Monday night football one dude said 50 million viewers. This is one of the biggest Americano stages. Symbolically we killed the Buffalo herds the sustenance of the Natives. Now one player for the Buffalo Bills is sending a message to the herd. We have been living in the ugly since two weeks to flatten the curve, welcome to our world
That is fake. The Pfizer part has been photoshopped. In reality it was geico. Google all the photos and look at them. I did. Even on other search engines. Look at the videos. It did not say Pfizer.
Thought just occurred to me on some ad boards the sponsors logos get repeated through,… idk how it works in that stadium. Soccer and NBA ads are changed so idk Suzanne. Possible.
You're not alone . Here ,in stupid England the majority are asleep. It's estimated that 68 % are vaxed up . There concentration and thinking is getting worse by the day ( Prions disease ) due to sponge brain . Two years from now the population will be in serious decline . Cancer and blood clots are increasing rapidly with winter flu and other viruses killing them. Remember, the MRNA clot shots have wiped out their stored antibodies which could have protected them from certain illness. Their immune system has no protection now so they are exposed to infection . The trouble is, the normies trusted the science and they now have to face the consequences . It's horrible to be asleep and put your faith into the media. Also, for every 1 person injured from the vax will require another tax paying adult to look after that individual . The UK economy will be a nation full of carers . Production and output will be destroyed . Healthy 18 - 55 yr old adults are the backbone of the taxpaying class that are going sick now . Scary times but at least we know what's conning . Stay safe and love to Ireland .
Agreed, the sickest people I know, are those who have had multiple doses of the "safe and effective". One workmate actually boasts about how many pokes he's had, and how many times he's had the coof. (3 each), Jesus wept. Is there any hope.
I'd say the vaccination rate is higher here, as the number of people I know who are unjabbed, I could count on both hands, unfortunately.
Well done for not giving in to the clot shot. The knives I pulled out from my back for not having this toxin was horrendous . I would be seriously worried if my body had 3 shots of this junk. Don't worry ,you'll have the last laugh . Yes, it's a worrying number to find people like us ! Stay strong and just prepare the best you can for the big ugly, as Clif says !
I'm not too sure ...John reckons 68%, and my own estimates (based on an absolute plethora of research and simply networking actively and asking/finding out) here in Ireland are anywhere from 61% to early 70's
My circle is wide, and I can count dozens and dozens who haven't had a single poke...
Regardless of what it 'actually' is, and we know the figures the muppets in Leinster House disseminated are utter b/s, the tide has MORE than turned and the Big Ugly is already clearly out of the blocks..... especially looking at the response to the pseudo asylum seekers.
Another rather positive, unexpected stirring I've defo noticed is the high percentage of people who agree that they're telling porky pies about the climate shituation. So, overall, not particularly good omens for the wef'ers :)
Yes, thank you for sharing. We the vaxxx survivors, will be carrying the dead and wounded off the battlefield for the next few years. Powerful thoughts are generally true.
I think this is what is meant by 'we will have years of ill health to come because of covid'. Might have been Gates who said it. If all these injured people need medical assistance then yes we will have years of ill health but not because of the flu but because of the cure.
I'm following suit my big brother Clif, here in highjacked California. I'm starting with a "newsletter" to all Legislators on the FED as the Black Rock of the peoples' Treasury. I lost my entire life's possession in 2017 when my house and entire neighborhood was destroyed by DEWs one ominous night in October in Santa Rosa. I'm still floundering 5 plus years later with only a partial payment from the Fire Victims Trust and just found out that the IRS is going to tax us for our settlements. So lawyers get a third and FED take a third and I still live in my storage shed on my burnt piece of earth. I WILL NOT PAY! I am also modifying your last two Vox Populi to send out to all Ca Leg. I am so profoundly grateful for your generosity. You are an incredibly gifted writer!!!!
No James, this was the the year before (2017) when 8,000 structures were destroyed in Santa Rosa area. Some call it the Tubbs fire or Coffey Park fire. Paradise was 2018.
Nice, Clif. Wouldn't it be lovely if everyone who saw this took the time to send it to the legislative parasites in their own states? It might take a little while, but its possible to do a big ole group email to the inbox of every single (s)Elected worm in their respective general courts. :)
I'm in GA too. Do you believe any of our legislators have a clue about what's really coming? They don't act like it. We are overrun with RINOs and dumb-as-rock dems.
Well, people just need to withdraw into their own minds - yes, bad things are happening, but worse things happen when you let public negativity get into your mindset. Look, I am in my mid-60's - I lived through the entire Vietnam thing, although I was far too young to get drafted. The war eventually ended, and it was like nothing happened.
Yes, tons of people will die, but you know what - tons will survive. Even 150M people (less than 50%) in America is a shit load of people. This too shall past. The choice is yours - withdraw into yourself and establish what you want in your personal reality or go with the idiots living in extreme fear. It's easy to scare a teen or 20 year old. It's much harder to scare an old dude like me. I refuse to buy into their bullshit the same way I refused the vaxx. It's 'all about me' - not them.
Thanks for the dose of sanity, I’m 59 and lived with the threat of the Cold War for 30 years of my life so I know how to compartmentalize stress and fear to keep functioning.
Although Clif makes many good points about where things are going he tends to ignore the effect of negative or bad news.
Yes there will be an ugly period but we don’t know how long it will play out, its severity or its future effects. Some commentators here are expecting a full blown Mad Max scenario where the cities will all burn and we’ll be reduced to early 19th century living standards after the collapse.
Many parts of the world might not even notice there was a collapse just as many parts of Africa, Asia hardly noticed the effects of Covid and didn’t even experience the death tolls seen in the West.
I personally think the Big Ugly will be a localized phenomenon with varying intensity and duration depending on where you live, I think some preparations are wise with some extra food and other supplies.
I think prepping like for WW3 is giving into the paranoia and not productive in nature.
Personally I think the immediate death toll might be 1-3% of the population rising to maybe 5-8% within the next decade, that’s still millions of lives.
Remember the effects of the shots are cumulative and many people stopped even before the boosters came along. I know the stats being broadcast by the gov’ts are lies and totally inaccurate.
Also many 3rd world countries will be totally unaffected as are places like Russia and China which developed their own shoes and never came near the mRNA stuff.
How we react to fear is a choice, something most younger folks don’t seem to understand.
My son called in a panic during the game. We've been warning him but his out look was to live it up never realizing his Mom isn't just crazy. When the shots 1st came out, my teen age grand daughter ran across the baseball field to me. We went to watch their games. "Grand Mom" she shouted breathlessly. "I'm NOT taking the shots. I want to be able to have children" she asserted defiantly.
Tip O'Neill once said "All politics is local" and your admonitions to those on top of what's toppling are nothing short of thrilling to those of us chillin' through the Big Ugly. I am preparing some real, tested antidotes to some aspects of the "irreversible" injections, and will post them on my website for the 2 people who read it
My biggest fear is drowning in the dark seas of normieland.
I am not seeing a mass awakening in the near future for the clotted. Being poisoned does not appear to make them try harder to comprehend what is happening. They will retreat into their protective shells of victimhood instead. Are we to literally drag their lifeless bodies across the ever shifting goal line (if there even is one), and will that qualify as an "mass awakening"?
For them to unify and revolt will be beyond their scope. Since 2/3 have already been edited by the clotshot how can we possibly have achieved the alleged 80% awakened status required for success? I am not sure if the two are even compatible...can you ascend after your choose to damage your vessel and spirit?
We all have experienced the rigidity of thought patterns visible once the shot is administered. In my experience, they have largely already crossed to the other side. There is no remorse, no regret, no mistrust for the most part. I do not give up hope, but an awakening to what is on offer in their chosen "new reality" will be unfathomable. Add to that the splintering and dissension amongst the white hats...hoo boy. I see tremendous collateral damage on all sides.
Maybe we have won the battle but are losing the war. For reference, I am in Hawaii. Guaranteed virtually every tourist who has been here in the last 2 years is vaxxed and most likely fully boosted. They are flying here by the thousands every day from all around the world. The only revolution I can foresee happening is when they are no longer permitted to fly and they have to stay home.
Janet I am seeing what you are seeing. I think the jab did succeed in dumbing down the normies (did it cause micro-lobotomy?), and, they are beginning to have health concerns starting to occupy their attention; health concerns that they never had before and should not be having while they are in their prime. They still fail to, or refuse to, make the link between the jab and all that is happening to them. They blame their health and mental deterioration on aging or genetics, even if the "ageing" is premature and their older relatives and ancestors had no such problems at that age. Blaming the deterioration on their genetics is ironic because the jab itself is gene "therapy" and their genes were doing fine up until the jab. Also, blaming their genetics makes them hate their ancestors, increasing the divide between vaxxed and unvaxxed. And, in their deteriorated micro-lobotomized state, they have an underlying constant current of irritability. This irritability makes them even more defensive and unwilling to recognize or admit that they were duped or made a mistake. And, what about the children whose parents got them the jab.
Yes, sure -- even the disabled, or 'left behind alive' are struggling, and trying to find ANY other possible cause, against the ongoing barrages of "not the vax, never the vax, could not possibly BE the vax." But the truth is slapping them in the face day after day, and it gets harder and harder to keep BELEIVING it's not what their eyes are showing them. All these 'symptoms' you describe are them squirming and twisting and TRYING to avoid the truth they are being backed into seeing.
MOST of them will eventually come to the truth -- because they will have no other choice! What will the millions do when the hospital has to turn around and admit that Hamlin is NOT 'doing fine, talking to team mates and so on"... The CHANCES of him surviving 9 minutes of CPR and several defibs are BEYOND slim! That they could WAIT for 'mom' to come down from the stands -- and NOT just hold a police car to drive her AFTER he left for emergency care such as one ONLY gets in a hospital? Come ON!
But the lights come up and the audience goes home. And no matter what they 'blame it on' now, the truth will out.
They will come to realize truth when it is their turn to talk with God.
I am definitely keeping an eye on the TIME scale, but there is a down side to sitting patiently while the nornmies muddle through their truth crisis. Don't forget the vax is still working its evil and they have now eroded 2 years of their 2-5 year abbreviated lifespan with their heads firmly in the sand. The clock is ticking.
When I read this comment, I got this weird flash that this is exactly how Natasha would explain it to Rocky & Bullwinkle. It has that jaded, matter of factly feel to it. lol
Those children were totally innocent. Their parents are going to have a very rough future ahead, whether they awaken or not along the way. It is a tragedy beyond measure.
"the alleged 80% awakened status required for success"
WTH!? Who put THAT number in your head!? The American Revolution had just 3-5%. Jesus Christ has only 12 -- 12 disciples not 12%!!
You've got it upside down -- we MAY have lost the battle (alas: so, SO many "shotted": so many disabled, dead, or yet to die) but the WAR will! be! ours! WHO will be fit to fight against the Purebloods?! We've still got time to educate and awaken, prep and strengthen OUR army of the unshot and committed! And awakening the yet-to-die and the only-semi-disabled also increases our numbers!
Look down the road a little further, my friend. If we lose even half our population it will lead to a plethora of issues: supply chains, production, etc. We have all grown up in the US with a broad selection of careers and opportunities, such that we are used to having creature comforts at our fingertips. That will change dramatically. Add to that health care going badly, banks failing , inflation, sterilization problems from the vax, etc, etc, etc.
It will be a big hurdle to cross. I'm game, but I certainly don't want to underestimate this enemy nor the depth of their hatred of humanity.
That's not exactly true -- tomorrow I turn a Pureblood 66 -- and *I* am still working like mad trying to awaken people. If a war is coming -- and it is -- then discarding what MIGHT turn into usable support troops merely because you're (legitimately) angry with them (okay, with US) is wasting fighters to cover support positions! I'm also ex-Navy -- so I think that's a bad choice.
I don't think anyone here is dismissing the value of awakening as many as possible, but already I find the sleepers have encountered enough troubling health issues that they are preoccupied...much as James Beck above describes the over 60 vaxxed group. Maybe you could position them on a front porch with a shotgun, but a lot of them are having vision issues, so it had better be a blunderbuss.
If you have to drag their lifeless bodies across the goal line, well they can still be used (much like deceased Dem voters, voting) but it depends on where you stack the carcasses. lol 1599 Pennsylvania Avenue might make a good spot to pile them all up for a group photo.
At some point the tribunal’s “aka” Nuremberg trials will begin. There is no taking the 5th or “I was just following orders is an accepted defense”. I remember reading that a lot of the convicted NAZI’s trials and executions took place the same day.
Sadly, it was a show trial. A lot of the worst of the parasites were brought into the States under Operation Paperclip by the CIA as scientists, doctors, etc. Look to Lyme disease for one of the parasite's offerings. They were putting fluoride in the water at the camps. Look to the American water supply now. Then there is MKUltra, a CIA & nazi collaboration, along with all psyops that started & continue to this day. We need REAL trials sans the parasites & their minions.
I hope at some point, that individuals with access to the WEF participants, start taking them out, one by one. I don't think the world can wait for whatever timeframe it would take to convince enough elites to convene another Nuremberg.
I don't think the world can wait for "One By One", .... make is a dozen at a whack, every single day and then it might help. The only times "Died Suddenly, Unknown Causes" could be said, where No One Cares !!
The next 10 years will be difficult, according to Clif. Trials will be not be feasible, most likely. But justice can be still be served, as you prescribe.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being angry. In fact, I think the anger is actually a good thing. The anger is what motivates me to stay vigilant and keep preaching the truth to Normies in the hopes that some will listen and wake up.
This marvelous missive brought a smile to my face and heart. The BIG UGLY is like miscalculating the results from mixing Baking Soda and Clear Vinegar together ...over ice of course and drinking it down with the intention of " settling the stomach!!" KA BOOM...OOOPS...DRAT! Should have read the instructions first..whilst in chemistry class or even have the I.Q. of a bookend. SO BE IT.
There is a derivative of MMS called CDS (Chlorine dioxide solution). It is more concentrated than MMS and easier to take. Kills Covid as well as many other uses. Go to Kalcker’s website and he explains and has protocols about CDS usage. The only thing I’ve been able to find in relation to detoxing from the jab with CDS is that it is a long process. Maybe Kalcker’s website has some updated News on that.
I know Kalcker is big on CDS as opposed to MMS. The problem I have is that CDS has a shelf life, whereas MMS if kept in different containers has pretty much an unlimited shelf life. Could be wrong . I have Humble's book and Kalcker's the essentials. I don't know that the efficacy of CDS is better than MMS.
Monday night football one dude said 50 million viewers. This is one of the biggest Americano stages. Symbolically we killed the Buffalo herds the sustenance of the Natives. Now one player for the Buffalo Bills is sending a message to the herd. We have been living in the ugly since two weeks to flatten the curve, welcome to our world
“ normies”.
fitting photo by an astute photographer at that bills game
Perfect!!! This moment of NFL history 1 st game ever stopped brought to by the friendly genocidal death cult Pfizer.
It's fake. It said Geico...
Fake or not. It’s a powerful image.
IIRC, according to Catastrophic Contagion, it's 2025.
Brazil I read. Rigged election there too. Seems to add up.
That is fake. The Pfizer part has been photoshopped. In reality it was geico. Google all the photos and look at them. I did. Even on other search engines. Look at the videos. It did not say Pfizer.
How do you know for sure that Google didn’t cover it up???
Suzanne I don’t know anything truly. I am challenging everything I thought I knew. Idk
I just reacted to the picture. Sam seems very convinced I was not there.
Thought just occurred to me on some ad boards the sponsors logos get repeated through,… idk how it works in that stadium. Soccer and NBA ads are changed so idk Suzanne. Possible.
Dang thought poetic Justice of sorts
Someone you have a bot liking ?
I have am just making a Covid chapter point. Try before I was born before you were born. I get it.
Nice to meet ya Boots
Cain kills Abel. Atlantis smithereens.
Say Cain Abel fast.
Now say Canaan baal fast. It never stopped. Prevails strongly today.
To True I think this is what’s meant by bad blood
I awoke screaming they poison the blood from the inside
Not knowing wtf
Spiritual warfare day 1
And blood is shed
Blood is sacred
Blood of Christ the lamb without flaw
Or sin
Who overcame every poison and death
Have Mercy on me
I am a sinner Lord see
That what is in the the world
Battles in me
Thr ugly is not the Big Ugly.
He said since the two weeks to flatten the curve
This is still not the Big Ugly that Clif talks about.
I can’t wait until the normies get justice against these criminal psychopaths. In this world and the next.
It’s comin fast now 💥🚀💥 we are ready & trained to Assist ❤️🔥 Did you know your name means 🌟Light ?
Nobody's going to do it for us, Lucy, not God, not Q-Anon, not anybody. If it's going to happen, we need to organize and do it ourselves.
Here in the Republic of Ireland, the cognitive dissonance is shocking, pretty much.
I think the majority have become desensitised to the morally bankrupt establishment.
The state seems to lurch from scandal to scandal,the two main culprits being religion and politics.
They (the Normies) don't seem bothered, so long as they have a beer, a breakfast roll and a bookies.
I worry they'll never wake up.
Thanks Clif.
Keep up the Woo 👽
You're not alone . Here ,in stupid England the majority are asleep. It's estimated that 68 % are vaxed up . There concentration and thinking is getting worse by the day ( Prions disease ) due to sponge brain . Two years from now the population will be in serious decline . Cancer and blood clots are increasing rapidly with winter flu and other viruses killing them. Remember, the MRNA clot shots have wiped out their stored antibodies which could have protected them from certain illness. Their immune system has no protection now so they are exposed to infection . The trouble is, the normies trusted the science and they now have to face the consequences . It's horrible to be asleep and put your faith into the media. Also, for every 1 person injured from the vax will require another tax paying adult to look after that individual . The UK economy will be a nation full of carers . Production and output will be destroyed . Healthy 18 - 55 yr old adults are the backbone of the taxpaying class that are going sick now . Scary times but at least we know what's conning . Stay safe and love to Ireland .
Agreed, the sickest people I know, are those who have had multiple doses of the "safe and effective". One workmate actually boasts about how many pokes he's had, and how many times he's had the coof. (3 each), Jesus wept. Is there any hope.
I'd say the vaccination rate is higher here, as the number of people I know who are unjabbed, I could count on both hands, unfortunately.
Well done for not giving in to the clot shot. The knives I pulled out from my back for not having this toxin was horrendous . I would be seriously worried if my body had 3 shots of this junk. Don't worry ,you'll have the last laugh . Yes, it's a worrying number to find people like us ! Stay strong and just prepare the best you can for the big ugly, as Clif says !
I'm not too sure ...John reckons 68%, and my own estimates (based on an absolute plethora of research and simply networking actively and asking/finding out) here in Ireland are anywhere from 61% to early 70's
My circle is wide, and I can count dozens and dozens who haven't had a single poke...
Regardless of what it 'actually' is, and we know the figures the muppets in Leinster House disseminated are utter b/s, the tide has MORE than turned and the Big Ugly is already clearly out of the blocks..... especially looking at the response to the pseudo asylum seekers.
Another rather positive, unexpected stirring I've defo noticed is the high percentage of people who agree that they're telling porky pies about the climate shituation. So, overall, not particularly good omens for the wef'ers :)
Yes, thank you for sharing. We the vaxxx survivors, will be carrying the dead and wounded off the battlefield for the next few years. Powerful thoughts are generally true.
Nah, not sustainable, can't happen. One way or another, the injured will be euthanazed or otherwise removed.
I think this is what is meant by 'we will have years of ill health to come because of covid'. Might have been Gates who said it. If all these injured people need medical assistance then yes we will have years of ill health but not because of the flu but because of the cure.
I’m from Ireland also and totally agree with your comment it’s madness what is happening in Ireland thanks
Once heard never a revolution until they come for your 1. Car 2. Tv 3. Now add cell phone 4. Alcohol…until such time slow reckoning on rebellion.
I'm following suit my big brother Clif, here in highjacked California. I'm starting with a "newsletter" to all Legislators on the FED as the Black Rock of the peoples' Treasury. I lost my entire life's possession in 2017 when my house and entire neighborhood was destroyed by DEWs one ominous night in October in Santa Rosa. I'm still floundering 5 plus years later with only a partial payment from the Fire Victims Trust and just found out that the IRS is going to tax us for our settlements. So lawyers get a third and FED take a third and I still live in my storage shed on my burnt piece of earth. I WILL NOT PAY! I am also modifying your last two Vox Populi to send out to all Ca Leg. I am so profoundly grateful for your generosity. You are an incredibly gifted writer!!!!
Oh Tina. I went through a similar horror in the Cedar Fire of 2003. Hang in there. You will come out the other side stronger than ever.
Please expound.
Thanks Beyond Thanks Clif..
You guys need to move to high elevation to avoid the global tsunamis coming
How high do you go? I am at 1,800 elevation me thinks ??
This the Paradise fire Tina?
No James, this was the the year before (2017) when 8,000 structures were destroyed in Santa Rosa area. Some call it the Tubbs fire or Coffey Park fire. Paradise was 2018.
How Sad!! I am sooo sorry
The fires looked very sus
When certain objects burn and other objects don’t. DEW ??
Nice, Clif. Wouldn't it be lovely if everyone who saw this took the time to send it to the legislative parasites in their own states? It might take a little while, but its possible to do a big ole group email to the inbox of every single (s)Elected worm in their respective general courts. :)
Think I will send it to my RINO Representative Cobb County GA..(He need it badly.)
I'm in GA too. Do you believe any of our legislators have a clue about what's really coming? They don't act like it. We are overrun with RINOs and dumb-as-rock dems.
So get at it. What are you waiting for ???
I am getting at it
Outstanding presentation 👍
Well, people just need to withdraw into their own minds - yes, bad things are happening, but worse things happen when you let public negativity get into your mindset. Look, I am in my mid-60's - I lived through the entire Vietnam thing, although I was far too young to get drafted. The war eventually ended, and it was like nothing happened.
Yes, tons of people will die, but you know what - tons will survive. Even 150M people (less than 50%) in America is a shit load of people. This too shall past. The choice is yours - withdraw into yourself and establish what you want in your personal reality or go with the idiots living in extreme fear. It's easy to scare a teen or 20 year old. It's much harder to scare an old dude like me. I refuse to buy into their bullshit the same way I refused the vaxx. It's 'all about me' - not them.
Thanks for the dose of sanity, I’m 59 and lived with the threat of the Cold War for 30 years of my life so I know how to compartmentalize stress and fear to keep functioning.
Although Clif makes many good points about where things are going he tends to ignore the effect of negative or bad news.
Yes there will be an ugly period but we don’t know how long it will play out, its severity or its future effects. Some commentators here are expecting a full blown Mad Max scenario where the cities will all burn and we’ll be reduced to early 19th century living standards after the collapse.
Many parts of the world might not even notice there was a collapse just as many parts of Africa, Asia hardly noticed the effects of Covid and didn’t even experience the death tolls seen in the West.
I personally think the Big Ugly will be a localized phenomenon with varying intensity and duration depending on where you live, I think some preparations are wise with some extra food and other supplies.
I think prepping like for WW3 is giving into the paranoia and not productive in nature.
Personally I think the immediate death toll might be 1-3% of the population rising to maybe 5-8% within the next decade, that’s still millions of lives.
Remember the effects of the shots are cumulative and many people stopped even before the boosters came along. I know the stats being broadcast by the gov’ts are lies and totally inaccurate.
Also many 3rd world countries will be totally unaffected as are places like Russia and China which developed their own shoes and never came near the mRNA stuff.
How we react to fear is a choice, something most younger folks don’t seem to understand.
My son called in a panic during the game. We've been warning him but his out look was to live it up never realizing his Mom isn't just crazy. When the shots 1st came out, my teen age grand daughter ran across the baseball field to me. We went to watch their games. "Grand Mom" she shouted breathlessly. "I'm NOT taking the shots. I want to be able to have children" she asserted defiantly.
Ah, from God's lips to my ears. ty, Uncle Clif.
What must your brave granddaughter think of this world, which is all she knows? Bravo!
Ava is wiser than her parents, that's for sure! Thanks, Janet.
One of your best!
Correct. Clif needs to lead on this communication effort.
This style of communication is EFFECTIVE !!
Tip O'Neill once said "All politics is local" and your admonitions to those on top of what's toppling are nothing short of thrilling to those of us chillin' through the Big Ugly. I am preparing some real, tested antidotes to some aspects of the "irreversible" injections, and will post them on my website for the 2 people who read it
My biggest fear is drowning in the dark seas of normieland.
I am not seeing a mass awakening in the near future for the clotted. Being poisoned does not appear to make them try harder to comprehend what is happening. They will retreat into their protective shells of victimhood instead. Are we to literally drag their lifeless bodies across the ever shifting goal line (if there even is one), and will that qualify as an "mass awakening"?
For them to unify and revolt will be beyond their scope. Since 2/3 have already been edited by the clotshot how can we possibly have achieved the alleged 80% awakened status required for success? I am not sure if the two are even compatible...can you ascend after your choose to damage your vessel and spirit?
We all have experienced the rigidity of thought patterns visible once the shot is administered. In my experience, they have largely already crossed to the other side. There is no remorse, no regret, no mistrust for the most part. I do not give up hope, but an awakening to what is on offer in their chosen "new reality" will be unfathomable. Add to that the splintering and dissension amongst the white hats...hoo boy. I see tremendous collateral damage on all sides.
Maybe we have won the battle but are losing the war. For reference, I am in Hawaii. Guaranteed virtually every tourist who has been here in the last 2 years is vaxxed and most likely fully boosted. They are flying here by the thousands every day from all around the world. The only revolution I can foresee happening is when they are no longer permitted to fly and they have to stay home.
Janet I am seeing what you are seeing. I think the jab did succeed in dumbing down the normies (did it cause micro-lobotomy?), and, they are beginning to have health concerns starting to occupy their attention; health concerns that they never had before and should not be having while they are in their prime. They still fail to, or refuse to, make the link between the jab and all that is happening to them. They blame their health and mental deterioration on aging or genetics, even if the "ageing" is premature and their older relatives and ancestors had no such problems at that age. Blaming the deterioration on their genetics is ironic because the jab itself is gene "therapy" and their genes were doing fine up until the jab. Also, blaming their genetics makes them hate their ancestors, increasing the divide between vaxxed and unvaxxed. And, in their deteriorated micro-lobotomized state, they have an underlying constant current of irritability. This irritability makes them even more defensive and unwilling to recognize or admit that they were duped or made a mistake. And, what about the children whose parents got them the jab.
Keep an awareness of the TIME scale!
Yes, sure -- even the disabled, or 'left behind alive' are struggling, and trying to find ANY other possible cause, against the ongoing barrages of "not the vax, never the vax, could not possibly BE the vax." But the truth is slapping them in the face day after day, and it gets harder and harder to keep BELEIVING it's not what their eyes are showing them. All these 'symptoms' you describe are them squirming and twisting and TRYING to avoid the truth they are being backed into seeing.
MOST of them will eventually come to the truth -- because they will have no other choice! What will the millions do when the hospital has to turn around and admit that Hamlin is NOT 'doing fine, talking to team mates and so on"... The CHANCES of him surviving 9 minutes of CPR and several defibs are BEYOND slim! That they could WAIT for 'mom' to come down from the stands -- and NOT just hold a police car to drive her AFTER he left for emergency care such as one ONLY gets in a hospital? Come ON!
But the lights come up and the audience goes home. And no matter what they 'blame it on' now, the truth will out.
They will come to realize truth when it is their turn to talk with God.
I am definitely keeping an eye on the TIME scale, but there is a down side to sitting patiently while the nornmies muddle through their truth crisis. Don't forget the vax is still working its evil and they have now eroded 2 years of their 2-5 year abbreviated lifespan with their heads firmly in the sand. The clock is ticking.
If the Hospitals, family members, media and NFL are caught lying on this one....pure toast they will be.
The normies will quickly be distracted by the next ff. This is a minor issue to resolve for the dark side. They do it all the time.
When I read this comment, I got this weird flash that this is exactly how Natasha would explain it to Rocky & Bullwinkle. It has that jaded, matter of factly feel to it. lol
I am of that generation, haha!
the bad people if they are people are counting on that.
Yeah, well, what they won't be counting on is the Punji stakes I'll be whittling an endless supply of. lol
The feds flew into Cincinnati hospital to ‘manage’ this situation. Millions saw this and damage control is in progess.
Those children were totally innocent. Their parents are going to have a very rough future ahead, whether they awaken or not along the way. It is a tragedy beyond measure.
What A Comment! 🎯 🎯
What A Coment! 🎯
"the alleged 80% awakened status required for success"
WTH!? Who put THAT number in your head!? The American Revolution had just 3-5%. Jesus Christ has only 12 -- 12 disciples not 12%!!
You've got it upside down -- we MAY have lost the battle (alas: so, SO many "shotted": so many disabled, dead, or yet to die) but the WAR will! be! ours! WHO will be fit to fight against the Purebloods?! We've still got time to educate and awaken, prep and strengthen OUR army of the unshot and committed! And awakening the yet-to-die and the only-semi-disabled also increases our numbers!
Look down the road a little further, my friend. If we lose even half our population it will lead to a plethora of issues: supply chains, production, etc. We have all grown up in the US with a broad selection of careers and opportunities, such that we are used to having creature comforts at our fingertips. That will change dramatically. Add to that health care going badly, banks failing , inflation, sterilization problems from the vax, etc, etc, etc.
It will be a big hurdle to cross. I'm game, but I certainly don't want to underestimate this enemy nor the depth of their hatred of humanity.
I forget who said it, but the academics hold that just 10% is needed in order to prevail.... below that, dodgy - above that, plenty.
There are mmmmost certainly over 10% awake ;-)
The war is not just with humanity as we know it. We are not alone on this planet.
The vaxxed blue pilled that are over 60 years old have decided 60 years of the once normal life is good enough.
They don't want to be bothered. (Don't worry / be happy) Would rather spend their time left, even if short, updating their Will's & Trusts.
That's not exactly true -- tomorrow I turn a Pureblood 66 -- and *I* am still working like mad trying to awaken people. If a war is coming -- and it is -- then discarding what MIGHT turn into usable support troops merely because you're (legitimately) angry with them (okay, with US) is wasting fighters to cover support positions! I'm also ex-Navy -- so I think that's a bad choice.
I don't think anyone here is dismissing the value of awakening as many as possible, but already I find the sleepers have encountered enough troubling health issues that they are preoccupied...much as James Beck above describes the over 60 vaxxed group. Maybe you could position them on a front porch with a shotgun, but a lot of them are having vision issues, so it had better be a blunderbuss.
Sam Whittemore was 78 and he did okay.
If you have to drag their lifeless bodies across the goal line, well they can still be used (much like deceased Dem voters, voting) but it depends on where you stack the carcasses. lol 1599 Pennsylvania Avenue might make a good spot to pile them all up for a group photo.
It will be a massive monument, and hopefully one that gives pause and remembrance of a very dark time in human history.
Only need 3.5% to take action. Just like the other side’s actually a tiny minority, too,,, with plenty of sheep
At some point the tribunal’s “aka” Nuremberg trials will begin. There is no taking the 5th or “I was just following orders is an accepted defense”. I remember reading that a lot of the convicted NAZI’s trials and executions took place the same day.
Sadly, it was a show trial. A lot of the worst of the parasites were brought into the States under Operation Paperclip by the CIA as scientists, doctors, etc. Look to Lyme disease for one of the parasite's offerings. They were putting fluoride in the water at the camps. Look to the American water supply now. Then there is MKUltra, a CIA & nazi collaboration, along with all psyops that started & continue to this day. We need REAL trials sans the parasites & their minions.
Whoa, whoa. What is this about Lyme and Paperclip??
Lyme is another disease manufactured by the DEEP STATE to cause more suffering. The antibiotics DON'T WORK
I hope at some point, that individuals with access to the WEF participants, start taking them out, one by one. I don't think the world can wait for whatever timeframe it would take to convince enough elites to convene another Nuremberg.
I don't think the world can wait for "One By One", .... make is a dozen at a whack, every single day and then it might help. The only times "Died Suddenly, Unknown Causes" could be said, where No One Cares !!
Those trials will never happen
This is guerilla lonewolf area resistence.
We are on our own on this one.
The next 10 years will be difficult, according to Clif. Trials will be not be feasible, most likely. But justice can be still be served, as you prescribe.
We need to be prepared for all possibilities.
Happy to hear this, this requires way more than jail time
It has been so Hard not to be Angry during all this...
Nuremberg ll will hopefully relieve some of the Anger.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being angry. In fact, I think the anger is actually a good thing. The anger is what motivates me to stay vigilant and keep preaching the truth to Normies in the hopes that some will listen and wake up.
Read Catherine Watts.. Ballwick News on Substack. You may have have a different take then.
Sir Woo Clif,
This marvelous missive brought a smile to my face and heart. The BIG UGLY is like miscalculating the results from mixing Baking Soda and Clear Vinegar together ...over ice of course and drinking it down with the intention of " settling the stomach!!" KA BOOM...OOOPS...DRAT! Should have read the instructions first..whilst in chemistry class or even have the I.Q. of a bookend. SO BE IT.
My new age shot up friends just got a link to a page to help them detox. Backhanded help but point made nicely. Bahaha.
How do people detox ? is detox possible?
the mms people say they have a detox and front line doctors have a protocol.
look up Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble.
There is a derivative of MMS called CDS (Chlorine dioxide solution). It is more concentrated than MMS and easier to take. Kills Covid as well as many other uses. Go to Kalcker’s website and he explains and has protocols about CDS usage. The only thing I’ve been able to find in relation to detoxing from the jab with CDS is that it is a long process. Maybe Kalcker’s website has some updated News on that.
I know Kalcker is big on CDS as opposed to MMS. The problem I have is that CDS has a shelf life, whereas MMS if kept in different containers has pretty much an unlimited shelf life. Could be wrong . I have Humble's book and Kalcker's the essentials. I don't know that the efficacy of CDS is better than MMS.
Nicely done!
Awesome Uncle Clif!