My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. After 6 months of homeopathy care, her tumor reduced 25% and lymph nodes were negative. The oncologist, wanted to be aggressive. I asked questions, only for him to roll his eyes. 1.5 years later, my wife looks better than her 4 friends that got chemo. Wake up, medicine is a business, and you are a number to the Drs. It’s your life, fight for it.

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Beke, don't know what Stop the Pricks did, but my sister-in-law's naturopath prescribed progesterone, and it cured it.

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That's interesting. It must have been a high-estrogen form of breast cancer. I should think probably your wife was also asked to make some dietary changes too, though. Estrogen is supposed to be broken down by liver enzymes, and if levels are high it usually means the liver needs you to eat more cruciferous vegetables to help make the right enzymes.

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I always welcome information like this. Anything that leads to good health, I am for it. Thank you for the info.

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this is so helpful ~ I was put on est/prog to help with bone loss and concerned about my liver! Thank you!

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You're welcome ❤️ But I would ditch the HRT as it promotes cancer and only helps the bones while you are using it. You would be better off on a whole-food, low-meat diet, avoid sodas (too much phosphate), and take high doses of vitamin D. Bones also need K2, magnesium, vitamin A etc. All signs that your diet hasn't been adequate to keep them in good shape... Good luck! You might enjoy my e-book How to choose the Best Diet at ko-fi.com/linlaz

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"I think it was a ‘out growth’ of the colon cancer expressing itself due to too high an estrogen load from having gone vegetarian in response to the gut issues"

So much new info has come out about the health benefits of red meat, raw dairy, eggs, fermented foods- and how damaging a vegetarian diet can be for some, as very little of the nutrients from plants are actually available to our cells, plus the natural defense chemicals of plants can cause humans harm. These chemicals seem to negated or removed via processing by animals, especially ruminants (cattle, sheep, buffalo, yak, antelopes, giraffes, bison, moose, elk, alpacas, llamas, and camels).

As we now know, the science & medical professions have long been corrupted by the Rockefeller medical system, quashing any natural remedies and pushing petro chemical and other poisonous "cures' & treatments for profit. Outright lying about seed oils, insects and fake meat be nutritional. Doctors, nurses, probably vets as well, get little to no nutritional training and, once in practice, are often so overloaded with this corporate medical care system they have little time to further their research & knowledge, even if so inclined to; then there are those who are all about the money and/or who get their info from the drug company reps.

Researchers & scientists paid to deceive about cholesterol, red meat, natural cures and prophylactics (we all saw that with ivermection, HCQ, PCR tests &fenbendazole); and to smear those who discover REAL cures for cancer and other diseases caused and exacerbated by the medical and drug cartels. Even medical professions who truly think they are helping, do not realize how badly they have been deliberately deceived, basically paying huge amounts of money for degrees & licenses & knowledge that is probably more than 50% falsehoods.

While plants have immense value medicinally, they have significantly less to offer nutritionally than red meat (contains virtually everything your body needs for healthy skin, bones, organ function, gut & hormone balance & more), dairy, eggs and foods that maintain good gut function.

We are all going to have to relearn what real health & nutrition are, and take back responsibility for our own bodies & health, rather than rely on a corrupt medical system, most of whom do not even know how much they don't know. It's unfortunate for those who do have integrity, but they have to go back to school with the rest of us.

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Thank you!

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Hello PattyC,

I recently watched this video about Borax. Like many many other hidden remedies I believe this may be a viable option to follow up on.

I hope sharing this link is allowed here:


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Link is disabled - you have a title, by chance? Drink borax daily, has amazing results.

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thank you

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I used Bio-identical progesterone. 100% cured since 2014 🥳

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Her cancer was estrogen triggered( which her Dr. recommended). The homeopathy Dr. tested why her body allowed this cancer to set up in her body. Took her off these estrogen pills, changed the diet, snd introduced supplements that would hinder cancer growth.

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Homeopathy is very individual. Everyone gets a different protocol based on their constitution. Homeopathic carcinosin is usually included in that. If you google it you'll see the reason.

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Like anything else, not all homeopathy Drs. are the same. We drive 4 hours to see our Dr. I have heard of some in our town, but our Dr. at 75 years old, is experienced.

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I am 82 so I understand the wisdom of age

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Read my reply…

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Find a naturopathic doctor and do what they say and you probably won't get sick.

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Join ‘Dirt Road Discussions’ channel on telegram. His ivermectin protocols are life changing and quite simply a miracle! My wife cured her breast and lymphatic cancer using his protocols! I’ve cured the things I had wrong in my body.. the info is free!! There are thousands of real people talking their testimonies.. go listen and learn… if you follow it exactly as he says, your wife will be totally fine!! I assure u!! Best of luck

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Yup, I got this from watching Clif's videos and have put myself and wife on 10,000 UI of D3 for the last 2 years. Just had some blood work done and my D3 levels were at 106ng/ml. Thanks brother Clif...

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FWIW a Canadian doctor recommended 1,000 IU per 20 lbs. of body weight which is probably a good 'rule of thumb'.

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@Loid Where do you get 10,000 IU of D3 plus K2

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Yes, thank you. That is what I am using currently.

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SeekingHealth,.com out of Seattle is where I get mine. You'd have to take 2 tiny capsules a day to get 10,000 IU per day. I take 1 per day, and my blood shows 95 ng/ml.

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Here is the brand I've been using for a few years.


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@Nick Thanks for sharing. The Vitamin D3 and K2 are encapsulated in sunflower seed oil. Yikes seed oil!

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I avoid seed oils as much as possible but this is a very negligible amount, besides these are not hydrogenated so the tiny amount in these should be just fine.

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It's not that negligible if you are taking every day, and probably other supps as well. Plus all the hidden oils & chemicals in processed foods, which no doubt interact with other chemicals and environments like EMF. These evil fucks have been poisoning us "just a little, here and there" for our entire lives, starting with baby formula. Where do you think all these cancers and diseases come from? Not just us, but our pets too- LOOK at the crap, literal CRAP that we fed them, for the sake of convenience, & how autoimmune disease and cancers & more have exploded among domestic animals. They have us not only killing ourselves slowly, but the creatures who depend on us to give them a healthy happy life, as well

Might want to listen to and read Clif recent substacks on what those oils do and how long it takes to undo them, and how little it takes to undo any progress you make with ridding them from your body. Seed oils belong in machinery, maybe cleaning products, but not living bodies. Strange how people think medications that work wonders for their animals are poison for them, or tried and true remedies like MMS, HCQ, etc are "drinking bleach"- but they can rationalize ingesting & imbibing industrial & mechanical chemicals & fluids because "it's such a small amount".

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I thought the same thing!!! I am going to try it just to change up my d/ k for a month!

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Seed oils are very unhealthy. In Clif's protocol for healing himself he eliminated seed oils.

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You can get them from swansonvitamins.com - a family-owned business. They have their own brand name, Swanson, and you can get vitamin D-3 in 5,000 capsules, I take 2/day.

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Read my reply’s… please..

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Dear Cliff, I doubt you will believe this comment, casting me aside as disillusioned or similar. Notwithstanding, I can see cancer in anyone to within a millimetre. Often, up to 20 years before the Oncologists with their cancer-causing scanners.

My sister and I have spent all of our savings, which, with my loss of earnings, amounts to some £2.5 million on my research during the past decade.

I have developed 'special' water which will, after drinking only one glass, enable the sufferer to self-heal, halting cancer in its tracks almost immediately.

I can affect the same results through Telepathy.

Big Pharma, has tried to have me murdered over twenty times, fortunately, I am still here. Thus, the water remains hidden for the time being.

If you would like me to check your Bioplasmic Energies for cancer and enable you to self-heal, if appropriate Clif, just let me know?

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I don’t know about Clif but I’m betting a lot of us would like to be checked.

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Just send me a simple selfie, your email address for a private reply and I will check your energy which will take me less than two seconds. I will advise by your email at the same time deleting your photo. I have helped well over a hundred, mainly women, to self-heal from their cancers, many sent home to die by their Oncologists. I advise those that I help that, when you know how, cancer is easier to treat than the common cold.

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Yes please tell us how to DM you. Thanks

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How do I send you a direct message- anyway this profile picture is my selfie! You can probably send me a direct message. Thank you 🙏

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Me too

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Hi Kit! How do I find your email address to contact you? I would LOVE for you to check my energy! In gratitude 💖

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May 25, 2022
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Thank you very much, Kit!

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May 26, 2022
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Dear Clif, I think we'd all be interested in this. Wanna give your consent?

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What I did not say is that not only does it enable you to self-heal, but it enables every cell in your body to recommence communicating with each other, often for the first time since you were a small child. At the same time, it enables your resonant brain frequency to increase currently to circa 32Hz in line with the current Schumann Frequency.

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Can this be done for any disease process?

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I doubt Clif would dismiss your ability out of hand, he probably knows more about how energy works on this planet than most of us. What you describe sounds a lot like what can be done with Rife machines, or other forms of frequency & binaural healing- or so I've read, but haven't yet tried.

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Nope! Not the same in any shape or form. x

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"special water" - hydrogen water?

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I've been my own doctor for 15 years..Always love the advice and experience from others following the same path. Organic all the way. My simple rule: No punctures of any kind to my skin.

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I couldn't agree more!

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The docs wanted me to do chemo and radiation, said I had an aggressive form of cancer, I declined. Went to holistic doctor, am on Low Dose Natrexone and several other supplements..it's been 27 months, I am still here...

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Thanks for sharing this, Clif! Have used Curaderm for years on basal cell cancers and actinic keratoses (works on melanomas, too, but don't tell anyone). The other things you have done are excellent and everyone should heed your advice when faced with cancer issues, IMO. I think that the fenbendazole solution is probably valid and I take it as a prophylactic - week on/week off/etc.

Appreciate your service to Humankind!

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Do you take the fenbendazole capsules (how many mg?) or the products for canines?

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Research here: fenbendazole.org

We buy from fenbenlabs.com 222mg cap/day week on week off...

This is not medical advice. ;-)

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Joe Tippens was first to discover that Fenbendazole cures cancer. He also combined it with Vitamin E, which Clif also specifies in his protocol. Dr. Makis has gone even further, see this video for dosages, ,etc.: https://makismd.substack.com/p/new-podcast-15-minutes-with-drmakis-891?utm_source=publication-search

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For pets - check out Dr. Jones on youtube


He talks about fenbendazole (fenben) in a few videos and cancer treatment for dogs.

Fenbendazole became popular or better known thanks to Joe Tippens Protocol. Some people have said Joe's 222 mg a day is not enough. Joe is still doing 222 mg a day as maintenance.

Florida Sharkman's mom was a vet and he cured himself of sepsis and other ailments that almost killed him This is after he went to Mayo or one of the big ones in N Florida. He hits cancer harder with closer to 3,000 mg of fenben for two weeks then ivermectin. He prefers liquid Fenbendazole which is Safe Guard Dewormer 1000 ml about $156. This is made by Merck Animal Pharmaceutical. You can get it anywhere.




He posts lots of info on various diseases on a daily basis including research reports on his Truth Social page. All free. He gets questions about pets all the time too.

Clif used to be on Truth Social but is pretty much here and on X (Twitter).

Clif and FSM are among the very small number of people I follow. Kim.com on X is another.

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Which brand do you recommend? Thanks!

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look at the links

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I’m looking at buying the curaderm for my mom’s thyroid swelling in her neck. I did not see that one. Thanks.

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May 26, 2022
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See the links I posted.

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See my links posted below.

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Hi Clif, I'm very glad that worked for you. I just want to add that the prime cause of colon cancer is an alkaline gut. The blood should be alkaline, but the gut should be kept at an acidic pH, for which you need a low intake of animal protein, and a high intake of fruit and vegetables. The fibre in fruit and veg is turned into acidic by-products by gut bacteria, and these by-products in turn provide nourishment for the cells of the colon wall, to keep them healthy and protected. A lack of this protection makes the colon wall vulnerable to the toxins produced by harmful gut bacteria. These toxins cause inflammatory changes which are the precursor to cancer development. I agree absolutely that avoiding vitamin D deficiency is extremely important too. I should also warn others that these healthful reminders, while great for cancer prevention, may not be sufficient for combating a tumor. For that you need large amounts of vitamin C. It's very affordable. Just buy a tub of ascorbic acid powder, dilute copiously with water, add baking soda (pure sodium bicarbonate) to reduce the acidity, and drink as much of this every day as your bowels will tolerate. This is the Linus Pauling method and the Robert Cathcart protocol.

Linda Lazarides, naturopathic nutritionist, UK.

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Ascorbic acid is grown off black mold from gmo corn, not from organic lemons like it used to be. Check the source of the ascorbic acid.

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I take a swig of ACV with the mother, with a water chaser, every other day or so, eat as much red meat as I can afford, fry everything in butter or bacon grease, beef tallow (occasional veg, some fruits) and since I started that have gone from almost daily gut and butt problems to rarely ever. Even then, it is usually related to over doing the store bought sweets or breads- processed food overload, is what I call it.

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ACV…good stuff! First bout with gallbladder pain, cured it with just plain apple cider. (Ultrasound showed only sludge, not stones, so did‘t have to do the ‘olive oil treatment.’) 2nd round dozen years later, the cider wasn’t enough so added ACV and the pain was gone by day 2.

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Great info Linda. Dr. Tulio Simocini in Rome Italy for decades has been talking about sugar (acid) is loved by cancer. Dr. Simicini said cancer is a "fungus." Simocini said cancer dies in alkaline. He used a cheap solution with baking soda aka sodium bicarbonate. You can drink it 1 tsp of baking soda with 16 oz of water but absobtion is not great. Dr. Simocini did medical sodium biocarbonate in IV form which some clinics may offer. He also did ports like chemo ports but he has been harassed by Italian medical authorities. Baking soda sublingual, under your tounge, a few times a day might be an option for better absorption.

Supposedly a good alkaloid according to Florida Sharkman (FSM) is Berberine. 500 mg with each meal or 1200 to 1500 mg a day. It is also good for cardio including blood sugar, cholesterol and high blood pressure. Berberine is derived from plants and has been used in China for centuries. FSM helps people for free with fenbendazole, ivermectin, doxycycline and berberine in curing cancer.




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I had a similar experience with peripheral T-cell lymphoma. I used a biologic to cure myself with the help of a brilliant doctor, but choosing that path generated a huge amount of scorn for not sticking to the "protocol". I went through 3 rounds of the "protocol" called CHOP. It stopped working. I started doing my homework and found out CHOP did not work with PTCL. I asked why did you put me through that when you knew it would not work. The response was "we follow the protocol".

I also suggested intravenous vitamin C based upon a research study at the NIH. I thought the first cancer doctor's head was going to spin off for suggesting something so pedestrian.

The biologic I used was called Ontak. The FDA shut down production after I was finished. There is a new version from another company that is hopefully coming on the market.

The main point, is that you are on your own. And that was 15 years ago.

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Yes, we are on our even if we see the "finest" modern medice docs we can afford. Bravo to you!

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"all sugars" nailed me on that one, i stopped it yesterday. rage-on, clif. we have global assholes to kill. i know you know that is humanity's test right now, will we let the fauci's, gates, and schwabs of this world live? or do we simply hunt them down and end them as proof we are still humans, still capable of fighting total domination by cosmic predatory assholes? if we kill them, their bullshit stops. then we kill the entire "biden administration" of khazarian ass-wipes. when does humanity rise and kill those actively seeking to cause our deaths by cowardly means??? this is a test we are currently failing....

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Killing them isn't the answer, in my book. It's removing them from power & exposing their crimes to the world.

That's the truth we need. Then a prison asteroid would be perfect!

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LOL.. it's at the "kill or be killed" stage, then. Given the bizarre antics and freakazoid characters of the Buyden admin & CONgress lately, I am more and more believing the "rumors" that some people have already been dealt with, while we wait for more normies to wake up. Given their attempted murder/genocide of each and every one of us via a slow death of poison food, air & water (and many other, faster ways such as constant wars) while they bleed us dry financially, I'm thinking we do have a very relevant & lawful defense of SELF-DEFENSE.

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All I can say is...so grateful they bounced you back here..otherwise my view of this reality would be quite different and OBSCURED BY ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF B.S. Thank you Sir Woo Clif!!

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YOU and ME both!

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Good information. Will definitely save this article. Thank you Clif

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Thankyou Clif. I have stocked up on fenben thanks to you. I am deeply worried about my kids who were manipulated into becoming vegetarian with the help of psyops like Netflix several years back. My son who is 15 has been vegetarian for most of his formative years which is exactly what the cabal fuckers want. Immune weakened and without protein. I feel sick about the long term ramifications of this but other than trying to force feed meat into him I can just try and get him to eat well albeit it a limited diet. The cancer link worries me so much.

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Red meat is necessary for good hormone balance, reproductive development among many other things, and a teenage boy needs that as much or more than an adult, I would imagine. Might want to re-think the force feed idea, or work on your powers of persuasion if you wish to be "Grandpa" one day. Can you at least get him to eat eggs, raw dairy & such? Get creative, get tough if you have to, bribe him, do what you must, whatever works. But damn, 15 is such a tough age, beginning to think they know it all, then on top of that electronically programmed to think the parents know noting and are useless. I feel for you. Good luck

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I totally agree with you Clif. Sugar/Carbs no good when fighting cancer and sugar is cancer causing as well as a poor diet. Supplements are very important as you had noted. I am so glad you shared your personal experience to possibly help others if they choose to take good advice! I pray for your continued good health and to avoid any future cancers.

If they do come back, you know how to

fight it.

May God Bless You Always! 🙏🏼💓🇺🇸

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Am in the process of seeing if my female problems that were triggered by Covid, long Term are just inflamed fibroid tissue or am I one of the lucky ones that may have endometrial cancer. I am unvaxxed, also an RN. So I shall set up my protocol and follow strictly. My stress hormones are through the roof-man problems mostly-but I know it’s up to me to get my ass well again. Right now, I’m just tired… thank you for the protocol and leads on how to treat myself.

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May 26, 2022
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I did take that into consideration. I was working in the nursing fiend prior to Sept 21 when I first caught Covid-though it was at Atlanta Int Airport I was exposed to a very ill man and where I believe I contracted the virus, I’ve not worked since and do live alone so that exposure is tremendously rare these days. Thank you for your thought.

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Ivermectin knocks out Covid very quickly. Ivermectin is a miracle drug. You can get it at two Indian online pharmacies or just use the horse paste which is totally safe. They demonized Ivermectin but it ended River Blindness in Africa. The Japnese scientist who found the bacteria or fungus and American scientist who sysnthesized it, I think for Merck, both won Nobel Prizes.

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Did you ever consider Radiation/ Emf poisoning? ? They put up all the 5g towers while we were locked down. I can tell you that for a fact. I bought some Organite and Shungite( pendant, pods) and keep around my person when on any electronic device! What a world of difference. I haven't neen ill once since this all started. Good luck.

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My wife had stage 4 breast cancer with mets on the liver. A friend told us about Paul Stamets and Turkey Tail mushrooms. There is a 5 minute video on You tube where Paul Stamets introduces his 80 year old mother and talks of how she cured her BC with Turkey tail. my wife is 4 years cancer free now. She did do chemo...but took the mushrooms every day...9 capsules. She still takes them. We have told 4 other stage 4 women of this...all survived and are doing well. Also, "Fabulous Fungi" on Netflix is a short documentary by Stamets that is on Netflix. Watch it. God Bless all.

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OldTomJoad, I am a “fan” of Mycologist Paul Stamets. I have all his books. I did read where he cured his 80 yr old grandmother of cancer with Turkey Tail mushrooms.

Turkey Tail is a bracket fungus that commonly grow on the bark of trees. If you find and harvest it you can make concentrates and tinctures from it. I have done so. YouTube (it has a few good things on it) has videos showing how to prepare the Turkey tail.

Also, if you search “BirchBoys. Com” they have a website that offers Turkey Tail, Chaga and many other health inducing fungi in tinctures, teas, and whole dried varieties (including Turkey Tail).

The Bitch boys also have a lot of information on their website. They also are on YouTube.

I buy Chaga tea and other products from them exclusively.

Birch Boys harvest most of their own products and they process much of their own products in-house.

Hope this helps.

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They have a cancer treatment in Japan that is a powerful extract of turkey tail, the trade name is Krestin. I came across it while doing research on Paul Stamets’ story. They’ve been using it in Japan since the ‘80’s, but it’s not available in the US (although I found lots of fakes). I believe you would need a prescription from a Japanese doctor to obtain it.

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Thank you for sharing. A path of keeping healthy. ☺️

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