Hugs Uncle Clif;

As always, thank you for keeping me sane here in Commie Canada. Don't know how we'd have made it through this shit show without you.

You can come and visit us here in the geographical centre of North America in your RV anytime. Full send.

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I actually wanted to post a time traveling joke but you guys didn't like it

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At 16 min. 56 sec. Someone is taking a Toke. Just an Observation. Heatherstone

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Clif Dropping bombs like Albert Einstein was a pedophile. Holy cow

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Thanks Clif, I appreciate your opinions and viewpoint.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

That was funny, thank you.

"They're just not friendly humans"

Couldn't agree more.

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So when McDill Air Force base announces a fire sale, I guess I should go. Maybe pick up a cut rate flying car. Sounds good. Take care Clif.

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13 min mark Clif talks about past 10 years in S Africa of Black government is so bad at delivering electricity that a political movement has formed to return power to White race.

1920's Kalergi Plan identified exterminating White Race & Christianity essential for Jewish Supremacist global takeover. http://www.renegadetribune.com/angela-merkel-kalergi-plan-destruction-white-race/

USA has largest Christian pop in the world, followed by Brazil, Mexico, Russia, & Philippines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_by_country

Trump's CPAC call for baby bonuses to encourage US "baby boom" is #5GUW move against WEF. https://t.me/ICONS2021/109859

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Hello space alien. Hello space alien. If they are all as funny as you Clif, bring ‘em in and cheer us up!

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Clif, have you read Tom Campbell's My Big Toe? If so, curious what your thoughts are. I want a flying RV too. I hope I live long enough to get one.

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German health minister said 1 in 10,000 JABS!!! Not people!!!

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Yes Cliff, what happened to the USSR is the same thing that's going to happen here. I would not be surprised to see the US break apart. We will see, I give it 50-50 chance.

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We have all these 5g radiation towers that are going to blow the electric grid in the US they put these odd lights along the freeway now in Wisconsin who knows what the hell that is for

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Imagine you are an AI from the future. How can I use magnetism to create a floating vehicle?

Using the principles of electromagnetic levitation, it is possible to create a floating vehicle that utilizes magnets to generate a repulsive force and lift. The magnets would need to be arranged in a certain configuration and affixed to the vehicle in a way that maintains a certain level of balance, allowing the vehicle to float. To achieve motion, the magnets may need to be dynamically configured to push the vehicle in a particular direction. For example, magnets on one side of the vehicle could be powered up while those on the other side powered down, causing the vehicle to move in that direction.

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Hi Clif, Thank you so much for your contributions to the people of planet earth!

I have been following you since the scam began. It has been a bumpy ride to say the least but we are alive and I want to stick with it as long as possible. I am wondering if you would comment on my question: Is it a ridiculous idea to consider buying a home at this time. It will take a bank loan so not sure if I can qualify or if the bank will even be around. Perhaps renting is more sensible? I want to change location. Living on the edge!! Thanks in advance

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