Yes, slow start but definitely interesting. I've been ranting for years now about the (small "m") myth of the "5 senses", since it's been obvious to me that we have many MORE than 5. Why do people keep repeating this number 5? And I don't see anyone else of note raising this question. Am I the only one who sees this glaring cognitive fau…
Yes, slow start but definitely interesting. I've been ranting for years now about the (small "m") myth of the "5 senses", since it's been obvious to me that we have many MORE than 5. Why do people keep repeating this number 5? And I don't see anyone else of note raising this question. Am I the only one who sees this glaring cognitive fault-line running through so-called reality? Surely not, so imagine my excitement and puzzlement when Percival tells me there are actually only 4 senses! Well, as a classical skeptic I'm not going to get bounced out of his discourse over this, especially since Clif rates him. So we'll see where it all goes. Let's check in with one another from time to time and discuss. RC
As I go along, I'm seeing what I can reconcile of Percival with Taoist Water Method as I understand it. That's been consistently in the background of my thinking for 40+ years and makes more and more sense as I grow older. I think Clif's involvement with aikido puts him in line with Taoist science and thinking, and that's a lot of what's attracted me to his posts. The broad brush strokes of Percival's Thinking and Destiny fit in pretty well. The details are more tricky to reconcile but I'll keep going.
Yes, slow start but definitely interesting. I've been ranting for years now about the (small "m") myth of the "5 senses", since it's been obvious to me that we have many MORE than 5. Why do people keep repeating this number 5? And I don't see anyone else of note raising this question. Am I the only one who sees this glaring cognitive fault-line running through so-called reality? Surely not, so imagine my excitement and puzzlement when Percival tells me there are actually only 4 senses! Well, as a classical skeptic I'm not going to get bounced out of his discourse over this, especially since Clif rates him. So we'll see where it all goes. Let's check in with one another from time to time and discuss. RC
I'm giving it a go. Sure it will take me years to read it too.
As I go along, I'm seeing what I can reconcile of Percival with Taoist Water Method as I understand it. That's been consistently in the background of my thinking for 40+ years and makes more and more sense as I grow older. I think Clif's involvement with aikido puts him in line with Taoist science and thinking, and that's a lot of what's attracted me to his posts. The broad brush strokes of Percival's Thinking and Destiny fit in pretty well. The details are more tricky to reconcile but I'll keep going.