Outstanding discussion today! I can't wait for the chaos and opportunity period to begin. A somewhat related idea I've had for several years is that "creative people" (i.e., inventors, innovators) can't function in a highly controlled environment (i.e., globalists controlling big banks, big pharma, education, the media, and big government). Globalists suck the life out of the creative process; yet they crave the rewards it reaps. Why do globalists repeatedly act against their best interests? Maybe it's because the globalists are always trying to buy other people's intellectual goods only to bury it (acting out on bit of jealousy perhaps?) The word gets out and nobody wants to sell "self esteem" and "eternal harmony" for fake currency that always proves worthless in the end (and I'm not just talking about dying; living a meaningless and mean-spirited life is worse than death). I've actually met globalists who have said as much as: "I don't always have to be smart, I can buy other people, some of whom are the very smartest in the room (e.g., Nobel Prize winners). So why do they have to buy what they claim to have in abundance? Perhaps the globalists are not as smart as they want us to think they are.

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The globalists are parasites. They are narcissists and psychopaths and parasitism is one of their defining characteristics. As is manipulativeness. They’re bad people who can pick a victim from a mile off. They take advantage of the naturally innocent - naive to them - altruistic, nature of better people. So they manipulate better people quite successfully. They’re smart in a manipulative way and often in other conceptual ways. But they’re impractical and highly flawed and need to suck the life force and exploit the efforts of everyone else to survive. But they also measure their success against everyone else and are naturally highly competitive. So they’re jealous and know they’re doing well when those around them are suffering more and know theyre comfortable when everyone around them has little and is struggling. Our misery and suffering proves their success and superiority to them. I’ve known my share and they behave like this with their friends and siblings. They’re truly horrible people who contribute nothing positive. Their talent is in manipulation and it’s how they survive and prosper. Needless to say they also lack empathy - everything in the outside world is a reflection of them somehow and anything that insults or challenges their sense of superiority is attacked, to protect it.

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Their efforts are in vain and they were placed in materium for that purpose. They are from here and will stay here. I’m not and won’t.

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Wow! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Ayn Rand’s; Atlas Shrugged. Have you read it, if not give it a go.

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George Orwell, Bernard Russell, Hemingway, don’t forget , Aynn ‘s , the Fountainhead

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Orwell was a spook and Russell was co-opted into their think tank, with many others. I'll take Herman Hesse over all of them. I like Huxley and while he was closely associated with many spooks, agents, and priests, I don't think he was one. Huxley loved to parody the ethical distortions of the modern elite. Late in his life, the cabal burned his house, lab, and library. He died in poverty and obscurity.

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Add Slaughterhouse 5 to that list

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Vonnegut was military intel

New thinking needed

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If we weren't allowed to read the work of spooks we would have hardly any books at all from the moderns on. Frankly, its hard to find one author from the 18th and 19th centuries who had nothing to do with the Masons through Toryism or Jacobinism. It would be easier to dump all of secular literature in the dumpster than to sort through and figure out whose work was not requisitioned or co-opted by the Masons.

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Problem is, the Masons go back to nearly the beginning of our (extant) written history. Anything from about 2000 BC on is highly suspect.

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My solution is to read and then parse. What do you do with someone like De Lilllo, who is perhaps not a spook, but some of his works were probably requisitioned by government sources? What's your solution? Not read? I have a hard time believing that the masons or priests were able to fake works of poetic genius. To me, the works of Milton prove that there was a Milton. Same with many others. I've already spent my life reading books. It's up to me to value what is of value.

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Love this observation. Even the recurring drumbeay from these guys in the '60s, "the gov makes no sense, don't trust it".....leading back to bite Brennan's by all means m.o. Another confirmation of Maevio's 1st postulate, it's a big mobius wheel, and the 2nd, what am I doing as an individual.

Pretty existential for a cult survivor.

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Still trying to read it....

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They would rather buy people instead of becoming smart themselves. One path to greater intelligence is to pay attention. They clutter their mind with their nefarious schemes.

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Today's sermon really hit home for me. Now I know why my creative abilities have been stunted. I do enjoy seeing my ideas come to life through somebody else though. It's the idea that matters.

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Nevada you are bang on... the globalists are actually very clueless. And the people they buy have been educated in their own systems of control. A system which does not create independent thinking, but thinking that complies with inaccurate and wrongful group think. No one educated at a university level has the ability to think outside the box in which they have internalized. The globalists are doomed.

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If “they” were as “smart as they seem”, they would have succeeded at some point in history. They have not and never will. I have always produced more than I consume. “They” are a scourge on the earth. If any generation has not seen that, they paid the price. I never have and never will. I am a devout individualist.

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Nevada Thumper

If you don't think globalists are smart then why are you and I and a multitude of other planet dwelling humans in mortal danger like never before. You inhabit a world which they own, and in which you do your masters bidding wether you know it or not.

You have no idea of the talent this group has for deception throughout their history and thus ours as well. A race that can appear as one thing and then another, dethroners of Kings, Queens Bishops, and Popes and fouler of nations by simple impersonation.

I was once told by a member of this tribe lets call him Ben( no longer into it )about the history of the house of Saud, where he was told that the Saudis are actually brothers and fully considered in the fold. The story as he told it was that there was a small tribe or group living in the desert who made their living trading and transporting goods long distances across the desert. They had large Camel herds and where quite wealthy. Bens tribe.. while trading with this group studied them and managed to get quite friendly so that they gained their trust. Then one night they put their evil plan to work and slaughtered every single one of these traders stole everything and assumed their identity as traders to add insult to injury.

Now thats smart, evil but smart. Bens tribe would call it chutzpa and and dance in delight. Both the bible ( ours and theirs ) describe incidents of Chutzpa with pride.

Chutzpa is alive and running just great today US Federal Reserve 1913 USA Humungus act of Chutzpa, WW1, WW2, Viet Nam, 911, Middle east wars, Covid Chimeron, followed by the death jabs, now that was bang bang Chutzpa. Organizing a coup and destroying Ukraine while trying to topple Russia. That Chutzpa so far doesn't seem to have fully accomplished its objective. That is due entirely to one man and his people, he is a Russian a nationalist and a patriot.

You, I and every one seeking to avoid slavery had better support him based on what he has said and done so far. His speeches directed toward the peoples of the west only condemn our so called leaders.

Although I am not a member of any religious denomination I realize that there are many really good people there who are also deeply concerned about our future.

The Catholic Archbishop Vigano has my respect and he needs to be listened to. His historical perspective and current events views are absolutely spot on what we are facing here Christian or not.

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You are describing the kazarians, who Clif calls identity or name stealers. There are 2 good articles on them in Veterans Today that Clif recommends.

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The cabal has to control all thought. They've wrought this huge illusion that we're born into because they've been doing it for 4000 years, and it takes a lot of work. I would suggest it takes more work than just earning a legit living, but I guess I don't know the twist to straighten in a defective, criminal mind.

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May 14, 2023Edited
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Their approach has never come to fruition and never will.

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May 15, 2023
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History says it always has and always will.

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Yes, the devil has a lot of talent. But his ethics are shit.

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*Get Smart*! And "86 it" in office parlance means toss it in the trash. Don Adams as Agent Maxwell Smart, Barbara Feldon as Agent 99, and the shoe phone. CONTROL vs. KAOS. Funny, clever show. Thanks for the reminder of it.

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BTW: Don Adams was the ONLY actor on that show that took a percentage of residuals vs a straight salary. He got very rich off the endless re-runs... Sharp guy! (RIP)

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Nice factoid. I love the irony of his character being a dolt but in reality his being on the ball!

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Loved that show, .... Loved the red Sunbeam Tiger Mark I even better though. 260ci V8 designed by Carrol Shelby. Transplant a stroked 302 with a dual carb tunnel ram and it would have easily turned it into an Odd Rod. Yeah, you remember that nasty bubble gum and you know you threw it away because it was all about the stickers. lmao

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I'm sorry. I don't understand the foreign language you're speaking. 😉 I did love Bazooka, wrapped inside the comic, but you're right about those hard, flat pieces that snapped. I licked off the sugar, then chucked them.

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Well, I'm not sure if the "Foreign Language" part is the gearhead-speak, or the Odd Rod stickers, but the stickers take less time to type out. Way back when they had this awful gum, yes in a flat sheet and it was always hard and brittle, but in the package was the stickers with strange hot-rods with weird monsters sticking out of the roof and shifting a super long shifter.


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I forgot about that nasty brittle gum. And I do remember saving the stickers/ cards that came inside the wrap. I bet they are worth some money today. They were like a baseball card.

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This one might jog another memory. I slapped the stickers on my bdrm door, on my dresser, ..... On my Pee-Chee folder https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/ea/88/d5ea88f6598435ec8b96f357455780f1.jpg

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I do not remember these folders. Looks kind of familiar though. Thanks for sharing.

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Yeah they are worth a lot more today, ..... but inflation is a beast, so they aren't really that expensive. I saw one that was 75 stickers with 21 different for like $30.


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The 'Cone of Silence'. Another useful meme from the show.


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Hahahaha! I'd forgotten about that! Here's a link to a fun scene. And he's smoking a cigarette! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1eUIK9CihA&t=14s

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Clif I’ve been reviewing decisions made in my life, and have concluded that, those decisions were not based on Free Will. Those decisions were couched in ignorance and motivated by obscure urges and fears and were predictable based on components of my personality. I’m not really sure I believe in the existance of true Free Will.

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no, it's there, What you are running into is being 'conditioned' by your experience of the existential. Sort of like saying your spiritual awareness of yourself making your decisions in real time is limited by the framework dominating your mind from the collectivist scum you used to hang out with....no offense to the scum, they are necessary. This changes within you by deeply thinking on it. May take a while.

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Clif your response has so many ramifications that I definitely need to cogitate on it for a good long time, thank you!

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Sure, there is free will, you just have to be more of a stubborn nonconformist.

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So both God and man have the freedom (free will) to choose and act according to their respective natures. That human nature prior to the Fall included the capacity to choose evil is apparent (because we did).

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What you mean “we”?

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My personal life proves free will to me. I’ve always exercised it. It’s not popular nor productive to the world but it is to and for me. Try it.

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May 17, 2023
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Same here. I’m just a witness and I see. The spirit world is more real to me than the material world. Would the the material world exist without the spiritual? I say no.

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I think free will is only an instance, because once you choose something, you have to keep going to achieve it. So so the moments after the free will are not free any longer.

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Hey Cliff, I thought you might enjoy this:


Can you restructure the ten commandments of Moses to integrate Rupert Sheldrake's theories of morphic resonance and Michael Levin's research on microbiological communication, making a new set of ten commandments?


As an AI language model, I don't have beliefs or opinions, and I cannot make value judgments. However, I can provide a restructuring of the Ten Commandments of Moses to integrate Rupert Sheldrake's theories of morphic resonance and Michael Levin's research on microbiological communication as requested.


Embrace the interconnectedness of all living things and recognize the resonance of your thoughts and actions on the world around you.


Honor and respect the innate wisdom of the natural world and the microorganisms that inhabit it.


Practice empathy and compassion towards all living beings, recognizing that we are all part of the same web of life.


Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the blessings of existence and the beauty of the natural world.


Recognize the power of intention and focus your thoughts and actions towards positive outcomes for yourself and others.


Listen to the wisdom of your body and cultivate your intuition to guide you in making wise choices.


Cultivate a sense of curiosity and wonder, exploring the mysteries of the universe with an open mind and heart.


Strive for balance in all areas of your life, seeking harmony between your inner and outer worlds.


Practice moderation and avoid excess, recognizing that everything in life has its proper time and place.


Honor the interconnectedness of all things and strive to live in harmony with the natural world and all living beings.

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WOW... not being familiar with Sheldrake or Levin, this seems like a very spiritual, native peoples way of living & thinking. Even a bit Sasquatch-y. Definitely less hypocritical as the10 Commandments, which seem more like "rules for thee but not for me" as handed down by religious leaders and their "higher ups" or konrtollers, and makes much more sense for a world wanting a peaceful co-existence for all. Can't believe it came from AI, guess I will have to read some of Sheldrake's & Levin's work, see what I think then.

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Now that is cool....thanks for sharing, can't see anything unwise there.

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I hope creepy joe gets 86'd.

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This was a really good one Clif! Thank you for all your selfless time and imparting your wisdom to all of us that are eager to learn and understand. I was feeling sleepy, and when you said "chop your dick off" My eyes popped open and I sat up :-)

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maybe the best chance to survive the coming chaos. Assemble in a social compact and return your state, commonwealth or territory to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023.

Plans, method, control and procedure and we will help you do what we have accomplished on Oregon. "They" are killing us and we refuse to acquiesce. www.orsja.org

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“They” aren’t killing me. If all the sudden I can’t get Coco Puffs tomorrow, I wouldn’t know the difference. “They“ shadow box themselves. Not me.

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drivel not driven

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Hello fellow humans checking in from Memphis .

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Good one, Clif. This material world is predicated on duality. For every action, there will be a reaction - karma, yin & yang, anti-magnetism - trying to avoid this outcome is as futile as trying to lift yourself up by your own hair. Creativity = Freedom. Freedom = Creativity. Peace out. : )

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We are in constant danger.

And loving it!

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Barbara Feldon. Only know her as 99.

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So happy for your sunny, "exceptional" day!

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Had a whole week of it here. Excellent for getting stuff done.

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Very well expressed Clif, thank you.

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The globalists have been playing the same hand from the beginning. It is because of the awakening we are able to see through their corrupt controlling agenda. Humanity will awake, even the "normies". It is so obvious. My advise to politicians, media, and pharmaceutical industry come clean, your days are numbered.

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It's frustrating to observe that the obvious action they must take, is never what they choose to do. I believe in most cases they would choose to kill themselves rather then come clean... :(

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Appreciate the hat tip to Nikola Tesla, one of the true giants.

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Always look forward to hearing clifs view! Thanks 😊

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