Cancer is emotional... physical... karmic... and occasionally energetic ( like radiation poisoning).
The human immune system controls cancer until it collapses and a person develops symptoms. It is fueled by OJAS or the vital energy of life that is of two types. Para ojas and Apara ojas.
Everyone has cancer but some never develope symptoms.
The absolute cheapest and easiest way to controll stmptoms when it involves tumors is
Castor Oil pack with hot water bottle to penetrat the LOCATION.
This is universal and even Edgar Casey prescribed this. My website has lots of information about how to restore and maintain your immunity... OJAS.
Many of my clients and students asked me to help you the last time you were very sick..
I even joined Half past human ... to be able to offer you help but you were too sick to be able to recover by then... so we all offered life many times in ritual pujas durring eclipses and AUSPECIOUS times to dedicate for you... cliff...
I think the Indians in the Pacific north west also helped.
From an 'X' post by Natural Immunity FTW (NaturallyFTW) :
There’s a type of mushroom so POWERFUL that at the right dose – it can REVERSE stage 4 Cancer.
There are 3 human case reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals of CANCER REVERSAL w/this mushroom.
The mushroom is known by many names: Mesima, Black Hoof mushroom, or Phellinus Linteus.
P. Linteus has been shown to powerfully enhance Natural Killer cell activity (they seek out & kill cancer).
Also from Barbara O'Neill on X (regarding wormwood): "This plant kills 98% of cancer cells in just 16 hours. Wormwood has recently been found to help kill 98% of lung cancer cells, in just 16 hours. Moreover, epxeriements prove that wormwood has no negative effects on healthy lung cells. When during another experiment, scientists added iro to artemisinin and them attached it to lung tissue, mostly cancer-infected tissue, artemisinin affected the "Bad" cells while leaving the "healthy" cells untouched. - I seem to recall wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) contains contains compounds shown to have antiparasitic properties and is said to be ivermectin in plant form.
Also seen info on IP6 and cancer (makismd.substack). IP6 and Cancer the latest Research since 2020. IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate) is a carbohydrate abundant in cereals and legumes. Claimed to be on the few bioactive compounds, where people claim it cured their Stage 4 cancer.
I'm still pushing for someone to sell sweatshirts or tees, that say "I attend Clif High."
I know of Artemesia Officinalis that was used by farm families to kill gut parasites. My Mom would put a handful from the yard into a fifth of Southern Comfort. She let it sit a month or so to extract the components. She would give this to us several times a year..
Spring and Fall. My brother and I played in the dirt all the time, had dogs and gerbils and went barefoot in the grass. I stopped going barefoot when our town paper published that going barefoot was one way to acquire parasitic worms. In some parts of the world Artemesia is also called Mugwort.
FYI; I have now started to put a jar (about 1 cup) of my homemade Lactobacillus Yogurt into my homemade Sourdough bread every weekend and it is a delicious game changer! The texture is much softer and better tasting. I also spray the bread down in the oven about halfway through baking with water salted with kosher salt and it crisps up the bread crust. Give it a try sometime. Hugs! Go make something wonderful!
Cancer Therapies: Also have a look at Boswellia Sacra. It is studied and published. The high Alpha Pinene content has a particular affinity to tell the P-53 gene to down regulate production of cancer cells.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing Clif is Johnny on the spot. I was discussing this topic yesterday with a client who wife has cancer. AHHHHHHH!
This is great information even for us who want to just be our best selves!! Thank you so much for all you do, and to those who need this protocol because of cancer, I wish you the best.
I'm always interested in plant-based remedies for any and everything. However, dosages matter, as well as frequency and strengths. Which ingestion form is better: capsule, tea, fasts excluding all but remedy, associated accentuators to any supplement like zinc or Vit. C or D3, K2, etc. It may all rely on a trial and test method or high saturation, but your best guestimate would be helpful. Also, any overdosing risks or countraindicated combinations of herbs, etc. (Obviously, sugar and carbs may or may not help or may destroy efficacy of any nutrient.) Thank, Clif. As always, good info and much appreciated. Would you say your June high-intensity-emotional reaction was satisfied by the debate? A dictator really should to be able to mutter a coherent sentence!
The dosage by weight should be recorded out there for animal health look for how many syringe CCs per pound and you should be able to figure it out. My dad’s an old Nebraska Veterinarian and he recommends both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole as protocols. We are all mammals when you get down to the brass tacks, except maybe for the reptilians?!!!! (That was a joke…just saying.)
Ok, now that got me thinking about the “Eden/Firmament/Vapor Canopy enclosure on the Earth…What are the ideal conditions for a reptile enclosure?
A range of temperatures also helps with digestion, keeps their immune systems healthy, and increases the effectiveness of certain drugs. Tropical species generally prefer temperatures of 80°F to 100°F (27°C to 38°C) and temperate species prefer 68°F to 95°F (20°C to 35°C).
There's probably much info out there that will answer all your questions. I suggest using for searches, though. Any goog related engines will give you pages and pages of MSM crap before you get to good info- if at all. No doubt many other sources of anecdotal info from those who have used protocols themselves, such as:
where they compile case reports from individuals of what they used & how they used it & the types & stages of the cancer.
It should be enough that Clif does so much research himself & shares it, to give us a head start on how to find some of our own answers.
As to the extreme emotional tension building one day & releasing the next, that was for on or around 7/15 & 7/16. Last I heard, it still wasn't clear what event (or events) would be the cause. He did do a substack about it the other day, though.
June was to be when Hyper Novelty started whacking the normies upside the head, he'd thought around 6/15, but it started around 6/25. The debate seemed to be a pretty good "whack", from what've been seeing on twitter the past couple days, though.
Thank you for this information. I take 6 or 7 apricot kernels a day for years. There is a video where Mycologist Paul Stamets tells about turkey tail mushrooms curing his mother of brest cancer. Go to 7.30 mark at this link Take this product with chaga for best results. And of course DON'T SMOKE and NO SHOTS.
Might want to re-think your NO SMOKE. Tobacco is sacred herb; nicotine used by Native peoples for themselves & animals for many illnesses. More recently, new studies are showing it's very helpful for dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autism, other neurological issues. Not suggesting people start smoking cigarettes. There are probably no more than 1 or 2 brands out there that are chemical free tobacco, non-arsenic papers & who the hell even knows what's in filters. BUT organic tobacco & at least one brand (expensive, though) claims to be chemical free- American Spirit- has cigs & tob; hemp wraps available- for smokers who want to roll their own.
Most use low dose nicotine patches, 7mg) & achieve good results. Have also seen there are some people looking to find a way to use tobacco with vapes, without chemical additives. So, if they don't start screwing with the patches & adding harmful chemicals, there is at lest one way for many to get the benefits.
Personally, I'm not a fan of Ardis but he does have a website w/numerous studies; also, I believe NIH as well.
Nicotine just one more thing they've totally lied about, to cover their poisoning of literally everything that benefits humans & discourage using natural remedies to combat their toxic rampages.
Yes, I saw a couple of interviews with Dr Ardis and Mike Adams. Dr Ardis specifically said not to smoke nicotine but use gum (Lucy) and patches (2mg. Rugby patches}. Nicotine is indeed beneficial ( so is THC but that is for another day). Smoking is not the way to get nicotine.
I have never read Clif mention B17 or Laetrile. However speaking from experience it does work. Now that my cancer is gone I eat apricot kernels everyday as a preventative.
Seeds themselves are not necessarily bad. It's how they process them into basically motor oils & lubricants that makes them toxic to our systems, & fouls our brain functions. Many seeds are healthful, in moderation.
By the time you buy oil in a store it's already turning rancid. Get yourself a cheap cold press oil press and make your own fresh oil when you need it from seeds. Some oils go rancid in just 2 weeks. Most in 1 month. So by the time you buy it in the store it's already a month or more old. I have made my own for a long time.
Please tell. How's do you use the pits for consumption?.. smash them with a hammer?.. I'm being sarcastic of Of course their to hard for a blender/ grinder etc . How do you accomplish your strategy for consumption?.. 😀
M experience is that they're a bit to soft for grinding- clogged every type chopper & grinder I tried so far. I mash with mortar/pestle, for adding to doggo's food, just chew slowly for myself. Works fine.
Thank you Clif, I have been following you suggestions for awhile, like getting rid of seed oils. I got the BIGELOIL for pain relief, not sure if this is what you recommended but when I inquired what/where to get someone responded that this was the product you were referring to. Where can we get this Honokiol, and Fucoidans. IF anyone can answer this please do. I am not sure if I will get a notification via email or not.
Tractor Supply I am on the auto delivery. I paid 54.00 for the gallon and a quart size. It's a liquid, I was hoping more for a gel. I had to pour into a stainless steal spray bottle. It does work, but it's very temporary. Now if Clif can tell me how to fix a molar that is going bad. I have Sjogrens and it's really doing a # on my teeth.
Try swishing with Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Leave it in there for 10 minutes or more 2-3 x a day. I do it morning and evening after brushing my teeth. I gargle with it down the throat in small doses and suck the mist back into my lungs to clear congestion. I heard it helps with asthma, emphysema and COPD.
You are so right! I should have mentioned no stronger than <3% and less is better. I don't do this everyday, only recommended for a tooth infection, gingivitis issue and to help with sore throats once in awhile. Daily would be overkill and, yes, kill off the beneficial bacteria. I should slow down a bit before hitting the send button.:))Thx again!
Thanks, Clif! Grateful for your courage, for you keeping up the fight and sharing your journey and wisdom with us... with all honesty. Do the best I can to pass this information on to those in desperate need of it. Surprising to observe how resistant they are to this information nevertheless I will continue and we are embracing these protocols for ourselves going forward. May you continue to be blessed!
You're doing great work here Clif. I'm sure everyone on this site appreciates you and the work you're doing to help us in regards to cancer and all the other things we need to detox from. THANK YOU!!!!
Cancer is emotional... physical... karmic... and occasionally energetic ( like radiation poisoning).
The human immune system controls cancer until it collapses and a person develops symptoms. It is fueled by OJAS or the vital energy of life that is of two types. Para ojas and Apara ojas.
Everyone has cancer but some never develope symptoms.
The absolute cheapest and easiest way to controll stmptoms when it involves tumors is
Castor Oil pack with hot water bottle to penetrat the LOCATION.
This is universal and even Edgar Casey prescribed this. My website has lots of information about how to restore and maintain your immunity... OJAS.
55 51 995044876
Many of my clients and students asked me to help you the last time you were very sick..
I even joined Half past human ... to be able to offer you help but you were too sick to be able to recover by then... so we all offered life many times in ritual pujas durring eclipses and AUSPECIOUS times to dedicate for you... cliff...
I think the Indians in the Pacific north west also helped.
Im glad you are still around to help others.
The more information we have the better armed we are! Thank you.
It is all connected with vibrations.... The higher the better..
Your substack is? Thank you!
Thank you, kindly
Thanks Clif! My neighbors can thank you when they see me tearing strips off their trees.
''Humanity is about to be tested.......
Good morning Wooooo Crew and Clif aficionados! Love you all!
Morning, really afternoon now, we love you back. Times 3 :)
Awesome, thank you! Hugs!🤗
From an 'X' post by Natural Immunity FTW (NaturallyFTW) :
There’s a type of mushroom so POWERFUL that at the right dose – it can REVERSE stage 4 Cancer.
There are 3 human case reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals of CANCER REVERSAL w/this mushroom.
The mushroom is known by many names: Mesima, Black Hoof mushroom, or Phellinus Linteus.
P. Linteus has been shown to powerfully enhance Natural Killer cell activity (they seek out & kill cancer).
Also from Barbara O'Neill on X (regarding wormwood): "This plant kills 98% of cancer cells in just 16 hours. Wormwood has recently been found to help kill 98% of lung cancer cells, in just 16 hours. Moreover, epxeriements prove that wormwood has no negative effects on healthy lung cells. When during another experiment, scientists added iro to artemisinin and them attached it to lung tissue, mostly cancer-infected tissue, artemisinin affected the "Bad" cells while leaving the "healthy" cells untouched. - I seem to recall wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) contains contains compounds shown to have antiparasitic properties and is said to be ivermectin in plant form.
Also seen info on IP6 and cancer (makismd.substack). IP6 and Cancer the latest Research since 2020. IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate) is a carbohydrate abundant in cereals and legumes. Claimed to be on the few bioactive compounds, where people claim it cured their Stage 4 cancer.
I'm still pushing for someone to sell sweatshirts or tees, that say "I attend Clif High."
I know of Artemesia Officinalis that was used by farm families to kill gut parasites. My Mom would put a handful from the yard into a fifth of Southern Comfort. She let it sit a month or so to extract the components. She would give this to us several times a year..
Spring and Fall. My brother and I played in the dirt all the time, had dogs and gerbils and went barefoot in the grass. I stopped going barefoot when our town paper published that going barefoot was one way to acquire parasitic worms. In some parts of the world Artemesia is also called Mugwort.
Good stuff, thx!
Thanks for your info. I'll be adding Wormwood to my supplement shopping list.
I have a garden that got takin over with mugwort.
FYI; I have now started to put a jar (about 1 cup) of my homemade Lactobacillus Yogurt into my homemade Sourdough bread every weekend and it is a delicious game changer! The texture is much softer and better tasting. I also spray the bread down in the oven about halfway through baking with water salted with kosher salt and it crisps up the bread crust. Give it a try sometime. Hugs! Go make something wonderful!
Cancer Therapies: Also have a look at Boswellia Sacra. It is studied and published. The high Alpha Pinene content has a particular affinity to tell the P-53 gene to down regulate production of cancer cells.
I bring this into Canada for my practitioners.
Thank you so much Clif, for all you do and have done for humanity.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing Clif is Johnny on the spot. I was discussing this topic yesterday with a client who wife has cancer. AHHHHHHH!
Thank Clif.
Oops I forgot the stinking s. Don't tell the Grammer police. They'll lock me up for sure. How em beariskin
This is great information even for us who want to just be our best selves!! Thank you so much for all you do, and to those who need this protocol because of cancer, I wish you the best.
I'm always interested in plant-based remedies for any and everything. However, dosages matter, as well as frequency and strengths. Which ingestion form is better: capsule, tea, fasts excluding all but remedy, associated accentuators to any supplement like zinc or Vit. C or D3, K2, etc. It may all rely on a trial and test method or high saturation, but your best guestimate would be helpful. Also, any overdosing risks or countraindicated combinations of herbs, etc. (Obviously, sugar and carbs may or may not help or may destroy efficacy of any nutrient.) Thank, Clif. As always, good info and much appreciated. Would you say your June high-intensity-emotional reaction was satisfied by the debate? A dictator really should to be able to mutter a coherent sentence!
The dosage by weight should be recorded out there for animal health look for how many syringe CCs per pound and you should be able to figure it out. My dad’s an old Nebraska Veterinarian and he recommends both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole as protocols. We are all mammals when you get down to the brass tacks, except maybe for the reptilians?!!!! (That was a joke…just saying.)
Yeah, it’s good for reptiles too.
Reptile Formulary
Doses for snakes and lizards range from 200-400 micrograms/kg IM and repeated in 2 weeks (
. Will kill nematodes and may be effective against ticks and mites.
Jul 22, 2021 — The typical dosage varies between 50 mg/kg (for younger animals) and 100 mg/kg (for larger reptiles (
). Fenbendazole for Bearded Dragons.
Ok, now that got me thinking about the “Eden/Firmament/Vapor Canopy enclosure on the Earth…What are the ideal conditions for a reptile enclosure?
A range of temperatures also helps with digestion, keeps their immune systems healthy, and increases the effectiveness of certain drugs. Tropical species generally prefer temperatures of 80°F to 100°F (27°C to 38°C) and temperate species prefer 68°F to 95°F (20°C to 35°C).
This might explain a whole lot of things. 😎😘😍🥰👆💣💯
There's probably much info out there that will answer all your questions. I suggest using for searches, though. Any goog related engines will give you pages and pages of MSM crap before you get to good info- if at all. No doubt many other sources of anecdotal info from those who have used protocols themselves, such as:
where they compile case reports from individuals of what they used & how they used it & the types & stages of the cancer.
It should be enough that Clif does so much research himself & shares it, to give us a head start on how to find some of our own answers.
As to the extreme emotional tension building one day & releasing the next, that was for on or around 7/15 & 7/16. Last I heard, it still wasn't clear what event (or events) would be the cause. He did do a substack about it the other day, though.
June was to be when Hyper Novelty started whacking the normies upside the head, he'd thought around 6/15, but it started around 6/25. The debate seemed to be a pretty good "whack", from what've been seeing on twitter the past couple days, though.
Thank you for this information. I take 6 or 7 apricot kernels a day for years. There is a video where Mycologist Paul Stamets tells about turkey tail mushrooms curing his mother of brest cancer. Go to 7.30 mark at this link Take this product with chaga for best results. And of course DON'T SMOKE and NO SHOTS.
Might want to re-think your NO SMOKE. Tobacco is sacred herb; nicotine used by Native peoples for themselves & animals for many illnesses. More recently, new studies are showing it's very helpful for dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autism, other neurological issues. Not suggesting people start smoking cigarettes. There are probably no more than 1 or 2 brands out there that are chemical free tobacco, non-arsenic papers & who the hell even knows what's in filters. BUT organic tobacco & at least one brand (expensive, though) claims to be chemical free- American Spirit- has cigs & tob; hemp wraps available- for smokers who want to roll their own.
Most use low dose nicotine patches, 7mg) & achieve good results. Have also seen there are some people looking to find a way to use tobacco with vapes, without chemical additives. So, if they don't start screwing with the patches & adding harmful chemicals, there is at lest one way for many to get the benefits.
Personally, I'm not a fan of Ardis but he does have a website w/numerous studies; also, I believe NIH as well.
Nicotine just one more thing they've totally lied about, to cover their poisoning of literally everything that benefits humans & discourage using natural remedies to combat their toxic rampages.
Yes, I saw a couple of interviews with Dr Ardis and Mike Adams. Dr Ardis specifically said not to smoke nicotine but use gum (Lucy) and patches (2mg. Rugby patches}. Nicotine is indeed beneficial ( so is THC but that is for another day). Smoking is not the way to get nicotine.
Do no harm
I have loads of chaga from way back when… Suspect it keeps fine as dried…?
I use Micro Ingredients from Amazon. It is soluble in coffee. Clif must use another brand since he likes to chew his chaga.
Thank you Cliff. What about B17 from apricot pits? I know it is a seed so does that make it bad?
I have never read Clif mention B17 or Laetrile. However speaking from experience it does work. Now that my cancer is gone I eat apricot kernels everyday as a preventative.
Seeds themselves are not necessarily bad. It's how they process them into basically motor oils & lubricants that makes them toxic to our systems, & fouls our brain functions. Many seeds are healthful, in moderation.
By the time you buy oil in a store it's already turning rancid. Get yourself a cheap cold press oil press and make your own fresh oil when you need it from seeds. Some oils go rancid in just 2 weeks. Most in 1 month. So by the time you buy it in the store it's already a month or more old. I have made my own for a long time.
"they" pulled B17 off the market on purpose, knowing it helps with degrading cancer. BASSARDS.. 🥹
I was going to mention that but thought it might come under the low hanging fruit category. I eat a dozen a day just as a precaution.
Please tell. How's do you use the pits for consumption?.. smash them with a hammer?.. I'm being sarcastic of Of course their to hard for a blender/ grinder etc . How do you accomplish your strategy for consumption?.. 😀
You can buy the seeds inside the pits, they look like almonds, and are bitter to the taste. I eat 20 per day since defeating cancer with B17 pills.
Buy them online ready to eat. But make sure to get the bitter ones which contain more of the active ingredient.
Linda soak the seeds in distilled water to plump and soften them. It's much easier to chew them. It works!
M experience is that they're a bit to soft for grinding- clogged every type chopper & grinder I tried so far. I mash with mortar/pestle, for adding to doggo's food, just chew slowly for myself. Works fine.
You can buy the pits already released from the shell. Saves time and less work.
Thanks Clif, so glad you came back to share these important things with us.
Thank you Clif, I have been following you suggestions for awhile, like getting rid of seed oils. I got the BIGELOIL for pain relief, not sure if this is what you recommended but when I inquired what/where to get someone responded that this was the product you were referring to. Where can we get this Honokiol, and Fucoidans. IF anyone can answer this please do. I am not sure if I will get a notification via email or not.
Oops. Wasn't is my friend! This one looks good.
Me too! Or if we can't order, I have magnolias galore in muggy Georgia, just need to know how to process!
Just go carnivore and Stop spending money on this shit....beef contains Everything u need to stay healthy. Not Expensive hopium
No need to be rude and btw I am Carnivore and have been since Oct and it cured my RA.
It will cure and reverse many, many things and congratulations on your Arthritis reversal.
AND it's from a local farmer!
I agree, Jill. I started carnivore a year ago and so many issues have cleared up. I wouldn't go back...
Where did you get the Bigeloil from please? Best source and price? Online or Tractor Supply?
Tractor Supply I am on the auto delivery. I paid 54.00 for the gallon and a quart size. It's a liquid, I was hoping more for a gel. I had to pour into a stainless steal spray bottle. It does work, but it's very temporary. Now if Clif can tell me how to fix a molar that is going bad. I have Sjogrens and it's really doing a # on my teeth.
Swish with coconut oil daily or 2x a day, and it should help . It also gets rid of smaller cavities. I am living proof of this. Good luck!
I have tried that and I gag on it. Thank you for the suggestion.
Try swishing with Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Leave it in there for 10 minutes or more 2-3 x a day. I do it morning and evening after brushing my teeth. I gargle with it down the throat in small doses and suck the mist back into my lungs to clear congestion. I heard it helps with asthma, emphysema and COPD.
You are so right! I should have mentioned no stronger than <3% and less is better. I don't do this everyday, only recommended for a tooth infection, gingivitis issue and to help with sore throats once in awhile. Daily would be overkill and, yes, kill off the beneficial bacteria. I should slow down a bit before hitting the send button.:))Thx again!
Thanks great idea! I certainly will try better than losing the molar.
Oil pulling ¡!!!!!!!!! Your welcome
Thanks, Clif! Grateful for your courage, for you keeping up the fight and sharing your journey and wisdom with us... with all honesty. Do the best I can to pass this information on to those in desperate need of it. Surprising to observe how resistant they are to this information nevertheless I will continue and we are embracing these protocols for ourselves going forward. May you continue to be blessed!
You're doing great work here Clif. I'm sure everyone on this site appreciates you and the work you're doing to help us in regards to cancer and all the other things we need to detox from. THANK YOU!!!!