Never got a notification for the "inward-bound" link if there was one. . .

I do hope your situation gets better, and soon, Clif. Especially for your wife, but for you too, of course. I too am "at an age" so I get it, bro.

Best wishes and best of outcomes to you from Alaska.

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In-bound link notification came after this one ~ it’s the AI one

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I got that one first. It's anarchy!

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Best regards to you and your wife. You are a kind and loving husband that clearly took his marriage vows as a serious commitment.

As a Canadian I truly appreciate any news and updates on Canada. We’re probably further down the commie path than the US.

Thank you

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No "probably" about it. Decades further "down the Commie Path". ONLY COMMIE TYRANT FORMS OF GOVERNANCE, or those aspiring to go down that "path", fear their populace enough to disarm them, and ALWAYS do it because they absolutely want and PLAN to do things to the populace, for which the populace ought to fight them ( shoot them).

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Get and read the book, "THE NAKED COMMUNIST", written more than 50 years ago, where the 45 goals which the Communist Party had identified as being necessary to accomplish in order for them to accomplish their ULTIMATE GOAL, THE COMMUNIST TAKE-OVER OF THE UNITED STATES, FROM WITHIN. That exact same set of "political road map" goals have been used in every place where the Communists, the ideological fellow travelers of Karl Marx, who stated in his Communist Manifesto that, "My goal is to dethrone god and destroy capitalism", to undermine and destroy existing democratic systems of governance and their free-market economic systems. Then consider this. The U.S. Constitution is "THE GREATEST CHARTER OF HUMAN LIBERTY, IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY"! Sadly, Canada, mostly due to it's perpetual ties to the British Crown Oligarchy, never had a "charter of human liberties" which was a "near equal" to the U.S. Constitution.

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You're delusional if you believe that Canada is so much worse than the USSA currently.

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It is true. I believe the USSA has been in high gear since 2020, catching up with Kanada. The faster it falls, the faster it falls. The American empire taking it's last gasping breaths! The normies, the majority of the population, don't even notice. When they come out of their TV induced coma's, due to hunger pangs, they are going to be mighty confused and pissed off to realize, they gave away their rights out of fear and the delusional belief that the medical cartel and what they thought was their government were there to protect them. I, for one, can't watch as the veil is lifted all the way and they finally see. Getting out of Dodge while it is still possible. As should you.

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Canaduh is done for multiple generations to come, if the planet survives. Turdoh and his minions have feathered their beds with millions of shekels at the expense of the multi-culturally diverse herd.

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The planet may survive. But the humans on it, not so much. It's not looking good.

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What is 'Canada'?

The government's lease there cam to an end not so long ago, I think if you research you'll find it's a powerless shell.

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Canadians are too polite to mention it.

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The USSA is more fucked up in a lot of ways though.

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Thanks for continuing to post. Can’t wait to end the day with some Woo!

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I heard your problem with living in an older house while your wife has mobility issues. I also live in a house where wheel chairs will not work for the bath rooms. My wife passed about 10 years ago after several years fighting unusually aggressive multiple myeloma. Leading up to her death she had several months at home with a broken hip. So definitely a wheel chair was required. What I did was use a 4 wheel walker with a sit down seat. This walker was much smaller than a wheel chair and could be pushed into a bathroom if I pushed her backwards very slowly and carefully.

Once in the bathroom the toilet was possible but our older standard cast iron tub was a problem. I found a shower transfer chair that has sliding rails over the edge of the tub allowing a seat to slide and swivel between in and out of the tub. Transfer between walker and shower seat while the seat is outside of the tub, then slide the seat into the tub. It worked great. The floor got a little bit wet after the shower but only a little.

One other problem I ran into was traveling in the car with my wife for longer distances. She absolutely needed my assistance to move between wheel chair and a toilet. Most public rest rooms do not like a husband wife pair to enter the bathroom at the same time - one of us was always gender inappropriate. A family member who had suffered a similar problem gave me the answer. Look for motels on the road. Most motels have toilets in the rooms, and an extra public toilet near the front desk with a locking door. Great suggestion worked for me.

Good luck. Necessity is the mother of invention. Enjoy every moment with your wife. My wife and I were married as teenagers and spent over 40 years together.

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Thanks for the update and remember never trust a muslim

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They always lie to infidels to further their quest for a global caliphate.

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Its called Taqiyah. I have a copy of the Koran in English. They are here to destroy or enslave us.

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when you say "They"; who are "They"; do you have specific names; or are you relying on assumption laced with presumption; with accusations not based on facts giving foundation for evidence; back up your claim;

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"They" are the Evil "Counsel", DemonRats & Woke LibTards?

Unfortunately, Unwitting and/or Stupid People Believe and Do What Other Evil Stupid People Tell Them!

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true dat; i second that; all in favor say Ay;

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why; were you first-hand harmed by one;

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Were you ever first-hand harmed by a coral snake? Or a scorpion?

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i would be if i crossed that boundary without respect; would i not; great question; anymore;

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9/11 shithead. Muslims and Jews are here to destroy or enslave us. They are brainwashed from birth that we are subhuman.

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9/11 was not implemented by Muslims. You are correct that their religion seeks to be rid of us. But you can thank the Bush crime family, the CIA and weapons manufacturers for 9/11! It was without question, an inside job.

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In 1992 I was told by a member of the CIA, Francis Mitterrand, that the WTC's would be attacked some time in the year 2001 but no certain date and some members of the CIA and others in the US government and other governments around the world had joined together to take it down with other members of the CIA trying to prevent it. The reason so many governments and the CIA were so interested in the WTC complex is that Ft. Knox had been emptied along with a few other country's and the US had no gold. Many countries and the US's Gold was in the vaults beneath the the WTC complex and micro nukes were going to be used to vaporize and weaken the junctions of structural steel. A dozen planes and cruise missiles could not take down the WTC complex and nobody on the planet wants a bunch of radioactive Gold. It would be useless to anyone that wanted Gold. One group of spooks was going to steal the Gold from the other spooks as they moved it before the collapse and could never be traced back to it rightful owners again. Plus it was a splendid opportunity to start another series of wars the enemy [secret societies] could profit from. Somewhere in the process the people in the towers came to mean less and less as you need a great atrocity with many dead people to create as many wars as they wanted too.

THANK GOD all the Israelis called in sick that day or even more people would have died. The alleged pilots of the planes were Muslims, so many people knew about it and many people played a roll from many different Religions.

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Thanks for the information. Eye opening. Id never heard this. Thanks again!

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Yep... but islamoturds really do want to enslave or murder all infidels. Read the koran.

Bush was a moron... Cheney was the scumbag that planned it. Mossad helped.


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ewww; sign of ignorance and illiteracy with that display; typical of an U.S. GOVERNMENT EDUCATION; good job but no gold star;

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Whom was this directed at? I don't get you?

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that individual deleted their comment;

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What display. Use complete sentences and don't assume everybody understands your inside jokes. BTW, the US Government didn't educate me. It was WWII, Korean and Nam Vets that made me what I am.

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regarding syntax; refer to the chicago manual of style and correct yourself before you wreck yo self; also, you are correct regarding education; the U.S. CORPORATION does not educate; that is evident with the lack of logic and reason; grammar comprehension; and unskilled rhetoric presented by the statement of claims you give; and, the U.S. CORPORATION posing as a GOVERNMENT only schools and does not educate;

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Sorry, didn't scroll. Your post is the difficult one to read. You, wrote that ⬆️? And critique someone else's writing?

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Or a jew.

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'remember never trust a muslim'

His violent stalkers were jews, not muslims..

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Love you Cliff! Love to your wife. Thank you for all that you do.. your keen intelligence and humor helps me navigate and stay bouyant in this materium.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing it's Sunday and you haven't heard from Clif and all of a sudden there he is. AHHHHHHH!

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So great to hear from you Clif.

I am so sorry you are having such stress in your life… I’m glad your wife is getting better, I hope things work out smoothly with getting her home.

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💙🙏🏼 Thank you.

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"Ooo, a cyber truck. Ugly motherf'er, Geez!" 🤣🤣🤣 The driving commentary was funny too. Clif does not disappoint 😉.

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I hear that racoons have been breaking into cybertrucks mistaking them for dumpsters!

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Saw my first one yesterday and it's got nothing on a DeLorean

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Oh but it's sooo much more !

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What is a cyber truck? Please advise.

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Search up "cyber truck" for images of what they look like. It doesn't let me post a picture here. They are made by Elon Musk's Tesla company.

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Thanks!!! Peace out✌️

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You're a good man Clif, but you don't need me to remind you of it. What more can I say?? Simply, thank you for staying in touch with us despite your challenging circumstances. Thank you for whatever you can share with us. You are a voice in the wilderness - long may it last!!

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Cliff is my favorite thanks for staying with us during your current life circumstance

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Thank you for taking YOUR personal time to speak you're mind. It is a treat to listen in to your thoughts.


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Take care Clif.

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Do you think this over value is related to making it impossible for We The People to buy or sell property with “real” money. So then Black Rock (and elite shills) will come in with their “Counterfeit” money and buy up everything to continue their plan that No Citizens will own anything!

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Came here to suggest something similar.

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An interesting thing about Blackrock ownership. It was founded by Zionists and is run by them but behind them is Warren Buffet. https://youtu.be/HIARmO1cMmc?t=256

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Thank's Clif!🙏❤️🍻

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