I almost refused to click on the link to read this post because of the very offputting title which evoked an image one shouldn't have just after breakfast!
As the light is shined on the WEF and all of the evil that they are doing. More people take the "red pill" and leave the matrix every day. We must continue the fight and embrace the new comers and welcome them to the collective. May the WOO be with you!
Wonderfully intelligent insight! Please help brainstorm a tactic to defend against the set -up presently existing in California where hundreds of toxics-laden rail cars have been mysteriously amassed in an agricultural area, threatening agriculture and SF ‘s water supply. I think it is in Stanislavsky County.
Pretty sure there has not been a single word about it on "the news" (aka MSM). It has all been reported on social media and alt news sources like Clif's publications.
The best way to manage Humans is to trick them into believing they are free, even when they are not. I was born in 1955 and until Kennedy and co. were assassinated I felt there was freedom, but it was entirely faux freedom. I believe that both the mainstream and the truthers are quite hypnotized, even as they both are seeing eroding freedom. It's time for us to recognize the limits of freedom. Consider this apt quote by Frank Herbert: "Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.” I am seriously considering cutting off all media access to me. At minimum, all members of the alt-media are guilty of promoting confusion and fear.
It's true that the puppeteers have for three plus years acted like a deranged vampire who has stepped into the sunlight and just keeps standing there. But remember, this is the crew that brought us the Federal Reserve in 1913, replaced homeopathic hospitals with allopathic hospitals, successfully sold vaccines and created indoctrination camps called public schools. They are clever, make plans a hundred years into the future and are experts at the manipulation of Humans. Everything they do has two or more purposes. We should take nothing they do at face value.
Great reply, Robbin...I agree, one of the most crucial things we need is RESPONSIBILITY/ ACCOUNTABILITY, both personally & in any political/governmental realm.
Surely we have the ability to discern "fear porn" & legitimate information. Discernment, Awareness & trusting one's own intuition/"gut".
Self-trust, Self-knowing, our inner knowing of what rings true, has been beaten out of many with all the smoke & mirrors confusion, mixed messages of mainstream media & society at large.
Happy to say that I've maintained that Inner Knowing, as many of us AWAKE/NOT WOKE folks have done.
Fear equates to surrendering your critical thinking skills; surrendering your right to exist...
There is nothing to fear unless we feed the fear & choose to self-destruct.
The Death Cult WEF can ONLY DESTROY. They cannot create, they are a PARASITES.
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
They have train derailments, dioxin clouds, and food prod facility destruction 'left' too. They only poisoned half the country so far, the west side better get ready.
I suspect it is all a feint. Remember, Hitler came in as the solution to a society that was anti-family, sexually indulging and "degenerate." He was the hero that came to fix all that was wrong. Surely the puppeteers are again setting the stage for a non-LGBTQ, non-trans demagogue to show up to "fix" (problem, reaction. solution) the sick society. The puppeteers are clever with centuries of experience. The truthers have all decided the puppeteers are stupid because the truthers have been fooled by their head-fake. Klaus and his retinue of foolish billionaires are expendable. They are not at the top of the pyramid.
I've come to believe that we do not yet know all there is to know about Hitler.... and much of what we do know is lies, a falsification of history. So I've put those judgements on the back burner for a bit. Too many times, I felt I have finally figured out some truth or other, only to have new info come to light and get me thinking on it again.
"We defeated the WRONG Enemy!" ~General George S. Patton
"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now, as one of the most significant figures who ever lived, ... He had in him the stuff which legends are made." ~John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the U.S.
"Germany's unforgivable crime before WW2, was its attempt (Success) to loosen its economy out of the world trade system (Bank of Rothschild) and to build up an own exchange system (Their own money) from which the world-finance couldn't profit anymore." ~Winston Churchill
"My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know That I Was Right !!" ~Adolph Hitler
Used to be a big fan of PSF. But he has either been captured or just gone around the bend. That and I have been waiting for 2 years for my refund on the tomahawk display case I never received (after several months, I did get the tomahawk). QGear has NEVER responded to my contacts and Partain has stopped as well. See PSF cozying up to a lot of grifters and frauds these days and not enough time in the day to watch legit people, so he no longer gets any of my precious time and energy. Well, except briefly, here.
Clif mentioned recently that around 1928-29 the German cultural norms were under assault - as is happening now - and that one of the final 'straws' was a bestiality faire in Berlin where thousands converged on the city and fornication with animals occurred in public view. Hitler showed up shortly after this as a viable leader candidate for conservative values.
Clif should realize that the worst case of FDIA is the disease of anti-semitism, induced in the jews by their KM overlords, as a means of controlling them. The Jews willingly relish being in a permanent state of collective victimhood paranoia and the hatred that they nourish for gentiles they project into them.
I have learned something here. I wonder though, was what Mao did, and what the WEF-ers are doing, by intentional design, or simply an outgrowth of their intrinsic evil.
I almost refused to click on the link to read this post because of the very offputting title which evoked an image one shouldn't have just after breakfast!
It was Clif's way of using "click bait', lol.
As I eat my delicious breakfast, I am reading Clif’s post. Over the last three years my panties just don’t get twisted anymore.
I suspect that's not a problem with G-strings. Other than that they don't seem very functional.
No worse than the last paragraph!! I wish I could unthink that thought! LOL! Clif sure has a way with words!
I don't eat breakfast.
I can see where that would be a problem.
Once in a while, I totally eat breakfast, ....... For Dinner !! lol
The only word I got stuck on, is Almost. lol
But you still did click on the link.
That's why I don't eat breakfast.
🤣 at least Borat was funny!
You deliver hope and humor. Both precious commodities.
As the light is shined on the WEF and all of the evil that they are doing. More people take the "red pill" and leave the matrix every day. We must continue the fight and embrace the new comers and welcome them to the collective. May the WOO be with you!
I love the sentiment that we welcome them aboard! It’s a reward that is so ephemeral, yet such a gift to everyone involved.
Brilliant, dear human -
You are getting sharper and sharper in wielding your pen like a sword.
Bravo, my friend!
Live long and prosper!
Wonderfully intelligent insight! Please help brainstorm a tactic to defend against the set -up presently existing in California where hundreds of toxics-laden rail cars have been mysteriously amassed in an agricultural area, threatening agriculture and SF ‘s water supply. I think it is in Stanislavsky County.
Oh that’s horrific to hear! I try not to watch the news, so had no idea that was happening.
Pretty sure there has not been a single word about it on "the news" (aka MSM). It has all been reported on social media and alt news sources like Clif's publications.
Do you mean Stanislaus?
Yes. My iPhone took it upon itself to correct me, I Gus’s it never heard of Stanislavsky. I typed guess and “Stanislaus” but there it goes again.
Spell check can be such a pain when it gets persistent.
The article was on Brighteon. Mike Adams Health Ranger’s site.
The best way to manage Humans is to trick them into believing they are free, even when they are not. I was born in 1955 and until Kennedy and co. were assassinated I felt there was freedom, but it was entirely faux freedom. I believe that both the mainstream and the truthers are quite hypnotized, even as they both are seeing eroding freedom. It's time for us to recognize the limits of freedom. Consider this apt quote by Frank Herbert: "Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.” I am seriously considering cutting off all media access to me. At minimum, all members of the alt-media are guilty of promoting confusion and fear.
It's true that the puppeteers have for three plus years acted like a deranged vampire who has stepped into the sunlight and just keeps standing there. But remember, this is the crew that brought us the Federal Reserve in 1913, replaced homeopathic hospitals with allopathic hospitals, successfully sold vaccines and created indoctrination camps called public schools. They are clever, make plans a hundred years into the future and are experts at the manipulation of Humans. Everything they do has two or more purposes. We should take nothing they do at face value.
Great reply, Robbin...I agree, one of the most crucial things we need is RESPONSIBILITY/ ACCOUNTABILITY, both personally & in any political/governmental realm.
Surely we have the ability to discern "fear porn" & legitimate information. Discernment, Awareness & trusting one's own intuition/"gut".
Self-trust, Self-knowing, our inner knowing of what rings true, has been beaten out of many with all the smoke & mirrors confusion, mixed messages of mainstream media & society at large.
Happy to say that I've maintained that Inner Knowing, as many of us AWAKE/NOT WOKE folks have done.
Fear equates to surrendering your critical thinking skills; surrendering your right to exist...
There is nothing to fear unless we feed the fear & choose to self-destruct.
The Death Cult WEF can ONLY DESTROY. They cannot create, they are a PARASITES.
Having NO FEAR literally destroys their agenda.
That's my story & I'm sticking to it!
Briliant post and very inspiring writing. Thank you for that!
Clif, the wonderful closing here brought a giggle and smile to my face!
Same! I finished reading and in my head I shouted a resounding, “BOOM!” 😄
Me too!🤣
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
I say that sometimes. So happy to hear that Alex coined it.
I downloaded 200 Years Together, somewhere. Been meaning to read that.
All his works are outstanding!
Good readings!
They have train derailments, dioxin clouds, and food prod facility destruction 'left' too. They only poisoned half the country so far, the west side better get ready.
I suspect it is all a feint. Remember, Hitler came in as the solution to a society that was anti-family, sexually indulging and "degenerate." He was the hero that came to fix all that was wrong. Surely the puppeteers are again setting the stage for a non-LGBTQ, non-trans demagogue to show up to "fix" (problem, reaction. solution) the sick society. The puppeteers are clever with centuries of experience. The truthers have all decided the puppeteers are stupid because the truthers have been fooled by their head-fake. Klaus and his retinue of foolish billionaires are expendable. They are not at the top of the pyramid.
I've come to believe that we do not yet know all there is to know about Hitler.... and much of what we do know is lies, a falsification of history. So I've put those judgements on the back burner for a bit. Too many times, I felt I have finally figured out some truth or other, only to have new info come to light and get me thinking on it again.
Again, those Khazars certainly do keep you on your toes.
"We defeated the WRONG Enemy!" ~General George S. Patton
"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now, as one of the most significant figures who ever lived, ... He had in him the stuff which legends are made." ~John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the U.S.
"Germany's unforgivable crime before WW2, was its attempt (Success) to loosen its economy out of the world trade system (Bank of Rothschild) and to build up an own exchange system (Their own money) from which the world-finance couldn't profit anymore." ~Winston Churchill
"My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know That I Was Right !!" ~Adolph Hitler
The winners always write the history 🥴👍
Ron DeSantis.
Used to be a big fan of PSF. But he has either been captured or just gone around the bend. That and I have been waiting for 2 years for my refund on the tomahawk display case I never received (after several months, I did get the tomahawk). QGear has NEVER responded to my contacts and Partain has stopped as well. See PSF cozying up to a lot of grifters and frauds these days and not enough time in the day to watch legit people, so he no longer gets any of my precious time and energy. Well, except briefly, here.
Oh my God I kill me.
Can I tell people I have a crazy aunt with a tomahawk?
Good find!
American politics are so much more devious, and interesting, than ours.
That pretty much caps it, DeSantis is a sleeper.
Half the cabinet is WEF. What else do you need to know?
But I hear you.
Seen this? https://www.bitchute.com/video/61BZMcTR4ia3/
No, I did not see that. That is a slam dunk capital offense were one to recognize the Nuremburg code.
Thaks Robbin. All I did was drop the name and you did all the work!
Uncanny how hitler disney Cronkite greatly resemble. Couple share walter even. The whole world's a stage. KM are the original actors.
DeSantis playing the role of Hitler?
Let's say it was rhetorical then.
Clif mentioned recently that around 1928-29 the German cultural norms were under assault - as is happening now - and that one of the final 'straws' was a bestiality faire in Berlin where thousands converged on the city and fornication with animals occurred in public view. Hitler showed up shortly after this as a viable leader candidate for conservative values.
Let them reveal themselves, for "those with see with their own eyes and feel with their hearts are few."
Clif should realize that the worst case of FDIA is the disease of anti-semitism, induced in the jews by their KM overlords, as a means of controlling them. The Jews willingly relish being in a permanent state of collective victimhood paranoia and the hatred that they nourish for gentiles they project into them.
Thank you for being here for us humans Clif! I thank God for you every day. 🙏🏻♥️
I have learned something here. I wonder though, was what Mao did, and what the WEF-ers are doing, by intentional design, or simply an outgrowth of their intrinsic evil.
Excellent info Clif, thank you.
Wholly by design.