When men were men (not soy boys) and women were women (not transmen).

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Natural women , that could give n take a joke

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Women as we define ourselves, not as men define us.

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Then you are definitely a woman 👍🏻

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I think Aretha's song of the same name has been black listed.

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Haha, yes, back when the gender-switching was just good fun ball-breaking, where no one was offended.

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THOSES we’re the days

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I believe

Of this there is no doubt

They wish to rub out

Adam and Eve

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I think they wanted to rub Eve. We’ve been hearing it for years and years.

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I didn’t fully realize what a truly blessed rich childhood I had until this political correctness bravo Sierra crap started. Thank you Clif for the gentle reminder.

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I remember looking up "political correctness" online a good decade or more ago. One of the first citations that came up was that it was part of an organized strategy FOR communism. And they listed their other tricks. Haven't checked recently, since so much has been scrubbed since "they thought she'd never lose" lost. But it's amazing that obviously true reason was right there for everyone to read, and the NPC's continue to foist it on the world. But maybe I expect too much from those droids.

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funny thing about NPCs is that I keep trying to interact with them

looking for some kind of switch to get them out of zombie mode

so far haven't found the code

playing with NPCs is about as much fun as playing with my pet rock... more likely that it will come to life before these brain eating zombies.

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Yes. I have a masochistic streak and "hang out" at Yahoo. That's where the NPCs, the Leftists, libtards (redundant), etc., are. The material on that home page consists of the usual anti-white, anti-Trump, anti-America woke liberalism. But, most of those stories have posting boards... you get my drift?? It's very censored, but I find writing "hot" words (like "block" for black, "why t" for white -- it's THAT censored -- "as whole" for... you get it) phonetically can negate the algorithm. So, I communicate with "them" often. And, they're beyond "stew pet". If you appeal to their logic, you're out of luck because they don't have any. A great example was yesterday. Someone dared to criticize the Suckretary of Energy, who's (supposedly) a female. Half the poster's argument was it was a typical "old white male" misogynist criticizing her BECAUSE she's (supposedly) a female. The man criticizing her said she was doing a lousy job because she didn't have a scientific background. (Which is a weak argument. She has a giant staff, and can have them research anything to any depth, as well as pick the brain of any "expert", etc.) So, I posted to several droids defending her that in just 2 yrs the prices of oil & gas are at record highs. But, you know what busts my rocks the most? It's all the many, many "innocents" who make excuses for these (to me) obvious traitors. I call it The Obama Effect. You know, "they're trying their best, but they're stupid". They're not stupid. Far from it. Take care. Send me your bill. ;^)

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Absolutely 👏👏👏

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And we all went outside to play in those days

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Too funny, I needed a laugh

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Back in the day I worked on creating everything, Chips, p.c. boards, sheet metal, machined parts, plastic injection molding, microwave communications, medical Lasik and cutting lasers, ultarasound and x-ray emitters. then I went on to Architectural design and structural steel. Good luck on finding a worker like myself, we are long gone. Clif, I am an expert at Autocad 3d if you need any drawings or documentation I will gladly provide them for no cost.

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sounds like mom and dad!

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If you are hittin' the sauce, clif, PLEASE CONTINUE !

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more chaga for clif!

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Yep those were the days. Back when mushrooms grew on the Evergreen soccer fields. Free speech was expected.never tiptoeing around pronouns and politics. Everyone what entitled to opinions.

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Happily, Clif, in outback Australia, nuffins changed. Where I live in Nhulunbuy, on Australia's northern monsoonal coast, trannies 'n gays learn to button their lip. Nobody picks on them because nobody cares. But if they tried to impose new rules on straights the tolerance would cease. It's a mining town and 80% of the population is Aboriginal for a thousand miles in any direction. Obscenities proliferate in the air, sourced in any gender; and everybody laughs.

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Feb 12, 2023
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Welcome. It has the world's best climate. occasionally 34 celsius, but usually around 28 to 30. Today it is 25 C because its cloudy.

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Feb 12, 2023
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I was saddened by one of your Alberta citizens condemning the unvaxxed, a person whose music I play daily on my guitar, Neil Young.

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Feb 12, 2023
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Four strong winds that blow lonely... I used to sing that with my wife. When she divorced me she said she only pretended to like Neil Young, How is that for a low blow LOL.

I kinda presumed that Neil came from Alberta. Now that I know he lives in California I totally understand he would believe garbage. California is an insane asylum. He married Daryl Hannah?! It just gets worse LOL.

Thanks for retuning me.

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Feb 26, 2023
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Thank you for that update and micro-concert, Robbin. That reminded me, Neil Young played at a concert in Darwin but I was broke. Everybody knew what a fan I was and so a big crowd put the hat around and raised enough for the ticket. For me it was a Mecca Moment.

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Feb 26, 2023
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Maybe about 1974. Big name musicians came to tiny Darwin because the entire town was a rock-crazy audience. 73 Nationlities and all got on just fine. No racial tensions and no demographics. All just one big happy family. The left destroyed all that.

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Aye mate, don't sleep in the road!

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I just realized you might not have seen that video.


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Thanks, Kiki, I had not seen that video. Yup, I guess people are close to the land around here. In the tropics, it can be quite pleasant sleeping on the ground. In my younger days, in the humid wet season I often slept on the tiles, with a ceiling fan blasting down on me. Pure luxury. But some people lack commonsense and sleep on the road which, on a cool night, still retains the heat of the day. One bloke slept with his legs on the rail track and had to use crutches forever. Tsk tsk it is possible to have too casual an attitude.

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I think, the older I get, it is more preferable to be close to the land than close to globalists...but then, I lived in a tent for a couple winters in the mountains...so maybe I just like a more primal lifestyle? IDK...at any rate, I waffle between thinking it is funny, because it is different culturally and thinking it is much better than what we have now in many ways...you know how it is, sometimes when you have a sickness (modern civilization) and it progresses so gradually like a poison drip fed into your veins that you don't even realize how sick you are until something snaps you out of it...you don't even realize that you have forgotten how to Live or even behave like a living being...

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You are a kindred spirit. The people I live with don't so much own the land, the land owns them. Family is everything. And life is regulated by laws thousands of years old. Mostly, we only talk in local languages in which political correctness cannot exist. We hunt regularly, some everyday, and the bush is more home than a house, which people live around rather then in. The sad aspect is that doctors and commercial food are killing everybody. The government made a point of pushing the mRNA jab on everybody and few heeded my warnings.

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Hmmm no one has accused me of that for years. lol but thank you; that is sweet.

I made a manifesto for my own people that defends our rights a while back but I am not sure they really took to it. You can live that lifestyle as long as your laws are intact but the second they are ripped from your people there are no boundaries to live by any longer. I was trying to get Whites to snap out of their morass and the things that are destroying them. It sounds like we have some ideas in common. Can you recommend a book that is authentic and actually outlines any of these laws that I can read?

This is what I came up with for my own:

"We believe that being born on the planet to Life is our birthright. We do not believe you OWE anyone for being born. We do not believe that you are 'renting' the planet from its owners through taxation or that you have any fiscal responsibility to the people who claim that the planet belongs to them. We do not believe that there was an 'original sin' that needs to burden your mind as that is psychological slavery or that you are in penance for committing sin or that you are born a slave to any race, committee, organization, body, corporation, government or institution."

"Like all of the natural world, when you are born you are an integral part of this environment and ecosystem, not something outside of it or in addition to it."

"You BELONG here. You are part of this world for the length of your experience."

"Being born here is an 'act of God' that obeys Natural Law. Natural Law is the highest governing body and is upstream from all culture and civilization. Thus if not found in nature, it is by definition an artificial or imposed construct."


"Monogamy is found in nature. Church and state regulated marriage is not."

"Free exchange (gifting) of energy or resources is found in nature. Taxation is not."

"All Law is based on upstream foundational principles of nature since these are derived from the Primal Structure of the material experience."

"Thus, if you, personally desire to pay taxes as a voluntary gift, this is acceptable; however it is anti-Natural Law and an infringement on others for you to compel others to act against the principles of the Primacy of Natural Law. All Law must not infringe upon the foundation principles of the material reality as this will result in the collapse and boom and bust cycles of destruction of humanity, society, civilization and Life."

"We do not concern ourselves (since this was for White people to help them) with other cultures or their development but rather maintain an inward focus on our own growth, development, culture and genetic peoples."

Anyway...it sounds like you all have something in place already, but we would have to recover our own natural principles in order to really LIVE here on Earth and we have been slaves for thousands of years operating in a deadly and destructive system...so {shrug} IDK...we may just destroy ourselves without even understanding what went wrong and that would be a shame; not everything is adapted to the Long Haul if they cannot understand the basics about what is happening and why it may be that we are not capable of survival.

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Feb 12, 2023
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I have always wanted to visit Tasmania. It is so beautiful...the seas glow at night.

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Feb 12, 2023
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Yeah it is...I can't imagine what a laid back society it would be to consider sleeping on a road. I mean, it makes sense when you think about it in a certain way. It is flat, no roots, no bugs or snakes and probably not used very often for vehicles.

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Hey Clif, are you sure that wasn't Large Marge? Lol, take care guy.

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I think it was sweaty betty

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Yea when you could just call it like you see it , Mabel had more balls then most lol

And she got the job done n no feeling hurt

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Freedom of Speech!!!😇😂🤣

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Huge fierce GE storm on Auckland NZ today. And then to slip down the country. All the best to you all for good insurance claims and freewater.

No TV in our house since the lightning took out the dish, six months withdrawal, but now clean.

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I don't have dish or cable, but I have a new smart tv that isn't hooked to wifi and it works. It hasn't been turned on in at least two months, but I am fairly certain it works. Damn, now to resist the urge to make sure. lmao

Whoops, already don't care.,...... Aaaah, Much better.

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Yeah, TV is the new sodomy of this century... keep it up... or down if it's driving you crazy... Fuzz

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Back in the day in Montreal, everyone had a diminutive for the other groups, even of the same race. The French were referred to as Frogs, the English as Blokes, the Italian as Wops, the Blacks as Coons, the Irish were Wiggers, etc. and no one cared. It was just a convenient way to organize social groups in our minds. We never got offended by it and society operated well.

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Love it, right on target my friend.

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I get your point but am still wondering if you're drinking tonight?

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