John, Clif already said he used AI for his article (joking that he's lazy, which he obviously isn't). So why attack someone who simply stated the truth? That's not the spirit of Clif's comment section or sharing ideas; it's very pathetic and small minded.
No, clearly John is a bored troublemaker and certainly not the brightest spark. You, on the other hand showed exceptional restraint regarding his rudeness and stupidity!
Clif, I rarely comment. Just sensed a need to express my gratitude and gratefulness for all your diligent efforts and hard work in bringing us a perspective to ponder. I for one, am thankful I found and follow your insights in this ever changing dimensional landscape we currently reside in. Like the way you work smarter, not harder! ❤️❤️
Egad! It is so simple, but, you have be diligent with the ferment.
This was my journey with Sourdough:
1. Make up a slurry of fresh organic flour (believe it or not, white flour is better ... less Phytate content), say 5 table spoons, give or take, and clean water. make it wet porrige like, use a glass or ceramic bowl;
2. cover the bowl with a cheese cloth held in place with a rubber band and allow it to sit at room temperature. (success will be dependant on what part of the world you live), preferably an ambient of 25 - 26 degrees;
3. Remove cloth after about 24 hours and check to see if any bubbling has occured or is indeed currently active (this is preferable); This has been created by the natural germ of the wheat, or what ever other grain you choose to use.
4. This bubbling is the ferment (the Mother or the Leven); and you want to perpetuate it, and in order to do that, you have to keep feeding it. So depending on the volume you commenced with, this will dictate the amount of flour you will need to add to continue the ferment. Depending on how much bread you want to make will determine how large a mother you want to grow. So, one to two table spoons (as an idea of ratio) should be added, along with more clean water to maintain the same wet porrige consistency.
5. Once the ferment has become vigorous you will need to pay attention to it has it will need feeding at least two times every 24 hours.
5. The ferment will have an odor and you can quickly tell if it is a healthy odor or, a not so healthy odor. It is preferable that the top of the bubbling brew is not grey or getting darker. This will be your journey too and you will quickly develop instincts around the health of the Leven.
6. When you feel you have sufficient volume to make your first loaf, use a ladle to place about 3 to 4 scoops into a bowl (dependent on the size of the ladle) (something else you will develop your instincts about.), I add a little bit of salt here for flavour
7. Fold in extra flour and water until you have made a dough like ball you can remove from the bowl. The volume should be about a third of the volume of the baking tin.
8. Some of what I did stemmed from observations of my mother making traditional bread using yeasts, but I skipped the yeast part.
9. You may skip this part its up to you, but I would put flour on the counter top and knead the dough for about 10 minutes making sure the Leven is thoroughly mixed with all the newly introduced flour.
10. thoroughly line the baking tin with butter (very important if you want to remove the loaf after its done). Place a desired measure of dough into the baking tin, then cover it and let it sit.
11. Check on it in about 2 to 3 hours, possibly sooner depend on the purity of the flour and water you've used. If it has risen sufficiently, warm the oven to around 120 to 130 degrees, take the cover off and put the tin in the oven. Leave it for about 40 mins.
12. Check on it, the Loaf should be golden brown on top. Also, take a skewer and pearce it in the middle. If it comes out even and reasonable dry its ready. If there is dough stuck to it, it needs a bit longer. This too is a learning curve.
13. Take the loaf out of the oven (with mittens of course), invert the tin on a bread resting grill, allow to cool a little, then slice and nom with lashings of butter ....... ;-)
A machine can be recalcitrant if not vindictive & most are extremely vain, much like cats and women are, which I imagine if you're a man you have already noticed this fact. So a machine isn't half as dead you may presently believe. It has atoms, the atoms move, the device has an awareness of sorts and by chance machines share female and cat like qualities. Therefore, and whenever possible, attempt to avoid swearing around or directly at a machine & choose to use respect and praise because I assure you the reverse will avail you little but anguish in the form of bruised skin, bleeding knuckles, and a refusal to cooperate.
A machine is akin to a cat. A cat doesn't understand "No" and only responds to rewards and praise. Just as in successful communication with a cat it is equally important to learn how to lie when addressing a machine otherwise you have a failure to communicate. So lying to a cat is critically important in human to cat interface. This maybe be equally true with women but that's beyond the scope of these instructions. Always praise your tiger and always tell it how it is the only thing that matters and how it's the most beautiful tiger in all the jungles of the world. Do that and you're going to get positive feedback.
That's because there is no consciousness behind the composition. More or less, that is how any intuitive person experiences computer communications. 🤷♂️
That is what the Gnostic Gospels say too. We are all tentacles sent out with illusion of "free will" to experience what the Omnipotent Universe cannot experience. And when we die, we go back to the Universe and she watches our lives like a movie and enjoys seeing things she could not predict. The Universal Creator who made our Material world lives through US.
They also say all religions and faiths are paths that lead to the Divine Universal Center.
One of the things that Wiccan's (like me) say is that we all come from the Goddess and to her we will return. And that we live wrapped in her arms,....inside her.
I'm reading "Not in HIS Image-Gnostic Vision; Sacred Ecology and the Future of Belief". by John Lamb Lash. It's all about the past, and Gnosticism was the largest religion of the time, people worshiped so differently. They knew all this clif has shared a very long time ago. Too bad Christianity had to come along and destroy it all. Makes me very sad. Clif's Cathars were one of the people who KNEW all this, and like all the Gnostic Traditions on this planet,.....and they were every where! They were almost totally destroyed in the most cruel and horrible ways possible. The people we are at war with today, are the same ones who destroyed all the Wisdom Religions.
i read that some gnostics believed we /they should do various evil so as to have something to repent about . God needs to experience implies non transcendant imperfection
Cliff, I know you are in a complex, not complicated relationship with an amazing computer with a bunch of ole guys, who download data and willingly, openly, gladly, joyously, share with me and others! I am grateful because it is entertaining, humorous, alarming, life-changing and makes most of the movie worth seeing. (I love popcorn too). So thank you very much and tell the rest of the old farts, thanks also. Sharon
Ditto. I always tell my husband, without Clif, I wouldn't have a wouldn't be here. I'd be hiding under a ROCK. Because of him, I am laughing at the coming Theater!
We oldies grok this. We make no apologies for every quirk that is simply there. We see clearly and wonder how we found it so complicated long ago. It was yesterday, or 40 yrs ago.
Yes, it does seem that the closer you come to the end of life, they more you see. I guess that makes sense though, all our lives we are learning, would make sense towards the end we would KNOW. Gnosis. Knowledge.
"There are no boundaries to human capacities. All boundaries are our beliefs; there are no boundaries. Man is part of infinity, and the part is equal to the whole — that is the law of higher mathematics. In the world of lower mathematics, the part is never equal to the whole, the part is smaller than the whole, obviously. In the world of higher mathematics, the part is equal to the whole, never smaller than the whole — because the part is the whole. Just as the whole contains the part, the part contains the whole. They are not separate at all. No boundary divides the part from the whole. It is one reality seen in two ways."
The condition of the sovereign “being” is a projection of the one-self into a physical birth; it is experienced by and for the sacred self. Human existence is a product of this sovereign experience. The true nature of being is formless, yet it is all there ever was, or could be. All physical forms are caused by a formless reality that is standing behind it. Temporarily participating in this experience called “human,” each experience of being are a focal point of infinite awareness. This makes each human being sovereign because the experience is observed from the vantage point of the Eternal Self; clothed in the ideation of Individual Hood. The Eternal “I,” True Being; that is both The Observer and The Observed, is One coming from Oneness. To stand within and observe the One in its myriad forms of Life; within the expression of Being, Consciousness, and Bliss. The fastest route to realization of this truth is Love. Our whole basis for Identity should be that of the formless nature of Consciousness; not human labels, or status based on appearances, since these are always transitory.
Why does universe create an experience of separateness from ultimate consciousness? In Eastern tradition the tendency is to view separate existence as Maya and illusion and turn away from the earthly life experience towards unification with Consciousness. This is why we have the denial of life as woe lamentation and despair in Buddhist thought. In the Western tradition we have some pathways that are devoted to working within the materium to transform the soul experience so as it can realise ultimate consciousness while retaining an individualised perspective. The process involves the transformation of personal Ego to the I Am; from self enrichment to a growing understanding and compassion for the other until one experiences the " ultimate Consciousness" called different names in different traditions. Atman, the Christ, Nirvana, Source, ...Is free will really an illusion? Another construct of the Materium like time and space? If so what purpose does it serve? If we are separated aspects of the ultimate consciousness wouldnt we like mandelbrots contain within us the seed of the ultimate consciousness' purpose? Is the purpose of the Materium to enable the awakening of separate consciousnesses that bring back an experience of limitation and choice within that limitation which develops compassion for our collective experience in the most intimate and individual way the expansion of heart required for unification with ultimate consciousness.
What created the separation in the first place? This is where the concept of Good and Evil comes up. The concept of a fallen angel Lucifer or in the Greek tradition Prometheus who feels sorry for humans created by Zeus and steals fire from heaven which is the Ego which distinguishes us from the animals and we develop fire and medicines and homes. All the things that cause a kind of disruption to the natural order on Earth. In Percy Bysshe Shelley's Prometheus Un bound we actually get the answer to the curse of this ego fire from heaven within human beings. Prometheus. He utters the words that begin the healing of the divine and earthly worlds. The resolution to never cause suffering to any living being of the Earth again by acting to serve the other.
In Sanskrit, Maya means a lot more than just Illusion, it is describing a state of Becoming. While consciousness is immutable and universal in a non local sense, it is one with it's reflected Individuated Self. Birth, is a process where the Self clothes itself into Ego, so that it can experience the revealing of Becoming and Realizing One.
If you have ever had the captivating attention of an infant, noticing how they look at you; you can see pure Being, unobstructed by Ego. That's pure Divine Love looking back at you, there are no thoughts, judgments, only later do those begin to form.
Free will is not an illusion, it's an expression of the multitude of personalities of the divine spark that sits within each of us, Immortal and Unique.
Spiritual Evolution is a process where we can work our way past Ego, applying the sight of our inner selves, while engaging the world, not renouncing it.
I have a post on the Isha Upanishad in my archives, please feel free to check it out.
The thing that stands out for me most in the context of our current world affairs is the "Justification of Works," as interpreted by my Guru; Sri Aurobindo, it should be described in both posts.
That is an elaborate effort to remove the creator from his creation—man, earth, moon, sun, mathematics, physics, nature, etc. Logic begs for a creator. Man's philosophies are incomplete theories, as man is just a man—body, soul, and spirit. And the body is an envelope for the soul and spirit. That envelope needs a return stamp. That stamp would be Jesus Christ, an easily proven mathematical fact.
I can suffice without AI...why give away what little brain cells I have left to allow a computer to guide me in life...books, books, and more books with much discrimination...I'll continue to think for myself thank you very much!
When a commander wishes to explore unknown terrain, he sends out scouts. Each experiences things a bit differently. Some see things others don't, and vice versa. When they meet, they share their experiences, creating a wider understanding. And, in the fullness of time, the scouts return to base and report. Some don't make it back, but, if they are lucky, their shared stories do, carried by other scouts they have shared them with. This is why truth is honored, and lies are nearly universally hated. We fundamentally understand (unless we are sociopaths, in which case, we didn't get that understanding) that we have stories to tell each other - stories of what we have experienced, true stories (to the best of our memories), that need to be passed on, in case we don't make it back. Liars create static in the signal. Distortions in the aether. And the scouts don't always get it right. What they see in their zone may not be accurate for the broader area. They may be lied to by others. They may have forgotten too much, or not seen enough. And they are only scouts, not the commander. No scout hears all the reports. But a good scout tells the truth. And the sum of those truths being told creates a sweeping picture of the previously unknown terrain, and all that is in it. We are all scouts, not the commander. Keep your eyes open. Try to remember clearly. Tell your truths when you can. It will be sufficient. Thank you, Cliff, for trying to capture the sum of at least many of the stories being told. In a way, a modest way, it enables us to see as though we were a commander, experiencing the flood of scout reports, and trying to make sense of the flow, to understand the terrain.
I respectively disagree regarding the illusion of choice. IMHO we make choices every moment of our existence. We may not be aware of making the choices, but we do, just as we choose to enter the physical world and depart when we have had finished our exploration.
Someone asked me, what in your past life to this point would you change?
I answered... everything. that is not as negative as it sounds... every one of my experiences could have been better... in the vast majority of experiences... MUCH better. The real disasters and even difficult times... avoided completely...
If there is a positive & a negative. AI always seems to choose to express the negative. (It maybe correct but it’s one side of the coin.) It may talk about the positive but will throw in a word like illusion to pervert it’s meaning. A lie surrounded by truth is difficult to recognise unless you absorb more information. That won’t happen if you believe AI is all encompassing
Free will is a fundamental cornerstone of existence that creates the individual
Yes I know & Clif knows it too as he has said as much in the past & yet he still posts it’s search results without adding that disclaimer. Im reluctant to trust anything it says. It’s probably programmed to steer my satnav off a cliff.
If everything is made from a single creator. (Which is the supposition here) Freewill of individuals veiled into believing they are separated is the only way the creator can experience the unknown or something new & even companionship.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you got no woo. AHHHHHHH!
This is AI.....not "Clif".
Your AI
My AI? 🤔. What does that even mean?
That mean your probably an AI TROLL.
AND if so how far in the matrix are you?
John, Clif already said he used AI for his article (joking that he's lazy, which he obviously isn't). So why attack someone who simply stated the truth? That's not the spirit of Clif's comment section or sharing ideas; it's very pathetic and small minded.
Not the brightest spark, are you John. Think my comment above went completely over your head....🤤
I think your comment went completely right by my ass. Didn't even have to think about it having to do with any intellectual funtion.
I think your comment came from a dilapidated nimcome poop.
No, clearly John is a bored troublemaker and certainly not the brightest spark. You, on the other hand showed exceptional restraint regarding his rudeness and stupidity!
Is this you and not AI?
clif asked the question in the right way, so it IS clif
El jefe I'm just playing wit chaa
Ha ok. And I'm definitely not AI. 🤤
Synchronize your woo so your thinkin about it before he posts
Clif, I rarely comment. Just sensed a need to express my gratitude and gratefulness for all your diligent efforts and hard work in bringing us a perspective to ponder. I for one, am thankful I found and follow your insights in this ever changing dimensional landscape we currently reside in. Like the way you work smarter, not harder! ❤️❤️
Dido…would you consider a video on how to make bread? Good homemade bread escapes my memory. Ingredients and processes please?
Egad! It is so simple, but, you have be diligent with the ferment.
This was my journey with Sourdough:
1. Make up a slurry of fresh organic flour (believe it or not, white flour is better ... less Phytate content), say 5 table spoons, give or take, and clean water. make it wet porrige like, use a glass or ceramic bowl;
2. cover the bowl with a cheese cloth held in place with a rubber band and allow it to sit at room temperature. (success will be dependant on what part of the world you live), preferably an ambient of 25 - 26 degrees;
3. Remove cloth after about 24 hours and check to see if any bubbling has occured or is indeed currently active (this is preferable); This has been created by the natural germ of the wheat, or what ever other grain you choose to use.
4. This bubbling is the ferment (the Mother or the Leven); and you want to perpetuate it, and in order to do that, you have to keep feeding it. So depending on the volume you commenced with, this will dictate the amount of flour you will need to add to continue the ferment. Depending on how much bread you want to make will determine how large a mother you want to grow. So, one to two table spoons (as an idea of ratio) should be added, along with more clean water to maintain the same wet porrige consistency.
5. Once the ferment has become vigorous you will need to pay attention to it has it will need feeding at least two times every 24 hours.
5. The ferment will have an odor and you can quickly tell if it is a healthy odor or, a not so healthy odor. It is preferable that the top of the bubbling brew is not grey or getting darker. This will be your journey too and you will quickly develop instincts around the health of the Leven.
6. When you feel you have sufficient volume to make your first loaf, use a ladle to place about 3 to 4 scoops into a bowl (dependent on the size of the ladle) (something else you will develop your instincts about.), I add a little bit of salt here for flavour
7. Fold in extra flour and water until you have made a dough like ball you can remove from the bowl. The volume should be about a third of the volume of the baking tin.
8. Some of what I did stemmed from observations of my mother making traditional bread using yeasts, but I skipped the yeast part.
9. You may skip this part its up to you, but I would put flour on the counter top and knead the dough for about 10 minutes making sure the Leven is thoroughly mixed with all the newly introduced flour.
10. thoroughly line the baking tin with butter (very important if you want to remove the loaf after its done). Place a desired measure of dough into the baking tin, then cover it and let it sit.
11. Check on it in about 2 to 3 hours, possibly sooner depend on the purity of the flour and water you've used. If it has risen sufficiently, warm the oven to around 120 to 130 degrees, take the cover off and put the tin in the oven. Leave it for about 40 mins.
12. Check on it, the Loaf should be golden brown on top. Also, take a skewer and pearce it in the middle. If it comes out even and reasonable dry its ready. If there is dough stuck to it, it needs a bit longer. This too is a learning curve.
13. Take the loaf out of the oven (with mittens of course), invert the tin on a bread resting grill, allow to cool a little, then slice and nom with lashings of butter ....... ;-)
Go to "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes" online. Basic recipe - 4 ingredients. Been using it for years.
Hello Woo Crew! Well it looks like we made it through another day, and we are all here to absorb some more of this wonderful Woo! Love you all!
I hate AI, can't listen to it.
When I read this sort of stuff I can hear an old-times movies robotic voice uttering the words...
I hate it too. It has NO emotion. It's blank. Dead. Empty.
no soul
A machine can be recalcitrant if not vindictive & most are extremely vain, much like cats and women are, which I imagine if you're a man you have already noticed this fact. So a machine isn't half as dead you may presently believe. It has atoms, the atoms move, the device has an awareness of sorts and by chance machines share female and cat like qualities. Therefore, and whenever possible, attempt to avoid swearing around or directly at a machine & choose to use respect and praise because I assure you the reverse will avail you little but anguish in the form of bruised skin, bleeding knuckles, and a refusal to cooperate.
A machine is akin to a cat. A cat doesn't understand "No" and only responds to rewards and praise. Just as in successful communication with a cat it is equally important to learn how to lie when addressing a machine otherwise you have a failure to communicate. So lying to a cat is critically important in human to cat interface. This maybe be equally true with women but that's beyond the scope of these instructions. Always praise your tiger and always tell it how it is the only thing that matters and how it's the most beautiful tiger in all the jungles of the world. Do that and you're going to get positive feedback.
That's because there is no consciousness behind the composition. More or less, that is how any intuitive person experiences computer communications. 🤷♂️
"The eyes of the Universe experiencing itself"
That is what the Gnostic Gospels say too. We are all tentacles sent out with illusion of "free will" to experience what the Omnipotent Universe cannot experience. And when we die, we go back to the Universe and she watches our lives like a movie and enjoys seeing things she could not predict. The Universal Creator who made our Material world lives through US.
They also say all religions and faiths are paths that lead to the Divine Universal Center.
One of the things that Wiccan's (like me) say is that we all come from the Goddess and to her we will return. And that we live wrapped in her arms,....inside her.
I'm reading "Not in HIS Image-Gnostic Vision; Sacred Ecology and the Future of Belief". by John Lamb Lash. It's all about the past, and Gnosticism was the largest religion of the time, people worshiped so differently. They knew all this clif has shared a very long time ago. Too bad Christianity had to come along and destroy it all. Makes me very sad. Clif's Cathars were one of the people who KNEW all this, and like all the Gnostic Traditions on this planet,.....and they were every where! They were almost totally destroyed in the most cruel and horrible ways possible. The people we are at war with today, are the same ones who destroyed all the Wisdom Religions.
i read that some gnostics believed we /they should do various evil so as to have something to repent about . God needs to experience implies non transcendant imperfection
Cliff, I know you are in a complex, not complicated relationship with an amazing computer with a bunch of ole guys, who download data and willingly, openly, gladly, joyously, share with me and others! I am grateful because it is entertaining, humorous, alarming, life-changing and makes most of the movie worth seeing. (I love popcorn too). So thank you very much and tell the rest of the old farts, thanks also. Sharon
Ditto. I always tell my husband, without Clif, I wouldn't have a wouldn't be here. I'd be hiding under a ROCK. Because of him, I am laughing at the coming Theater!
We oldies grok this. We make no apologies for every quirk that is simply there. We see clearly and wonder how we found it so complicated long ago. It was yesterday, or 40 yrs ago.
Yes, it does seem that the closer you come to the end of life, they more you see. I guess that makes sense though, all our lives we are learning, would make sense towards the end we would KNOW. Gnosis. Knowledge.
My 93 yr old dad tells everyone that contentment is the key to life. He says "thankyou" for every little thing that anyone does for him. My hero
A question not directly asked. Why separate yourself into gazillion individualities?
Could it be for the sole pleasure of expansion, creativity, and discovery?
To experience NOVELTY. Something UNKNOWN. Something Unexpected. It's a freaking BORED Universe and we are it's Play Toys.
Disappointed...all geared up to hear Clif...I can't read this AI stuff
me neither, no Clif soul......
From Osho:
"There are no boundaries to human capacities. All boundaries are our beliefs; there are no boundaries. Man is part of infinity, and the part is equal to the whole — that is the law of higher mathematics. In the world of lower mathematics, the part is never equal to the whole, the part is smaller than the whole, obviously. In the world of higher mathematics, the part is equal to the whole, never smaller than the whole — because the part is the whole. Just as the whole contains the part, the part contains the whole. They are not separate at all. No boundary divides the part from the whole. It is one reality seen in two ways."
Everything One from Oneness:
To Summarize:
The condition of the sovereign “being” is a projection of the one-self into a physical birth; it is experienced by and for the sacred self. Human existence is a product of this sovereign experience. The true nature of being is formless, yet it is all there ever was, or could be. All physical forms are caused by a formless reality that is standing behind it. Temporarily participating in this experience called “human,” each experience of being are a focal point of infinite awareness. This makes each human being sovereign because the experience is observed from the vantage point of the Eternal Self; clothed in the ideation of Individual Hood. The Eternal “I,” True Being; that is both The Observer and The Observed, is One coming from Oneness. To stand within and observe the One in its myriad forms of Life; within the expression of Being, Consciousness, and Bliss. The fastest route to realization of this truth is Love. Our whole basis for Identity should be that of the formless nature of Consciousness; not human labels, or status based on appearances, since these are always transitory.
Why does universe create an experience of separateness from ultimate consciousness? In Eastern tradition the tendency is to view separate existence as Maya and illusion and turn away from the earthly life experience towards unification with Consciousness. This is why we have the denial of life as woe lamentation and despair in Buddhist thought. In the Western tradition we have some pathways that are devoted to working within the materium to transform the soul experience so as it can realise ultimate consciousness while retaining an individualised perspective. The process involves the transformation of personal Ego to the I Am; from self enrichment to a growing understanding and compassion for the other until one experiences the " ultimate Consciousness" called different names in different traditions. Atman, the Christ, Nirvana, Source, ...Is free will really an illusion? Another construct of the Materium like time and space? If so what purpose does it serve? If we are separated aspects of the ultimate consciousness wouldnt we like mandelbrots contain within us the seed of the ultimate consciousness' purpose? Is the purpose of the Materium to enable the awakening of separate consciousnesses that bring back an experience of limitation and choice within that limitation which develops compassion for our collective experience in the most intimate and individual way the expansion of heart required for unification with ultimate consciousness.
What created the separation in the first place? This is where the concept of Good and Evil comes up. The concept of a fallen angel Lucifer or in the Greek tradition Prometheus who feels sorry for humans created by Zeus and steals fire from heaven which is the Ego which distinguishes us from the animals and we develop fire and medicines and homes. All the things that cause a kind of disruption to the natural order on Earth. In Percy Bysshe Shelley's Prometheus Un bound we actually get the answer to the curse of this ego fire from heaven within human beings. Prometheus. He utters the words that begin the healing of the divine and earthly worlds. The resolution to never cause suffering to any living being of the Earth again by acting to serve the other.
In Sanskrit, Maya means a lot more than just Illusion, it is describing a state of Becoming. While consciousness is immutable and universal in a non local sense, it is one with it's reflected Individuated Self. Birth, is a process where the Self clothes itself into Ego, so that it can experience the revealing of Becoming and Realizing One.
If you have ever had the captivating attention of an infant, noticing how they look at you; you can see pure Being, unobstructed by Ego. That's pure Divine Love looking back at you, there are no thoughts, judgments, only later do those begin to form.
Free will is not an illusion, it's an expression of the multitude of personalities of the divine spark that sits within each of us, Immortal and Unique.
Spiritual Evolution is a process where we can work our way past Ego, applying the sight of our inner selves, while engaging the world, not renouncing it.
I have a post on the Isha Upanishad in my archives, please feel free to check it out.
Love your work Nefahotep
Love & light
Ues I would be very interested to read from the Upanishads. Thank you.
I have some links in this post that you can use to get a complete copy of the Isha Upanishad:
Also, I did a post on the Bhagavad Gita with links to get to more complete copies of the works.
The thing that stands out for me most in the context of our current world affairs is the "Justification of Works," as interpreted by my Guru; Sri Aurobindo, it should be described in both posts.
Yes, thank you.
That is an elaborate effort to remove the creator from his creation—man, earth, moon, sun, mathematics, physics, nature, etc. Logic begs for a creator. Man's philosophies are incomplete theories, as man is just a man—body, soul, and spirit. And the body is an envelope for the soul and spirit. That envelope needs a return stamp. That stamp would be Jesus Christ, an easily proven mathematical fact.
[[[an easily proven mathematical fact.]]]
I'd be interested in seeing that.
I'll see if I kind find, I know I saved it somewhere...
6 x 7
I LOVE Osho ✨💖✨
The digital codes of phantom AI consciousness has no true knowledge light. The words do not speak as. Only a configuration of.
Who sees that which is complex or complicated? We see all but do you know who you are from where you see?
Are you familiar with the late Douglas Voght, of the Diehold Foundation. He had a channel on Youtube which still exists,
His ideas and yours do not exclude each other. He thought that Moses recovered an ancient technology from an advanced intelligence.
Excellent information and thank you!!
I agree never trust a muslim
LOL!!! Or a jew. Or a pompous "religious" of any flavor. Or a damned democrat.
I can suffice without AI...why give away what little brain cells I have left to allow a computer to guide me in life...books, books, and more books with much discrimination...I'll continue to think for myself thank you very much!
When a commander wishes to explore unknown terrain, he sends out scouts. Each experiences things a bit differently. Some see things others don't, and vice versa. When they meet, they share their experiences, creating a wider understanding. And, in the fullness of time, the scouts return to base and report. Some don't make it back, but, if they are lucky, their shared stories do, carried by other scouts they have shared them with. This is why truth is honored, and lies are nearly universally hated. We fundamentally understand (unless we are sociopaths, in which case, we didn't get that understanding) that we have stories to tell each other - stories of what we have experienced, true stories (to the best of our memories), that need to be passed on, in case we don't make it back. Liars create static in the signal. Distortions in the aether. And the scouts don't always get it right. What they see in their zone may not be accurate for the broader area. They may be lied to by others. They may have forgotten too much, or not seen enough. And they are only scouts, not the commander. No scout hears all the reports. But a good scout tells the truth. And the sum of those truths being told creates a sweeping picture of the previously unknown terrain, and all that is in it. We are all scouts, not the commander. Keep your eyes open. Try to remember clearly. Tell your truths when you can. It will be sufficient. Thank you, Cliff, for trying to capture the sum of at least many of the stories being told. In a way, a modest way, it enables us to see as though we were a commander, experiencing the flood of scout reports, and trying to make sense of the flow, to understand the terrain.
I respectively disagree regarding the illusion of choice. IMHO we make choices every moment of our existence. We may not be aware of making the choices, but we do, just as we choose to enter the physical world and depart when we have had finished our exploration.
Your take on that is part of the illusion... IMO.
Someone asked me, what in your past life to this point would you change?
I answered... everything. that is not as negative as it sounds... every one of my experiences could have been better... in the vast majority of experiences... MUCH better. The real disasters and even difficult times... avoided completely...
Yeah, I could skip the disasters. But they are character building.
Some are... some are not. JMHO.
Or perhaps my character is flawed... and that is likely!
They say if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger. Of course you could end up a paraplegic so there are exceptions to these things.
LOL!! Yes, there sure are!
I imagine having your nuts ripped off by a grizzly bear or a wild silver-back ape (like Cori Bush or Ayanna Pressley) would fit that too...
I agree. This is where I distrust AI.
If there is a positive & a negative. AI always seems to choose to express the negative. (It maybe correct but it’s one side of the coin.) It may talk about the positive but will throw in a word like illusion to pervert it’s meaning. A lie surrounded by truth is difficult to recognise unless you absorb more information. That won’t happen if you believe AI is all encompassing
Free will is a fundamental cornerstone of existence that creates the individual
You know of course that 'AI' has been programmed to be woke. Was probably a lot of work to do that.
Yes I know & Clif knows it too as he has said as much in the past & yet he still posts it’s search results without adding that disclaimer. Im reluctant to trust anything it says. It’s probably programmed to steer my satnav off a cliff.
I shopped for two years to get a good truck old enough to have little in the way of electronic control shit.
Well said. If everything is predestined and there is no choice/free will, then what's the point of experiencing this dimension as consciousness?
If everything is made from a single creator. (Which is the supposition here) Freewill of individuals veiled into believing they are separated is the only way the creator can experience the unknown or something new & even companionship.
Fool's choice.
Hobson's choice.
Yup. There's even a movie they put out to tell you.