Thank you for mentioning Tartaria. It looks like it’s starting to bubble up!

“At school we are taught that before the advent of Christianity we were all almost wild people. However, many facts contradict these fictions. For example, in the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771, the land of our ancestors is described as the largest and most developed state called the Great Tartarus. There are many documents and maps that support this. Some of them are in the Russian Geographical Society. These and other artifacts, such as the Chandar plate, testify to us that the level of development of the civilization of our ancestors was incomparably higher than what we learn, as official history tries to convince us. This level is even higher than the current level of development of our civilization.


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Watch Archaix on YouTube. Answers more questions u can't even think of. A totally different way to see our "world"

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Jason has some good shit on his channel!

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I bet the WEFers promote single motherhood and mothers employed in the marketplace because a single mother and a mother working full-time cannot home school her child or children.

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There is no doubt!

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Also why they promoted careers for women. Used to be able to support a family on one income. Getting women into the workforce cut incomes so now women have to work and no one can stay home with the children.

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nope the very tribe of Dan (son of Jacob renamed Israel so Hebrew but not Jew judahee from Judah) can be seen throughout Europe where you see the DN in words from Danube River to Denmark to London ... clif, i love you brother and you are spot on about the evil Kazarians but the tribes of Israel went through Troy out of Egypt before the Moses exodus 100 years later ... then that group that went into Palestine around 1400 B. C. and broke into two kingdoms ... the northern house and the southern house which became the Judah judahee and first called Jews by their northern kingdom brothers .. they were taken into captivity around 700 B. C. and as the Assyrian Empire weakened they headed up through the Caucuses Mountains and that's when and where Celtic history begins ... they were already pagan by then so not worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob but the ruddy skinned Celts are the lost tribes (the northern kingdom) of Israel (Jacob) ... it's right there in the Bible, clif, and could not have been written by a conspirator over 1,000 years time by people who didn't know each other ... Daniel prophesied things in 450 B.C. that can be proved were written in that era that came true hundreds of years later ... no way that's from aliens .. anyway I'll always be in your debt, clif, but you are going to be unpleasantly surprised someday that Elohim is the Universe you are talking about.

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That’s right. We’re peering into God’s Firmament. It will be nice when Webster’s dictionary redefines the word universe. 😉

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Tartaria may be a mandela effect. There was a time when there was ZERO information on this subject and then it suddenly became a thing with all sorts of 'evidence' popping up. Not that it matters now it IS a thing.

Regarding the gender confusion, pornography is a root driving force. If you imagine a scale with poles of Self Love and Self Loathing, sexual programming is utilised to drive regular viewers into further and further self degradation, degeneracy and deviant behaviour which ends up in baphomet transgender issues and slavery of various kinds. Child abuse of various sorts often has the psychological effect on the victim, consciously or unconsciously, of blaming themselves which leads into blaming God, hating God, anti-social, sociopathic, psychopathic, addictive and nihilist viewpoints. They become fodder for evil.

This is roughly what has happened to many of these people. They are devoid of love for self or love for creation. As the collective consciousness becomes more and more polluted by such minds the world goes to hell in a handbasket.

The answer is unconditional love, and I will explain what that means by way of a methodology. Imagine something you have loved such as a pet and let the love you felt amplify in your heart. When you are really feeling it, forget all connection to the original thought, in this case, the pet, and just hold the feeling with no associations. Try sending it out in waves across the landscape. A question such as 'how can I possibly love these people' has NOTHING to do with it.

I have attempted to explain some things that deserve a much longer treatise in a short concise form so don't jump down my throat if you don't understand this straight away, and be aware there are many further associations to be made from this basic information, eg. as a society we have mostly ALL been abused.

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So interesting… thank you Clif!

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Clif you always amaze me. Thank you for being here for all of us.

My thoughts:

Was Tartaria the Millennial Kingdom? Has the 2nd Coming of Christ already occurred? I like to think all of the beautiful Tartaria structures quite possibly could have been built in celebration after the 2nd Coming of Christ was underway. One reason I feel this way is they were taught by Christ how our planet truly functions and learned to harvest ionospheric electromagnetic energy by our Lord and Savior. These structures are so incredibly difficult and time consuming to build even by today’s standards. They’re so magnificent.

I firmly believe we are in Revelations 20, when Lucifer must be loosed for a short season after the 1000 years.

Lastly, if you’ll consider this, are we those souls that died before Christ that must be given a chance to accept Jesus as their savior? I think possibly this is why some say they lived a past life. Idk.

Any thoughts? Thanks Clif! 😉

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From my readings, there will be no "return" of Christ. The return can be characterized as the vast majority of humans becoming "Christ" like, hence a return, and a casting out of demons that plague the will impulses of modern humans. Its up to the individual, become Christ like through his own efforts to improve himself. No one can do this work for you.

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I agree Christ/Jesus is just another mind fuck!

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Sure as hell doesn’t make you right.

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I may not be right but I'm never wrong...

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We’re all legends in our own minds.

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You got that right!

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I don’t have words to tell you how incredibly moronic your reply is. In no way does your incoherent babble hold any merit. Those that will read this and have read this are dummer for it. I award you no points and may God gave mercy on your soul.

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I always enjoy ad-hominem attacks. They make the attacker sound very credible. lol

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'dummer'.....not a word. Either 'dumb', or 'more dumb'.

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christ on a cracker

Dumber, single salable words gain an -er not a more.

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Your picture. Luciferian worship much?

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Sweetie.....crawl back under your rock. You have zero REAL WORLD experience. Those who are ignorant, really shouldn't comment. Those who do not KNOW anything, have NOTHING to say, as you have proven. The \m/ = HEAVY METAL! \m/ METAL!! \m/

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Slang usage quote from a movie. But since you say it’s not a word. Check this out.


Cities within 38 miles of Dummer

38 miles: Sweden, ME

38 miles: East Lyndon, VT

38 miles: Franconia, NH

38 miles: East Waterford, ME

37 miles: Idlewilde, NH

37 miles: Weld Corner, ME

37 miles: Nobles Corner, ME

37 miles: Kearsarge, NH

37 miles: Intervale, NH

37 miles: Intervale, ME

37 miles: Trap Corner, ME

37 miles: Bartlett, NH

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You're using the NAME of a TOWN/CITY?? Good GAWD, sweetie......you might need to double up on your meds!! The Dumbing down of America was a great success!

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Goodbye useless person

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WTH were you reading, Mad Magazine?

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If we are only focused on the material "evolution" or chronology we may miss the point of such progress/regress or movements amongst men, thoughts that stimulate and drive humanity.

From my perspective as a "Hare Krishna" practitioner, such theistic movement of development and regression - ebb and flow is foundational. The "current" of divine love and teachings has culminated in the Holy Advent of the Avatar of our current Age - Kali (quarrel and hypocrisy) 535 years back of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. God and Goddess churning "Love of God" - the 5th goal of human life and ultimately purpose of human life - prema.

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Thank you. Clif

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Very exciting message.

Looking forward to history's future history.

Thank you clif.


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5 Clif contacts in one week! Love your teachings. Thank you Sir.

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Clif, where can I find the information on our true history that the Russians are starting to release?

Thank you 🙏

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The Serapeum website is amazing:


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Right at the end there Cliff you blew it it’s not about being human it is about what is created in the image of God which is spirit spiritual I’m not kidding you’re so close Cliff and yet so far

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Clif, where can we read about Mrs. Yahweh? Can you provide a list of books to read?

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Love listening to Clif! What are your thoughts on suspicious observers on YouTube and the coming cataclysmic events he predicts 2030’s to 2040’s? Thank you 🙏

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Clif.. I appreciate and value the info you provide but you have mislabeled how Tore explained Q, Quantum computing, and the predictive analytics. We need to unite against this evil. Just wanted you to know.

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I learn something every time. Thanks. As much as I studied, there is so much more to learn. "Pre-history" fascinates me. How many times has civilization risen and fallen? The only thing that survives is stone. And just about the time we get the knowledge, ability, testing mechanisms and accumulation of facts, civilization crashes, and we're back where we started. It takes only 3 generations to go from "civilized" to living in a cave. It takes 10,000 yrs. to climb back. Minus any alien influence. Or maybe because of it! Hell, the anomalies are numerous enough, can we really say humans did it all on their own? Well, first we have to get rid of the mother WEFers. I wonder if the human race will ever grow up!

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