The content and comments here offer insights and meaning. I deeply appreciate those who comment here. Thank you.

Are we going to rely on things somehow reversing? Where are the people looking for solutions? Why not quit relying on things somehow resolving and start considering what can be done? IE. HOW can we stop our enemy's ability to harm humanity and all life on the planet? Perhaps if humans are no longer ready, willing, and/or able to work to discover how to stop the enemy's ability to harm humans and all life on the planet, humanity will deserve what it gets?

Thanks again.

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Here in NYC we put up candidates in the last election from our Medical Freedom Party; this Spring we've got 51--one from each district -- running for City Council.

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"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize under a dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privilege to others, will be to constitute the Bastille of medical science. All laws are un-American and despotic, and have no place in a Republic. The Constitution of this Republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."

-Benjamin Rush, MD and signer of the Declaration of Independence.

We live in a 'post-Truth' aka (((Communist))) world now. What is interesting is the prescience and foresight of our forbearers and their deep knowledge of the evil that continuously pervades the world. Protecting their concepts and thoughts is a way of protecting all of humanity...but look, we haven't even caught up to something that was well known about the slave masters in 1776.

It is interesting in this 'post-Truth' world that the top search result on Jewoogle when looking for this quote is (((Fried))) denying that medical freedom should be part of the rights of humanity. He denies that the quote even exists although it has been used and requoted for over 100 years. And then he lies and says Rush advocated for vaccines when they didn't even come into being for another 20 years after the signing. Post Truth world...we have been given over into the hands of our mortal enemies so that they can dispatch us in anyway they deem acceptable ala Ginsburg style where we are not 'allowed to have Constitutional protection' that prevents being forcibly vaccinated/poisoned/murdered.

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You stated the situation correctly. They are indeed.our mortal enemies.

"To restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privilege to others, will be to constitute the Bastille of medical science..."

I live for the day when the petty gods of medicine are pushed aside and free-thinking men and women do their own research that others may agree with or not.

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There is a slight possibility that with the use of free AI they could simply heal themselves. This is what I would like to see tbh.

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Kudos to you NY'ers.Lived upstate for a while and I can tell you those people won't sit back and do nothing.

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If I may suggest the Bible and the Constitution are a good start to resolve most with a little Law of War and Devin Justice

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David Dubyne of Adapt 2030 has some really good ideas for survival strategies, but the first thing to do is create a garden, buy seeds, buy soil/ compost, by garden tools.

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You will need more than survival strategies. You all need to find your damn BALLS and take over EVERY DAMN LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT. That means that everybody reading this MUST MAKE A COMMITMENT TO RUNNING FOR EVERY POSSIBLE OFFICE, FROM SCHOOL BOARD TO CITY COUNCIL, TO ELECTION COMMITees,ETC.

this means you need to get off your ass, turn off the damn tv and leave your baby sitter cell phone on the counter…..roll up your damn sleeves and begin organizing, AT A COMMUNITY LEVEL. FLOOD THE ENTIRE SYSTEM WITH YOUR PEOPLE.

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I don't believe we have that kind of time working within the constraints of their system. Elections are only held so often...even at local levels...and that's hoping that they have not infiltrated their stealing methods at local levels. They did not get to this point over night. They have been stealing elections, infiltrating our systems for years and years. Even President Trump had no idea and those behind him as to the level and depth of the corruption. He promised to drain the swamp. I believe him. And I believe he is still intending to do so...but that promise was made years ago. We are 6 years into that and still not completed. Even if we could get what you suggest done in 4 years at the local levels...we will be way behind their agenda. I think, even though we might think we are comfortable with the system we have...it is corrupt and needs to come down. There is no saving it. There comes a point where you need to amputate when the infection gets to the point we are at. They own and operate this system and we are slaves within it. Why save it for them to just step back in and continue on with their plan. Time to go after them...and the system! That kind of movement will make it very difficult for these rats to " walk down the street!"

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By the way...if you go back to the Trump speech he made prior to becoming President, he specifically states this is not about a 4 year election, it about replacing a failed and corrupt system. It IS the system that needs to come down! Sorry, as Cliff says, that includes the banking! If we really want to save America and our Republic, the system has to go. It won't be easy, it won't be comfortable! What we thought was normal...and we grew comfortable with...is gone and will never come back. They have played their card and have been exposed, and as normies wake up to this, I believe there will be a certain amount of chaos, riots and unrest. I have known, felt and believed this going all the way back to the 70's. Where I began my research after having very similar experiences to what Cliff has shared. Actually moving out of this materium into what he calls hyperspace. Something one never forgets because it's REAL! Form....is the illusion!

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Catherine Austin Fitts has recommended exiting banks, especially the large ones, and finding a stable, well-run local credit union... and get to know them on a personal basis. She is a well known financial analyst and has info available on YT.

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BTW, you can check the current rating of your credit union or bank on this site. Click on the correct tab and use the search for your bank/ credit union. https://weissratings.com/en/banking

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This is the strategy I followed.

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2008 crash revealed that there are NO LOCAL CREDIT UNIONS! Somehow they've morphed into a FedRes type of system. Your local money in credit unions is ALL in financial centers around the world...NOT LOCAL. There are multiple levels of credit unions above local that funnel your money to these centers. They're called wholesale CU.

ALL FCU, each, had to cough up

$ millions of add

additional dollars and send it to the NCUA In 2009 to save that system. This after the failure of 2 wholesale level credit unions in January & February 2009.

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Any resetting of any system MUST BE DONE CAREFULLY AND JUDICIOUSLY. There are far too many people, on both sides of this political continuum, who are hanging by a thread. They have no money to spare and struggle to feed their kids. They can not afford rent and SO THEY live on the streets. They have severe health care issues. Older people are being driven from their homes in ever greater numbers because they can not afford to live. THOSE PEOPLE WHO WANT A RAPID DESTRUCTION OF THE CURRENT SYSTEM ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT THINKING WITH AMY CLARITY OR COMPASSION ABOUT THE REAL FALLOUT AND THE IMPACT ON REAL STRUGGLING PEOPLE IN THIS NATION.

People are sick and struggling from side effects from covid shots, and have a desperate need for care. Have you seriously thought through what it will mean if this entire system gets kicked aside rapidly??????? The results would be catastrophic and lethal for many hundreds of thousands. DO YOU REALLY WANT THAT TO HAPPEN? My God, the fallout for RUSSIAN citizens was horrific when the soviet union collapsed, and those people were TOUGH AND STRONG. Our citizens, Americans, are not tough or strong or knowledgeable about how to survive when you lose EVERYTHING.

ONE THING I NEVER READ OR HEAR ABOUT IS THIS……WHAT EXACTLY ARE THE EFFORTS THAT PEOPLE HAVE BEEN MAKING TO BECOME DEEPLY INVOLVED, AS CITIZENS, AT EVERY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT????? I read a lot and see many comments of frustration……but I see few to none that ever discuss what people have actually DONE to make change. I grew up in the horrific tumultuous era of the 50’s - 1970’s…….and I think that era was a cakewalk compared to what will happen here if the rug gets abruptly and totally kicked out of this system. Ask yourself this…….do you want to see many millions of your fellow citizens die from a catastrophic end to what is here presently? Could you literally be comfortable watching your neighbors suffer through the loss of everything, be unable to care for their kids, and end up on the streets likely victims to every predator out there?

I understand our collective frustration as a nation…..I GET IT.


This is a daunting situation…..EITHER WAY.


I know too many good people who will be horrifically harmed, and might likely die, to want any ABRUPT AND COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF WHAT WE HAVE.

That being said, it really sucks to see a drowning friend out in the middle of the lake who is so far away that you can not swim out to help and you know you do not have a motor boat………..

There are no easy answers except “ roll up your sleeves and stick your arms into the dirty toilet up to your armpits to unclog the shit.”

May God help us to do the right thing…….seriously.

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I agree. It's imperative that 90% of the federal government be deconstructed. One bite at a time.

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m p -- Many towns/ HOA developments have CC&Rs that restrict one's ability to have chickens in the back yard or raised beds in the front. These also might restrict homeowners ability to grow produce in their own front yard. If there are food shortages and distribution problems looming, as there are now, it's imperative that people/ neighbors unite to demand "emergency" allowances to accommodate basic human needs such as food.

Someone should put an instructive YouTube video on exactly HOW TO DO IT. My area doesn't have CC&Rs, but city code might restrict chickens or rabbits. If so, a pro bono lawyer can explain the process and help navigate the problems, making it available to all FREE.

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NEVER buy a condominium or a house with a Home Owners Association. Over 55 communities are run like prison camps. HOAs will make your life not only miserable, but impossible.

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Absolutely. Never lived in one but have listened to horror stories about communist-run HOA's.

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Some of us have done our best to come up with and discuss solutions. Specifically, solutions that identify the root cause enemies of humanity, and then outline best ideas so far about how to stop their ability to harm humanity and the planet. Time is short. You, and others you know, may want to participate. At this time my belief is that we need to concentrate on all possible ways to STOP the harm they are causing humanity. Once the enemy is stopped, then perhaps we can concentrate on the other so called solutions. Here it is. It is free, please ignore the Substack requests for money, I cannot figure out how to turn those off. We could use your help, and the help of others you know who might be ready, willing, and able to participate as well meaning equal respectful partners. Thank you.



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My approach, small but replicatable by 10s of millions. Use cash. Why? Banksters get a 2% +/-merchants fee EVERYTIME we use plastic. Keep a little cash on hand to bypass the banksters. Hit them in the wallet. They depend on those fees to fund their agendas.

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This is a great tactic that almost everybody can do. Thank you.

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The wait staff in restaurants are VERY grateful too! The restaurant mgrs (who are ALSO having a hard time!) usually charge the 3-4% FEE of the credit card ON the server's tip! But, you think your $109 tip is

'mighty grateful'... and instead the server only get $7 of your dollars! If you want/need to pay by credit card -- give the server cash ANYway and just cross out the tip line on the charge form!

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Yes well first we have to have good food to eat......

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Feb 10, 2023
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We tried doing that here. Nothing has really worked so far. We tried everything. The entire system appears to be rigged. The accountability and audit trails are incomplete. I am in a bad state. WA State. Dreams of TX abound for me.

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Feb 10, 2023
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I am participating in the kinds of things you discuss. It is frustrating where I live, in Bellingham. The rural areas are less frustrating than the urban areas. The harmful microwave radiation levels are much, much higher in the urban areas than the rural areas, and I think that is a factor in the difference. It is complex but scientifically sound, as discussed here. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/enemy-emf-silent-weapons-for-quiet The correlation between population density and jab statistics is astounding. I am considering moving to a very rural acreage in Stevens county. https://data.news-leader.com/covid-19-vaccine-tracker/washington/stevens-county/53065/ Some rural counties in Texas look good. https://data.news-leader.com/covid-19-vaccine-tracker/texas/48/ Counties with committed constitutional sheriffs have advantages and, again, Texas has a lot to offer. But I look at my relocation with an open mind. A more rural life has always been my goal. Doing that has got significantly more challenging recently.

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Clif has shared templates of communication he hss had with the aholes in the Washington State legislature, and other public officials sn that abjectly insane state. This brilliant woman, Katherine Watt has many more ways she's helped others fight these socio-psychopaths who are killing people.


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I love Katherine and Sasha Latypova! They’re brave, strong people who are working for God!

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Watt is worth her weight in gold. Brilliant woman.

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I’m bracing for impact!!! Not positive I’m completely prepared.. but I’m more prepared than many!

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That is great. Congratulations. I am in a somewhat similar situation.

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It is not a matter of deserving what "we" get... it is a matter of not having the education and knowledge it would take to do the job. We have spent years getting behind the eight ball.

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Thank you for calling me out on that. It is not a good way to make the point that the enemy's ability to harm humanity and the planet needs to be stopped, and soon. Please accept my sincere apology. Being tired is not a valid excuse, that comment was out of character for me. It was born out of frustration, and it was a mistake.

This will not be easy. What has been tried has not worked well so far? My hope is that others will start actively thinking about innovative new solutions that might work to stop the enemy's ability to cause harm. My hope is that maybe somebody will come up with the tactic that turns the tide, and we can rid the world of our root cause enemy, and enjoy the planet we deserve.

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Thank you. You are reflecting my hopes too. My clarion call over the last several years has been "Save the Children."

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You might want to check out Bitcoin Ben and his Foundersgroup. Not trying to sell you anything, just thinking about practical solutions.

He is in the topic of decentralized business and Blockchain/Bitcoin since a long time and I see his efforts as potential part of the solution. Check it out for yourself and listen to his infos (and dont get confused by appearance ;) ... see whether ot resonates with you.



Potentially relevant for smaller investors. All the best in the coming journey

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I always point out: there's an EMP (enemy) or a CME (our Sun) -- and the power is out... That means NO credit card machines, and no electronic payments. I envision a hungry young fellow coming into the grocery store, holding up his dead phone and saying "If you could SEE my phone, you'd see I've got a million in Bitcoin here. Sell me meat!"

Yeah. Right. I HOPE Clif's "constitutional money" written on the dead current fiat would SERVE till whatever new govt shows up and finds a new system... but even if you COULD charge your phone with a solar battery... (and its guts hadn't been fried!) -- the store owner will not likely play along!

Clif's good idea ALSO means you need to have a ... large-ish ... portion of ACTUAL U.S. fiat money -- in small denominations -- NOW, at home in your safe -- so that when/if it DOES all go to hell. you will have SOME method of exchange.... Unless you want to be reduced to eating cold 25-yr-shelf-life pellets!!

(I always looked askance at the idea of large bullion: whaddayah do? Shave off bits and hope the grocer will accept it?) (So I laid in a bunch of SMALL 'rounds' as a potential trading 'currency' separate from the bullion I may or may have laid in...)

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Crypto seems like it's mostly fairy dust, blockchain or not. Who can sort out what's real, authentic digital coin and what's an empty shell. I'm not a gambler and don't care what crap-shoot game they play, I guarantee THEY will lure people in with promises of fortunes, pump and dump off 90%, snatching up $trillions, and then laugh at you for being gullible.

The Central Banks are pushing CBDCs to further enslave us, so unless you have time to stay on top of all the hype 24/7/365, or have an insider's connection to potential looming regulations, it's just too complicated. If, as Clif said, they (the FED, the US Treasury, industries, banks) are secretly stockpiling gold and silver, jumping the line ahead of citizens, because the US Mint claims to be at maximum production, the public's lawful access to US Treasury minted silver is almost nonexistent; then they are hording and something else is actually going on that no one is telling the public about. (Check out 'Road to Roota' for their theory)

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Clif is also recommending Bitcoin. It helps to understand the difference between decentralized Bitcoin and centralized altcoins (which are mostly scams or deep state money laundering vehicles). It also took me a while to understand and move beyond purely precious metals. I certainly dont reject gold or silver - quite the opposite.

Thanks for the "R to R" theory ... I read about it.

We will eventually likely live in a more decentralized world with various payment functions - in my view Bitcoin has a strong role within it. I dont subscribe to be either pro Precious metals or pro Bitcoin. I believe they complement each other very well. Lets see ;)

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No of course not. We’ve been dumbed down so much, we don’t know how to take care of ourselves. It’s more a matter of ignorance. I’m afraid we are going to have to have a soft communistic thinking. Like the natives on reserves. We are going to have to come together and work for the good of the community for a while anyway. There are going yo be a lot of people, not doing much for the community and that’s what we have to make OK. Everyone will get on board eventually but we can’t have people putting others down because, they don’t have a job, they seem like they are living off everyone else, they won’t help on the farms, etc. we all have to come together and support the farmers best we can, grow our own food. The most important part is going to be our mental state.....finding things to do, keeping trauma away from the children. Understanding, sharing, caring. If we did all this without, mental anguish and upsetting people around us, things will go fine. We will have enough food there’s no doubt. Our ability to share and care about our community is what is going to make or break it. Lots of innovation, everyone should be listened to.

If the banks go down then you don’t have a mortgage right, or rent so if all the businesses just kept going until we find a new trading system. I just hope there are lots of organic or natural farms out there because I’m sure gaits has poisoned many.

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Happiness Aviewpoint! -- NEWSFLASH, farmers are growing GMO franken-food that's contributing to everyone's health maladies. They overspray Roundup on everything they can to maximize yield and profit, and cooperate with EVERY university's AG programs to engineer more GMO food. You name the disease and I bet it can be traced back to GMO food, fluoridated water and vaccines. Just try to talk to a farmer or anyone in a farm community about GMO and they'll bite your head off in a nano-second. Consider the intestinal diseases that never existed 30 years ago, tumors in children, autism, ADD AND ADHD. Toxic/ deadly chemicals in our food and water and medicine.

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Do you realize a lot of food was GMO already? Tomatoes were tiny cherries. Apples were tiny. Corn looked like almost wheat. All vegetables were GMOed to keep insects off that’s why they have so many lectins now. We can grow organic but farmers have to keep the glysophate off and fungus killing sprays . I also soak strawberries in the sink in 2 tablespoons salt and 2 tablespoons of baking soda for half an hour. Salt is necessary because of seeds. I soak all other berries in baking soda and water for 20 minutes. I scrub oranges, limes lemons and other fruit with baking soda powder. I do this when I bring them home right away so we have fruit for the week. Grapes too are soaked. I try to buy organic or organic frozen.

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There are things to add to the valid points you make. As discussed in the two posts shown below.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars


EMF Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars (5G+, Cell Phones, WIFI, Bluetooth, Etc.) – Facts, Solutions, and Ongoing Discussion


Thank you.

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I do believe that is what it is going to take, is to form communities.There is a website called freedom cells network. org. People are forming many different types of groups - from people looking to form intentional communities, crypto, underground buy and sell....all kinds of things. Basically people looking to live independent lives from government control. There is also a site called live Free Academy. (John Bush) Same idea. They have all sorts of online classes and some meet up events.

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These groups are good. I have been to meetings with them. For me, there were some issues. The groups I interacted with did not like innovative ideas and they all followed leaders and cookbook solutions. Some of the leaders magically manifested amazing mansions, leaders that only months before had lost their jobs and were in jeopardy of becoming homeless. The manicured lawns were not available for group organic food forest type gardens, etc. I still go forward with an open mind but am skeptical. Our enemy does like to control the opposition, set up the opposition, and offer bribes and threats to keep the opposition in line. Look at the Freedom Cell network. The cells I look at are stale, often no activity whatsoever for a year or more. I hope others have a different experience than what I had.

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The root cause enemy of humanity is Warren Buffet's class and above. Along with their minion puppets installed and/or [s]elected into power positions in most or all of the world's institutions. It is now abundantly clear how power flows in this world. Some unaudited undisclosed entity at the top of a command chain issues orders that get rubber stamped by the puppets. As JFK said, this enemy is monolithic and works through covert means to issue its dictates.

The enemy excels at divide and conquer. It wants to divide and conquer the rest of the world. Along International lines (EG wars), along national lines (EG left vs right), and along other lines (COVID policy conformists vs COVID policy activists). It is adept at anticipanting the need for apparent opposition, creating controlled opposition groups, and installing its puppets at the head of those groups. It appears formidable, but its behavior indicates it has weaknesses. It is doing everything possible to divert attention away from solutions that might discover and exploit those weaknesses. One strategy is to remind the 99% of what they know, what and WHO their real root cause enemy is, so that, instead of fighting each other, the 99% can fight their real root cause enemy.

We are trying to stop its ability to harm humanity. It is not easy. If you are ready, willing and able, you may want to participate as an equal partner in this free think tank endeavor. It is free. Please ignore the Substack requests for payment, I can not figure out how to turn them off. Invite others you may know if wish.

Thank you.


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I highly doubt, destroying, or taking revenge on, or incarcerating would actually do any good at all. It would take years of fighting destroying whatever is left of humanity.

Just like Morgana, we need to turn around and ignore their power, keep our own power going and just forget they exist.

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Which will lead just HOW to THEM forgetting WE exist!?

Sorry to sound mean, but "hope" is not a survival plan! These malign evil-doers, who just worked VERY hard to poison the entire world (and succeeded to a horrifying degree!), are NOT going to stop coming merely because WE want to be left alone!

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What you write is a valid and may be correct. I like to consider a wide range of viewpoints, and there are many possibilities here. Discussions of the different possibilities can be helpful when people work together in objective open minded ways to discover solutions.

Ignoring them will not help the innocent young children our enemy tortures, terrorizes, and murders with their bio weapon injections. Every time I read about a young child victim of their crimes, or any victim, I realize that I cannot turn around and ignore what the enemy has done and what it plans on doing.

I am not convinced that ignoring their power will work out well. I think that extending and enhancing our own power is a great idea. I am not convinced that forgetting they exist is a good idea. But, I may decide to just go into the deep woods, embrace nature, far from humanity, and do something like that, if it appears that humanity is not ready, willing and able to find ways to stop the harm.

My hope is that we can work together to stop the harm. Maybe somebody will figure out a better way of doing that than what I have come up with so far.

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Well I meant the farmers, all doctors and law enforcement.......the doctors know better...don’t think they don’t .

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So, you gonna try to 'form a team' WITH them!?

They are STILL prescribing Run-deathisnear to hospitalized patients!! They have CHOSEN the evil path. We are going to have to sort out who is WORTH teaming with, and who is a 'murderer for money' who CHOSE to close his or her eyes and KILL people!

I'm with you on "form a team," thought I think of more as a militia! But 'forming' a team also means closing OUT of 'our team' those who are proven murderers and enforcers and willing participants IN the WEF/WHO/Khazarian Mafia mass murders!

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It is not yet clear how to strategically proceed. But first the harming of humanity and all life on the planet needs to stop as the number one priority. How to handle different groups is an open discussion. Strategic analysis and planning are needed.

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Sure thing Pollyanna! Ever seen what happens when the EBT cards ("food stamps") get shut down for just ONE DAY!? Ever watched the VERMIN right now today 'shoplifting' and CLEARING OUT the stores? Walmart, for God's sake, just pulled out their last two "black community" stores -- after a BILLION dollars in losses by thievery over two years from (the last) two stores!! Seen the two-legged animals running and not MERELY clearing the shelves of the stuff they WANT; but also clearing, smashing, stomping, and destroying the stuff they DON'T want to steal!!

Gonna try to get THEM to play nice, and sing kumbaya?! "Pull together and support the farmers"? Ever seen what's going on in South Africa!?

I'm SO tired of NICE people preaching sweetness-and-light to middle class WHITES ("we are the woooorld! Let's pull together!)-- and never ever thinking for a second about their AUDIENCE! Don't see you going down to the ghetto and enlisting the help of THOSE people, eh?

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Larry, what are you doing? Kick this off, dude.

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So then where did all the pictures come from of these horrible things happening to children? Underground places where they were rescued. Some faction of military must be doing this? Are they going to give us the tools to continue? They stopped “planned parenthood” from selling fetuses, whoever “they” are. Do you know? It sounds like a military operation is needed. I would clean-up every island on the planet if I had the tools.

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"Clean up" implies KILLING the enemy. Are you willing own up to that?!

Please go listen to Dr Lee Merritt on 'organ harvesting': apparently (and she reads Russian, so gets a lot of her news from OTHER sources than the U.S./NATO MSM); Ukrainian mothers and wives are not being given the bodies of their dead loved ones, because the Ukrainian "hierarchy" is "parting them out" -- is using them AS (unwilling/unintended) 'organ donors.'

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Thanks for offering WHO might be behind some of the problems and WHAT you would do. There are 6 things that are important in resolving many problems... How and the 5 W's, who, what, when, where and why. Without solving the HOW, does the WHAT one might do ever get accomplished? The W's give insights and inspiration? But the HOW is now our key question? Specifically, HOW to stop the enemy from harming humanity and the planet? It can and must be done. It is a moral imperative. I do not believe those who think it can't be done. I do not believe those who think it doesn't need to be worked on and will be handled by somebody or something else. Ideas are important. But, without considering and working on HOW, those ideas might just remain ideas, and then WHAT happens?

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Larry for starters: dpe100.com -

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Fascinating. I would love to see an independent objective analysis by a building biologist or expert in EMF weaponry. Are aware of anything like that? Thank you.

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Exactly! Independent and objective.

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Take a look at Sri Lanka where the population is rioting in the quantum numbers and beating their politicians to death with pick and ax handles.

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Like the saying goes the Only good politician is a dead politician

Or was that about lawyers

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Is a single one of them deserving to thus being promoted to martyr status? JFK was that martyr because he stood up for the people. The current crop of rat-bastards have not earned our swill if they were on fire. By being the digital warrior, we save ourselves from their intended fate, and we also spare them from their perfectly earned fate.

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Time for the Reckoning

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That can't be happening, it isn't in the news.

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It wasn't in their news either.

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Yes, I believe you, I was being a bit sarcastic. But that is something that SHOULD be covered by our media.

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Never happen, why give us ideas? Afraid of us as it is.

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Total agreement Sir! The entire planetary media is ever so unfortunately one of narrative conducted by the shallowest of plastic puppets. Because of us digital soldiers, the entire world population is catching on.

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I live that notion of beating politicians to death!!

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OMG another 2 years of this, we're beyond struggling right now, how are we to live? Why did they extend the suffering for so long. I'm so worried right now not only for me but for my kids and family. What the heck are they doing? Why not do it quickly so we can recover soon? This is not good at all, I'm extremely concerned, so stressed out !

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U also create ur reality to a certain extent so if u keep saying its bad it will get worse. Start being thankful for what u have and think about creating wealth

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"Creating wealth" goes far beyond monetary-based wealth. Plus, unless people are physically or mentally handicapped or literally imprisoned or bound in chains, they can walk away from whatever region and circumstance in which they currently exist, and seek the nearest red state where they can seek assistance to recover control of their life.

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You fuvking idiot. When was the last time you uprooted? How much $$$$$$$ did it cost?


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Are you a scared little teenager?

No reason to freak out here.

Most here including myself have been very AWAKE for decades.

Why not "Eat the meat and spit out the bones. "

Learn and implement.

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Nobody is freaking out, smartass. If you are so shallow that you fail to realize the insurmountable obstacles some of these people face, just stay the fuck off the comment section. Many people have handicapped kids, low income, no family support, and additional problems as well. You being awake for decades has nothing to do ith what I posted. Either put your money where your mouth is and offer to help that person or SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR GOD DAMNED ARROGANCE

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Luci it will be OK teach your kids how to garden even a balcony garden, (is there a community garden in your area?) buy seeds, learn to make candles, start storing rice, canned/ dried vegetables etc, get some sewing stuff (for repairs) pick up some old diy books, some basic tools. There is a lot of advice on the internet to help you.

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You should be concerned, but at least you are not some poor normie who has NO chance. You, by knowing, have the chance to prepare.

Sorry, if you want good news, but it is what it is.

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Get sum chickens and u will always have eggs to eat when a currency collapse of the dollar happens its gonna take awhile. Gonna just suck till 2025 at least

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And eggs to sell, will be like gold

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As awake as we may be it does sound scary I know. So many people I know don’t even believe me. I have decide to prepare anyway. Stocking up on food. I still hope and pray there is a plan. That Trump and his team have it all under control. That perhaps they will allow some tough times to happen just to wake a few more people up then we will be on our way to rebuilding a new America. Meanwhile stay vigilant, stay safe and be prepared. God Bless you.

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What people actually need to stock up on are not more material items like food and medicines nor guns and ammo.

What people need to stock up on is community spirit and altruism and charity.

Many communities in the US were literally dirt poor during the Great Depression, but you didn't hear of them collapsing and turning on each other like savages, neither did the people in the big cities like New York.

People mostly got by helping each other out when needed, many communities survived that way and it's that spirit which the KM/Cabal have tried to kill in the Western countries.

They have tried to brainwash us with movies and TV shows showing that the only people to survive tough times were the ruthless and sometimes psychopathic and selfish loners, exactly the kind of people you don't want rebuilding society because its the kind of people the WEF are.

This is where I disagree with the kind of message Clif has sent on some occasions, one of a survivalist mentality.

He's in a very isolated location and only deals with people on an as needed basis.

99% of people in the US don't live that way or in a remote area.

He's "escaped" the coming storm to shelter in his own "bunker", so what happens to the millions of us not so fortunate to have the funds to do that, or that we live in the remote Idaho panhandle or in the New Mexico mountains?

We need to form communities not only for the survival of society but to stop the take over by whatever remains of the WEF and the KM. They want us weak so they can move in and install their own dictatorship. Their minions in Antifa and other criminals can't do that effectively if there is a strong community willing to stand up to them.

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Majority of people had morality back in 1929 and 1930's when Great Depression hit. Exactly the opposite today. There is a portion of the population that are outright animals. There are still some good people, but cities will be extremely dangerous. I would get out while you can, especially if you have children. Get out now. Get out.

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I totally agree. I live in a small community that “goes to the wall” to help people who are needy. We even have a group that builds bunk beds for very poor families. The motto is “ no kid in our community sleeps on the floor.” Others make quilts and knit afghans. The Facebook page for our community is always a-buzz with discussions about donating to the food bank, rushing in to donate clothing, furniture and all manner of household goods when there is a fire, charity drives for families who have a sick kid, etc. stray dog……no problem. Someone will shelter it until its people are found .

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The walking dead comes to mind,get a crossbow

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Fear is the mind killer, it’s also a self reinforcing state where it can magnify a situation to be a lot worse than when it really is.

Be prepared but don’t be afraid.

The secret to weathering this storm is your own internal optimism and some prudence.

As much as I respect Clif’s viewpoint on things I don’t take his timelines as gospel because he’s frequently been off on the timings and on severity.

Also not every place will experience the crash in the same way.

For example the stock market crash of 1929, which led to the start of the Great Depression affected the US greatly but there were barely any effects economically in the UK, they didn’t experience the ‘dirty thirties’ and places like Canada didn’t have the same experience either(they did experience a recession but not nearly of the magnitude as in the US).

We need to stop generalizing things, some people act as if nuclear war will be happening any second now and are literally losing their minds.

The riots in Sri Lanka and Nigeria doesn’t mean the exact same scenario will play out in all areas of North America.

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Agreed! Thought....becomes form. Keep thinking what you are thinking...and eventually you bring it into your world! Not to say one shouldn't be aware...but don't dwell on the negative, remember that this NOW moment truly is the only reality and in joy....be in this moment. By doing and being in this NOW moment, you position yourself where intuition, creativity and connection with oneself can occur. Do not allow the mind to constantly put you in fear of the future which is not real! "Nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists"! From A Course In Miracles.

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Luci, I hear you. I was once in your position. Poor as a church mouse. I was single. However, here is what I did. First, I found the least expensive, but adequate and solid living abode possible……tough today but worth trying. I moved in with a friend…..saving 50% of the cost of living solo. Are your kids grown? If so, can you merge households? If your kids are still in school insist that they get jobs……..anything that pays. It puts food on the table. Get rid of all cell phone plans. One cell phone….for phone calls only. Landline internet. Get rid of tv, cable, netflix. Do family activities. Shop at thrift and second hand stores. Shop for best priced auto insurance etc. NO JUNK FOOD…..ALL MEALS HOME COOKED. For the immediate future live like you are in remote Africa.

My mom described how her family survived in the 1930-1940 era. Large family…..13 kids. Father was a carpenter. They had MASSIVE GARDENS, raised chickens and rabbits, bartered for beef and pork, wore their clothes until they were worn out, AND EVERY KID HAD A JOB. It is important to consider that LUXURY IS NOT AN OPTION FOR MOST. Most of the things we think are essential are NOT ESSENTIAL. Food, water, air, a roof over our heads and heat. If you can keep from starving and freezing……you will get thru this.

My mom taught me so many valuable lessons by educating us about that period of time. She repurposed whatever could repurposed. We had massive gardens and raised our own food. My father and grandfathers built our brick home……they were all builders. We kids began working at the earliest age possible. We were taught valuable lessons.

I did not forget and those lessons allowed me to survive and thrive.

One VERY IMPORTANT SKILL IS TO LEARN TO BUY EVERYTHING WHEN IT IS 50% off or on a great sale. This has allowed me tremendous benefit.

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Luci, if both you and your spouse want full time employment, with full benefits you can move to Minnesota. The dept. of corrections is hiring officers. All you need is drug free, pass background check, no criminal record for 2 years. The prisons are some of the safest in the nation. NO OVER CROWDING. METICULOUSLY CLEAN. RIOTS ARE ALMOST UNHEARD OF. SECURITY IS TIGHT MAKING IT VERY SAFE. THE LEAST SAFE JOBS ARE IN INDUSTRY WHERE A CRIMINAL HAS ACCESS TO TOOLS.

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He is full of it

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I know plenty of vaccinated women in Australia who are having babies so hopefully plenty of placebos around

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I know four women - all jabbed prior to getting pregnant - and all four subsequent babies seem really healthy - thankfully.

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Everything a mother takes in during pregnancy and breast feeding affects the baby including stress and emotions. I hope that these mothers had one of the placebos. If not then further down the line these children will sadly be affected in some way with their future health. It is very irresponsible for these mum's to have taken what is in reality a bioweapon if they planned for pregnancy. Sorry to sound so negative but it's the likely reality and the agenda.

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How many jabs?

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What shot was received?

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Apparently around 30% of the first dose were placebo. But this goes down substantially with doses and pretty much zero now for a while. They are not resulting in sterility in everyone but those poor babies health will be compromised now in life unless mum did 100% get placebo. Getting placebo with every dose is unlikely it's the reason for the booster push.

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How do you know 30% were placebo please

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Yes, I read that Trump (and I remember this) took over the FED and put it under the Treasury...and hired 3-4 different FED agents. Roths don't own it anymore. Why you see the FED raising interest rates now...this is bad for the wealthy KZ's.

Trump did a lot during the four years he was physically in office. Even though he is not physically at the White House, he is still in charge. This is all a facade we are witnessing...like the joke of a speech that Biden (or whoever it was behind the mask) gave last night...and even Kamala (or whoever) had a mask on too. The military is in control and has been since 2012. Go to https://thedocuments.info/ ... and read first Optics 101...for a summary (Derek is author and he also has a FB page 1776 Nation).

I am sure most of you already know this...but for those who don't...have fun reading.

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Very little coverage at the time for something of this magnitude.

He also appointed people to oversee the Fed and the Treasury who were not part of the political establishment nor ‘suggested’ to him by the Deep State moles he had around him.

Also people need to read the Devolution series to get a good idea of what Trump actually did.


Too many people have TDS and are stuck in the optics of the situation and refuse to look beyond their biases to see what has been happening.

I happen to think the collapse will be a managed one but not by the Cabal/WEF.

My suspicion is this event will be stage managed for maximum effect to shock the normies but I also think that something is already waiting in the wings to replace the Cabal system.

I also think the collapse and subsequent recovery isn’t going to take 4 years, that’s where I think Clif is speculating.

The US cannot survive as a nation if it fell apart for that long, it would be too vulnerable to a real invasion. The hard part may last for a year at most and depending on your location things will vary wildly in intensity.

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Yep ! Totally agree...this has been planned for a very long time.

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Did you READ the link you posted???

Here's what they themselves say.

In other words, the Federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets.

"The Fed is providing the money to do it."

"400 billion in liquidity from the Fed = Mnuchin SEIZED the Fed assets."

Do you even have a clue that the Federal Reserve is no more Federal than Federal Express.

Now tell me who is running this.....And you have the temerity say the Treasury is in control of this shit show ??

The Hopium Hits have affected your critical thinking skills to where you reside in a delusion filled fantasy. Talk about TDS.

Let me know when Trump rides to the rescue to save your ass.

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I was wondering if anyone had mentioned this in the comments. It was conjectured that Mnuchin and Trump somehow transferred control of the Fed to the Treasury. Also, aren't several of the people currently on the Fed's board Trump appointees?

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Yes, most of them now are Trump appointees. If you have not already go to that website link I gave in my comment. You will be amazed...everything very well documented.

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Show me Trump's executive order that facilitated what you claim.

JFK's executive order 11110 did just that with treasury notes issued beginning with 2 and 5 dollar bills backed by silver. These notes did not say Federal Reserve note but US TREASURY NOTE. constitutionally issued ordained money. The peoples money with no interest attached. JFK having come from a banking family understood the Zionist 1913 takeover of currency forced upon us thru the "Not Federal" but called Federal Reserve that would eventually destroy the country. JFK's executive order would destroy "Their" fiat con game. Less than 7 months later he was asasinated. That's the reason why they had to murder him and his brother. The MIC got Vietnam as their payoff.

For all you here who actually buy into that that military will step in to stop this treason just ask yourself why the hell are they promoting the ongoing war against Russia?

Why did they allow the mass genocide with the Clot Shot?.

Why did they allow the illegal lockdown of society that destroyed countless small businesses'?

Why are they allowing the our southern boarder to be overrun by foreigners will ill intent and drug running psychopaths?

Trump is simply nothing more than controlled opposition who's role in the Uniparty is to provide Hopium so his believers sit on their ass while what's left of out Republic is destroyed.

It will be up to the common American to rescue the country and not some Zio Bankster controlled Hack living in luxury. And don't assume or project that I'm a Biden or brain dead left supporter because I see Trump for what he is. I despise these POS even more than Trump.

Now show me if a similar EO was ever issued by the Zionist controlled Trumpenstein.

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Trump did not/does not have to issue an EO making the currency "a constitutionally issued ordained money" because lawful money is already a part of the constitution. JFK issued an Executive Order 11110 to issue Silver Certificates as money at that time was still backed by precious metals, as it should. I disagree with you about Trump. I suggest you go to the link I provided above ..."the documents.info" and read all of the evidence...and yes, it is evidence with links and dates as well as his EO's.

The current Deep State that has been controlling the world for centuries now has to go away and that means their "financial system" must be gutted also. The current Republican House issued an order that prevents the Fed from mandating CBDC. The Republicans now control the issuance and approval of all financial transactions. The ruin of the fiat currency is now taking place and it will be difficult for the average American citizen for a while. Putin and other world leaders are helping by ditching the so-called petro dollar...even Saudi Arabia. More nations and countries worldwide are joining BRICS for form a multi-polar world...not a ONE WORLD ORDER controlled by the Deep State. The world is very tired of the United States hedgemony. As I stated above, please read the documents provided at my post above. And, keep the faith in America. Our Republic will be re-established.

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You're a fool. So the Banksters financed this and they don't control this whole scam.

Trump is a Traitor. A deep state Zio financed operative to give false hope to people so they won't take action. You want to look at facts. Take an honest look at Trumps past. Who his mentor was and who bailed his ass out of failed casinos. Don't give me excuses about warp speed and his still boasting about bring the clot shot into fruition. Wake UP!

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Absolute nonsense. Trump was a massive failure.

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Haha, Trump succeeded in everything he promised the American people, in spite of the deep state fighting him all the way. He exposed the corrupt deep state for what they were, and the 2020 election further exposed them for how they criminally rigged and stole the election, and installed a puppet in the White House who is doing the bidding of the globalists. Biden is a traitor and criminal, in cahoots with Chyna, and the corrupt regime in Ukraine. Stay tuned, Trump now has the House back, and the deep state criminals are in panic mode.

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All he succeeded in doing was strengthening and unifying the leftists. He surrounded himself with the worst of the worst swamp creatures. And he declared himself the "father of the warp-speed vaxxine".

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans

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We will survive! We are winning! We will excel. We are strong! We got this and then some!

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The only thing I want to see happening is the WEFers and the KM being hunted down and executed during the next two years.

As long as they remain things will only get worse because they’re still doing everything they can to fulfill their prophesy of the Great Reset.

BTW, that little Satanic ‘act’ at the Grammies was in fact an attempt at form of ceremonial invocation to call upon Moloch for aid and comfort. Anyone with a level of spiritual or intuitive sensitivity could sense the purpose of the ceremony.

Only it didn’t work, it was a joke, more of a mockery of Satanic customs and it backfired on the WEF/Cabal, it also red pilled many atheistic normies on the left who went WTF, didn’t help that it was sponsored by Pfizer.

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It seemed they made light of it thinking that people would overlook the implications, but it seemed pointless and inept.

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It was inept and over the top, maybe it was meant to be seen as a "joke" but the way it was staged and set out required some thought and understanding of Satanic symbolism.

The fact that they even staged it at all shows a level of either utter confidence or complete desperation on the part of the KM.

Even 5 years ago they never would've done something like that so openly with the continual rumors of Satanic involvement of the upper levels of Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

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Is there a sign up list for those willing to hunt them? Asking for a friend!😂

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In all seriousness I do think there will be a ‘cleanup in Aisle 6’ period of time.

Recall the post WW2 era where some top ranked Nazi’s escaped Germany at the end of the war and private groups were setup to track down these fugitives.

The only difference this time is that no amount of money today will buy them amnesty in any country considering the nature of the crimes committed.

In the past the US gov’t helped hide and ‘convert’ these Nazis into ‘citizens’ without actually reforming their beliefs.

Today it might very well be those self same US gov’t officials on the wanted posters, and yes I do foresee a return of that venerable Old West institution, the commissioned sheriff’s deputy and the posse, but on an international scale since there will be literally thousands of these lower ranked Cabal/KM members running around.

Not the big fish who will be captured by special forces but the local scale human trafficker or corrupt officials.

I know that constitutional sheriffs are a thing in the US and they have a large amount of legal powers, even the ability to override Federal authority.

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That comment made me smile, ear to ear.

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Clif, I think the NZ bank story was fake news. Headline is "ASB owed $5.4m by earthworks company being liquidated with $8.6m debts" Some misread it to mean that ASB (Auckland Savings Bank) was being liquidated, when it is the earthworks company. ASB is owned by Commonwealth Bank of Australia. I've seen no news here in NZ of a local bank going under. I've got my eyes open though.

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You know what the problem with all this is? It never freaking starts. It's always just a few weeks or a few months out.

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Really Cool

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Weimar: My grandparents owned a hat shop in Bremen. They paid their employees daily. The amount paid depended on the Bemen Dollar / Mark rate at 5 PM. Then the employees ran to the markets to buy food and spend their pay before the prices changed.

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I just CANT imagine they thought it would go down like this either


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How bad will it be for Hawaii? Economically and food wise? I reside on Oahu/Honolulu, and am very worried. For years, Native Hawaiians been fighting to reclaim to get Hawaii back. Hawaii was stolen from the queen and her Hawaiian Kingdom from the U.S. Government in 1895. Will the Native Hawaiians ever get Hawaii back? If they do get it back, what kind of system will they have and especially medical system?

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You are appreciated more than you know Sir.

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Scary time just around the corner if Clif is right. Prepare as we might I don't think anyone is actually going to be ready for the kind of shit storm he is suggesting.

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Clif's an interesting guy but he's almost always wrong about this stuff.

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