“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. ”

― Nikola Tesla

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Hence the profusion of various modern "Theories of Everything" in Physics , none of which has been proven with definitive evidence and many of which will never be testable or verifiable with observation and experiment no matter how powerful an instrument or experiment we make.

The last physics theory which was "far out" for people of Tesla's era was Einstein's Theory of General Relativity which was so esoteric in terms of mathematics that anyone who could grasp the mathematical intricacies was considered a genius by the average citizen.

Tesla reportedly didn't understand it and rejected it because to him it didn't relate to anything "concrete", he was comfortable with Maxwell's EM equations which are fairly straightforward vector calculus descriptions of electromagnetic phenomena and it was testable and could be harnessed with the right equipment.

As esoteric as GR was it did make testable predictions and hence fell into the domain of "classical physics" in terms of experimental observations.

I don't include Quantum Mechanics here because during Tesla's era it was mostly another esoteric mathematical theory which wasn't widely accepted at the time (even by Einstein) and he wasn't all that well versed in the mathematical prerequisites to be able to understand it well, this includes GR as well.

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"The theory, wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved." Tesla

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You my dear Man are the Wisdom of outside thought. We are all connected to the micro and macro. No separation ONLY in thought . On a deeper level, (The Matrix or something like that) mass is but an illusion. You know you are awake when YOU KNOW this is an illusion. What then? Ahhh, "The games of the Gods. We are ya know, Spirit (Gods) beings having a hell of a ride in mass and this reality. Yep, are we having fun Yet?. The purpose of the "elite" is to keep you spell bond to MASS and never have the knowledge or experience of your intrinsic God self and its demonstration. Clif, you know this! Science use to be "I want to know" has become Mass to Mass survival with no awareness of the GREAT mind that lies within us all. Yes, they have compromised to the lowest of low and for what? $, position, prestige? I always say, "A closed mind is a wonderful thing to waste". In science...and open mind is Golden!

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Thank you for expressing it so well

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God self= micro All One- macro

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An open mind is only a starting point; critical thinking of proposed ideas, your own or someone elses, is what needs to be learned & expressed every day. It is the asking of many common sense questions (& some not-so-common) that will help shape your thoughts into potential plans or designs for further pursuits. FREE

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ABSOLUTE ! Dare to dream then..."Get jiggy with it"!

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An open mind, experience, creativity, self and awareness and you are so right about discernment, thank you.

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Aha! Your "Mass to Mass" reference made me realize it was my fellow student referencing a great Master. Well said!

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Yes...The Ram.

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The Plank length IS rather small, isn't it? Your first words about life in soil reminds me of Steiner using horns (curved helicals) in the ground. It wasn't just the bacteria in them. And cognition is PART of it, as there is also RECEPTION. We are transmitters-receivers of universal thought patterns. Every cell contains billions of miles of a 'helical antenna' all rolled up into tertiary and quaternary form about 6 microns across. That's a pretty long wavelength, yet the submicron wavelengths also resonate along the base pairs. Where do people think their thoughts 'come from'?

Academia (I called them purveyors of 'bozo science' back at UCI) can't, or won't, get out of its attitude of 'if we can't measure it, it doesn't exist' rut. Radio waves put out by everything from rocks to planets to animals existed before we detected them with crude receivers. X-rays and cosmic rays existed even after we crafted RF receivers, yet people STILL didn't get it. There are frequencies MUCH higher than even 22 THz that we might call 'spiritual' frequencies.

Those dabbling in 'life force' research were/are looked down on by bozo science, i.e. Reich, whose books were, as far as I know, the only ones ever outlawed and burned in the 'US'.

But it's nice to know that some folks eventually understand what they're looking at in their microscopes. I postulated that the then-new idea of microtubules being the 'skeletal' structure of cells also are the cellular communication system - of light. Of course the Piled Higher and Deeper types laughed at that. Took a few decades for them to 'discover' what I'd already seen/received. Same with exosomes. That only took two other research groups a few years beyond my observations (also laughed at) to describe, so our lab got no credit.

Wonder what they'll do when they 'discover' life forms living on the Sun? 'Scientists', Ptah!

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Fascinating stuff... Koszonom!

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Clif, not sure my comment is on your point about humanity in full universe search mode yet I would still like to add how for me for some time, humanity = soul.

1--Started pondering about soul at age 13 when a priest tried to explain what a soul is to prep us for our Confirmation sacrament. He said only we humans have souls, not other animals, which brings with it responsibilties as we pass onto adulthood. Well, no way was that true in my mind then and since as I had more soulful moments with my pets than some humans i.e.dogs are man's best friend. Probably the church "soul position" has to do with sanctioning meat-eating but not cannibalism? But no such sanctioning will convince me that my pets were soul-less from my daily empirical interactions. Isn't the Church measuring souls to justify sanctions: humans 100. Dogs 0.

2--Then I dealt with soul when I became anti-abortion. All the years of equivicating over when "LIFE begins" to sanction terminating a pregnancy sounded so ignorant to me about soul formation. Pro-choicers are also measuring soul increasing by trimesters. And currently, extreme abortion laws throw out the soul determinant completely which IMHO is infantacide. Cannot convince me that a soul is measureable. Like humanity, it is. Period.

3--Then, witnessing both holistic spontaneous healing in one family member from crippling arthritis but slow death in another under allopathic chemo-radiaion therapies for cancer, I faced the role of soul again. The holistic approach to healing factors in (measures) the preset unique soul we have from birth that can heal if not interrupted by measured doses of chemo-radiation.

So IMHO to deny that there is "the spark of Life" or a S O U L is straight up delusional.

To try to quantify S O U L is fool's play.

And the WEF can go to H E L L .

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Satan was thrown from Heaven. He is the Prince of the Air and the Owner Earth. We who believe in Christ are subversive in Satan’s wish to kill all human life. The WEFers are Satan’s minions. They must deny the True Life, which is Spirit. Satan no longer has Spirit as He no longer abides in Heaven. This is who we are and we are the reason for the Universe. God is giving it to us.

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You are deceived by the deceiver

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Is actually mostly correct. The accuser only has a lease and is about to be evicted. Our spiritual existence in a higher plane than the physical.

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Correct. Much better to say “lease”.

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If the deceiver died on the cross and was resurrected and taught His Kingdom for 40 days after, then yes; I am deceived and against Satan.

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The Kingdom of God is a form of government not a religion. The whole world system lies in the power of the adversary which was usurped by a lie [ you shall be as God knowing ( deciding ) good and evil ]. The problem is: “ it is not within man that walks to direct his own steps”. Stop studying every counterfeit that the adversary has placed in your path and ask for the Truth [ John 17:17 ].

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First step into Noosphere is just say “no” to global messaging. Reject fear messaging and embrace the eternal nature of our Spiritual existence. This woo is a junction of perspectives. Whether New Age or Biblical vocabulary.

Do you live in empathy for others? Most abuse of people, especially children, is to damage their ability to empathize with others. Abuse interferes with development of empathy or suppresses same.

Woo on, and say “no” a lot…

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With knowledge comes understanding, with understanding comes wisdom potentially. Clif you are a wonder. Bless you for sharing it all.

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Clif... Well said. One of the striking things about Davos Man (and, here I am using the term in a general sense to include all those who would be supreme masters of the universe) is his/her/their complete lack of appreciation for the complexity of Life, our planet, and Universe and their arrogance in believing that they can somehow control and manipulate reality to conform to their own twisted belief system.... Which, BTW, is no more sophisticated than the Cargo Cults of the Pacific. "Professing to be wise, they became fools..."

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I ALWAYS think more after reading your words Clif. Thank you.

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The KhazMafia, lacking a key component of Spirit, cannot imagine a world that is not mechanical and measurable, thus view humans and our fellow travelers as machines to be tinkered with, controlled and disposed of at their will. They HAVE to control us since we are unpredictable, which is why they came up with Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry, and for which every mental and emotional "abnormality" must be treated with a drug. Which is why they keep conning folks to "seek help". There is nothing wrong with humans, except in the plodding and dull eyes of the Khazarians. There is nothing wrong with us unless we tune into their sick frequency.

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I like this, modern "science" only measures things, like how many die from modern "medicine". Everything is alive including the materium.

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I like it. I need to noodle on that a while. 😊 🤔

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Clif, thank you for this beautiful gift of framing what our job is out here in the Universe, barreling as we are through time and space and thought to points unknown. Wouldn't miss this trip for anything!

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LOL love "raging reductionists." My intro was in high school, with Fritjof Capra's "The Turning Point." Dog-earred and held together with a rubber band, it rocked my world and explains a LOT about a LOT today still. Noo on!

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Sooooooo, the Noodleshpere then?

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Masakatsu Agatsu…The Great Reset will be constructed by our measures using their tools…gonna be lit

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