It doesn’t have to be more than casually cruel, the ridicule that is demanded of you now, but you must do it.
We have come to the time where the remaining sleeping normies need a not so gentle nudge to come out of it.
Time and events move humanity at a seeming increasing rate toward our common humanity destiny of confrontation & contention with the ‘power elites’. The normies will miss it all if they stay asleep. It will be better for them, and all of us, if they witness it, rather than us have to clue them in afterwards.
“What?” says normie friend, “when the fuck did this happen? What do you mean they are all in jail waiting for trials? What’s this about Space Aliens? What is going on here?!?”
It would just be too awkward. They won’t believe you, not at first, and you will have to go find videos of it happening to take them through it such that they can grasp the changes in their life. Their minds will rebel. “WHAT do you mean there’s no Democrat party any more? WTF?”
A terrible burden will be placed on you, trying to back fill the trenches in their knowledge if they shake off their slumber too slowly, missing the drama, the action of the Great War for Humanity. It will be all so tedious for you; better to prod their sleeping egos now. They need the push. If Turdo in Canada, or all the other shit has not gotten their attention, they are deeply under the spell.
They will need an emotional slap across the face. No need to be brutal, just casually cruel will do…
“Dude?!? Seriously? You actually believe that?”
“Listen cousin, if I want to be lied at, I’ll watch CNN!”
“Man, that shit you’re spouting is just WAY too normie for me!”
“Yo! A funny thing happened to the rest of us on the way to WW3! We got wise to their shit!”
So true, however, I have been more than nudging for 2 years now. Noone is listening. My husband didn't even know about Canada!!!! I keep bringing up silver and the end of the banking system. He thinks I am nuts that I am stacking silver. UGH!!!! I love him to the moon and back, but he just doesn't think any of this is important. I would love to shake him awake. My son and daughter are asleep and have never watched anything I have sent them. My daughter in law, is purple pilled. My sister is the only person I can really talk to about this, she is totally in tune. However, she is extremely non woo, I can't talk to her about anything woo. If I would bring up anything regarding aliens, astrology, numbers, well, that is just the work of "s@t@n". My brother is close, and a couple nephews, who are my sister's sons, but everyone else is asleep. I am the only woo awake person in my family. I have a friend I send articles to and she sends back articles that she gets from the MSM. She actually sent me an article from abc, I think, on how Byedun outsmarted Putin. UGH!!!! I am surrounded by asleep sheep. It makes me very sad. I lost a "best friend" because I am unvaxxed.
"The Dark Ages called, they want their science back."