Back in the day…
When men were men, and work was work…
Back in the day, when the woman owner of a small tavern in rural Thurston county Washington called up the local satellite dish company all freaked out about damage from yet another wind storm JUST before the Super Bowl, the conversation may have gone something like this:
Mabel the Tavern owner: “You cunts better wiggle your asses right out here and fix this damn dish that I paid soooo much money for, or your tits will be in my wringer!”
After a bit of gentle negotiation on timing, the reply may have been something on the order of:
Satellite dish install/repair guy: “Don’t get yer dick tied in a knot there, Mabel, we’ll be out this afternoon.”
Sigh. Back in the day...
When men were men (not soy boys) and women were women (not transmen).
I didn’t fully realize what a truly blessed rich childhood I had until this political correctness bravo Sierra crap started. Thank you Clif for the gentle reminder.