I missed our good old Sluuuuuurp!

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i appreciate the slurp as well!😆

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I'm here for the slurp. There's no slurp?

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I know! So many people were so rude as to complain about the slurp!! You get Free Wisdom and you complain about a slurp? Stupid people.

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They do not grok the wisdom embedded in the slurp.

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That would indicate that wisdom is a prerequisite. No wonder most don't understand ??

I guess the slurp is a matter of perspective, people who complain find it rude or an irritation, ... I find it rather soothing, meditative even. lmao

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I don't actually notice it until someone points it out.

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eMBRFACE - No, no. Geez. Embrace your weirdness. LOL

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I had beautiful girlfriend that I adored who had a habit of burping out loud . Well manners wasn’t her strong point lol. Her Marilyn Monroe smile was !

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only the 'wise' slurp, it is crucial to an enjoyable swallow!

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3:33 1st slurp

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That tea must have been good to the last slurp

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As usual the dependence on the ones and zeros metaphor is the dead end of actual reality that cliff blames his earlier predictions failures upon. More data lèss bs please. Many have applied the mathematicsin positive ways but few have done much more than steal credit rather than create benefit for others. Why dont you go buy disney rather than invent animation... cliff?

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I don't understand, are you suggesting we should animate the slurp?

I can tell you are disappointed that Clif isn't prescient but what has this got to do with the slurp?

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Ask cliff what happened to 600 dollar silver?

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It's Clif. His name is all over the place. Why don't you ask him? Who was your servant last year?

I put all my silver in one container. I couldn't lift it. I stopped buying gold because what you gonna do with an ounce of gold when the financial system collapses? Buy a house? I'm not in a hurry. So long as it retains its value, I'm good, and it has always done that.

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I’m canning cooked hamburger patties in a beef broth . No refrigerator needed. I’ll sell them for gold later, lol

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Lucky you, I can still lift my stack, but it’s enough for a workout.

Those who bought gold might be upset when the collapsing banks all sell their hoard at once or when silver is traded freely & companies & countries are bidding against the average joe for their tech needs.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the sultan of silver surfers Mr Bix Weir



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'timing' is fickle my friend, rest assured... it's coming (& picking up speed)

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Yes Clif, truly appreciate the beverage slurp, don't lose it as to me, its part of the complex evidence of your spirit which I revel in absolutely .... :-)

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Why the chatter about cooling the beverage as it goes down?

What popped up in my head this am about "evolution."

Why do insects and reptiles not vocalize like birds/animals.

Corporeal "avatars" have vestiges of primitive tools for survival.

Humans use less than 5% of the brain.

TRANShuman, machine or nonthinking A.I. have no need to vocalize. Transmission of communication is across network of ... ones/zeros? cymatic patters? sonic baryonic frequencies?

CONCLUSION: TELEPATHY is a vestige of a primitive life form and it's in the junk dna in the brain.

QUESTION: are we reviving it for progress or regression?

SPACE ALIENS don't need to vocalize EXCEPT to communicate with humans but they are looking for humans who receive telepathically... to be INTERPRETERS!!!!

Now I'm looking at alien encounter narratives as MEDIUMS

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Clif! I've been listening to 2 days of interviews with Dr. Raymond Peat and he just started talking about Vernadsky and how more energy from Space causes larger more complex Brains! How everything on the planet will benefit from more energy, how red light helps to balance our systems....... Wow what a great man Dr. Peat is to listen to....he Passed in 2022, very sad. He had so much more to teach! I don't suppose you got to meet him, did you? He was older than you,....born before the Great Depression he said. You should hear that interview! LOL! But you'd have to listen a 2X speed, he's old enough that it take time for him to say things,....Here, I'll post the link just in case you are interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqhlIOt5sUw&t=267s

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On the topic of Sci Fi world, From Yevgeny Zamyatin's book "We" that was not allowed to be published in 1920 and after translated was then forbidden in 1931. Made me laugh. "KEYWORDS No keywords of any kind are possible."

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Clif! I knew there was something about the date May 9th, but I was forgetting who had earmarked it! I'm doing my ascension/woo woo work and currently have a close friend staying with me who randomly channels messages when energy comes into her field. She and I were talking and suddenly she went into a kundalini-like release that took at least 20 minutes for the bulk of it to reveal itself: she was witnessing a mass release/ejection of dark entities from the planet. She said there were so MANY of them. However that actually works, whether it's beings or frequencies or whatever, the release was massive. It came up in Janine's card's on the Beyond the News on Wed night. My friend "heard" that mother earth had just blasted those energies out, and they ain't coming back. She also got personal messages for me that were quite profound and for me gave absolute credibility to what she'd just seen. And now we're getting this massive inflow of Light.

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energy/frequency surfer here - Spirit had me withhold my shungite necklace just before the CME's started. I am feeling periodic surges within, all positive, weird but very definitive & measurable

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Earth mother, or God? I have no idea of these things you're talking about. I've heard a little here and there but not enough to know anything about it.

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It felt like Earth Mother / Gaia was the one causing the release. I feel like this is a separate energy from "God," or for me, Creator. You can follow the steady and constant blasts of incoming light and energy in the Shumann Resonance, for example, to see the raising of Earth's frequency overall, so this could be seen as a purely frequency-based shift. But many see consciousnesses attached to the sources of these large bodies emitting the frequencies, a.k.a., Father Sun, Mother Earth.

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Mother Earth-Father God: mind, body, and soul.

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Excellent question.

Good for you A.! Personally I don't spend time here, just from time to time I love to peek through the keyhole and see if those lunatics are still walking on the ceiling in this kosher psychiatric ward called American Dream (see George Carlin), which is good for the rest of the humanity.

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Happy Saturday, Clif, Great conversation here. Thank you. And i love the blackbirds singing in the background :) It adds such a sweet note on this "early summer" morning

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Exactly what I was thinking also! 💗💗

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me toooo!

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I have it on good authority that the galaxy is flat.

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Bubba says, she's sent by the bronze ...

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What I want to know is, is the Solar System analogous to the 8th Sphere/lower astral realms of the stars and planets; the ouroboruses of the underdeveloped energies of those worlds? If this is the case, could we conclude that being on that outer edge of underdevelopment, does that mean that we are in a sort of a [secular/scientific] purgatory for the time being, as some modern New Age (the rational and reasonable, non-dogmatic/controlled-op part of the New Age) philosophers have suggested?

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Maybe the rest will all catch up to where I've been and I'll get to move on to... SOMETHING ELSE.

It's been a tedious 50+ years waitin, let me tell you. I'm ready to MOVE ON.

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A relative of mine is a chief pilot for a major airline. He has specifically said for us NOT to fly. This industry is going down.

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Oh Lord! If a pilot says it, then it's a good idea to listen. I haven't wanted to fly anywhere at all for a few years now and the more I hear on the news about Boeing and vaxxed pilots, the more I want to keep my feet on the ground. Thanks for sharing that.

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Even the Mayans and Egyptians knew the center of the galaxy is the black hole in the sky near Sagittarius.

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Near Scorpios stinger

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Greetings and Salutations Woo Crew! I’m outside in my Hugelkultur gardening, Happy Dance in the Sunshine! Love you all! Try hard to stay positive and centered, the Veil is thinning with the added radiation! 😘😍🥰

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Know you spend a lot of time in complexity with world-class experts. Grateful you keep us in your loop allowing us to become familiar with complexity too.

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This increasing levels of radiation. Does anybody else feel that’s why planes are breaking down ? They are trying to cover it up by pretending it’s a DEI problem. No way they hired so many retards who would jeopardize millions of lives

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Never bet against stupid. Genius has it's limits, but stupidity is boundless

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May 11
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Vax is a story of its own . But the vaccines don’t cause metals on planes to break down ….i would say vax can cause accidents not mechanical damage

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So why specifically Boeing all the time?

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I slurp with him as I listen, like friends having a comfortable visit/conversation around the table. In fact, maybe I should make up a T-shirt: "I slurp with Clif". ;-)

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In the Blacks Dictionary the word Human is known as "Monster", hello Monsters 😅🤣😆

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That is why in my podcast I state that we are not hue-mans but MAN. A hue is a broken color and since there are many colors of people, T.H.E.Y. (the hierarchy enslaving you) are harvesting your energy to make more spiritless NPCs or human partial-person.

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Always look forward to all your podcasts. You’re the greatest, Cliff 😍

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Good to hear from you Clif. Thanks very much.

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Has it been considered that the energy we are receiving may be communication from our Grand Central Sun? Also, Bruce Lipton has said we have a very short time to get our act together from Destroying ALL LIFE, to regenerating, restoring life on this planet before the 6th Extinction.

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