I call them "conformies" rather than "normies". Their strategy seems to be to conform in order to be seen as "normal".

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So true. And they watch TV for direction.

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yeah because the Normies sure as hell aint normal

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Greatness! May I borrow “conformies”?

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Of course! If it helps you make and communicate more accurate maps, please use it!

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I call them ' PUDDIES" like puddy , the next new thing will be adopted ! come hell or high water and don,t you dare be self thinking or uttering a warning or question , LOL

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How about "conformie😂normies".

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Really, they are MUGGLES, just like in Harry Potter.

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yeah their mode is conforming to group think and fitting in with the herd but its all fear , the fear standing out in times of fear . its all fear with them or ignorance or worse an intellectualism thats egoic x polarised into ' its all fake ' myths , They took the Msm Cia pill .

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Hi Clif: Can you do more podcasts? We Love Them. Thank YOU.....

I communicated with a man on your substack that has been listening

to you since 2004 :-)

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I enjoy the written articles.

More time for the true meaning to sink in.

(We all like different styles of learning.

With written material I can ( like an Attorney) get every word..)

Appreciate the time Mr High puts in educating us.

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When I do mindless work, I love to listen.

When reading, I often observe myself taking pauses, breathing for a moment, allowing space for a message to sink in before I move on.

For grasping information, I prefer reading, for grasping vibration, I like to listen.

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Yes, I see your point. Then you can make copies and keep them for reference :-)

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it's nice when a person takes time to look through the eyes of others, i appreciate it

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I saw that someone has transcribed some of these videos into texts... so it can be presented either way.

Perhaps our chief nutter can authorize someone to read off his written texts into video, reporter style... maybe even with some supporting video clops from other sources.

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And put em on Audible? Then I can set the 30 minute sleep timer and fall asleep with Sanity in my mind!

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Yes, I am finding my eyes getting tired, getting old. Besides, I like to hear the opening words, "Hello Humans" .

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Right....There's nothing like Hello Humans....Hello Humans....Nobody can say it quite like

CLIF :-)

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I agree..what's missing in the written word is Clif's personality coming through...we are still laughing from his description of man driving an EV - "sitting overtop those batteries is frying their balls".... his comedy doesn't come through as well in the written word ...but it's better than nothing.

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Right :-) I loved that one.....

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Hello Humans....Hello Humans...

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I Like......."Hello Humans" "Hello Humans"......

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Hello Humans - nice bit of flowing alliteration there Clifford.

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It is so much more convenient to listen than to read! Thank you for this message nonetheless. I will adventure cautiously.

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I totally get what you're saying. I like reading at times like these, when I have no work on my desk. But when I'm immersed in a tedious editing project (a cookbook coming up, and ohmygawd they SUCK to work on, with a gazillion typographical and textual -styling elements to keep track of, and the fkn measurements x2 ways), I'll need to shut my eyes and listen instead of read.

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If you use the SubStack app, their AI will read any article out loud.

Just click on the headphone icon in the top right corner.

"Her" voice isn't too bad.....

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I always do that;)

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No for sure I love the written word, the sentence construction plus the ability to re-read that is lost when only listening, but each to his own.

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Reading if more educational....listening to someone such as an Audio book is lazyness....unless you happen to be inflicted with sight problems....books are far superior and are a perminant record....unless they start burning the books that is!

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People need to listen for a variety of reasons: close eye work fatiguing the eyesight, blindness, near blindness, they learn better aurally, they want to listen while driving or cooking or cleaning or picking off Marxists . . . Thanks for reminding me to work on my article about the holier-than-thous, who have odd responses to common occurrences (e.g., a woman has short hair, so she must be a dyke, etc.).

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So what was the purpose of this useless drivel ?

Sometimes Clif is on target. Too many times brain fartng with copy.

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Takes some imagination to appreciate this one.

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Could be a bot. I've found at least three so far.

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You must have just come from normieland!! Welcome home. Have a drink and settle in...

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To make us laugh? I sure did, it was great!

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I'm not a man, but I have been listening since 2004, when Clif High and George Ure were a team, I guess, and appeared regularly-ish on COAST TO COAST AM radio--I think George Noory was hosting when I first heard Clif and ignored Ure.

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Thanks for sharing. You were smart and listened to the right man, CLIF :-)

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Same! Started buying the ALTA reports early on, listening and reading George Ure w/ Clif reports.

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Very cool. I wish now that he's back on Twitter that he'd start up the Reports again,....he said he's too old now and too busy, but just look at all the info he could garner! WOW! I was never a big Twitter person, I have trouble keep my post under 500 words, but I'm learning from Truth Social how to do it. Now, I'm back on Twitter too and gosh it moves FAST! So, so so much information just flying back and forth! It's a GOLD MINE CLIF!

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I think I'm a year or two younger than Clif, so I hear him loud and clear, despite my also being active, "with it," not a fat, lazy shit, highly informed, and all that jazz. It's time for the man to get a g'dang break already. Although I miss the ALTA reports, (1) I personally can't afford them now and (2) there's still too much censorship--even on twatter!--for the reports to be as accurate as they were back in the day. In my email notifications from the big twat, not one link to Clif's tweets or the others that the remaining woke-a-dopes(TM) disapprove of works. They ALL have "technical" difficulties. But if I get a notification about the tweet of a d'bag that I'm following (there are a few), well that link to the tweet works just fine. So, again, I don't see how the webbot can scrape ACCURATE info. It's a sad state of affairs. I so look forward to the full-fledged rise of vigilantism.

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I attempted to donate goods to a local charity (thrift) store but wasn't able to carry them. I was told the only available staff person was "vulnerable" and therefore could not go into any stranger's house. I asked "vulnerable to what?" Answer was "Infection". I pointed at all the donated goods in the store and said "Those all come from strangers' houses". But they were adamant that I had to bring the goods in myself.

Masks have not been compulsory in any local stores for well over a year, but several staff in the supermarkets are still wearing them. "To protect the vulnerable ones at home."

Heaven help us, this drives me bonkers!

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"There's no reasoning with crazy." My new mantra for surviving Normieland when necessary to travel through it.

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That really is the truth, isn't it. These normies are like the Terminator,....you can reason with them, you can't talk them into waking up and they never, ever STOP being Normies!

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I live in a beautiful little coastal community in a southern state, unfortunately since Conjob-19 the most obnoxious norms from blue states in the NE have been piling in here and destroying the place...they switch out their license plates right away so as not to be identified as a Damn Yankee, but we know them immediately because those assholes are still wearing masks...and. besides that they are rude and ugly...you really can't miss them. It's just a pity that DEMONrats. are allowed to move to Red states.....we know our little paradise is ruined....all we can hope for is they are all vaxxed to the max and ready for more and more boosters!

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"Conjob-19"--excellent! In my part of Florida, we let it be known that we loathe Marxists and that they're unwelcomed. And I call the Snowbirds "Snowturds" to their faces. Drastic situations--blue staters effing up red states--require drastic (nonviolent) remediation measures. Also, if you have a red legislature, encourage the types of laws that will turn Marxists off and out of your state. I'm praying that our state Supreme Court upholds the 15-week abortion ban and that the legislature votes to outlaw abortion altogether. That should see many Demons flee and many souls saved from cruel deaths. I wish you luck and I will hold an image of all red states being free of Demons and other woke-a-dopes(TM). Amen.

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PS Yes. Always remind them to get their boosters, too!

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Many of us in Blue States are Red Patriots! We are here because of Families or Jobs or just getting out of the Big Cities, like my family is. I'm in the upper MITTEN of Michigan and it's almost totally RED! It's only the Big Cities that are blue,....in many so called Purple States.

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If there were free elections, Michiganders would never have 'elected' the Witches of Eastwick to run the place. I grew up in Mid-Michigan and other than the cities of the Saginaw Valley, Detroit and Ann Arbor (probably Lansing now too) the whole map was red and regularly elected republicans. Though what passes as a republican in MI now is pretty disgusting... Betsy DeVos for instance.

GR was very conservative with all the Dutchies (reformed Dutch being much more conservative than a typical EU Dutchman), though I saw Kent County went blue too -- I have to chalk that up to fraud because one thing about Michigan, leaving out the Muslims taking over Dearborn, Hamtramck etc, is that people don't move around as much as in most places. I think if elections were free, GR would be deep red still. Just my 2 cents.

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I believe you. But it takes work to wrest control from the Marxists. We did it in Florida--still have Marxists who need to emigrate outta here, but big progress has been made. Every state has a different Zeitgeist, but the one thing we have in common is that patriots must gain control of or fully infiltrate all agencies that handle elections, starting on municipal and county levels. I find that being registered as an independent helps with entree into Demon-controlled spaces. I really look forward to the day when states like yours, with tons of sane people, will defeat the criminal cities.

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I'm no longer in Michigan (left in 1979 for Silicon Valley, now in Utah which has more common sense than most -- just passed a law against 'gender affirming' treatments for kids) -- but you're right, once the sane people wrest control from the Cabal, the criminals will be defeated. States like Florida and Utah, and even formerly 'backward' places like Mississippi and Louisiana are showing the blue states how it's done, taking their pension funds and other investments from Blackrock and other ESG investors, and doing other common-sense 'America First' things.

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The choice is yours. It was a sacrifice and a hardship for many of us to move to red states, just so you know. Freedom and sanity and being in an overwhelmingly patriotic state with fewer ENEMIES of the republic is my personal preference. Hope you'll be able to work hard to rid your state of the enemy. And that is what they are, as they enable the cabal. Also, I always take the broader, philosophical view, knowing that this is but one lifetime among many. Dying isn't the end. Ever.

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Have seen it many times here in SA Saw some woman driving with a big white mask on the other day. Nice sunny day it was too.

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I thought I would pen some practical guidelines for NOT becoming a Normie:

1) Break 'Rules' when desired

2) Color outside of the lines

3) Only have 'Peer to Peer' relationships with all things and all entities - yes, including whoever/whatever you may think is 'God'.

These simple guidelines will help all from straying into Normie land and being a slave.

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So right on! I laughed so hard by reading this. You are brilliant, thank you!!! Humor is necessary in these times. Much love to everybody!

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Definitely a humor undertone of conveying Truth!

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We don't have time for humor BS right now.

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U had Better find it.

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There should ALWAYS be time for humor unless you are just an old crab...

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Humor is the salve on reality. Find it, you'll feel better inspite of it all.

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The Normies in my life exist on a spectrum of normieness. There are those with whom I'm "extra cautious" and careful. They've been rolling their eyes at me for years and long before covid. They somehow missed that trip down the rabbit hole that could have boosted awareness. When my words spark a fear response I can see that it only helps to further galvanize them into their state of mental lockdown. I don't love them any less for this nor will I say I told you so. It's not my job to force anyone into awakening. Since all of my beloved normies are jabbed the grim reaper will be assigned that task.

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same here. it saddens me, maddens me and i keep a large radius of distance from them all now so as not to enrage them. but they are definitely on a spectrum. you nailed it.

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There is no more time to save anybody. We all tried for years. It's not our job anymore. It's time to focus on ourselves, self respect, authenticity, self love, and everything that makes us better humans. When the time comes they will need our compassion bc, they wake up call will be very traumatic. We will able to gain their trust with sympathy and support, if they ask for. Avoid saying I told you so, that will not elevate us to a better place. This only applies for our loved ones and acquaintances whom choose to remain in Normie Land.

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I agree. But don't forget to prepare yourselves for the physical issues coming. If you're not already, time to learn how to be a 'PREPPER'. I never thought I'd ever say that! LOL!

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LOL! I have plenty of food to share with my neighbors, and I will not discriminate.

What did the Boys Scout say? Thank you.

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Thank you for reminding me with your wise words. I tend to say “ I told you so” to my family bc I warned them so much, sent thousands of vids and articles to no avail... now that they are seeing what’s happening they finally woke up and I get mad for them not have listened to me. I’m working on this though🙌🏻

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At least yours have made progress! I can't get mine to even open an eye lid! They point blank refuse completely.

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Don't worry, you did your best to wake them up, bc., you care and love them. Ultimately we live in a free will world and we also have to accept other ppl's choices even when we see it will hurt them. After all, the most we learn, from our own experiences. I'm sure you would want them to give you the same courtesy. I also have children whom I can not reach and they will not even tell me if they got the shot. Read my comments to EZW. Yours too might come around and than you'll have a great opportunity to heal the relationship. Time is wonderful it can work for our advantages. We are also learning to be patient. Imagine that all will be well and one day they will reach out. In your mind entertain the most benevolent and beneficial outcome for all involved.

Have peace with it no matter what, this is not about us being right it is so much bigger than we can imagine. Ultimately in my deepest knowing, I sense that everything that's happening in our time will serve us to gain wisdom, and it will unite humanity. When all this will be over we will look at each other with a renewed sense and wonder. Just keep a picture in front of your eyes that all will work out for the best. Sometimes we don't know what's best bc, we do not have the whole picture. Good luck and wishing you a healing time with your family.

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WOW! That’s exactly it! What a blessing to be here in this amazing time;) Let’s do what we came here to do🙌🏻❤️

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That's all you can do. You loved them and wanted the best for them, warning them of the dangers, you did it out of care and love toward them. Be kind to yourself too, when you slip. After all we're humans. Just put yourself into their shoes, how would you feel if you'll find out that you were very gullible and erred in your judgment, and this might have a serious consequences to your well being? They might feel angry enough about themselves and the way they were deceived. Betrayal is not an easy think to deal with and everyone will have their own trauma. Also can you imagine how scared and fearful they must feel, because of the dangers the jab might cause to them?

After all fear was one of the contributor fact that they choose their actions. A lot of ppl, among the liberals believed that government will look out for their best interest. Never ever did they assumed, nor imagined that their gov. would participate in their genocide. Just think about the shock and betrayal they must deal with. We all have to remind ourselves about this points. Some also were taking it just to keep their jobs and put food on the table. After all it will give us an opportunity to practice compassion and kindness. Rest assure in their heart they will feel closer to you, because of your reaction. I learned from somebody recently that what shows us our character is how we response to events.

Your intentions were noble and good, how they took it it's on them. As I always tell myself, I know my intentions, how you interpret it, perceive it it's not my concern.

This is a tremendous learning opportunities for all of humanity, to not give over our power to any "authorities" nor anybody. We are learning self love, self trust through these events.

Let us hope that a lot of ppl, got placebos. We are in a war and unfortunately their going to be casualties. A lot of patriots are risking their life to lessen that numbers.

I'm personally very grateful for their efforts and sacrifice.

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Thank you! You are a very wise soul;) You are the kind of person I would love to sit down and talk for hours, with a nice glass of wine, of course😄 Lately, I noticed, I have been attracting likewise minds in my job and personal life too.

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i think we all are.

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Another great article, thanks again for your contribution to society

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I read an article once I think it was written by Quinn. He talked about an experiment somewhere in the Caribbean on an island of monkeys I think they were proboscis or rhesus don’t remember. He talked about the “sentinel monkeys”, the ones that were ostracized, didn’t socially integrate well, hung out on the periphery, didn’t sleep well etc. In the experiment they removed all the sentinel monkeys and within a year of the whole tribe had died.

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Makes sense! In bird flocks there are birds like that too,....they don't have many friends, but they are the watchers and the alarms for the rest of the Flock. They scream of approaching dangers!

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That is very interesting! Did the author have a conclusion as to why the tribe died after the sentinel monkeys were eliminated?

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They had no early warning system!

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This is indeed a very interesting time.

Normie is now nearly synonymous with what we used to consider fringe elements.

Some very left leaning ideas are now mainstream.

And the conservative, right leaning ideas are now counter-culture

It all seems to me to be the polar opposite of the 60's and 70's

It is like the cultural poles reversed themselves

How did this all come to be???

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Every. Freaking. Word. 🎯Honestly, after some comments from Normlanteans (not a compliment but a nod to Atlantis in the bad sense) on the previous post, all I can think is that there is no reasoning with crazy. It's as if we woo folk are traditional (in the sound, based sense) and counterculture, free-thinking creatures simultaneously. Wonder if the shift in poles is emblematic of the shift in people? As above, so below. Or something like that. Not nearly as smart as Clif, so I'll leave the answers to him.

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you know, I was thinking the same thing.

but not smart as Clif either, so perhaps he knows more?

or it is all influences from the previously referenced Bug

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So you think you are normal because you love that people are being murdered by the shot? I mean, that actually seems crazy to me...but you do you.

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You should try to stay off social media until you can understand English and the written word.

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I understood your words perfectly as did everyone else.

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Tell yourself whatever makes you feel better.

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It is not about 'feelings' as I am not an emotional thinker like you are. It is about what you said and the words that came out of your fingertips altering the way I think about your position, comments or advice. If someone says that they believe that the shots murdering people is 'a good thing' I am going to remind people who they are in the next comment section so that no one takes what you have to say seriously. It is for THEIR benefit. Not yours.

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Having grown up in the 60s and 70s I find myself wondering the same thing!

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I have one foot in NormieLand and one foot outside having lived in SF Bay area for 30 years. I'm a retired EE living now in my hometown. I have good friends still trapped in SF and they are not happy or satisfied. Having lived both lives, I find it more satisfying in many aspects of life to live among the herd. As a rule, Normies are mostly immune to the turmoil of the world as their's doesn't change regardless of what happens miles away. Until now. They are realizing the vax was planned and it is affecting many in the herd. They are stunned, betrayed, most in denial. You can expect a Normie revolt, it's gonna happen, I see the signs everyday.

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Their awakening process may have been started by the vax, but it will not end there. What is happening in normieland is now or will soon be in turmoil in many dimensions. WW3 anyone? Collapse of the world financial system? It is getting harder and harder for them not to see. But as someone here said, they have to figure it out for themselves, and for that to happen first they have to want to understand. Remember the old saying about leading the horse to water.

You can't make 'em do it. But it will happen, and it will be jarring.

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forget normieland

I am a free ranging nutter. Any "farmer" trying to make me a part of his herd gets the horns.

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Well stated!!!

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Reminds me of Bill Hicks closing monologue,

The world is like a ride at an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it, you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are.

And the ride goes up and down and round and round and it has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud.

And it's fun, for a while.

Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: '

Is this real?

Or is this just a ride?' And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say '


Don't worry, don't be afraid -- ever -- because...

this is just a ride.' And we kill those people.

Shut him up!

We have a lot invested in this ride!

Shut him up!

Look at my furrows of worry; look at my big bank account, and my family.

This has to be real.' It's just a ride.

But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that -- ever notice that? -- and we let the demons run amok.

But it doesn't matter, because...

it's just a ride, and we can change it any time we want.

It's only a choice.

No effort.

No worry.

No job.

No savings and money.

Just a choice, right now, between fear and love.

The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy bigger guns, close yourself off.

The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one.

Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, into a better ride.

Take all that money we spend on weapons and defense each year and, instead, spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would do many times over -- not one human being excluded -- and we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever.

In peace.

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im done buying all that I need...and preparing for the normie collapse...I have my PPE gear, now is the time to go out and see how many more we can herd into the Ark before the door closes. Random acts of kindness like buying someone a meal, these acts are contagious not just to us, but to the normies too. they also provide the doorway into normieland. As we take on this practice of compassion for the deluded and brainwashed we must be sensitive to the fact that they don't know they've been brainwashed. We have to take care and not jolt them too hard else we stand the risk of spooking the herd then we lose the few we have saved. normies are a hyper sensitive bunch.

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Well said. Thxs.

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Well the only thing you can take with you is your integrity, honor and morality. These are all worth fighting to maintain since they are the only things of value here. I think people are going to be surprised when they exit and find that they have nothing of value from their experience here.

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ahhhh, but we have the value of that experience. That has value...does it not?

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I suppose it has value if you don't mind wasting time or wasting energy. But if you exit with nothing but waste you could have just stayed home. It would be like going to Malaysia and refusing to leave the airport when you got there. You could say you have been to Malaysia, but it didn't really profit you at all. Better to get in there and learn all that you could so that you actually had something of value which is your position or your ideology here. Also, I don't think everyone is getting off this ride. I think there are people who are unfit to be lose in the universe because they love what is debased and evil. No reason to let them out of Hell, right? They belong in a containment device forever because they are not ready (possibly ever) to be let out into the wider world.

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you really don't know what my ideology is to effectively make comments about it. To be able to do that you would actually have to "know" me to make make that remark. Insulting people doesnt help anything but help draw the conclusion you are just a cranky old fart. Touche', but I guess I would have to know you to make that remark eh? Did Jesus go out of this world with experiences? Were they proven to be of value when he came back? Ask the Disciples and Apostles.

To say there is value in "nothing", ie experiences, can be just as true as saying "nothing" has value given the right applications.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

I don't think there is value in intentionally not taking a position that is pro-life and moral. I can't figure out where I talked about your particular ideology because I don't know you. I only talked generally about the situation and what we can actually take with us.

No Jesus actually took a position and he was killed for it by the jews which is the exact point I was making. You might want to re-read my comment.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

{sigh} Naiveté, a child's view.

I'm reminded on the liberal girl, on the California coast, squealing "oooh LOOK! Dolphins! I'm gonna go swim with the dolphins!" As if innocence -- or is it a child's world view? -- will make the sharks play nice.

The eyes of love that refuse to differentiate between a poisonous snake and a garter snake, does not change the 'state' of either reptile. "We are the world, kumbaya" results in danger, damage, and death.

Some peoples make a difference between child knowledge and adult knowledge. Adult knowledge can be painful and brutal. It can require hard decisions and harder actions. I believe Clif is also teaching us adult knowledge: relying on ourselves and our people when we can and need to. And if that entails grabbing a bottle of anesthetic and stitching up your own wounds, then be the adult and do it. Part of 'herd separation' I believe, will require 'casting off' those whose continued presence will damage the new herd... Refusing to see that is damaging to the new herd.

Adult knowledge.

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:D In tears. You reminded me of teenage wild dolphins favorite past time. Cured me of ever wanting to 'swim with the dolphins' for life.

I also remember this video on YT of a diver who befriended a wild dolphin, lone male, and things were going along swimmingly until one night the dolphin got tired of him getting out of the ocean and leaving back to dry land. I was a night of harrowing repeated 'playful' near drowning...think waterboarding at sea until morning when the dolphin stopped toying with him and let him go.


Adult Knowledge.

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Take action to return your state or territory to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. www.orsja.org

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

No kidding. I just had to deal with the DMV and the clerk told me that I had to have some stupid gold star (which I totally thought was a joke, I literally laughed, like the 'Germans' made the jews wear a gold star when they were putting the communist ones in Concentration camps) on my license in order to travel state to state by 2025. I told her that this was un-Constitutional and that they were not allowed legally to restrict travel in ANY manner of a Citizen in the USA. She couldn't comprehend what I was saying...it was bizarre, she just started sputtering about 2001 and how "without a federal ID controlling who gets on a plane that 9/11 happened" (so totally bizarre), like she couldn't process at all that it was an inside job that was perpetrated on a governmental and dual governmental level. I didn't mention the Nazi gold star to her because there is a limit to what people can process in terms of irony or otherwise, but it struck me as a mixture of totalitarian communist and funny at the same time.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Including Family.

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Yes, I love my family and my race. They are the best things in the entire world. Worth living for and worth dying for. <3

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As a "sensitive", an empath, I can confirm that there is something incoming, some new phuckery being rolled out to test the herd. Remain vigilant.

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I believe it is now spelled 'Pfuckery...'

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To all purebloods out there, live long and prosper!

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