Hey assholes, if you don’t like Cliffs info, don’t fucking listen!!!!

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Clif: "The federal government will collapse in May and June (2023) and then spill over again to the state, local and regional levels in July. ...... So July will be a really tough month."


Clif: "Three major attacks will occur by November! 20-30 financial institutions will fail by the end of November."


Clif: "Government agencies will be dysfunctional by next spring and most of them will be gone by October."


Clif: "Around January 2024, the government will collapse due to hyperinflation.


Clif: "Government agencies will become dysfunctional and most of them will disappear by October 2025."


Cliff: "Government agencies will become dysfunctional and most of them will cease to exist by October 2100."

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It's the same with Bo Polny: everything is about to collapse, all the time. Never happens. Many people seem to have the attention span of goldfish and don't notice all the times he's wrong.

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I write them down and it's year after year of nonsense. Now I'm looking over 2023's, and nada. For example, remember the kerfuffle over Clif and Dick Allgire getting their panties in a twist about "something big" by the end of this year? Still waiting ...

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I listen to Cliff because he talks about interesting things but as to whether they're correct, well, that's another story. But he's a good shuffling off point to look further into things. As to his predictions, well, he and Ben Fulford are neck and neck. Nuff said. But I wonder what the positive ETs around do to deflect some of this stuff. There are positive ETs according to a number of sources who seem as reliable as anything else out there on the woo. One guy, part of the guard at missile silos, was on the panel at the Disclosure in 1990 put on by Stephen Greer. Greer is questionable but he put on a panel of very military, straight up men who witnessed ET stuff. This one guy said that the ETs disabled nuclear missiles as they flew over and they would become functional again afterward. Many say the positive ETs will never allow a nuclear war because of the effects on themselves. Many also say they are protecting us for a number of reasons. So maybe some of these horrors we hear predicted/sensed to be coming, not only by Clif, but by many others, just never get the chance to happen or happen at a reduced level due to ET interference. Maybe......

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I've done the same thing with Clif's predictions and found that he's a forest guy, not necessarily a trees guy. His broad overview of the feel of things can be spot on, but overall, he's bad on the specific details/times of those details.

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This fella is gonna eat their words🤷‍♂️😬

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Dec 29, 2023
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No, just waiting for the next one. Everyone knows what’s going on. Lemme get my shrooms.

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Wow 20 likes?? Clif can defend himself perfectly well.

Mirror mirror on the wall.....who is the biggest asshole of them all?

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Lucee, go get another booster & drink some more Kool aid!!

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Or... Maybe we just don't like contrarian shill douchebags detracting from the convo... 🤔

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Is this a cult too?

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Yes! Now go away and leave us to our very important gibberish chanting and head board smacking...

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John Kerry? Umm Klaus Shwab? Umm Trudeau? Damn, it's really hard to determine who's the biggest asshole of all. Oh, I know... Fauci!

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No, it's Bill Gates, then Fauci. :)

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Soros is up there with Schwab.

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SHALL WE Watch CLIF High ..... defend himself?

Can be found:


A post submitted by CGI member MaxtheMAGAnificent.

CGI is RMN's reader's forum.


I’ll try to keep this relatively short. Clif High has made a name for himself recently by claiming that the Jewish religion of today is a blood cult based upon the experience of an ancient people who had enormous difficulty getting along with truly evil extraterrestrials called “El’s” who abused them millennia ago. Judaism in Clif’s eyes is simply a manifestation of Stockholm syndrome. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time.” The way the ancient Jews supposedly came to cope with the “fact” of their ancient abusive relationship with these “El’s” (who Clif calls the “Elohim,” a seeming Hebrew pluralization of “El”) was by engaging in “sacred” rituals that required the blood of children (who were sacrificed for the purpose) to be performed so as to please the one particular El that they ultimately considered their unitary god.

Clif seems to have made it his primary purpose in life to expose Judaism as this satanic blood cult that in his mind has been rightfully persecuted down through the ages by countless societies. Now Judaism is supposed to be the core of the evil that is currently engaged in a titanic struggle with the forces of good for the soul of humanity, which struggle Clif claims to be chronicling.

Just a note here…the word “Elohim” that Clif thinks is meant in the Torah as the plural of “El” is actually the Hebrew word “Eilokim” as used in the Torah to mean “the forces of nature.”

Clif High is repeating the infamous “blood libel” of the Jews as the heart of his nefarious argument. The term “blood libel” refers to the false allegation that has been made down through history that Jews use the blood of non-Jewish children for ritual purposes. The Nazis made effective use of the blood libel to demonize Jews, with Julius Steicher's newspaper Der Stürmer making frequent use of ritual murder imagery in its anti-Jewish propaganda.

This blood libel is now been combined by Clif (and his buddies) with the propaganda piece “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (an entirely fictional tractate written around 1900 under the direction of the tzarist secret police to whip up hatred for the Jews among the Russian Orthodox population) to seal the perception in the minds of his readers and listeners that the Jews are indeed at the root of all evil in the world…and, I suppose, in his mind deserve to be the subject of extermination once again. Of course, Clif would never say such a thing, but Jewish people know his type. Clif is that very well spoken, apparently well-informed, and ultimately sophisticated intellectual who down through history has provided the seemingly incontrovertible reasoning that various societies have used to justify genocide of the Jewish people.

In Judaism God is indeed an extraterrestrial…as in He is not of this world. On this point Clif and Judaism are in perfect agreement. The funny thing is that Clif and Jewish thought are in further agreement to the extent that the God of the Abrahamic religions is very much like the “consciousness” that Clif proposes as the source of what he calls the “Matterium.” In other words, Clif’s consciousness is analogous to the Abrahamic God and the Matterium is analogous to God’s creation. So that’s a pretty good start but things really go off the tracks from there. Clif essentially goes on to claim to be the ultimate interpreter of all time of the Torah and the Talmud … greater than Rashi and Maimonides combined! The hubris is incredible and of course the interpretation is beyond wrong. Virtually nothing that Clif purports to be Judaic thought, belief, faith, philosophy, law, ritual, or theology has anything to do with the reality of Judaism. His conclusions about the religion are beyond ridiculous...actually bizarre...and ultimately as dangerous as any that have been used down through history to bring persecution and death to the Jewish people.

One last point…there is a seminal event in Genesis, the first book of the Torah, called the Akedah or the “binding of Isaac” in which Abraham is seemingly commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac as a demonstration of his (Abraham’s) absolute devotion to God. In the story Abraham binds Isaac on an altar and is ready to perform the sacrifice of his son when an angel of God stops him and provides a ram to be sacrificed in Isaac’s stead. The Akedah is interpreted as God’s declaration that human sacrifice shall not and shall never be done and indeed no Abrahamic religion… Judaism, Christianity, or Islam… has ever had anything to do with human sacrifice. The Akedah definitively makes a lie of the blood libel. Do you hear me Clif?

Shabbat Shalom.


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Clif is correct. Let me make it simple for everyone. http://thephaser.com/2023/12/why-are-jews-above-criticism/

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noice vid ........ eek!

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People don't get formally thrown out of countries in a thousand cases for 2000 years for nothing. They have to be doing something serious to people that the people don't like. Wherever Jews go, they eventually get the boot or worse but they won't look at their own infiltration into governments and societies in order to control or look to their odious banking practices. Instead, it's everyone elses fault. It's the oldest scam in the world.

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his reply:




Well, Max over at beyond news place is saying i am a greater threat to jews than hitler.....and even worse, he is inventing new word replacements for the Torah to further disguise the Elohim & protect the Elohim worship cult. Perhaps he is one of them.

Remember it is a crime to point out the truth of the ELohim to the jews. How will the ELohim worship cult keep them in line with the agenda if the normie jew finds out what is going on?

Blood libel? That's the super charged version of 'antisemitism'...eh MaxiePadsTheTruth....

169 B.C. -- "King Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria, during the plundering of the Temple of Jerusalem, found a Greek lying on a bed in a secret chamber. He begged the King to rescue him. When he began to beg, the attendants told him that a secret law commanded the Jews to sacrifice human beings at a certain time annually. They therefore searched for a stranger which they could get in their power. They fattened him, led him into the woods, sacrificed him, ate some of his flesh, drank some of his blood, and threw the remains of his body into a ditch." (Josephus, Jewish historian, Contra Apionem)

Shall we start a long list of all the Catholic saints who have been canonized ONLY due to being the victims of ritual murder/torture by orthodox (stockholm syndrome victims = mentally ill) jews?


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the saga continues:

and over to MAX: (max bows out)


A response from MAXtheMAGAnificent.

This subject is now closed...


MAXtheMAGAnificent's Response to Clif High:

Clif High's response to my article is so typical of those who have promoted the hatred and extermination of the Jewish people down through history. I am frankly disappointed in Clif because he is apparently a quite intelligent person, but then again he obviously has an agenda to promote. I would have thought that he would have come up with something more creative than the JosWiki article which relies on the totally discredited "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" propaganda piece and a litany of false flag incidents down through history that have been staged to incite violence against peaceful Jewish populations. But no, Clif turns out to be just another dilletante exploiting his distorted vision of Judaism to sway the general populace to hate the Jewish people for whatever reason is embodied in his agenda.

One other thing...Clif constantly refers to disparaging remarks made by some of the commentators of the Talmuds against non-Jews and Christians. I have to admit that I have never read the Talmuds (there are two of them) but I do know what they are. The Talmuds are compendiums of commentaries made by various sages and academics on the Mishnah, which is the "oral law" or "oral Torah" that was the scholarship on the Torah that had never been written down until after the destruction of the Second Temple in 69CE. If there are some remarks in the commentaries of the Talmuds that disparage non-Jews and/or Christians one must realize that they are remarks made by individuals of the time of the writing...these remarks have no sacred place in the Jewish religion. Of course, considering the way the Jewish people have been treated by non-Jews, and yes, Christians down through history, it is not surprising that there may be some disparaging remarks made about them by commentators in Jewish literature such as the Talmuds. Maybe Clif found some really radical commentator(s) in the Talmuds who took some crazy position(s) that he glomed onto to prove that the Jews are blood-thirsty satan worshipers. I don't know, but it doesn't matter...the Talmuds are not sacred texts, they are only reference pieces that give multiple often highly divergent opinions on the interpretation of the oral law. It's just like an appellate court decision where multiple judges hear a case on appeal and must interpret the law's application to the case. How many unanimous opinions are there? There is almost always a dissenting opinion or opinions. Same thing with the Talmuds...what is written in them are opinions on the law, not the law itself, and the law itself has nothing to do with what Clif High says it does. Nothing.

It is so frustrating when some highfalutin "scholar" like Clif High uses his seeming popular credibility to attack an important, very positive societal institution like Judaism with half-truths based loosely on actual texts and just plain old outright lies. All that can be done to counter this is to tell the truth. The truth always wins out.


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When training to become a rabbi, one studies the Talmud not the Torah.

The only Talmud that matters is the Babylonian Talmud unexpurgated

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If you read the Protocols of Zion you see it's right on schedule. I'm not the first to observe this. Henry Ford observed the same in his day when it was right on schedule then. Behind the scenes, this agenda is being implemented. By whom? I think history makes clear that Jews consider themselves different, superior and enabled to use and enslave others. That IS in the Babylonian Talmud along with the stuff about sex with children. I don't think all Jews adhere to it and may not even have read it, but a core, making plans in Israel to take over, is clear enough in purpose. There are many, and you may be one, who are innocent of any such thing and don't practice EL worship knowingly. To them, there is just a God who created and runs the universe. There is such a Being in my own belief and I am not a respecter of any religion. I don't for a moment deny that ETs posed as Gods and some fell for it and huge religions came out of it. But there is still a real Creator in all of us and in all that is. I don't agree that because a religion started out as ET worship that is remains so and I believe if you pray to God, the real one hears you. But there is a long history of a core of Jews who absolutely follow the evil of the EL. For them the story is not a libel.

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Max replied: (full posted above)

I would have thought that he would have come up with something more creative than the JosWiki article which relies on the totally discredited "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" propaganda piece and a litany of false flag incidents down through history

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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion hardly originated in a JosWiki article and they have not been discredited. They have, of course, been met with the usual Jewish howls of "antisemitism," which have been used, and even acknowledged to be used, by this cult, which hardly amounts to "discrediting". If we look behind the pattern of Jewish denial and accusation, we see the Protocols unfolding as described. The example of the Palestinians is a case in point, where Israel has shown their true ruthlessness and murderous greed for the legitimate possessions of Palestinians. The entire world is horrified and astounded, except their partners in global war crimes in the US and the UK, left alone on the stage of the world supporting this holocaust. Many say Israel will be brought down by the outright murder and the unbelievable resale of Mediterranean Sea facing land they have committed in Gaza, done because Israelis "want to see the sea". They have taken everything the Palestinians legitimately owned for themselves since 1948. They may have bombed Gaza flat, but the land is still legally owned by Palestinians. They took it by force. If Hitler disenfranchised and stripped the Jews of property, the Israelis are no different from him. In fact, many historians claim that Hitler was initially a Rothschild creature who got on the shit list when he dumped the central banks in Germany. If there is still any justice in the world Israel will be prosecuted in world court and will be dismantled and Palestine returned to the Palestinians, the few that have not been murdered. Jews have bribed and extorted their way to 80% of seats in the US government despite their being, what, 13% of the population? Everyone knows it, everyone knows they are infiltrating and criminal Khasarians, and via the Jewish Rothschild banking cabal are behind the 1913 Federal Reserve Act scam and the unconstitutional establishment of the IRS, are not remotely descended from Hebrews, and have been instrumental in bringing to pass the downfall of America with others of their Molachian ilk. So, Max, get your panties out of a wad and start doing some real discrediting... of the criminal behavior of Jews throughout history. No group is persecuted for as long as Jews without having wrought serious damage wherever they have gone with their money scams and infiltration under many guises. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the El plan being orchestrated by the fake Jew Khasarians...scream antisemitism as loud as you like.

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Weren't the Israelites punished (in the bible) because they had 'fallen' from God's grace? are they the ET's?

"because I, YHVH your God, am with you, and I brought you out of the land of Egypt.” Deuteronomy 20

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I think the Orthodox rabbis say Israel is a sacrilege because God threw the Hebrews out of Judea and said don't come back without the messiah, theirs of course.

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"no Abrahamic religion… Judaism, Christianity, or Islam… has ever had anything to do with human sacrifice"??

Change your name to Lunacee, imbecile.

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Lunacee... I like it !

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Lucee: can you tell (or not) that your negativity is a detriment to the entire planet? This serves how? So the answer to your question is 'you' and you named yourself.

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When you are dead, you don't know you're dead.

All the pain is felt by the others.

Same thing happens when you are stupid.

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Ok,so you're saying you're a ghost,Lunacee?😂😂😂😂

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seems so.....

I AM haunting U

Boo ! who?

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this is fun....I seem to have touched on the many with a quest for attention.

Check out Boober's video...it's good.


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When YOU are alive , YOU don't know you are dead; you got it wrong. Stupid?

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458 likes now

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Obviously you , lucee

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I don't understand the likes either. Nice coup though, 45 upvotes for idiotic schoolyard rhetoric.

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Well since you think it is your business to tell others what to do, Here's one for you. F off

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I think he's being hit with Elohim/crypto-Jew shills. I recently got attacked on comments I made for audios made months ago. Called me an antisemenite or something stupid like that. Odd occurrence for this Substack.

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I'd lay money that the Jews calling you antisemitic aren't Semites.

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While I think there may be good profit in that bet using your odds, ..... I have only two bits, a button and a bottlecap to wager with you. Inflation's a bitch !! lol

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I have some toothpicks here. Some of them are used though.

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That's not a toothpick, it's a joint!

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Rainman in da house?!

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"82, 82, 82" - "Of course, 246 total"

I love that scene !!


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I'd second that. What are our odds?

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49:1 last count.

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Out of 50 phenotypes? 😆

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Actually the odds would be better than that because only Zionists use that term. It's almost a sure thing.

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I think it's binary. Khazars vs Israelites. 98% so 98:2

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Just block them. It's easy... and it feels good!

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I think you're right. Besides, that long one is wrong. Yahweh is nothing like the Creator of the Universe. Yahweh was evil incarnate. He was called The Destroyer by Jesus. And that's what he did. He didn't 'create' anything he destroyed everything. So comparing the "God" of the Jews to the Creator of the Universe is just plain stupid. That person needs to read Paul Wallis's books. Then they can come back and try that long annoying spiel again! :)

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Jan 1, 2024
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Do you by chance have a link to that, or know when he said this?

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However, clif is a paranoid asshole that is very smart and brilliant frequently. So, what? All of us whether you agree or not are quite capable of determining who the assholes are. It is plotted on the bell curve.

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Heh, some of us are only assholes some of the time. Keeps you on your toes.

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2019: "Ownership of silver will generate wealth spanning generations for those holding it."

2022: "Silver surpasses $600 temporarily, expected to be on par with the price of gold."

2023: "Silver surges, might reach $10 per grain within a few months."

Now: "Silver will be $6 in the future."

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Apparently you missed Clif stating silver may well go to 600$ Before it drops to $6. Only the foolish believe in perfection and Clif has always been clear he doesn't always get it right. In this case, it seems pretty obvious you've overlooked some of what he has said.

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"Cliff has always made it clear that he doesn't always get it right"? ! Cliff's prediction finally came true! !

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Silence yourself and listen if you have ears to hear. Knowledge is power, the truth will always rise to the top like sweet cream… but it takes time. You want to stir shit up and make butter, which is only used for one thing, buttering a zionists biscuit.

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Thank you for the cult poem

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Yeah, and it costs primary silver mines about $16 to mine an ounce of silver. So $6 an ounce would close those mines. The silver supply would drop to a level supplied by gold, lead, copper and zinc mines that produce silver as a by product.

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You have VERY selective hearing. Might want to have that checked out

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"Katastrophenhausse" -- crack-up boom -- comes from Ludwig von Mises and his work on credit expansion and the Austrian theory of the business cycle.

It has NOTHING to do with Kondratieff and long-wave cycle theory.

Clif is old and confused.

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They're just trolls. I ignore them. They try to trap you into an argument. Don't fall for their schemes. Love your post, btw!

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Salve James, I believe you were a Gladiator in a previous life. Welcome back! Hugs Ann

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These cult members become extremely enraged if you dare to question or criticise their Messiah.

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I know..it's very revealing ....these are the people who follow cult worship be it Jim Jones or Clif....how dare you question their newest cult leader...they might not all be assholes but they certainly are Low iQ...

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Most of the Fun in reading comments on Clif's substack is watching the Paid Trolls ply their wares. If you weren't getting paid,....you'd be somewhere else. So go play on the Freeway!

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I doubt you even understand what a paid troll is.. you.read it somewhere and decided that would be your "smart" comment on any post you don't agree with...

at least we know you are not a paid troll..as no one would pay for your silly ass Clif worshipping comments...the world must be short of cult leaders if this is the best you can do...

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KMA !!!!!

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Seriously though......I think some just cannot handle their own narrative being 200% bogus🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

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People discuss Clif's content, sometimes pretty roughly. Doesn't mean they don't like it. Leads to great discussions.

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Hey, asshole, if you don't like the comments, don't fucking read them.

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Thank you James . For the record no one is accusing you of being in love with Clif

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So... the goalposts have (once again) been 're-located' from the end of '23 to mid '24... sigh

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Yes. He constantly plays that game.

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It's a trend for sure....X22, Juan O Savin, Charlie Ward, Simone, - geez there must be a hundreds of them...always tomorrow and never today...year after year....I guess if they aren't making money off these posts like Mike Adams and X22, AJ, etc., then they are probably on government payroll...like Juan and maybe even Clif...

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You forgot David Wilcock.

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Clif: "The federal government will collapse in May and June (2023) and then spill over again to the state, local and regional levels in July. ...... So July will be a really tough month."


Clif: "Three major attacks will occur by November! 20-30 financial institutions will fail by the end of November."


Clif: "Government agencies will be dysfunctional by next spring and most of them will be gone by October."


Clif: "Around January 2024, the government will collapse due to hyperinflation.


Clif: "Government agencies will become dysfunctional and most of them will disappear by October 2025."


Cliff: "Government agencies will become dysfunctional and most of them will cease to exist by October 2100."

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obviously not everything Clif says come true and if it does the timelines are off.

That's because what he does is not an exact thing. He is using data to predict possible future outcomes. little bits and pieces of what Clif has said is coming true. Not necessarily in the time and in the exact way but that's because we have free will on this planet and future possibilites change by the second.

you would be an absolute fool if you based your life decisions purely around Clif's predictions.

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Exactly, and then it will be the fall of '24 and then the Spring of '25.

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Yeah, that old trick that Bo uses. He predicted Christmas in November '21, nothing happened; then Christmas in November '22, nothing happened; then Christmas in November '23, nothing happened. I'm still waiting for the 'Red Sea moment'. I fully expect him to predict Christmas in November '24, LOL.

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Hey, things change. Try to adapt.

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Don't worry next year it will 4 sure happen by end of 2025

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Hey Clif...The word is "prophetic" not prophitetic

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Dude is a linguist... He could have a reason/meaning that might not be clear to someone not into linguistics.

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Kind of like when trump says “tippy top” ? 😂

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Or covfefe, which to my best guess is a covid and iron combination with a stutter.

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Haha, I have no idea. Is that what Trumpy says?! I can't for the life of me imagine those words coming out of his mouth.

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Worked it into a speech once, after an anon asked him to

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He used this word that means symmetrical (or not) in any way once and I forgot what it was. I was impressed. Thesaurus not helping.

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Exactly. Call Clif what you want. I have the original NLP manual by Grinder and Bandler on my book shelf. Haven't read enough to know the ins and outs and what-have-yous. But I know enough to know that a linguist, skilled in the craft, and the meanings and thought forms behind words, could easily run linguistic/meaning circles around most people without them ever even noticing. There's good reason that the preface of the book contains an allegory about magick.

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Dec 29, 2023
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No there's no concern there about that here. Not from me anyway. Clif makes mistakes all the time. He gets things wrong all the time. Just like all of us. Just last week he put out audio that totally contradicted this week. And his predictions are sometimes flawed and I don't expect them to come to fruition for a substantial amount of time after explicitly stated, if at all. But even with all the error, the work is still brilliant, and the insights, fascinating. And I think that's why most of us are here. Not because Clif is some sort of guru or demagogue, but because the content is brilliant and fascinating. And also the man puts his damn heart into his work and puts it all out there for all to see. Which is more than can be said for the vast majority of us, no matter how close to perfection we may or may not be.

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I love listening to Clif for his enthusiasm, his ability to make me smile and most of all for his fearlessness. Not all of his spades are my spades, but he sure does call a spade a spade. And I enjoy the comments, even the nay-sayers... question everything! And I agree, 2024 may be the most interesting year of all. Am I prepped? Only emotionally! Respects to all here. B.

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Dec 29, 2023
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He also says "acrost" for "across" but that is local language(?) kind of thing, cause I live nearby and do it too.

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It’s PNW speak. The pronunciations are very regional.

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I will pop the bubbly when the crack up boom prediction comes true. 👌😎

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Clif: Hello Humans, Hello Humans.... There's a new word showing up in the data!!! it without a doubt means, in my opinion, the world will certainly explode in about 35 seconds from a space alien invasion. Hmmm "Prophathetic", I wonder how that word was seeded into the non-normy consciousness?? It's a great mystery.... but here's the thing guy…

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Mike Adams' Brighteon Broadcast News, Dec 28, 2023 - Mainstream media suddenly pushing BLACK SWAN EVENT warning for 2024 (2hr 7min, notes with times)

Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]

Date: Thursday, 28-Dec-2023 17:58:15


- Potential black swan event in 2024. (0:02)

- COVID-19 vaccine deaths and globalist agenda. (2:39)

- Election interference, economic collapse, and survival preparation. (14:01)

- Potential global catastrophe and survival strategies. (19:45)

- Netanyahu's actions and their impact on Jewish people. (39:13)

- Geopolitics, war, and economics in the Middle East. (41:54)

- Israel, God's favor, and geopolitics. (46:11)

- Firearms, peace, and the Middle East. (1:07:46)

- Long-range shooting and weapon manufacturing. (1:17:29)

- Senate bill to control classified information and assassination teams. (1:30:17)

- Election corruption and Trump's chances at re-election. (1:35:38)

- War strategies and avoiding involvement in Middle East conflicts. (1:49:45)

- Firearms training and manufacturing. (2:00:49)


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We do not get censored on Brighteon and we get strikes and grief on youtube. However, Mike comes up with wrong-o s frequently. A former CIA is also a current someone for something that will turn them a profit, living, life, goal, look up pragmatic then look up prostitute and actually read it instead of saying yeah I know.

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My take on Mike is that he makes good product but he's often full of shit.

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He gives his endorsement to persons unworthy. Like controlled opposition.

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Mike Adams is using his fear porn to rake in big bucks...

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Same as Michael Synder. Another fear pr0n King.

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He rubs me the wrong way. I cannot watch him. Doom and gloom kind of guy!

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Intermittent alternating sensationalized Doom and Hopium ?? Sounds about right.

And the products, while good, are also fairly high priced.

I haven't been to Brighteon in a while, I should take in a couple HRR's.

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Dec 29, 2023
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Yes, I was aware of all this too.

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Mike does prove to be an alarmist. You can usually take what he says and divide it by two.

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Dec 29, 2023
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Used to be SEX SELLS...now it's doom and gloom sells....he's making out big time selling his fear porn to sell his pepper shit...

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I wonder if it was Clif who seeded the non-word "polititicization"... Could be?

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Hi Clif and followers - The crack up boom is much more complicated - All the fiat currencies are a derivative of the Federal Reserve Note - aka Petrol dollar! Look to Japan as a trigger - The biggest receiver of CV bailout money was Nomura Bank in Japan - 3.7 Trillion in 2019. From 2007 through 2011 a total of 19.6 Trillion given from the Fed.

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I have heard about Japan before. But I didn't understand what to look for, since they have trubbel so often. Can you expand a little on what we shall look for more specific?

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Thank you Cliff. Look forward to your updates.

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This is why central bankers are moving millions of people into the US. It is going to be their new debt slaves. Americans are maxed out and not needed anymore. This is also why they are showering migrants with financial aid while cutting welfare to Americans.

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I thought they were here to murder us. I like your scenario better.

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That too...did you see the Feds have told gun store owners they are supposed to sell to illegals without running any checks..of course they couldn't run checks...also many are crossing the border spotted carrying rifles..remember when designer negro Obama stockpiled millions of guns and ammo for government agencies - like the Post Office, the word is these are being distributed to invaders...does our Israeli run government want a civil war...you bet they do...

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Yes, there was a thing about them being fast tracked to become cops too.

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Dec 29, 2023
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I've kind of been expected that for a while.

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Dec 30, 2023
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Those migrants - invaders are being given over $5K a month for them to pump up the economy spending our tax dollars....this stinking Israeli run government would never give that money to Americans because they want us to work and pay taxes....Joe Biden has Brought in 20 million welfare recipients getting way more money than any of us...

The message is Americans should struggle to pay mortgages and eat while all invaders get a free ride all the way...these invaders are here to finish the destruction of America...

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You might want to look up Martin Armstrong. Like Clif, he has a computer program, but focuses only on economics. And he's been persecuted by the US government to boot.

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My personal goal for 2024 is to have all of my utilities paid in full before the year even starts. All I have left is my Wi-Fi! Love you guys! Get ready for the Big Bodda BOOM!💣💣💣🥰😘😍

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I don't think I can do that, however I now pay those bills as I get them instead of the day before they are due.

I wire everything, wifi and bluetooth are irradiating you. So is the wiring but nowhere near as much.

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Good morning John, I hear you. I am actually thinking about not paying off the Wi-Fi. Right now, I have a galvanized milk bucket over the receiver topped off with Shungite, just to cut down the waves. Whitney Webb is trying to warn everybody that they are planning an all out Cyber Pandemic this next year, so what is the point of paying them for nothing. Hugs my friend, all anyone can do is what they feel is best for themselves and their own. Take care of yourself!

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Why are we talking about Joe's dreams??? Have any of his dreams ever been correct? I know that many have been completely incorrect (check his calls on MATIC - yes I was foolish enough to listen). What exactly about Joe's track record on dreams merit our attention?

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Clif's already devoted lots of his driving time and our listening time to Joe's crypto / crash dream - at least one whole episode, but maybe more, before today's. Seems like it's an obsession with Clif as well as with Joe! Let's hope this is the last iteration of a very boring and unengaging topic... 🤔🤣

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It's not Joe he's talking about.

It's the belief that dreams are accurate predictors of future events.

It's just that most followers also know Joe's story and can relate.

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IMO the majority of dreams are metaphors, certainly not absolute, the subjective consciousness communicating with the objective consciousness in abstract imagery identifying what one is doing internally.

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I researched my dreams when I was a teenager and my conclusion was that dreams are a shaken up bundle of past present and future. I don’t think it too likely to find prophetic ones until after the fact on the linear scale

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In all fairness as much Bo pony is full of s*** and there's no doubt that his predictions are full of s***. So is Janine from beyond mystic with her tarot cards. They're all full of s***. Do you know how many times she's turned over those cards and may predictions that not even come close. Yeah all the new agers run to that s***. Also all the witches that are on John Claude show all the astrology etc etc.

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Dec 29, 2023
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Completely agree - JC actually creeps me out - something off there. Some sort of control freak, self-interest user vibe.

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Jean-Claude as a person I like I think his content has gone downhill it's all about the witches. He used to have much more interesting people on his show. Now you get that few and far and in between. The witches are full of s*** they just as bad as the so-called prophetic people that Bo pony hangs around with how many times do they have to be wrong before you say false prophet. The thing about Cliff is he never claims that he's hearing from God or he's hearing from the universe or he's getting it from his you know Tara cards and he fully admits that the data could be wrong because of different aspects interfering.

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Agree with you Clif there, I am slowly getting broke ( electro part company ) , for selling at yesterday's prices, and I have to do this, because I need to sell (need income) , but I am not going to afford the new prices ( new parts ) I have to buy, to get the business going on. It is a rat race to the bottom. What is actually happening, is that I am eating future earnings now, and swallowing higher future prices, I hope the customers will accept in the future. I am becoming a Bank - and a bad one.

That is what I think, the short future is, we are all going to be "bad banks" - for our communities - until we go down, and the El-ite, comes with their pennies - to help us out. There is not going to be blood in the streets, it is going to be - thank you - Massa.

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Food for thought!

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Haha - I've been on phone ~ 2 hrs (6 people) for a patient talking to somewhere with roosters, trying to get pre-auth fo r testing for a patient - BUT MY DAY IS NOW MADE!!!! Can't wait to "tune in." ❤️

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Can't wait to see the SHTF next year!

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I've been waiting for over 9 years. I wish I knew which decade it would happen in, lol.

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Debt is not the fuel that guarantees the the fiat currency/central banks will continue as it, it is the illusion of debt that does that. The dual accrual accounting system Hoffa's bookkeeper designed is what they operate under. Our system of government operates on a debt/credit system instead of the carriage accounting we are owed. In the Debt/credit system it is supposed to be a zero sum transaction. So if there is a presumed "debt" there has to be a corresponding credit. Since the FED used dual accrual as a means to defraud the Americans to begin with, then since its inception and implementation ALL presumed "Debt" is still due and owing to the American people. Not, the gubmint, not the foreign sovereigns who owe us good faith services under contract (Constitutions anyone??? ) Since much of this glut they have been stealing from us through identity theft and unlawful conversion has been spent buying ownership interests in all of the Fortune 500 corporations, the only way for the FED and the Central Banks to be used moving forward is to balance the ledger, Not the Budget, the ledger, that shows all of their off ledger entries. Plus interest we are owed.

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Last night I ate spicy beans. I had a vivid dream that I was Jsnip4. In this dream of being Joe, I sold all my LTC at the very bottom of the market and so did my patreon subscribers.

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