It's toroidal. Get over it. Deprogram from the MIC psyop and move the fuck on on! Or just keep acting like those pink & green haired libleftphuqtards with their TDS, trans-g & other insane ideologies. That's exactly what y'all sound like- often just as rabid, too- just have a different ideological mind virus.
"And now the latest trend of confusion regarding the shape of the earth is to say that it is shaped like a toroid. Here’s the definition of a toroid: 'A toroid is a hollow, circular ring shaped like a doughnut, with many turns of wire wrapped closely together. Toroids are used in inductors and magnetic field containment.'
This theory too is incorrect, and is simply another version of the flat earth theory since a ring is essentially a flattened curved plane. There are, however, ELECTRICAL CURRENTS of wavefields that move in TOROIDAL PATTERNS. These are invisible to the naked eye but can certainly be picked up on intuitively which may be where some of the confusion is coming from..."
Which it is. As they've demonstrated with atomic clocks aboard airplanes using einstein's theory of relativity. Clocks moving with the spin tick slower or faster (I don't remember which) than clocks moving against the spin, which proves that 1) the earth is spinning and 2) speed does affect time.
The key is that the airspeed, as measured by the planes, was the same in both directions. Yet one of them _is_ moving faster. Otherwise the clocks would never diverge.
It was done in the 90s, but it could be done again for the cost of two cessnas, a couple of $30 watches, and enough gas to fly around the world a few times.
But that's not really necessary, because GPS satellites and Starlink both have to actively compensate for time dilation to prevent their own clocks from going out of sync from the ground stations monitoring them. Because even in geosynchronous orbit, they're moving at a different speed than we are on the ground.
Hell, that's an experiment anyone with an electrical engineering degree can do. You can launch your own satellite for like a thousand bucks these days. Put a clock on it. Tell it to phone home with the current time every 24h. Put the same clock on your desk. After a couple months, your desk clock will be a few seconds faster than your satellite clock.
Now go, prove your theory. Be scientists. Or cut this shit out.
That was sarcasm, Kenneth... There's a reason women select for pair bonding based on sense of humor as a foundation for emotional intelligence... 🤦 Thanks for the ❤️ though...
I think we may be on a soccer ball, where earth is one of the flat black patches of a MUCH larger body of unexplored land. There is no outer space but gaps of land beyond our access. The answer is in language, extraterrestrial (more land).
I had 185 vid debunking all of the flat tard shystery! My entire channel was deleted by YT for telling the truth about convoid hoax and mrna death jab for global genocide. I had to protect my self from these mongrels, because they were claiming I was a flat Earther and so was Walter Russell, whose Cosmology I have been teaching for 25 years now. Both charges are 100% fraud.
You flat tards need to shut the fuck up. You are idiots. The lines of Longitude and Latitude demolish all flat Earth tards claims. They are impossible on the pancake snow globe you fuckwads worship! So, seriously Fuck off!
Typical globetard name-calling vitriol. You are easily triggered to anger. You have no observable evidence to present for a globe. So you have to deny your senses to maintain your point of view.
I took University level astronomy and no proof was given for the globe or for the theory of gravity. We are expected to believe the Big Bang and evolution without proof.
If earth is a flat disk, then every other planet is a flat disk, and that is not borne out by empirical evidence. Believe what you wish, but absent proof (which is subjectively interpreted from data), the discussion is moot and irrelevant. If you really want to get technical and down to the nitty gritty, none of the observable universe is real, but all is frequency, light and vibration (Tesla got it right). We are just sparks of energy in the ether, including every other item, so whether the earth is flat doesn't matter. It is perceived as existing AT ALL because of the plane of reality which consciousness (or Consciousness) has created to exist. "Do you believe your lying eyes?"
I had 185 vid flat tard debunking your filth. Durpy durp kenny I took 7 years of University. I debunked the gravity force in my 2nd book as well as the Big bang and evolution in my first book. So you have no idea at all who you are dealing with and you ass-ume I believe in all of the quackademic BS because I know the world is an oblate sphere, so fuck off flat tard! I will call you tards who are a stain on the truth movement, what ever the fuck I want too, it's called free speech idiot!
Sorry bud, you are nothing but a foul-mouthed shill. The world is not an oblate spheroid. That is an excuse used to explain commercial flight paths and emergency landings in the Southern Hemisphere. You can say whatever you want, but your choice of language calls you out. With 7 years of institutionalized indoctrination I understand why you are so confused. Write all the books you want, if nobody buys them what does that prove?
The lines of longitude and latitude prove 100% you are an idiot. Navigators have ben using them for centuries to get from one place on our oblate sphere to another, and they will not work on a flat trad plane. Dude, I am not here to sell books, I am here to tell the truth and you jesuit shills are working for the demonic forces of hell sewing chaos and division within the truth movement. So from my foul mouth I say once again, FUCK OFF FLAT TARDS! You dumbed down freaks are an evil stain on the truth movement.
Was it the incorrect usage of the word "Too"? That kind of made me wonder about certain claims of intelligence, but I chalked it up to possible typo. Then again, I'm not all that sharp. lol
I never said Earth was a pear you poor fool. You think by making fun of the psyence shill tyson you are smart,, but you are a fool. Tyson may have said pear, but that does not mean the oblate sphere the Earth is. Fail. You got nothin'
It is funny how glober's toss terms like geometry around as if that proves anything.
Have you made personal observations to prove your theory that geometry explains how we can reject flattism?
Have you been to the coast with a long lens camera and discovered that you can zoom objects into view that should be covered by the Earth's curvature?
Have you looked at photographs of mountain lake reflections taken on perfectly calm mornings? If the Earth was curved, and somehow water magically curved with the Earth's surface, those photos would be distorted and photographers would not bother. But I myself have taken such photos. They are beautiful, and would not be so if the images were distorted. This site has 29,600 examples. Maybe you should buy one to remind yourself of who is "sufficiently intelligent."
Have you looked at the curve calculations based on geometry and matched that to personal observations? You can't possibly come to any other conclusion than the Earth is flat if you have.
Unkeh... I got no pony in this race.... but... who drew up the Long/Lat lines on the alleged map? Is this all youre basing your theory on? Has anyone personally left the planet to get a visual- that you personally know and trust? I am still sitting on the "ice wall". My arse is numb.
we can't feel it??? LMFAO! You are in a moving frame of reference your entire life you poor fool. You act like a 1,000 miles an hour is some huge velocity, but in space it is extremely slow compared to say the rotation of a galaxy, which looks stationary to our senses. In fact our senses tell us it is motionless and you trust that? And, that velocity has to be added to our planet, so it is vastly more rapid/ You trust your senses, but your senses deceive you!
You really think you would be able to "feel" the rotations. LMFAO!. Or, should it feel like you are going 1,000 miles an hour in a car in your twisted conception of motion?? The two are not remotely the same. Dude you are seriously lost. You pretend in your mind that motion in space is equal to motion here on Earth within the curved electrical pressure gradients that compress our oblate spherical planet into it's current form.
The conditions of space and those on Earth are extremely different and you appear not to have the intellectual capacity to be able to understand this basic truth.
You flat tard have nothing to gain with your delusional and false conception. You are all part of a jesuit created psyop, designed to destroy the truth movement. You goons have infected the entire internet with your maniacal raving madness and the forces of hell love your for it! Just look at satanos boneracci and all of the chaos he has sewn. I used to know him and even did a podcast with him over a decade ago:
This is what happens to flat tards in the end, they go insane, like you are going down that same path now, with your precious flat tard theory that has been utterly debunked to the core. FAIL!
Kenneth, you are quite correct!. It is a Polyhedron with a gravitational attraction that holds the lower atmosphere close to the surface you stand on..
Any Mercator map will prove your point. And the number of sides to the Polyhedron you reference is a good measure of your intelligence.
I actually do believe the Earth is 'flat' for certain people because I believe we live in a hologram, a simulation. But your argument does not prove that, because even from my own experience I can say that you could be inside a high speed train (or airplane), and not feel any of the speed. So that argument is super weak, there MUST be better ones.
No, the difference is that a spinning globe would be on a “curved path.” You would feel it while meditating, no question of that.
You don’t feel motion on a high speed train traveling straight on a flat path. Same with planes on a flat path. As soon as a plane descends however, you feel it. I know this having flown over 2 million miles for business and pleasure. I can feel the change in altitude before the announcement.
At the surface, traveling at 1,000 mph, the spin at the equator would curve at 123 miles per hour. If the plane is flying at 30,000 feet, the curve would be much greater then at the surface. This argument is far from weak. It is based on personal observations and curvature mathematics.
The Earth is flat for everybody who bothers to think critically about the problem. The rest default to their lifelong indoctrination.
I do believe in the hologram theory The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality by Michael Talbot. This rhymes with N. Tesla’s contention that everything is energy, frequency and vibration.
I don’t agree with the simulation concept defined here.
An imitation; a sham.
Assumption of a false appearance.
The act or process of simulating.
The more one reads about the experiments done to prove the globe, the more one realizes that the globe theory is preposterous.
People are waking up to the idea of Flat Earth, which is a metaphor for not spherical. When you make the transition, you never go back. Then you begin to investigate the other lies we have been told since birth. As Michael Tellinger tells us, they lie about everything.
Or maybe you just do not understand the physics behind "curved motion" as well as you think you do. What easily disproves the "Flat Earth" psyop that you fell for is that on a flat Earth all flights in the Southern Hemisphere would take MUCH longer than in the Northern Hemisphere (if you put the North Pole at the center of the Earth disc). Yet you can fly from South America to South Africa to Australia on commercial flights and the length of those flights is what it should be.
"On a flat Earth all flights in the Southern Hemisphere would take MUCH longer than in the Northern Hemisphere." Exactly. That is why they make sense on the "patented" flat Gleason Map, not on a "derived" spherical map.
All navigation charts are flat. Maybe you are confused about the purpose of the "psyop." It was so people like you can deny their senses and deny the creator.
Flat navigation charts do not prove anything. I just told you what definitely disproves the flat earth theory - flights in the Southern Hemisphere not taking longer than in the Northern Hemisphere. It is that simple - yet you seem attached to the psyop by now, like a Stockholm syndrome victim. But you know, believe what you want, even if it is just another lie designed to sidetrack truth seekers.
Water lays flat. It does not cling to a curved sphere. No experiments have ever been done that can prove otherwise. Experiments and observations prove the Earth is flat.
Moon missions were a psyop. I don't think YOU have been deceived, I think YOU are a deceiver.
Go bback to your Babylon Talmud and your cult of psychopaths.
one has to wonder about the atmosphere. If the earth is a globe then what holds the atmosphere in? And don't tell me gravity - that's a made-up concept to explain things falling. nature abhors a vacuum which we have been told repeatedly that space is. so how can something (the atmosphere) exist next to nothing without a barrier.
It is my opinion (because that's what something is called that can't be backed up with repeatable, observable and testable data) that the ground is flat (well sort of with mountains and valleys and basins for the ocean. The overall shape of the plant does appear to be round but we all live inside the dome (which the bible refers to as the firmament) This would also explain why rainbows are bows.
I don't know about spinning through space, I seriously doubt the space projects ie going to the moon, let alone other planets - I suspect those were just other money grabs. Kinda like how musk is glomming onto Trump. Trump, again my opinion, (this time there is more data - and no I'm not for Harris either) is very gullible. But I digress - this was supposed to be about the shape of the planet.
It's totally probable that ets move in and out of our space. after all everything is just energy/frequency anyway.
Ok, I see what you're saying. I do believe the laws of physics as we've been taught are not true. There have been deep thinkers like Walter Russell who have uncovered many of the same lies that 'Flat Earthers' uncover, yet they have arrived at different conclusions because apparently they take different laws into account. I'm not qualified to argue on the matter though.
Me personally, I'm 100% certain this is a simulation, simulacrum or 'bad copy' of Prime Reality, because I remember Prime Reality, and this is not it. So my energy and focus is more on ending this false matrix, than on investigating the shape of the planet. I do respect your investigations though!
Once up to a high speed in a car, a passenger can easily recline and fall asleep. Try that on a motorcycle, .. even in a side car. So I figure it would be the same with a 600 mile per hour plane, ... or strap your fanny to a wing and see how easily you sleep. Pretty sure you will feel the speed.
Okay, then place a tornado inside the car/train/plane. Or just make them all Convertibles. In an enclosed structure, it is meaningless, ... for the real effect, step outside it. If the Earth's atmosphere was such a great buffer of speed and inertia, tell it to a flying slab of metal roofing in a hurricane. C'mon Atmospere, ... where's the mojo !! lol
Your mind is stuck inside a paper egregor. Which is why you can't fight your way out of it. Climate change theories and flat earth theories are both easily and immediately destroyed by Prigogine's 2nd Law of Thermodynamics ...Coincidence?
How do physical laws explain the gaseous atmosphere clinging to the Earth next to the vacuum of space? Don’t say gravity, because that is an unproven theory.
We observe objects falling which we call gravity, but we don’t have a provable theory of why that happens.
And how would the gaseous atmosphere cling to the Earth’s solid and mostly liquid surface while the Earth spins at 1,000 mph? How is it we don’t have 1,000 mph winds at the equator?
Your explanation defies logic. It is nonsensical.
Climate change is cyclical, not due to anything humans do.
Your mind is stuck in your indoctrination. You won’t make any progress till you question your education. But that is your problem, not mine.
I make personal observations. I see no curvature of 8 in per mile squared, I feel no motion. I trust my senses, you deny yours.
One more thing. Feeling with our senses is different than feelings of emotion. I wouldn’t think I would have to make this distinction to a human of average intelligence.
I was one of a very few who knew based on simple logic that “perfectly symmetrical collapse cannot be caused by asymmetrical damage” - KJH. So I did not believe the “emotional” story that Arab terrorists were responsible for 9/11. A large segment of the population believed it based on emotion, not logic. Some still believe it today, in spite of the evidence that has come out since.
Your quote from Wilson applies to most ignorant, unthinking people today. They side with the group-think of the herd rather than think for themselves. Perhaps you can come up with a quote of your own rather than hide behind other’s thinking.
I am a logical being. My career was as a software consultant. Logic and software go hand in hand. I am not really an emotional being per se, but I do not take kindly to ignoramuses defending the indefensible.
My “certitude” is just in knowing that the Earth is not a spinning globe based on my personal observations. Flat is simply a metaphor for not-spherical, not a doctrine. But the concept does cause one to think outside their indoctrinated box. Few actually do this as I covered in my Substack post “Fear of Thinking.” If you read it you might find out whether you actually think, or just post quotes of others.
You would be incorrect if you thought that my intelligence has died. Perhaps you should subscribe to my Substack channel to see how an intelligent mind works.
true dat; ha ha; your statement made me think of this video of the Gheto Cat; enjoy; Hollywood Or Die. (2015, March 1). Thug Cat knocks glass off table [Video]. YouTube.
minds stuck in the paradigm/narrative of 'grit' would concern energy on the 'shape' of energy by calling it matter/shape; all is energy in the aether/field arc[ing] by dielectric magnetism; there is no grit, no atoms, no molecules; thus there is no shape; on angle/angEL/angEL/planes and circumference; can EWE square a circle; there/their/they're so many more arcs to discuss; rid ones self of deaf, dumb, blind, and mute diPOSTion; where are thou; where is thy post; bilocation maybe;
You speak of the propaganda being released in 2002. I was reading a lot of the sites that were probably dissemating this stuff (like the site that evolved into godlike productions, but there were others I don't remember the names, but remember the yellow on turquiose text, LOL). Problem is the there were contributors there who were dead on about chemtrails and FEMA follies which have since been proven, among other things. These social engineering efforts probably put my understanding of the real events a few years behind simply because the true stuff was being published next to absolutely false stuff.
I also read your website in those days, what you put out for free. Unlike the falsifiers on the conspiracy sites, your predictions and insights were usually correct. That's why I'm still tuning in 20 years later. Thank you, Keep it up.
Baked a couple things today myself. Set the timer, then went outside to do stuff and always managed to get back inside as the timer was going off. I kept thinking of Kozyrev's toaster. Now, considering surviving a melee, I wonder if it's better to just duck and cover or practice being invisible, which I can do pretty readily these days now that my hair is silver. I fool my husband regularly as he walks right past me sitting there in the deck chair, in plain sight. "How do you DO that?" he says. "I imagine a lot of space between my cells." He rolls his eyes. Hey. It works. Try it and get back to me. In an ascending yuga many things are possible. :-)
Also the “cloak of invisibility” which is putting an energy field around yourself and making the outside like a mirror with the intention of going unnoticed. Fun to practice, too!
Hey someone else that has the invisibility knack. :)
Ive had times when out in public, people just run right into me like they didnt see me in the wide open. I figured out i had an ability to do that years ago when i could walk around the house and id be standing by the folks and say something and they jump and get frightened like i appeared out of nowhere. I can do that with friends sometimes also.
It used to be i didnt even think about purposefully being invisible, as i always wanted to just blend into the surroundings no matter where i was, but now ive got the opposite issue where people will look at me like fascinated, like kinda spellbound or looking consternated or puzzled over how i appear.
I dont much like that new aspect situation. So ive gone back to actively thinking of being hidden or concealed in space around me.
My friend told me once many years ago that he noticed i had a weird charmingness with his other friends he knew where he lived, as i was a visitor from out of the area i did not know them, but he said others would mention that i had a pleasent effect on them even though i hardly said anything to them as i am very introverted and shy. So i didnt say very much to anyone unless asked about subjects of my study interests and things i worked on.
Besides the two canisters of bear spray strategically located in my vehicle I have a fine Damascus steel blade and a throwing hatchet. Home defense is "the usual" that I will keep vague in case of prying eyes. I'm not going down without a fight, that's for sure. :-)
Don't worry. I live peacefully until someone shows up at my place unannounced. I need a sign out front that says "The dogs are friendly. Beware of The Wife!" :-)
Granni; i know you got some of that 'cast iron' and other 'kitchen real cookin essentials; i live as a 'warrior in a garden' myself; love to garden as well; keep all my 'garden tools' handy and ready also;
Chaga tastes like Birch? Whoa i didn't know that bit of info connecting the two together. Maybe its why id always had in back of my mind to plant birch trees around on my low land wet areas, it was the connection to the chaga that i should be taking as a medicinal.
Yes, it's not bad at all. I think you can buy spores and inoculate trees them with it. I've also come across it walking in the woods. Pretty tough stuff when you gather it wild though, I needed a wood rasp to powder it. Probably easier to just throw chunks into a crock pot and let it steep (although the easiest is to just buy the extract).
The BIG HUGE FUCKING ROOT of all the issues is peeps lacking their own inner authority and deferring power without. The hierarchy game. Professionals. Experts. SCIENTISTS now in the new almost dead religion.
So, yeah. Funny all these people lacking grounding or foundation and about to lose more sense of reality because of the lack of consensus for any dominant paradigm anymore.
Welcome to The WOO, bitches. Tear each other to pieces, you silly tards.
This is very interesting, this last week, I was being taught, while I was sleeping, about communication. That once we under communication abilities we have, we will no longer require phones. We will just think about that person and connect with that person with a type of marching frequency and energy. We don't realize that we have this ability to connect with one another or multiple people at one time, but we can. This is what I was being taught to understand how we connect to one another.
Great video Clif, thank you it explains a lot of my lessons last week. Our interconnectivity.
What you were being taught during sleep sounds like the natural inter-human comms we used to have before our species was biohacked and our innate silent communications abilities dismantled which turned us into individual units rather than the vast and powerful living network that we are.
What I'm being shown is that energy that Clif was talking about. I'm not skilled in energy work, just a normal person. I sometimes connect with Clif's topic prior to him bringing them forward, I've had that while reading books. I connect to the pages prior reading them. I connect to people's past experiences that I was not there but experience them in astro body, the emotional energy is the key, somehow I connect with that experience and that provides the energy at a frequent that resonates with mine.
During this experience I connected with the father of these two boys. He was in current time, and was awaken by the connection. Boys were in the past and 3 of my cousins and the boys father is my cousin also and he was not there for this special event and they were angry with him. During their speaking out about their father he was popped in like a bubble, disoriented and awaken from sleep. He dropped back out after a few seconds.
Later I connected my three cousins and explained what I saw and they all verified the experience and it happened two or three years earlier. I asked the father and he didn't remember waking up, but it was not a surprise as he was still in a sleepy state.
Another cousin was planning a snowmobiling trip and booked a cabin. The next day I called him and confirmed what the inside and outside looked like. I was told to warn him to be aware of the snow building up on the roof coming down and trapping him against the wall. I was told if I warned him of the danger he could avoid getting injured.
This energy is something I recognized now, it feels like a energy suit, like a wetsuit when it comes on me, at different times it is different levels. Kind of static electricity and tingling like when you bang your elbow, just doesn't hurt. You focus the energy into what you want.
The suit is strong enough that I can manifest and move objects. These are very rare occurrence but one time not only I could move objects but a person sitting next to me was able to move objects as well. These energies and experiences only happens every 3 to 4 months.
At some point once we start resonating we will have abilities of Superman. The energy doesn't care how big things are, it is only your mind that gets in the way. You have to believe and just do it. If you can move a small things, you can move a bus, move a aircraft carrier or a planet, there are no limits. Same goes for manifesting, if you manifest a cup, you can manifest a car, or a planet, there are no limits. The closest thing I can describe of this is characters in Star Wars. The abilities Ben Solo and Ren, their power is endless and distance means nothing. I hope this helps explain what to look for and how to work with it. It is coming to everyone.
It more than just the twisting of words, words have power. A free man or woman doesn't need to ask for permission, stand tall and hold your ground and your truth. The Constitution guarantees the rights we are born with. These rights have been taken away and I am always explaining how to stand up against the wall of deception that has been put in front of us all. My hat is tipped to you for learning and you becoming the teacher to help set all Americans free.
I innerstand what you are saying. :} Also learning about how they bracket and box so many documents, which in the styles manuel means it is not part of the document.
35:38 "Khazarian Mafia" are not like the neighborhood Jewish person. They are a Turkic group From Ukraine, Crimea, Western Russia and Kazakhstan, people separate from other Jews.
His postulate is that the "Khazarian Mafia" is genetically based on Homo Capensis NOT Homo Sapiens. This separates regular Jews from the "Khazarian Mafia" in his opinion. Look for the stub of DNA on remnant of the #2 Chromosome in KM. The KM were created BEFORE the creation of Adam and the successful generations of Adam.
The problem is that when push comes to shove, the "regular" Jews will always side with the demonic ones. They believe all the bullstuff about Israel being "their" land, when it was created and funded by the Rothschild's for their purposes that we're experiencing now and in the past. They hold firmly to the belief that we should be sending Israel trillions of hardworking taxpayer dollars, when we shouldn't be sending them a penny OR sending our military and troops to die protecting Israel, while we watch our country being invaded by lowlife filth. Israel is NOT - NOT our "friend". It is run by demonic filth and Jews there spit on Christians. The fact is that it's the same ones that have infiltrated the U.S. government, MSM, education system and judicial system. It's WHY we have all this sick, gender confusion, gay crap going on and they are behind the invasion we're experiencing. They want White people exterminated from Earth because we're not as easily manipulated and controlled as other races.
I'm friends with more than a couple normie Jews and they don't want any part of that psycho bullshit. That said, there appear to be plenty who do. I'm sure Universe will sort it out for them both.
You are very wrong my friend . I am a jew who lived in Israel during the 1970s and met plenty of Jews who didn't agree politically, most Jews weren't even religious. The religous Jews were tolerated, but were largely a royal pain. Like in Tibet where 10% of the population lived in monasteries.When a society has to cover for a large percentage of religious blokes who just sit around & pray things start to deterorate. I knew a lot of Jews who interacted with Arabs. i sure did. You are a bigoted asshole and dumb to boot. Probably are contaminated with spike protein. But you mentally are someone made vulnerable by a faulty education and unable to think independently. Israel was very interesting archeologically, i enjoyed exploring and swimming in the mediterranean and the Red Sea and did a fair amount of snorkeling. Israelis for the most part back then were very healthy, much heathier than Americans.the country felt a lot freer than the US in many ways. It is a shame it got so fascist. It was very good to get out of America and away from the contrived culture television,music, hideous polyester clothing & crappy food.
I KNOW that exposing the truth triggers you people. I grew up in NY and had plenty of jewish friends when I was a kid, but I watched the transformation as they were brainwashed while they got older. Everything I've said is verifiable fact. Sure, there may be some decent jews, just like there are some decent blacks, (that jews are also pitting against Whites), but I don't care when the vast majority are sick, perverted, gender confused pedophiles. Have you noticed all of the jews that have infiltrated the U.S. government and are destroying the country? Mayorkas, for example, who is facilitating the massive invasion of illegals infesting our country and who ran FEMA dry for them while taxpaying Americans foot the tab, then get NOTHING (okay $750 per family) when disaster strikes their communities. We're noticing and exposing you, regardless of how angry it makes you. You can say I'm "bigoted", but that doesn't hold mean a thing to us anymore. In fact, It's NATURAL to be racist towards those that seek the demise if White people and civilization. I don't watch television due to the jew run perversions they continue to inject and I also don't wear those tiny little asshats on the top of my head or the big, goofy looking ones either. And I don't wear my hair in those long retarded looking curlies. 🤣 We've also got the best variety of food on the planet, but I eat only grass fed/finished meats, organic free range eggs and some dairy and am in superior shape. Look at the White people on beaches back in the 60's, before the jewish influence in our education systems and their deliberate push to make Whites unhealthy so people like jew scum Fauci can make tens of millions of dollars. jews have contributed virtually NOTHING to the world, while Whites have DOMINATED the inventions and innovations so may of the things you use today to make life better. Israel is a shit hole compared to U.S. geography and I've snorkeled in many places too, as if that matters. 🤣 BTW, the jews have been kicked out of every country they infested over thousands of years. And, the "holocaust" was GREATLY exaggerated. NO WHERE NEAR 6 million were killed and there was none of the fabricated torture either. They just wanted the perverted, demonic, usury jews out of the country for the same reasons every other country kicked them out. Yeah, we've noticed and there is no turning back. Deal with it, imbecile. 😁
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Attacking someone for their genetic makeup is considered racist. When people have a linited undestanding of the world it is easy to fall into traps and let oneself have a sense of superiority
It is very amusing to think that being carnivore will make you superman It helps to flush out seed oils and the protein helps to restore muscle but it is not a perfect diet Even proponents like Dr Mercola and Paul Saldino( Dr Carnivore on you tube recommend including a fair amount of carbohydrates.
Jews have been used as scaoegoats throughout history .
They did not create the Roman Inquistion and were certainly victimized by it. why don't you also do some reserch on the catholic church? Or the Chinese tradition of dynasties? Do you know why christainity was developed? Who built the pyramids and why?
It's a really big world out there sunny sound pretty young which probably contributes to your stupidity
I have dealt with assholes like you throughout my life and I am close to 80 and my message to you is go pound sand.
And by the way, organic food is contaminated by chemtrails, pesticides in water, and full of nanoparticles of plastic so it won't save your soul.
For 80 years old, I'd think you would have much more wisdom and wouldn't be so easily triggered.
The "superiority" is derived from verifiable facts. No other race on Earth has achieved anywhere near what Whites have, so deal with it.
And, you need to stop projecting. I'm well aware of Dr. Mercola and Saldino. I subscribed to Mercola for a couple of decades, until he went off the deep end. Ken Berry destroyed Saldino in an interview they did together. I don't believe anyone knows it all, I judge what works best my lab results, vitals, looks, energy and strength.
I KNOW organic food is contaminated by chemtrails, etc. but I don't eat them. And GUESS who is behind those chemtrails. Yep, demonic, perverted jews. In any case, eating only grass fed/finished meats and organic eggs are as good as it gets so that's what I go with.
Yes, you poor, poor jew are always the "scapegoats" and "victims" according to you twits and your ADL perverts. However, the real world has always kicked you out of their countries due to your sick perversions, faggotry, pedophilia and usury.
I also know all about the demonic Catholic church and don't care why Christianity was developed. I DO know that over thousands of years, jews have rewritten and bastardized the Bible, while also omitting very important, valuable information they didn't want discovered. Such twits.
You're sitting there, pounding sand and then telling me to do the same. Amusing. 🤣 You're such a crybaby. Therefore, since you're having such a hissy fit and pounding that sand, I don't want to cause you to also have a heart attack, so I'll unsubscribe from this thread and let you go wallow in your stupidity. I don't have time for you anyway. Go change your diaper. Bye! 😁
Piffle. All y’all getting caught up in the MECHANICS are entirely missing the Truth. It’s the software, stupid. The cultural programming and it was the split after Babylon that separated the Hebrews from the Jews and the Ashkanazi got their start. Source: a guy I know in Sabbath School
back that claim with fact and evidence; if you fail to do so; you will remain in your dishonor; failure to remove this belligerent false claim stands as factual evidence of your illiteracy, ignorance, and lack of vocabulary, grammar, logic, and rhetoric; proving you are a paid whore of Big Daddy GOVERNMENT; thus; your move to back your claim or be in dishonor; your choice;
16:00 We know the earth is not flat because cats would be knocking things off the edge.
We know the Earth is not a globe spinning at 1,000 mph on a curved path because we can't feel it.
It's toroidal. Get over it. Deprogram from the MIC psyop and move the fuck on on! Or just keep acting like those pink & green haired libleftphuqtards with their TDS, trans-g & other insane ideologies. That's exactly what y'all sound like- often just as rabid, too- just have a different ideological mind virus.
"And now the latest trend of confusion regarding the shape of the earth is to say that it is shaped like a toroid. Here’s the definition of a toroid: 'A toroid is a hollow, circular ring shaped like a doughnut, with many turns of wire wrapped closely together. Toroids are used in inductors and magnetic field containment.'
This theory too is incorrect, and is simply another version of the flat earth theory since a ring is essentially a flattened curved plane. There are, however, ELECTRICAL CURRENTS of wavefields that move in TOROIDAL PATTERNS. These are invisible to the naked eye but can certainly be picked up on intuitively which may be where some of the confusion is coming from..."
Read full article here:
We do live in a toroid field.It is absolutely true and the Earth is flat.As you basically explained it
I know a guy who had a real bad case of the toroids a while back...he didn't care for it at all.
it has to be flat because traveling against the spin would be faster than traveling with the spin.
Which it is. As they've demonstrated with atomic clocks aboard airplanes using einstein's theory of relativity. Clocks moving with the spin tick slower or faster (I don't remember which) than clocks moving against the spin, which proves that 1) the earth is spinning and 2) speed does affect time.
The key is that the airspeed, as measured by the planes, was the same in both directions. Yet one of them _is_ moving faster. Otherwise the clocks would never diverge.
It was done in the 90s, but it could be done again for the cost of two cessnas, a couple of $30 watches, and enough gas to fly around the world a few times.
But that's not really necessary, because GPS satellites and Starlink both have to actively compensate for time dilation to prevent their own clocks from going out of sync from the ground stations monitoring them. Because even in geosynchronous orbit, they're moving at a different speed than we are on the ground.
Hell, that's an experiment anyone with an electrical engineering degree can do. You can launch your own satellite for like a thousand bucks these days. Put a clock on it. Tell it to phone home with the current time every 24h. Put the same clock on your desk. After a couple months, your desk clock will be a few seconds faster than your satellite clock.
Now go, prove your theory. Be scientists. Or cut this shit out.
How do you explain the fact that winds in the Northern Hemisphere travel in the opposite direction to those in the Southern hemisphere?
Toroidal just like the human aura.
libleftphuqtards=children of the corn LOL
Just learned a new word today ... toroidal ... like a tire.
No.... Every single damn object on the face of the Earth is either toroidal or has a toroidal field. But the Earth itself is for sure flat 😆
That was sarcasm, Kenneth... There's a reason women select for pair bonding based on sense of humor as a foundation for emotional intelligence... 🤦 Thanks for the ❤️ though...
Wow, there sure are a lot libleftphuqtards on here! LMAO
You think the Earth is flat??? 🤣🤣🤣
Dome like. That's where I am. Not flat. Not round.
Why is it no one talks about it being another shape? other possibilities?
I'm taking into account Admiral Byrd's experience in Antarctica/Inner Earth, Darius J. Wright & others. Researching required.
I am with you!
Like a plate-Could be Round and Flat!
You would enjoy a book, "Cities in Flight." Scifi, of course.
What do you think of this?
You think it's funny? Have you done any research or do you just cling to your indoctrination?
I just made a post titled Fear of Thinking. Why don't you give it a read?
I think we may be on a soccer ball, where earth is one of the flat black patches of a MUCH larger body of unexplored land. There is no outer space but gaps of land beyond our access. The answer is in language, extraterrestrial (more land).
Still doesn't explain gravity huh, I mean that's the main reason folk buy that CIA psyop - and it is a psyop!
I had 185 vid debunking all of the flat tard shystery! My entire channel was deleted by YT for telling the truth about convoid hoax and mrna death jab for global genocide. I had to protect my self from these mongrels, because they were claiming I was a flat Earther and so was Walter Russell, whose Cosmology I have been teaching for 25 years now. Both charges are 100% fraud.
You flat tards need to shut the fuck up. You are idiots. The lines of Longitude and Latitude demolish all flat Earth tards claims. They are impossible on the pancake snow globe you fuckwads worship! So, seriously Fuck off!
Typical globetard name-calling vitriol. You are easily triggered to anger. You have no observable evidence to present for a globe. So you have to deny your senses to maintain your point of view.
I took University level astronomy and no proof was given for the globe or for the theory of gravity. We are expected to believe the Big Bang and evolution without proof.
No amount of angry languagel will change my mind.
If earth is a flat disk, then every other planet is a flat disk, and that is not borne out by empirical evidence. Believe what you wish, but absent proof (which is subjectively interpreted from data), the discussion is moot and irrelevant. If you really want to get technical and down to the nitty gritty, none of the observable universe is real, but all is frequency, light and vibration (Tesla got it right). We are just sparks of energy in the ether, including every other item, so whether the earth is flat doesn't matter. It is perceived as existing AT ALL because of the plane of reality which consciousness (or Consciousness) has created to exist. "Do you believe your lying eyes?"
Flat is a metaphor for "not spherical." Don't take it literal.
Evidence? What evidence? What data? Data from the liars at NASA?
I am with you on Tesla.
Some of us are a spark of energy with huge attitude
Attitude; you mean it as a metaphor for confidence?
Confidence is not the same as arrogance, which is what I find in the globers.
I had 185 vid flat tard debunking your filth. Durpy durp kenny I took 7 years of University. I debunked the gravity force in my 2nd book as well as the Big bang and evolution in my first book. So you have no idea at all who you are dealing with and you ass-ume I believe in all of the quackademic BS because I know the world is an oblate sphere, so fuck off flat tard! I will call you tards who are a stain on the truth movement, what ever the fuck I want too, it's called free speech idiot!
Sorry bud, you are nothing but a foul-mouthed shill. The world is not an oblate spheroid. That is an excuse used to explain commercial flight paths and emergency landings in the Southern Hemisphere. You can say whatever you want, but your choice of language calls you out. With 7 years of institutionalized indoctrination I understand why you are so confused. Write all the books you want, if nobody buys them what does that prove?
The lines of longitude and latitude prove 100% you are an idiot. Navigators have ben using them for centuries to get from one place on our oblate sphere to another, and they will not work on a flat trad plane. Dude, I am not here to sell books, I am here to tell the truth and you jesuit shills are working for the demonic forces of hell sewing chaos and division within the truth movement. So from my foul mouth I say once again, FUCK OFF FLAT TARDS! You dumbed down freaks are an evil stain on the truth movement.
Was it the incorrect usage of the word "Too"? That kind of made me wonder about certain claims of intelligence, but I chalked it up to possible typo. Then again, I'm not all that sharp. lol
Only a fool would believe the Earth is pear shaped (oblate spheroid).
Oblate spheroid is not pear shaped. It's like an orange, flatter at the poles.
I never said Earth was a pear you poor fool. You think by making fun of the psyence shill tyson you are smart,, but you are a fool. Tyson may have said pear, but that does not mean the oblate sphere the Earth is. Fail. You got nothin'
I'm glad there's someone here who is sufficiently intelligent to reject the flattism.
It's a simple matter of geometry.
It is funny how glober's toss terms like geometry around as if that proves anything.
Have you made personal observations to prove your theory that geometry explains how we can reject flattism?
Have you been to the coast with a long lens camera and discovered that you can zoom objects into view that should be covered by the Earth's curvature?
Have you looked at photographs of mountain lake reflections taken on perfectly calm mornings? If the Earth was curved, and somehow water magically curved with the Earth's surface, those photos would be distorted and photographers would not bother. But I myself have taken such photos. They are beautiful, and would not be so if the images were distorted. This site has 29,600 examples. Maybe you should buy one to remind yourself of who is "sufficiently intelligent."
Yes I have. I've done all those things.
Geometry means 'Earth Measure'. It was used by all the ancient peoples when they built their stone circles with celestial alignments.
Your critique demonstrates that you don't understand the geometric nature of reality but only make up irrelevant examples.
Flerfers never answer the questions of geometry.
Have you looked at the curve calculations based on geometry and matched that to personal observations? You can't possibly come to any other conclusion than the Earth is flat if you have.
Go unbalance ur tire and see how fast it tears itself apart when spinning.
Now unbalance the earth by adding water and making cities
Earth spinning 1000 mph while traveling 60,000 mph around the sun
Ur calling us tards but u the one that believe Australians are walking upside down right now
Unkeh... I got no pony in this race.... but... who drew up the Long/Lat lines on the alleged map? Is this all youre basing your theory on? Has anyone personally left the planet to get a visual- that you personally know and trust? I am still sitting on the "ice wall". My arse is numb.
Do you follow Karen Carson? Truth Tango? She is great.
Go talk to flat earth Dave!
we can't feel it??? LMFAO! You are in a moving frame of reference your entire life you poor fool. You act like a 1,000 miles an hour is some huge velocity, but in space it is extremely slow compared to say the rotation of a galaxy, which looks stationary to our senses. In fact our senses tell us it is motionless and you trust that? And, that velocity has to be added to our planet, so it is vastly more rapid/ You trust your senses, but your senses deceive you!
You really think you would be able to "feel" the rotations. LMFAO!. Or, should it feel like you are going 1,000 miles an hour in a car in your twisted conception of motion?? The two are not remotely the same. Dude you are seriously lost. You pretend in your mind that motion in space is equal to motion here on Earth within the curved electrical pressure gradients that compress our oblate spherical planet into it's current form.
The conditions of space and those on Earth are extremely different and you appear not to have the intellectual capacity to be able to understand this basic truth.
You flat tard have nothing to gain with your delusional and false conception. You are all part of a jesuit created psyop, designed to destroy the truth movement. You goons have infected the entire internet with your maniacal raving madness and the forces of hell love your for it! Just look at satanos boneracci and all of the chaos he has sewn. I used to know him and even did a podcast with him over a decade ago:
This is what happens to flat tards in the end, they go insane, like you are going down that same path now, with your precious flat tard theory that has been utterly debunked to the core. FAIL!
All the scietifically reproducable evidence is on the plane earth side.
And our personal observable reality points to flat.
The earth is the shape it is whatever you beleive. But losing ones mind just talking about means a spyop is a foot. Here is my podcast on the topic:
The moon landings were the psyop. People are easily deceived and slow to change their minds once locked into a belief.
Mind momentum is hard to redirect.
Geometry. And inertia.
The angular displacement is 0.041 degrees per second. In other words too small to perceive.
Can't feel going at 600mph in an aircraft either! 😆 lol
Kenneth, you are quite correct!. It is a Polyhedron with a gravitational attraction that holds the lower atmosphere close to the surface you stand on..
Any Mercator map will prove your point. And the number of sides to the Polyhedron you reference is a good measure of your intelligence.
I actually do believe the Earth is 'flat' for certain people because I believe we live in a hologram, a simulation. But your argument does not prove that, because even from my own experience I can say that you could be inside a high speed train (or airplane), and not feel any of the speed. So that argument is super weak, there MUST be better ones.
No, the difference is that a spinning globe would be on a “curved path.” You would feel it while meditating, no question of that.
You don’t feel motion on a high speed train traveling straight on a flat path. Same with planes on a flat path. As soon as a plane descends however, you feel it. I know this having flown over 2 million miles for business and pleasure. I can feel the change in altitude before the announcement.
At the surface, traveling at 1,000 mph, the spin at the equator would curve at 123 miles per hour. If the plane is flying at 30,000 feet, the curve would be much greater then at the surface. This argument is far from weak. It is based on personal observations and curvature mathematics.
The Earth is flat for everybody who bothers to think critically about the problem. The rest default to their lifelong indoctrination.
I do believe in the hologram theory The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality by Michael Talbot. This rhymes with N. Tesla’s contention that everything is energy, frequency and vibration.
I don’t agree with the simulation concept defined here.
An imitation; a sham.
Assumption of a false appearance.
The act or process of simulating.
The more one reads about the experiments done to prove the globe, the more one realizes that the globe theory is preposterous.
People are waking up to the idea of Flat Earth, which is a metaphor for not spherical. When you make the transition, you never go back. Then you begin to investigate the other lies we have been told since birth. As Michael Tellinger tells us, they lie about everything.
Or maybe you just do not understand the physics behind "curved motion" as well as you think you do. What easily disproves the "Flat Earth" psyop that you fell for is that on a flat Earth all flights in the Southern Hemisphere would take MUCH longer than in the Northern Hemisphere (if you put the North Pole at the center of the Earth disc). Yet you can fly from South America to South Africa to Australia on commercial flights and the length of those flights is what it should be.
"On a flat Earth all flights in the Southern Hemisphere would take MUCH longer than in the Northern Hemisphere." Exactly. That is why they make sense on the "patented" flat Gleason Map, not on a "derived" spherical map.
All navigation charts are flat. Maybe you are confused about the purpose of the "psyop." It was so people like you can deny their senses and deny the creator.
Flat navigation charts do not prove anything. I just told you what definitely disproves the flat earth theory - flights in the Southern Hemisphere not taking longer than in the Northern Hemisphere. It is that simple - yet you seem attached to the psyop by now, like a Stockholm syndrome victim. But you know, believe what you want, even if it is just another lie designed to sidetrack truth seekers.
Or maybe you are a deceiver.
Water lays flat. It does not cling to a curved sphere. No experiments have ever been done that can prove otherwise. Experiments and observations prove the Earth is flat.
Moon missions were a psyop. I don't think YOU have been deceived, I think YOU are a deceiver.
Go bback to your Babylon Talmud and your cult of psychopaths.
one has to wonder about the atmosphere. If the earth is a globe then what holds the atmosphere in? And don't tell me gravity - that's a made-up concept to explain things falling. nature abhors a vacuum which we have been told repeatedly that space is. so how can something (the atmosphere) exist next to nothing without a barrier.
It is my opinion (because that's what something is called that can't be backed up with repeatable, observable and testable data) that the ground is flat (well sort of with mountains and valleys and basins for the ocean. The overall shape of the plant does appear to be round but we all live inside the dome (which the bible refers to as the firmament) This would also explain why rainbows are bows.
I don't know about spinning through space, I seriously doubt the space projects ie going to the moon, let alone other planets - I suspect those were just other money grabs. Kinda like how musk is glomming onto Trump. Trump, again my opinion, (this time there is more data - and no I'm not for Harris either) is very gullible. But I digress - this was supposed to be about the shape of the planet.
It's totally probable that ets move in and out of our space. after all everything is just energy/frequency anyway.
Ok, I see what you're saying. I do believe the laws of physics as we've been taught are not true. There have been deep thinkers like Walter Russell who have uncovered many of the same lies that 'Flat Earthers' uncover, yet they have arrived at different conclusions because apparently they take different laws into account. I'm not qualified to argue on the matter though.
Me personally, I'm 100% certain this is a simulation, simulacrum or 'bad copy' of Prime Reality, because I remember Prime Reality, and this is not it. So my energy and focus is more on ending this false matrix, than on investigating the shape of the planet. I do respect your investigations though!
Once up to a high speed in a car, a passenger can easily recline and fall asleep. Try that on a motorcycle, .. even in a side car. So I figure it would be the same with a 600 mile per hour plane, ... or strap your fanny to a wing and see how easily you sleep. Pretty sure you will feel the speed.
in that analogy I would think the earth's atmosphere acts as the enclosure that you have in a car/train/airplane.
Okay, then place a tornado inside the car/train/plane. Or just make them all Convertibles. In an enclosed structure, it is meaningless, ... for the real effect, step outside it. If the Earth's atmosphere was such a great buffer of speed and inertia, tell it to a flying slab of metal roofing in a hurricane. C'mon Atmospere, ... where's the mojo !! lol
Thanks for killing the joke.
ha ha ha;
No, we don't.
We know that a train travelling at a constant velocity isn't actually moving because people aboard the train cannot feel it moving.
Your mind is stuck inside a paper egregor. Which is why you can't fight your way out of it. Climate change theories and flat earth theories are both easily and immediately destroyed by Prigogine's 2nd Law of Thermodynamics ...Coincidence?
How do physical laws explain the gaseous atmosphere clinging to the Earth next to the vacuum of space? Don’t say gravity, because that is an unproven theory.
We observe objects falling which we call gravity, but we don’t have a provable theory of why that happens.
And how would the gaseous atmosphere cling to the Earth’s solid and mostly liquid surface while the Earth spins at 1,000 mph? How is it we don’t have 1,000 mph winds at the equator?
Your explanation defies logic. It is nonsensical.
Climate change is cyclical, not due to anything humans do.
Your mind is stuck in your indoctrination. You won’t make any progress till you question your education. But that is your problem, not mine.
I make personal observations. I see no curvature of 8 in per mile squared, I feel no motion. I trust my senses, you deny yours.
Emotion based arguments of any sort are all pointless because ==>
Robert Anton Wilson
The Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (1977)
Quote: . . . As soon as one strongly believes a doctrine of any sort and assumes certitude, one stops thinking and that is the death of intelligence.
One more thing. Feeling with our senses is different than feelings of emotion. I wouldn’t think I would have to make this distinction to a human of average intelligence.
I was one of a very few who knew based on simple logic that “perfectly symmetrical collapse cannot be caused by asymmetrical damage” - KJH. So I did not believe the “emotional” story that Arab terrorists were responsible for 9/11. A large segment of the population believed it based on emotion, not logic. Some still believe it today, in spite of the evidence that has come out since.
Your quote from Wilson applies to most ignorant, unthinking people today. They side with the group-think of the herd rather than think for themselves. Perhaps you can come up with a quote of your own rather than hide behind other’s thinking.
I am a logical being. My career was as a software consultant. Logic and software go hand in hand. I am not really an emotional being per se, but I do not take kindly to ignoramuses defending the indefensible.
My “certitude” is just in knowing that the Earth is not a spinning globe based on my personal observations. Flat is simply a metaphor for not-spherical, not a doctrine. But the concept does cause one to think outside their indoctrinated box. Few actually do this as I covered in my Substack post “Fear of Thinking.” If you read it you might find out whether you actually think, or just post quotes of others.
You would be incorrect if you thought that my intelligence has died. Perhaps you should subscribe to my Substack channel to see how an intelligent mind works.
We also know because an unbalanced wheel tears it self apart at slow speed.
A molten earth spinning would b balanced. moving millions of tons of materials for cities would have destroyed the earth long ago
Even the oceans filling from icy meteors( bs story) would have done it b4 we were even created.
Everything is a lie
true dat; ha ha; your statement made me think of this video of the Gheto Cat; enjoy; Hollywood Or Die. (2015, March 1). Thug Cat knocks glass off table [Video]. YouTube.
Thug Life Kitty; playing Snoop Dog in da backgrounds;
Not if there is an ice wall all the way around like Captain Cook described.
So you measure elevation from SEA CURVE. Since a ball would NEVER have SEA LEVEL.
That is sooooo true! LOL!
Yes it would be hard for a cat to knock it off the 200ft ice wall...
True enough BUT if you put tape, sticky side up all around the edges, the cats would only be ON the edge once. Usually. Takes a lot of tape however.
Bahaha! Are you Casey Rocket's brother or something?
Huckle Berry Pie for the Living Dead; Uncle Clif High bitchute video;
minds stuck in the paradigm/narrative of 'grit' would concern energy on the 'shape' of energy by calling it matter/shape; all is energy in the aether/field arc[ing] by dielectric magnetism; there is no grit, no atoms, no molecules; thus there is no shape; on angle/angEL/angEL/planes and circumference; can EWE square a circle; there/their/they're so many more arcs to discuss; rid ones self of deaf, dumb, blind, and mute diPOSTion; where are thou; where is thy post; bilocation maybe;
Bang on.
Looks like lots of cat lovers on this stack :))
So mountains are not real either?
I gotta pair of skis that says they are.
Captured minds through trauma.
You speak of the propaganda being released in 2002. I was reading a lot of the sites that were probably dissemating this stuff (like the site that evolved into godlike productions, but there were others I don't remember the names, but remember the yellow on turquiose text, LOL). Problem is the there were contributors there who were dead on about chemtrails and FEMA follies which have since been proven, among other things. These social engineering efforts probably put my understanding of the real events a few years behind simply because the true stuff was being published next to absolutely false stuff.
I also read your website in those days, what you put out for free. Unlike the falsifiers on the conspiracy sites, your predictions and insights were usually correct. That's why I'm still tuning in 20 years later. Thank you, Keep it up.
AWESOME. Startin it off with a good SLURP.
Slurpies for ALL!
Maybe next time he could start with a big belch or a long fart, cuz what the hell…
except for the fart; ha ha ha;
I've heard a belch or two here and there. Used to hear some puffin, chuffin...
yep yep;
i think i heard velcro as well;
Hey, my wallet has Velcro!
But I never really carry it around.
Also got the solar system stitched on it in faux leather. Over canvas.
Fuckin stylee!
be neat if it had one of those doo-daddys that are in gift cards that play when you open the card and it plays a message;
I got two of those old things. Both from my no longer in the physical grandma.
One is the Peanuts Charlie Brown theme song. Always a fave.
The other is "Word Up" by Cameo.
Which should I use?
grandmas are the best; remember energy can not be destroyed nor created; it just is; im sure she has beautiful energy;
ah yeah; "word up"; thats freaking insane in the membrane; love some cypress hill;
Depends on the available funkiness around.
MOST can pull off a retarded or spastic Peanuts dance, but not so many can FUNK IT UP.
On another note, I bet you didn't know how influential Word Up was to an early Guns and Roses.
You'll never listen to Appetite for Destruction the same way again.
Mine is a Faraday bag with a Hamsa on it. Fuck the data theives.
Makes me want my coffee ☺️
On to cup #2 of 3 for the day...
Baked a couple things today myself. Set the timer, then went outside to do stuff and always managed to get back inside as the timer was going off. I kept thinking of Kozyrev's toaster. Now, considering surviving a melee, I wonder if it's better to just duck and cover or practice being invisible, which I can do pretty readily these days now that my hair is silver. I fool my husband regularly as he walks right past me sitting there in the deck chair, in plain sight. "How do you DO that?" he says. "I imagine a lot of space between my cells." He rolls his eyes. Hey. It works. Try it and get back to me. In an ascending yuga many things are possible. :-)
Also the “cloak of invisibility” which is putting an energy field around yourself and making the outside like a mirror with the intention of going unnoticed. Fun to practice, too!
Hey someone else that has the invisibility knack. :)
Ive had times when out in public, people just run right into me like they didnt see me in the wide open. I figured out i had an ability to do that years ago when i could walk around the house and id be standing by the folks and say something and they jump and get frightened like i appeared out of nowhere. I can do that with friends sometimes also.
It used to be i didnt even think about purposefully being invisible, as i always wanted to just blend into the surroundings no matter where i was, but now ive got the opposite issue where people will look at me like fascinated, like kinda spellbound or looking consternated or puzzled over how i appear.
I dont much like that new aspect situation. So ive gone back to actively thinking of being hidden or concealed in space around me.
My friend told me once many years ago that he noticed i had a weird charmingness with his other friends he knew where he lived, as i was a visitor from out of the area i did not know them, but he said others would mention that i had a pleasent effect on them even though i hardly said anything to them as i am very introverted and shy. So i didnt say very much to anyone unless asked about subjects of my study interests and things i worked on.
Yep- I know what you mean.
A 'melee' is basically a bar fight or street riot, so I will deal with it that way.
Situational Awareness is a key skill for that.
Granni; you are too funny; i just had the greatest laugh thanks to you; love it;
Yes, try those first. Just stay out of the way and avoid larger cities for the most part.
Then have the shotgun necessary if some freakazoid rushes you. Maybe a shiv in the stocking if it gets to close combat and wetworks.
Besides the two canisters of bear spray strategically located in my vehicle I have a fine Damascus steel blade and a throwing hatchet. Home defense is "the usual" that I will keep vague in case of prying eyes. I'm not going down without a fight, that's for sure. :-)
Damn! Now I'm scared of YOU!
Unless you wanted to go back to back against the mindless hordes.
I want you on my kickball team!
Don't worry. I live peacefully until someone shows up at my place unannounced. I need a sign out front that says "The dogs are friendly. Beware of The Wife!" :-)
I bought wasp spray. It is good for distance.
Granni; i know you got some of that 'cast iron' and other 'kitchen real cookin essentials; i live as a 'warrior in a garden' myself; love to garden as well; keep all my 'garden tools' handy and ready also;
keep sipping and slurping it pisses so many normies off,,,
Heh, i had the thought just as he was doing it, that he did it on purpose, and did it twice just to make the point. Lol. Its funny
Yay my favorite podcasting human posted. Ready to listen
I just laid down to nap, and checked my email.... yippee ! Napping can wait.
Evening from Scotland Cliff
Geo 🏴🏴🏴
I’m finally the first to like it! ❤️
congratulations; high-five;
You must lead a VERY boring life if you think that's an achievement.
Not boring at all, but he’s the only person I jump on the moment I get that notice he posted on substack. This guy is a genius in my book.
I’ll do you one worse. Mine is so boring I actually envy that achievement
Smoke reefer and drink Familia Flores blanco tequila.
...makes life tolerable.
That coffee that you're sipping on sounds like it tastes pretty good.
Could be tea, Cliff drinks a lot of tea
Mushroom Tea! Chaga Tea.
Chaga grows on birch trees so it tastes a bit like birch (root) beer. It's pretty good. Evidently this is because birch trees have vanillin in them.
BTW I made a podcast for Clif-heads like us, give it a peep, and if you like it give it a share!
We're gonna make it.
Chaga tastes like Birch? Whoa i didn't know that bit of info connecting the two together. Maybe its why id always had in back of my mind to plant birch trees around on my low land wet areas, it was the connection to the chaga that i should be taking as a medicinal.
Yes, it's not bad at all. I think you can buy spores and inoculate trees them with it. I've also come across it walking in the woods. Pretty tough stuff when you gather it wild though, I needed a wood rasp to powder it. Probably easier to just throw chunks into a crock pot and let it steep (although the easiest is to just buy the extract).
Melee brings to mind the old ball and chain mace. Just keep swingin...
Melees and maelstroms. Who needs Hollywizzle or Dilzney anyway?
All this talk of melee and maelstrom kinda makes me want to ffxiv lol
A 'melee' is literally a street or bar fight or 'brawl', where everyone is fighting everyone, without knowing or caring which side anyone is on.
Anything goes! Pit fighting!
The BIG HUGE FUCKING ROOT of all the issues is peeps lacking their own inner authority and deferring power without. The hierarchy game. Professionals. Experts. SCIENTISTS now in the new almost dead religion.
So, yeah. Funny all these people lacking grounding or foundation and about to lose more sense of reality because of the lack of consensus for any dominant paradigm anymore.
Welcome to The WOO, bitches. Tear each other to pieces, you silly tards.
it's go time.
When the dogs start fighting each other in their dog eat dog 'melee' way, it's definitely go time!
Coming soon for sure! Be ready for it.
I played as dragoon...melee dps lol
I'm still on the old PS3 and the best melee I can hope to come out of is in Diablo 3. I'm a fan of the 3/4 perspective myself.
This is very interesting, this last week, I was being taught, while I was sleeping, about communication. That once we under communication abilities we have, we will no longer require phones. We will just think about that person and connect with that person with a type of marching frequency and energy. We don't realize that we have this ability to connect with one another or multiple people at one time, but we can. This is what I was being taught to understand how we connect to one another.
Great video Clif, thank you it explains a lot of my lessons last week. Our interconnectivity.
What you were being taught during sleep sounds like the natural inter-human comms we used to have before our species was biohacked and our innate silent communications abilities dismantled which turned us into individual units rather than the vast and powerful living network that we are.
What I'm being shown is that energy that Clif was talking about. I'm not skilled in energy work, just a normal person. I sometimes connect with Clif's topic prior to him bringing them forward, I've had that while reading books. I connect to the pages prior reading them. I connect to people's past experiences that I was not there but experience them in astro body, the emotional energy is the key, somehow I connect with that experience and that provides the energy at a frequent that resonates with mine.
During this experience I connected with the father of these two boys. He was in current time, and was awaken by the connection. Boys were in the past and 3 of my cousins and the boys father is my cousin also and he was not there for this special event and they were angry with him. During their speaking out about their father he was popped in like a bubble, disoriented and awaken from sleep. He dropped back out after a few seconds.
Later I connected my three cousins and explained what I saw and they all verified the experience and it happened two or three years earlier. I asked the father and he didn't remember waking up, but it was not a surprise as he was still in a sleepy state.
Another cousin was planning a snowmobiling trip and booked a cabin. The next day I called him and confirmed what the inside and outside looked like. I was told to warn him to be aware of the snow building up on the roof coming down and trapping him against the wall. I was told if I warned him of the danger he could avoid getting injured.
This energy is something I recognized now, it feels like a energy suit, like a wetsuit when it comes on me, at different times it is different levels. Kind of static electricity and tingling like when you bang your elbow, just doesn't hurt. You focus the energy into what you want.
The suit is strong enough that I can manifest and move objects. These are very rare occurrence but one time not only I could move objects but a person sitting next to me was able to move objects as well. These energies and experiences only happens every 3 to 4 months.
At some point once we start resonating we will have abilities of Superman. The energy doesn't care how big things are, it is only your mind that gets in the way. You have to believe and just do it. If you can move a small things, you can move a bus, move a aircraft carrier or a planet, there are no limits. Same goes for manifesting, if you manifest a cup, you can manifest a car, or a planet, there are no limits. The closest thing I can describe of this is characters in Star Wars. The abilities Ben Solo and Ren, their power is endless and distance means nothing. I hope this helps explain what to look for and how to work with it. It is coming to everyone.
I am taking a common law class. We are discussing the twisting of the meaning of words that they do in the court system.
It more than just the twisting of words, words have power. A free man or woman doesn't need to ask for permission, stand tall and hold your ground and your truth. The Constitution guarantees the rights we are born with. These rights have been taken away and I am always explaining how to stand up against the wall of deception that has been put in front of us all. My hat is tipped to you for learning and you becoming the teacher to help set all Americans free.
I innerstand what you are saying. :} Also learning about how they bracket and box so many documents, which in the styles manuel means it is not part of the document.
Thats a real eye opener!
About Clif's "Elohim cult or Khazarian Mafia."
Clif on Man in America interview.
35:38 "Khazarian Mafia" are not like the neighborhood Jewish person. They are a Turkic group From Ukraine, Crimea, Western Russia and Kazakhstan, people separate from other Jews.
His postulate is that the "Khazarian Mafia" is genetically based on Homo Capensis NOT Homo Sapiens. This separates regular Jews from the "Khazarian Mafia" in his opinion. Look for the stub of DNA on remnant of the #2 Chromosome in KM. The KM were created BEFORE the creation of Adam and the successful generations of Adam.
The problem is that when push comes to shove, the "regular" Jews will always side with the demonic ones. They believe all the bullstuff about Israel being "their" land, when it was created and funded by the Rothschild's for their purposes that we're experiencing now and in the past. They hold firmly to the belief that we should be sending Israel trillions of hardworking taxpayer dollars, when we shouldn't be sending them a penny OR sending our military and troops to die protecting Israel, while we watch our country being invaded by lowlife filth. Israel is NOT - NOT our "friend". It is run by demonic filth and Jews there spit on Christians. The fact is that it's the same ones that have infiltrated the U.S. government, MSM, education system and judicial system. It's WHY we have all this sick, gender confusion, gay crap going on and they are behind the invasion we're experiencing. They want White people exterminated from Earth because we're not as easily manipulated and controlled as other races.
Well said. White folks are too Uppity! We don't like to be slaves,....even though we have been slaves many times.
I'm friends with more than a couple normie Jews and they don't want any part of that psycho bullshit. That said, there appear to be plenty who do. I'm sure Universe will sort it out for them both.
BTW I made a podcast for Clif-heads like us, give it a peep, and if you like it give it a share!
We're gonna make it.
Not true butt fucker.
STFU, Schlomo, you vile turd.
Explain all this, skidmark:
FAIL. Facts and truth hurts doesn't it, butt licking, faggot, pedophile? 😁
What a bunch of nasty asses! I dont care if youre right or not all of you STFU!
You are right.
We must bow down to the chosen ones. Haha
You are very wrong my friend . I am a jew who lived in Israel during the 1970s and met plenty of Jews who didn't agree politically, most Jews weren't even religious. The religous Jews were tolerated, but were largely a royal pain. Like in Tibet where 10% of the population lived in monasteries.When a society has to cover for a large percentage of religious blokes who just sit around & pray things start to deterorate. I knew a lot of Jews who interacted with Arabs. i sure did. You are a bigoted asshole and dumb to boot. Probably are contaminated with spike protein. But you mentally are someone made vulnerable by a faulty education and unable to think independently. Israel was very interesting archeologically, i enjoyed exploring and swimming in the mediterranean and the Red Sea and did a fair amount of snorkeling. Israelis for the most part back then were very healthy, much heathier than Americans.the country felt a lot freer than the US in many ways. It is a shame it got so fascist. It was very good to get out of America and away from the contrived culture television,music, hideous polyester clothing & crappy food.
I KNOW that exposing the truth triggers you people. I grew up in NY and had plenty of jewish friends when I was a kid, but I watched the transformation as they were brainwashed while they got older. Everything I've said is verifiable fact. Sure, there may be some decent jews, just like there are some decent blacks, (that jews are also pitting against Whites), but I don't care when the vast majority are sick, perverted, gender confused pedophiles. Have you noticed all of the jews that have infiltrated the U.S. government and are destroying the country? Mayorkas, for example, who is facilitating the massive invasion of illegals infesting our country and who ran FEMA dry for them while taxpaying Americans foot the tab, then get NOTHING (okay $750 per family) when disaster strikes their communities. We're noticing and exposing you, regardless of how angry it makes you. You can say I'm "bigoted", but that doesn't hold mean a thing to us anymore. In fact, It's NATURAL to be racist towards those that seek the demise if White people and civilization. I don't watch television due to the jew run perversions they continue to inject and I also don't wear those tiny little asshats on the top of my head or the big, goofy looking ones either. And I don't wear my hair in those long retarded looking curlies. 🤣 We've also got the best variety of food on the planet, but I eat only grass fed/finished meats, organic free range eggs and some dairy and am in superior shape. Look at the White people on beaches back in the 60's, before the jewish influence in our education systems and their deliberate push to make Whites unhealthy so people like jew scum Fauci can make tens of millions of dollars. jews have contributed virtually NOTHING to the world, while Whites have DOMINATED the inventions and innovations so may of the things you use today to make life better. Israel is a shit hole compared to U.S. geography and I've snorkeled in many places too, as if that matters. 🤣 BTW, the jews have been kicked out of every country they infested over thousands of years. And, the "holocaust" was GREATLY exaggerated. NO WHERE NEAR 6 million were killed and there was none of the fabricated torture either. They just wanted the perverted, demonic, usury jews out of the country for the same reasons every other country kicked them out. Yeah, we've noticed and there is no turning back. Deal with it, imbecile. 😁
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Attacking someone for their genetic makeup is considered racist. When people have a linited undestanding of the world it is easy to fall into traps and let oneself have a sense of superiority
It is very amusing to think that being carnivore will make you superman It helps to flush out seed oils and the protein helps to restore muscle but it is not a perfect diet Even proponents like Dr Mercola and Paul Saldino( Dr Carnivore on you tube recommend including a fair amount of carbohydrates.
Jews have been used as scaoegoats throughout history .
They did not create the Roman Inquistion and were certainly victimized by it. why don't you also do some reserch on the catholic church? Or the Chinese tradition of dynasties? Do you know why christainity was developed? Who built the pyramids and why?
It's a really big world out there sunny sound pretty young which probably contributes to your stupidity
I have dealt with assholes like you throughout my life and I am close to 80 and my message to you is go pound sand.
And by the way, organic food is contaminated by chemtrails, pesticides in water, and full of nanoparticles of plastic so it won't save your soul.
For 80 years old, I'd think you would have much more wisdom and wouldn't be so easily triggered.
The "superiority" is derived from verifiable facts. No other race on Earth has achieved anywhere near what Whites have, so deal with it.
And, you need to stop projecting. I'm well aware of Dr. Mercola and Saldino. I subscribed to Mercola for a couple of decades, until he went off the deep end. Ken Berry destroyed Saldino in an interview they did together. I don't believe anyone knows it all, I judge what works best my lab results, vitals, looks, energy and strength.
I KNOW organic food is contaminated by chemtrails, etc. but I don't eat them. And GUESS who is behind those chemtrails. Yep, demonic, perverted jews. In any case, eating only grass fed/finished meats and organic eggs are as good as it gets so that's what I go with.
Yes, you poor, poor jew are always the "scapegoats" and "victims" according to you twits and your ADL perverts. However, the real world has always kicked you out of their countries due to your sick perversions, faggotry, pedophilia and usury.
I also know all about the demonic Catholic church and don't care why Christianity was developed. I DO know that over thousands of years, jews have rewritten and bastardized the Bible, while also omitting very important, valuable information they didn't want discovered. Such twits.
You're sitting there, pounding sand and then telling me to do the same. Amusing. 🤣 You're such a crybaby. Therefore, since you're having such a hissy fit and pounding that sand, I don't want to cause you to also have a heart attack, so I'll unsubscribe from this thread and let you go wallow in your stupidity. I don't have time for you anyway. Go change your diaper. Bye! 😁
And they are WHITE EASTERN EUROPEANS! Hiding under the tiny number of actual Judeans that are left.
Clif's comments and postulate take it up with Uncle Clif.
Piffle. All y’all getting caught up in the MECHANICS are entirely missing the Truth. It’s the software, stupid. The cultural programming and it was the split after Babylon that separated the Hebrews from the Jews and the Ashkanazi got their start. Source: a guy I know in Sabbath School
Take it up with Clif, it's HIS postulate.
spot on;
Not true ass wipe.
back that claim with fact and evidence; if you fail to do so; you will remain in your dishonor; failure to remove this belligerent false claim stands as factual evidence of your illiteracy, ignorance, and lack of vocabulary, grammar, logic, and rhetoric; proving you are a paid whore of Big Daddy GOVERNMENT; thus; your move to back your claim or be in dishonor; your choice;
F-0ff, Judah Ben Arsehole!
Not that "regular jews" are anything to admire.
I'm 22 minutes in and all I can think about is if his pie is burning in the oven
ha ha ha; i thought about ice cream on it;
43:00 Of course it's a movie...wars are fought in theaters.