I’m gonna be pissed if this doesn’t happen. Just had it out with a friend if you can call him that lol who thinks the ladies of the View preach the gospel and that Biden is doing the best he can. Omfg this can’t come soon enough

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He will be one that dies when the shit hits the fan or commit suicide. Sounds like a whimp. He watches the view? That alone says a lot about this dude. These folks are braindead from all the jabs.

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Crazy thing he knows about the 13 families and the depopulation agenda for years. It’s hard for people to wrap their minds around that this could really be happening. But, yea the View omg I stay as far away as possible

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OMG! I'm with you. Those are some nasty women!

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I would rank them as some of the most 'stupid' people on the planet.

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I'd say borderline psychotic, but at least 2 on that soap opera have made a career out of being nasty. I see their performances as comedy-routines-in-reverse. And stupid - but all the way to the bank. Watched (idolized) by that 1/3 of the population who will never wake up.

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Yup real stupid.

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I got rid of my TV 20 years ago nothing good on it.

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here is where the De-Pop info originated years ago. The data table is also here and listed a day or so after this post.


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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

Says Deagle was born 3 days after he died

I’ve seen this info before. It would mean next year and the year after will be the worse so we shall see. Does seem less populated is some ways here In nyc

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one other thing. we all have to begin getting a plan together for ourselves, family, friends and those who are like-minded. COMMUNITY will help keep us safe and healthy whether we're in the middle of NYC or in the Appalachians! The fact that we are here on this channel listening and talking about what is to come, and finding solutions, means we are WAYYYY ahead of it and have the very best chances of thriving despite the chaos!

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brilliant! thank you for catching that! he was born in 1937 and i have made that change. When i have channeled, I am always shown that many of the people that perish around the world are in major cities. And if you consider that for a moment it does make sense. How will these people had access to food, water and necessities? If supply chains are disrupted, where will goods come from and how will they get to them? People must prepare to have food, medicines, water and money (gold silver BTC) on hand and anything you can barter with...or get the heck out of there and find a small house on some land where you can become more self sufficient. Those that are forced to rely upon the help of a 'system' will be the first to go.

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Even having that land, if your not already knowledgeable in a survivalist lifestyle your chances of survival are dramatically diminished. Being locked into a large city environment will expose you to violence and mayhem. Few will survive such. I live in the countryside and have decades worth of survivalist training BUT I’m also 80 years old and disabled. I’ve come to accept that I won’t survive. My hope is that I don’t linger long, that my laying down of the physical is as swift and painless as possible.

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Wow you really think there will be that much of a breakdown in the cities where people will starve? You wrote the article you sent?

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I just dropped 2 friends who spouted off the view opinions. Can’t do it... rather be isolated than bombarded w/ nonsense without any critical thinking skills utilized. Uffda!

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"Uffda" is Norwegian for "ouch" 🤣

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The past 3 years have been our opportunity to see who has exposed themselves for what they really are to choose your direction and make the appropriate decisions regarding their exposures. Some bridges will be burned as they should be, and new ones will be built. We know that burning family bridges are the hardest ones to burn, but some of them must be burned too.

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Bless your sweet heart for putting this in perspective. Thank you...

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You need a new friend. ;-)

Still... I suppose if one of US got their news/info ONLY from the butthead lefty slime of CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, etc... we might have non-functioning brains too.

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Stay away from them if possible. Yesterday in gym someone I occasionally meet said he wanted to avoid speaking to me as he didn't want to hear "conspiracy theory" because he is intelligent, knows most things but questions 9/11.

Here's the problem though, as much as I fielded his insanity in a charitable way (being quiet, walking away, ignoring) he kept on gassing out air. Eventually he called me (this is key!) the Conspirator! This is likely going to be the Normies go to that we are the Conspirators and somehow this stuff is all our faults! Caution advised - my wake up there (and there I thought I already was awake!). God bless

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how can any real man watch that show?

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Can you believe some people. I hear what you are saying all the time. My girlfriend's sister is the same.

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Keep in mind that Clif has been wildly inaccurate with these forecasts and predictions. Just don't make any financial or life-altering decisions based on his ramblings. ✌️

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Well, hmm.. You must be very broadly accepting in your definition of friend, if you have one that even watches the View, let alone believes them😅

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After years of being addicted to watching The View my friend finally gets it and stopped watching it!

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

Clif, this is the same audio file as 'Souvenirs for the normies'. Please re-upload.

[edit: thanks for re-uploading the file!]

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Substack had linked both of today's podcasts to the same file. This is the corrected link.


5:25 PM · May 17, 2023




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Thanks Cindynsg... greatly appreciated.

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It is a different video. Listen to the time he gives in the beginning of each video. One is 8 ish and the second video is 11ish.

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Thanks Clif, I appreciate your updates. You help make sense of all the crazyness. I always feel calmer after listening.

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Agreed! It’s reassuring to know we’re actually the rational ones, despite the names and slurs they sling at us.

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It is sad that we have gotten this far down this road of corruption, deception, and death all laced with propaganda. There will be many innocent people caught in the lies that will be hurt, the people that are evil should pay the biggest penalties for all the harm they have created. I hope they don't get off free to create more havoc in the future as they will attempt to continue the control they have had for centuries.

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I imagine it will quite emotional for those who awaken from their deranged nightmare and realize they chopped their Childs penis off, supported Ukraine war allowing elite parasites to loot America and pit white slavic christians against one another to benefit a few anti-christ characters (like most wars), and fell for climate change when the only thing likely changing the climate is the fuckfaces pushing the agenda like gates trying to block the sun and spraying God knows what into our atmosphere and sucking ccp dong as they are by far the biggest polluters in the world.....why do the climate change agenda pushers love the ccp, the biggest destroyer of environment? and why do these climate agenda pushing elites worry so much about the distant future when they behave in a way that endangers the present and immediate future....only a fucking idiot is still falling for their shit and the mercenaries protecting them are not doing so with their true hearts, I reckon....KM and friends is done! go hide in your bunkers cuz you aint welcome nowhere!

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Good times ahead--I'm psyched!

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There are always good times ahead. The trick is to live that long.

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Too true.

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Ha! The law of averages!

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Thank you Clif. Sure are interesting times ahead. Slowly starting to see those peeps sitting and blocking roadways being dragged off the roads with quite a bit of force! It makes me cheer.

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Could you give a template for a letter that we could send to our dem officials asking them to do what you mentioned about repudiation or we’ll be arresting all the way down?

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He has look up vox Populi

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He will post his next one, and has posted all of them from lsat 2 or 3 years, plus how to get an email list from your state. These are in his substacks as numbered Vox Populi

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Thank you!

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Thank you Clif! I’m always so glad to listen to your updates ❤️ I appreciate your time.

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Um, Clif - this is a repost of your first audio this morning. New title, but same audio. ooops xoxo

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Different video, same topic. Listen to the time given on each video.

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I could see the rising tension in early June cause a lot of the jabbed to "break" (so to speak) thereby causing a re-examination of the injections and the related political blow back, compounding the tension. The jabbed are already dropping like flies, a little extra pressure might be enough to precipitate massive numbers of heart conditions and strokes.

I hope I'm wrong.

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From Twitter .

Substack had linked both of today's podcasts to the same file. This is the corrected link.


5:25 PM · May 17, 2023




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The french pronounce poutine 'putin'.

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Vlad is a great leader... along with Orban of Hungary... among the best... I like the El Salvador guy too.

Most western leaders are totally corrupt turds. Ours just happens to be the worst currently... maybe one of the worst in history.

Some real TRUTH about the Ukraine/Russia conflict:


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I'm Canadian, still truth.

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Yes, you poor people have the deviant slime-ball Trudeau... not as bad as Biden... but very close. Jeeze!!

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Biden has dimentia. It's not much of an excuse but it's one Trudeau doesn't have.

I'm gonna call it a tie.

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True... but Biden is not really doing all this damage, it is the shadowy cabal of traitor swine behind him... some think it is Boy Barry Obongo... IMO, it is more likely WEF Schwab and Soros... it is possible that the overwhelming evidence of the Biden Crime Cartel's corruption and criminality... and Treason(?) will bring him down soon... despite the collusion and cover from the liberal MSM... which has become ever more appalling...

Trudeau seems to be calling the shots himself... but I am sure HE is controlled to some extent by the WEF... that malignant, yeasty turd of a finance minister, Chrystia Freeland may be even more of a radioactive shitbag... and a possible replacement? Jeeze!

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Perfect timing. Thank you!

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Thank you, Clif, for all you do. I like the people who comment for the most part (like refreshingly aligned with me). I went to lunch yesterday with 4 senior ladies and asked them if they had done any prepping for the fast approaching tumult? They all looked blank, so I didn't elaborate too much. I think the coming days will feature the wrath of God like we probably cannot imagine. Psalm 91:8 promises we will behold and see the reward of the wicked. I'm standing on that.

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i enjoy listening to clif in the car. something magic about it.

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