So true, however, I have been more than nudging for 2 years now. Noone is listening. My husband didn't even know about Canada!!!! I keep bringing up silver and the end of the banking system. He thinks I am nuts that I am stacking silver. UGH!!!! I love him to the moon and back, but he just doesn't think any of this is important. I would love to shake him awake. My son and daughter are asleep and have never watched anything I have sent them. My daughter in law, is purple pilled. My sister is the only person I can really talk to about this, she is totally in tune. However, she is extremely non woo, I can't talk to her about anything woo. If I would bring up anything regarding aliens, astrology, numbers, well, that is just the work of "s@t@n". My brother is close, and a couple nephews, who are my sister's sons, but everyone else is asleep. I am the only woo awake person in my family. I have a friend I send articles to and she sends back articles that she gets from the MSM. She actually sent me an article from abc, I think, on how Byedun outsmarted Putin. UGH!!!! I am surrounded by asleep sheep. It makes me very sad. I lost a "best friend" because I am unvaxxed.

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022

I've accepted the fact that people just don't want to talk about "IT" aka woo. Subconsciously they know its there, but to accept it causes way way too much anxiety and fear. This is why normies are so touchy and defensive. They are consciously blocking what their senses are telling them and that is misery.

I remember some woo people sending me links to articles about "No plane hit the pentagon" in 2002, and saying to myself, "what a nutjob" But for some reason, I wanted to prove them wrong, and ended up in all kinds of 911 woo.

I can remember the day in 2002 when I came to the realization that 99% of the media/political is fake. I was freaked out, and it was not pleasant. I was angry and isolated. People would sneer at my pointing out the fallacies of 911 reporting.

Now 20 years later, I learned to just navigate the woo and keep my mouth shut to the normies. They have their own 20 years ahead to sift out the woo when the woo hits the fan.

I tried to wake my older ER doc sister to the Vax, and now we don't talk. I understand your sadness.

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Cognitive dissonance. A form of denial to prevent a mental breakdown which is what will happen when they get to the point where you were 20 years ago. It's going to be ugly. Combine that with vax deaths...

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022

I agree. I'm in Canada...was awaiting my bk account to be frozen over a $15 donation that I sent at the early stages of convoy. Lucky I stocked up on food for us and critters. But I am DEEPLY concerned and stomach in knots over our new dictatorship. We'll, not "new" really. Writing was there for the last 40 years. Each PM was worse than the last. I remember calling Cretein, creatin, Harper, King Harper. And now Turdo, J. Castro. Sigh. Wish I could leave....but senior on fixed income, farm with animals...can't bring myself to it. I'll stay and defend what is mine. I know castro wants us old folks, esp unvxd, to be Sent to concentration camps. They'll have to kill me first.

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022

I think Anna von Reitz is correct in her observation that ALL of the people responsible for this (the last two years) are going to have to be taken to Guantanamo and, well . . . 'killed', as she put it. What they've done is WELL beyond treason. It's global mass murder. Makes 'der Fuehrer' look like a Sunday school teacher.

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Totally agree. I will be pleased to watch Castro and Freeland swing.

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I sympathize entirely. I'm in France in a very similar position - animals and unable to sell up. The tension in my Vagus nerve system is almost overpowering but my family in UK are blissfully unaware. I was driving along yesterday and heard these words: "..keep your vibration high. You have a DUTY to remain cheerful and positive."

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I am Canadian too. What a nightmare. I have to pinch myself. I almost threw up listening to the Senators today spewing lies about the truckers being a terrorist organization. The press have done a number on people, but I wonder if it is the vax. Many seem to have lost compassion. I’m 65 and try every day to absorb the fact that this is real but also remember that humanity is going through a spiritual upgrade. But I get so mad. Canada is experiencing a coup, but there’s no one with the will to stop it other than the beautiful truckers and ranchers that went to Coutts. Sorry for the rant. My family is on the other side of these issues and it is isolating. I am still not awake to the alien thing. A bit too X-Files for my little brain. Peace and love.

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Some Senators made really good speeches...hit the nail on the head in fact. And I do believe that the turd KNEW they would vote nay, so he dropped the EMA. I also think pressure from the banks did too! So many people took their monies OUT of the banks!

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Yep because he does not want to pay the pension money we paid into. always looking for ways to steal our hard earned cash. I'm an oldie as well living in canadistan. I wonder how it is they can make something retroactively illegal. Welcome to the order of shitstains running this government all of them.

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Hang in there. 🙂 I hope all goes well for you.

This essay is a good read. There are no halfway measures at this point.


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I saw Naomi speak to a Canadian group on a Zoom call and she said she had looked at everything and the only explanation was that this was all devised by an off-worlder. She has studied war and politics and she said no way could humans have coordinated this take over. She also said she lost all of her ‘blue state’ friends and is now aligned with the

red state’ philosophically and politically. Her family and old friends think she’s crazy. Sound familiar?

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You're ahead of the curve compared to most. Uncle Clif linked to a fascinating video that shows the importance of understanding bluetooth, radio, ultra low frequency technologies (if I understand the video correctly), air "tags", and the potential security risks of various common tech devices such as cell phones. I turned on closed captions and watched twice. On a farm, big, old, thick, rusty metal objects, delapidated equipment, etc. etc. could be repurposed (this will make sense if you watch the video). https://www.technocracy.news/skynet-2-0-unstoppable-secret-network-bypasses-internet/

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Yes. I had seen Robs video about that. I follow him. I'm waiting on a non google phone.

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Is that the Vanadium software? I think it still has bluetooth but it's definitely better than the other two options. Lately, I've been thinking about going back to a landline. It worked when I was a kid and so far the lottery hasn't called my cell so I'm starting to think it's wasted money (to pay to carry a tracking device hah).

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deletedFeb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022
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10 days could be Spiritual Darkness (where we collectively feel something like despair maybe - fear/despair/negative emotions feed evil), also be Russia (Biden's chest beating today about shutting down Russia's grid), could be global if they have to straighten out the whole "damn thing" and need to prevent escape by the indicted ones. Then there's the misspelling below:


Paint the picture. Disinformation exists and is necessary.10 days.Darnkess.War.Good v. Evil.Roadmap of big picture is here.


It mostly seems above my pay grade tho :)

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Hang in there, Divine Intervention is a “real” thing! Instead of thinking I’m on a “fixed” income I like to think I’m finally in a space to be totally FREE to pursue whatever I can dream up!🤣💜

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It will get ugly in some corners of the country. Save your strength. You will need it.

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Time to prepare for "not going along". Uncle Clif linked to a fascinating video that shows the importance of understanding bluetooth, radio, ultra low frequency technologies (if I understand the video correctly), air "tags", and the potential security risks of various common tech devices such as cell phones. I turned on closed captions and watched twice. On a farm, big, old, thick, rusty metal objects, delapidated equipment, etc. etc. could be repurposed (this will make sense if you watch the video). https://www.technocracy.news/skynet-2-0-unstoppable-secret-network-bypasses-internet/ Vive la résistance! or maybe Vive la wusistance!

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That's perfect. Many share that journey. Thank you so much. Your words are encouraging.

Each person you choose to have a conversation on aspects of the woo must be examined and treated on an individual basis. After several years of having been bitten, it seems an almost imposition, an infringement on their subconscious choice to expose aspects of the woo too early in their journey, hence the bite marks. I have gotten better at examining a persons "readiness for change", maturity if you will, to determine what they are willing to entertain for their own expansion, not what I think they're ready to hear.

I still remember back in late 2016 when I began facing those critical questions in my mind. It was myself posing important questions about this fear of the possibility of moving forward to answer "What is the truth here? Something is not right." That little voice always only speaks ever so softly. "Yes, you are afraid of what you suspect is in front of you, it is worth walking through that shadow. Yes, I see that darkness too, I feel our world (the self) could be turned upside down, just to learn what is on the other side. Truth is always worth it no matter what. It's time. No more excuses, you've had years of that. Forget what friends and family will think of you. Just go, it's time."

I think this is the subconscious protective mechanism. The internal dialogue of "Here but no further" that each person faces and decides to either stay in cognitive dissonance (ignore-ance) or wade into deep water.

Once I made that decision the lies showed up. Once I dragged myself through the other side something inside me changed and I could never return. This right here, represents the difficult decision each sleepy sleepy faces when it is their time to do so.

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I feel your pain more than you know, Yoda's Mom. I have the cats to discuss things with. That is about it. Everyone is asleep at the wheel. Vaxcidents all around it seems, too.

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You are not alone. Lost many friends because I am unvaxxed. And only one person in my family, a nephew is awake. Most are begging me to shut up. One friend of 20 years when I talk about the coming global market/sovereign debt crash and Digital Currency, says please don't talk like this to the banker you are meeting with.

I've given up. If they are not awake now, it is because THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE. Lotus Eaters. Anything to not face what they have done to their bodies, and what is coming to all of us. Be well!

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Me too - lost friends, pretty much my profession, and more for not being vaxxed. Quite a few of my adult children were not at all moved to read the info from Geert and Luc, Mikovits et al on the vaccines a year ago, and despite my pleas to not get the booster a few months ago..deaf ears. Now we read about the off-the-charts all-cause mortality 18-48, and hear the stories from family/friends (that are still around somehow) about the cancers, the heart events, the falls, the strange extremely rare birth defects - all of it, and it doesn't cause any questioning. None.

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I am sorry for you too....it is happening all around us. But take comfort that you did the right thing and you are NOT alone. I have to guard my tongue around those with cancer re-occurences as I would lose them twice...Right now we have to be each others virtual friends, because everyone else is sleepwalking into this slow geneocide..

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Thank you. Amen.

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most are ashamed they were so stupid to believe. Think about how we all feel when we realize weve been scammed. Its embarrassing and might cost them their lives.

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I understand. But you cannot move forwrd unless you acknowledge you have been scammed. People need help after they realize this...and I have lost the natural remedies for people who have taken the shot. Wish I could remember where I found it.

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mike adams from natural news has new info on it....hope this helps

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Thank you I will go look!

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I feel sad *for* you, reading that - if any consolation there are lots of us. Some have had of course the relatives vachsed. But one find day we will not have to spell weird. God bless

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she was never your best friend you lost nothing but a small minded brainwashed being. Consider yourself free now. I have rid myself of the waste too much happier not to have them to deal with. Move on to people who will welcome you. Blood and family are not always worth keeping. They cause most peoples pain....just my view tho.

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I am sorry to hear that, I am the only one also not vaxxed in the family and a child of almost 4. all the rest got 2 or 3 now, meanwhile I accepted the situation, it's all free will, even when unconsciousness, me and my husband tried to wake some up but you hit walls, time after time, I didn't want anger to come in between so I told myself: things will turn out just as it should be, painful or not, we are all in for some more soulfull lessons, no one escapes this Karmajourney! Take care YodasMom! Just stay on believing in yourself and when people go away, other come into your life. Big hug, many blessings and hopefully we all get spared from lots of heartache, the best wishes from Belgium, Karina

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Thanks Karina, I have also come to the conclusion that we are on our own individual journey. I can't make someone wake up and they can't put me back to sleep. We were all born at this time in history to further our souls in one way or another. I just hope that my friends and family don't die before my eyes for something they thought was right in their minds. Half of my grandchildren have had that jab, ages 6 to 15. I am petrified and am praying that they were just placebos. I blame my daughter/SIL and media on that. The worst part is that she is a nurse. My son's children are unjabbed and will stay that way I think. I hope you're right about being spared lots of heartache. Freewill and all. My husband's family is all jabbed, he is not. He never gets sick. Thank God for that.

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I'm so sorry for you! I have the same problem with my two sisters and my brother is on the fence. They won't even listen to me. They just say it's misinformation. And walk away! Like their big sister would ever tell them something that would hurt them! How can they be so suspicious of me? They've trusted me for so many other things. But not this! It's because they are Democrats and I'm an EVIL Trump supporter!

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I am so sorry ...I wish I could say something helpful. But I have to tell you, I have found that 80% of all people can be brainwashed...and they don't easily revise their world view after the age of 30. Dems Good, Republican's bad . They will listen to the Legacy Media like it is the 60's and 70s (even then it was democratic, but at least they did put some news on)...they cannot move on, cannot understand that the world has changed, along with all the instittutions they believed in.

Please give youself an attaboy though...you tried to warn them. I even said blunty to my older sister "What part of EXPERIMENTAL do you not understand?"....I told them that ALL THE TEST ANIMALS DIED. I am NOT the older sister...middle...I never did have much authority, but I AM suprised they would not listen to you, the older sister. Do they live in a blue state? Mine do (as do I)...I have come to the conclusion that it is not just openess to new information...it is part of their social network (friends, life partner selection, etc.) ...the decisions they have made all through their life..but most of all, their entire IDENTITY, that is threatened, and probably linked so tightly that it is impenatrable...I voted for Trump too...but they had 4 years of "orange man bad" repeated 99% percent of the time for 60 minutes a day for over 4 years...and that is all it takes. You have my deep sympathy. I am sorry for both of us.

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Thank you,....it's very strange,...my one sister used to be just as suspicious of Big Pharma as I am! But now she's just thinks it's me that's evil. We are older! We are not young,...why would she think I was evil? She even said that my beliefs were so horrible that they would steal her soul? That's really weird! It's almost as if a black demon has filled her soul! And I don't really believe in those kind of things. So, it's very scary to even think that! Thanks for writing,....take care of yourself. Stay safe!

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You too. Hugs.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

It is the us cia and errant hypnotism-

I read every word you wrote- show them the love here and cia will try to trigger ridicule butt later in their hearts hurt more than the overall butthurts-

keep to the center and stick to what is... solid 13% never get fooled again

so pleased about the growing good company...

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I am about as WOO as you can get!! In fact I like to think I coined the phrase woo-woo 25 years ago when I awakened on the lightning path!🤣 I also have deeply asleep family & friends & as a full time RVer am always up for a chat about what’s happening!

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Altiyan Childs on Rumble has broken many a fixed earth Taurean- Venus rules Taurus- Altiyan has v powerful Venus placement-

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Weird that you brought that up. I am a sun/moon Taurus with Virgo rising. You would think I would be the most stubborn and non woo believer out there. However. that sun/moon is in my 9th house and pluto is just going into my 1st. I am just a novice at astrology, but I have been a woo believer all my life and a truth seeker. I have 7's and 9's all over my numerology chart and my life path is a 9. I still don't know what my purpose is. I am just all over the place. I know a little about a lot, but an expert in nothing. I will look this up on Rumble. Thanks

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022

I hav well polished symbolism skills- birthtime is most critical in looking for coalescence using many looks various methods at the map-

Never put the map before the person ever- violated most often by far- Tyl said planets don't do anything; people do, butt what did he kno, just an opera singer-

Once data clear look only at ruler of 10/planets in 10 and ruler 6 planets in 6- this is a beginning when looking at career stuff- Gemini 10 indicates two at once okay if trine knot square to 6- ur 6 prolly Aquarius so condition of Saturn on the short and Uranus long analysis required- I ask folks to list ALL JOBS then I can show how u keep with that energy regardless if data clean no GIGO- I was a paperboy a master control operator(button CBS pusher) a Network Engineer works with security appliance- those examples all restricted action intense eccentric and very time oriented EXACT and Mars Saturn are EXACT miss by seconds in yuge six symbol stellium they r at bottom stellium 7 butt Saturn rules Capricorn 6 andwith stellium sand all maps run decan degree levels to really spot significator dynamics in rulerships- 1962 was phun I heard, till Kennedy later on KillDed by KM- so less verbiage advice is pluck out stuff 10 and 6 :: important if aspect with mc any planets 6 7 trine (easy) square (tension) Mc

6 svc to others- 7 public plus relationships- Mc Career aka outer point map-

Trines can leave many unsatisfied and the career(s) easy to get establish but they can "hate their partner"

Squares oh so hard depends on lots butt usually more fulfilling- 9 ruler how u lern-

Quintile fromMc to any planet that then rules 6 or 10, and one will ❤️❤️❤️🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

Quintiles are magical 72 (9)

Midpoint analysis of map can also yield excellent career understand ing via midpoint pictures which are the center point between symbols and that point relationship to other symbols- complicated , use for coalescence

Okay enuf::much love stay bright-

(all taurean writing by you so I kno u powerful with him butt Taurus stubborn fixed can attract those scorpios... anyway that might be why I went the object desire balance intense eccentric (Altiyan Venus 21 Aquarius if I recall))

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Wow very interesting that you could tell Taurus by my writing. Thank you! Venus is in 10, Gemini and Aquarius in 6th, no planets there. Saturn is in Capricorn. Haha, no Scorpios in my life. Married to a Cancer. I love those water signs. Dated a lot of Pisces, first married to Sag. That was a disaster. I need to take an astrology class and really deep dive. Oh and previous jobs. Fast food, secretary, administrative assistant, inside sales, and been in IT for 22 years starting as a programmer. and now systems engineer. I am NOT analytical. Fell into this job right before y2k. I would rather play in the dirt and make stuff with my hands. I know this is way off topic, but very interesting to me. Lot of the things going on now are astrological. Pluto is now back in the place it was in 1776, I am wondering what it is going to do for our country/world.

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There is no end to the levels of sleepy sleepy you will experience with others. On one level it those experiences are a lessons themselves. I have been horrified at the level of ignorance people will actively engage in to come up with a response to keep them where they are. It's a lesson in itself.

When you come into a 'seeing' you realise that many around you are not there, yet. Some responses were gormless and this often rattled me, until I realised people are not seeing and processing information the same way. It's often a difficult, and necessary, stage in our journey. It's like hopping from one stepping stone to another, requiring MUCH more from us as we shift into a greater version of ourselves. Part of that experience involved integrating seemingly endless frustration, alienation, the seeking of others like us, exercising patience, and letting go forms of resistance, like what we want to take place in others. The richness in what we must go through seems vast. Many call this an awakening or collectively a great awakening. I would agree, but on a soul level, this stone that we have stepped onto is more like a great person expansion.

Some family and friends may take lifetimes to see that next stepping stone and that is how the woo works.

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"The Dark Ages called, they want their science back."

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Such a perfect response - this is absolutely crazy (everything going on) and the fact that some are still in a coma is mind blowing. I'm beginning to wonder if the Dark Ages were actually more "in tune". (I am not being sarcastic about liking your comment)

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Are you a super spreader because you got the vaxx? You really cracked me up, dude. I heard with the 5G turned on that shedding will go from type s to type m, whatever the means. If you totally have nothing to do, you should check out a site called "sorry anti-vaxxer". They make fun of people that aren't vaxxed that died of covid. They are anti-deplorable.

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Thanks, mockery and humor are the most powerful weapon we have.

No Toxic killJAB for me, hellz no. I will check out that site for some lolz.

I thought the idea of a "Super Spreader" could also apply to lots of things. Possibly the truth, awakening? That was my thinking.

It is my hope that the "consciousness awakening" or if I understand clif correctly, "wu" spreads exponentially the same way a highly contagious virus would.

I think that is happening. I feel like it has already hit critical mass and momentum. Once someone realizes they have been lied to for years, much like recovering from a virus, they develop natural immunity to blind trust in false media.

If we all have a goal of helping one person a day the WU "r0" would be off the charts.

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As a 72 years old Grandmother I don’t have the time to be gentle with the Normies. I’m ready and willing to slap a few severely about the head and shoulders. My willing contribution to this war

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I'll be your backup slapper.

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Hoonk hoonk in support

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Some normies are just too S-L-O-W, they'll have to wake themselves up. I tried all along, they are NOT waking! No doubt there in Washington you have the same as here on Long Island, the normies and the AWAKEN and we're seeing that these normies will wear their masks to their grave. So be it!

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Hey Neighbor! Here on LI as well(Suffolk). There's something more going on un NY than just sleeping sheep

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My normie sister believes nothing that comes from my lips so I'm going to let her 'fact check' all her concerns. I didn't even bother telling her that HER fact checks sites were corrupted. Anything Rachel Maddox or CNN said was gold to her. Can't wait until she starts talking to me again. It's been two years of war. When I'd try to enlighten her, she always said, "You're smarter than this," or "You're better than this." Thanks, Maddox. p.s. stay on your hiatus. don't come back.

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The crowd I use to run with is stubbornly slow to catch on too. I am mostly a loner now. It sucks, but at least my closest loved ones listen to me with interest and occasionally even come to be with "weird coincidences" that don't seem all that coincidental when you can put the whole story together. I am sorry about your sister. I have asked God/Universe/Spirit to cut you a break and bring her back to you.

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Thanks. Been praying for her forever. Jesus is just a prophet, etc. to her. Really relies on her own intellect in all things. I have a few people that I talk MAGA stuff with, and I'm always on line it seems, watching, waiting, so I know 'you' are my support. Who could ask for more? Love will win out. Always does. I'm here waiting for her.

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Try the opposites game? Use her fact-check sites as facts. Send her a ridiculously wrong/fake fact-check post. Let her fact-check and maybe she will stumble across the Truth in her quest to "win" the sibling game? Might take some time but this is a spiritual war so....

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Been this way all our lives. Oil and water. She needs to be right ;-). I just think she'll maintain her dignity and not address the huge republican elephant in the room!

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My kids are the same way - one slices the cake, and the other picks which piece to take first.

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Hiatus ??? Hav knot a TeeVee :: last saw mad cow on clips being pointed at by sane people to reference well paid insanity example- ask I shall for events to gracefully show sister carefully complete ly casually cruel god I like this stack right here; thank you ben-

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Sounds like my sister.

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Our Will to be Done in Forgiveness

For what we are about to receive, I give thanks

Not in allowing those to deceive, but in the strength of our ranks

The power of our gratefulness, will lift us from our thanklessness

To arise into our luminescence, and become aware of our togetherness

I accept that I did play, a role in their set

Allowing them to lead, to direct us into their debt

While they set another stage, one hidden to our eyes

So they could prey upon us, as they filled us with their lies

But now it’s time to end this charade, and amend what we know

Face the consequences of inaction, and put an end to their show

There will be hurt and there will be anger, at what they have done

Performing their evil right under our noses, and using us in their fun

But to rise above all that, will take something more

As we uncover their dark secrets, and find the courage to endure

They’ve had their days in the shadows, now it’s our time in the sun

From deciding their fate to how this will go, it is our will to be done

To get there and get it done, we have this pit to ascend

And to rise and be one, we’ll have many hearts to amend

In aid of our task, to get through the mess

We must look inside, for a means of redress

For they’ve taken enough, and we have life left to live

So I’ll grant them my pardon, and open my heart to forgive.

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A poet whose words move my soul


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Thank you FJ...I am again blessed by your reflection ;)

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That is just wonderful.

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So long as forgiveness goes with appropriate consequence.

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My forgiveness contains no directive to release my tormentors from their karma, but is a gift I give to myself so that I don't become my own tormentor. I am no one's judge but my own.

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wow. That is a copy n share poem. Thank you.

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And thank you. There are more poems on my substack...which you are free to copy n share all you like ;)

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miss you on bitchute

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Love reading your updates. So on target and so informative, yet funny. With your busy schedule, thank you for finding time for us.

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So intrenched is the thinking, media needs to be taken down

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It is. . . coming. . . . but to MY way of thinking, it should have been the first things in the PLAN. They are all so brainwashed, it's going to take time, lots of truthful media reporting.

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We need a smart someone to take down the media before they take us down.

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Yes, some of those young hackers would be helpful. ;)

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Yesterday my semi-normie sister, who gets a little eye-rolly when I mention Clif, told me the feathers will hit the fan on February 30. Sisters. Ya gotta love 'em.

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L o v e l y

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Writing dialogue is a skill in itself, Clif. Well done and peace to your fam.

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Yep, a funny thing happened on the way to Armageddon...

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"Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose..." "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good, Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood..." I am learning how to talk to the sleepwalkers... Finished with walking on eggshells.

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Clif, I'm so happy I found you here. It's weird not having a woo show to watch. Crazy world we're living in. I'm tried. BUT HERE WE GO!!! love from, Utah

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Well, if they would wake up maybe I would get my family back. They think I am a paranoid lunatic! Not to mention the scores of friends and acquaintances I that deserted months ago. Please shake the cage by whatever means necessary to get this party started!

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I hear ya, sounds like my family. It used to bother me then one day my sister told me to wear a mask because even a big guy like Arnold Swartzeneger wears one because it’s the right thing to do.

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I don't want to wake up any "normies." I remind them not to forget their boosters. The less scum shooting at me when the shooting starts, the better. I'm just hoping the clotshot starts working more rapidly on these idiots. I read their crap online defending TPTB, the keith obermans, the howard sterns, the jimmy kimmels and stephen colberts. F'EM all! I'm sick of them. Way too many sheep in this world carrying water for the deep state.

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The mutton's tainted, so we can't fill up the freezer with all these vaxxed sheep, but the wool's probably OK, so be sure and shear their carcasses before they go to the burn/burial pit. Will come in handy in the upcoming mini-ice age. And with the way farming & ranching are being targeted, we might have a hard time finding any in the future. (LOL - just kidding about actually shearing them, but metaphorically speaking, there will be lots of 'goods' that need a new home once all these poisoned sheep bleat their last bleat. )

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Eye opener....Yup I think we are going into mini ice age too.

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Now that is a mindset I hadn't thought of.....

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