Who put a nickle in Clif? Me likey, long time. Not one but two posts ( and both delicious wouldn't you say? ). This particular one ties in very nicely with the prior "bio" posts, with a lot more food for thought.

And I just realized that is Clif's great gift to us, obscure information nutrition, hard to find elsewhere.

Yum gobble gobble.

Thanks human.

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What Clif writes about, in essence, is of wisdom of the highest order according to Message of a Master. The example used in the book is of an aeroplane being unable to fly without the resistance the air provides. LOVE IT!

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The WEFites are those who, by intending evil, further the good. By trying to censor the Internet, they spur growth in the network. By subverting the institutions, they spur the creation of superior institutions. Despite themselves they're having an accelerating effect on our evolution

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O to do a deep dive into your brain Clif.

the joy that i experience reading and listening to your words.


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Cliff...I do adore you.

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Clif, Mauro Biglino has a new English video out: https://youtu.be/WijP_yczjbE

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That's perhaps the simplest, clearest, nonreligious descriptions of Reality, you could ask for.

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Rad vacuuming going on in all living things across the universe.

We are cleaning house. :)

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We need the universe to suck out all the fucktard‘s so the rest of us can live in peace. Thank you love your post

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

I thank Clif for teaching me so many things and hope I can contribute value to the conversation. The purpose of the Universe is not complexity. The universe favors species that organize and elevates those that organize the best (https://fixyourthink.com/blog/universe_purpose/). The purpose of all species is not survival, but to organize. Survival is a byproduct of organization. Since the prime directive is to organize, all social laws can be derived from that basic law. Social relationships can be grouped into two types. Predator-prey and cooperative teams. A predator hunts, kills and eats the prey. In a team, members help each other to maximize the well being of all team members. A cooperative team is orders of magnitude more powerful than a predator (https://fixyourthink.com/blog/team-power/).

Most people don't know the difference between a master-slave relationship and a cooperative team. Many people are members in master-slave type organizations and believe they are fine. But a master-slave organization is an optimized predator-prey situation. Think of the master as a farmer who raises chickens. A farmer grows chickens so he can kill and eat them whenever he wants. Most organizations claim to be cooperative teams but are actually master-slave type gangs.

A cooperative team runs on on the flow of fair and beneficial exchanges between its members as its life blood. This allows an evolution of greater organization. A master-slave organization runs on deception, coercion, and harmful exchanges which degenerates the level of organization.

Complexity is not a problem in a well organized team. Like the individual cells in a human body, each member of a team only needs to know how to do his simple job. Only when there is disruption of the organization is an individual member required to take on enormous duties for survival.

Complexity is used as a weapon to attack a cooperative team. By forcing complexity on each member of a team, the team is weakened and can be destroyed. When a thing becomes complex, it is usually being attacked. When a thing becomes simpler, it is becoming more organized. Our current state of affairs is that complexity is being forced upon each person. Each person must grow food, obtain water, generate energy, defend against crime, create shelter, and on, and on, and on. The solution is to reorganize.

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Clif you are such a welcome gift to us, in ways many do not understand, but we’re learning.

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Love the new "label" - Tribe of Fucktards or ToF / tof. I'm using that one from now on. I just realized the British use this term for "aristocrats" who think they are superior. Perfect. laughing...

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Thank you Sir WooClif!

Your words always create, craters of compostable COMPLEXITY!


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Thank you!

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This made it seem so simple about climate change. Fighting it is such a big expenditure of time and energy. Finding ways to get along with it is so much better.

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Love this message of condensed, summarized status report on earth. Thank you. May we, who are available, become more refined conductors.

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