Here we go again. Clif doesn’t believe in the Bible or that there is a God but take it from him. Now Space Aliens apparently chose Jews as the chosen ones. There are No Space Aliens Clif they are Demons. They’ve been here all along. Just out of curiosity Clif in your mind who created the Space Aliens ? Heatherstone
Oh, I think Clif could be quite intimate with the Lord of Creation if he wanted to be. There are plenty of humans with the heart-based holistic cognition entrained to the linear brain-based cognitive function. Goethe as an example, was an individual with the brain-based linear function entrained to the cognition of the heart. Luther Burbank is another example.
IMHO, anyone who talks to doggos is alright with me. We all fall short of the Glory of God. But I pray everyday that He show His Glory to all Humanity so that none shall be deceived.
Clif is a very smart man , however a man can only serve one master. God or Satan. Since Clif doesn’t believe in God he is an ungodly man. Dumb as a bag of Rocks when it comes to spiritual beliefs, it really is that simple. I monitor Clif because he is an influencer. I prefer people follow God not Clif. Al Mighty God gave Clif a Gift years ago and he doesn’t even understand where it came from. In his mind it probably came from Blue Space Chickens. Heatherstone
Are you God Heather? If not then your opinion is of no greater value than clif's. The difference is yours is not as persuasive as his. You should work on it, create a following, and then maybe people will listen to you with respect.
and God said as you judge, ye shall be judged, hence, your dumb as a bag of rocks comment, which shows your own lack of spiritual grounding. Anyone walking around naming the animals like Adam, is likely less awake than they think.
I’m not judging anyone I’m stating a fact. Your are a Leftist Lunatic . What are you talking about walking around naming animals like Adam. Good Luck I’m Done With You. Heatherstone
I see this so much lately, where someone has a difference of opinion, they automatically, and without any proof or real reason, accuse them of being a "Leftist". It is absurd. It is the new "Rayciss" and will likely never even be as effective, if it was ever effective at all, than reeeing Racist or Anti-Semite at someone. sigh. (Edit:) I have to ad Bot and Troll as well. If that makes me Racist, .... or worse, a Leftist, ... well, I rather expected that. lmao
IMO - It's getting really close now. Many prophetic people see the rapture being this month. Personally, (due to an interview I heard with SD Morton), that will happen very soon. He claims (in the pyramid it was written - I think) that Jesus was crucified 4/1/33AD. If that is the case and the harpazo is this year, then it would mean that this whole month is a heavy watch time as Jesus went to Sheol for 3 days and got the keys then ascended into heaven, then came down and spend 40 days with His disciples then was "taken up into the clouds" which is what the Bible describes as how true believers will be taken up. After that happens, Obummer will be revealed as the ac and the tribulation period begins. So, IMO this month should be fascinating! Love to all!
The real problem is is that everybody thinks the Bible is Gospel it's f****** truth and start to finish well it's not. Through translation of many in languages over many years the Bible is not what we all think it is. Why did King James destroy the Geneva bible? Geneva Bible was the Bible of the people at the time so King James started destroying it and by 1611 kills his own bible? Really? King James is a f****** pedophile and Satanist King James Bible you can stick up your ass
It's like Clif explaining something like a Bicycle to someone, pointing out all the functions, tech, use, how it was invented and so on. All the information and then Heatherstone responds Oh no haha it is a Pedalo because you know what? Bicycles do not exist! haha. But Pedalos doo!
Ok Heatherstone what is a Pedalo then? Well its a Pedalo! Can you point out more about it? .. Yea, its a Pedalo. So there i said it. Wow i get it. Bicycles do not exist! They are Pedalos and not the same thing oh no. Thanks Heatherstone.
I believe he has told people on several occasions to read the Naked Bible - you clearly haven’t, but yet chose to go ahead and criticize Clif because of your cognitive dissonance
I believe that in Clif's eyes universe is much bigger perceptually; however, it still remains that universe is GOD & ALL materium is conscious. Therefore, when enough people focus there Minds & their Hearts collectively on a problem, that problem can be minimized or eliminated. Works in healing, in business, in relationships. It is one of many gifts like intuition & telepathy that can develop if encouraged at an early age. FREE
Nobody knows the true answer to any of this. Have you read the Literal translation of the Bible? Hebraic roots bible, give it a shot. First look into Mauro Biglino's research in the Vatican vaults and check out his book. The naked bible
Actually if you people did your history and stopped just thinking your Bible is your history and all true because the Bible is not all true Bible is full of crap and translation has been jacked up, anyway the space aliens he's talking about actually do exist and they are not demons they are not the Fallen Angels therefore you are completely wrong. And I would like for you to prove you're right because you will be able to. Our human DNA came from actual extraterrestrials not Fallen Angel demons however the kingmanites and the king blood line is demon
Where is your documented evidence that our DNA is from actual Extraterrestrials? Was it from the TV Show “Ancient Aliens” Please send me the Link ?? What Master do you serve God or Satan ??? Heatherstone
My impression is that he very much believes in source and that we are created by source. There are many current day biblical interpreters who are beginning to point out the discrepancies between the Old Testament “gods” and the New Testament God and many of Cliff’s presentations allude to these discrepancies.
Their stance is that the old testament gods are those whomever they may be, in physical form actually chose to manipulate and control humans. (which is easy to believe, given the world we are living in right now and what most of us here know). Many many people share this perspective.
He uses “space aliens” tongue and cheek. They did not choose the Jews; he says they chose the Kazarian Mafia (Who camouflage themselves into the Jewish religion) which do their bidding. This is the crux of his work, so if it doesn’t fit with how one see’s things, it will damper how one feels when they listen to him. He’s explaining the root of the deep state from his perspective of history and religious ideology for his listeners who share that perspective.
I’m pretty sure he would entertain the idea of space aliens actually being demons. I do, however it’s important to remember it’s not about where demons come from. Demons are darkness. Demon is whatever rejects God, whether it’s from space, or earth, or just a concept. Some people believe demons take physical form on this earth.
When listening to this topic, I imagine that this correlates with Satan in the Bible, who chose to separate from God and “do things better”, “become God”. But Satan can only copy or replicate which means to repeat, (reptile) which is what a computer does. It cannot create, it can only be programmed by something conscious.
Whoever chooses to follow Satan, may be rewarded, but is actually demoted (demo(n)ted).
That is why AI and Trans humanism is always what comes up next...
Clif, I really want to see this "great revealing" about the gene therapy shots that you claim will come out - - that these injections were a mass poisoning. I am a pure blood, but living in a blue state, I am constantly surrounded by the Covidian Cult, as C.J. Hopkins phrased it, at the start of the scamdemic.
J. Gan., subscribe to Substack channels Bailiwickn News and Due Diligence and Art. Truth is coming out daily, but you have to get around the censors to find it.
Try reading "The Naked Bible" by Mauro Biglino, who was an official translator for the Vatican. That is, of course, just one source, -- but a very good one -- that shows that the Bible is not what most people think it is.
Martin Johnson and C Taylor: I haven't read *The Naked Bible* so it doesn't inform my view that dismissing, questioning, critiquing, or not believing in the strict literalness of the Bible in no way negates the existence of God. Or Jesus the Christ. To me, that--the God contact--is the heart of the matter. (My background is Catholic school K-6, public 7-12, Fordham University, a private university with a bunch of Jesuits hanging around while I was there in the 1970s.) I'm a believer, but I don't think a human mind would ever be able to translate a download from God using language and "word for word," so to speak. And as it was drummed into me in college, "The translator is a traitor." I think it's why language teachers say "Think in French" or whatever language one is learning.
I think my head would explode or blow a main fuse if I tried to relate ideas on God's, er, more developed level. I do think the Bible is an inspired work, and in places in the New Testament I see it as a recounting of apostlehood and interactions with or involving Jesus. It's an astoundingly beautiful, instructive book. But in the end, for me, my direct experience of God, and a few super-fantastic friends, is utterly personal.
PS In Catholic school I spent a fair amount of time kneeling on my beanie. Punishment for talking. Six decades later I still have stigmata on my kneecaps from the metal button that dug into them. The result? SPGTOW: Spiritual people going their own way. 😉
You should risk "blowing a main fuse" by expanding your mind. Who knows why any of are here, but if there is a reason learning is likely at least part of it. You might disagree with what you read, -- and that's fine -- but if you reject something out of hand, then you are really limiting yourself and your potential.
I expand my mind on the daily, thank you very much. I can see I'm being misunderstood, so I'll be blunt: Anyone who thinks they can directly translate the Creator is a pompous ass. So I can try all day every day in every lifetime and not accomplish that particular aim. As an editor and just a human, I've read countless books, from which I always learn something. Your criticism of me/what I've said is going in the wrong direction.
You misinterpreted what I said. I used your own quote only in reference to the book I mentioned; it was not in reference to anything else you might or might not do -- thank you very much. And who the Hell said anything about "translating the Creator"? We are talking about about a book that has been edited, redacted, added to, and subtracted from more times than probably anyone knows.
A few months ago I tried to read the "Naked Bible" . I found it to be such baseless nonsense I stopped after 20 pages. It is not even written by Biglino . Clif seems to call God "consciousness". It is like the Talmud Jesus is in burning excrement. Pure blastphemous nonsense - don't waste your time.
No, it's written by Giorgio Cattaneo, based on protracted discussions with Mauro Biglino. It is certainly not "baseless nonsense", but rather is founded on careful translation. If that were not the case the Vatican would not have hired Biglino. If you are looking for more in-depth analysis read Biglino's own books. Since the average person reads at about a grade 8 level I didn't bother to mention those. And, who the Hell gives up on a non-fiction book after only 20 pages? Had you decided you weren't going to like it before you even picked it?
First of all the "Naked Bible" is total fiction inspired by Satan no doubt. If you want a real Bible translation go to The Concordant bible translation started in 1906 and has been worked on since then by numerous scholars. Lets do a little critical thinking here of all the tens of thousands of scholars who have studied Holy Scripture over the centuries how come it is only Biglino who has promoted this poppycock? This trash only exists to distract people from finding the true LIVING GOD. El is a singular word and even Clif's ranting cannot make it plural. Don't be deceived by Satan.
To be conscious of some thing means you are aware of it, it means you have chosen not to sleep and that you allow the light in. That is what it means to be God like. Anything that stays in the darkness or the shadow wants to remain unseen and not a part of the hole, which is exactly what creates demons. So God is pure consciousness because God is pure light. That’s what the essence of God is. If you choose to fracture from God and swing into the darkness, that would be unconsciousness, and therefore as far from God as you could be
Also the Unvarnished Gospels and the Unvarnished New Testament by Andy Gaus. The entire Gospel of John reads like a rant against the "Sin"agogue of Satan and the Deep State Pharisees.
That's exactly what I've been saying for years. The Bible is not what you people think it is when they say it's The Greatest Story Ever Told that's just it, it is a story. However the Bible is a great law book and God's law common law is the supreme law of demand however our judiciency otherwise. Nonetheless people need to get your hands on the wheel bargaining which is that you need the bible. James version of the Bible was written by a pedophile who wants to read a Bible written by a Satanist pedophile thickness? I sure as hell don't
He doesn’t dismiss it, he just interprets parts of the Old Testament differently than Christians do. I have seen several very compelling presentations the past two years regarding his perspective on it
Hello humans. Watch out for the Borg with their trans humanist nanotechnology through vax, food, and geoengineering , resistance is futile. Resistance is mandatory!
Son of the Republic – May 9 2023 COVID-19 Bioengineered & Weaponized * Intentionally Mutated From Common Cold? * Timeline Reveals Bioengineering From 1960s.
Yes, these ideas have been around for ages. But, one thing about the coronavirus, it dies in sunlight!!! It causes mutations which weakens it's deadly potential with each cycle & will eventually kill it. It was ALWAYS about the Vaxxx & the gullibility, ignorance, & trust of the public to ALLOW themselves up for slaughter like the sheep of Abraham. The Vaxxx was ALWAYS planned to be a depopulation agenda & ALL those connected to its creation, acceptance, manufacture, sale, & use in society should be disciplined accordingly. FREE
Yes, the sooner we lose the fake money and the fake news, etc. the better. It will be a hard fall for people who believe their money and news are real.
On the topic of Zionism, etc., Zionism is a construct of the KM. The Talmud is not the Torah. The Torah, and Old Testament books are of the ancient Hebrews, the descendants of Abraham, and the twelve tribes of Israel, only ONE tribe being Jews, the tribe of Judah, along with Levi.
Elohim is properly translated as the "family of God". The "LORD God" should be translated as YHWH Elohim.
It is then the responsibility of each individual to decide if Elohim are "space aliens", or the Creator.
ahhh, then you have not been in a good AA meeting as AA is filled with spiritual people and a common saying is "religion is for people who do not want to go to hell, but being spiritual is for people who have been to hell and do not want to go back there."
Admittedly, yes. There is a difference to having a relation to an AA meeting or group, and actually living one's life by the principles of AA, after having done the steps of recovery, with a sponsor. Many do not even make it to finding a sponsor and working just a few of the steps because it involves Real work, on oneself.
No, The LORD God is Yahweh-Jehovah, God of Israel, the jealous God. El-Yahweh is his father, The Most High God. The are both members of the Hebrew pantheon, the Elohim. It was The LORD God who persuaded Abraham to convert from polytheism to monotheism and to worship no god but him.
You're giving blood to the satanists. They control the entire American Blood Centers, American Red Cross and others internationally. You donate, thinking you're helping others, and that unit of blood is sold for hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Most blood products expire within 60 days. They use a lot for rituals. Do some research. It's something I've been aware of for 13 years.
He is giving blood to reduce the amount of ferritin (iron) in his body. Having too much iron in the blood is unhealthy for older individuals: it may lead to an early demise.
I didn’t take it that he was literally giving blood...I took it as a sarcastic comment, when he needs to go to the city, he’s “giving blood” by shopping and shit. Did I miss understand?
Cliff has a fairly common condition called Haemochromatosis. It is an inherited condition where iron levels in the body slowly build up over many years. This build-up of iron, known as iron overload, can cause unpleasant symptoms. If it is not treated, this can damage parts of the body such as the liver, joints, pancreas and heart
Women naturally release blood every month during their cycle, but some men don’t have an outlet to release the excess iron so giving blood helps to relieve the iron content. He has mentioned this before in other podcasts :-)
Didn't sound sarcastic to me. There are some benefits to having blood thinned. Hence leeches. Which is why I think he does it. However, he probably doesn't know that the system behind it has been in place for over 70 years. It's run by a mafia.
Cliff has a fairly common condition called Haemochromatosis. It is an inherited condition where iron levels in the body slowly build up over many years. This build-up of iron, known as iron overload, can cause unpleasant symptoms. If it is not treated, this can damage parts of the body such as the liver, joints, pancreas and heart
Women naturally release blood every month during their cycle, but some men don’t have an outlet to release the excess iron so giving blood helps to relieve the iron content. He has mentioned this before in other podcasts :-)
Thank you Father God for saving my life more than one time!! My family and I have been blessed and I pray that you will watch over all the good people of this world until you return. I cannot imagine grinding through this evil world without you, for you hold me up when I am weak and help me up when I fall.
As you are as well but I must ask do you know who the Kenites are? If you do not then please educate yourself and you may find that the naked bible as well as so many important religious writings were written to deceive , period! You my friend are the lost soul and I will pray that you find your way. The Kenites are real and in control of this evil world and and if you think I am deceiving you type Kenite with a small k in the text and see if any and all spell checks do not correct you, they will!! I am very awake and very sound in who I am and why we are all here, are you!!?? I know the truth and it took many many years to find it so perhaps it is time for you to "wake up".
You sound pretty snarky, fella... pompous too... like most 'religious' hypocrite douchebags. You say "I know the truth"... what a craven assclown! Hundreds of "religions"... and their offshoots... but YOU know the truth. LOL!! fool!
Do you even know what "The Naked Bible" says? Read it before making an ass of yourself again.
You are actually quite unsound and are mired in hysterical ancient mythology... "Sons of Cain", eh? What a clownish tool. The entire story of the garden... Cain and Able... all myths... read... learn, then, Sheep, shut that pompous pie-hole.
Ha ha ha, thank you for the laugh!! I am a farmer not a litigator so if you seek more rebuke please find someone else to chastise. I am a farmer, I plant seeds and keep watch then move on. Sometimes the seeds grow and sometimes they do not but I do not have time to waste for the deceived that have no interest in the truth. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. I take your slander as merit for I know the truth and the lies of the deceived. I have no interest in further communication with you as Jesus said "pearls before swine" However I will pray for you as well as the other poor souls that believe this evil world it all there is!!!
My friend remember that misery loves to invite you to join them but the best response is no response. Their misery will consume them which is apparent by his words!!
I dislike pompous "religious" clowns, who love to insult subtly... they say THEY know the truth... looking down at others who don't buy into their laughable mythologies.
I also dislike sensitive woke spinless nothings like you, who feel the need to stick their noses in.
Thanks for informing us on your dislikes. We weren't sure where you stood. But then, it's all about you, at least in your current mental state of hate. State of hate. Accurate for so many, sadly. Please try to walk barefoot in grass and pet a dog. You need to recalibrate, says this sensitive soul.
Best upload yet . I love it when Clif digs these global elites out . Cannot believe that we are going to witness the fall of America ( and western countries ) but it's knocking at the door. It has to happen , people are sick and tired of the false shit that the elites have rammed down our throats . Please let Tony Blair be the first to be hung by the bollocks, horrid piece of shit ! I'm English and we hate this shill .
I think you are wrong with the mac addresses I've tested myself and they are really showing up on the Bluetooth scan if you install a scanning app or activate developer mode on your phone. I've tested in stores, cafes and a lot of times on the plane. Tested on neighbours and friends and apparently the mac address doesn't say the same, (couldn't find correlations) . And it doesn't do it for everybody that's uaxxed!! The simplest example is to wait somewhere on an empty street and when a car comes up you get a reading; if a bus comes you get multiple readings. On the airplane you get between 150-190 address out of probably 240-250 people on board. . Nobody wants to believe me, even my wife and she could see while it's happening. So... try it yourself to find out,
I have personally switched on my old legacy phone bluetooth in supermarkets, planes etc (not the bluetooth in the new phones which have been programmed not to show these Mac addresses). I have on multiple occasions have seen a whole list of unknown origin Mac addresses show up. I live in a remote area and whenever a tradesperson shows up to do work on my house, I switch on my old legacy bluetooth and there are 2 or 3 Mac addresses which show up. When they leave the property, the Mac addresses disappear. Has Clif switched on his old legacy bluetooth in crowded areas and checked?
Here we go again. Clif doesn’t believe in the Bible or that there is a God but take it from him. Now Space Aliens apparently chose Jews as the chosen ones. There are No Space Aliens Clif they are Demons. They’ve been here all along. Just out of curiosity Clif in your mind who created the Space Aliens ? Heatherstone
Oh, I think Clif could be quite intimate with the Lord of Creation if he wanted to be. There are plenty of humans with the heart-based holistic cognition entrained to the linear brain-based cognitive function. Goethe as an example, was an individual with the brain-based linear function entrained to the cognition of the heart. Luther Burbank is another example.
IMHO, anyone who talks to doggos is alright with me. We all fall short of the Glory of God. But I pray everyday that He show His Glory to all Humanity so that none shall be deceived.
Clif is a very smart man , however a man can only serve one master. God or Satan. Since Clif doesn’t believe in God he is an ungodly man. Dumb as a bag of Rocks when it comes to spiritual beliefs, it really is that simple. I monitor Clif because he is an influencer. I prefer people follow God not Clif. Al Mighty God gave Clif a Gift years ago and he doesn’t even understand where it came from. In his mind it probably came from Blue Space Chickens. Heatherstone
Are you God Heather? If not then your opinion is of no greater value than clif's. The difference is yours is not as persuasive as his. You should work on it, create a following, and then maybe people will listen to you with respect.
and God said as you judge, ye shall be judged, hence, your dumb as a bag of rocks comment, which shows your own lack of spiritual grounding. Anyone walking around naming the animals like Adam, is likely less awake than they think.
I’m not judging anyone I’m stating a fact. Your are a Leftist Lunatic . What are you talking about walking around naming animals like Adam. Good Luck I’m Done With You. Heatherstone
I see this so much lately, where someone has a difference of opinion, they automatically, and without any proof or real reason, accuse them of being a "Leftist". It is absurd. It is the new "Rayciss" and will likely never even be as effective, if it was ever effective at all, than reeeing Racist or Anti-Semite at someone. sigh. (Edit:) I have to ad Bot and Troll as well. If that makes me Racist, .... or worse, a Leftist, ... well, I rather expected that. lmao
Mechanics 101
Advanced, top dead center and retarded.
In mechanical terms, you are retarded.
Anyone using left-right, red-blue, Dem-Rep language trying to label me, is lost deep in the mashed potatoes. Go back to sleep.
"I’m not judging anyone I’m stating a fact. Your are a Leftist Lunatic ."
That right there....that is just fucking retarded.
You're Retarded.
IMO - It's getting really close now. Many prophetic people see the rapture being this month. Personally, (due to an interview I heard with SD Morton), that will happen very soon. He claims (in the pyramid it was written - I think) that Jesus was crucified 4/1/33AD. If that is the case and the harpazo is this year, then it would mean that this whole month is a heavy watch time as Jesus went to Sheol for 3 days and got the keys then ascended into heaven, then came down and spend 40 days with His disciples then was "taken up into the clouds" which is what the Bible describes as how true believers will be taken up. After that happens, Obummer will be revealed as the ac and the tribulation period begins. So, IMO this month should be fascinating! Love to all!
The real problem is is that everybody thinks the Bible is Gospel it's f****** truth and start to finish well it's not. Through translation of many in languages over many years the Bible is not what we all think it is. Why did King James destroy the Geneva bible? Geneva Bible was the Bible of the people at the time so King James started destroying it and by 1611 kills his own bible? Really? King James is a f****** pedophile and Satanist King James Bible you can stick up your ass
I have a family bible here. KJV. It's pretty big.
You use the Geneva bible then?
Would Love to have one.
So Clif ,who created the Aliens ?
Universe, who else!
And who created our amazing universe?
What, you think GOD stops at just one universe? And what about the next iteration of existence beyond a multiverse? FREE
You are thinking of the butthead Cory Goode.
"There are No Space Aliens Clif they are Demons."
It's like Clif explaining something like a Bicycle to someone, pointing out all the functions, tech, use, how it was invented and so on. All the information and then Heatherstone responds Oh no haha it is a Pedalo because you know what? Bicycles do not exist! haha. But Pedalos doo!
Ok Heatherstone what is a Pedalo then? Well its a Pedalo! Can you point out more about it? .. Yea, its a Pedalo. So there i said it. Wow i get it. Bicycles do not exist! They are Pedalos and not the same thing oh no. Thanks Heatherstone.
this is one of the most perfect responses I’ve ever read to a comment that annoyed me
Finally. Someone applies logic and common sense to challenge the Clif Cult BS.
Hey Clif, where did the Space Aliens come from ?
They are a product of Satan.
I believe he has told people on several occasions to read the Naked Bible - you clearly haven’t, but yet chose to go ahead and criticize Clif because of your cognitive dissonance
God made space aliens, which makes God even bigger than pee brain humans believe God to be. But really, none of us know for certain!
So IYO, there is no possibility of a Godly space race that is among us, here to help us?
So who created the Aliens according to Clif? Where is god ?
I believe that in Clif's eyes universe is much bigger perceptually; however, it still remains that universe is GOD & ALL materium is conscious. Therefore, when enough people focus there Minds & their Hearts collectively on a problem, that problem can be minimized or eliminated. Works in healing, in business, in relationships. It is one of many gifts like intuition & telepathy that can develop if encouraged at an early age. FREE
Nobody knows the true answer to any of this. Have you read the Literal translation of the Bible? Hebraic roots bible, give it a shot. First look into Mauro Biglino's research in the Vatican vaults and check out his book. The naked bible
Actually if you people did your history and stopped just thinking your Bible is your history and all true because the Bible is not all true Bible is full of crap and translation has been jacked up, anyway the space aliens he's talking about actually do exist and they are not demons they are not the Fallen Angels therefore you are completely wrong. And I would like for you to prove you're right because you will be able to. Our human DNA came from actual extraterrestrials not Fallen Angel demons however the kingmanites and the king blood line is demon
Where is your documented evidence that our DNA is from actual Extraterrestrials? Was it from the TV Show “Ancient Aliens” Please send me the Link ?? What Master do you serve God or Satan ??? Heatherstone
Fuck off
Gee , I must have Hit a Nerve.
My impression is that he very much believes in source and that we are created by source. There are many current day biblical interpreters who are beginning to point out the discrepancies between the Old Testament “gods” and the New Testament God and many of Cliff’s presentations allude to these discrepancies.
Their stance is that the old testament gods are those whomever they may be, in physical form actually chose to manipulate and control humans. (which is easy to believe, given the world we are living in right now and what most of us here know). Many many people share this perspective.
He uses “space aliens” tongue and cheek. They did not choose the Jews; he says they chose the Kazarian Mafia (Who camouflage themselves into the Jewish religion) which do their bidding. This is the crux of his work, so if it doesn’t fit with how one see’s things, it will damper how one feels when they listen to him. He’s explaining the root of the deep state from his perspective of history and religious ideology for his listeners who share that perspective.
I’m pretty sure he would entertain the idea of space aliens actually being demons. I do, however it’s important to remember it’s not about where demons come from. Demons are darkness. Demon is whatever rejects God, whether it’s from space, or earth, or just a concept. Some people believe demons take physical form on this earth.
When listening to this topic, I imagine that this correlates with Satan in the Bible, who chose to separate from God and “do things better”, “become God”. But Satan can only copy or replicate which means to repeat, (reptile) which is what a computer does. It cannot create, it can only be programmed by something conscious.
Whoever chooses to follow Satan, may be rewarded, but is actually demoted (demo(n)ted).
That is why AI and Trans humanism is always what comes up next...
Clif, I really want to see this "great revealing" about the gene therapy shots that you claim will come out - - that these injections were a mass poisoning. I am a pure blood, but living in a blue state, I am constantly surrounded by the Covidian Cult, as C.J. Hopkins phrased it, at the start of the scamdemic.
J. Gan., subscribe to Substack channels Bailiwickn News and Due Diligence and Art. Truth is coming out daily, but you have to get around the censors to find it.
Oregon here, and yes.
You’re absolutely a smart guy but you’re so wrong to dismiss the Bible.
Try reading "The Naked Bible" by Mauro Biglino, who was an official translator for the Vatican. That is, of course, just one source, -- but a very good one -- that shows that the Bible is not what most people think it is.
Martin Johnson and C Taylor: I haven't read *The Naked Bible* so it doesn't inform my view that dismissing, questioning, critiquing, or not believing in the strict literalness of the Bible in no way negates the existence of God. Or Jesus the Christ. To me, that--the God contact--is the heart of the matter. (My background is Catholic school K-6, public 7-12, Fordham University, a private university with a bunch of Jesuits hanging around while I was there in the 1970s.) I'm a believer, but I don't think a human mind would ever be able to translate a download from God using language and "word for word," so to speak. And as it was drummed into me in college, "The translator is a traitor." I think it's why language teachers say "Think in French" or whatever language one is learning.
I think my head would explode or blow a main fuse if I tried to relate ideas on God's, er, more developed level. I do think the Bible is an inspired work, and in places in the New Testament I see it as a recounting of apostlehood and interactions with or involving Jesus. It's an astoundingly beautiful, instructive book. But in the end, for me, my direct experience of God, and a few super-fantastic friends, is utterly personal.
PS In Catholic school I spent a fair amount of time kneeling on my beanie. Punishment for talking. Six decades later I still have stigmata on my kneecaps from the metal button that dug into them. The result? SPGTOW: Spiritual people going their own way. 😉
You should risk "blowing a main fuse" by expanding your mind. Who knows why any of are here, but if there is a reason learning is likely at least part of it. You might disagree with what you read, -- and that's fine -- but if you reject something out of hand, then you are really limiting yourself and your potential.
I expand my mind on the daily, thank you very much. I can see I'm being misunderstood, so I'll be blunt: Anyone who thinks they can directly translate the Creator is a pompous ass. So I can try all day every day in every lifetime and not accomplish that particular aim. As an editor and just a human, I've read countless books, from which I always learn something. Your criticism of me/what I've said is going in the wrong direction.
You misinterpreted what I said. I used your own quote only in reference to the book I mentioned; it was not in reference to anything else you might or might not do -- thank you very much. And who the Hell said anything about "translating the Creator"? We are talking about about a book that has been edited, redacted, added to, and subtracted from more times than probably anyone knows.
A few months ago I tried to read the "Naked Bible" . I found it to be such baseless nonsense I stopped after 20 pages. It is not even written by Biglino . Clif seems to call God "consciousness". It is like the Talmud Jesus is in burning excrement. Pure blastphemous nonsense - don't waste your time.
No, it's written by Giorgio Cattaneo, based on protracted discussions with Mauro Biglino. It is certainly not "baseless nonsense", but rather is founded on careful translation. If that were not the case the Vatican would not have hired Biglino. If you are looking for more in-depth analysis read Biglino's own books. Since the average person reads at about a grade 8 level I didn't bother to mention those. And, who the Hell gives up on a non-fiction book after only 20 pages? Had you decided you weren't going to like it before you even picked it?
First of all the "Naked Bible" is total fiction inspired by Satan no doubt. If you want a real Bible translation go to The Concordant bible translation started in 1906 and has been worked on since then by numerous scholars. Lets do a little critical thinking here of all the tens of thousands of scholars who have studied Holy Scripture over the centuries how come it is only Biglino who has promoted this poppycock? This trash only exists to distract people from finding the true LIVING GOD. El is a singular word and even Clif's ranting cannot make it plural. Don't be deceived by Satan.
To be conscious of some thing means you are aware of it, it means you have chosen not to sleep and that you allow the light in. That is what it means to be God like. Anything that stays in the darkness or the shadow wants to remain unseen and not a part of the hole, which is exactly what creates demons. So God is pure consciousness because God is pure light. That’s what the essence of God is. If you choose to fracture from God and swing into the darkness, that would be unconsciousness, and therefore as far from God as you could be
Also the Unvarnished Gospels and the Unvarnished New Testament by Andy Gaus. The entire Gospel of John reads like a rant against the "Sin"agogue of Satan and the Deep State Pharisees.
Sure, there are lots of scholars, commentators, and books that -- as you suggest -- are staring to challenge entrenched religious dogma.
That's exactly what I've been saying for years. The Bible is not what you people think it is when they say it's The Greatest Story Ever Told that's just it, it is a story. However the Bible is a great law book and God's law common law is the supreme law of demand however our judiciency otherwise. Nonetheless people need to get your hands on the wheel bargaining which is that you need the bible. James version of the Bible was written by a pedophile who wants to read a Bible written by a Satanist pedophile thickness? I sure as hell don't
The Naked Bible is one way to see that the bible is not what they claim it to be, nor is our history. It is all about controlling the people.
Yes he talks great about the fed/dollar etc
But hey when it comes to his Bible knowledge
He shows his illiteracy and lack of even BASIC scholarship
Dismissing the same Bible that is the most manipulated book of all of time?
Read the naked bible.
Is the Naked Bible based on a masoretic text/translation?
He doesn’t dismiss it, he just interprets parts of the Old Testament differently than Christians do. I have seen several very compelling presentations the past two years regarding his perspective on it
Thanks Clif
Morning Humans, Morning Humans
Hi, does anyone know the name of the book on the soul that Clif sometimes talks about?
The Naked Bible
I actually found it. It's called Thinking and Destiny. But I'll check that out too
Hello humans. Watch out for the Borg with their trans humanist nanotechnology through vax, food, and geoengineering , resistance is futile. Resistance is mandatory!
Yes. Would like to see her and cliff get together for a discussion
Afternoon Clif
Son of the Republic – May 9 2023 COVID-19 Bioengineered & Weaponized * Intentionally Mutated From Common Cold? * Timeline Reveals Bioengineering From 1960s.
Stew Peters Interviews Dr David Martin – May 8, 2023 –
The Stew Peters Show | 8 May 2023 – COVID-19 BIOENGINEERING-1960’s timeline-reveals-bioe.html
Martin's interview is just outstanding!
Yes! Just thinking couple days ago that hadn't seen him in social media for some time.
Thank you for those links, I have been waiting to see Dr.Martin again in something very recent.
Me too! Haven't seen him on social media for months.
Yes, these ideas have been around for ages. But, one thing about the coronavirus, it dies in sunlight!!! It causes mutations which weakens it's deadly potential with each cycle & will eventually kill it. It was ALWAYS about the Vaxxx & the gullibility, ignorance, & trust of the public to ALLOW themselves up for slaughter like the sheep of Abraham. The Vaxxx was ALWAYS planned to be a depopulation agenda & ALL those connected to its creation, acceptance, manufacture, sale, & use in society should be disciplined accordingly. FREE
Hello Clif, thank you for today's podcast...
Hi Clif! The age before Pisces would be Aries, not Taurus!
Thanks for all your work!
(Just so you'll know) he knows that and has said it a number of times on other podcasts; he just misspoke in this instance.
Was about to "correct" Clif, but you have already done so. He misspoke I'm sure.
Signs move retrograde in the Great Year.
No - we are leaving Pisces... the procession of the ages moves counter-clockwise through the zodiac.... Web searches take seconds.... And yes, we know wikipedia is a cia op.... ; ) Read the first couple of paragraphs carefully.
Handy chart at the bottom gives approximate dates for each "age" - you will find they progress counter-clockwise to the zodiac....
Thank you Clif!!
Yes, the sooner we lose the fake money and the fake news, etc. the better. It will be a hard fall for people who believe their money and news are real.
On the topic of Zionism, etc., Zionism is a construct of the KM. The Talmud is not the Torah. The Torah, and Old Testament books are of the ancient Hebrews, the descendants of Abraham, and the twelve tribes of Israel, only ONE tribe being Jews, the tribe of Judah, along with Levi.
Elohim is properly translated as the "family of God". The "LORD God" should be translated as YHWH Elohim.
It is then the responsibility of each individual to decide if Elohim are "space aliens", or the Creator.
Spirituality is an individual matter as well, a group structure doesn't really fit.
ahhh, then you have not been in a good AA meeting as AA is filled with spiritual people and a common saying is "religion is for people who do not want to go to hell, but being spiritual is for people who have been to hell and do not want to go back there."
I think a person's relation to a group like AA is still an individual one dependent on his own point of view.
Admittedly, yes. There is a difference to having a relation to an AA meeting or group, and actually living one's life by the principles of AA, after having done the steps of recovery, with a sponsor. Many do not even make it to finding a sponsor and working just a few of the steps because it involves Real work, on oneself.
No, The LORD God is Yahweh-Jehovah, God of Israel, the jealous God. El-Yahweh is his father, The Most High God. The are both members of the Hebrew pantheon, the Elohim. It was The LORD God who persuaded Abraham to convert from polytheism to monotheism and to worship no god but him.
Oooh, the looks of the near future sound pretty dang good to me. Thanks for setting the scene for us.
You're giving blood to the satanists. They control the entire American Blood Centers, American Red Cross and others internationally. You donate, thinking you're helping others, and that unit of blood is sold for hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Most blood products expire within 60 days. They use a lot for rituals. Do some research. It's something I've been aware of for 13 years.
He is giving blood to reduce the amount of ferritin (iron) in his body. Having too much iron in the blood is unhealthy for older individuals: it may lead to an early demise.
I literally inferred that. That's why leeching is still a thing. However, blood donation is quite suspect, to put it mildly.
I didn’t take it that he was literally giving blood...I took it as a sarcastic comment, when he needs to go to the city, he’s “giving blood” by shopping and shit. Did I miss understand?
Cliff has a fairly common condition called Haemochromatosis. It is an inherited condition where iron levels in the body slowly build up over many years. This build-up of iron, known as iron overload, can cause unpleasant symptoms. If it is not treated, this can damage parts of the body such as the liver, joints, pancreas and heart
Women naturally release blood every month during their cycle, but some men don’t have an outlet to release the excess iron so giving blood helps to relieve the iron content. He has mentioned this before in other podcasts :-)
Didn't sound sarcastic to me. There are some benefits to having blood thinned. Hence leeches. Which is why I think he does it. However, he probably doesn't know that the system behind it has been in place for over 70 years. It's run by a mafia.
Cliff has a fairly common condition called Haemochromatosis. It is an inherited condition where iron levels in the body slowly build up over many years. This build-up of iron, known as iron overload, can cause unpleasant symptoms. If it is not treated, this can damage parts of the body such as the liver, joints, pancreas and heart
Women naturally release blood every month during their cycle, but some men don’t have an outlet to release the excess iron so giving blood helps to relieve the iron content. He has mentioned this before in other podcasts :-)
What's the smiley emoji for? I've heard him mention it. My point was about blood donation. 🙂
I’ve crossed some nasty stories of the blood donation system as well. Spooky stuff.
Thank you Father God for saving my life more than one time!! My family and I have been blessed and I pray that you will watch over all the good people of this world until you return. I cannot imagine grinding through this evil world without you, for you hold me up when I am weak and help me up when I fall.
You are entitled to your delusions.
Read Clif's recommended Biglino's "The Naked Bible" to wake up.
As you are as well but I must ask do you know who the Kenites are? If you do not then please educate yourself and you may find that the naked bible as well as so many important religious writings were written to deceive , period! You my friend are the lost soul and I will pray that you find your way. The Kenites are real and in control of this evil world and and if you think I am deceiving you type Kenite with a small k in the text and see if any and all spell checks do not correct you, they will!! I am very awake and very sound in who I am and why we are all here, are you!!?? I know the truth and it took many many years to find it so perhaps it is time for you to "wake up".
You sound pretty snarky, fella... pompous too... like most 'religious' hypocrite douchebags. You say "I know the truth"... what a craven assclown! Hundreds of "religions"... and their offshoots... but YOU know the truth. LOL!! fool!
Do you even know what "The Naked Bible" says? Read it before making an ass of yourself again.
You are actually quite unsound and are mired in hysterical ancient mythology... "Sons of Cain", eh? What a clownish tool. The entire story of the garden... Cain and Able... all myths... read... learn, then, Sheep, shut that pompous pie-hole.
Save your prayers for yourself, Dr. Delusional!
Ha ha ha, thank you for the laugh!! I am a farmer not a litigator so if you seek more rebuke please find someone else to chastise. I am a farmer, I plant seeds and keep watch then move on. Sometimes the seeds grow and sometimes they do not but I do not have time to waste for the deceived that have no interest in the truth. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. I take your slander as merit for I know the truth and the lies of the deceived. I have no interest in further communication with you as Jesus said "pearls before swine" However I will pray for you as well as the other poor souls that believe this evil world it all there is!!!
Get behind me, Satan.
Cruelty should replace abiding in your chosen moniker. Dude.
My friend remember that misery loves to invite you to join them but the best response is no response. Their misery will consume them which is apparent by his words!!
I dislike pompous "religious" clowns, who love to insult subtly... they say THEY know the truth... looking down at others who don't buy into their laughable mythologies.
I also dislike sensitive woke spinless nothings like you, who feel the need to stick their noses in.
Thanks for informing us on your dislikes. We weren't sure where you stood. But then, it's all about you, at least in your current mental state of hate. State of hate. Accurate for so many, sadly. Please try to walk barefoot in grass and pet a dog. You need to recalibrate, says this sensitive soul.
Best upload yet . I love it when Clif digs these global elites out . Cannot believe that we are going to witness the fall of America ( and western countries ) but it's knocking at the door. It has to happen , people are sick and tired of the false shit that the elites have rammed down our throats . Please let Tony Blair be the first to be hung by the bollocks, horrid piece of shit ! I'm English and we hate this shill .
Clif - there is a stack of evidence now about self assembling nanotechnology in the Covid shots - and in other injectables.
I think you are wrong with the mac addresses I've tested myself and they are really showing up on the Bluetooth scan if you install a scanning app or activate developer mode on your phone. I've tested in stores, cafes and a lot of times on the plane. Tested on neighbours and friends and apparently the mac address doesn't say the same, (couldn't find correlations) . And it doesn't do it for everybody that's uaxxed!! The simplest example is to wait somewhere on an empty street and when a car comes up you get a reading; if a bus comes you get multiple readings. On the airplane you get between 150-190 address out of probably 240-250 people on board. . Nobody wants to believe me, even my wife and she could see while it's happening. So... try it yourself to find out,
I think that might be the Bluetooth in the vehicle
I have personally switched on my old legacy phone bluetooth in supermarkets, planes etc (not the bluetooth in the new phones which have been programmed not to show these Mac addresses). I have on multiple occasions have seen a whole list of unknown origin Mac addresses show up. I live in a remote area and whenever a tradesperson shows up to do work on my house, I switch on my old legacy bluetooth and there are 2 or 3 Mac addresses which show up. When they leave the property, the Mac addresses disappear. Has Clif switched on his old legacy bluetooth in crowded areas and checked?