So many people on here that think they are sooooo much smarter when than Clif . If you don’t like what he’s posting .. go play with your toys 🧸

I’m interested in what he has to say.

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We are interested in what Clif says, too. Are we not allowed to critique his efforts when we notice he's wrong?

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Respectfully, here's the difference - People come here to listen to what Clif has to say, whereas nobody here knows YOU, follows YOU, nor particularly cares about what YOU have to say regarding YOUR PERSONAL OPINION of Clif's work. Unless you are sharing actual information, data, sources, resources, etc that either supports or opposes what Clif is sharing, and in this way is *additive* to the conversation, whether for or against, your personal dismissal of Clif and his work is not just meaningless to the rest of us - it is actually offensive. Does that help?

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If clif cannot handle the flack that's clif's problem. We should all be critical of clif as he is a critcal thinker. So are we.. He erred on the sugar in the air will shut down a gen set. I worked for Gardner-Denver and I know. I stated this.

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I don't know, but I doubt Clif spends enough time reading troll comments to feel any flack from them whatsoever! Your "expert" *opinion* that powdered sugar won't caramelize a generator is interesting to consider, but does not give me enough information to evaluate the truth of it one way or the other. As you state, we should all always be critical - as in critical thinkers. There's no critical thinking involved in unsubstantiated negative *opinions* or emotive and childish name-calling. That kind of comment is just offensive to anyone investing their time here exploring new ideas.

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Bryn it does not caramelize a generator it does it to the internal combustion engine powering the genset. I never called names. I do not troll clif. I do call out his errors that I know. I do not use opinions.

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I didn't catch Clif's comment on your flak. What did he say?

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deletedSep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023
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Mine wasn't. Fortunately I had an uncle that taught me a load of practical stuff.

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Perhaps you simply do not understand the words he is using, got DICTIONARY?

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Most of us would put "a" between got and dictionary. I have two Webster's Encyclopedia of the English language and Black's Law 6th edition. I comprehend the words. clif was just wrong about air intake. He left out air intake filter in his lecture.

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got DICTIONARY = got MILK. Perhaps my reference was too vague for you. Having and using a dictionary are not the same thing. When reply with some complaint being VERY specific with your comment is necessary or your thinking becomes a generality in the minds of others.

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Well said for many of us here.

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Well Done!

Thank You...

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But I don't want anyone to 'follow' me and I'm curious as to why you are under the impression that would form some sort of currency. You seem rather offended that people qre pointing out that Clif's track record isn't terribly good. Why should that be the case?

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Buttercup, Clif doesn't need anyone to defend him, his work, or his opinions.... You don't have to like or agree with anything he says. No one has any interest in changing your views. Your views are personal and do not need to be shared, because without actual content they have no value to anyone other than yourself. Equally, if your only contribution here is to shout out your personal opinion that Clif is in error, without any supporting argument or data or even original ideas to back up your words, you come off as a childish bully throwing rocks at people to get attention rather than as a critically thinking adult. The rocks you are throwing imply that no one else here can or should independently analyze and consider what Clif shares..... forgive me, this attitude comes off as florid narcissism and is unbelievably offensive to the entire "audience" here that might be reading the comments section. Notice I am calling out the behavior, not the person... I do not suffer bullies.

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These people are wholy unable to think for themselves and consider any sort of criticism to be a literal stab to Clif's heart, as though he expects us to take what he says as gospel - which I believe many do.

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you're still a douchebag phagette - change my mind

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

They find comfort in Clif (I do too sometimes as I find the driving/ talking vaguely calming) and you're destroying that serenity.

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Because u say he’s wrong, he’s wrong. - unlikely. Lmao. Most ppl listen to Clif with open mind, but you have to really open your mind up . I think he has a lot of knowledge and experience, DO YOU. He knows ppl that you will never know, he’s had experiences you will never have. Case and point.

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no case, no point. Many people in here are in tune with predictions that are right and carefully said. Clif just say's whatever, it never happens, and clif keeps going. If you can't see that, then your just some sheep follower, and you probably like flat earth and space aliens are going to save you.

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Scott What r u talking about, read my comment and then think about it. As to Garth I guess you have a sore spot. Lol.

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023

"He knows people" funny. Not anymore --- he doesn't anymore.

He spills all this out on his own now, never refers to ANYONE else. prove me

wrong. He reads everything online and makes shit up pretty much.

Take someone like Max Igan.... He speculates but doesn't predict. He puts out

a nice logical narrative. Clif is fucking weird half the time. If you don't see that, You will eventually. People like David Wilcock are on the same path, not good. The more he talks about space aliens, the less I like him, to the point that its fucking annoying now. If you talk about flat earth, people like me will disown you, space aliens is the same bat shit brain content. again, he ate jelly beans, went on a trip, and now he's the alien guy. fuck that mentality, really.. fuck it. I need to piss off a few more people and then leave for good :)

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You're entitled to your opinion. We're entitled to ours. If you disagree so much, why are you here? Just to grouse and yell "he's wrong! he's wrong"? We aren't interested and will ignore you unless you offer factual data to support your assertions. If you think to damage, denigrate and discourage Clif's adherents, fans, followers, et al., we will definitely ignore you.

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It is my open mind which allows me to discern and to notice what you apparently cannot.

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It does beg the question? How do "you" deduce he is wrong? I have followed Clif for many (MANY) years, I'm also an avid researcher and I have to say unequivocally Clif has been right more times than he's been wrong.

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I suppose that up to this point he has not be 'right', in that he hasn't been correct. You are not the only one who has followed what he's published for years and instead of asking me the question you did, perhaps ask why the other cultists became so utterly rabid when one of us dares to voice an opinion on his work which doesn't suit them.

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You seem to want a personal conversation or debate or perhaps an education and all without working for any of that. Are you a socialist or a communist?

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Tell me about it- just proves how totally ignorant they really are. If they had a brain in their damn head & were actually able to use it, they probably wouldn't make stupido comments and thus expose their ignorance.

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How is it ignorant to pass comment about Clif's shitty track record?

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LOL Clif. You have been wrong on every prediction date.

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He's been off occasionally, but I can't imagine it's easy to do what he does. Can you do better?

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Maybe I can get one out of a hundred right, which would beat Clif. I like Clif and agree with his point of view on many, but not all subjects. Clif likes to make date predictions and proceed to ignore them when he is wrong. When he starts owning up to that, I'll stop criticizing him. Would be best if he stopped the BS.

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Well,Mr. Truth, may I suggest you start your own podcast and try it sometime!

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Why qre you upset that someone is pointing out that Clif's predictions are not taking place? It's perfectly acceptable to do so, unless you're a blind sycophant.

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The fan base herein is really good humoured but highly susceptible methinks. I like Cliff a great deal as he exudes neighbourly bonhomie and perhaps that is just what Americans need sorely.

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I'm not convinced they qre that good humoured.

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I suggest you let clif deal with his issues. when one prognosticates incorrectly, they should get heat and lots of it.

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I think I could do equal. I stick to facts on paper and statistics, still, no one knows the future. I wouldn't say people are going to die from the vaccine and then look stupid when they didnt, stuff like that I would not screw up on. Also all money predictions he does never were right. the bankers control the money and just as he says here the AI can't adjust to unknown adjustments, you can't predict what will happen tomorrow that will change the bankers to ..try or not try.. their next money manipulation. I can say for sure.. don't take his money advise if he can't predict the future of money (which he cant).

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Well, he seems to have done pretty well when BTC came around, didn't he?

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I haven't known Cliff before the Covid scam came around. but 3 years ago he was, buy buy buy.. and nothing happened. he said by end of year 2020? it would go to 100. Wrong again. It went up to 30, now down to 27.. I see nothing here.. I think you think he's a god, but I can prove he's WRONG.

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Tens of millions of people HAVE died from the vaXXX. If you're saying they haven't, you actually DO look stupid.

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I will correct you....10's of millions have NOW died.. OF 8 Billion.

What's that percentage? He was wrong.

2 1/2 years ago, clif said we would have jobs gathering the dead bodies in the street. NOPE. I know about 1000 people. 3 that died from the vaccine or cancer re-occurring that killed them

I DIDN'T NEED A CART TO TAKE THEM TO THE MORGUE. I have a good memory, I'll write up a list of things he's wrong about and when I post it, maybe you will wake up. He is nothing more than Entertainment

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If he would just stop the space aliens i would be happy. Speculation is fun to listen to, and I'll admit as he's a programmer, he has good info on AI which.... I really loved this audio today. Just because he ate some shrooms and saw the Jelly- bean people doesn't mean they are coming on planet x to save us. Ridiculous. As far as I'm concerned, opening your third eye in a "trip" could almost be allowing some demonic force to give everyone a false vision just to make you forget religion. That's just as plausible as religion is. I'd believe religion before smoking DMT and telling people what the fabric of life is all about.

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Clif should state the proofs for all this talk with Reiner Fulmich

Nice fantasies

Its easy to talk about topics thousand of years old ! . There is no one alive who can refute No history at all

When we are all still trying to find out the truth of the moon landings ,the Trump election ,

and are clueless about our recent past in THIS century !

I think Clif should stick to His Main expertise

which is using the Internet as a type of tarot reading !

And just because he had some success in this,

it does not Qualify him to talk unschooled and without a shred of proof

on so many ancient fuzzy history topics And with such misplaced conviction!

I strangely wonder why the readers gobble up everything he proclaims about his long acid trips

hook line and sinker! [show less]

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Well, you are surmising that those of us who listen to Clif believe he knows all. I don’t believe that whatsoever.

There is no hook, line & sinker gullibility in my listening.

I agree with you that there are many topics Clif discusses that are quite possibly IMPOSSIBLE to dialogue about.. no proof.. just archaic manuscripts that could be fairy tales.

But.. this is Clif’s substack. This is what HE chooses to share. It’s what HE’s interested in!

This is not a college course with a scheduled curriculum that professor Clif must follow or else he’s going to upset the Karen’s of the PTA .

I’m fully aware that Clif is schizophrenic. He’s used mind altering substances and it’s possible ( not likely) he’s full blown bonkers.

Why are all you dudes in here assuming the rest of us are mentally deficient?

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I thank you for you response

That being said ,What distresses me is Clifs denial of Love and God in this universe, listen to the interview he had with Reiner Fulmich where he admits this !

He believes in an Insect ! the world being run by a BUG a BUG !

he actually denies the bible being inspired by God !

He denies ALL the Thousands of NDE that are available that INSIST the god is the source of all goodness and all LOVE

he is stuck in his trip to hell which was realy a suicide attempt

don't get me wrong I love Clif !

But he Must be reined in he is like

like a steed galloping all over trampling all that is good

and all the Sheeple follow along becoming a blind following amen corner group to all his mad proclamations !

Yes I do think he on to something with his computer scrapings .

he himself likened it to Remote viewing and to Tarot reading

But how does that give a license to make proclamations on topic he know nothing about?

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Well said.

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He’s not here to make you happy.

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"Jelly-bean people?" My ears (eyes?) perked up because I've seen a jelly-bean person. Looked like an Oscar trophy made out of a blue gummy bear with short gold wings and some light from within the center of his chest, as if a diamond were on a slow turntable and giving off occasional flashes of different colors of light. Oh wait, maybe you meant people Clif saw because of the Jelly-beans. Never mind, but I'll still post because I can't be the only one who's seen these guys. I wish other people would pipe up about it.

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I was referring to a typical trip of smoking DMT, you usually pop into a room and these mechanical jelly beans are overjoyed to meet you. Of course DMT is in Mushrooms which is what Clif did to trip to his space aliens, which he claims is how he knows they are real. Ugh..

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Well, it is a prediction afterall. How often have so-called meterologists been right on predicting weather, etc? These things change on a faily basis and hourly. Life is not static. So, maybe, at the point in time of his post, that is what it is. Then an hour or day later, life changes and skews the data...I imagine this is possible. I am not lambasting anyone for opinions, but it helps to understand everything is pretty fluid in the grand scheme of things.

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I can do about the same. Occasionally is not the word. Mostly. I can add more. Covid Deaths (tsunami), Everything falling apart, No... "We'll be picking up bodies in the streets"..NO.. I bought bitcoin using 1/4 of his recommendation (and following others).. Nope. lost money. Silver? Anyone that knows silver knows that the bankers control the price. Wrong again. We need a collapse for any of that to even be possible. They may NEVER collapse it !.. Imagine the Kazars give up, and decide to float the system they have.. manipulate the dollar, drag it out, try for CDBC, Fail, Dollar still exists, now its 2027 and Cliff will have predicted the end 6 times. Most he predicts has not occurred. His Summer CRASH, he did a video with Man in America. ALL WRONG. I could go on forever, I have semi - photographic memory with what I hear. I could make a list of 25 things off the top of my head right now. I don't want to effect Clif's channel, so I will only comment in Replies, but that is an easy list to make. On the other column of that paper I would write what Clif was right about. That would be a SHORT LIST.

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Then do it ! Get to it! Why you over here on Clif’s substack trying to drag your dick on it. ?

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Again, why shouldn't people who have noticed Clif's massive mistakes pass comment about that? Do you prefer to live in a echo chamber fantasy world?

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Clif has NEVER declared himself to be a prophet. Not once! Not Ever.

He has often stated “ in my opinion “ this is what he can gather according to the information and insight he has at that given time.

People just love to assume that they can do better. If they can then go do it. But they don’t.

It’s the same personality type: all talk. No action. ! Blah blah blah

If they are Clif’s Equal or superior.. then they can prove it.

Start writing their own substack or get a bitchute channel and show me ( and the rest of us ) what cha got.

Till then.. it’s nothing but idiotic nonsense and they’re talking out their ass!

Clif doesn’t pay any attention to the chat here. ( probably to avoid discovering how many of his listeners are smug toddlers)

He’s too busy reading Sanskrit and forty elevendy other languages, sharing the information he has at the moment.

That’s why! Nuff said !

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You're a grown adult that just wrote "forty elevendy". I don't need a lecture from anyone with that base level of intelligence.

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Y'all are so ungrateful. He does all this work for free. If you don't like, take it up with management.

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That is what people who post comments saying Clif has a terrible track record are doing.

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Soooo.... WHY do you keep listening? And don't give me the cop-out excuse that it's for "entertainment".

I quit listening to his podcasts a few months ago and won't be listening to this one, but this video was posted in another group and I was curious so I came here to see what's going on in the comments.

If you don't like his content, then you're not real bright for continuing to listen to it.

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The only reason I'm in here is because I got an email that wasn't blocked. Ok ? Is that OK? I need your approval. I also wanted to troll on space aliens bullshit for a while before I leave

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No, they can’t.

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Exactly. Everyone is a critic but I'd like to see them spend years writing a highly sophisticated linguistics algorithm to mine the internet for future data.

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The point being made is that future data is... very off.

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Yes, thanks, I'm aware. However, I am trying to point out that Clif is offering us a gift, freely, that has benefited countless people. I'd the data is off, adjust, and move on. He can only work within the confines of the program and the data it produces. He's not psychic as far as I know.

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Stay true to purpose as is what cliff does

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I like listening to predictions, its fun. I have good memory. Money crash, Bitcoin up-ramps, Silver-tard talk, etc. All Wrong by Cliffy. This Space Aliens HORSE-SHIT has me wanting to not hear another fucking word from him. Cliffy does not know that people don't give a SHIT about space aliens anymore. They ain't coming to save shit, it will all be just as it was all along, mostly USA false flag blue beam Hype. USA won't even use blue beam anymore, Everyone knows about it, and their fuck ups like MAUI Dew weapon FAKE Climate Change is so simple to see now to even the avg Normie. Truth is (to all clif-tards) No- One can predict the future. If I hear 1-2 more space alien horse-shit rants, I'm done with this fucker, And I was a BIG fan for a LONG time.

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Pray tell- WHO is holding a gun to your head (or JustTruth's or Randy L R's, for that matter) and forcing y'all to listen to or watch a single thing CH posts? Y'all are a bunch of 'tards if you can't regulate your own habits as to what you listen to, or believe. Then sit and whine, bitch & moan, & criticize when you don't hear what you want- like a bunch of fucking tit-babies who's spoon-feeding & baba is overdue. You add ZERO useful info to the discourse, or plausible other ideas or options. Selfish, jealous or just ignorant? Not that it matters. Suggestion: maybe waste your time on watching the Jean Fraud & Scamnine grift crew, seems like some crap that might be more to your liking, don't have to think past your ass (they prefer it that way), just let 'em spell cast you into whatever their latest grift is. Bet you all listen & watch on your "S.M.A.R.T." (mind-kontrol) devises.

GEEZ! Some people's fucking kids!... need a good smack!

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WHY must Clif's audience be entirely made up of sychophants like you?

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Tia Loca.. you are amusing, that's about it.

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Well, ppl don't give a fk about ANYTHING these day's ffs....Just take look around!

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I think we all need to understand that almost every freedom speaker it’s nothing else than info warfare asset. The more sophisticated the individual is, the higher probability it’s a pickle asset. I like some of Cliff teachings, it’s up to us to select what’s valuable. But I have a very strong feeling that Cliff it’s working very hard to confuse as panic, together with his RV friends.

And that’s a very dangerous game.

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Then go! I’m blocking you! Ugh

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Don't forget to block me.

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Me also... first the ai was impossible then my mememe opinion etc ... and now whats with the title???..

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Clff called the collapse of Bitconnect within a week, back in Dec. 2017. I miss crypto Clif.

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Why are you here ?hahahahahahahaha haha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha

Omgahd, haha 😂 I’m dying from how hilariously hilarious you are!

Stop 🛑 Stop. I can’t .... breathe .. help help . You’re so Funny 😂 🥳🥳🙃🙃💥

Too funny! Omgahd Please Stop 🛑! I’m begging you to stop 🛑

Haha 😂 hahaha 🤣

You sew phunny me laugh ronnnnng time!


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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023

Ewww, you are weird.. If you don't believe me, re-read what you wrote. :)

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Yes but there's always a scientific reason ;-)

Still, if there are any perfect sources I'd love to know.

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The world is not ending perpetually a la Clif

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He never said it is

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Wu to you too.

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I follow Clif because he was the first one to make an accurate prediction that I knew of at the time. It was about Germany's interest rate going up a specific amount on a specific date. Clif was spot on.

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Time is an illusion. There is only NOW - period. Who cares about identifying a specific date? What, you want to make plans and the deposit is non-refundable?

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THANK YOU!! He has some interesting viewpoints but it seems his followers view him as a god who can do no wrong, but he’s just a man who’s wrong a lot, and should be taken with not just a grain of salt, but a mountain of salt. He doesn’t even give sources or explanations for a lot of what I’ve read. He just declares something as truth and his followers eat it up. I guess it shows how lost people are that they’ll hold onto anything that gives them hope for some security in this crazy world.

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And how many predictions did you get right??

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@JustTruth (you can always tell a Leftist by their navel-gazing screen names) Then why are you here?

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Anything but a leftist. Your ignorance is breathtaking. Go take another red pill.

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Clif. Nothing cost more to the environment than WAR. Think of all energy to build the war machines and fuel to fight a war . Plus most important the lives lost. If they vote to fund war they are not environmentalist. I call BS on the DoD and NATO! No to Green New Deal BS

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As a retired Computer Developer I can attest that there will always be an unknown that was not considered. It takes many many trials to find bugs in a system. Using AI on a grand scale to execute a large world wide war has never been done in our current time. It would take major testing to find the bugs. Mini tests may have been done but like any pilot tests, it never works that same after rolling out on a bigger scale.

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I'm a retired IT quality assurance tester. Absolutely right on.

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You just told the ai. As if the military was actually using the civilian version of chatgpt! You believe what they published to confort your biais?!

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I'm a retired IT architect and project manager, and I too can attest to the accuracy in what Clif has said about rolling out AI.

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I agree also. AI can only do what it is programed to do, sometimes there are surprises it can't predict and sometimes the programs are just fucked. AI is just as smart as its programmer and they will make mistakes, the idea that AI is going to take over the world seems ridiculous.

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Rest assured that major testing has been in continuous progress for many years already. Remember "mastering the human domain" in the "Jade Helm" exercises in 2015?

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As always--thank you, Clif! I had decided not to listen to Nino's guest talking about the threat of AI because it's just depressing and out of my control. Thank you for clearing up our thinking on this matter!

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Dates are always subject to change for a million reasons.

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It doesn't take much to get Nino whipped up. For sure he could kick my ass, but he's really a wuss when it comes to current events. A black-piller.

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Agree. I refuse to listen to him. He may have been a fighter but he sure acts like a weak entitled toddler now.

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I started with BASIC, too slow, went straight to machine code. Been programming computers for 40 years. They are never going to become self aware. The concept is ridiculous.

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee, Stay Awesome, We're Going to test that, God Bless

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Thank You Clif, for All that you do.

I Appreciate and Admire your Perspectives and Depth...

Do we have a Bot problem in this chat or just incorrigible arrogance?

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Folks need to chill a bit for sure, maybe had a bad day and all. Peace ✌🏼 yin Yang ☯️

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Do not speak "on a recorded line" and if you do, do not say "yes" or "no". Find another way to answer. Your recorded voice is for sale and there IS a market for it, especially if your name comes up on someone's screen. There is an entire package about you that can be sold without your knowledge.

Just go through life and don't believe anything...trust yourself and your next move. Keep things as simple as possible and know that you are loved, no matter how rotten you are or have been.

There is a way back to the supple stream if you aren't evil.

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Dates are always subject to change for a million reasons.

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Yeah when I’m not woo I dig some grass with Sather cuz he be debunking all these Nino types. Clif still keeping it real though through the information war ! Thanks

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Did Neil Ferguson use AI in his insane computer model predicting the effects of 'Covid"?

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You gotta love Clif.

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I've heard about sugar in the gas tank, but I've never thought about powdered sugar going in the air intake. Nice.

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