Hi Clif.....Can you send out a Podcast soon. Love them :-)

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It depends on whether he needs to go into town or not.

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That's right. Why does Clif do podcasts when he's out and about? Is it a secret?

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Prolly cuz that's when he's got time that otherwise would be wasted, driving to town and back. Which generally seems to take him around 30 minutes each way, which is likely why they often come in pairs 😎

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I'm kind of surprised people didn't figure this out for themselves, tbh. It seemed pretty obvious to me back when he started posting 2 audios a day, usually Tu & Th (but not always).

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That and he has said a few times that it's what he does.

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You don't want to be too predictable! LOL! Universe needs unpredictableness!

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Are you Clif's friend? Yes, seems he does the podcasts in pairs :-)

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No more so than any of his other followers here -- I was just making a logical observation that is consistent with human behavior patterns.

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Clif is not predictable! Don't scare him like that!

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See? It's the Cycles of Nature.....clif rides out, podcast, then clif rides back in, podcast. Rince and repeat please!

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Occasionally he only records an episode on one leg of the trip, and then explains why

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I think it's because he likes to talk whist driving, and it saves time. Two birds with one stone.

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It's a great way to use time that might be wasted otherwise, and for me at least it a nice way to feel like I'm there, sitting next to him as he explains the nature of the Universe, the Future and everything in between. I can see why people used to sit at the FEET of their Teachers leaning forward to catch every word. I'm so glad we have the internet to be able to do this. And it will be very sad when they shut it all down for a while to stop us listening to Clif!

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I think it's about efficiency. People always bugging him to post, and since he's taking care of business for himself, he uses the drive time for us. If it was a secret, would he come home and post it on the internet?

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I don't know. Clif knows and has done many things. Only Clif knows for sure :-)

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Maybe his house is tapped 😉

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Guess what- we are ALL "tapped", spied on, eavesdropped on. Especially if you have a S.M.A.R.T phone- or any other SMART device- car, Alexa, router, frig, thermostat, utility meter, ipad, computer.

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no, no, no, no, no, no, maybe, no and Linux box.

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Hey John, how are you feeling these days? Better? I was worried about you.

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That's what I was thinking, too!

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Perfect timing

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It isn't laziness, Clif, it's difficulty reading the screen. Even a large screen like I have isn't going to work much longer. I wish they'd make a style sheet option for improved visibility. This grey-ish skinny font is really tough.

Besides, we love hearing you, seeing you is even better but I realize video is a lot costlier in bandwidth and upload hassle, not to mention the extra strain on you having to do the actual recording. I appreciate it all greatly. But more, this could become a treasure for future students. (Assuming a lot here, as personally, I think these kids are so screwed...into the distant future, IF we don't conquer the "insectoids" first who are destroying life on earth.

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There isn't any replacement for his Voice....and his laughter while teaching,.....words are great too, but I always miss that Hello Humans! Hello Humans! :)

I'm sorry you have trouble reading the print,....I make it big too. I'm getting old.

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Understand. But, didn't say Clif was lazy.

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Jun 14, 2023
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Just hit the control key (Ctrl) and hold it down while hitting the "+" key.

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I second that thought.

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I use the "read aloud" feature of my browser to turn these texts into virtual podcasts. I too like the spontaneous stories though.

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Please tell me how to do that.

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I have windows 11 and use edge for my browser.

you just right click on the beginning of the text and in the menu, pick [Read Aloud].

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Thanks so much :-)

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If he does a video I hope he has the doggos. I want to see them.

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Yes....I would like to see them too :-)

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I think they are Bouvier's. Or a mix like that. There are huge mastiff size fuzzy Grey doggos in his past videos. I think one must have passed a little bit ago, because he got a new puppy. I'd love to see them both too!!

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I think the Podcast are less trouble for him from his car..

I am perfectly happy with either.

I enjoy reading.

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I just don't have all the time to read. I research so many other websites day and night.

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WHAT?????? You don't start with Clif and end with Clif?????? TRAITOR! LOL!

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Podcasts are best but I do miss Clif's whiteboard chaos on Bitchute

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That's right. I do, too :-) I don't know why Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog doesn't

have Clif on anymore. I emailed him, but never received a reply. Anybody know?

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Maybe Clif is so busy getting his Wife and his doggos set up for the coming crisis, working on growing food in his rejuvenated Green House, that he just can't devote actual SITTING STILL time right now. It's summer, life is busy in the Summertime. Much more sitting time in the bad weather or the Winter. :) I like his working out side audios best really,.....again, I feel like I'm actually there.

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Maybe, he's been telling us to get things fixed like your vehicles, etc. Be prepared.

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Greg Hunter is my favorite Clif interviewer. Bull in the China shop grappling with the Woo

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I miss whiteboard talks, too.

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The same Sun we've been taught that harms us, burns from within us, as our bacteria emit UV light, and our skin captures that same light to build protection against skin cancer by using nature's sunscreen ☀️:


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Caution is needed when tanning at the ocean shore; the wind is cooling but does not block the S

sun UV rays.

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Great point- that's why sunscreen can be dangerous, as it blocks UV-B, which we feel as a burn. Taking away the burn signal is like disconnecting the fuel guage in your car...no way of knowing how your body is feeling, and UV-A waves penetrate deeper. Why balanced AM infrared light is important.

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The best way to get tan though, as my mother always said, may her Soul Basket rest, is to be busy doing something when you are in the sunshine. Gardening, walking, swimming, moving. That helps the Sun get to all of you, not just cook one side. My old Mother was a Genius. I sure wish I had asked her more questions while she was here. Miss her advice every day, especially now that I'm the Grandma, I could use her help!

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Good point Ms. Defender, plus when we move we get our blood going and this releases nitric oxide (NO) which helps us absorb even more vitamin D. Who knew!? Common sense like your Grandma didn't need that science I know, but I find it fascinating. Do you garden a lot?

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Unfortunately, we can't believe anything "they" say. It's all meant to confuse and deceive.

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And push their own depopulation and sickness agenda. They only make money if we are ILL. Chronically is best for them,....that way we still pay for insurance and they can still milk the COW! A Patient Cured is a Customer LOST.

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This was a really good video describing how they have been trying to get us sick and keep us in their system of sickness!


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Jun 14, 2023
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FYI - Here's a video from a prophetic voice for these times. She says that when the rapture occurs and everyone can see Jesus in the clouds, they have ONE minute to claim Him as their savior, repent and ask forgiveness for their sins. They, too, will be caught up in His net! At the 7 min mark is where she talks about this one minute!


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Totally in agreement. But what happens when the law is travestied against these days as internet exposure goes ballistic, is what's happening in the Congress right now. Documented evidence comes out, the media lies and obfuscates, the courts may even refuse to hear it, the DOJ/FBI may refuse to investigate it.....but at the same time Americans are taking it all in and drawing their conclusions about what's happening, just as you have and I have. The zionist banksters most certainly are exposed and getting more so every day. The fight in Ukraine is all about that, because that's Khasarian Mafia heaven and they were making it their homeland again, getting ready to leave Israel. Didn't work out because Putin's got some dangle parts and was tired of the shit show on his border.

The thing is, the pressure builds up and sooner or later the dam of public opinion bursts. How many people in this country KNOW the last 2 elections were stolen...one shitload, that's what. But we have 2 choices....let it all go and settle down into the most abject slavery and degradation humans have ever known, or we get up and fight. The very fact that these things are exposed is proof that things are different, because all this was going on 80 years ago, thousands of years some say. No one knew then because these forces were strong enough to hold it under murderous wraps. Now they're not that strong. So let the water keep building behind the dam. There's only one way that can work out. You can bet, if this country is saved at all, it will be saved by its people. Ya know why they want 87K armed IRS agents, right? It's because the day is coming and it might not be too long that people will be so pissed they will stand up en masse and refuse to pay taxes. Right now the steam us up at this disclosure for evidence going to Congress about the Khazarian deep state and their on and off world evil and skullduggery. The case is documented, just like the Biden case. If they ignore it, they do it at their peril. Let the water rise.

Keep the faith and keep the information flowing. They're fucked and they know it. We need to know it too.

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This post attached in the wrong place. It was in response to someone who felt there is little reason to have confidence at all in the system responding to the crimes continuously exposed. He's right. Not one perp has been indicted, not to mention convicted. But there's more and it's inevitable. Keep the faith and do everything you can to push information out there.

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That post was applicable any where! And very well said. Keep on working on exposure and truth and eventually, others will follow and the WAVE will PEAK and go over,....just like it does in this Clif Posting. Then there will be CHANGE!

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It's inevitable!

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We are relentless and we can do this, together

Where we go as one, we all go.

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As my dear ole Dad (RIP) used to say:

Hang in there and keep the faith.

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Preach it, Sister!

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

Full stop.

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This must be read again and again… then again

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As you so rightly say ‘ALL IS CONSCIOUSNESS’ and once you realise(real eyes) that no thing matters.

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🙌 yes!

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Nope. My 'Things' matter to me while I'm here! My Chickens, my Potatoes, my Doggies, my family, it all matters. It may be transitory, but it all matters very much to me right now, because I am HERE NOW.

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Jun 14, 2023
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Time pulsing, is like the heartbeat of the Divine ~ creating with every breath ~ that's what it made me think of anyhow = ) . I think its a real genius fail safe built into the universe that there's no reverse gear on the celestial time pulse or could you imagine the absolute carnage the Khazarian's would wreak if they could do that......

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Absolutely!!! Our heartbeat was just what I was thinking....because everything else in our bodies is set in time with that.....sub vibrations of our Heartbeat. And it's also just like a Clock,....it beats of the seconds of our lives. All in harmony with the Heartbeat of Nature. How very beautiful it is the way Clif says it. Our minds are our Consciousness sparkling over the electrical grid of our brains....that is just a beautiful thing to see in your mind,....and there is your mind seeing itself! WOW. This is DEEP DEEP learning. Taoists say that if you go with the natural Flow of Nature, things always go as they should, but if you start to muck with it, and force it, that's when things get all messed up. That's what the Khazarians have been doing their whole lives, trying to go against Nature. And look at the MESS they've created!

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22 trillion per second? Soon to be the rate at which the US Treasury issues new dollars. Wonder if that'll make a big bang.

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Thank you and God Bless for being kind enough to do these substacks and podcasts I look so forward to them Its a wonderful treat!

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Thank you for the link

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Excellent description. I have to do more research on Kozyrev and how he came up with the "pulse of time" equaling 22 trillion times a second. It makes me wonder: Where did humans come up with the time interval of 1 sec? It is extremely important. The only subject that I know well is neuroscience and msec is about where we are at. A lot happens at 250 - 500 msec. I only collaborated with "quantum physicists" because of my discovery of microtubules and their accessory proteins playing a key role in learning, memory and cognition; hence my speculation that Alzheimer's disease is a dysfunction of microtubules--probably because the gene regulation comes to it's end stages at the end of the life span. (i.e., Everything is going haywire, so no reason for nature to respond with a solution). Please list any links to Kozyrev stuff. I assume he wasn't published much in the regular academic journals. Kind regards and pleas keep posting interesting stuff!

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What I've learned about Alzheimer's is that it is the same plaque that gets on our teeth and in our blood vessels and in our joints to cause arthritis. In fact, Alzheimer's is now considered to be Diabetes Type 3. The plaque is waste products and we aren't sleeping enough to go into Autophagy to clean up all this crud. Of course, eating a high sugar diet and Seed Oils makes is soooo much worse. I'm not sure anything could keep up with cleaning the plaque from so much burned sugar.

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You can by his books on Amazon. It seems he only wrote two books. I don't remember in witch of Clifs pods he talked about the books. If you want to, you can search among all Clifs videos and pods. He seems to have mentioned Kozyrev many times, so you may have to listen through alot af content. https://clifhighvideos.com/?s=Kozyrev

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clifhighvideos.com has a section for the books he mentions in his appearances. Also other useful # & tabs for finding his older interviews and videos on various platforms. He has done dozens of interviews with others over the years, it's a good resource

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Way cool and thanking you for that website

Have bookmarked it for further study

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I found all these on Wikipedia:

N.A. Kozyrev, On the Nightglow of Venus, Izvestiya Krymskoi Astrofizicheskoi Observatorii, Vol 12

N.A. Kozyrev, Molecular Absorption in the Violet Part of the Spectrum of Venus Krymskoi Astrofizicheskoi Observatorii, Vol 12

N.A. Kozyrev, Selected Works, published by Leningrad State Univ., 1991. 488 p.

N.A. Kozyrev, V.V. Nasonov, On some properties of time, discovered by astronomical observations, in Problemy issledovaniya vselennoi, 1980, (Russian lang.)

N.A. Kozyrev, Possibility of experimental study of properties of time, Pulkovo, September 1967 (text available)

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Thank you.

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Please more podcasts and videos. Thanks for your invaluable insights and knowledge.

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Weebles wobble, but.......over and over again :)

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Good stuff! Thanks, Clif! Close study needed for full understanding. How do we share this with normies? Do we? We're so grateful that you are keeping in touch with us on your Wednesday excursions to town and your Substacks in-between... we must remember that in recent times we have had to wait an entire month or longer with our tongues lolling out, as we await your next installment.... I personally have interpreted the increased frequency of your updates as an indication that we are in that time now. We have arrived and the time to act and do and get it accomplished is now! Thanks for helping to keep us motivated to keep on task! Blessings.....

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The highway ramp collapses on 95 in philadelphia where we live, there is some novelty for ya. A black swan also seems like novelty. Some species go extent then boom they show up again. What a fascinating place to be

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What happened to JOE's infrastructure funding? What is Shapiro doing with the money?

I'm from Western PA. That is sad. I wonder why JOE spends so much time in Philly?

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JOE quickly sent 3 billion more to U K Rain that will result in the highway being rebuilt here

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Isn't that a crime. I grew up in Southwestern PA. Remember, that bridge that collapsed

when JOE went there. They diverted him to another Lefty College to speak. My Aunt

always said that PENNDOT only came around to fix roads when Election time came

around. I'm sure the Politicians that were running made sure of it.

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Jun 14, 2023
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At least you have the National Treasure Stacy "Big Magilla" Abrams there... eh?


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Jun 14, 2023
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My pal sent this... sorry for the length!

> This just about sums it up ☺️😆😆




>>>> 1. Vancouver : 2.5 million people and two bridges. You do the math.


>>>> 2. Your $1.400,000 Vancouver home is just 5 hours from downtown.


>>>> 3. You can throw a rock and hit three Starbucks locations.


>>>> 4. There's always some sort of deforestation protest going on


>>>> 5. "Weed".






>>>> 1. Big rock between you and B.C.


>>>> 2. Ottawa who?


>>>> 3. Tax is 5% instead of the approximately 200% as it is for the rest of the country.


>>>> 4. You can exploit almost any natural resource you can think of.


>>>> 5. You live in the only province that could actually afford to be its own country.






>>>> 1. You never run out of wheat.


>>>> 2. Your province is really easy to draw.


>>>> 3. You can watch the dog run away from home for hours.


>>>> 4. People will assume you live on a farm.


>>>> 5. Daylight savings time? Who the hell needs that!








>>>> 1. You wake up one morning to find that you suddenly have a beachfront property.


>>>> 2. Hundreds of huge, horribly frigid lakes.


>>>> 3. Nothing compares to a wicked Winnipeg winter.


>>>> 4. You can be an Easterner or a Westerner depending on your mood.


>>>> 5. You can pass the time watching trucks and barns float by.






>>>> 1. You live in the centre of the universe.


>>>> 2. Your $800,000 Toronto home is actually a dump.


>>>> 3. You and you alone decide who will win the federal election.


>>>> 4. The only province with hard-core American-style crime.






>>>> Ahhhh..........Give me a minute here to think.............Gosh, this is hard.......................... .......okay, here are some:


>>>> 1. Racism is socially acceptable.


>>>> 2. You can take bets with your friends on which English neighbour will move out next.


>>>> 3. Other provinces basically bribe you to stay in Canada ...


>>>> 4. You can blame all your problems on the "Anglo A*#!%!"?






>>>> 1. One way or another, the government gets 98% of your income.


>>>> 2. You're poor, but not as poor as the Newfies.


>>>> 3. No one ever blames anything on New Brunswick ...


>>>> 4. Everbody has a grandfather who runs a lighthouse.






>>>> 1. Everyone can play the fiddle.. The ones who can't, think they can.


>>>> 2. You can pretend to have Scottish heritage as an excuse to get drunk and wear a kilt.


>>>> 3. You are the only reason Anne Murray makes money.






>>>> 1. Even though more people live on Vancouver Island, you still got the big new bridge.


>>>> 2. You can walk across the province in half an hour.


>>>> 3. You can drive across the province in two minutes.


>>>> 4. Everyone has been an extra on "Road to Avonlea."


>>>> 5. This is where all those tiny, red potatoes come from..


>>>> 6. You can confuse ships by turning your porch lights on and off at night.






>>>> 1. If Quebec separates, you will float off to sea.


>>>> 2. If you do something stupid, you have a built-in excuse.


>>>> 3. The workday is about two hours long.


>>>> 4. It is socially acceptable to wear your hip waders to your wedding.




>>>> Pass this along to Canadians who need a laugh !!









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Nope... born in CA... but you must know Stacy Abrams... she ran for office... made a big stink nationally spouting her Marxism and racism... BIG mouth, BIG ass (320lbs or so)... looks like a surly silverback...

I have some good pals in Western canada... they are snowbirds and come to Tucson in the winter... but he is nearly 90 so may not come down anymore... he worries about insurance...

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Jun 14, 2023
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What are the Cities doing with the Infrastructure money? JOE's great Infrastructure Bill.

I grew up in PA. I can still go back home and some roads still aren't repaired. JOE even went

to Southwestern, PA in the winter and a bridge there caved in :=) The one he was to travel


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The "Infrastructure Bill" was just another money laundering scheme, plain and simple. Never intended to repair roads and bridges! A lot of it went straight to the Kazarians in Ukraine. Most of the "infrastructure" it's funding is more 5G towers and other surveillance hardware, as well as a plethora of "Green Energy" boondoggle projects. Stuff like that. (At least that's the way I heard it.)

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You are a new Marvel figure :-) There isn't one named that can see

straight through BS.

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Vegetable Joey thinks it is far more important to send OUR billions to the Kazarian Nazi filth of Ukraine...

And he doesn't get 10% kick-backs on freeway repair!

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Probably, because there isn't any. JOE would steal the money from

Lucy's Lemonade Stand and think nothing of it.

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LOL!! So true... hard to imagine how such a vile, corrupt, twisted old maggot have become our 'Dear leader'. I hope he goes down again soon... and doesn't get up.

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While beating my ego down my consciousness expanded, so I beat on it some more. Thanks Clif.

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Why do you need to beat it down? Can't it just be witnessed and not attached to?

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Perhaps if that is doable.

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With time and practice and a change in perspective maybe

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nice clarity cliff.

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