The wef only became a name in the 70s

They are called the British Pilgrim Society, which is sporn of the Babylonian Radhanites



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Thanks for posting the link. I keep jotting down links of interest on bits of envelopes and then loosing them in the rubbish...

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I actually download, store them on mass drives and then forget what and where they are. No doubt I have a fantastic library.

Need a librarian.

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Tried Evernote software?

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That's my habit too. True Confessions time I guess.

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Spawned+born=sporned 😎

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Also scornful and scornworthy: excellent

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For people who like to watch other people spoon.

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Clif, brilliant way to resolve the politically-correct pronoun problem; instead of "congressman" and "congresswoman", you call them "congress critters". That should really catch on, because it's so descriptive!

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Treasonous Rat Bastards is more fitting.

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Except your insulting the Critters and the RATS!

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You're right. Satanic pedophiles works better!

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Here's another one for you: (s)elected dunces and criminals.

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May the Woo be with you Clif and everyone who reads this, Always.🌟🙏🌟

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Thank you for sharing so much history and making it clearer and clearer.

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I don't have a credit card and I don't use credit. This comes with some unexpected advantages. When big bully companies like Bell or Rogers try to rip you off, you always have the option of not paying. Their standard recourse is to ding your credit rating, and it ends there. I expect they expect you to care. I don't borrow money, I don't care. Ding away, and thank you for playing.

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Me too! BTW, I love your comments! Keep up the great work! Cheers!

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That it is against the law to disagree with the story of the holocaust is all you need to know that it's a lie. An attempt to rewrite history that you have been indoctrinated to believe since birth.

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It's not against the law. Just immoral and ignorant. And OJ was innocent. Right.

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It's against the law, just recently in Canada and in some 20 other countries. The Khazars have taken possession of Canada.

Here is the Amazing Polly explaining how we have all been indoctrinated since birth. She's good: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yzqADjGwk1Qc/

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Against the Law in NZ, it's called hate speech and is punishable by 7k fine and 3 months in jail. Hate speech includes all except u can say what you want about the whites.

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"Amazing Polly"! LMAO! Way to sink your credibility. And btw, the locus of this substack is coastal Washington State and, nationally, the US. Of course it's of interest worldwide, but when we say it's not against the law, we're talking the UNITED STATES. And it is ignorant to think the Holocaust didn't happen. I most sincerely hope you enjoy the Holocaust-like karma that will surely befall you. Again--"Amazing Polly," self-referential lunatic.

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They have lied to us for a long long time Were you there ? Did you live it ? They erased our history I do not doubt any of this BS Look at twin towers Our country killed our own people! Wake up because that is just the beginning of truth

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Were you? I'm old enough to have known people who were in the camps and to see their numbered tattoos. I lived right across from the WTC. Felt the pier shake when the towers fell. Lost three friends and many neighbors. My first thought when the 2nd plane flew low over our heads was, "This is a terrible breach of national security." We who lived it knew it was perpetrated on us by Bush and Condosleeza et al., who "ignored memos about muslims crashing planes into buildings. You are a brainwashed child, Marxist indoctrinated not academically educated.

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Thank you for your open mind and kind words.

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I don't mollify lemmings and others with little to no discernment.

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You're an asshole, I understand. That was sarcasm.

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Dec 18, 2022
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It's no wonder the republic is collapsing.

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Yes it is in NZ as of a few days ago when a Hate Speech law was passed. Even if you say you do not believe there is a climate crisis you are guilty of spreading misinformation and hate speech.

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Climate change is also known as SEASONS. The crisises are the HAARP, DEWS, EMFS, CHEMTRAILS, GLYPHOSATE, 5G, ETC. which is destroying our forests, air, food, water, climate, soil, in short THE PLANET. It is being carried out by WEF, KM, CABAL, ILLUMINATI, ELITE, call it what you like but it is the few not the many.

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Dec 18, 2022
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It has been a law in Germany for years now. They can and do imprison people for this offence.

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Apparently there are loyalty oath laws at the state level. https://www.bitchute.com/video/uOPKG5zFu9Lc/

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Pray that the”old man” in Washington DC does indeed gets thrown out on his ass… along with the other bidenistas!

Such depth forthcoming from our Clif! Thnx man.

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Don't bank on it. Clif's track record with these predictions and forecasts is catastrophically poor.

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Kash, IMO is a watcher, infiltrated to spy, Flynn same thing. Reaching any Patriot cause they talk on their topic book etc. I don't watch Charlie. Are they just pitching a book or gathering?

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Kash often has a runny nose and seems full of snot! What's the craic?

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Gathering, monitoring, preventing...

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It's Brunson, not "Bronton"

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Thank you; he gets words wrong a lot; anyway, I don't see this on the SCOTUS docket either way.

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A friend of mine said the same thing

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Cliff I am slightly consoled that your so sure of the SOC. I have listened and watched you for years now. I refuse to be put to sleep waiting for a savior to pop up including Q. False hope is fatal. I would be

freaking out right now if I lived in NZ, Aus,

UK or Canada. We do have our own path here in usa but it could get messy quick.

To be ready for the worse and hope for the best seems like a choice to be shot in the head versus the heart. Its a dream state we live in now waiting for the next DS move. Really a nightmare!

Remembering the quote

Three wolves and a sheep arguing over whats for dinner

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I freaked out during the covid era, I live in NZ. I think I have done enough freaking out for a lifetime. Watching the ship sink which is me watching vaxed people getting sick again and again.

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And they are still lining up for their third, fourth, and tenth jab! It makes me sick to watch them die. What is wrong is the trust they put into their doctors who are behind it all too. They were placed just like professors in universities. They work for big pharma and not the patent.

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Many of them are put b/q a rock and a hard place as they have massive school debt and mortgages and families to support and will lose their jobs and licenses if they don't support the narrative.

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I know a few of them, and I also know many who said screw you to the narrative. Those that said screw you are doing well physically, and those who took the jab are always sick or dead. There is no excuse to take it. Look for another job is my advice. It is better than dying. It is common sense.

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For those who are onto the 5th or 6th jab, wear their masks everywhere and scream that people aren't afraid of covid enough and have a "duty" to society to do as they're told.

These people are the ones who will pay the ultimate price for their choices, these are the ones what Darwin was referring to when he had the theory of evolution in mind and find their remains in the fossil record.

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People in Canada are waking up...

Canada set to waste $1 billion worth of COVID-19 vaccines


More and more people are not buying into the covid fearporn any longer and those that do are called Karens and ignored.

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I thought the people there were forced to take the jab. I am glad this is not the case. Many countries are throwing away their doses and some are even going after Gates for murder. These scum bags will pay for their crimes, eventually.

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It is the case unfortunately.

Some people were required to take the jab in Canada to keep employed.

Trudeau mandated that all healthcare workers and federal gov't employees take it.

A small but significant percentage refused and were fired for it.

The reason for the waste in shots is that Trudeau made deals to buy 400 million doses for a country with 38 million people.!

Enough for 11 shots for every man, woman and child in Canada.

He set about trying to force everyone to get it, including forbidding the unvaxxed and those not up to date to be able to fly or even take a train anywhere, also this locked off the international border so that you couldn't leave the country.

He was so adamant about everyone getting the shots that he even had his Health Minister talk about the possibility of boosters every 4 months for life!

This is the level of evil in this man and his government.

When the trucker convoy launched and their main purpose was easing vax travel restrictions at the border for truckers(who are 90% vaxxed) Trudeau panicked and set about to demonize the protestors including anyone who supported and donated to the protest.

He had his thugs violently break it up and he had the bank accounts of donors(including me) frozen for a short period of time.

This was to send the message that nobody is allowed to defy his mandates and decrees.

The only reason why the bank freezes only lasted a day was that foreign investors saw what was going on and started dumping Canadian dollar bank accounts, this caused a bank run and the 5 major banks had to go offline for 5-6 hours in the middle of a business day to stop the hemorrhaging.

But after Omicron came and went a lot of people figured out the shots didn't do anything and that Big Pharma and the gov't lied about it.

The uptake of the boosters fell off a cliff and hasn't recovered, even though Trudeau is still pushing for everyone to get the boosters.

Nobody is listening to him about covid any longer.

My own "intuition" is that we will see Justin Trudeau on trial in the Nuremberg 2.0 tribunals, he will be found guilty and executed. This isn't wishful thinking it's based on my observations about how he's behaving and he knows what's coming, he's been very, very nervous ever since the convoy came to Ottawa.

His MSM propaganda outlets haven't had any success in convincing many Canadians that Trudeau did the right thing and a large number of Canadians know he's a corrupt and incompetent member of the WEF.

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He is the son of Castro too, right? He is pure evil, and I agree he will pay along with other so called leaders. Canadians are great people, and I pray for your country everyday. I am so happy people are finally waking up, but we still have the normies here trusting this evil and fake science. I blame the local doctors for this mess. The storm is here and will get worse before it gets better. Hold the line and resist! Stay focused and remain positive through it all.

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Yes there is a lot of evidence he's Castro's son(no joke).

He's an evil bastard despite his buffoonery, rumors are the people who are propping JT up arranged an "accident" where his older brother Michel was killed in an avalanche in 1998.


to make room for JT's entry into politics. Apparently the older brother didn't want anything to do with the WEF and the KM and wasn't interested in politics. Had he lived he would've been more favored by the public than JT.

Second rumor is that his people arranged the murders of a billionaire couple, the Shermans, who owned Apotex, a Big Pharma company which happens to manufacture HCQ (Hydroxycholorquine), two years before the C-19 pandemic broke out.

Also they were last seen leaving a fundraiser for Trudeau before their murder which is still unsolved and the RCMP have basically cold cased the investigation.


Coincidentally, all the evidence has been destroyed, their home was demolished at the family's "insistence".


Then there are questions surrounding JT's departure from a private school under a cloud.


I hope Canada can survive this because there are indications of a much more deadlier plan being put in place.


"The most ominous thing on the horizon is the bill to ban all long rifles including hunting rifles, as well as the expansion of legal euthanasia in Canada.

Euthanasia Is Now A Leading Cause Of Death In Canada, And Ethicists Are Freaking Out


I my hunch is that the WEF plan to reenact the Nazi's T4 program from 1939 Germany in Canada.


The Ontario Collage of Physicians are now setting up the ground work for declaring anyone refusing the vax as mentally ill, which feeds into the T4 program.

Treat vaccine hesitancy with drugs and psychotherapy: Ontario College of Physicians


My personal belief is that things aren't going to get that far, Canadians have had it with these "plans" and more and more people are waking up to the insanity around them.

If the WEF puppets in government try more lockdowns and mandates and increase their use of "voluntary" euthanasia, the next convoy to Ottawa won't be truckers carrying bouncy castles and hottubs..."

Trudeau has his marching orders from the WEF, those leaders that refuse to go along with the WEF end up like this.


So even if JT is a clown the people behind him are very, very dangerous and their cult means to carry out their depopulation program and cull 7.5 billion "useless eaters" from the planet.

The good news is their schemes are being exposed and more people are resisting the bad news is what happens when you corner a predator? I fully expect the KM/Cabal to launch mass murder attacks to sow as much chaos as possible to regain control.

Clif has only briefly touched on their psychology but this is a death cult we are dealing with, they truly and sincerely worship Baal/Satan, they loathe and hate God with every fiber of their being.

In this war no quarter will be asked and none will be given...

Despite the pleas of some New Age believers who think there should not be any kind of capital punishment for their crimes and that these creeps will be "magically" taken to another world to continue their life "journey".

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I agree; I remain cautiously optimistic.

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SOC is just another name for "cue". A dumb and extremely obvious psyop to keep the masses docile and dependent on a saviour.

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From Clif's lips to God's ear!

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LOL.....yes.............Someone is listening for sure! God? Yes. And we the people!

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So enjoy your chats with us! Yes, I've been following the Brunson v Adam's case. Understand the Supreme Court can bump up the hearing review date anytime between now & January 6th. Really hope they do bump it sooner (in December), so we can hopefully hear about the Exodus parade!! Thanks for all you give Clif. You're greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas! ❤❤❤

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If they do anything, it’ll be on the 23rd of Dec bc 23 is the mirror to 32, which is a HUGE, significant number to the Khazars and in Gematria

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If you re-examine Flynn's speech when he was "released" he asked to recite "The Lord's Prayer" he messed it up at the end and said "...with Liberty and Justice for all." That's when I knew he, too, was in on the Lie.

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Time will tell but we all are capable of making mistake when performing routine/rote actions...one misstep does not define one...

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Hell, I can mess up the Lord's Prayer reading it off my Screen Saver splash screen.

Give the old retired general a break. Senility happens.

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Maybe so. It seemed a little odd if he was sincere. 🤷‍♂️

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The Brunsons case reminds me of some old-style Hollywood movies such as 'Seven brides for seven brothers'...

The Brunsons are seven brothers, musicians, all trumpeters.

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Four brothers were trumpeters. Three filed three different cases in different courts on a pro-see basis to enhance their chances of making it to the Supreme Court. One, thankfully did!

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Walls of Jericho comes to mind...here is a Rumble video highlighting the trumpeteers/filers of the suit that SCOTUS took up...exactly what we all needed to hear right about now


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Thanks for the link; I couldn't find this case on the docket

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It is Loy Brunson pro se who has filed the lawsuit to the SCOTUS...fyi

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Brunson vs alma s Adams et al

Case #22-380

Write letter to Supreme Court requesting urgent review. 1st St., Northeast, Washington DC 20543

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Brother Randaal (sp) did as well, I think it's his they're hearing.

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Kash is on the SOC side. Ward is involved in human trafficking' from what I understand. Keep your enemies closer!

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