Love a notification that Clif is posting! We love you Clif and we DO worry about your wellbeing! Thank you for your wisdom.

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Jul 25Edited

Finally tried Cliffs pure sleep/bulk and i gotta say i havent slept this good in years!

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I've never had problems falling asleep but I've found at age 81 Pure Sleep helps me get in 3-5 hrs sleep before awakening for a bathroom break.

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Yes, Ian, I'm also interested 'where to buy?' Thank you.

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My husband and I use it every night. Be sure to take with dairy. It helps me dream again - in color, too!

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Thank you Lisa. Be well.

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Pure Bulk

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Pure Bulk

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Clif, what is your opinion on Rife machines? How can one adapt the frequencies to adjust to the current emissions from galactic. centre?

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I was only interested in Australia purchase. This seems USA

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We can’t get in Australia ….. and postage would be more than the price no doubt. Wish it was not so!

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Why can you not get Pure Sleep in Oz? I'm in NZ and because Clif's Pure Sleep contains GABA, its banned. This is the ingredient that is the precursor to human growth hormone and the ingredient that put me to sleep when I took it with powdered nutmeg, honey and sunflower lecithin. Seriously made me giddy if I had to get up to pee. But Clif has another ingredient that stops that. Elagic Acid I think. GABA needs to be taken with a fat for your brain to absorb it which is what the Lecithin does. GABA is banned because supposedly a drug is made from called GHB (or Grievous Bodily Harm). I just wanted it to help me sleep because I have trouble with that at the moment, and it worked. Interestingly when I made my home made Clif-inspired sleeping potion, if I made it with egg yolk instead of lecithin I was packing on a quarter kilo a day till I worked out what it was and tweaked my formula. Its the Human Growth Hormone! There's a company called Bulk Nutrients in Tazzy that sells GABA but during covid all of a sudden it became a controlled substance in NZ. Might have been because people were using it to heal, sleep well and get stronger and that was a no-no. Like when they said vitamin C was bad for you. I wanted to p*nch the NZ Health Minister in the n*se back then, but I digress. Worthy of noting is that Clif's mk2 formula comes with this tiny measuring spoon. This tells me I was taking way too much GABA. Bear that in mind if you try it.

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The FDA's Disastrous War Against Sleep. This is an article about Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate in Dr Mercola's latest newsletter. Big Pharma playing God again.

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If it actually harmed you, they would push it on you rather than ban it.

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that is true, I bought over 2 years ago and nothing was restricted then, now there are some items that are restricted., am in Queensland.

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I live in Canada. Converting $44 USD to CAD....and then there's shipping cost. Here 's a great review and list of ingredients: https://www.taminghindrances.com/product-reviews/clif-highs-pure-sleep-review

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Thanks so much Monique….. I really appreciate reading this comprehensive list of ingredients…..What a great review you are correct….I’m about to start CBD Oil minus THC…. to relieve inflammation knee and arthritic pain and also hopefully access sleep 🙄…. how very fortunate you are to be able to access Cliffs product. This product sounds ideal if Clifff’s.

As sleep is the ultimate priority for me without it I do not go along for even a day very well let alone months. It’s our repairing time I’m sure.

The postage from the States is more than the product it is outrageous. i shall endeavour to track down something close to this, thanks to your generosity I can🙏🙏🙏🎈🎈🎈

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I live in Canada. $44.50 USD to CAD..Plus shipping in USD. Canadian Border might also apply another fee. BTW: Since 2021, I've been learning about biological dentistry, detoxification: important to have a wonderful poop du jour everyday , colon cleanse liver cleanse parasite cleanse (important!) Once that is done...a heavy metal detox...eat organic. See Dr Klinghardt Institute...Klinghardtinstitute.com ---->go to video page ----> liver....So much to learn....So Mary, don't feel overwhelmed. And do find a functional medical doctor.

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See Wayno reply. Here's a link for functional medicine...page down...find a practioner...https://www.ifm.org/

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Maybe get a few of your family/ friends to buy and split cost of shipping?

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I use as well however I only get 5 hours. I do know that with all of the frequencies no one is sleeping well. Just saying

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Turmeric gummies will do a lot more to help you than CBD. CBD for inflammation is a joke.

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I've bought it twice in Australia

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Hi Dan… Thanks for responding can you let me know where please to buy? I am couple hours out of Melbourne….

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Mary, if you buy 3 your get one for free :)

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I am in Australia an d have bought lots from Purbulk, over the last 2 years. They always have specials on with 10% or so off ...

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It would be great if there were some common law tricks that could be used to force the seller to send the product anyway, and customs to not flag the package and wave it through. A good nights sleep is probably worth the effort if anyone knows a way.

I had asked the seller if they would use some obscure name for GABA on their declaration form that wasn’t in their blacklist to ensure it got to me safely but nope, the systems in place don’t allow for any flexibility at all.

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you can buy GABA separately from then, I just received an order with it from them :)

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New Zealand has different rules. I could get it but not for the last 3 years.

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I wish if would work for me, no such luck.

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Where to buy?

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Clif High's Pure Sleep - A Sleep Aid Without Melatonin - PureBulk, Inc.


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Great! Thank you for the link, Ian. Be well. And sweet dreams!

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I have been made an offer and I am passing it on to you. I have tried the olive oil C60 and had great results. Deep nights of sleep, chill mood and my eyes visibly became brighter to the point that strangers were commenting on it.

C60 benefits the whole body and acts as an antioxidant to help protect against free radical damage. This molecule works by donating electrons to neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidation.

Carbon-60 (C60 or fullerene) is a spherically structured molecule composed of 60 carbon atoms. C60 strongly absorbs free radicals, inhibits the toxicity of chemical toxicants, resists radiation, prevents ultraviolet damage, and prevents heavy metal–induced cell damage.

Learn more at:


Use the coupon code " henry " and receive 10% off your order.

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Yeah it’s awesome. I have been on it for quite a while now and love it. No side effects. No melatonin. 😎

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I'm trying to figure out a way to get it shipped to Canada.

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Link please if you have it? Thank you kindly.

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Having "A Bit of Tea" myself, lemon honey for my throat/vocal cords.

Lost my Dog near Pine Mt. Observatory yesterday, spent the next 12 hrs looking for him.

Hiked 15 mi. yelling my lungs off and completly lost my voice. Couldn't stand or walk any further so tried to get some rest, about 4am. he found me on the trail.

I Thank God I Praise God!!!

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Yidkup’s Substack

just now


ANCIENT MYSTERIES REVEALED: Everything THEY Have Told You About THE BIBLE is WRONG! | Gregg Braden

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I haven't even listened to this yet, but as soon as I saw the title, I had to chime in. I was out driving, and in my car my playlist was playing Art Garfunkel - Breakaway. Weird how the universe speaks to us individually, all at once!

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hypernovelty is flowing and syncing;

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I watched Godzilla Godzilla and king Cong. They mentioned breakaway civilisation for the base they broke into interesting.

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Hey clif, hope the healing in your hands is going apace...

Your voice sounds tired...

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Hope you and your family are doing well 🙏 .

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They Are Not Aliens Clif They Are Demons. They’ve Been Here Since Before Adam & Eve. Tell Me Clif Do You Believe Demons Exist? I’m Asking Because I Know You Don’t Believe Any Part Of The Bible or God? Since You Believe In Aliens & Not God Who Created Them ?

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Because the Bible has been manipulated to control you. Stop believing in nonsense stories written by folks that want to eat you.

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Ever Hear of Bible codes?

the bible has every letter coded giving us astounding future predictions, that actually

have unfolded as coded .

don't minimize this great BOOK

The bible torah is the basis of majority of world religions without the Mount Sinai Torah we have No Jesus or new testament nor Moslems or Koran!

Clif is severely Mistaken on his anti God Beliefs ,

Also his vehement anti Semitic views he learned during his childhood in Germany and became part of his makeup .

he suspect he even secretly worships Hitler !

The Torah true Jews worldwide are against the NWO and the Torah forbid Moloch Worship,

Most Orthodox Shuls /synagogues NEVER allow an Israeli Flag on their premises EVER!

because that is an Anti god symbol and stands against His Torah Law!

in USA in the Large Orthodox communities it impossible to find an Israeli Flag any where

Check out the areas of Brooklyn Crown Heights Williamsburg Lakewood NJ and Monsey NY No Israeli Flag anywhere ever!

Why ? because they still keep the law the Torah law !

Not so the secular Jews Reform Jews ,Israeli Jews ,anti god non believing non worshiping God Jews .

They are the ones who made Communisim and they brought down Russia and Germany and they actually helped Hitler ! and still Help the NWO

when it comes to Torah Clif Has Zero scholarship and is just blabbering and ranting his gutter bases nonsense &hate .

Otherwise his other views are not that bad !

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Ya okay bro, 1st never heard Clif spew hate. 2nd you’re obviously under the mind control so it does me no good to even talk to you because you are part a Elohim worship cult. Why even listen to Clif?

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ANCIENT MYSTERIES REVEALED: Everything THEY Have Told You About THE BIBLE is WRONG! | Gregg Braden

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Who says the bible is coded, besides Tom Hanks?

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Hidden Bible Codes Reveal the Future! | Roy Reinhold

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!

2.02M subscribers

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Rabbi Eliyahu Ellis - Codes: The Hidden Genius of the Torah

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Right the Bible was written by man. There's that also the first book written by King James was called "Book of Demonology".

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see my comment above

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Since Faith is a gift from God for those sincerely seeking the Truth, it maybe you are just not sincerely seeking the Truth, but instead your truth. A truth that accommodates your self interests and accommodates your personal pride? Likely, that is the case based on the dismissive attitude your text displays. A dismissiveness that doesn’t acknowledge the innumerable great minds, far greater than your own, who have embraced those “stories” and believed them even unto martyrdom.

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A “gift from god”. Hmmm sounds like your putting arms and legs on this god. And yes they are stories written and changed and manipulated by Man to control you. I am not bound and our controlled by anyone. I am a free thinker and think for myself. I don’t need anyone to lead me. That’s the difference between you and I.

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Make your own decision but only after you read the book "The Naked Bible" by Mauro Biglino. Always be assured no one is here to change your beliefs and you are not here to change theirs. I only suggest this book so you may understand the other point of view. The Literal translation of the old testament is irrefutable

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Naked Bible is Rubbish!

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Total unscholarly Rubbish!

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Yidkup’s Substack

just now


ANCIENT MYSTERIES REVEALED: Everything THEY Have Told You About THE BIBLE is WRONG! | Gregg Braden

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The same entity that created god created them.

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Lol little g

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Adam & Eve are just part of the/a story. Their so-called existence is not a placeholder, marker. Holds no weight.

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Maybe they are Aliens who can also be called Demons… ya know demonic aliens …🫣😱😈👿👿😈

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There is a Creator. But it isn't the God of the old Testament.

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Yidkup’s Substack

just now


ANCIENT MYSTERIES REVEALED: Everything THEY Have Told You About THE BIBLE is WRONG! | Gregg Braden

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Yidkup’s Substack

just now


ANCIENT MYSTERIES REVEALED: Everything THEY Have Told You About THE BIBLE is WRONG! | Gregg Braden

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That Eve...just like a woman to ask too many questions and ruin things for everybody. Moral of the story: ignorance is bliss and snakes are shady.

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Jesus is coming soon! I believe the teachings of J. Kleck (Kleckfiles) and the prophecies of The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog. You can look both up on Bitchute and Rumble if you're so inclined. It's going to get bad here as barry the drone bomber is the ac and this country is mystery babylon. Also, kh will be the president under the guidance of barry and she will gut the constitution with eos mostly designed to disarm and have us give up all our freedoms which are mostly gone anyways along with civil war once they get rid of T (evil man that is totally worshiped and idolized here) and the one they call president now to really allow barry to get into the ear of someone that can actually parrot what the voice in the ear is telling her. The current stooge isn't so good at it as he's a clone and failing miserably so he can be blamed for the state of this country. Stay hidden in Jesus!

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Or, Briben really hates Heels and only backs her because the Secret Service most definitely has to screw up again. Then would it be Killary, or Big Mike or Newsom ?? Would any of them be able to beat Trump? Zionists are salivating at the thought of killing their red cow so they probably want Trump. The deep one's doing all the laundering and the little-hat crew may have a bit of a power struggle, but I won't pretend it matters which one's drag us straight into digital slavery. It's going down either way.

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Agreed. It's going down either way. The us is done and the world will be under their one world govt. or the beast system which barry is the ac and the pope is the false prophet. If you're so inclined, this man just put out this video and I really think he's a messenger from God to ring the bell.


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Yahshuah already came back according to your KJV. He came for 40 days and nights. He ate and drank with the people. So, ask yourself 2 things. 1.. how could he come back as a Spirit and actually ATE AND DRANK?.. 2.. How many times is he coming back?.. He was born, first coming, resurrected after death, second coming... 🤔

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When He returns this time, He won't be as a lamb, but as a lion. He will tear down all their wickedness and rule. I believe that I may live to see it!

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Whatever makes you feel good.. but rest assured, you won't be.. sorry..

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thanks for the Great Point!

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You should read some of dr. karla turner phd books...

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So glad you mention dark journalist he doesn’t get anywhere near enough recognition 🙏🏻❤️

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Sending you healing prayers and energy, Cliff!!!!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I am so sorry about your hands and circumstances. 💕

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Thanks for the update Clif and remember never trust a muslim

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Or a chew!

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The Irish are ready to Kick off. 3 genocides in the paste 600 years. A new plantation occurring. “Beware the Risen People”. The Tuatha Dé Danann were not the only breakaway civilisation and won’t be the last.

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Jul 25Edited

The Tuatha Dé Danann were part of the Elohim or one of the minion Name Stealers-type of groups when they invaded. They had no tech, odds they were underlings of the Elohim, at best. Though idolized into the "Shining Ones" by his-story, their regime brought a lot of death and poverty to all of the Éire/Irish peoples until they got their butts kicked and removed from the isle. No, I not longer have the documentation on that. I lost a lot of info 12 years ago. It sucks.

My grandfather was (American spelling Garrity) of the Geraghty clan, born in County Mayo. His "second" family refuses to pass on the family tree to his daughter from his first marriage. My great-grandfather, (American Murphy) was of the O'Murphy clan. His family history has been lost. On the maternal side, all documentation is lost of the family lines.

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Spoken like a Druid of Irish bloodline

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Appreciate your updates!

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Hi Cliff, hope you are feeling better! Hang in there! Love your stuff :)

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Awesome, more Uncle Clif😬

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Clif, I look forward to your posts. You have been instrumental in helping me see life with a better perspective and I'm very grateful. Stay well and keep sharing such valuable information.

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Hi Uncle Clif - I hope we will come to the day when we don't have to hear the name Corey Goode. There are so many deluded persons - not sure if all of them are humans though. The money is going bye bye and those who feed on the fear of humans will be having their last feast. Humanity has a long history of being scammed. We are so gullible!!

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Clif I really don't think the Breakaway Civilization is fully human. I think they are possibly some kind of hybrid and so they most likely consider themselves to be superior to humans and separate. That would be the only way to explain the brutality of their actions towards humans.

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From Steiner I’ve learned that you’re exactly right. Humans from a future timeline that decided to cut themselves off from God, devolved into deformed parasites who feed off our energy.

There are no aliens—just angels who took the right road and are our future if we also choose to follow the biological path, and devolved humans who cut themselves off from biology and took the technology path. The same path being laid out in front of us as our future.

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I love what I've read by Rudolph Steiner; he was way ahead of his time, but, I don't recall reading that passage, so, thank you for that. Spot-on. I do worry about the 70% of Earth's human population (maybe animals too) who have taken the mrna jab.

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I agree Eileen

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Hello Woo Crew! Yeah Clif is in the house! You guys just caught me before I went outside to water the garden!

Love you all! 😘🥰😍

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