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The sound of it is quite astounding

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"But, nothing".

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So perfect.....soooooo perfect. I need an umbrella 🌂 Umbrella!

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love it lol

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Heightened energy can definitely have a transformative effect. I live here in Asheville NC in the basement of a small house. In the upper level of this house lives a single man that was a raging alcoholic and just an overall asshole. I have never had much to do with him but my presence, my energetic field has transformed him. I have a strong energetic presence, plus I have many energy devices and crystals etc in my living space. I also play the harp 2 - 3 hours a day and my harp is tuned to 432Hz which is an incredibly healing frequency. This man has lived in my energetic space (as it is a very small house) for many years now and as a result he no longer drinks. He meditates and leads a healthy life style and seems to be much happier. A true transformation took place within him. I have found that I have this effect on people that I am in close proximity too.....it is the increased vibrational levels. I look forward to even more heightened energies as we move forward into our Bronze age.

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May you be many times blessed! It is amazing to me that you live in Asheville, in a basement, and are still alive and serenely proceeding to tell your tale! You may find that with two of you increasing in radiating in greater serenity, that others in your neighborhood will begin to light up and in the process, further elevate your entire neighborhood and beyond it!

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I was lucky and this house was not damaged. 2 doors down from me a 200ft oak tree smashed a house completely. 3 doors in the other direction 3 150ft tall evergreen trees came down and took the power lines and blocked the road. The place next door had a huge branch (almost a tree) fall on their roof. ....but this little house came through it fine and their are a dozen 150 - 200ft trees directly opposite this house...and they did not come down....if they did...it would have been on this house. So that is elevated vibrations for you! (smile)

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You have good Karma Points! Universe likes and needs you. Awesome.

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Also...i am a prepper and I tell you it certainly paid off for this little house during the disaster here in Asheville.

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I suspect the music 🎶 is extremely transformative. 💕

What an amazing gift you have.

What type of harp do you play?

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It is a Dusty Strings 3 string folk harp....and it is beautiful....just the right size for me and I am able to play Claire de Lune by Debussy on it so it is versatile.

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It is a Dusty Strings 34 string Ravena folk harp (typing error above)

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Beautiful, Cathe.❤️

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I have a forest. My chrysalis.

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Right now, my place, my space is very very small, constrained, restricted.....but I do have a very very big window.

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What a gift! I love hugging trees. They take you to a different dimension/density.

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U sure love that forest, im with ya

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I wonder if Cliff misspelled Chrysilis versus Chrysalis on purpose? Either way i wish I had your chrysalis transformation encased within the forest 🌳 🏡 🌲 🎄

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I didn't even notice. I'll have to turn in my grammar nazi membership card.

I looked it up, mostly it's a spelling mistake.

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With all the travel and countries Clif's been too he is too savvy to misspell IMO & some tribes may show it spelled his way. Words get all sorts of different spellings depending on different cultures. Google takes most commonly accepted version.

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You use Google?

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Only for hot women in lingerie pics

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Thank's Clif brother!🙏❤️🍻

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Chrysalis is also on the Lyme Dis-Ease spirochetes that was bio engineered By US imported Japanese scientists after WW2 , the Japanese silkworm produces Serrapeptase in its gut to dissolve the chrysalis and so you can buy Serrapeptase on line from the Big online retailer . It also will dissolve the bio film from other parasites so your body can kill them

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Or you could just simply take ivermectin in the paste or gel form, my husband and I have been on it for years and never get sick, our family members who do not take it still get sick, but have sinxe started taking it. Love to all.

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Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) very similar but better tolerated than MMS... is another amazing treatment for Lyme... combining with the serrapeptase would be awesome... (I would take separately but daily, CDS, 5X/day)


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MMS is chlorine dioxide. Viruses don't exist.

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No, but it is very similar.

I don't argue viruses, yea or nay... doesn't really matter, does it?

CDS kills whatever has been called "viruses" for decades... right?

Seasonal flu has killed millions annually forever... except during the Covid SCAM.

Millions still died, but under a new name/virus.

If not a virus, what is it??

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If not a virus, what is it? That's an important question that we should be answering. You don't think it matters what is killing us? And yes, during Covid, everything was Covid. We can agree on that. We're being assaulted on all fronts, the Rockefeller medical fraud, our food, air, water, radiation. Basically our environment has been made hostile to our health. Is it a surprise that people who share the same environment suffer the same symptoms?

It matters very much.

The difference I see in versions of MMS/CDS is the acid used. It shouldn't matter as the acid that is not consumed does not have contact with the final solution, at least the way I make it, but I make my own solution of citric acid and use that.

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I first heard about from a guy that worked for the Red Cross but was stopped from using it as he was curing Ebola in Africa

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MMS I’m referring to

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Thank you Keith, this is a new one to me & exactly what I feel has been missing for me, in giving my 30 year return to optimum health journey the final boost....I've just ordered some.

They've bio engineered so much...in ticks, fleas, mozzies...you name it they've done it & what's worse my poor bod has had them all & untreated....till I worked it out for myself....thank you again ! Here's to Serrapeptase !!

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Well you’re welcome, i used Serrapeptase and EDTA chelation to remove all the crud they call hardening of the arteries. I can dance all night at work lol. Was a heart patient over ten year ago . No doctors or pills in all that time .

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That's brilliant Keith, I'm so glad your're 'hale & hearty' now.

I've been dealing with 3 strains of Typhus, Lymes....some weird thing from 'ground flea' bites that makes you allergic to everything...it's endless...

I'm definitely on the home run now....it's just a matter of what comes for me first...amazing health or death ?

I don't mind which...it's been a very long trek through the wilderness...if this does the trick, along with everything else I've been doing, you have no idea how grateful I'll be...

May the living light of love embrace you Keith & hold you tenderly for all time !

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing Courtney Brown who is a remote viewer says we are on a prison planet and not all aliens are good, and at anyone time there may be hundreds of ufo/uaps/little green space ships flying all over the place. He says he has expensive cameras that photograph them. Also says all these religion and God stories are bullshit. He says there are some species are fighting for us. I hope they have more luck then we are having. AHHHHHHH!

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Also that they would be bigger ships. Seemed very sure of self indeed!

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Those things he has said are not original thoughts. This knowledge has been around (to be relatively easily found) for quite a long time - at least 20 years. The internet has made all the difference. It is my understanding that if you have night-vision goggles there is quite a bit to see in our skies. John Walson has taken some stunning photos and video of craft using a setup that he devised with telecope and camera. I think he may still be found on YT.

The religion stuff is complex and glossing it over doesn't help anyone (not necessarily "all bullshit" per se). Clif has done some interesting talks on that topic.

Kerry Cassidy (I know many don't like her and these past few years haven't helped..) did some steller early work with military whistleblowers about our interactions with other species also. One of them was Sgt. Clifford Stone, who was literally an ET interpreter, for our government. The video(s) are still available on Odysee under her Project Camelot account (almost 1000 videos).

Before the internet, Alex Collier was speaking at new age bookstores about his direct experiences and knowledge gained from aliens, and specifically, reptilians. It completely ruined his life (loss of job, wife, family). He also included protocol of how to communicate if one were unfortunate enough to be in their presence. Last I knew, he still puts out content and answers viewer questions, but he's getting pretty old now.

We have solid evidence that all sorts of humanoid types have lived here on earth (and may in fact continue to do so in some more remote areas); from tiny ones to giants of many different proportions. We have much photographic evidence of vehicles that go into and come out of the oceans...probably deep (really deep) underground bases. There are worlds all around us and right here in this dimension.

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CB doesn't do RVing, he has people do it, he interpets what they say, he's a hack, took one class on a Sat afternoon and thinks he knows it all...

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Incorrect. I took a class from his group and have had success remote viewing. Instead of hating you need to first explore why remote viewing is part of human evolution, ie telepathy. Your comment discourages others to do their own homework. Considering Clif's talk today you must realize the karmic affect your comment has on your being? I don't think you are listening... 😂

So, if you did take a class what were the targets?

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Once again CB is, let me repeat once again so you UNDERSTAND CB IS, IS IS, do you get it yet,m IS a hack ad has ZERO respect from REAL RV'rs, they all dumped his a$$, ever wonder why he has no white people?

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ratio'ed! lol. you need to relax. don't bother responding, I can't help you understand. Well, i'll respond if you can say which targets they gave you...

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Once again, actuall REAL RV'rs, people in charge of military RV teams laugh at CB, these people have to put their actual lives on the line with the data, what do they say about CB? he has ZERO, let me repeat so MAYBE you get it, he has ZERO credibility as a RV'r, none, zero, notta. Getting it yet?

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Thank you Clif!

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Well looks like Red aka Rachel Fisher with her less qualia takes home the prize. 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆

Congratulations!!! Take care and chose words that heal not hurt ad we journey through our transformation


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Thanks for the belly laugh; "It's not like we're childish; it's like we're retards.'


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Yes, that made me have quite the giggle at that remark!

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Good afternoon Clif! I have a theory on addiction... I'd love to discuss. Addiction plagued my family (parents, grandparents, all 5 siblings, cousins....myself). It is quite a destructive creature. I've spent a lifetime working towards clearing mine. I won't indulge in all of the methods and ways, but believe me I've tried just about everything. I have gone 10 years sober at a time, 5 years, 1 year, months. I know it is an evil SOB that has done nothing but damage everything in it's path. Knowing that did not help. Up until January 2025 though... the damned thoughts (think of a devil on our shoulder) were always there. Wake up feeling great and wisps of thoughts. Wake up feeling not so good and wisps of thoughts. In other words - addiction is a constant energy struggle. January 2024 - after a heavy meditation and a sudden clunk of KNOWING, I realized that I had the power to tell it to leave. I realized that I had never told it to leave me the F alone - that I didn't need it or want it. That I alone had the power to dispel it. Not AA, not prayer, not anyone but me. I did that. I also thanked it for all of the lessons and growth that I'd experienced while under it's thumb. But I told it to leave, and I swear I FELT it leave. I FELT it like knives or talons pulling out of my back. and it left. Completely. 100%. Gone. Not one thought, not one craving, only freedom ever since. I believe it was an entity. I have no other explanation.

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Agree with you, it "works" telling entities to fuck off. Well done you Creator Being you!

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The moment I heard about the quantum mechanics split experiment and consciousness effecting outcomes, I knew everything was mind.

Ffs, even Hermes Trismegistus and the fricking Egyptians knew the ontology, wrote about it. Ive been on this boat with realisation for a long time.

Can I get off?


Is it suffering?


I'm just tired and quite fucking bored waiting for things to happen.

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Right? I know I'm god source energy, entangled in a conscious universe of the eternal now that fantasizes about how to use fake things like time and space to win holographic video games dominated by dark shit, clones, and npcs, all while trying to keep a physicality filled with enough spirit to endure ascension......got it. We're ALL here, now. The only thing left is a Star Wars ending where I actually get to play a part.....what am I missing? Script, please!

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lol yup I feel you… i’ve never lived in my life waiting for anything . I think I just did my life in a very creative NPC way lol. I just kind of carried on with my life. I feel like I’m stuck and stalled out …the other day. I started thinking that maybe we were cocoons waiting to be butterflies and then of course, Cliff starts talking about it today… I guess that’s what the data sets prove also..😎

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Not kidding: Get more rest. Physiology needs to be prepared to handle change and expansion. Do the dedicated Best You Can.

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Downloading SWG launcher tonight. Found my old discs

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Wow, thank you! 🦋

Ten years ago, I purchased a small (rundown) 100 year old farm & named it “Chrysalis Farm”. Not only for the vision & transformation of the farm, but for the awakening process of myself. It’s been incredible & sometimes lonely for both of us. Glad to hear the normies are going to get to experience this. Love it!

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That's cool. I used to visit a friend in Alberta that looked after an old farm. No power, all sorts of interesting log out buildings.

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Good morning Clif. Clear blue skies today in Georgia. Feels like spring here. What a gift. Wishing you a spectacular day 💞

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Day 5 of atmospheric River in Northern California

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Cocoon, the cave for meditation, the aborigine going on his walkabout and the native American test of strength to earn a name-- like the megalithic tomb like structure in paleoarchaeology that we call "rites" of passage.

We have to catch up on ten thousand year common knowledge.

IN MY OPINION the psychedelics and other woo woo New Age social events are reflections of a degenerate wasted society that wants INSTANT outcomes and skip the pain and experience. That's why, I think, the best presenters who really reach the best insights have gone through hell and openly speak of the trauma they experienced [in these times at the hands of their own family/society and not the wild outdoors].

AS A SOCIETY there's no way to avoid the soft wimp product, but for some reason teenagers went to live with cannibals and in the jungle hunting monsters. THEY really know stuff. Most of them seem to have migrated to Montana.

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I used to feel sorry for today's generations who cannot open their mind to unfamiliar ideas. Even worse, they do not know what critical thinking is.

BUT NOW I AM JUST ANGRY because my kids/grandchildren cannot escape from CONSENSUS culture. Even Curt on Theories of Everything tries SO HARD to get his speakers to find areas of agreement AS IF IT MATTERS. BUT THAT'S THE WORLD we live in and it's not natural.j

Kafka's metamorphosis crept up on us thinking we were just 'BEING" nice, not knowing it was used t capture/enslave the human psyche.

You have to leave the English speaking prison mentality to acquire a taste for the PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE , an addiction of sorts if it begins at age five or six in consciousness.

English, Spanish, German, Arabic, Japanese and California , Washington DC, Denver, Osaka/Nagoya Micronesia a touch of NY Moscow NZ is the reason I feel sorry for kids today. Urban/rural, desert, sea, mountains the Continental Divide and the Marianas Trench, THERE'S MORE but not enough room here to touch on PHILOSOPHY and the space/time construct that is GONE.

For the kids here who DON'T KNOW what I'm talking about, I'll be blunt:

YOU DON'T NEED PHARMAKEIA to see and communicate with the world that uncle Clif is talking about in hyperspace. IT TAKES TRAINING AND HARD WORK BUT IT HAS BEEN BRED OUT OF THE TYPICAL AMERICAN MIND.

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High strangeness in Peru. Michael Herrera in Banda aceh. Amazon Papua New Guinea and African treks — those are the kids I m talking about who KNOW stuff NOT you whiners who can’t tie your own shoes

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Have you tried psychedelics?

If not, STFU.

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Assumptions make assholes bigger than fk

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What did I assume, big mouth bitch?

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Ouch. Methinks this may not be such a good fit for ewe.

Hoping your day brightens.❤️

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I respond harshly to unwarranted insults...

You don't?

thanks. I wish you well too.

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are you saying " 'cannibals' 'THEY' really know stuff" makes more sense compared to IN YOUR OPINION those that partake of psychedelics which you described as a reflection of a degenerate wasted society;

so, partaking of plant bio-technology/ bio-photonics/ bio-flavonoids/ would be degenerate compared to one eating and partaking of another human beings flesh and adrenochrome; what say you/ewe;

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Look at Michael D. Rockefeller, Benjamin Fulford, from privilege to living in N. Guinea..

Kid I knew in Pasadena went on drug fueled trip THROUGH Africa in his teens and ended up on City Council. He wrote a book, Saturnalia, about his trip.

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ooo; i will look into this; thank you for sharing;

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Timothy alberino high strangeness in Peru is easiest to find on Amazon Andes sacred site with his spider monkey story

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Never experienced real monsters EVEN WORSE they can’t read PATHETIC

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can you spell that out for me?

I'm 77 years old, not good a decryption

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are you really 77 years old; wow; i am sure you have some wisdom to share with all of us;

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Otherwise DARPA but doesn’t fit— my parents and siblings came out of WWII AZ concentration camp. I was born with a LOT of questions that needed answers in 1947. So I spent whole life watching people and reading because NOTHING made sense

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Nah just experience. And I never forget anything that seems important later. e.g. the only thing close to your acronym is zero— but it reminds me of Darvon which was 1967 AF I believe painkiller or muscle relaxant which makes me think all military become assets after boot camp. Am I off base?

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Assholes who think they know everything and nn

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I used to be retarded but a quick swivel of the distributor and now I’m advanced

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Love your way of loudly mulling over what you encounter in life, Clif. ;)

I figure you must be one of less than 10,000 people on Earth—counting myself in^^—who actually qualify as Earth’s Ambassadors, officially accepted by our visitors from the ontological realms.

As a native transformer—native as in 'on a mission here'—who recently switched teams but still embodies the art of transformation, let me toss in a few tidbits:

The human heart is a transmutation furnace. Not the physical heart, not even the chakra, but the High Heart at the thymus. Whatever we run through it—not take to heart (which just gets heavy)—is transformed through love. Instead of rejecting emotions or stuffing them down, we can let them move through us, into the heart, and pour them back out as love and blessings.

(For those wanting the deep dive, look up "Atisha’s Heart Transformation"—it’s less a technique, more a way of life.)

I’ve seen astral critters caught in my heart blasts, transformed, even switch teams. By now, they flee when I appear, lol. I once stopped a rape—30 seconds, guy lost his hard-on, the end. Stopped a knife attack just by absorbing the energy coming at me and radiating love back.

It’s counterintuitive. We’re taught to breathe in the good and exhale the bad. But what does that do to the world? Dumps all the crap out there. Makes things worse.

Flip it: Breathe in the misery, breathe out love. Try it—watch how it shifts your inner state. Have fun. ;)

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This is a noble aim. Nonterrestrial contact. I would choose this path as my work, here. Uhmmm....however....my energies are not quite controlled enough yet....or my mouth...or my thoughts......or my outlook.....or my habits.....my driving....my spending.....I could go on. Jeez, work to do.

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I hear ya... didn’t trust my own thoughts for most of my life either.^^ Had a habit of spiraling—one self-loathing thought leading to another, dragging me into an ever-darker pit.

Then, in 2010, I stumbled upon BSFF – Be Set Free Fast. Think of it as an anti-virus program for the psyche. The core idea? Your subconscious is here to help you—it’s the one lifelong friend and ally you’ve got, so might as well make peace with it. ;)

The method is simple: You read the instructions to your subconscious (aka "subbie" in my book) out loud—takes 30-45 minutes—then lock them in with a personal cue word. From that moment on, every time you say or think your cue word, subbie runs a detox & integration program on whatever thoughts, feelings, or pains are bothering you.

I worked with it extensively for a year, clearing out all sorts of issues. Since then? No more negative spirals. No obsessive loops. If a thought pops up that doesn’t match my conscious awareness, I drop my cue word, shift my focus, and poof—the movie stops before it even starts.

Thoughts are at the root of most problems. Emotions? Just a mix of thoughts and hormones, mind and body. You can shift them by adjusting energy flow (through bodywork, nutrition, etc.) or by changing how you think. I’m more of a mind over matter type, so after 14 years with BSFF, mastering my thoughts—and, in turn, my emotions—feels second nature.

Habits, spending, speaking, even driving—almost everything we do is thought + emotion in action. Master the thinking, and the rest follows. Energy goes where attention flows.

So, don’t beat yourself up for not having it all figured out. It’s human. It’s part of growing into the magical beings we actually are.

Wishing you an adventurous and nourishing journey—from there to here, from then to now, from them to you. Cheers!

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Thank you, friend.

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Good morning Clif! Stay safe in this crazy weather! The dogs must love the snow! ❄️

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