Hello Woo Crew! What a lovely evening to be quilting and listening to our friend Clif! Stay safe out there! Love you guys! 😘🥰😍

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Quilting. Gramma used to do that.

That's so nice.

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Good morning John! Yea, I am trying to focus on something more positive rather than the news. I am taking my landscape photos and turning them into quilting blocks. I will eventually make a quilt for the bed and maybe one for the back of the couch! It’s a very relaxing activity. Cheers!

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My grandmother used to make granny square throws too, some of those were really beautiful.

I've been doing other things since Friday, my Internet has been down.

There is a sewing machine downstairs. It must be a good one, my mother was the best dressed woman in town and she made her own clothes. I should learn how to use it.

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RemovedFeb 22
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It looks like spam. That is concerning.

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And Grandpa knew how to fix the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner. He knew how to grow food and how to raise a family full of healthy kids too.

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Grampa was a farmer. When my mother bought a new washing machine to replace my grandmother's wringer washer she claimed she couldn't use it.

Because pushing a button is harder than using a wringer washer. I think she just missed it.

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Those were the days. My grandma was a very tough woman. She buried three husbands. And two were just napping.

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I put the latest ones on Farcebook public if you want to see them. Hugs!🤗

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Link? I know nothing of Life Invader.

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These kinds of talents are going to be in high demand; everyone should have a special craft, trade or talent, hair dressers, carpenters, electricians, tailors, seamstress, cooks, canners, hunters, farmers etc.. Great Grandmother's and Great Grandfather's wisdom is a great thing to have..

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Tell me your quilting a pirate flag without telling me you are!

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It’s Black and Bone, and read through antiquity!😎😜💣👆

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Traitors, Love the "Pool" concept, I'm in!

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Your behaviour around Kerry has ventured into the stalking territory. Why does what she say matter to you so much? What you are doing has gone beyond the pale. You are able to question her "stories" so why are you assuming that your readership is so stupid we need you to bully us into hating her as much as you do? Back off and leave her alone. Let us make up our own minds. Get back to what YOU do well and leave other people alone.

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Kerry Cassidy is a "big girl". You actually aren't helping anything with your incessant need to defend her. This IS Clif's "space" and you are merely visiting and expressing that you believe Kerry Cassidy is weak and somehow needs your paltry "defense" of her. I've heard Kerry Cassidy being a real bitch, unnecessarily. She has it in her, I would say to the depth and degree Clif has, so, go elsewhere if you don't like Clif's take.

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I'm not defending her. I stopped paying any attention to her years ago, pretty much when she and Bill Ryan parted company - and that's a long time ago. That is why I simply do not understand why Clif is giving her so much attention now. She is old news. There is something very wrong with his obsession. And it disturbs me because I have "known" him for so many years and this is not typical or a good representation of who he is. He is above this, or at least, was above this.

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I think Clif is using Kerry C as an EXAMPLE of the kind of information disseminator who will be more widely scrutinised. There is no ‘hate’ here as far as I can see. . .

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Kerry, is this you?

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the reason for Clif calling her on her bowl shit fake interviews is that she is making her away into alt media and pushing her fake whistle blowers as her credential. It is important to call her fakery exactly what it is for the newbies..

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Clif is speaking of her as in the kerry cassidy types, not merely her on her own. do humans that you interact with have to be so specific for you to grasp their meaning? Because if you have trouble with something as simple as that then I question whybyoure even listening to cliff at all.

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I whole heartedly agree with you, as I have had first had encounter with her when whistle blowing on a CIA black ops fund raiser. Because Kerry as usually had fallen for the project masquerading as free energy, Kerry refused to interview me against many of her followers encouraging her to do so. Instead, she systematically chose not to interview those who had first hand knowledge of the project being fake, yet Kerry promoted it. Later when called on it, she denied ever refusing to interview those with first hand knowledge. Back in 2016 I realized she is as fake as her hair color.

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Yep, and so are lots of people as fake. Get over it. She is old news and has lost her "following". She is largely irrelevant except to a few hysterical men, and yet Clif is bringing her back into prominence by naming her in every recording he has done lately. This is not the Clif I know, and I wish he could get his head back out of the sewer of bitchiness and back up into the intellectual stratosphere where he once belonged.

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I would suggest, rather than telling someone what to do (or not) - adopt your own principles and don't subscribe to the channel if you dont like Clif's content. Accusing him of bullying and stalking is useless and counterproductive. Clif is stubborn and strong willed, plus he continually states he means her no harm, but as a truther he has his educated opinion, which he is expressing on HIS channel!

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Kudos to you Clif, thanks for your continued podcasts!

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Confused here...clif keeps talking about 107, who portrays himself with such cloak and dagger for someone who doesn't want others to think he's JFK, Jr. What's with all the hiding of his face and not using his real name? He's creating an illusion for some reason, but the CIA surely knows who he actually is, so who's he gaming and to what end? Additionally, 107 is a total Bible thumper, at least when he's on the show with Nino Rodrigez. He may well be an elohim whorshiper too, so not sure why Clif talks about him so affectionately, so often. I don't think 107 is an evil person, but he is hiding, which Clif says he does not trust in others This isn't adding up from my perspective. I find it odd.

Now, to allienate everyone in this community, if Trump comes back into power, he will align with Israel in whatever they want to do, to whoever they want to do it, to create their Greater Israel. Trumps daughter and son in law are Lubavitchers and Trump, like all the other DC politicians, went to the Wailing Wall and kissed it while wearing the yamaka. I also, recently saw a video of Trump standing right next to Klaus Schwab, saying he is doing important and great work. I'll send that video to whoever wants to see it for themselves. NO, I'm not a Bidenist, a democrat or a republican. I am a truth seeker. I appreciate this group of thinkers and always feel eager to listen to clif's new recordings. I do not have to agree with everything and may find some things questionable, but think we are mostly kindred thinkers and truth seekers here.

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I realize this sounds odd, but Trump had to make nice with Israel or he would never have gotten elected. He had to push the vaccine or he would have sat shotgun on the complete shutdown and quarantine of the US population and economy.

There is a Russian proverb that all spies know. A Russian peasant is walking in the predawn forest near his farm and happens upon a baby bird with a bad wing. He picks up the bird. Warms it in his hands and places it in a steaming hot cow patty to stay warm until sunlight. The bird is warm and happy and starts chirping. Another peasant happens upon the chirping bird, picks it up, kills it, and takes it home to eat for breakfast. The moral of the story is this. The guy who puts you in the shit is not necessarily your enemy. The guy who takes you out of the shit is not necessarily your friend. While you are in the shit, be very quiet about it!

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This is a good proverb. Thanks for sharing ~

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Sorry, but trump is one of them. He may not be a satanist, but he's a zionist. Way too much info on him and that stuff for me. If you believe nothing else, he's a liar and liars come from the devil. He does tell you who he is tho. He's the poisonous snake that the ignorant woman "saved", then the snake did what snakes do. He bit her and killed her.

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so what are you going to do?

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I can't do much but stay in Jesus and leave the heavy lifting to Him. That's His department. I've been set free in Him!

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Great proverb—thanks for sharing!

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100% as free thinkers we listen , look at everything and decide for ourselves what to do and who we listen to .

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I don’t know that he was waxing lyrical about 107, as you say, I think he was just saying he might know a bit about what he’s talking about. I believe that Trump ingratiated himself with these people because it is better to be in with the ‘other side’ if you want to beat them. I try to listen to 107 sometimes but I find him very hard to listen to as he is slow and dry with all the religious stuff added. All the same he is trying to impart some information we get to make our own minds up about, if we can listen !

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Agree that he takes a minute to get his point across and keeps the religious references coming. Also agree that he knows alot and I think he's closely connected with Trump.

One of my concerns around 107 is that, if he is a true bible believer, he likely sees the end times prophey of global destruction as needing to happen so Christ will return. Trump, being devoted to Ivanka, married to Kushner, with family ties to Netenyahu, may hold the same Christian ideology that Israel is to be supported in any agression they chose, which puts the US in the center of a potentially and likely deadly global position. Trump and I think, 107 have both said, "We are saving Israel for last", whatever that may mean. Clif is saying the elohim issue will bring an end to most religions, but a lot of damage could happen before the enormity of that reality sinks in. Those in power will not easily give it up and those who buy the religious doctrines will not easily give it up either. Guess we just watch to see which forcasts actually make it into manifestation, and go from there. Thanks for commenting. Good Sunday to you ~

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Yes I'd agree with most of what you say. It will be interesting to see which forecasts acrtually make it to manifestation as you say. Those in power will not easily give up as is being seen already. A good Monday to you and thanks for your reply

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I’d like to see that video. Can you send it to me?

I totally agree with your take on things —just seek the truth wherever it may be found. I like a lot of trumps concepts and policies but the Jewish thing does worry me. I can see respecting other peoples religions and praying in their fashion when you are a guest somewhere. I don’t think that’s anything but good manners. But who knows? There’s so many angles on everything it’s hard to keep up.

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He already revealed himself 2 years ago as Duane Millet, guess you missed it.

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I know him to be called Wayne Willot, which is why using an alias and avoiding the camera for YouTubes videos seems odd.

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No. Wayne Willet

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I don’t understand why you take the piss out of Kerry when she hasn’t done anything to you.

I would suggest stick to spooling your truth and stop creating division.

You should agree to disagree.

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He has explained it.

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Kerry is lying about climate change

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So we can all make up our own minds about her. We don't need incessant, post after post, bitching about her.

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Truth. You actually don't need to listen to it.

Clif thinks she is spreading disinformation and he obviously feels very strongly that you should know that.

Also, don't speak for me.

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So maybe you need to be reminded on every video he has made recently that Kerry is, at best, misled and maybe you need to be told what to think about that. I don't need Uncle Clif to tell me what to think or how to think. It worries me that he has degenerated to doing nothing much other than bitching about others. I have followed Clif for many many years and I have done so because he once used to add value to my life with his own original research, and sometimes to my understanding of the deeper elements of life. Bitching about others is not that. It is negative. It is not adding value. Bitching about others is low grade behaviour and I expect better of him.

On Substack I had to work out how to narrow down the number of people I am subscribed to in order to reduce the volume of posts on my feed. I have done it by unsubscribing to all those people who never contribute their own thoughts, wisdom, experience, and only ever tear others down. Clif is turning into one of those, which breaks my heart. Where has the real Clif gone?

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Clif's been living a full life that he's shared a tremendous amount of it with us. He's overcome cancer, and I see you are dealing with that, and have posted a great deal on the subject (thank you!!) and I plan on reading more of your posts on that soon, but Christine, honey, people can't live life for you, Clif's doing what he needs to be doing for Clif. He's got a world on his shoulders right now and I feel super lucky he finds time, and concern, to bother with us at all right now. He's got different, and urgent priorities and somehow has managed to keep us informed, and fed enough to keep me going. Yeah, he bitches about idiots out there, and sure, maybe he gets irritated with people sometimes but this is HIS blog, he's owed a lot of respect. Make allowances, and if this blog isn't for you any more, maybe you should consider dropping off, at least for a while. You have a load of your own to deal with, you don't need the stress. You sound like a great human being (checked your substack channel and it's filled with great stuff) so do what you need to, take care of yourself, and if you come back, well, this is a nice group, we'll say welcome home, how ya been, and glad you're feeling better. Clif isn't trying to break anyone's heart, but he's not going to stop being himself, he's doing great by me just as he is. Well, there must be a better word, but I'm not a linguist. Which makes him even more beautiful to me, a master craftsman. Aged to perfection. Prime of life. And I'm blessed I still have eyesight enough to read his works. My mind has expanded several stratospheric levels bc of him, I practically float into space at times. I never even heard of this Cassidy lady until it was brought up here, and it isn't upsetting, or berating, I've been educated from his POV, I'm grateful, and if I ever come across her, I'll keep it all in mind while I make up my own mind, just like most here would, I suspect. . Have a nice day. And if you need to bitch in the comments some more, I assure you, it's ok, you're still loved. A nap...vaction, just rest, visit the zen pod, tea, relax. We're going to get through this. Eventually. Together!

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Your response was polite and well articulated, thank you. We all must walk with our own discernment. It will be a lesson well learned to carry us thru all this shite. I wouldn't want or demand Clif to change ever... Our ego's we must control, along with our dependency on others. It is time to trust ourselves, to love oneself unconditionally. LoveYou All for adding value to me and mine <3

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I agree with RedHoney - move on!

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LOL! You figure that I need that? No, the difference between you and me is that it drives you crazy and I wouldn't even notice it if it wasn't for all the whining.

Sorry for the late reply, my fucking internet has been down since Friday. Now that drives me crazy.

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Look at how many "likes" my comments have. Far more people agree with me than disagree with me. When you have held someone in high esteem and even feel like they are a kind of "friend", it is emotionally challenging to see them deteriorate. I maintain my right to try to tell my "friend" that there is something wrong with the way they are behaving lately. It has little to do with Kerry except that I don't like to see anyone harassed, and it has everything to do with Clif, and who he is becoming. He will never read any of this, so it will not matter to him, but someone needs to tell him that he has changed, and the changes are not good.

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because Kerry refuses to see the err of her way due to extremely over inflated ego.

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And you are capable of seeing that and making up your own mind about her.

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Then don't waste your time here.

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spoken just like a school grader...why are you here?????

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Cliff has always criticized many others. True or not, who cares. It amazes me why other peoples ways bother him so much.

Is he just jealous of their following, numbers they have, those that have more hair, younger, smart or just loves to pick on others - perhaps he was picked on as a child. I’ve never seen anything like this guy. Quite odd. Too bad because Cliff has lots of great info …he just needs to focus on - cause we really don’t give a shit. It’s such low frequency.

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Very simple. I don’t like fabricators of untruths anymore then Clif.

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Maybe it’s because of the stage we have reached in this fiasco of trying to get truth and freedom that he feels some question marks are required over some of the so called truthers. I have listened to Kerry sometimes myself and find some of what she says interesting but do I believe her. !!

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I think there is quite a lot of stuff going on in the "Truther" community. There were some lawsuits, lots and lots of accusations, hand waving and finger pointing. Everyone seems to be covering their ass, or covering for their bullshit. Recently Mike Gill railed on Juan, Nino AND Mike Flynn and the used car salesman Clay Clark. It's turning into a proper shit-show, but I don't see Clif calling bullshit, on the bullshitters to be problematic for me at all.

Once you hear Goguen, Byington and MANY others, it's clear they are either insane, or just really bad liars. Hell, most all of them can be found in the same place https://beforeitsnews.com/

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Connections? I think there is something at play in many arena's, that are very similar. Truther, Alt Media, Medical, Science, Q etc. ALL are bickering among themselves for weeks now.

02/18/2023: Paperclip PANDA-monium. The CDC sent biological weapons to Iraq in 1989 to create a heinous war on a staged pretext. Somebody doesn't want us to talk about it - so we need to talk about it: https://www.arkmedic.info/p/paperclip-panda-monium

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Why are you spending all this time talking about people no one cares about? No need to go through the trouble of gossiping like a little girl.

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Phildo has no gravitas, LOL! I don't have a problem with the fact that uncle Clif has a problem with grifters or that Cassidy woman for lacking discernment. I don't sense anything mean spirited. JMHO

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They need to take out the boss of all these Wefers Gates and co. The Rothchilds

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OH, Sheesh, the bitching in comments, seriously, grow up, plus it's Clif's podcast.

Thank you Clif, for yet more great insight to the goodies, and the baddies, lol and the woo.

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Clif has a refreshingly atypical take, he coins words and expressions that I find very amusing and sometimes right-on. He isn't in my pantheon of demigods. I do feel fatigued by personages like Gene Decode and the guy Kerry believes is JFKJr. One has to suspend belief, especially because we only hear these guys, we can't observe their daily behavior or relate to them directly, which is how you really can know who is fake and what category of fake.

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The best part about it is that we can take from Clif and help distribute throughout. The term ‘Hyper Novelty’ is big in my office because of this. I’m the only one who listens to Clif at my office, but because I introduced the term to them with the meaning Clif gave, they all use it. So, yes, Clif definitely has a way to coin terms and phrases at a high level. It just sticks!

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Y'know who's REALLY gonna have some problems? The celebrities that pushed the 💉💉💉💉. Jimmy Kimmel. Fauci's #1 fan. Stephen Colbert...

I'm excited for HISTORY REVEALED.

☕ ☕ ☕

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Ok so just a thought, could the alternative media be propaganda also? Could both sides be brainwashing us?

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I’m very encouraged by what we are learning and your wisdom and insight

Since we all have a unique Fingerprint I can Imagine we all have are own Frequency if that’s possible is it possible

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Now you're cookin'. And that frequency can be targeted, anywhere, any time, in any size crowd. And yes, Targeted is the correct word to use. It doesn't sound benevolent, ... does it?

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Good to know Thanks for your insight glad to think I’m the only one thinking outside the perverable Box😎🥴🏌️

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Have you heard of Sabrina Wallace? At first I thought she was crazy, but while listening to her, I recognized some of what she was saying, that I also heard from Alison McDowell, so I kept listening. Now I think Sabrina IS crazy, ..... And Correct. lol

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sounds interesting … hope I can find Sabrina …

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I got the links for you.

Sabrina Wallace: https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f

PDF: https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/compiledpdf-05-25-23:f

09/06/2022: Technical Presentation: WBAN on a 6gloPAN and your electromagnetic body part (Aura) : https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.D5E8F851-4FF8-483C-B72A-7590D29617E2:4?lid=1d97ef5946ea0eff0e4fdbf9f36e159680049733

Here is a long list of links to peruse. You have to ease into it, .... or else it could easily cause Black-pill Syndrome. Notice how many of the links appear to be for fringy websites. Yeah, not that many.








































































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YIKES ……. 🤔

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Alison McDowell is great for a lot of the history, when and where this all got started, but she is a PHD egghead and seems rather liberal and wanders a bit at times as she attempts to cover the topic as it pertains to say, Spanish or Mexican Art, ... which I found too distracting. BUT, I would still recommend it because it goes way WAY back and she even visits a whole lot of the home offices of the organizations involved.

Alison McDowell: https://wrenchinthegears.com


This is a Group Forum for Investigating Cybernetic Governance,

Behavioral Economics, and the Synthetic Transformation of Life:


Also Earlier work here: https://anchor.fm/alison-mcdowell

This is the first installment of the Synthetic Pretenders series that is over 15 parts. There is a link at the bottom of the page to go to the next article. If you read them in a row, you will be asking WTH? while reading part 6, but after reading it, you may realize the digression was well needed for a sort of decompression. A sort of a rest, ... then on it goes from there.

06/14/2022: Scientific Management, Robo-Bees, and Digital Babies – Synthetic Pretenders, Part 1: https://wrenchinthegears.com/2022/06/14/scientific-management-robo-bees-and-synthetic-pretenders-part-1/

If you would like individual links to all parts, I can do that too.

Now for some watching rather than reading.

2017: Building Sanctuary: PDF: (Oh, It's MORE Real Than You Will Ever Want To Know !!)


03/30/2021: Alison McDowell Education in a Digital World, Human Capital Futures, Racial Capitalism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPgn5PRUGYA

06/23/2022: "Smart Cities", the Transhumanist Game and "Lifelong Learning" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf4QC1tFPCQ

There is SO much more, .... but I feel that all this is likely overload, ... so I will stop.

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I still believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and that barry is the antichrist. Should all be revealed by 2030 so only around 6 or 7 years left! Good luck with the house!

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“Jesus” (Christos) is a state of mind rather than a “person” which state is promulgated for the benefit of the average man. IMO

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Guess I'm just average and happy to be that way. Way too much stuff adding up to scripture for me to believe that Jesus isn't real! If you're bored, this guy shows lots of scripture and how it's relevant to how things are playing out in the world today. Here is just one of his hundreds of videos for those seeking. God bless!


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Then there is Deagel 2025 and it could be that no one who is left in 2030 will either give a shit about those people, or not even remember them by that time. You just never know. lol

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I'm gonna guess that I won't be making it to 2030 bc I'll never take any quackzines or any kind of "mark" or chip or whatever to buy or sell, SO likely for me it will be off with my head or some sort of encampment fema or whomever will set up for people like me! Does seem like these days Christianity is a bad word while witches, trans, devil, blood, etc. are all "good". It's getting sicker and sicker out there.

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They are currently targeting rural communities, likely trying to push people into the geofenced cities to be trapped like fish in a barrel. I am too old now to move to the country and live of grid and I have known that for a couple years now. I spent All my coof stimi checks all on ammo and really big magazines. That goodness I don't live in a place like California with their 10 round magazines. They will come for me, they will kick in my door and there WILL be blood, .... and not al of it mine either. I plan on dying at home, not in a FEMA chop shop.

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Lol a fine point indeed. Not to mention we’ve got taurid storms coming in 2032 and 2036, predictively programmed in movies like Don’t Look Up and Greenland. We’re all fooked. Lol

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When I was very young, I wanted to be a grown-up, so I could do what I wanted to. Then when I was an adult, I didn't want to get old. Now that I'm old, I'm fucking glad because of the shitshow headed inbound. Not that it isn't currently one, but it sure looks a lot worse in the years to come. Yes, .... Rightly Fooked !!!

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So listening further I see you just go full out on all not just Kerry.

Where’s your proof?

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