Its like Clifmas, two podcats in one day? I LOVE IT!! Sincere Thank You!

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“Clifmas” THATS THE BOMB!!!

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Bis bis! We love Clif :)

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The boomer audio fits so well. HAHA. I love it!

s'cuse me while I snicker a tad, with love.

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thanks for thinking of us during your road trip! Appreciate you!

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Cliffy!!! Good to hear from you boss man!!!

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My heavens, Clif's audience certainly are a bunch of whinging old coots. Turn your device and hearing aids up, you stupid fart bags - this content is what is known by the rest of the population as 'free', so you can all shut up and fuck off or suck it up and cope.

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C’mon be kinder. I am a 72 years old Grandmother and I heard it just fine. Maybe those other folks are just whiners , no need to cuss at em.

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Good Point Grandma...

I'm 70 and picked up all of Clif's dialog. It is interesting how quickly the Chat got derailed and totally Off Topic so easily. It's one thing to identify a problem, flinging crap is not the solution here...

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I’m substantially Deaf, and with earbuds in set on loud, could hear it ok. Bob. 👍🙂

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Ha! You tell em.

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That is uncalled for. As a long time reader, watcher of clifs's work, it is absolutely appropriate to comment when there is a sound quality issue. This is something he can do something about if he knows there is a problem. Different mic or wind cover, for example.

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It's free content. If you don't like it, make your own.

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So you are suggesting I copy clifs content, rerecord it, and publish it? Let me point out listening is free, but the content copyright belongs to clif. If there is a sound quality problem, which numerous people have commented on, I would expect clif would like to correct it. I don' think and of us are trying to do anything but help in this case, except, apparently, you who wants us to be quiet and not tell clif.

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Of course not, just make your own content and stop bitching about other people's. That's pretty obvious to anyone who isn't an entitled boomer.

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Feel free to slide my ball sack into your mouth and suck, you human garbage bin.

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I guess you don't know what 'content' even is, boomer. 'Content' is media.

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You seem to have no problem bitching at other people's content/comments and being obtuse to the reason of those comments. Clif could always do like other posters have done and have no comments. The fact he never has done that indicates he is open to hearing from us even though not every comment will be positive. Clif, as someone who has worked with trends and emotional tone on the internet for decades has used what he gleans to valuable end. Learning that he has a sound quality problem and gets immediate feedback is not going to upset him.

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Also, a couple of years ago Clif had all sorts of audio problems because he kept turning away from the mike to write on his whiteboard. He received a lot of feedback on this problem and he fixed it. I think the same thing is happening here. He is driving and as he swivels his head at, say, an intersection, he keeps talking but is not longer pointed at the mike.

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Maybe I'm sick of all the cunty entitlement from them.

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I kindly suggest either taking a Chill Pill, or go take a long walk on a short pier over nice cold water m given the one bitching and whining appears to be You.

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I kindly suggest you rrsd through the comments and figure out that I'm merely replying to hysterical karens going off because I told them to stop complaining about free content. If you can't bring yourself to grasp that I'm simply messing around with absolute cunts who went on the attack like rabid fucking banshees, I guess you're just one of them.

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Isn’t it great when someone shitz in your cornflakes, and you just can’t wait too let them have it, Especially when the Culprit can’t really let you in on the stupidity of their ignorance, and why it is…what a sad fuckin world we live in really.

Hope your cornflakes get fresh milk tomorrow 🌹

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Seems like you should go back to your friends on Twitter and take your negative language and attitude with you. Most of us are here to get some intelligent information along with a splash of common sense and in the process maybe have some pleasant interaction with like minded people, and all in a positive, non threatening environment. You sir, are a coward and a bully, leave us alone and go somewhere where you might be appreciated, Oh, maybe apply for a job as a Troll, Bot or something equally useless. Or you could just be kind and civil, give some sensible input and make some friends here????

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fuck you

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You're having quite the reaction to being told to stop complaining about free content. What a sense of entitlement you must have.

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How many times a day do you get told that you're a dick?

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Assholes like Garth is why Cliff turns of comments...

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Keep complaining, karen.

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You're drunk. You've had about 1/5 of Grandad.

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It's a tech issue. It's called user feedback.

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When the users pay for the service, they can provide their bitchy 'feedback.

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Shut up, Garth

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As officially an old fart plus 4, that was over the top and not called for imho, and Clif also happens to be an “Old Coot” So Show Some Respect. 😡

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Fuck no. Respect is earned and most of you deserve a good slap.

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Well you sure haven’t earned any, and you clearly don’t know what Respect even is, not even having any Self Respect either. Now blocking you from my email

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I do not desire you respect and this isn't email.

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Aha! You must be British. The only time I ever hear the word "whinging" is when Ricky Gervais is getting fed up with Karl Pilkington's complaints!

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Speakers on max. Maybe not the best. Rudeness is unnecessary.

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I laughed so hard at this! I was complaining too but this made my day. 😅 Fart bgs 🤣🤣🤣

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I did have to plug it into my home stereo p.a.and turn it up..no problem with that

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Clif apologized for the sound quality issue on his 2 podcasts from yesterday and said there is a tech issue in editing he will need to get help to fix during his video today called 4th Gen Warfare.

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Bite me, asshole

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You shut up.

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Jul 25, 2022
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Ok if you won't shut up, stick your head back up your arse so we cant hear you.

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How about you take your ibuprofen and suck my cock.

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How about you post your address little beta boy??????

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How about you post your address for a saxk slicing party

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How about you post yours and I'll go there instead.

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Clif needs a Moderator to get rid of bots and ass hats like Garth.

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If people will quit responding to them, they will dry up and go away. Trolls are there to derail the narrative.

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Trolling and telling people to stop complaining about free content are very different things. Just because I'm better at this than farty old karens doesn't make me a troll.

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And to keep the volume needle between the red and the green. And to screen callers.

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I doubt a moderator cares that someone told you to stop complaining about free content. I would imagine a moderator would be great for comments telling the likes of you to munch down on some burnt ass hair for being a bitchy, whiny, complaining old usless boomer.

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Tanks for all the great news! Audio was listenable... keep it coming. Stay WOO!

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…you need to read three books CliffT.

Occult ether physics

Pentagon aliens

Occult science dictatorship

UFO phenomena is seperate from the alien hoax but they have been conflated to hide the unacknowledged Occult Ether Physics used by Tesla to design and engineer electro-gravitic aerodyne craft hence man made. To hide this hidden field of physics Einstein’s bogus theoretical relativistic Physics was championed and purloined as the basis for the standard theory indoctrinated in all universities.

Simply put the alien agenda is just that: an agenda to get you to believe a lie that little spacemen aliens are piloting exotic craft from outer space. This BIG LIE was extended, enhance and promulgated by the CIA controlled MUFON which is a veritable fairytale factory meant to blind the general public into believing idiotic notions of extraterrestrial presence bear and on earth when nothing of the sort is real.

The alien angle was rooted in the fact that after Tesla’s death in 1943 all his papers and research was acquired by the government and secreted into the then Department of War Office of Alien Property Custodian. Which became the basis for all black projects and exotic research which branch out into several knowledge domains of strategic national security importance The center piece was Project Rainbow often erroneously called the Philadelphia Experiment.

Over 20 years ago I came across the foundations of the big lie alien ufo hoax: a concocted lie meant to hide the planning for a future X-Day event. The programming is confirmed by such movies as Independences Day and War of the World’s. We call simply predictive programming meant to insure the psychic driving and indictrination to assimilate belief systems into cultural code conduct.

Aliens are real in only one sense in that they are in fact fallen angels often called demons masquerade as aliens from other planets, this is because they are the ones driving this hoax to deceive everyone except God’s anointed. Only those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus will not be deceived by this.

So in summary:

The SSP [secret space program] is more keenly tied to the future X-Day, a gigantic global fake alien invasion meant to finally fused the world into a one world, one government, one religion structure. Major Downing, the only real MIB to speak on record about this X-Day . See


The technology was developed by Tesla and is called electro-gravitics, based on Occult Ether Physics. Occult Ether Physics: Tesla’s Secret Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal it by William Lyne details how it was developed. When Tesla died in 1943 all of his papers and work were secreted into the Office of Alien Custodian Property: hence the nomenclature of alien technology. Even the Germans stole Tesla’s technology. Anti-gravity is easy if you realize that the electro-magnetic force is 10^40 greater than gravitational force. The government will continue to lie about this technology because they have an agenda to get people to believe this is from outer space aliens. They are aerodynes, man made.



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Thank you

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Thank You...

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what books are U referencing ? Got LINKs ? Titles ?


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So with respect to bug eating...wouldnt we have already determined that was a viable food source a Long time ago if it Really was safe? I suspect so..so people we dont eat bugsnow for a good reason (other than obvious yuck) they are not supposed to be eatin by us!!

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Terrible audio - good content

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Sorry Clif, audio is unlistenable.

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It’s fine using headphones.

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Had my headphones on and the audio faded in and out many times. Still enjoyed the contents I could here. 💫

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how comes? Different sound levels at different ports? Don't have headphones, like my head free:)

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Yeah, your head is not "free" if you are biased against listening to this man speak. It works fine with ear buds. Sometimes one needs a small piece of technology to hear better - like a hearing aid.

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I’m substantially Deaf, but have well set up Galaxy Buds plus, did notice the audio fading and rising, but the earbuds coped pretty well. I do prefer wired earbuds, as I’m totally reliant on them, and most Bluetooth ones don’t have enough battery life for a full listening day. I get up to 12 hours per charge with these, which is almost good enough, and if having a meal, pop them in their case, and the case on charge, so after food, all is topped up and good to go again. Hopefully that is of help to others in the same situation. Bob. 👍

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yes, barely can hear anything...

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I had to hold it up to my ear (my computer).

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Ha !

I Bluetoothed it onto my Bose Soundtouch 30 and there was a lot of low frequency wind noise. The machines (not sure what device Clif was using) do not distinguish between wind and human voice, so the volume goes up and down. I had to ride the Soundtouch volume up and down to listen.

Clif may be outside for security reasons.

Cheers !

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Is it NOW?!

Now, it's NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW...


Moving to the country, gonna eat a lot of peaches.

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I’ll take Clif anytime, bad audio and all! It’s infinitely better than NO Cliffy! Keep ‘em coming Clif. We need you now more desperately than we ever have done as we face the shit show everyone knows is coming!

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Love these podcasts Clif

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Thank you!

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when recording in the car, roll up all the windows, the audio is pretty rough.

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audio fades in and out, not loud enough.

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