Well put and a great read

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The revelation of the true power of the abrahamic religions is what stuck out to me the most. When we really learn what these lessons and classics were about

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Jun 16·edited Jun 18

you're an ass just like the author. You people are the problem, it seems. Awaiting "science" to save you, etc.

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Not science in its current warped form, but a holistic understanding of the mechanisms by which the universe manifests its marvelous dance. The divine beings who are truly creators and contributors have plenty of patience to demonstrate to us who have been duped and bilked by the death cult, what their true nature and objectives are.

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Do you think 'they' also read about 'their' miserable Future in clif's Substack? I always wonder if they are aware of our plan to live despite their best efforts. Do you think they are listening to clif?

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I have ZERO doubt that our beloved Clif High is monitored relentlessly. He probably scares the shite out of them.

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what a delightful thought!

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Au contraire. It is simply playing into the hands of the lost population manipulators. And you people, the sheep are gleefully following this dolt.

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lol u my dear sir ARE a simpleton. And who might those manipulators be, pls clarify my dear. Now really. Lmao. Why are u here if u think clif is a dolt. Why bother. Is it really worth your while to comment on something u don’t understand. Cheers.

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Seriously doubt they've even heard "Clif High". He's merely a blip on their radar.

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The jews are following him all the time and they send him "porn torpedoes " constantly because they control the porn industry

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Zechariah 14:2. You people, led by this dolt, are simply just another part of the lost biomass. Duped beyond stupidity, you are a gleeful lot, I'd say.

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Every keystroke is recorded. They have it all.

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GOOD! Then they have no excuse.

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You wonder yes

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You can ask the tribal bs AI of your choice about Clif and it knows him

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The God of the Torah

Is the greatest Teacher of Not worshiping Baal or Moloch or any idols or anything other than GOD !

He forbids killing and drinking blood ,

He states countless times in the Torah not to sacrifice your child to Moloch ,

The whole story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac was exactly that a LESSON for all not to be an Elohim worshipper !other gods

This is repeated numerous times in the Torah!

God of the Torah is about helping others,

Doing kind deeds protecting the slave ,

Even the cnanite slave goes free if mishandled!

CLIF is showing that he NEVER even read the Torah even once Let alone be an authority on what it contains!

He is influenced by the gutter Rabble !

And that’s his crowd !

It’s amazing that everyone Laps up his

Drug induced visions and his denial of love and justice so keenly taught to mankind by Jehova the father the good of mankind

I pity his poor soul….

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God Creator would never ask anyone to kill an innocent, so if I ever thought I was being asked to sacrifice my own child, I'd KNOW it wasn't God at all. I don't understand people who imagine such things and I mean to keep such people and their insanity as far from me as possible. I'm sorry I have to share my time to be alive with so many nut cases, and I do see this voluntary genocide as the Universe stepping in to balance the ratio to something more manageable as in past times. If I can just keep them a safe distance away until this is over...

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Never ask someone to kill an innocent... unless it's a baby Amalekite, amirite?

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Yidcup, first off i am sorry you have been hurt by this post, and i'm not sure what all Clif has read Torah its native language - but definitely NOT read the scriptures of India in Sanskrit either i would assure.

Translations are lame, and we are at the mercy of the translator's prejudices and whims. i actually have another thought, and it's a third way - not right vs wrong or slam slam slam. HOW BOUT, maybe there are two sides to each coin - and there is a righteous Jewishness, as there is a righteous Vedic Brahman, and a god that doesn't drink blood. Maybe the fallen angels are the opposite of the sweet wood nymphs and mushroom fairies in the woods, and it's mycelium we should bow to.

WE are being tempted by the devils themselves when we agree to attack eachother or insist that we alone are right.

Bless us all! If Clif is totally wrong the nukes could start flying and what would it matter then?

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The hegelian dialectic is always to be considered, thesis antithesis, the problem with religious zealotry is there is only one side of the coin, all.other arguments are blasphemous!

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Zechariah 14:2. I can see clearer the truth of the text of God through the Bible.

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ZIonist much? Nobody gives a shit about your Torah god.

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Love ❤️ thy neighbor . as yourself.. .. Move everyone to Big ole’ Texas and just get along .. enough of this “ my “ stuff… come sup with me … tradition isn’t worshiping Our Father unless it’s out playing with our pet on a sunny day . ☀️

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Zionism is NOT Judaism !

Zionism is anti God anti Torah just like our dear Clif may god have mercy on his soul

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By deception we shall wage war. Who's motto is that? In any event, look at what they do! Let's judge them by their deeds!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 12

The story about Abraham sacrificing Isaac was really about The LORD God, Yahweh-Jehovah, God of Israel - the jealous "god" - persuading Abraham to abandon the Hebrews' polytheistic worship of the Elohim and to switch to monotheism, worshipping the jealous "god" only. What Abraham actually sacrificed was a ram, which is the symbol of Yahweh-Jehovah's father, Yahweh-El, The Most High God and leader of the Elohim. It was his own father that Yahweh-Jehovah, the jealous "god," cast as the serpent/Satan/Adversary. What a family!

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What rubbish!

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What ignorance!

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I haven't read the Torah, only the Bible, so I cannot compare, but in the Bible, Yahweh, Jahova, et al, did demend sacrifice of at least one holy man's child and certainly the wholesale killing of enemies children, wife, entire family and livestock, etc.

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The Torah is the most loving and kind book EVER presented to mankind READ THE TORAH see for yourself!

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Please read the talmud and get back to me

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I wonder how many people have actually considered the relationship between these terms: Bible, Torah, Talmud...how many are aware they are used interchangeably.

Not to mention the variations and permutations based on when, where and in what language they were committed to posterity...

I'm not going to read the actual Talmud, I have a very good idea what it's about, having seen quotations in various places.

Just consider this anecdote: It's about Maimonides (often quoted as great scholar), speaking about sexual contacts, he says it's OK for a man to do it with a girl up to 3 years old, as the hymen re-grows at that age. That says it all: power, truth, lies and subjugation.

This all explains why Talmud was not written down until very recently. It was passed on in verbal tradition.

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Talmud is man made recording of the bullshit teachings of the disgusting jew rabbis and all their perverted practices, including child rape being approved. Allows for every kind of sexual perversion, lying, stealing, cheating are all approved to some degree or another in Talmud. It is strictly human teachings of their demented rabbis going back about 5-6 hundred years. Has nothing to do with inspired word of God in Bible. New or old testaments. The Torah is based on the 10 commandments. Bible is inspired word of God.

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If you ever saw the movie Kingdom of Heaven, When Saladin meets King Baldwin in the field in front of the Castle Kerak, he sees that Baldwin (a leper) is not doing well. After they come to terms, Saladin tells Baldwin he will send him his doctor. Guess who was Saladin's doctor??? Maimonides!!

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the talmud consist of Mishna (law) and Gamara (commentary).

The commentary is where the interpretations of the law find their myriad adaptations to daily life situations. You need not read the Talmud to learn about it. There are many books on the subject,

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I don’t want to learn more about that subject than I know now. There are other, more positive, things to spend time on

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The Talmud is purely man made, and man inspired. It’s just old pedophile rabbi shit justifying their perversions and power over their foolish followers. Jesus Christ would not have recognized it as being at all the same Judaean religion He was raised in, which was based solely on the Torah. Talmudic so called Jews are the old Testament Pharisees. Jesus rejected them completely when He walked the earth Jesus is the real deal. God made man. Second person of the Holy Trinity et al. Only those with the free gift of Faith will believe it, however.

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Apart from the Talmud, which is mandatory to study and master to become a rabbi, you also have the story of King Saul, who vanquished his enemies but was condemned by Yahweh because he took some of the enemy as slaves instead of killing them all in accordance with Yahweh's instructions. The story of King Saul puts the lie to narrative in the original comment. In addition, there is the story about Jericho and the Hebrews who fled Egypt. I believe the directive was that every man woman child and animal including cattle etc were to be slaughtered with the exception of some prostitutes who helped the Hebrews. Saul's story is in the Old Testament Samuel 9-31

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yidkup u are a mere blip. Your assumptions are based on your prejudice. Nobody has right to call anyone liar. You have your thoughts and I/we have mine. To criticize is being ignorant. You have no idea what goes thru anyone’s mind or how they learn. So stop being insulting and learn yourself and be tolerant of ideas that you hate. Not everything is black and white. What is happening now to humanity is astounding and you should be happy and honoured that you are a part of it. If you don’t then there is no hope for you. I don’t need to read holy books to understand that we should be kind to each other, help each other etc. what are we fighting about. It’s beyond my understanding how everyone holds their religion as the utmost authority. Just understand, live a full and loving life and respect each other. All these religions have turned us against each other. They weren’t meant to do that. The hatred will never end if we just say no, I’m not going to insult or hate someone today. One little step and we ascend to a different chapter in humanity. So stop the arrogance and embrace love. Thank you.

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I liked this one. The like sign wouldn’t light up

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Clif knows nothing of Torah and never studied the Talmud !

There are hundreds of commentaries on the Talmud it is a serious work done by the most educated scholars in the past 1800 years ,

Rabbis of great cities in Spain ,France ,Gibraltar Turkey, Italy, Vienna Russia , Vilna etc etc

who studied it their whole life and hotly debated every line and paragraph and its all published .

To even know the Talmud correctly requires YEARS of in depth study!

All cliff is doing is regurgitating the filth and the gutter lies ,half quotes and misquotes by estranged Jews Fake converts that converted for self interest and money and fame (they all are well aware that all they misquote is just that libel and misquotes for financial gain)

Clif Knows NOTHING of the Bible the Torah ,or the Talmud

Actually his Haughty superficial approach raises great questions on his truthfulness and his scholarship standard and ultimately his credibility .

Now I wonder about his so called Webbots and if its not all fake or plagiarized from REMOTE VIEWERS?

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Just shut up.. no one cares about what you think now. So you don't like Clif.. Go away and leave us in peace.. ty

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If you can't imagine freedom you will always be a slave.

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So those same Jews had a Manna Machine in the desert but they had to clean it once a week,thas technology not divinity. The jews are much younger than the Sumerarians and so you would ignore all the other worlds testaments because you are focused on a massively edited book that was handed down from oral tradition while the Sumerian texts predates the Torah by 1000 years, and so you can believe what you want, I always knew God was an ALIEN because of the Manna machine

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All the worlds religions have a creation story. They all resemble each other generally. The ones prior to the Old Testament Genesis, (which is the only True creation story directly from God) all resemble each other because Truth is a real thing. It’s ultimate, unchanging and universal. Their stories resemble the Truth found in Genesis because humans have always sought the Truth of things, and just as the Deist recognizes God and his attributes in nature, and expresses those attributes in their writings, so was the Truth of creation expressed in prior creation stories of some of the oldest cultures we know of.

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That is all so interesting...do you have any comments on other cultures and existing faiths? I mean outside mono-theism?

Why should right living and good culture be limited to monotheism?

What's wrong with, say, India's thousand gods, where each one represents a different attribute? In monotheism all attributes belong to one god...

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So Who created all these "Gods"?

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Go kill some more innocent civilians and steal their land you evil ✡️

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... but you're here reading Clif's 'dribble' !?!

You just don't make sense...

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You totally missed my message but u go ahead believe what u want to that is you right. I do feel sorry for you because you are so ferverent that you can’t see the forest through the trees. Be at peace man. Let it go.

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Clif knows nothing of Torah and never studied the Talmud !

There are hundreds of commentaries on the Talmud it is a serious work done by the most educated scholars in the past 1800 years ,

Rabbis of great cities in Spain ,France ,Gibraltar Turkey, Italy, Vienna Russia , Vilna etc etc

who studied it their whole life and hotly debated every line and paragraph and its all published .

To even know the Talmud correctly requires YEARS of in depth study!

All cliff is doing is regurgitating the filth and the gutter lies ,half quotes and misquotes by estranged Jews Fake converts that converted for self interest and money and fame (they all are well aware that all they misquote is just that libel and misquotes for financial gain)

Clif Knows NOTHING of the Bible the Torah ,or the Talmud

Actually his Haughty superficial approach raises great questions on his truthfulness and his scholarship standard and ultimately his credibility .

Now I wonder about his so called Webbots and if its not all fake or plagiarized from REMOTE VIEWERS?

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And you admit to having read the Talmud book of the Rabbi’s ? That Clif has?

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Clif knows nothing of Torah and never studied the Talmud !

There are hundreds of commentaries on the Talmud it is a serious work done by the most educated scholars in the past 1800 years ,

Rabbis of great cities in Spain ,France ,Gibraltar Turkey, Italy, Vienna Russia , Vilna etc etc

who studied it their whole life and hotly debated every line and paragraph and its all published .

To even know the Talmud correctly requires YEARS of in depth study!

All cliff is doing is regurgitating the filth and the gutter lies ,half quotes and misquotes by estranged Jews Fake converts that converted for self interest and money and fame (they all are well aware that all they misquote is just that libel and misquotes for financial gain)

Clif Knows NOTHING of the Bible the Torah ,or the Talmud

Actually his Haughty superficial approach raises great questions on his truthfulness and his scholarship standard and ultimately his credibility .

Now I wonder about his so called Webbots and if its not all fake or plagiarized from REMOTE VIEWERS?

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People on the left are very found of telling us what someone on the right thinks, with an air of absolute authority. They claim to read minds with so much authority, that they attempt to convict people in a court of law based solely on the information they have acquired with their alleged mind-reading power. We call this Trump Derangement Syndrome.

You appear to have High Derangement Syndrome. You are claiming with absolute authority to know what Clif has done and not done. How do you know these things? Are you a mind reader?

I don't know anything about you. All I know is that you are claiming knowledge and authority on something (the life experience of another human you have probably never met or even researched) that you could not possibly have! That is a sign of derangement. It removes all 'persuasiveness' from your comment.

You are doing much more to confirm Clif Highs lectures about the psychological control used in the Elohim worship cult than to refute them.

You might want to stop.

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Yes I am sure Clif’s reading is wide. He can’t cover everything in his postings.

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If this is so I suggest many Jews have not read the Torah either and follow the promptings of the distortion of Zionism. And care for slaves yeah nah....Jewish slaves ? No contract !

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What is the Talmud? History of the Talmud, part I. No conspiracy theory people, please.

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Clif knows nothing of Torah and never studied the Talmud !

There are hundreds of commentaries on the Talmud it is a serious work done by the most educated scholars in the past 1800 years ,

Rabbis of great cities in Spain ,France ,Gibraltar Turkey, Italy, Vienna Russia , Vilna etc etc

who studied it their whole life and hotly debated every line and paragraph and its all published .

To even know the Talmud correctly requires YEARS of in depth study!

All cliff is doing is regurgitating the filth and the gutter lies ,half quotes and misquotes by estranged Jews Fake converts that converted for self interest and money and fame (they all are well aware that all they misquote is just that libel and misquotes for financial gain)

Clif Knows NOTHING of the Bible the Torah ,or the Talmud

Actually his Haughty superficial approach raises great questions on his truthfulness and his scholarship standard and ultimately his credibility .

Now I wonder about his so called Webbots and if its not all fake or plagiarized from REMOTE VIEWERS?

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Clif, I just want to say thank you for who you are and what you give of yourself. I find your parables and insights both an eminently practical and usefully sceptical guide, through these crazed and magnificent times. Bless you.

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Thank you Clif, Humanity has been programmed to focus on what is wrong in any situation, the doom and gloom. This great shift in consciousness does not come without snags and challenges, but it is coming nonetheless like a out of control freight train and it cannot be stopped. I have been aware of this for about 35 years and have been patiently waiting for the rest of the world to acknowledge it. This is without a doubt a fantastic time to be alive. Although approaching my seventh decade I have decided to stick around for awhile, to experience the events that push humanity forward.

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I'm approaching 70 but I can only claim two decades of wakefulness. I was such an idiot.

Clif has been advocating getting stuff done, regardless of what you think of his other philosophies getting done what needs doing to become independent is a good and proper direction to travel.

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John, i don't know how that man manages to accomplish so much, homestead, regenerate from his cancer damage, and educate himself and all of us!!!

Don't you love catching the coat-tails of someone wonderful on the wind?

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Oh yes. He is the most interesting man in the world.

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John, it is never too late! We can only make choices with the information that is available in the moment. Hindsight is quite accurate, but disempowering. It is time for all hands on deck, regardless of age.

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I didn't mean to suggest it was too late. I'm in with Cliffy on getting shit done.

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John, you hit a nerve with the crowd. Now we are cheering for you and the rest of us to catch that wind and "get shit done"

Thank you for bothering to wake up anyways, friend. How bout that?

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I'm not sure waking up is something you have much control over, I think it just happens, you spend a little time wondering how you could have been such an frikkin idiot and move on. I suppose that is more likely to happen to those of us who have always hated the government.

But you're welcome anyway, now lets get rid of these governments, we don't need governments, we don't need laws beyond do no harm, all we really need to prosper is to be left alone.

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we all wish for this, to be left alone to do life our way.

i agree, we are "waked up" according to our conscious development; a readiness explodes into bigger truth. The more goodness we share here on these pages, the better for all!

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Hey John your not to old to start surfing and move to Bali, you drop in on a good size set wave at Padang Padang you`ll be more awake than you ever have been

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Surfing. I always wanted to do that. My stomach muscles won't handle wind surfing any more. Too much invested in infrastructure here to make a move like that but I like the way you think.

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When I was in Junior High surfing at Steamers lane there were these codger guys who`s boards were the same color as their brand New Cadillacs they always had a blast. I hope the same for you John whatever you do.

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If you’ve been awake for 2 decades, you are way ahead! Most people I know are still asleep! It’s infuriating, but that’s where they want to stay. All of us that are awake are experiencing a great period in our lives. I too am approaching 70 and I’m sticking around to witness a better future for coming generations. 💥🥰

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That was when I looked into central banks. Let's call it the beginning of my awakening.

And I share your enthusiasm for seeing what comes next.

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Amen Mary...me too !

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Can't wait to use "It's a Jew yelling 'flu'" as a response to someone who brings up a pandemic. Priceless.

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I made a mental note as well🤣

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Aelred, that feels like a low shot. i'm not jewish but i do have jewish friends who are sincere in their quest for god. And DID NOT drink the koolaid or boost it up.

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remember the fake jews are the ones CHigh is talking about - they usurped Judaism and follow the Talmad, which is a disgusting, disgraceful torture manual. So if you follow Clif you should know this by now.

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So do I, Yolanda. Not to worry; you have to understand what Clif means by that: the Elohim worship cullt is behind it. I just thought it was funny and probably won't use it unless the circumstances are perfect to do so.

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Thank you for explaining. It is actually a cute play on words, and at same time our words need to foster harmony and relationship from hereon in.

Great meeting you, even if only here between these lines...

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Back atcha. "There is a time for war and a time for peace"; now is the time for war to save our humanity from those who hate humans (and I'm not quoting the Bible, but rather the Byrds' song. LOL) Anyway, that said, you must maintain the harmony within yourself nonetheless so that you are not pulled into the dark realm of hate and death that is all around us now, while at the same time resisting and opposing it as you encounter it.

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so right my friend!

Let's do it. Let's rebel by being exceedingly joyful and luminous and other scary things...

and don't shop the big A...

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Thanks to Cliff's wonderful sayings, I have spread this one of his quotes several times:

"When nukes fly, banks die!" 😁

His quote" Mother W*ff*rs" resonates exactly with me haha.

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I totaly agree. Thanks to Cliff's wonderful sayings, I have spread this one of his quotes several times:

"When nukes fly, banks die!" 😁

His quote" Mother W*ff*rs" resonates exactly with me haha.

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I totaly agree. Thanks to Cliff's wonderful sayings, I have spread this one of his quotes several times:

"When nukes fly, banks die!" 😁

His quote" Mother Weffers" resonates exactly with me haha.

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I totaly agree. Thanks to Cliff's wonderful sayings, I have spread this one of his quotes several times:

"When nukes fly, banks die!" 😁

His quote" Mother Weffers" resonates exactly with me haha.

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A few years? I'm all for speeding up the process. Off with the head of the beast.

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Agreed 100% I think when more people become aware of how this beast grew to be what it was, the faster we can locate it and its head come off. Along the lines of what I just wrote today: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/if-i-controlled-the-information-of

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Can’t wait for the end of the Rockefeller domination! Long time coming, but better late than never. Good riddance!

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I agree!

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Thank you for " Hope"

If I can only get through these weeks, months Then years.. My husband passed away beginning of May. Its not even been 6 weeks. My 2 teens & I are grieving.. Its horrible. You have said that some of us would not see these days.. I did not know he would be one of those.. I know I must move on.. It's just difficult.. I have a belief system Not like yours- I know I will be with him again.. So Today your Substack brought me hope. Thank you for that...

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I am so sorry for your loss.

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Diane, to say you "must move on" is incredibly cold. What really must happen is people of love surround and support you now, and let you talk or cry, and invite your kids to do the same. Even bring you ice cream or pizza on a Saturday night!!!

HOW else will any of us learn to grieve? And GRIEVE we must! These things cannot be held in without making you -us -sick. Don't take the bait. Instead take as long as your heart needs, and know it can come in waves for year or two, but gradually over time that harsh reality is integrated. And you look around and your darling kids are right there next to you...

may it be so

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You are such a beautiful person!

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God bless you Diane. May peace be yours, and may you be surprised by joy "in the midst."

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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, I am so very sorry x

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Dear Diane, I'm so sorry for your loss. I too lost my dear mother in mid April. Had been here in CA for 6 months with my sister trying to keep her going. We at least had those months with her, a last Christmas, New Years, hers and my birthdays, and Easter together. We know she is in a good place and that thought is what keeps me going. I often hear her say, "stop grieving my loss, I am still with you and I am fine." I hope you can hear what your husband might be trying to say as he is definitely in a better place. There are some books about near death experiences and many people describe the afterlife, the peace and absolute feeling of love on the other side. I hope you can find peace and acceptance knowing the soul never dies. Also, that you have all the support from friends and loved ones to pull you through. Much Love to you and your family.

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much needed salve to this trail of tears, thank you.

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Our Creator doesn't close a door without opening another. You will always feel this loss, if my own experience is any to gauge by. But it will soften with time, just like people say. Please leave room for awe and wonder in the days ahead, I'm certain they are headed this way! Prayers, sincerely.

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Dear Diane, I just venture one little thought you may agree with: whatever the trappings of our various systems that form our way of living there is one common theme: your own heart tells you what is really true so keep listening there. That is the 'source of truth' we all have access to. best wishes

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Diane when we lose loved one, no matter when, its very difficult. For me, I just revisit the memories we made and the smiles we shared ... it helps getting through it.

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Thanks Clif. You made a boring Tuesday morning not so boring.

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To stay balanced through Earth changes, spend as much time as possible in Nature, stay grounded, directly connected to Earth, sungaze daily, and raise your vibrational frequency at every opportunity:


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A lot went down after around the time rubber shoes were introduced. It's never one thing but this is a example of how our energy was depleted or the connection broken of that release of overcharged energy back into the earth. Stupid people think the sun will harm them when it is the source of all life. A tree grows out of the earth but the earth is still there so via mineral and water we have the suns energy brought into physical form.

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I agree. Rubber soled shoes were introduced to sever our connection to Earth, which has caused a cascade of calamities.

Making people fear the Sun is equally as deleterious. Without a direct connection to Earth and the Sun, we are weakened, sickened, and disempowered - all by design.

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Rockefeller was an evil genius. There is the light and there is the sound, Pythagoras could hear it so it's not tinnitus! There are monks and that's all they do is focus on the sound. The sound can get very loud, to the point it is somewhat disturbing, like some sort of electrical freight train coming and it may be only in one ear. The light can be seen in the waking open eyed state and it is everywhere as the suns light contains all the colors. So too can the black and the white be seen in their symbolic form as the yin yang as the sperm and the egg dancing in the color.

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I haven't thought about sound and light in that way. I love expanding my consciousness. Thank you.

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leather isn't a great conductor, especially at low voltage. Welders use leather gloves , as electricians, at least they did in the past. IDK, they might have something better these days with silicone. I was interested in the moccasins more for just their natural comfort, and prefer sheepskin inside but mostly you only see artificial linings, they're no good, end up paying more in the long run might as well get the good quality to begin with.

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Interesting point about welders wearing leather gloves. My understanding is that our ancestors wore leather shoes to stay protected and connected to Earth energy.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 12

My answer is moccasins, any will do. I really like Blackjacketmoccasins.com. I have two pairs.

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There could be a real simple invention to put through the sole of any shoe that connects the bottom of the foot to the earth. This could be tested of course to show the current grounding out.

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There is such a development. Look up Barefoot Runners (I think .com). They sell kits to retrofit your shoes with copper, or other conductive plugs. I thought of it years ago, but never acted on it.🙈 I’m glad somebody else also thought of it, and did it.

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I resonate with your thought process. So strange that the past few weeks, reading about all this 5G and crazy radiated microwaves the Satanic cabal are using to kill us with, I had been thinking of inventing a grounding shoe that I would have to test with an ohmmeter. Moccasins may have to do for now. I am too busy currently to start a new project, but we are all on the same page here. Perhaps the 100th monkey effect is becoming more pronounced in our evolved state? hehey

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Thank you for that recommendation, Mary

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that link doesn't work. I tried spelling moccasins, that didn't work either.

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You are right, I corrected it. Blackjacketmoccasins.com This should work. I have one pair for in the house, and the other pair for outside.

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They worshiped the sun outside of themselves but we are the sun, we are made of the sun and we can access that same intelligence the sun has.

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Sungazing is the most healing, enlightening, and empowering practice a human being can do.

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I am doing it now, it comes right in the sliding door the sun does for quite a few hours. Even a short haired cat will sleep outside in the frost, it's the grounding that keeps them warm. A black hole sucks, a sun radiates so where does the suns radiant energy come from? Some people they go to bed and that's it they go to sleep, others they go to bed and see all manner of swirling colored lights so what is that?

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I was.just floating in the ocean and sungazing. Being relaxed is the optimal state for receiving sunlight. I have no clue why some people see colored lights when they go to bed and other don't. So much of life is a mystery to me.

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Will be highly entertaining to watch the degrees of Normievision fucking lose it.

Nothing is fixed anymore. Authority comes from within.

Good fucking luck. Finally the world will get to be a little more interesting.

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“Authority comes from within”. Best line ever!

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I think you underestimate most of the normies. I had a conversation with someone a while back about the C0VID vaxx, which lead to me to believe there will be one of two responses to drastic change:

1. It was always like this

2. It's not happening, aka denial

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shibumi, this makes me recall that the relentless flood of propaganda, plus whatever poison they took, damaged and eliminated their hippocampus - so all the actual memories are overridden with fear and obedience

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I've made the mistake of overestimating or expecting more out of them my entire life.

I've long since given up interfacing over current issues unless someone can think outside the box or with greater perspective. Everybody has to do their own time.

Not REALLY, but I'm like FULL WOO. 2WU4U my license plate should say, but who cares.

I have no inclination or obligation to others' processes. Mentally in regards to my self, but everybody makes their own... Whatever.

Will be VERY INTERESTING to see who switches over to the obvious responsibility for themselves and accountability to the rest AQUARIUS theme. PISCES DONE. The fish don't know with whom to swim, because SCHOOL IS FUCKING OUT.

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Heh, I haven't seen that but I have noticed that normies in general are becoming less obtuse. Not all, some are just skipping in a groove and there ain't no shiftin' 'em.

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Most of the normies I know are holding onto their Belief System with bloody fingernails and won't let go.

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20 percent of the people can think.

30 percent can think when shown.

50 percent would rather die than think.

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Yep, that's half the US population, at LEAST, going to need cemetery space real soon.

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They think their thoughts are their own from what they thought they got as a education during schooling, then they think they are intelligent when their beliefs are in coherence with mainstream matrix propaganda and programming. Tell them truth and they laugh as more programming they think is intelligence enters their mind. They say not to believe everything you read at the same time as they lap up the nightly news as truth, as gospel but they are mere empty shells of thought with no substance.

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Yes, and when I see this, I remind myself that they will soon pass away. I wish they'd have gotten smarter while they were here, but they weren't curious, and you can't make a person want something, they have to want it for themselves. They wouldn't listen, so we can't worry, actions have consequences, and we did the best we could. They'll get another chance, so don't worry. It will all work out. And maybe next time they'll have an easier time with their education thanks to us this time 'round.

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That's what I see. I have not seen a shift in my family who are my gauge. Their behavior and beliefs remain the same and no inquiry of anything else is detectable. It's very disheartening. What will it take? Do they have to lose everything first?

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If they're vaxxed, they probably will. So prepare yourself accordingly.

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Even if they lose everything, they will still be in denial.

Our adult nephew died 5 days of a heart attack after the CV vaxx. His parents blamed his former heroin uses, even though there was none in his tox report.

His father got shingles after his first booster.

After all of this, his mother said she would still get the vaxx if her doctor said so.

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I have a second cousin with stage 4 breast cancer and another cousin with liver cancer. I am hearing several people in my area with liver cancer as well. All jabbed. I expect over the next couple of years there will be a lot more due to a compromised immune system from the jab!

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I'm totally in with the "less obtuse" aspect. Seems the normies are experiencing the results of the appalling choices they've made. The crack in the damn is busting open. They are learning the hard way that denial is not a river in Egypt.

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i can't imagine it Starmonkey, but sometimes i try.

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Now here’s a thing Clif_ you never grift, you give freely of your knowledge and wisdom and that IS a magnificent present to humanity. My thanks pure and simple.

ps I am not given to sycophancy either

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Great essay! Sounds better to me than any futuristic predictions by Ray Kurzweil or his ghost writer Amara. God bless all of us. Let's love one another. Let's deconstruct dehumanization of one another one small step at a time until it's all gone. As you say, Clif, it's beyond our control. Our minds will undergo enlightenment because the TRUTH will shine so much brighter than the lies.

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Damn, Clif! I fully support you as "Intergalactic👽 Contention⚡️ Comedian🤣". They don't stand a chance against your wit and wisdom. 👊💥

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my "like" button doesn't work any more, but imagine i smashed it Dan

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Well, as one wit put it, all (good) things come to an end…. Time for this to end and move on (to SciFi World).

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They can't move on. They just can't. They are too emotionally invested. I mean, their entire consciousness revolves around the entire scenario. No matter what, they cling.

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They are all in.

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Well written and seen Clif. Aligned with the observations from the dreaming attention. Lean into the possible. It is already happening.🙏🏽

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You know what Clif, I'll be keeping this letter because it's full of hope and we haven't had a whole lot of that lately! Nice reading, I hope to be around long enough for this but if not, the kids and grand kids will hopefully!

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