In 1974 I took a course Creative Consciousness. The instructor said 2 things to get from the class: (1) "Get rid of the negatives in your speech. That's the way you discover the honesty in yourself & what you can/cannot do about it." (2) "When you become responsible for yourself, you become your own authority figure".

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Thank you for sharing!

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So someone called Kerry Cassidy is in the line of fire for Clif's vitriol this time... Arguably, a lot of negativity in this podcast, which might be put down to bio chemistry? I hope there was a healthy dose of magnesium among the supplements Clif was shovelling down during the journey... it's said to be calming, and helps soothe anxiety/anger! 🤓 Ashwagandha also is calming...😅

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she deserves it - the most obnoxious interviewer bar none.

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I totally agree,she just likes to argue,she constantly butt's in and belittles her guests if they don't agree with her views when they are often much more informed than she is EG..Jay Weidner,then she gets the wool pulled over her eyes by sharlatans like the Solomon Sasquatch guy.she also thinks she knows it all because she has dreams/visions.i used to like her,her early guerilla interviewing style was innovative but now she just grinds my gears.

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It’s very simple to me. Carry Cassidy is an asshole. kind of a female authoritarian version. Too controlling.

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Jan 23, 2024Edited
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Very true!😊

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Jan 21, 2024
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Hi fyi as a rule I never follow anyone, so anyone calling themselves instructors or masters , I tend to shy away. My question would always be

Unless you are god/creator of all what could you possibly instruct me from your short period of life. I have to learn for myself, find my way. I can learn/study knowledge but it’s up to me to understand and interpret so I can continue on my path. Sorry but that’s my take. Doesn’t mean your instructor is wrong for you but I just don’t follow /recognize authorities.

I totally agree with you on point 2 but point 1 I have a problem. There is a certain satisfaction I get when I swear with nasty words. Words were created to convey messages. Words cannot be positive or negative , it’s an expression of thought.

Just my thoughts. Have a good day.

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Vulgarity does communicate.

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Our Monetary system : a Documentary The Secret of OZ:


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BE AWARE.. There are other top level inside traitors besides the WEF-ers, George Soros, and Democrats.. I am speaking about the RHODES SCHOLARS and the Rhodes Scholars Programs in America that are feeding a lot of WOMEN Rhodes Scholars returning from their training in England to be British Crown placemats for the occupation high level positions as Politicians, news Media whores, and tons of administrative positions in the Media, publishing, activism, Music, and any influencer type positions. If you ever read Gary Allen's MUST read primer of the New World Order, "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" then get a copy now, or read it at the Internet Archive. Cecil Rhodes was the architect of British Power and that feeder to the NWO. Rhodes gained control of the South African Gold mines and then the Diamonds as well using the Boer Wars to control it all. His Trust was set up to fund Englands forever rule of the world as we know it by taking local yokels around the Empire, bringing them to England and training them to look like patriots while actually running the British colonies for the Crown's benefit only. Old time Military occupation was too obvious, it creates revolutions and then people like Ghandi. So their new strategy was to train local rats in England away from any scrutiny to sell out their own peoples while seeming to be loyal. The Rhodes mineral wealth is where much of the wealth of England came from and then combined with the Rothschilds' banker schemes kept the British juggernaut rolling. Gary Allen also showed that the Jesuits were in on all of his as well. Like John Coleman showed he Crown and the Vatican, and later Israel (America is captured and run by Israel) all collaborated to create the UN and then WEF and you have the whole corrupt grouping. I posted some of the Rhodes societies to my Facebook pages several years ago. here are some well known Rhodes shills: Kris Kristofferson, Rachel Maddow, Pete Buttigieg, Edwin Hubble, Dean Rusk, Lord Howard Florey, James William Fulbright, Bill Bradley/, Bill Clinton, Strobe Talbott, George Stephanopoulos, Terrence Malik, Naomi Wolf, Cory A. Booker, Randal Pinkett, Ronan Farrow, Bobby Jindal, Susan Rice, NFL Myron Rolle, David Souter, Bonnie St. John, Heather Wilson, Gen. Wesley Clark, Russ Feingold, Nick Kristof. I n addition to these shills, there are the newer classes who yearly come back from England and occupy important positions by the thousands and no one knows about this or tracks them. they may not have achieved fame, but are the termites working to undermine our Republic 24/7 every day of the year. Here are a couple of links 2018, 32 new Rhodes shills: https://www.businessinsider.com/rhodes-scholars-list-bios-2018-11?op=1#eren-orbey-computer-science-and-english-languageliterature-senior-at-yale-university-1

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Here is the OLD Noam Chomsky before he flipped.


And this quote of his.

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”

That is a limited hangout.

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Poor Noam...sad, sad Noam...

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When would you say OLD Noam flipped? Asking for a friend...

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I noticed it in 2020, but it was probably long before then. Actually he may have just revealed his true self, and didn't really flip?

They are all coming out of their closets now, aren't they?

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No question that 2020 was the year he flipped over CoVid-19, as did so many others. But for folks who have followed him for 60 years, he flipped on the Kennedy Assassination so far back I can't even remember the exact year, but possibly even in the 60s. It's interesting and shows why you must question everything, because he has actually done some good work since then, but you would never know it if you just completely gave up on him way back when...

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Yes indeed. 2020 was the year many people revealed themselves over the shots, masks and lock downs, that he was one of. I never really followed him any more than anyone else like him, especially not 60 years ago.

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To be fair to him, this CoVid-19 thing really scared the shit out of a lot of, especially, older people, even those who were normally pretty calm about the horrors of 20th and 21st century life. You make mistakes when you panic. Which is exactly what the perps wanted. I'm not quite 80, so I wasn't quite as scared as that poor 95 year old geezer. ;-) Also to be fair, I didn't really follow him too closely, it was more a matter of following the JFK Assassination...and seeing his response go from Conspiracy to Not Conspiracy.

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He has this thing about syllables and expectation. I wonder if his research is being used in state-mandated harrassment.

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Check out AIM4Truth.org as they are experts on the above, also about the Pilgrims society, and the Senior Executive Service which loves dual passports.

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The 2019 Class can be found here, half them are first progeny generation from immigrants.. https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/25/us/rhodes-scholars-us-2020-trnd/index.html

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Here is an overall list by College going back to 1904 when it started... Princeton, Harvard and Yale were/are the most prolific followed by Presbyterian College, and Stanford. Don't trust Presbyterians... https://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/media/44935/2020-rs_number-of-winners-by-institution.pdf

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The Scottish Rite is a Presbyterian Secret Society. Presbyterianism was the state religion of Switzerland until the 1990s. The Swiss Presbyterian Army is responsible for at least two atrocities, the 1648 sack of Poland (Roman Catholics), and the witch burnings of Switzerland in the 17th century. The Presbyterians run on a system of seniority which incentivizes practitioners to prolong their lives unnaturally. The Satanic Church does the same thing. There were Templars in Scotland and in Switzerland. There are many cultural parallels between Scotland and Switzerland. Presbyterianism is one, usury is another.

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The story is that the Templars portaged King David's treasure from Jerusalem to Edinburgh and then loaded it up and sailed it to Switzerland where it became the source of wealth for the Swiss Banks.

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The US private Corporation, is not your government, merely a contractor out soliciting your signature to give THEM your Power-of-Attorney to REPRESENT you & not your American Government. Few give us a simple way out of this MESS! The fastest would be for everyone to take off their auto license plates which are 1 Mark-of-the-BEAST! That would be the fastest way to change the World! But is that going to happen? Too many people are fearful of the Change! title: The War of 1812 -You Can't Handle* the Truth https://www.bitchute.com/video/5uuIxL4ytS87/

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Check this out.


And this too.


This is how the corps will steal everything from all of us, and we will own nothing, and NOT be happy.

Then there is the border invasion going on, which is another disaster.

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I know, it's like these elite are setting up the "Perfect Storm" for their Finale. WW3 (really them attacking their arch enemy Russia). They never forgave Russia for chasing their sorry child sacrificing asses all across Russia and killing most of them. They have been trying to take out Russia for 1000's of years.

Then you've got that new Disease x that they plan of releasing,....who knows which of the 64 bugs they are working on will be chosen, but they already have testing sites and vax centers and testing stuff all ready to go,...just like last time. The mRNA shots were manufactured in 2016! They're always getting ready to destroy and kill someone.

Then you've got the Great Depression they are are planning next,....and Famines and lack of Energy.....if they get away with doing all of this, we'll be done!

I sure hope the SOC is back there some where working on saving our butts from these Megalomaniac! We can get ready, we can fight, but we need some BIG GUNS on our side too!

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Thank you sister so much truth in your post. They did try and take Russia out. The Kazarian mafia was behind behind the Bolshevik revolution. The Kazarian mafia spawned the RothChilds they and the Elohim . Vlad Putin is cleaning up the mess in Ukraine. God bless the Ukrainian people but it’s necessary. The Nazis the Kazarian mafia you know they originally went in to Ukraine in the 1200s to do this. Russia invaded Ukraine. Because of the strife that they were causing on Russian travelers going through the Ukraine humla humla i’m starting to babble. I’m tired. We would be fucked without social media. God bless all we’re winning that’s what’s fun truth is winning.

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I don't know of anyone coming to save us so we need to save ourselves.

Regarding the plandemics, here are some good places for some context and background.



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Thank you all for commenting. Good points.

My next video was posted today: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0D5mosrdok80

Another one tomorrow that is a different approach; or the day after? title: 'Don't watch this video, it'll scare your _____ out'

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2079 Bible results for “Elohim” from Names of God Bible.

_904 Bible results for “Elohim” from Orthodox Jewish Bible.

_285 Bible results for “Elohim” from Complete Jewish Bible.

_260 Bible results for “Elohim” from Tree of Life Version.

__39 Bible results for “Elohim” from Darby Translation.

___1 Bible results for “Elohim” from The Voice.

____ Bible results for “Elohim” from New International Version

____ Bible results for “Elohim” from King James Version

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Mauro Biglino Official Channel is gold on this subject

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Jan 20, 2024
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thanks for all the scripture post re: elohim!

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No unicorns in the NIV. Crap bible. I think there are 7 in the KJV.

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They may not be in there anymore. I think cern is changing things with stargate type of things and likely witchcraft within the Bibles printed throughout the years. I know of at least 2 verses off the top of my head that have changed. One is wineskins changed to bottles and the other is when 2 or more are gathered in my name. I'm sure there are many others. Mandella effect is the way to find all of them bc I'm sure there are lots more and more to come. They need to rid us of the Bible in these end times!

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I have not delved into the Mandela effect very much. One thing I have noticed is that when I was a kid growing up it was Oscar Myers’s wieners now it’s Oscar Mayer and I know this goes on and on these changes. Myers spelling is not correct but I’m sure you get it.

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So, I have a bunch of Revelation memorised, because, it's Revelation. I just went and looked at it in the NIV. They massacred it.

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You may enjoy this video that describes the elohim and El in a Biblical way and what that means for Christians. He uses esword to decode and the Holy Spirit.


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I dont think they ever left. they are behind the scenes now and why I have thoughts on it. just a what if person.

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So the unicorns are real! What about the Centaurs?

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they may well be real just like every tale we have been told maybe its all real. What f it is all real all of the stories we have been told come from somewhere.

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Sorry, there are nine unicorns in the KJV. No centaurs to be found.

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Are there Centaurs in the bible? I haven't checked.

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add to that list the Jehovah's Witness version of the bible called The New World Translation. Probably zero mentions of the Elohim from what I can remember....having extracted myself from the cult 30 years ago. The do thought call God Jehovah and take great lengths to explain that it's translated from Yahweh or YHWH as there are no vowels in Hebrew. I'm sure they would be horrified to think that Yahweh is just a warring collective rather than their all hallowed one true god!

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Have you ever opened The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch ? ( The One Who Walked With God The Father of Creation, very informative Book; in there the Elohim: Plural for Creator Gods/Divinity who control the calibrations of Light necessary to evolve all the combinations of the Image and Similitude through the Eternal Eye of The Divine Father, it is they who have created this World by the will of Yahweh.

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NIV version puts "elohim" in the footnotes a lot as an alternate way to read the passage, so technically, it's there.

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If you're interested, this video explains elohim in a Biblical way.


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Clif, wouldn't life be much easier for you if you just stopped listening to Karrie Cassidy? "Ringmakers of Saturn" had spaceships many thousands of miles long. They don't fight other beings on the moon. It is probably Israel killing Hamas. lol

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Kerrie's credibility vanished once Bill Ryan had had enough of her rubbish, Bill's forum Project Avalon is pretty good, has a great-than-average number of sane people contributing, but Camelot has long since diminished and only now demonstrates the extreme gullibility and naivety of Ms Cassidy

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Kerry Cassidy is unhinged and still thinks Juan O'Blabber is JFK Jr

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I mean who the fuck is juan of blabber and hopefully JFKjr is still alive

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Jan 20, 2024
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or, don't take her at all?

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Can't wait for Clif's latest thoughts on the dollar collapse and precious metals.

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Wheelbarrows filled with crypto !

(just to buy a loaf of bread)

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Like your handle but not Freud’s nephew, the master propagandist. 😀

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Maybe happening in 2025.....my data says .....

Clif = dumb fuck.

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I think you might have me confused with someone else? Please understand that Clif is like family to many of us, and this comment is offensive. Hope your day gets better

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James Beck = moonbatt = dumbfuck

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Then leave, and don't return

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Corporations long ago took over aerospace. It did so with Eisenhower and it took the control from him. He was not in control of "Area 51" and threatened to send the 1st Army there to take it over if they didn't tell him what was afoot there. It was the aerospace private industry (and its CIA knee-breakers) that did Kennedy in, over, according to Howard Hunt, Kennedy threatening to expose "the alien presence" to Russia in an attempt to get their cooperation to deal with the aliens. Corporations control our government and have done so for a long time, going back to the banksters incorporating the government, the citizens, the States, etc, etc, following the Civil War. You know what that makes us.....a fascist country. Surprise, surprise.

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Yes JFK had many enemies. Who would think it was his intention to reveal the alien presence that got him killed? All the presidents since I’d say FDR knew about non-humans. Clif tells us why it isn’t revealed. Aliens are particularly enamored by abdominal fat in humans. Can you imagine normies finding out about this? Hyper novelty for sure.

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I think what they're going to find out about is not only the eating and sacrifice of flesh but a hundred trillion of debt the people are on the hook for going off-world with deep black corporations, ie the cabal, carrying on their slaver business to effect God knows what out in the planetary system and beyond. That's why Kennedy had to die. That's what they were covering up. Corey Goode isn't the only one telling the tales about what they're up to. We're just the borrowed cash cow THEY CREATED WITH THE FED that funds it while we go without.

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Wish someone would preserve and publish video of fighting on near side of the moon. We have a telescope but no video recording equipment attached to it. And it’s super cold outside right now.

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I know, I have an 8" reflector telescope and it's cold out here too.

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Go to rumble channel Beyond Mystic , Bruce has been on that show, he is a friend of the host Jean Claude/JC. and some good conversation between 2 Canadians.

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Thank you. I am happy someone is capturing video of all of the activity on the moon. FARSIGHT.org also did great remote viewing sessions of the base on the moon and the base on Mars.

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Bruce sees all. Find him on YouTube.

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Really Bruce sees all I will check him out

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Clif, I don't know why it is, that you are always referring to this Kerry Cassidy twit. I think that I may have come across her, quite a while ago, and determined that she was on the Globalists Payroll. And what you have to say about her, Clif, you CLEARLY know that she is full of shit (aka 'on the payroll'). So, then, WHY do you keep wasting your time talking about her? For you to know wtf she is saying/her guests, you must be WASTING YOUR TIME watching/listening to this TWAT-TWIT! lol

And I am sure that others do NOT want to hear about 'Kerry Cassidy' either. Me, personally?......I DON'T FUCKING CARE about this TWAT! Whether she is 'on the payroll', or just another ZOMBIE (aka NON HUMAN)......I hope that she is up to date with her boosters, and LEAVES this planet, SOON! Really sick of hearing about this bitch, who offers NOTHING to ANYONE; absolutely MEANINGLESS to us Humans/Humanity!

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Gene Decode is a fraud 100%

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Jan 20, 2024
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We are all Palestinians now, and we need to be gold miners too.

Looking for nuggets wherever we can find them, and not being stuck with the refuse on the way.

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I saw the Jay Widner interview. Kerry would not listen to him when he debunked James Files testimony. I also watched JFK X. That scenario fits right in with General AJ Tata’s book Double Crossfire. Talk about woo woo, when people finally find out the whole truth many will mentally check out.

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JFK X was one of the best speculations I have ever seen on the JFK “murder.” I highly recommend people watch it!

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Me too. It filled in a lot of the gaps. I lived in the Dallas area and knew a bunch of the players. No one figured it out but no one believed the narrative either. I knew one of the DPD Detectives who was in the basement and saw the Oswald shooting. He told me that no one ever saw Jack Ruby in the jail. I also knew one of the police commissioners who said the Warren Report was all true. The detective retired and operated a vegetable stand on hwy 380 while the commissioner had multiple BBQ joints in Dallas and lived in the Burrows Mansion. That told me a lot.

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Do you have a link for the interview, please?

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Thank you, kind Yames!

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Just finished it. Well worth staying up late! It’s a queer thing, hearing/seeing a theory unconsidered after 30 years wondering about an event. Highly recommend.

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I just watched this Jay Widner's film and it is the worst piece of trash I've ever seen, Jay got lazy on this one, his information is all wrong, most of his ideas are just down right idiotic.

To this date the best documentary is "JFK to 911 a rich man's trick" I would also suggest reading Douglass P. Horne 5 volumes "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board"

And of course no one will read 5 volumes because America is so dumb down to the point of watching a slip shot documentary by Jay Widner, Americans have gotten lazy and soft...

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Nice strategy, insulting anyone interested in a topic at the outset as ‘non readers’. I’m sure you’re accurate and no one in this thread has considered undertaking any such Herculean task as reading *gasp* 5 volumes. We appreciate your guidance. Please post a buy me a coffee link for more.

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How come it's okay to utterly bash and disrespect Kerry Cassidy but sacraligious to bash Jay Weidner? How about if we consider respecting everybody while feeling free to criticize? That goes for you too, Cliffy, your vitriol is ugly and tells more about you than the people you obsessively bash. We are all in this together, basically.

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Rumble wouldn’t find the video from a few days ago. I’m glad you found it. I finally found it too.


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Who was the 'legit' person Kerry Cassidy interviewed that was later murdered?

Listening to her is painful, but I would like to look up that interview.

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William Tomkins

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I liked that guy! Read his book. Best interview she did!

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The Eden Conspiracy by Paul Wallis PDF EPUB

without registration.

This is free download The Eden Conspiracy by Paul Wallis.

1.2 MiB (1,213,066 bytes)

206 pages

Frequency of some words:

212 yhwh

205 yahweh

183 god

067 elohim

023 elyon



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There is no proof of a lunar landing

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing there's over 40 or more contradictions in the bible and this God guy can't seem to make up his mind on anything. Except slavery which he seems to love ❤️. AHHHHHHH!

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A day without Clif is like being in Berlin at the end of WW2.

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Would be fun to start a Substack called ... A Day Without Clif (!!!!)

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A day without Clif is like damp, dark, overcast skies ... where the sun can't even peek through. Long Live The Clif(!!) Long Live The Putin(!!) May they both prevail against the evil elohim ... who do not deserve to be named as proper nouns ANYMORE (!!)

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