In a world of confusion, these little pep talks help us see more clearer out here. Thank you for your time Clif, and all of us wish your wife full recuperation and the return of her entire health….

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"Shut off My Mind" that's what I've been trying to do

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Don't "try." Do this: watch your thoughts.

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Yep, you've nailed it. That's where it starts. From that observation of 'thoughts' you 'may' discriminate or make a choice - that is, 'do this, do that, do nothing'.

If correct or right action is chosen (and we all intuitively know what it right & wrong) that creates, automatically, future circumstances in which we may, once again, make choices.

So, in its simplest terms:

1. Our past action (thought, word, deed) creates our present situation ( unavoidable; get over it).

2. Action in the present moment creates our future circumstances. That's why you need to a) watch your thoughts, as bigfoot said and b) discriminate (hey, just do the right thing!) Action always follows thought. Thoughts can be dynamite...easy to blow yourself up...

The concept is simple, the application not so simple. Why? Well try this: think of something, anything. An apple, a fond memory, whatever. Determine to hold that thought for, say, 3 minutes. See how you go. The mind is willful & not easily brought under control (bit like my ex but I won't go down that rabbit hole. :) )

Essentially - There are no accidents in the Universe.

Maybe Clif is getting around to explaining that.

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LOL! I just started trying to meditate,...and my brain has Tourette's Syndrome! It's always sneaking off to something else!

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Perfect, once recognized then let it go. Imagine this, someone asked you a question and you don't know the answer. then what do you do or not do?

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The past also can be re-perceived as it's just a story when it comes down to it

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Well that's deep.. .any more? links?

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There is no try. Thoughts are things and words are power.

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Yep. Thought precedes action, always. Change/subdue/ignore the thought - and totally change the consequences.

Words are/can be like bullets, powerful as you say. Think (I think) back to words/bullets I've shot...and those bullets shot at me. Lasting effects. Dissolved only? by karma/consequences. Is there another way?

Yes, words are Powerful, yet we know not what we do. The damage we cause - and is done to us.

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Spark a bowl, Bro!

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clif, I just need to say thank you.

Thank you for generously sharing SO much information, time and energy with all of us.

It'd be such a huge honor to be oart of your pack, (like canines) and I'm grateful our paths have crossed!

My being is better and richer for having heard you.

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They stole the bioelectric fields. They removed the aether and they separated us from the gnosis. They lied about what dreams are, once we connect all these dots, this shit show simulation is over.

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I have a pair of Dicyanin dye glasses (glasses that can allow you to view auras). Went to pick my son up from the airport and had these glasses on and what I saw was indeed scary. I looked at approx. 50 people and all but 1 of them did NOT have an aura or the aura was so diminished that it was almost non existent. My thoughts are that it is due to people who rolled up their sleeves. Before a few years ago when I looked at peoples auras they were very large around the body. Something has changed. More people took it then you could imagine. Sad really.

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So with the glasses the wearer can see the demons and the demons can see the wearer. But, then... if we dont wear the glasses the demons dont see us, right? Right?

Asking for a frend.

Took him 40 years to get over walking in the dark.

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Ya'll read the fine print!


At ebay, search for: 7/10 Pink-Red cyanin dye Goggles Nightmare Vision Demon-Sight WW2


The lenses on this pair have started to turn pink, which is pretty cool. The effects are still quite present.

This is an original set of vintage red-pink cyanin dye goggles from the world war 2 era. True to the internet legend these have a knob on the front which can switch them between the red and yellow tint. True to the legend these were issued for a very short time to WW2 gunmen but not the pilots and quickly abandoned shortly thereafter. True to the legend they were originally designed to prevent incendiary rounds from ruining the gunman's natural night vision.

THIS SET: Rated 7/10 on the effects.

Comes with Certificate of Value.

Includes copy of aged 10 page manual for experiencing other realities. This knowledge alone is worth the price, please do not share with others. Not recommended for beginners, but the guide will keep you safe if followed properly. Use at your own risk.

Pairs of these goggles in this condition are usually sold for twice as much. Please consider this auction a bargain, except for the possible effects of the googles that may haunt you for life.

Experiencer 3:

March, 2024. It is working. I was having trouble falling asleep last night, and in between the sleep and wake states I was remembering the tests I conducted with the goggles. The memories that came up suddenly had me surrounded by demon like entities. It was interesting as well that I did not feel like I was in the memory, like someone else had had the memory. This is likely due to my own mental state and practices. Had I felt like I was there, it would have been ten times more terrifying. Slightly later my thoughts recreated another moment with what can only be described as a deathclaw looming over me. I wondered about the effects of lighting in the memory, so in this lucid state, I used my mind to make the light white in the memory instead of yellowish-red, and the creature was no longer visible. Once you use these goggles to unlock this sight, I think it can be used in other memories as well to bring forth what cannot be seen, and to learn to use white light to remove these beings from your memory. I am very excited about this potential for changing memories and thoughts using light. I think there really is something to it.

I have to note as well that my memories were all of wearing the goggles in a controlled, comfortable setting. I have no doubt that having these experiences and memories based on somewhere less safe and more unfamiliar (such as a cemetery) would make these experiences more intense. This really isn't for someone who hasn't already had some introduction and practice with altered states of reality. Years of meditation and mind practice have allowed me to experiment without losing my senses. This has also allowed me to focus and concentrate, so that I have been in control of my memories and experiences, whereas new practitioners are likely to get lost if they can even connect to these realities in the first place.

Keep in mind that these are a gateway, which is why in conjunction with the other documented practices they can be quite strong and influence your reality. They are not something any laymen can put on and expect to have experiences with. These are very serious and are a great item to add to your collection if you are an experienced explorer of mind and memory. With practice of the techniques, just as I have found with my memories, the explorer will grow out of them and no longer need the physical item in order to achieve the same effects in mind and memory. Again, this will not be the case for the average person who would likely discard them and not seek to experience this in the first place.

Recommended reading: "Agora: At the Left Hand of God" Robert Svoboda.

I also recommend reading up on and using vibhuti powder to make yourself invisible to negative beings (protection).

Experiencer 2:

True to the legend they had the unintended side effect of working like quinoline dye of cyanin type goggles. These red goggles use a series of dye based polarized lenses that were manufactured by the Polaroid company they may very well indeed contain quinoline dye of cyanin type. A dye. True to the legend the unusual effects are much more pronounced with the red visor flipped down and the polarizer flipped to the yellow tint.

When testing these during the day I was unable to see any demons or spirit beings but they do seem to have a cumulative effect showing auras even superior to the purple quinoline dye of cyanin type goggles. I can tell you first hand that the color is more than a little unsettling and that they do seem to induce vertigo and confusion. It's entirely possible and I would say very likely that prolonged use especially if you were sleep deprived in a highly stressful environment you may indeed begin to see things. Update: They are definitely more than a little weird attempting to use them at night especially with both lenses set to red everything is black but every point of light in the background looks like blood splatters across your field of vision they made me disgusted and nauseous very quickly. ..... They're positively awful. Update #2: Self analysis after the fact. These seem to combine sensory deprivation with activating the instinct which detects the glowing eyes of predators. Since the placement is entirely unnatural your brain registers the memory and fills in the blanks with the strong feeling of being surrounded by unnatural predators and LOTS of them. [You may not see demons but you remember seeing them, which is worse in my opinion.] These definitely have the potential to quickly induce intense paranoia and confusion. I expect that they could easily induce intense psychosis with long lasting after effects. ..... They are as cursed as any real object can be. I find it very difficult to believe that they could have been made by accident. They feel like some kind of MK ultra psychological warfare black project.

Experiencer 1 wrote the 7 page document/guide that is included. This is some serious stuff!

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This may help you https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/prof-david-hughes-and-sabrina-wallace We have been taken over my friend. I am working with someone to find a way out other than talking about it.

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Those that Clif calls the Elohim worship cult, who desire to be like Gods, are getting ever closer to accessing/using mankind as bio-electric batteries. They will Not be like God, they will be like Their Gods, ... Aliens. When he mentioned Elohim using humans as bio-electric batteries, .... I thought of WBAN.

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Have you ever seen the movie, The Matrix?

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I think I saw the first two, but have not followed along with the series.

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Can you explain

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There are only three, but the third is woke so you missed nothing.

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The situation/simulation is what you make of it. Today I saw cypress trees. One is growing (or perhaps, was growing if nobody is there to observe it at the moment) right in the middle of the creek. The creek dumps into a river right around the bend. Since it's been so dry, you could walk across that creek if you chose the right spot to cross. I was neither dressed for that nor did I have any reason to go to the other side. Other than the birds chirping, it was just me and the creek. I recommend the experience.

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This is the answer you have been looking for my friend. https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/prof-david-hughes-and-sabrina-wallace

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Thank you Clif for staying with us! I was so excited to see you still sharing your knowledge and experiences with us!

You truly make a difference.

Sending good thoughts and positive energy to you and your wife always

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It makes my day when you post videos. Thank you.

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Wow todaÿ is 8-19 and you started at 8-19 😊 müch love Cliff, thanks!☺️

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I started with dutchsinse at 4:26 am, I was 6mins Late!

Don't call me late for dinner or Breakfast. 4:20

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Hello Woo Crew! We are all ready for a new adventure in “Consciousness”! I’m painting a new series of Woo Journeys! Love you all!

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Painting, painting, painting...

Are you familiar with the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes? Even being decades old?...

WingMakers Paintings


It's a bit like Wonderland to navigate even.

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Best discovery of my life, all wingmakers materials, the application of the 6heartvirtue grid broadcasting into our in intentions through our spirit breath, integrated in Source no time no space, in the I am we are oneness equality sovereign integral expanded behavioral perceptions. Much love to you.🥰

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I spent lot of time reading their materials years ago. I couldn't grok it or trust it - people from the future, the leader (of the world), the weird paintings, etc., even that its a elaborate psyop / con by the agencies...

Can someone explain what its about.

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We spent LOTS of time on gathering spot.net on that back in the day...

How there are TWO websites, but wingmakers.com doesn't own the material on wingmakers.us which Fred Burke archived and saved old site.

And then they made up a chamber 24 with new paintings and poetry which didn't match the other 23 chambers. Fred tried contacting them and having a discussion, but they dodged him. Shady!

So, I actually don't trust much or most of the newer site, their products...

But the original is legit. And a big stew of different stuff. Comes down to the ART helping shift consciousness. Wish I had access to the place. If it exists. We tried figuring out where it would be as we toured the southwest

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Hi Cliff and thanks for posting :)

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Thanks, as always, Clif. Few things give me the same charge of excitement as "Ooh, a new Clif drop!" Good times.

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Huge inside fighting taking place at DNC convention

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I don't really care what they do, but that is so funny. Thanks.

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I saw a bit of reporting on the risk of extreme shenanigans in Chicago during the DNC and thought the same thing. Let them all eat cake, ... or each others brains, don't really care, but if it goes down that way, it should provide hilarity after the fact.

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Jimmy Dore did a video on it. They basically walled off a huge part of the high rent district in Chicago. Security up the wazoo.

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Rocket surgeons. So now they can rip one another to shreds Inside the walls. Hahah. Thinking the danger will come from without may leave them quite stunned as well as less able to escape, the danger within.

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"Let them all eat cake, ... or each others brains"

Eat $#it?

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Perhaps in November they will be more inclined?

Or maybe Others will just be more inclined to tell them to do so, as they whine?

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May the woo lift them up and blow them to a more crystalline life 🤣

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I’m a first time listener……WOW, I’m blown away, Many thanks!

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Woo welcomes you

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The Universe guides & Provides

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Topics may change, but one thing remains more constant, .... the mind-bending.

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Thank you, always, Cliff. Praying for your wife and your good health. I can’t imagine my life without your posts. You just have no idea how much you help.

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I would limit my intake of bread products to once a week and then almost burnt toast for a burger or steak sandwich. Carbon from the burnt toast is good for absorbing toxins

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Keto/Carnvior Ken here. I only eat a Small amount of carbs.

Organic Crushed Wheat Sourdough Bread, Frozen and then Toasted.

Organic Sprouted Rolled Oats, Kept Frozen and Soaked prior to Heating

One Degree organic Foods

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I think whole wheat was a non water soluble fiber like popcorn hulls so I avoid non threshed grains if I have a once in a while wheat or other grain snack

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Problem for me is, char carbon gives me ultra wicked heartburn.

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I used to get heartburn before I went total carnivore. After 4 years now my leaky gut is healed so I can cheat once a month with a very very brown muffin with my eggs and breakfast meat , sausage,bacon or ham.

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Geeze I can taste that just by suggestion !

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I'm just blown away by the amount of knowledge in this man's head. Clif has got to be a prolific reader and he has a memory like a steel-trap. I'm not the sharpest pencil in the drawer, but Clif explains things in a easy to understand way. Thanks, Clif.

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Thank you Clif! Love these!

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As always Clif, thank you for today’s lesson! Such an exciting time to be alive.

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