Hello Woo Crew! Here’s my Deep Thoughts for today: Yes, it is all very Complex!!

I’m still working my way through the book, “The Naked Bible” and I have finally found something that I disagree with Mauro on because I follow Jason Breshears on the Archaix channel; people in the Bible did not live to be nearly one thousand years old. The tribes counted time in (Shars spelling?) or moons and everything has to be divided by 12 months. Therefore, Methuselah lived to be 80.75 years old, which is actually believable.

Then perhaps we need to revisit the paintings of Hieronymous Bosch (c. 1450 – 1516) who was a Dutch painter from Brabant and is one of the most renowned figures of Early Netherlandish painting. 2040 - 552 = 1488 a possible Phoenix year? In his young teens, Bosch witnessed a fire ravage his home town of Den Bosch, destroying more than 4,000 homes. It’s believed the trauma of this event featured in many of his paintings, with burning buildings being found in the background of a number of his works.

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13 moons a year. Don't get fooled by ROME. And their FUCKED UP calendar.

Hell, we don't even know what the moon really is, but we're gonna find out!


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Ok, we are looking at Moon Time if we go with 13 passes it’s still a logical and realistic number; 969 divided by 13 is 74.53846153846154.

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Well well this is something we CAN change - we can start using the 13 moon calendar as a secondary calendar. You know how the countries that went metric did - they introduced it alongside the current usage until it became "a thing". We can use the 13 moon calendar simply by citing it (in parentheses) directly after citing the Roman calendar. Whoo hoo wouldn't that give Rome a poke in the eyeballs! Cite it like this: May 24, 2024 (Day 23, Eleventh Moon, 003). Oh by the way, the 003 stands for the new century some of us initiated in 2020 (who wouldn't have wanted a new century that year hey!). The new year (004) begins on July 26th this year in accordance with the 13 moon calendar's new year. If you want to know more about the 13 moon calendar find it on Law of Time dot org.

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I like the new math. It makes me only 63 years old! Everything you have been told or taught is a lie. Flashback to "Star Track"!

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Star Trek a trek is a journey.

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Then make our “Year” 5918 with the New Year beginning on the Spring Equinox. The BC/AD is a Roman construct.

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Yeah, I KNOW.

Jose Arguelles beat all that into my head decades ago. Ad nauseam.

So let's change it from the retarded "all roads lead to Rome" to "all roads lead home".

"Time" has so many approaches and interpretations. We're going to find as we MOVE ON into HYPERNOVELTY, that most of our "fixed ideas" are bogus.

Air and fire.

You checked out the Codex Oera Linda? It has some other reference points for the last few thousand years as well.

Masks off! Masks off!


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Why 5918? I recognize that the new year begins in spring but that's only in the northern hemisphere. I would prefer to have 3 digits rather than four to denote the century so that we can easily differentiate between the two eras (Rome and individual sovereignty) without the need for AD, BC etc. Getting off the Roman calendar would be legendary, and start a whole new sequence of spin offs that take us in the right direction. Time is rhythmic not one month this, another month that, and yet another month something else. Why would anyone choose to continue on empire's time boilerplate?

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I got it from Jason’s book, “Return of the Fallen Ones” page 13, last night. It is from the Anno Mundi calendar. Our year is currently 5918. Anno Mundi (from Latin "in the year of the world"; Hebrew: לבריאת העולם, romanized: Livryat haOlam, lit. 'to the creation of the world'), abbreviated as AM or A.M., or Year After Creation, is a calendar era based on the biblical accounts of the creation after the fall of Adam from Paradise.

The Byzantine calendar, also called the Roman calendar, the Creation Era of Constantinople or the Era of the World (Ancient Greek: Ἔτη Γενέσεως Κόσμου κατὰ Ῥωμαίους, also Ἔτος Κτίσεως Κόσμου or Ἔτος Κόσμου; lit. 'Roman year since the creation of the universe', abbreviated as ε.Κ.), was the calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Church from c. 691 to 1728 in the Ecumenical Patriarchate. It was also the official calendar of the Byzantine Empire from 988 to 1453 and of Kievan Rus' and Russia from c. 988 to 1700. This calendar was used also in other areas of the Byzantine commonwealth such as in Serbia, where it is found in old Serbian legal documents such as Dušan's Code, thus being referred to as the Serbian Calendar as well.

The calendar was based on the Julian calendar, except that the year started on 1 September and the year number used an Anno Mundi epoch derived from the Septuagint version of the Bible. It placed the date of creation at 5509 years before the incarnation of Jesus, and was characterized by a certain tendency that had already been a tradition among Jews and early Christians to number the years from the calculated foundation of the world (Latin: Annus Mundi or Ab Origine Mundi— "AM"). Its Year One, marking the assumed date of creation, was September 1, 5509 BC, to August 31, 5508 BC. This would make the current year (AD 2024) 7532 (7532 before September 1; and 7533 after September 1).

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I got this date from Jason Breshears on Archaix and it has stuck with me, but we could probably take it back a bit further if we take the oldest date ever recorded and add it to 2024 say 5,224 because; “Archaeologists have discovered written records in Egypt from as early as 3200 BCE, which is the accepted date at which history "begins". Written records give historians resources to deal with that are more detailed in some ways than other records, such as archaeological or biological remains.” So that would add another 694 years to the known history of mankind as we know it. It’s still better than the BC/AD spell like confusion over humanity.

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BC now refers to "Before Covid ".

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I watched JB years ago, but gave up. Hard to watch. Rambling. I need it more STRAIGHT. Would be interested if his books are put together better.

The whole atmospheric thing and GANS, technology, etcetera being different and not possible in present conditions and circumstances...

Same is said of those living in inner earth and not subject to solar and cosmic rays like we are. They live way longer.

But do they have as much FUN?!



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JB is much more direct and on target more now than in the past. I felt the same and took a break but now his videos are detailed without the filler. I stay away from live shows for the most part bc I don't chat and could care less who is giving YT $$ super stickers etc.

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I agree with you, and he can back up pretty much of what he is teaching. He is pretty smart and a good man on top of it all.

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May 26
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Read any of his books?

I'm most interested in his early 1900s review of the paradigm shift.

I agree on live streams. That was a crazy madhouse of gibberish in the chat.

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Yes I have read the earlier books and my interests are in pre reset time as well.

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Looks like he may have patented the oneway valve Clif talked about in the fake engine too.

A Tesla valve, called a valvular conduit by its inventor, is a fixed-geometry passive check valve. It allows a fluid to flow preferentially in one direction, without moving parts. The device is named after Nikola Tesla, who was awarded U.S. patent 1,329,559 in 1920 for its invention.

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Just wondering is this something like a simple metal "reed" valve used in the older piston air compressors?

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Tesla had a water engine that used the same principle as the air driven fake machine, it had round discs that the water friction spun .

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You mean Viktor Schauberger?

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tesla turbine ?

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Hadn't heard of Tesla working with water before.

OF COURSE he was reverse and re-engineering old tech that no longer worked in current atmospheric conditions.

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So Keith, in “The Naked Bible” page 276 Mauro talks about, “A flying Megillah…sighted by Zachary flies like an airplane…ten meters by five meters.” I am seeing the “Tic-Tac UFO” which has been in our news feed lately. It flies to Sumer to land on a platform. Could he be talking about a Step pyramid with a flat top? There are lots of lines about flying objects in the Bible and probably they are what we now call UFOs.

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Right down to the second..

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yes, and 130 diveded by 13 is 10, and there are quit some hebrew leaders that obviously feached 10 years, because in the Bible 120 oor 150


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Asaac Asimov also talked about moons in his book about the ancients counting system

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Women have 13 cycles in a year following the moon. Although China uses the 12 months, its holidays follow the moon as well.

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AND I've heard it said that before we had a moon, women had more control of their reproduction.


It was put there to END "Atlantis", "Mars", and "Marduk" possibly (I wasn't there) and augment our astrological influences and affect reproductive cycles on the earth. Drawing forth BLOOD. Also the reincarnating retard trap...

Now it just a big training wheel or security blanket or something.

In Colin Wilson, I think the Mind Parasites not the Philosopher's Stone, some psychics get together and gently nudge it to spin and then break free of earth.


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Yes. We get paid for 12 times for 13 months of work. 13x28+1=365

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Hey, we went there in 1969!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Yeah. Right.

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I have NO IDEA.

Other than released footage was obviously fake. Kubrick.

Listening to all old High's, I'm finally caught back up to the end of last year. Funny to hear him waffle about hologram and surface and not really being anyone there, all inside to witnessing shit going down, battles or whatever and that idiotic fake Indian landing shit.

But we WILL be finding out with the collapse of the old paradigm.

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Sure we might have done but not in the way we were shown. Think about it re: exotic tech. Lol

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I have increased my spiritual quotient, truth quotient, shock awake quotient by listening to Jason on Archaix. He brings a huge amount of thought and heart candy to the canvas of what the truth is about our world and history and how it relates to predictions going forward. I am glad to meet you here. I hope Cliff will address some of Jason's info, as they are both interested in studying and predictive value of their perspective ways of gathering data and could appreciate a combo of both their ways of learning and growing I think Cliff's AI and data gathering and evaluation plus Jason's ancient books and his ability to deeply digest all of them would be quite interesting on stage together, I think.

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I broke down and bought 5 of his books this week. I will start on them as soon as I am done with two of Mauro’s. I will try to give a review as I go! We have to keep learning and thinking outside of ourselves! Cheers!

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I am reading Laura Eisenhower's book and WOW, she is so much better in book form than on interview platforms. It is full of so much about history and off world, ascension and so much more I did not know. Just when I thought my brain could hold no more...I am off on another adventure!!

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Some where I read Eisenhower was Swedish/ Jewish, no idea how true .

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No he was not, he set up White Hats secretly and alliance with benevolent ET Alliance as he realized he was being completely censored and excluded from fraudulent treaties being set up by those who were dealing with malevolent ETs and billionaires controlling the corporate/industrial CABAL, Of course he has been blamed as Nixon was blamed for what he did not do. History is a huge deceptive lie as is everything else we have been led to believe.

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I think the coming together of different parts of the Neanderthal tribe has made very intelligent hybrid brains . I got called an anti Shem back in 2009 for posting that on a paleo archaeologist Google chat forms . And for putting out the idea Neanderthal males captured and bred with Homo sapiens as at the time no dna charting was complete on the male side of Neanderthals , and it was all ready negative on the mitochondria side

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Yes!!! I was talking to mom about that this morning! Neanderthal’s had Red hair and this is a Very important DNA trait, especially if we think about how they disappeared or were they just bred out? The original Red hair came out of Iranian blood lines. I really liked the interview between: “Professor Hamamoto Interviews Leuren Moret for a wide-ranging conversation that inspires a radically new understanding of world civilization and its current manifestations.”


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Insightful research. Thank you

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Very interesting that a Goldstein invented the shopping cart and another very different Goldstein family created the CVS chain .

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It would be interesting, but it will probably never happen because they are not on the same page so to speak. That would be one interesting video for sure! I would pay to see that one.

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Jason could answer that one for sure. It sounds possible.

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One of my favorite lines in the Mahabharata

Ganesha states, “The world swarms with infinite creatures, those we see and those we do not see, those who live in the depths of the Earth; monsters who live off the human flesh. The Bible is a collection of stories from the beginning of time...In the Mahabharata in Volume 1 they talk of two virgin births, 2 sons of Gods! The Bible is not what we think it is or what we have been told... Mauro only bears witness to what is written in Hebrew he does not interject his personal views. I like Jason but he does not know Latin, Greek, or Hebrew...good reading!

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So, in your opinion you don't think that the long aged beings could be a different kind of hominin? Home capensis or otherwise?

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No, I am finding it very unlikely that humans could live to be 1000 years old but put it in Moon units and it is very possible, this is mostly because nothing has really changed in our DNA to explain it. My reality has not changed much since introducing the idea that we all might have alien DNA, because it’s probably been with us since the beginning.

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We're the mutts of the cosmos. We got it ALL.

24 different civilizations have added to our soup. Tryin to balance The Force.

It's why all the persistent BULLSHIT "good vs evil" polarity and judgment based on such arbitrary lines is falling so flat on its face more and more. And why all our distractions are becoming more hollow, being programmed with that shit.

Gonna find out in the next few years just how not easy those lines are. In so many ways, from so many angles.

And then we'll all stop superficially judging shit based on appearances and personal desires. Intention and integrity will become more obvious, so the labels can all go the fuck away. Also has to happen with the dissolution of ESTABLISHMENT. All clubs and institutions will fracture as most of the individuals find they are all different. Labels aren't working anymore. Politically, religiously, socially. DONE.

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The theory that earth is a Petri dish (monitored by something) is worth considering. I used to think the “school of earth” comments were curious, too but not anymore.

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I just finished reading Mauro’s book, “The Naked Bible” and I am thrilled that he’s asking almost all of the same questions that I have asked since I was 8 years old. The biggest question is at the end of the book on page 307, “I wonder why hominids dating back 150,000 years in Namibia would need to mine Gold for?” I am paraphrasing this but, I also believe that “they” are gearing us up for Intergalactic shipping that includes all of the gold (Grand Canyon) and resources that we are no longer supposed to use do to climatards for themselves off planet. It’s never boring on Uncle Clif’s feed! Cheers!

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If man was cloned or created from the Elohim it could be very possible to live those years...we currently, our DNA has been watered down quite considerably...

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Yes, but the real question here is; are they currently living among us as silent vampires or why haven’t we seen them all along? If they are here with us, then they are probably the primary recipients for child trafficking? Those particular leopards don’t change their spots. They just love a good burnt baby fat sacrifice and there are no coincidences. Sorry to be grim, I’m tired. Thanks for the chat Liam, great to hear from you. Cheers!

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we live in a grim world built by killers...

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I’m in complete agreement with you Suzirhae .. Unfortunately, I don’t personally have any evidence that humans ever lived expanded years.

Perhaps a few humans have lived beyond 120 years - but there is zero evidence that can be examined.

Perhaps there are other historical records that will clarify the biblical tales of 1000 years old humans…. but just because records are ancient.. that doesn’t make them true.

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Even under different Earth conditions when we're reviewing a higher quality of prana (ojas)?


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Receiving* sorry for the confusion

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I have the Peter Beagle review of HB, which is awesome.

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What if he was actually trying to explain the idea of the Elohim as creation? Lots of ways to explain it from a completely different perspective!

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And we're not as fearful or superstitious as people were in the Dark Ages. Different mileau, different mentalities. Hard to superimpose on other times.

The metaphor is DEEP.

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I keep thinking about the entire concept of “What would a 4th to 5th generation church painter try to accomplish outside of what his family has already done? What would a 15th century painter do if he was to paint an alien artificial insemination? “The Garden of Earthly Delights (Dutch: De tuin der lusten, lit. 'The garden of lusts') is the modern title given to a triptych oil painting on oak panel painted by the Early Netherlandish master Hieronymus Bosch, between 1490 and 1510, when Bosch was between 40 and 60 years old.” It appears to be fairly accurate, if you look at it from that perspective.

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AND they were also tripping out and hallucinating from all the bad bread and paint and ink chemicals and such. Who knows how well he ventilated his studio...


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Well, there were no craft stores in the day, so all of the painters had to understand chemistry and botanical science in order to mix their own paints, egg tempera, oils, and turpentine. There is a lot to learn.

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Yes, that’s true, there were many cases of ergot poisoning and they made their paints with lead. Vincent Van Gough liked to tip his brush in his mouth therefore, lead poisoning is a probable cause that made him cut off his own ear. The Salem Witch Trials may have been caused by ergot.

“The ergot fungus contains a number of highly poisonous and psychoactive alkaloids, including lysergic acid (LSD), which was synthesized from the ergot fungus in 1938 by chemist, Albert Hoffmann.”

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And, yeah, he was way before HR Giger...


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And after you finish "The Naked Bible," take a look at Joe Atwill's "Caesar's Messiah."

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I should like to know Mauro's response to your suggestions. He is not a man who would shy away from giving you an answer, he does not have an ego needing to be right all the time at the expense of truth. Herodotus walking through the Labrynth with a priest was told that underneath where they were walking were wooden statues of all the old Kings who had reigned in the past. They would be quite a number if they only lived 60, 70, 80 years. Just saying.

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On page 245, of “The Naked Bible” Mauro admits that many people have suggested that he divide by 10 which would make Abraham 17 and Moses 12. He doesn’t think that makes any sense, but we need to take into consideration the fact that they all got started much younger than we do. King Tut became pharaoh of Egypt in 1332 B.C. at the age of nine. He ruled the country at a time of conflict, when battles over land raged between Egypt and the neighboring kingdom of Nubia. Nearly a decade after coming to power, the young leader died at about 18. But historians didn't know much about Tut until 1922.

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I have no problem believing human life spans could have been very much longer, particularly in the Satya Yuga.

I have not been able to absorb any of the archaix podcasts. I just don’t care to listen to him. My own personal problem I am sure. I would rather spend my time studying the ancient Hindu literature on my own.

- from Grok

Based on the information provided, there are varying estimates regarding the human life expectancy during the Satya Yuga. Some sources suggest that the average life expectancy could be over 4,000 years. Another source mentions a life expectancy of approximately 4000 years. However, it's essential to note that these estimates come from different sources and could reflect different interpretations or traditions within the Hindu cosmology.

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Think twice. If it's true, what you say, the following kings, whodr lifespans got ever shorter, would have reached 120/13 around ten yers or so. Many of them in the Bible are of that lifespan or even shorter.

You have to look at the whole sequence , and in the bible there is long list of kings from 800 to 120 years old. What is right?

Think about it.



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suzirhae, it's intriguing to see different interpretations of ancient texts. the idea of dividing biblical ages by 12 to get more realistic lifespans makes sense and adds a new layer to understanding those stories. as for hieronymus bosch, his paintings are indeed rich with symbolism and likely influenced by his experiences. the fire in his hometown could explain the recurring themes of destruction. thanks for sharing these insights!

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Agreed. Biglino is a translator and I give him grace but the rest is pretty solid.

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As far as Terrence Howard is concerned, he is in a much better place than he was as an actor in debauched Hollywood. Obviously he is going to make a misstep here and there, but his heart is in the right place. Just so long as he remains an engaged truth seeker and not some jaded cult icon. In other words he should not let his theatrical training overplay his genuine curiosity and desire to communicate what he has discovered.

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Hey Clif,

Have a great weekend Happy memorial Day if you celebrate, thank you for all the great podcasts they are much appreciated.

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I was in high school chemistry when we learned electrons of an atom are never found between valance shells, but essentially wink out of one and wink into another as they gain or lose energy. The insight hit me that what was actually occurring was tones and resonance. Musical notes, scales. As the defined comes into resonance it "appears" and as it goes out of resonance it "disappears" or "winks out" to reappear in another valance shell where it IS in resonance. Mathematical models don't really portray what is actually going on very well. I later as an adult discovered Walter Russell, and he did a much better job of describing this.

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Hey Clif, cheers for my Friday night bedtime story.

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Seems to me Keely wasn't really sound..

There was a guy in the 17th century in England who laid down copper wire around his estate to harness Energy... can't remember his name...

Apparently this guy also created life out of crystals in a Lab experiment in a London University... proving life exists as pure energy.

You know anything about that?


Prof Daniel Nocera invented an Artificial Leaf back in 2010...

Noe that guy has stopped publishing anything about that since he moved from MIT to Harvard.

At PopTech 2010 he stated that all we need for all energy globally is half a pool of water.



Actually life is simple...

It hasn't really changed for thousands of years.

But the fact of the matter is that Human productivity has been deliberately mismanaged into wars and self destruction.

By the very people we trusted to solve our problems who are problem creators...

People who solve problems are marginalized.

We are constantly lied to.


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Brown’s gas can also be beneficial to the body by creating a hydrogen water to drink and soak in. Allows body to heal itself.

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Electroculture is growing in awareness!

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May 25Edited
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I know HHO... for a very long time.

Still that is not what I state with Dan nocera's leaf.

That is H²O

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May 25
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Either sold his soul or told to shut up.

Has something ton do with Harvard.

I think it is CIA controlled.

Either that or something more sinister.

Zuck Zuck started FB in HV.

Kissinger Harvard.

Schwab Harvard.

Harvard Wyss Foundation.

Definitely a dark place.

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May 25Edited
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I am aware of it...

Good Interview.

Thank you keep it coming.

Main point from this Interview...

Once you dig into a subject like this... you find things you never thought even remotely possible.

When I did the research for my technology I was flabbergasted by what i found... and Immediately knew my life was at danger.

Which turned out to be profoundly true.

Faster than the speed of light with absolute Zero Emissions... this is my work.


You are Native American?

What tribe?

Yeha Noha

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Clif is correct "first use", that is dominating the market is more advantageous than a patent, which just means you have the right to sue if someone else manufactures your patented idea and costs you legal fees. Clif has previously said he no longer bothers with patents because the US Patent Office is controlled by Elohim Worship Cult Chooz who give the inventions to cult members to file. I'm old enough to remember Kleenex Inc first use of feminine trademark products "Kotex" & facial tissues called "Kleenex" were commonly used to identify the product.

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Patenting anything leads to confiscated documents.

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Clif always starts his messages with "hello humans" . In the past three years 13 billion arms have been injected with a bioweapon. Yes we are in WW3. We keep hearing "nuke, nuke, nuke" just like "COVID, COVID, COVID. To my knowledge no fission reactor has ever exploded - they do melt down when a computer virus shuts down pumps like Fukushima. Fusion takes 120 million degrees celsius to occur. This happens on the sun only. I don't think nukes work the way we are being told. WW3 is up and running without nukes.

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The true threat is FEAR because it is more effective than fake Nukes. Hell, half the people pronounce the word wrong as nucular.😂

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I remember "W" always pronounced nucUlar. He was usually drunk so he had a good excuse.

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The pictures of that building in a nuclear wind was fake to fool the Soviet

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It’s not a atom bomb it’s a molecule bomb. Separates the molecules

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I agree, I spent a lot of time in Keely material, and eventually realized his deliberate obfuscation of words also had inconsistent usage. Truth is easy to be consistent, liars can't keep a web of lies straight . I didn't know about the compressed air. That was good info, thanks Cliff.

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Wonder if Tesla used those spinning air discs for his water pump generator

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So what happened about the big reveal from the pope on the 17th of may??

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Re: Complicated machines (systems)

Almost always a scam or grift going on.

That's why I opted for an old pushrod V8 for my vehicle a few years ago. Simple tech that's been proven for 70 years (small block Chevy).

As long as I have access to tools and parts, it will stay running. I'll get another quarter million miles out of it.

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There is a Jetson cartoon episode with the building janitor working on his ICE super car while all the rest of the people are wizzing around in flying cars.

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Too many old fashioned pushrod V8's attached to a hundred sensors and several computers. I want a pre 1971 car body to go along with the V8, so no more emissions testing. Grrrr, my old heap 94 Buick Park Avenue just failed its smog test for the first time ever. It usually passes with flying colors very well below the going standard, now it is blowing three times higher than the limit. I want an OLD car so bad I get wood just daydreaming about it. I might even be tempted to go further back, to flathead V8, just because. With any of them, whether flathead or pushrod, the trick will be combating rust on the old car body, and having one mill under the hood and one on the engine stand that is in-progress. A spare trans isn't a bad idea either.

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I hear ya, Guido.

I have a 93 K1500. Yes, it has a single computer, but it's primitive EFI tech (throttle body injection). I live in a rural enough area so no emissions standards.

I would love to have a 100% mechanical setup, but it's not practical for me right now. I'm able to see/diagnose everything in the PCM with a $200 laptop and a $50 OBD1 cable. No CAN-Bus systems, no chips outside of that computer (I have a spare tuned one sitting in a faraday cage.)

An old flathead would be a cool cruiser. The right chassis/rolling frame is key.

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Yes, early 90's is about the most manageable as far as the digi shit, but it still has quite a few sensors. Those damn sensors seem to end up more problem than a benefit, .... when more times than not, the issue is a bad sensor lol.

The mid 1980's is about the limit I think. I used to live in Iowa, No Testing, it was Awesome !! I had an 84 Dodge work van that was a shortie with a manual floor shift and a slant 6. I swapped in a V8 but not before stripping the electronic ignition box off the firewall and tossing it into the weeds. Keyed lead, a ballast resistor a standard coil and a 1970's magnetic pickup distributor and badda bing. The good old days. lol In 84 that thing had no "Computer" so to speak, but where I am now in AZ, I would still have to pass emissions with it. Ugh. Anything newer than 1970 must test.

These days all the cool old models are stupid expensive and it seems like you can't even find a Ford Maverick for under 10K that isn't a bucket, but that would have to test too Getting so bad I'd be giddy to have even a mid 60's AMC Rambler 4 door, hahaha.

I think this is adding to the Rat Rod as a daily driver trend. Oh, there is no such trend? There might be sooner than later.

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Oof, sorry to hear all that. I EGR deleted and chopped the cats out of the truck. None of the emissions stuff is active.

I'm AZ too, brother. Left the valley (born and raised), and moved to Flag... And I'm thinking I'll be headed towards Williams for the next move.

We might be getting a cheap 3/4 ton gasoline late 90's Dodge pickup. Depends on what my prepper brother wants to do... but we might strip it down and turn it into a scout/medium duty vehicle

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Yeah, my Nephew lived in Havasu, no testing there either. Only rural AZ has no testing. I daydream regularly about getting the hell out of this stink hole valley. lol. Back in Iowa I also cut the CAT out of my work van. I ran a hot rod V8 with 50 states illegal Try-Y headers, carb, intake etc. Race Track/Off Road Only parts. Dual 3 inch exhaust with two garbage truck mufflers and side exit pipes. Used to set off car alarms cam loping at idle through parking lots. lol Here in the valley, Fun Is Dead.

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OBD1 scanner. I wish. My 94 Park Ave is OBD1.5 I've never been a GM guy so when I bought this car for my Mom I didn't know how weird it was. Weirder than side post batteries. OBD1 program and an OBD2 connector. Wonderful !!! Luckily, Bosch 1300 units are cheaper these days, but they are still far from $50. But the Buick, .... No MIL lit up, won't throw a code, so it's a mystery. The 05 Caddy thinks it's stolen, who'd a thunk about unhooking the battery to work on the exhaust under the vehicle, but having to remove the wiper arms, wiper linkages and motor to get at a Cat, under the car, should have been an indication. Suffice to say, my wrench contacted a starter terminal. AUGH !!! The Park Ave is a beater so I don't want to spend bucks to fix what ails it, so I had to dig out the 96 Infiniti that has been sitting since 2011. Replace the fuel pump and it fired right up, .... but doesn't want to stop when braking. With my luck, it isn't a booster check valve, ... it will be the ABS unit failure. GRRRRRR. I can't get a break. lol

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Really interesting talk with a Rabbi towards the end of this substack:


He says that Jews are from another dimension, but also adds that they are getting messages and are essentially controlled by outside forces that tell them what to do. And what they are supposed to do is... wait for it... rule the world.

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Thanks Clif. I was surprised to see Terrence Howard talking about this stuff. He's definitely inspired, how I don't know but he doesn't seem to be intentionally fraudulent.

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What a treat! Two in three days!

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Thought to share this, from my FB feed:

":A Jewish woman, Dr. Naomi Wolf understands the concept of a chosen people. I share her words below. The chosen people that Jews and the church has been sold is a easily disproven lie.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "Okay, so I was challenged below: "Read the Bible! God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people." So....I may get crucified for this but I have started to say it -- most recently (terrified, trembling) to warm welcome in a synagogue in LA: Actually if you read Genesis Exodus and Deuteronomy in Hebrew -- as I do -- you see that God did not "give" Israel to the Jews/Israelites. We as Jews are raised with the creed that "God gave us the land of Israel" in Genesis -- and that ethnically 'we are the chosen people."

But actually -- and I could not believe my eyes when I saw this, I checked my reading with major scholars and they confirmed it -- actually God's "covenant" in Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy with the Jewish people is NOT ABOUT AN ETHNICITY AND NOT ABOUT A CONTRACT. IT IS ABOUT A WAY OF BEHAVING.

Again and again in the "covenant" language He never says: "I will give you, ethnic Israelites, the land of Israel." Rather He says something far more radical - far more subversive -- far more Godlike in my view. He says: IF you visit those imprisoned...act mercifully to the widow and the orphan...welcome the stranger in your midst...tend the sick...do justice and love mercy ....and perform various other tasks...THEN YOU WILL BE MY PEOPLE AND THIS LAND WILL BE YOUR LAND. So "my people" is not ethnic -- it is transactional. We are God's people not by birth but by a way of behaving, that is ethical, kind and just. And we STOP being "God's people" when we are not ethical, kind and just. And ANYONE who is ethical, kind and just is, according to God in Genesis, "God's people." And the "contract" to "give" us Israel is conditional -- we can live in God's land IF we are "God's people" in this way -- just, merciful, compassionate. AND -- it never ever says, it is ONLY your land. Even when passages spell out geographical "boundaries" as if God does such a thing, it never says this is exclusively your land. It never says I will give this land JUST to you. Remember these were homeless nomads who had left slavery in Egypt and were wandering around in the desert; at most these passages say, settle here, but they do not say, settle here exclusively. Indeed again and again it talks about welcoming "zarim" -- translated as "strangers" but can also be translated as "people/tribes who are not you" -- in your midst. Blew my mind, hope it blows yours."- Dr. Naomi Wolf"

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Naomi Wolf is being selective in her memory or recital of past writings. Only using the Bible is not a good source in total. Let me suggest an audiobook called “The Great Jewish Mask(Masque)”. It is a detailed review of the historical record found an ancient text about where the Jewish law came from, which was mostly Babylon and Assyria and Persia. Nearly all Jewish tradition, law, and books written are either borrowed from other cultures that existed long prior to the Jewish cultures. This includes many of the books that are written in the Old Testament Bible. In addition, a huge number of books written by the Jewish scribes are simply a rewrite of history, raising the Jews and lowering those around them, a great fraud. This is all explained in detail and in historical significance in The Great Jewish Mask. FREE

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Yes. Naomi W. did it in only weeks/months bet her interview of Clif High where she was obviously shocked and gasping couple of time and be one of her first to do it publicly is worthy of note. She is new to this perspectives.

BTW, I am watching Lex Friedman: https://youtu.be/tOtdJcco3YM?si=5AlEBmjUmuJyP8BG&t=3735 -- few times they discuss parasitic behavior (to make us stronger); also how mitochondria gave up its freedom to embed itself, and serves the cell, else nothing above bacteria. etc.

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So the message of the first books of the Bible, and the message of Jesus, are basically the same. "“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Mathew 5:17

It is the Rabbis that have abolished the Law over the Centuries, and turned Judaism into the death-cult we have today. Some of the Luciferian globalists call themselves Jews, but they do not follow the Law. Some of the Luciferian globalists call themselves Christians, but they do not follow Christ. That is why I call them Luciferians, because they act in accordance with Lucifer.

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"So the message of the first books of the Bible, and the message of Jesus, are basically the same." < Dont know what you mean here, and also, the NT also might have been heavily tampered with or fictionalized.

https://libgen.rs/ "L. B. Woolfolk" - three books. The Red Dragon explains 19the cent takeover of $$$ by City of London.

The death kult was prior to the rabbis, me thinks Abe was one of them (came out of Sumer), else why didnt he tell God to take a hike when told to sac his son; not above negotiating with God to go from 100 to 50 righteous men for Sodom and Gormar. They were in Canaan, Baal and Moloch. Then to Phonecians > Cartharge (last time in the public in the West, it went underground from Rome) > Rome > Constantinople > Kharzaria < Ghensgis Khan was actually targeting them etc.


Konspiracy Theories from Woodrow Wilson to J. Edgar Hoover to Present.

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.” John F. Kennedy, 1961

"The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realisation of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." J. Edgar Hoover

"If the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us." George H.W. Bush

“They know that America is not a place of which it can be said, as it used to be, that a man may choose his own calling and pursue it just as far as his abilities enable him to pursue it; because to-day, if he enters certain fields, there are organizations which will use means against him that will prevent his building up a business which they do not want to have built up; organizations that will see to it that the ground is cut from under him and the markets shut against him. For if he begins to sell to certain retail dealers, to any retail dealers, the monopoly will refuse to sell to those dealers, and those dealers, afraid, will not buy the new man's wares.” Theodore Roosevelt, 1910. (City of London, unlimited liquidity.)

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Woodrow Wilson, 1913.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." Woodrow Wilson. Post signing the FRB into existence.

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Good Talk! I watched Terrance Howard,....didn't really understand him, I just don't know enough about it. But it was interesting none the less. And it does go with what you said, that everything is Vibration.

But you know the Elohim Cult pushing their Climate Scam don't believe it. They just think people are too stupid to think it through. Speaking of climate,.....what are your thoughts now on the Grand Solar Minimum? Do you think we are in it now? Will the climate be cooling for the next 30 plus years as Dr. Valentina Zharkova has predicted? Her talk to the Global Warming Mongers in 2018 was pretty awesome,.....She has a bit of an Accent by my Mom was German, so I have no problem with it. Here, I'll post the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_yqIj38UmY

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As a meteorologist, I took up the hobby of studying the climate crisis in 1988. It took about 6 months to realize that their is no actual supporting science for the crisis, and that it was a scam. Since then, my hobby has been studying the climate crisis scam! That hobby was much more about human psychology and the nature of scams, than it was about atmospheric science.

We have been cooling since the Holocene Climate Optimum, about 6-8 thousand years ago. It is not a linear trend, but a jagged line with several identified cycles in global temperature. As the overall trend is getting cooler, their are short periods of minor warming in the down slope. The climate scam has been built on the modest warming of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), and an uptick in seismic activity along the mid-ocean ridges over the last 30 years. Both of these are temporary. We are moving into the cool phase of the AMO and the seismic activity is decreasing.

Whether or not we are entering a Grand Solar Minimum, global cooling is inevitable. That is why the alarmists are more hyperbolic than ever. They know that time is running out on their scam. They will not be able to fudge the data much more, and it will all collapse. That will further reveal the overall plan of the Elohim worship cult. They haven't much time left!

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