Too much produces diarrhea. Horses are 1500+ pounds, so perhaps less. Father used it on his daughter in hospital in 2020 when hospital refused to let him.give her ivermectin. Told them he was putting cream on her body. To their SHOCK, she recovered! Source: Stew Peters interviewed the father.
Back in Oz 35 years ago i worked on a prominent Poll Hereford stud where we used the mordern method of AI "artificial insemination" and ET "embryo transplant methods to breed stud stock, we would do 3- 4 programs a year, with a consisting of around 300 recip , we would give each a shot of IVERMEC twice a year ,which is exactly the same thing in my reasearch as Ivermectin, hailed as a miricle when it was first produced.
When i finished this reading it back and saw the acronyms AI ET, wierd how things change with time ?
It's the same thing. The woke morons were making fun of Trump for telling people to use it, they labelled it horse medicine, which it is, it's also human medicine.
Except it's cheaper if you buy it for your livestock.
You can get telegram on desktop computer, I had it 2 years ago, but it was very small print and just hard to deal with, it was so difficult and annoying I cancelled it out..
I had it once, a friend let me use the number of a phone he wasn't using, or didn't care about, so that we could talk on Telegram.
That account might still be there, I only used it to talk to him and he has gone off to Nicaragua in the hope of escaping tyranny.
Well good luck to him. I lost track of the credentials for that account. Regardless of that, people keep telling me I can make an account without a smart phone, which I will not own, but it never seems to work.
I have no big tech media accounts. Had Facebook for a month back at the dawn of big tech and closed it.
Thank you for your comment, a Telegram account is probably not something I want to have anyway.
Legally has to be marketed for pets only but John Mulazo says it’s the best. Lots of pills you get that come from overseas you can’t guarantee potency or quality.
Also look up John Mulazo’s videos on Rumble and Dr Ana Milhacea on Substack as well. John gives an entire protocol for detox including for metastatic cancer.
Horse paste -- yuck, I hope you aren't actually taking that - has unevenly distributed ivermectin throughout the tube (having been in animal rescue for decades, you pick up stuff), but you can buy the liquid. That's pure. Costs about $40-50 but it will last years if we don't have an epidemic! Check dosing instructions closely. Also, it's usually administered with a syringe, so it's stored in a pharma-type bottle. Definitely not something you want to take on the fly.
Testimonials from people all swear the best results have been from the paste. I listen to hours and hours of people talking about different health issues. They were all taking the paste
That's surprising. I would have thought people would prefer a few drops of clear liquid to that paste, which reminds me of an obnoxious medical procedure. Were you taking the whole tube at once? (I had the pills, so I admit I haven't done either. At that time, all ivermectin products were restricted purchases.)
Someone told me the paste was a better product. Saying the manufacturers are very careful about horse medications. I guess horses are not in the depopulation list.
Research Dr. Mike Yeardon on Substack, Rumble, so forth. Won't be on YT - banned, I think. Has his own channel on Telegram. He's bound to have said a lot about spike proteins - which, if you think about it, are just chemical nodules. There's also the doctor in Germany, Japanese or East Indian, VERY knowledgeable, and started warning people way before it was known how toxic the poison was. Has a German-sounding name, oddly enough.
Personally, I don't give a damn if the spike protein exists or not. Jab was genocidal, so that is all I need to know. In case "shedding" is real, I took quercedin with bromelain for months, but I'm rarely around jabbed people lately. Also nattokinase is good. Some research says it reduces HBP by a considerable %. Researching that.
Dr Mike Yeadon is a pharmacolgist, not a virologist. He was fired by Pfizer and then set up his own pharmaceutical company in competition with Pfiszer. Pharma products that only mask the symptoms of a viral infection. This sends up many red flags for me. Viruses cannot be "isolated" in the same way that bacteria can, because they can only replicate within your cells. Viruses are defined as "intracellular parasites." Who benefits when people don't believe that viruses exist?
Sorry no. I don't remember where I saw it, as I said I'm still making up my mind. I thought it was a Q&A from the baileys but looking at it I don't see it mentioned in the notes.
It also may have been in a 'the end of covid' video, there are dozens of those.
I have videos playing non stop there is so much coming out, valid and invalid.
Bullshit. I got shed on by my newly jabbed co-workers and got sicker than I have ever been in my life. It was an illness like no other fucking flu I have ever had. I totally lost my sense of smell, my energy and my breathing and only with the help of HCQ and Ivermectin from AF Docs did I recover. It took me over 4 months to get my normally robust health back. I eat clean and have worked outside my entire life. Stop promulgating what you don't know. And just what the hell do YOU think all those imbeciles were doing in US funded Ukrainian labs? Let's hear it, genius.
My experience was similar. I took ivermectin for three days and got better, but got that nasty red rash that freaked me out, stopped taking it and had a helluva time over the next months. I don't trust a lot of what I read and hear online. Who the fuck knows.
Woe, sounds like you know everything not that you've been really sick.
Eating clean, what does that mean anyway? Do you know what is our ancestral human diet, that allowed us to evolve over millions of years or are you eating glyphosate sprayed vegetables and human engineered out of season transported across half the world fruits?
How's your mental health?
How's your ability to be not project rage onto others?
Have you heard of German New medicine?
Are you aware of anything other than what you're told? Do you do any self reflection? Do you look into other ideas related to human wellness?
You are 100% CORRECT … cancer is HYPHAL FUNGUS. It can be cured with ant-fungal medication. Big Pharma does not want this information known. (the Cancer industry rakes in probably billions of dollars …so they DEFINITELY do not want this simple cure known by the public.
Try to find a brilliant article by Dr Tulio Simoncini in Rome or Walter Last in Australia which was published in NEXUS magazine about a decade ago.
(If the Cancer is accessible .. just put SODIUM Bi Carbonate on it .. IT WILL DISAPPEAR) EAT a Carnivore diet (Mikhaila and Jordan Peterson will fill you in). Cancer only forms if our body is “acid” rather than “alkaline”
… the western diet creates acid bodies (because of the carbs) and cancer can follow. So stay ALKALINE if you don’t want cancer.
Idk if I completely agree with an alkaline body prevents cancer. My sis died of cancer at 63, was literally hiking and healthy until 3 weeks prior to death. Sis didnt even know she was sick. She worked so hard to keep her body alkaline. She was diagnosed and dead in 2 days. Once the doctors got involved they told her there was no hope. She was dead 2 days later. Imo, balance it important, and everyone's body is different. 👍
According to things I have read and researched, cancer came after doctors where retrained away from homeopathic cures. There is a movie from about the 1980s starting Ed Asner as a cancer patient that recovered with high doses of vitamin C and lots of comedy movies. Clif is also recommending increasing certain vitamins/supplements. Certain vitamins also need other vitamins as a carrier into where it needs to go. That's a mistake I was making along this path. As far as ivermectin is concerned it removes good and bad parasites (thankfully only used it a couple months) since it took me a long time to heal a leaky gut from prescriptions, antibiotic abuse and poor dietary choices.
You sound very confident about all cancers being misdiagnosed parasitic infestations. As I'd not heard this explanation before, could you please let me know what your assertion is based on? Kind thank you.
I knew Hulda. My husband saw her when she was in Indiana. She did believe all cancer was parasites and also said isopropyl alcohol helped them thrive in the liver somehow. Never use it! The wrong type hand sanitizer!
And here's the Tippens protocol updated with Ivermectin:
Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.
Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.
The above three items every day (7 days per week) and the Fenbendazole (300 MILLIGRAMS PER DAY FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS) per week. Take 4 days off and repeat each week. (2SG: it would be best to administer the Fenbendazole 7 days a week.)
(2SG: combining 24mg of Ivermectin 7 days a week with the above Fenbendazole protocol may increase the chances for successful remission.)
Mike Adams recently did an interview with Saffrax company which sells tablets in bulk, but are supposed to offer a smaller travel size this coming April or so. They didn't speak directly about human use, but implied its benefits.
Regarding LEAD ACID batteries that Cliff mentioned, perhaps he is right about the ionic -discharge rate being higher in a salt laden environment, i dont know about that but what i can tell you about Lead Acid Batteries is that they are Chemical in nature, and they are not FULLY charged "meaning the chemical process is not complete" until the reach a charge of at least 15.1 volts, most cars , motor vehicles, go to 13.8-14 volts which is at least 1 vott under the minimum which leaves a Sulphation on the plates, constant discharge- recharge like this leads ultimately to the battery failing prematurely, ON PURPOSE , its a nother fucking scam, as usual, below is the link to a pdf called The Battery Bible which tells you the real history of lead acid batterys, they are fixable if you know how
I have had several batteries not last until the warranty date. They only replace them once and the second battery also fails before 3 years. Now I have one dead battery in the trunk which they would not replace, so good for a core and also one battery under the hood that is also failed and drops below 12 volts and then leaves me stranded. So now I am looking for an actual Good Battery brand to buy next. Does anyone know of a good brand?
I researched alternators for two weeks before buying one for my Cadillac CTS and it was putting out just over 15V at first, but after a few days it toned down to about the same as the alternator for my Buick at just over 14.6V
Yeah, trying to shave some research time off finding a god battery by asking others for leads.
When I was growing up in the 70's, I only remember Dad buying a car battery ONCE in all those years. Today's stuff is garbage and probably made in China !! Are there any USA car battery companies that Don't contract with China?
I have batteries here just everyday brands that i have Rejuvinated that are still running 7 or 8 years after i rejvinated them meaning that they are around 10-12 years old but every year even when that are still sitting at around 12.6-12.7 volts during normall use which is optimal i run them on my bedini SG oscilator and "Blast all the accumilated sulphation off usind "cold" energy not "hot" like that produced with a normal ac charger, i built the SG myself from a kit around 10-11 years ago, i just replicated it, you can too, and it works well charging and rejuvinating lead acid batteries
I have no electrical knowledge or ability. I would totally need a kit.
Although once when I was a kid, I built an AM FM portable radio from a kit, because Grandpa thought I was blowing through plastic car models too fast. The radio took only a day and a half to complete, so he may have been wrong. Perhaps he should have omitted the instructions ?? lol
Appalling that more state Governors or legislatures do not ban chem-trails... I think only one does now... just very recently... along with the death-jabs... a mass die-off sure looks likely...
make sure you have a supply of Ivermectin and nattokinase... maybe fenbendazole too, eh?
i did a epsom salt bath for my wife last night its regular here, but i added 50 drops of activated chlorine dioxide and 2 litres of structered water "plasma fields" of CO2 gans
ill watch your vid i have most of the minerals here but dont have the knowledge of how to use them properly need to look into it and learn it thanks
The “Church” bullied the world into believing that they owned time. I’m starting to define myself as a pagan Gnostic; Gnosticism is the belief that human beings contain a piece of God (the highest good or a divine spark) within themselves, which has fallen from the immaterial world into the bodies of humans. All physical matter is subject to decay, rotting, and death.
The original pagans were followers of an ancient religion that worshiped several gods (polytheistic). Today, pagan is used to describe someone who doesn't go to synagogue, church, or mosque. It could be that they worship several gods at once, or they have no interest in a god at all.
I’m a Very Old soul. The Church Calendars and Daylight Savings time really piss me off. Happy New Year, it’s actually the year 5918…I’m taking my time back…just saying. Love you all. 😘
I gotta disagree with you on the main component in chemtrails. First, there are suppressed studies on the 10,000 times (+) high concentrations of AL in the snow on the summit of Mt Shasta. Second, aluminum is the prime ingredient in THERMITE, not coal ash which actually has a high silica component. Silica, silicon dioxide, is unlikely to catch fire in most earthly circumstances because it is already as oxidized as it wants to get.
If we look at the insane rates of spread of wild land fires in recent years and the fact that I can barely stand next to a small debris pile when I am doing my fall burning of pine needles, cones, and small branches because of the insane heat produced, I am betting this is AL. Aluminum is being sequestered in the vegetation and duff.
Southern Oregon and northern California is ground zero for this DEMONIC ongoing geo-engineering program of weather modification supported by the silence of every God-cursed politician including but not limited to, President Trump. The bastards are and have been controlling the Pacific Ocean jet stream water delivery to the Pacific Coast and the interior of the US. We are constantly coughing, our noses run non-stop and the fucking planes continue to spray us DAILY like the Deep State is fucking in control.
Oh yeah... but trust the elusive "Plan" even though we feel like shit. Until we address the T-Rex shitting on the living room carpet, NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE.
Have you personally seen aliens in a DUMB? You have eyes; for fucks sake and the INTEGRITY of the entire Universe, process what all of you CAN see.
People think of doctors as gods. I've known two that I respected, one was a family friend, the other was pretty grounded and actually talked to me like I had the ability to think for myself.
I feel the same way about architects, only ever met one of those I respected. He actually cared if his dimensions didn't add up. They put right on their plans that they aren't responsible for that. WTF?
Cleanses:::Bowel Cleanse ---> Dr. Hulda Clark, see as well her parasite cleanse , adrenal & thyroid facts. Before doing a heavy metal Cleanse , and even doing any cleanses , see a biological dentist in your area ( : remove silver fillings (50% mercury), replace metal crowns with a porcelain ones.. Check for cavitation (an extracted tooth) for inflammation (note no pain felt) ---> done with 3D scone scan. And, extract all root canal teeth. Dr. Hulda Clark's webswebs's also has an article on this. For liver cleanse , ----> see . And Thank you Clif for providing additional information.
the industrial byproduct hydrofluorosilicic acid is disposed of in the public water supply in the same manner as clif theorizes here about coal ash through stratospheric aerosol injections.
Thanks for the info on the Chem trail spraying. They have been spraying continuously over Spokane WA county and Kootenai ID country these last two days. They spray over Spokane almost every day. Today I have seen 25+ lines. Saw them checker board in the morning and now the winds have kicked up.
Viruses do not exist, spike proteins do not exist and cancer does not exist as it is misdiagnosed parasitic infestation.
Still making my mind up about the last but I've seen some compelling arguments. Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide should be anti-cancer then.
I know viruses don't exist. Seems spike proteins don't either. Tons of gaslighting about those.
There's quite a bit of research showing horse paste has potential as cancer treatment
I have horsey Ivermectin. Cheap.
Me too, I've been taking it the whole time once a week and have been healthy.
What is your dosage and protocol for the 1.87 paste? How do u consume it?
A pea size dab in a spoon of honey once a week.
I don't use it. I just have it.
Pill form Iver cheap too!
I haven't been taking it, it's in reserve. I have some pharmaceutical. Major price difference.
Too much produces diarrhea. Horses are 1500+ pounds, so perhaps less. Father used it on his daughter in hospital in 2020 when hospital refused to let him.give her ivermectin. Told them he was putting cream on her body. To their SHOCK, she recovered! Source: Stew Peters interviewed the father.
Dirt Road Discussions - not sure what's going with him now - but he had a telegram group with people calling in to give Iver testimonies - he recommended a pea size blob per day. I went about two months without any side-effects... Everything being equal - your results would be considered a good "side-effect":
Maybe you had cooties?
Back in Oz 35 years ago i worked on a prominent Poll Hereford stud where we used the mordern method of AI "artificial insemination" and ET "embryo transplant methods to breed stud stock, we would do 3- 4 programs a year, with a consisting of around 300 recip , we would give each a shot of IVERMEC twice a year ,which is exactly the same thing in my reasearch as Ivermectin, hailed as a miricle when it was first produced.
When i finished this reading it back and saw the acronyms AI ET, wierd how things change with time ?
It's the same thing. The woke morons were making fun of Trump for telling people to use it, they labelled it horse medicine, which it is, it's also human medicine.
Except it's cheaper if you buy it for your livestock.
We used to buy it in 4 gal plastic containers i think it was around $500 back then, which is cheap considering the amount of livestock it would treat
What is your dosage and protocol for the 1.87 paste? How do u consume it?
Injectable 1% ivermectin. Use insulin needle to extract and then remove needle and squirt in mouth
I didn't get the injectable.
Check out dirt road discussions via telegram (founder has since passed but his pins are still up).
maybe this helps?
I don't have a cell phone, required to make a Telegram account.
You can get telegram on desktop computer, I had it 2 years ago, but it was very small print and just hard to deal with, it was so difficult and annoying I cancelled it out..
I had it once, a friend let me use the number of a phone he wasn't using, or didn't care about, so that we could talk on Telegram.
That account might still be there, I only used it to talk to him and he has gone off to Nicaragua in the hope of escaping tyranny.
Well good luck to him. I lost track of the credentials for that account. Regardless of that, people keep telling me I can make an account without a smart phone, which I will not own, but it never seems to work.
I have no big tech media accounts. Had Facebook for a month back at the dawn of big tech and closed it.
Thank you for your comment, a Telegram account is probably not something I want to have anyway.
I tried to copy and paste from the telegram page, but it didn’t work.
Thanks for trying dude.
Telegram works better on a desktop computer or laptop. Even an ipad is better.
It doesn't matter how well it works if you can't make an account.
Yes, some here, including updated treatment protocols:
For pharmaceutical grade Fenbendazole and Ivermectin pills go to
Legally has to be marketed for pets only but John Mulazo says it’s the best. Lots of pills you get that come from overseas you can’t guarantee potency or quality.
Also look up John Mulazo’s videos on Rumble and Dr Ana Milhacea on Substack as well. John gives an entire protocol for detox including for metastatic cancer.
Horse paste -- yuck, I hope you aren't actually taking that - has unevenly distributed ivermectin throughout the tube (having been in animal rescue for decades, you pick up stuff), but you can buy the liquid. That's pure. Costs about $40-50 but it will last years if we don't have an epidemic! Check dosing instructions closely. Also, it's usually administered with a syringe, so it's stored in a pharma-type bottle. Definitely not something you want to take on the fly.
Testimonials from people all swear the best results have been from the paste. I listen to hours and hours of people talking about different health issues. They were all taking the paste
That's surprising. I would have thought people would prefer a few drops of clear liquid to that paste, which reminds me of an obnoxious medical procedure. Were you taking the whole tube at once? (I had the pills, so I admit I haven't done either. At that time, all ivermectin products were restricted purchases.)
Someone told me the paste was a better product. Saying the manufacturers are very careful about horse medications. I guess horses are not in the depopulation list.
Fenbendazole is the right one !!!!
CDS in enema is very effective !!!
Research Dr. Mike Yeardon on Substack, Rumble, so forth. Won't be on YT - banned, I think. Has his own channel on Telegram. He's bound to have said a lot about spike proteins - which, if you think about it, are just chemical nodules. There's also the doctor in Germany, Japanese or East Indian, VERY knowledgeable, and started warning people way before it was known how toxic the poison was. Has a German-sounding name, oddly enough.
Personally, I don't give a damn if the spike protein exists or not. Jab was genocidal, so that is all I need to know. In case "shedding" is real, I took quercedin with bromelain for months, but I'm rarely around jabbed people lately. Also nattokinase is good. Some research says it reduces HBP by a considerable %. Researching that.
Dr Mike Yeadon is a pharmacolgist, not a virologist. He was fired by Pfizer and then set up his own pharmaceutical company in competition with Pfiszer. Pharma products that only mask the symptoms of a viral infection. This sends up many red flags for me. Viruses cannot be "isolated" in the same way that bacteria can, because they can only replicate within your cells. Viruses are defined as "intracellular parasites." Who benefits when people don't believe that viruses exist?
Analysis of your post: each sentence says sumthin but doesn't finish the thought, leaving ambiguity, nothing more. Cryptic comment...
Sorry no. I don't remember where I saw it, as I said I'm still making up my mind. I thought it was a Q&A from the baileys but looking at it I don't see it mentioned in the notes.
It also may have been in a 'the end of covid' video, there are dozens of those.
I have videos playing non stop there is so much coming out, valid and invalid.
Bullshit. I got shed on by my newly jabbed co-workers and got sicker than I have ever been in my life. It was an illness like no other fucking flu I have ever had. I totally lost my sense of smell, my energy and my breathing and only with the help of HCQ and Ivermectin from AF Docs did I recover. It took me over 4 months to get my normally robust health back. I eat clean and have worked outside my entire life. Stop promulgating what you don't know. And just what the hell do YOU think all those imbeciles were doing in US funded Ukrainian labs? Let's hear it, genius.
My experience was similar. I took ivermectin for three days and got better, but got that nasty red rash that freaked me out, stopped taking it and had a helluva time over the next months. I don't trust a lot of what I read and hear online. Who the fuck knows.
Woe, sounds like you know everything not that you've been really sick.
Eating clean, what does that mean anyway? Do you know what is our ancestral human diet, that allowed us to evolve over millions of years or are you eating glyphosate sprayed vegetables and human engineered out of season transported across half the world fruits?
How's your mental health?
How's your ability to be not project rage onto others?
Have you heard of German New medicine?
Are you aware of anything other than what you're told? Do you do any self reflection? Do you look into other ideas related to human wellness?
Just asking
Toxins or radiation.
You are 100% CORRECT … cancer is HYPHAL FUNGUS. It can be cured with ant-fungal medication. Big Pharma does not want this information known. (the Cancer industry rakes in probably billions of dollars …so they DEFINITELY do not want this simple cure known by the public.
Try to find a brilliant article by Dr Tulio Simoncini in Rome or Walter Last in Australia which was published in NEXUS magazine about a decade ago.
(If the Cancer is accessible .. just put SODIUM Bi Carbonate on it .. IT WILL DISAPPEAR) EAT a Carnivore diet (Mikhaila and Jordan Peterson will fill you in). Cancer only forms if our body is “acid” rather than “alkaline”
… the western diet creates acid bodies (because of the carbs) and cancer can follow. So stay ALKALINE if you don’t want cancer.
Idk if I completely agree with an alkaline body prevents cancer. My sis died of cancer at 63, was literally hiking and healthy until 3 weeks prior to death. Sis didnt even know she was sick. She worked so hard to keep her body alkaline. She was diagnosed and dead in 2 days. Once the doctors got involved they told her there was no hope. She was dead 2 days later. Imo, balance it important, and everyone's body is different. 👍
"Its All Parasites Cancer Vaxxines Remedies Dr Lee Merritt Karen Kingston"
Viruses do exist, but only within our bodies; viruses are not transmissible.
Amen, People do not died from cancer, but from the horrible Chemotherapy or Radiation.....
According to things I have read and researched, cancer came after doctors where retrained away from homeopathic cures. There is a movie from about the 1980s starting Ed Asner as a cancer patient that recovered with high doses of vitamin C and lots of comedy movies. Clif is also recommending increasing certain vitamins/supplements. Certain vitamins also need other vitamins as a carrier into where it needs to go. That's a mistake I was making along this path. As far as ivermectin is concerned it removes good and bad parasites (thankfully only used it a couple months) since it took me a long time to heal a leaky gut from prescriptions, antibiotic abuse and poor dietary choices.
You sound very confident about all cancers being misdiagnosed parasitic infestations. As I'd not heard this explanation before, could you please let me know what your assertion is based on? Kind thank you.
Read Hulda Clark's books
I knew Hulda. My husband saw her when she was in Indiana. She did believe all cancer was parasites and also said isopropyl alcohol helped them thrive in the liver somehow. Never use it! The wrong type hand sanitizer!
Here is the link to Clif's Cancer Protocol posted 5/25/22:
Thank you for posting this link.
And here's the Tippens protocol updated with Ivermectin:
Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.
Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.
CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 25mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week)
The above three items every day (7 days per week) and the Fenbendazole (300 MILLIGRAMS PER DAY FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS) per week. Take 4 days off and repeat each week. (2SG: it would be best to administer the Fenbendazole 7 days a week.)
(2SG: combining 24mg of Ivermectin 7 days a week with the above Fenbendazole protocol may increase the chances for successful remission.)
Scroll down to the bottom of the post:
Thank you! 🙏🏻
Check out Sun Fruit Dan on Brighteon
Thank you for the recommendation :)
If you haven't seen this before, you'll probably find it useful:
"DIY with Chlorine Dioxide"
Mike Adams recently did an interview with Saffrax company which sells tablets in bulk, but are supposed to offer a smaller travel size this coming April or so. They didn't speak directly about human use, but implied its benefits.
Thank you! 🙏🏻
thank you! Clif's nieces and nephews rock!
Ditto... I tried to find and was hoping some kind soul would have saved this and posted. 🙏🏼
Regarding LEAD ACID batteries that Cliff mentioned, perhaps he is right about the ionic -discharge rate being higher in a salt laden environment, i dont know about that but what i can tell you about Lead Acid Batteries is that they are Chemical in nature, and they are not FULLY charged "meaning the chemical process is not complete" until the reach a charge of at least 15.1 volts, most cars , motor vehicles, go to 13.8-14 volts which is at least 1 vott under the minimum which leaves a Sulphation on the plates, constant discharge- recharge like this leads ultimately to the battery failing prematurely, ON PURPOSE , its a nother fucking scam, as usual, below is the link to a pdf called The Battery Bible which tells you the real history of lead acid batterys, they are fixable if you know how
I have had several batteries not last until the warranty date. They only replace them once and the second battery also fails before 3 years. Now I have one dead battery in the trunk which they would not replace, so good for a core and also one battery under the hood that is also failed and drops below 12 volts and then leaves me stranded. So now I am looking for an actual Good Battery brand to buy next. Does anyone know of a good brand?
I researched alternators for two weeks before buying one for my Cadillac CTS and it was putting out just over 15V at first, but after a few days it toned down to about the same as the alternator for my Buick at just over 14.6V
Yeah, trying to shave some research time off finding a god battery by asking others for leads.
When I was growing up in the 70's, I only remember Dad buying a car battery ONCE in all those years. Today's stuff is garbage and probably made in China !! Are there any USA car battery companies that Don't contract with China?
I have batteries here just everyday brands that i have Rejuvinated that are still running 7 or 8 years after i rejvinated them meaning that they are around 10-12 years old but every year even when that are still sitting at around 12.6-12.7 volts during normall use which is optimal i run them on my bedini SG oscilator and "Blast all the accumilated sulphation off usind "cold" energy not "hot" like that produced with a normal ac charger, i built the SG myself from a kit around 10-11 years ago, i just replicated it, you can too, and it works well charging and rejuvinating lead acid batteries
I have no electrical knowledge or ability. I would totally need a kit.
Although once when I was a kid, I built an AM FM portable radio from a kit, because Grandpa thought I was blowing through plastic car models too fast. The radio took only a day and a half to complete, so he may have been wrong. Perhaps he should have omitted the instructions ?? lol
Good brand query: Exide is the gold standard.
I'll watch your video. I have a dead battery in the garage.
Edit: Err, read then.
Plausible theory regarding the coal ash. Not new, corporations just dumping their toxic waste anywhere they please.
Tucson skys are covered with chem trails almost every day that is not rainy or windy.
Our fake "Governor" Hobbs (another stolen election), will do nothing... it's not "woke" enough.
Same here in Georgia, also Florida, which I left 3 months ago
Appalling that more state Governors or legislatures do not ban chem-trails... I think only one does now... just very recently... along with the death-jabs... a mass die-off sure looks likely...
make sure you have a supply of Ivermectin and nattokinase... maybe fenbendazole too, eh?
Same with flouride - another useless harmful industrial by-product, right?
Yes, Fluoride is another one!
I take chaga every day. Everyone talks about chaga tea. I put it in my first bullet coffee.
I have mine in my coffee too
Woo crew reporting in with my Bitcoin in place and silver as well as magnesium! Long live Clif!
I just ate some of that.
Good 4 ya
I take Epsom salt baths when I read. I watched this this morning. Pretty deep dive into magnesium.
i did a epsom salt bath for my wife last night its regular here, but i added 50 drops of activated chlorine dioxide and 2 litres of structered water "plasma fields" of CO2 gans
ill watch your vid i have most of the minerals here but dont have the knowledge of how to use them properly need to look into it and learn it thanks
Epson Salts baths are good . Check out Dr. Teals Lavender Epson Salts bath at WalMart.
Epson Salts absorb Cortisol.
Hello Woo Crew! Welcome to the Spring Equinox and the new Year 5918. Don’t let the PTB steal your time! Love you guys!😘😍🥰
The “Church” bullied the world into believing that they owned time. I’m starting to define myself as a pagan Gnostic; Gnosticism is the belief that human beings contain a piece of God (the highest good or a divine spark) within themselves, which has fallen from the immaterial world into the bodies of humans. All physical matter is subject to decay, rotting, and death.
The original pagans were followers of an ancient religion that worshiped several gods (polytheistic). Today, pagan is used to describe someone who doesn't go to synagogue, church, or mosque. It could be that they worship several gods at once, or they have no interest in a god at all.
I’m a Very Old soul. The Church Calendars and Daylight Savings time really piss me off. Happy New Year, it’s actually the year 5918…I’m taking my time back…just saying. Love you all. 😘
Cheers Stay Well
I gotta disagree with you on the main component in chemtrails. First, there are suppressed studies on the 10,000 times (+) high concentrations of AL in the snow on the summit of Mt Shasta. Second, aluminum is the prime ingredient in THERMITE, not coal ash which actually has a high silica component. Silica, silicon dioxide, is unlikely to catch fire in most earthly circumstances because it is already as oxidized as it wants to get.
If we look at the insane rates of spread of wild land fires in recent years and the fact that I can barely stand next to a small debris pile when I am doing my fall burning of pine needles, cones, and small branches because of the insane heat produced, I am betting this is AL. Aluminum is being sequestered in the vegetation and duff.
Southern Oregon and northern California is ground zero for this DEMONIC ongoing geo-engineering program of weather modification supported by the silence of every God-cursed politician including but not limited to, President Trump. The bastards are and have been controlling the Pacific Ocean jet stream water delivery to the Pacific Coast and the interior of the US. We are constantly coughing, our noses run non-stop and the fucking planes continue to spray us DAILY like the Deep State is fucking in control.
Oh yeah... but trust the elusive "Plan" even though we feel like shit. Until we address the T-Rex shitting on the living room carpet, NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE.
Have you personally seen aliens in a DUMB? You have eyes; for fucks sake and the INTEGRITY of the entire Universe, process what all of you CAN see.
Yes I’m in Australia and have a constant battle with my sinuses and running nose. Different days see different trails. It’s an ongoing onslaught
Try Snoot spray. It worked for me after three decades of sinus congestion.
What is Snoot spray. Was going to try and get some goldenseal powder.
Sweedish Bitters cleared everything out for me
I had congestion having been in Maui when the town of Lahaina burned up.
It seriously worked miracles immediately too.
The brand is Nature Works.
Highly recommend.
People think of doctors as gods. I've known two that I respected, one was a family friend, the other was pretty grounded and actually talked to me like I had the ability to think for myself.
My dad is a doctor, and he always says stay away from doctors. They're taught the Rockefeller protocols that kill people
Your dad sounds like a doctor I could trust.
I feel the same way about architects, only ever met one of those I respected. He actually cared if his dimensions didn't add up. They put right on their plans that they aren't responsible for that. WTF?
Hello Humans. Here we go to town ! Thanks Clif.
Cleanses:::Bowel Cleanse ---> Dr. Hulda Clark, see as well her parasite cleanse , adrenal & thyroid facts. Before doing a heavy metal Cleanse , and even doing any cleanses , see a biological dentist in your area ( : remove silver fillings (50% mercury), replace metal crowns with a porcelain ones.. Check for cavitation (an extracted tooth) for inflammation (note no pain felt) ---> done with 3D scone scan. And, extract all root canal teeth. Dr. Hulda Clark's webswebs's also has an article on this. For liver cleanse , ----> see . And Thank you Clif for providing additional information.
the industrial byproduct hydrofluorosilicic acid is disposed of in the public water supply in the same manner as clif theorizes here about coal ash through stratospheric aerosol injections.
Thanks for the info on the Chem trail spraying. They have been spraying continuously over Spokane WA county and Kootenai ID country these last two days. They spray over Spokane almost every day. Today I have seen 25+ lines. Saw them checker board in the morning and now the winds have kicked up.
Most spraying is west to east
5 huge north south chemtrails out of just one window today in Portland OR this morning. Hard to believe folks aren't putting it together yet. Retracted by NIH, they wouldn't hide the truth would they?
I take a Wild Chaga much easier than drinking tea everyday...LOVE IT!
TryBlue is the maker