled to Florida in 2022 and it was non stop planes in the sky. It never ended!

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Clif, I had a real chat with the local FAA in Los Angeles last week. A 20-something gal called me back and had never heard of chemtrails. I said go outside and look up right now. oh.


Where do we send this lovely 100 billion dollar lawsuit?

I need a cut.

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I point them out to people on the street while I am walking. I have had younger people laugh at me, or adults glance up and shrug, and have no comment. I agree with Cliff that breaking the fingers of chemtrail pilots is a very reasonable reaction, if given the chance. My hope was that most of them would die off after their 'whacksinations'......

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There is a group called www.saveourskies.org out of California. They are collecting rain water and having lab tested, and are finding the Names of the individuals and companies that are flying the planes and taking them to court, Also using apps to collect data on the planes.

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Reinette Senum is great!

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Flight radar as they spray over you record it on video and screenshot the plan and flight path

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Excellent! Thank you!

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Food for you! Woke up somebody pivotal. Her job just became real!

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I gave her some food for thought for sure.

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Just ordered bumper stickers and yard signs in an effort to inform the public of chemtrails. Amazing how many don’t notice them and/or confuse them with contrails. Check out Geoengineeringwatch.org and Reinette Senum’s Foghorn Express via substack.

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Affects everything..... Brain Fog. People look so brain dead on the streets. Full of aluminum, etc.

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Wow, great tool and I hope you win big! We need more men with the warrior attitude who relish taking on the bureaucrats and psychopaths doing these crimes.

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Gates must pay for his participation in this crime and so should Albo

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Absolutely, and he will one way or another. I imagine he is not a very happy man despite his millions.

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This should be a Class Action suit.

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I agree, a class action lawsuit is the way to go! I’ll sign a petition or something. The more signatures the better. I’m in CA and we’ve been getting sprayed for years now. It’s time to stop the madness!

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I also agree, remember Tennessee recently filed suit over geoengineering over their state. I bet it hasn't stopped it. I hope Clif doesn't waste a lot of money in filing fees in this effort. Mike Adams has spent 6 figures suing Big Tech over censorship. He will probably lose this hard earned sum. Our system is too broken to be repaired.

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It's not broken. The controllers look at people as part of a 'decedent estate' not worth listening to the dead. Check out Kurtis R. Kallenbach's work on new word order buzzsprout. It's chock full of knowledge!

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Who will you sue? If you sue the government, and win it'll come out of our Taxes. So, I assume you are going to sue the Corporations that are making the money?

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the government is CORPORATION; it is listed on Dunns & Bradstreet;

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Government is a corporation and can be sued. Can’t force us to pay!

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Who do you think gives them all their Money? They don't EARN anything. They don't Build anything or create anything. They MILK you and me for our tax dollars. Anything the government spends is our money. Period.

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Sue the corporations poisoning us

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Think of it as a tax refund?

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would it be true to say it is only CREDIT they spend; and THEY send you the Bill; it is all ACTs & Bills; THEY act and you pay;

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AnnaVonReitz.com says they (our US corporation employees) work for Brittain and that's where much of the money has been sent, that he and his deceased mum have been receiving gazillions for eons. I guess we could ask Charley to reimburse us if that's the case!

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Worth EVERY penny to save humanity and the Earth.

Especially if the perpeTRAITORS are all brought down and served justice too, but I don't know enough about the legal system to speculate.

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Wouldn't is be more correct to say they are taking the money? Corporations exist to make a profit. Peel away enough to get to the permeable layers and it is game over.

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and re - legion(s) exist to make a prophet; and religion is a 501c(3) unincorporated entity; so DEAD bodies always need to make a profit/prophet for survival off those that beLIEve;

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need a defendant! and they get a chance to remedy! i think...

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People, myself included, would be cheering such a lawsuit. Just the thought of no more Chemtrails, and some penalty to those involved, made me smile.

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$100B isn’t enough. Pax

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Well this Chat.AI is quite impressive. I now know what I will be researching tomorrow - this program. It is like having an attorney at your fingertips. A dream come true. Thanks Clif

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Clif, This is amazing!! A class-action!? Absolutely! There are so many ways from Sunday and so many affected people in the country from chemtrails, you could have the biggest lawsuit in American history here!! Thank you AI gpt !!! Dane Wiggington is a great place to start!!

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your pulling your hair out, chewing you finger nails and are about to start on your toe nail. AHHHHHHH!

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Let him be an inspiration and less of an idol

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I asked AI about chemtrails affecting Ozone levels and the answer was yes, they can. From May through October of this year temperatures were moticeably elevated along with high Ozone levels that reached the unhealthy level to the degree that I was forced to stay indoors for most of the day. i live in the high desert of southern New Mexico. This also negatively impacted my chickens and dogs and cats. june and July were esoeciallyi miserable along with very high Ultraviolet light levels. It was impossible to do a garden,. and my trees suffered,with one pine tree keeling over and another one half dead.

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This sounds like a valid premise for action. In addition to the human personnel who would be affected by litigation, you might consider an approach to pursuing the drone fleets that I have heard., and as I recall it, read reports on. This would pull in more of the corporations involved in this industry. In addition to the farmers and agricultural losses. as I understand it the EPA has strict regulations deploying pollutants that enter fresh water bodies like lakes and rivers. Not only are those chemicals toxic to land creatures, but they are surely causing havoc for aquatic life. One of the ways I can tell that I am being c-trailed at night is that I can taste the menthol dispersant. This chemical is, according to a chemist who markets water filters, is not filterable by any technology extant. These are crimes that will affect humanity thousands of generations into our future. Stand up, Planet Warriors! This is our time to set restore our futures!

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Great comment!

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