Love your work, Clif! And I love your cantankerousness as well. You have always been so interesting to listen to. I loved your video on law and how to work that process, and your discussions of how you came to develop your computer system. Sometimes I think that the character Finch in Person of Interest was based on you! Well, all the time actually. 😁 Much love and respect to you.
Hi there Susan, which video on law & how to work that process?
If you can post a weblink that would be really appreciated :) i've never heard Clif speak much only on law - sounds really interesting! .. And yes much love & respect to you Clif for your vast amount of knowledge, true intellect & wisdom, & generosity in sharing :) Thank you too Susan :)
[ Anyone else who might be able to post this info, in case it's not seen by Susan, appreciating you in advance, TY TY :]
I had an incident about 15 years ago on my farm in Montana that this talk made me think about. I had just acquired a young female llama she was very large and I am not quite 5 ft-- anyway my friend who was helping me put her in my pasture had shut the gate andI was standing squarely in front of her on the other side of the gate. She suddenly leaned over the gate and touched the top of my head with her nose ( she was meauring me, sizing me up) & within an instant she flung herself over the gate and I did a perfect aikido roll onto the ground --it was done without any thinking --my body was responding to the moment. I was probably a bit over 60 at the time and although I had studied Aikido in my twenties, dabbled in Tai Chi and yoga I was not a practicing martial arts person. I think those practices do, along with meditation help to expand your energy fields. I did study Hoshino therapy as a therapist and it requires a cosuderable amount of specific exercises that work on building chi. The center for one's chi is your hara, or gut. Had I not rolled safely from the lllama I probably would have been seriously ijnuried or killed.
I have a feeling that our body contains much intelligence when it is "up against the wall" and does things that are totally unpremeditated. Our relationship with our body;s intelligence is very lacking. It seems to sit under the surface, not making a fuss, but when time comes that we are in a sticky situation, boom, it comes in brilliantly almost like we don't know where it comes from.
I studied Gurdjieff as well in Boston where I attended classes taught by one of his original students. He sat in the back of the room and you were taught to literally look behind you without turning your head I was also very conscious of .my third eye -- the pineal gland. You know, you read books, attend classes, meditate and nothing really dramatic happens - until decades later-- all that work pays off. And I have followed through believing the body is the temple of the mind. So I don't engage in overindulgence, eat just enough to be satisfied and am very glad I have stayed active all my life.I am able to maintain my little farm and live alone and be independent. The older I get the less I care about the material things. My roommates all have four legs and are more evolved than most humans.
🤗And they have terrific energy! No Monday morning downers here! 🖖
That is very interesting, the teacher at the back of the room, your roommates all with four legs. Yes yes there is so much to life and yet we usually walk around like we're blinkered to all of it with our minds focused almost solely on insipid human dramas.
I have found that being "present" and focused has helped me avoid several auto accidents through life. Movies portray people as panicking and unable to react "in the instant" that required action, but I have found that the mind takes over if one recognizes the absolute necessity of thinking clearly. It's a split second response that requires overcoming emotion in favor of reason.
I've had a couple of instances where a split second response came spontaneously.
I was walking across campus at twilight one day, a security guard was about to place a guard dog, German shepherd, in the science building for the night.
The dog saw me and a buddy and immediately broke free of the guard and started racing towards us.
Without a thought, I reared up, with hands held high and ROARED.
The shepherd to off the other way into the woods, and I shook like a leaf for the next hour.
A few years later, I'm driving home with my wife and son, late at night on a country highway.
As I crest the top of this bridge, I see a vehicle directly in front of us, only yards away,
I whipped the wheel right, instinctively and just miss the oncoming car.
We quickly pulled to the shoulder and prayed and thanked GOD for mercy.
Amazing ! I can relate, as over 30 years ago, I was thrown head first, at speed from a galloping, charging horse....I flew through the air like superman & on landing did an incredible landing roll, only fracturing my wrist which had tangled in the rein, I got up & walked the horse back to it's stable....I always said my survival was based on watching all the Japanese Ninja series as a kid, bedause I'd practised their moves endlessly in my mind...clearly there is much more going on.
Heh, I experienced a similar miracle when I found myself accidently on a high black/ expert skiing slope that was nearly vertical, and I was beginner skier and slightly acrophobic.
Immediately, my mind went to all of the movies and Olympics coverage that showed skiers slaloming and flying down mountains without killing themselves. I mimicked the short zig-zagging traversing action and embraced the gravity hurtling me down the fall, and, to this day, thought my survival was a miracle of connecting with the gestalt of ski motion and with the Divine collective consciousness of skiers and survivors!
She was hell bent on killing me. Got rid of her and adopted a six year old red haired alpaca named Damien who was the best guard animal ever. My rabbit used to hop over to the meadow to hang out with him.He protected the goat herd ( there were bear, mountain lion & coyotes) My hybrid wolf dog was a big coward.
So you're looking to a sort of daddy figure to make things right are you? Why didn't he make things right the first time? Why did he facilitate "warp speed" to get those who took the fang to become sick or even die?
I am sure your lice improved dramatically, eapecially your finances thanks to the genius of the CCP controlled farting idiot and his sidekick the brainless hyena. Know anyone injuried or dead from the life saving vax-- are you up to date on your boosters sweetie pie?
The one thing I truly like about Clif is the fact that every vid has a history lesson in it. Like the Hurrian empire. Not really and empire so to speak...but never heard of them before. Definitely a Learning experience.
In retribution for kicking them out of their communities, that's why! Those sick, perverted psychopaths have no respect for human life and no conscience whatsoever..
To be totally fair, it's very true that not all Jews behave so despicably. But, those who knowingly and willingly accept the Satanic teachings of the Talmud are, in effect, the willing servants of Satan. What's more is the very FACT that almost all of Zionist Israel's 'laws' ARE INDEED based upon the Talmud (which is as Satanic a collection of writings as have ever been written in human history). Some well intentioned Jooz seem to think that Israel's laws are based upon the Torah. If that were true, then Zionist Israel might not be so vile and despicable, but they would still be the passive servants of the Evil One, simply out of sheer ignorance.
Just goes to show that despite years they didn't have wisdom. Why would anyone want to obey some words someone wrote which they refer to as "laws"? With wisdom, surely one can see that it is preposterous for adults to define what other adults can do.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your cat is smarter then you. Cuz it never watches TV unless there is a bird 🐦 🐦⬛ or horse 🐎 on it. AHHHHHHH!
35:38 "Khazarian Mafia" are not like the neighborhood Jewish person. They are a Turkic group From Ukraine, Crimea, Western Russia and Kazakhstan, people separate from other Jews.
His postulate is that the "Khazarian Mafia" is genetically based on Homo Capensis NOT Homo Sapiens. This separates regular Jews from the "Khazarian Mafia" in his opinion. Look for the stub of DNA on remnant of the #2 Chromosome in KM. The KM were created BEFORE the creation of Adam and the successful generations of Adam.
The KM isn't Jewish. They use the Jewish as a front for all their dirty work. Takes a greedy sect to go along with doing nefarious acts. Thus we have the Jewish lovers of money. The world consciensness is finally figuring this out. Nothing to do with Clif presenting the obvious.
So, if you're fighting a kinetic war (and we SHOULD be!) -- and the enemy guys are just a programmed normies, just a member of the ENEMY group that is attacking, subverting, and destroying your people -- you're just going to excuse or ignore them?!
Do you even understand that in war, nice-and-good people (as well as their programmers and owners) WHO are trying to destroy OUR nice-and-good people MUST BE FOUGHT!? Do you counsel surrender to your own people (or are you one of the enemy: "hello fellow White person?")
Do you counsel surrender and the END of our people? IF the regular jews, working SO VERY HARD to destroy our country, are to be excused by you -- then YOU are worse than an enemy: you are a traitor!
Look up Corneliu Codreanu -- whose most famous saying is (paraphrased): "If I were faced with an enemy and a traitor, and had only one bullet left; I would SHOOT THE TRAITOR!"
Good points. Organized religion is simply another successful strategy of divide and conquer (much like race, politics, gender, class, etc). More focus on the being/s behind the curtain is necessary.
Except. "Regular" jews happily and fully (well, ANGRILY, viciously, and fully) participate with INTENT in the destruction of the White species! They are the soldiers for the Capensis descendants. They are WILLING soldiers working to destroy us.
NO MERCY! When you go to war -- when you RESPOND to a war being waged against you -- then you (we!) must go all the way to war! If we don't stop mewling and groveling (and sacrificing our young people and our work) to the regular jews who are actively destroying us, it won't matter if we're not attacking only/mainly the Khazarian controlelrs! The jew-army will destroy us unless we STOP them!!
The idea that Adam was created. The idea of a sole god. These are all fallacies, fables, that come from only using one side of the brain. That is not how things happen at all. No being can create alone. The idea of it is preposterous. I think it comes from hero worship which comes from having only male interpretations devoid of female interpretations which makes our vision skewed and inverted.
But the politicians love hate and death because War allows them to get Kickbacks and money like you wouldn't believe and don't forget about all the drug trafficking war allows.
Trump had no wars. Cheney and other Neocons need to come to daddy and look in the mirror
Interesting comment, Mark, thank you. It certainly seems that way here on this tiny planet, which, for the most is part still in the gritty non-now of Little Consciousness.
The concept of karma originates from spiritual and philosophical traditions, especially Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It refers to the principle that one's actions (both good and bad) influence their future, either in this life or in future lives, through a cause-and-effect relationship. However, the idea of how quickly karma operates isn't tied to a measurable speed like a physical process.
In a spiritual sense:
Some believe that karma can act immediately, where the consequences of an action are seen in the near term.
Others view karma as something that unfolds over time, possibly even over multiple lifetimes, meaning the results of actions may not manifest right away but could affect one's future life circumstances or spiritual growth.
From a philosophical standpoint, karma operates not just as a spiritual mechanism but as a reminder that actions have consequences. How fast those consequences manifest may depend on various factors, such as the severity of the action and the interconnectedness of events.
In short, karma is not bound to a specific "speed" but is understood as a natural balance of actions and consequences, which may take time or occur quickly depending on the context.
Consciousness (which equates to thought) creates reality, and Clif's explanation is magnificent. As for karma, is that not a future consequence of one's own thoughts, actions, and reactions? One may see it as a mystical concept with Eastern roots. However, since nwe are a lower=level/frequency version of what Clif terms Big Consciousness, our thoughts, which occur in the instantaenous "now" in which there is no time...they can, and do, whip back to meet us at some future time (as we know it). This is perhaps what Chjrist was alluding to when he said treat others as you would be treated...we ARE the creators of our personal future, in all aspects...and Big Consciousness does not interfere in our creations. Why? Because humans have free will. Interference would therefore inhibit and perhaps even nullify their creative power of thought, choice, and decisions.
Thought are not your burden as some disturbing thoughts aren't yours. They come and pass. We shake our heads and say where the fuck did that come from,
Kind of like if I drop a container full of coffee beans (the action), the karma is that there will be a lot of coffee beans on the floor that need to be cleaned up.
I often think these things are too “spiritualized,” or another term I don’t like to use.
Humans just seem to overcomplicate many things. I don’t have answers - it just seems unnecessarily convoluted.
“Concept originates,” “some believe,” “others view,” “from a philosophical standpoint ,” “in short.” And there are even MORE talkings about it!
I have proven karma exists, at least anecdotally. One night a few years back I was walking home from work. It was Winter and it has snowed earlier during the day, warmed up a touch and melted so the sidewalk I was strolling upon was a tad slippery. Out of the corner of my eye about 2 or 3 houses from home I spotted a rabbit minding its own business as rabbits do. For some dumbass reason I thought to myself "I'm going to scare that rabbit". So I lunged forward and of course as no surprise the rabbit ran away startled, or at least was like "dumbass human, why have you bothered me?". I smirked, proud of myself for whatever egotistical reason, took one step and nearly toppled over from losing my footing. Instant karma, and well deserved!
We simply do not know much about karma (or much else actually!) However it would be good to experiment and study it to see patterns. The patterns may be hard to see for a long time but we are not studying or experimenting with karma or manifestation and thus we are still in the dark about them.
“… for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” This Bible verse from Paul’s letter to the Galatians takes on new meaning after listening to Clif’s talk. In other words we should live our lives with a focus on our spiritual health & the consequences of karmic reality- not on the grit.
Someone told me the Bible says your karmic sins of the past are cleansed after seven generations yet I'm under the belief that it continues for an eternity passed down from one generation to the next.
Linda. You are loved. You were created by a loving God who has a plan for your life now, and throughout all of eternity. He gives hope and purpose to life. Seek him and you will find him. I did. His name is Jesus and I found him when I finally got around to reading the Bible. The Book of John is a great place to start. Life is beautiful when viewed through the lens of scripture. I pray that for you 🙏
Could be wrong, but I think you got off on the wrong stop Dave. Very few to zero bible-thumpers 'round these parts, tho ya might find a number of Naked Bible thumpers, who knows?
As far as this Jesus fellow, man he keeps a might fine lawn, oh si si.
No wrong stop. I’m not threatened by people who think differently. Clif has opened my eyes to a lot. I revere him as a brilliant thinker. He gets some things wrong but that’s ok. Jesus is Lord and Savior still.
Dave isn't the only Christian here. I listen to folks like Clif, because no one person has all wisdom and knowledge. Truth is truth, no matter where it comes from. we can learn from anyone and anything.
AMEN! I believe His return is soon! Soon like within the next 20 years. I'm thinking really soon if stuff that Sabrina Wallace talks about is happening bc they are getting the tech into our bodies whether or not we take their DCS (depop clot shots), so they are really pushing to change us like that turd Harari or whatever his name is you know Klaus' little weirdo puppet with his surveillance under the skin garbage is pushing.
You know the Jews don't believe there is a sky daddy up there watching over you and every move is judged for the Gates of Heaven hallelujah praise Jesus oh my lord giveth to thee
Love your work, Clif! And I love your cantankerousness as well. You have always been so interesting to listen to. I loved your video on law and how to work that process, and your discussions of how you came to develop your computer system. Sometimes I think that the character Finch in Person of Interest was based on you! Well, all the time actually. 😁 Much love and respect to you.
LOL...funny you say that. Just finishing the last of the series. That show sure got a lot of things right...
Great show and I did love Finch but my favorite was his muscle Jim Cavizel who also played Jesus
I'd guess Clif not only gets you "High" but inspires you to be a better woman!
He, who has no social media real name, lives near a cliff that is high. ;)
Hi there Susan, which video on law & how to work that process?
If you can post a weblink that would be really appreciated :) i've never heard Clif speak much only on law - sounds really interesting! .. And yes much love & respect to you Clif for your vast amount of knowledge, true intellect & wisdom, & generosity in sharing :) Thank you too Susan :)
[ Anyone else who might be able to post this info, in case it's not seen by Susan, appreciating you in advance, TY TY :]
Haha. I am currently watching that show 😀 well deserved compliments
I had an incident about 15 years ago on my farm in Montana that this talk made me think about. I had just acquired a young female llama she was very large and I am not quite 5 ft-- anyway my friend who was helping me put her in my pasture had shut the gate andI was standing squarely in front of her on the other side of the gate. She suddenly leaned over the gate and touched the top of my head with her nose ( she was meauring me, sizing me up) & within an instant she flung herself over the gate and I did a perfect aikido roll onto the ground --it was done without any thinking --my body was responding to the moment. I was probably a bit over 60 at the time and although I had studied Aikido in my twenties, dabbled in Tai Chi and yoga I was not a practicing martial arts person. I think those practices do, along with meditation help to expand your energy fields. I did study Hoshino therapy as a therapist and it requires a cosuderable amount of specific exercises that work on building chi. The center for one's chi is your hara, or gut. Had I not rolled safely from the lllama I probably would have been seriously ijnuried or killed.
I have a feeling that our body contains much intelligence when it is "up against the wall" and does things that are totally unpremeditated. Our relationship with our body;s intelligence is very lacking. It seems to sit under the surface, not making a fuss, but when time comes that we are in a sticky situation, boom, it comes in brilliantly almost like we don't know where it comes from.
I studied Gurdjieff as well in Boston where I attended classes taught by one of his original students. He sat in the back of the room and you were taught to literally look behind you without turning your head I was also very conscious of .my third eye -- the pineal gland. You know, you read books, attend classes, meditate and nothing really dramatic happens - until decades later-- all that work pays off. And I have followed through believing the body is the temple of the mind. So I don't engage in overindulgence, eat just enough to be satisfied and am very glad I have stayed active all my life.I am able to maintain my little farm and live alone and be independent. The older I get the less I care about the material things. My roommates all have four legs and are more evolved than most humans.
🤗And they have terrific energy! No Monday morning downers here! 🖖
That is very interesting, the teacher at the back of the room, your roommates all with four legs. Yes yes there is so much to life and yet we usually walk around like we're blinkered to all of it with our minds focused almost solely on insipid human dramas.
I have found that being "present" and focused has helped me avoid several auto accidents through life. Movies portray people as panicking and unable to react "in the instant" that required action, but I have found that the mind takes over if one recognizes the absolute necessity of thinking clearly. It's a split second response that requires overcoming emotion in favor of reason.
I've had a couple of instances where a split second response came spontaneously.
I was walking across campus at twilight one day, a security guard was about to place a guard dog, German shepherd, in the science building for the night.
The dog saw me and a buddy and immediately broke free of the guard and started racing towards us.
Without a thought, I reared up, with hands held high and ROARED.
The shepherd to off the other way into the woods, and I shook like a leaf for the next hour.
A few years later, I'm driving home with my wife and son, late at night on a country highway.
As I crest the top of this bridge, I see a vehicle directly in front of us, only yards away,
I whipped the wheel right, instinctively and just miss the oncoming car.
We quickly pulled to the shoulder and prayed and thanked GOD for mercy.
Well done! Bravo!
Amazing ! I can relate, as over 30 years ago, I was thrown head first, at speed from a galloping, charging horse....I flew through the air like superman & on landing did an incredible landing roll, only fracturing my wrist which had tangled in the rein, I got up & walked the horse back to it's stable....I always said my survival was based on watching all the Japanese Ninja series as a kid, bedause I'd practised their moves endlessly in my mind...clearly there is much more going on.
Heh, I experienced a similar miracle when I found myself accidently on a high black/ expert skiing slope that was nearly vertical, and I was beginner skier and slightly acrophobic.
Immediately, my mind went to all of the movies and Olympics coverage that showed skiers slaloming and flying down mountains without killing themselves. I mimicked the short zig-zagging traversing action and embraced the gravity hurtling me down the fall, and, to this day, thought my survival was a miracle of connecting with the gestalt of ski motion and with the Divine collective consciousness of skiers and survivors!
That is absolutely brilliant !....what an amazing experience & with style !!
Llama = New Age over-rated shit-tempered animal.
She was hell bent on killing me. Got rid of her and adopted a six year old red haired alpaca named Damien who was the best guard animal ever. My rabbit used to hop over to the meadow to hang out with him.He protected the goat herd ( there were bear, mountain lion & coyotes) My hybrid wolf dog was a big coward.
Voted for Trump this morning in Nevada! Yay!
Let make America Smart Again!🎈💥
Unfortunately Stupid and or Unwitting People Believe and Do What Other Stupid and or Unwitting People Tell Them!
So you're looking to a sort of daddy figure to make things right are you? Why didn't he make things right the first time? Why did he facilitate "warp speed" to get those who took the fang to become sick or even die?
So, your "One of Them" ?
He said you can get the shot or not . It was an intelligence test . I passed . Some people didn’t
I am sure your lice improved dramatically, eapecially your finances thanks to the genius of the CCP controlled farting idiot and his sidekick the brainless hyena. Know anyone injuried or dead from the life saving vax-- are you up to date on your boosters sweetie pie?
Me too! Anyone with a brain sees the inflation theft over the last 4 shitshow years
Hello Woo Crew, love you all! Try to sidestep the shitshow and be Happy as a Clam!!😜😘😍❤️🥰
I got THIS for ya anyway.
Don't know about any CLAMS, I live in COLORADO.
You can eat the mountain oysters lol
Those aren't CLAMS! Never had em, although a couple restaurants around where one COULD.
My daughter has a inlet from the sound that I can just pick up big large hard shell clams fresh out of the water .
Fresh is best! I don't really eat sea food in CO, but if I visit the coast...
I keep a stash of them in my freezer!
Love back at ya
Thanks, Clif, for taking time out of your busy days to educate us on many topics. You're an excellent teacher and much appreciated.
He's as comfortable and enjoying as a flowing Brook
The one thing I truly like about Clif is the fact that every vid has a history lesson in it. Like the Hurrian empire. Not really and empire so to speak...but never heard of them before. Definitely a Learning experience.
Yeah, never knew about Jews poisoning wells with snails, those users bastards. Why would they do that?
Userous bastards
Agreed! Among other things, I'm an English tutor and I readily relate to your input.
There's quite a historical list of 'JOOZ' poisoning water wells in Europe during the Middle Ages.
There's a snake in my boot! Somebody poisoned the water hole!
Sayings of Sheriff Woody of Toy Story.
Seem to eerily parallel "DS" tactics...
In retribution for kicking them out of their communities, that's why! Those sick, perverted psychopaths have no respect for human life and no conscience whatsoever..
I thought the people put the snails in the Jewish kill them.
That's the lie the Jews tell. I'm liking them less all the time.
TY..... that must have been the part I missed choking down my meds.
To be totally fair, it's very true that not all Jews behave so despicably. But, those who knowingly and willingly accept the Satanic teachings of the Talmud are, in effect, the willing servants of Satan. What's more is the very FACT that almost all of Zionist Israel's 'laws' ARE INDEED based upon the Talmud (which is as Satanic a collection of writings as have ever been written in human history). Some well intentioned Jooz seem to think that Israel's laws are based upon the Torah. If that were true, then Zionist Israel might not be so vile and despicable, but they would still be the passive servants of the Evil One, simply out of sheer ignorance.
Just goes to show that despite years they didn't have wisdom. Why would anyone want to obey some words someone wrote which they refer to as "laws"? With wisdom, surely one can see that it is preposterous for adults to define what other adults can do.
Thanks so much for being here, Clif. You worked very hard to stay.
"If you piss, piss off".. 🤣
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your cat is smarter then you. Cuz it never watches TV unless there is a bird 🐦 🐦⬛ or horse 🐎 on it. AHHHHHHH!
Cup a Java jo jo mama big roasted daddy
About Clif's "Elohim cult or Khazarian Mafia."
This opinion is Clif's ONLY and if you want to take it up with him: So fuck off.
Clif on Man in America interview.
35:38 "Khazarian Mafia" are not like the neighborhood Jewish person. They are a Turkic group From Ukraine, Crimea, Western Russia and Kazakhstan, people separate from other Jews.
His postulate is that the "Khazarian Mafia" is genetically based on Homo Capensis NOT Homo Sapiens. This separates regular Jews from the "Khazarian Mafia" in his opinion. Look for the stub of DNA on remnant of the #2 Chromosome in KM. The KM were created BEFORE the creation of Adam and the successful generations of Adam.
The KM isn't Jewish. They use the Jewish as a front for all their dirty work. Takes a greedy sect to go along with doing nefarious acts. Thus we have the Jewish lovers of money. The world consciensness is finally figuring this out. Nothing to do with Clif presenting the obvious.
So, if you're fighting a kinetic war (and we SHOULD be!) -- and the enemy guys are just a programmed normies, just a member of the ENEMY group that is attacking, subverting, and destroying your people -- you're just going to excuse or ignore them?!
Do you even understand that in war, nice-and-good people (as well as their programmers and owners) WHO are trying to destroy OUR nice-and-good people MUST BE FOUGHT!? Do you counsel surrender to your own people (or are you one of the enemy: "hello fellow White person?")
Do you counsel surrender and the END of our people? IF the regular jews, working SO VERY HARD to destroy our country, are to be excused by you -- then YOU are worse than an enemy: you are a traitor!
Look up Corneliu Codreanu -- whose most famous saying is (paraphrased): "If I were faced with an enemy and a traitor, and had only one bullet left; I would SHOOT THE TRAITOR!"
Good points. Organized religion is simply another successful strategy of divide and conquer (much like race, politics, gender, class, etc). More focus on the being/s behind the curtain is necessary.
Except. "Regular" jews happily and fully (well, ANGRILY, viciously, and fully) participate with INTENT in the destruction of the White species! They are the soldiers for the Capensis descendants. They are WILLING soldiers working to destroy us.
NO MERCY! When you go to war -- when you RESPOND to a war being waged against you -- then you (we!) must go all the way to war! If we don't stop mewling and groveling (and sacrificing our young people and our work) to the regular jews who are actively destroying us, it won't matter if we're not attacking only/mainly the Khazarian controlelrs! The jew-army will destroy us unless we STOP them!!
They aren't Judeans! They are WHITE Eastern Europeans. Helloooo!
Khazarian Mafia guys bad...
That's the best Boogeyman. Never was Russia
It’s the jews. All of them.
The idea that Adam was created. The idea of a sole god. These are all fallacies, fables, that come from only using one side of the brain. That is not how things happen at all. No being can create alone. The idea of it is preposterous. I think it comes from hero worship which comes from having only male interpretations devoid of female interpretations which makes our vision skewed and inverted.
Thank You Clif.
Perhaps, big consciousness is in the process of selecting love - and life - over hate and death.
But the politicians love hate and death because War allows them to get Kickbacks and money like you wouldn't believe and don't forget about all the drug trafficking war allows.
Trump had no wars. Cheney and other Neocons need to come to daddy and look in the mirror
Ying and the yang
Awareness is slowly increasing whether the sleepers want it or not.
I agree. Maybe it simplifies down to love and fear. Hate is born from fear.
Yes Mark agree ALWAYS be positive.
Interesting comment, Mark, thank you. It certainly seems that way here on this tiny planet, which, for the most is part still in the gritty non-now of Little Consciousness.
The concept of karma originates from spiritual and philosophical traditions, especially Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It refers to the principle that one's actions (both good and bad) influence their future, either in this life or in future lives, through a cause-and-effect relationship. However, the idea of how quickly karma operates isn't tied to a measurable speed like a physical process.
In a spiritual sense:
Some believe that karma can act immediately, where the consequences of an action are seen in the near term.
Others view karma as something that unfolds over time, possibly even over multiple lifetimes, meaning the results of actions may not manifest right away but could affect one's future life circumstances or spiritual growth.
From a philosophical standpoint, karma operates not just as a spiritual mechanism but as a reminder that actions have consequences. How fast those consequences manifest may depend on various factors, such as the severity of the action and the interconnectedness of events.
In short, karma is not bound to a specific "speed" but is understood as a natural balance of actions and consequences, which may take time or occur quickly depending on the context.
Consciousness (which equates to thought) creates reality, and Clif's explanation is magnificent. As for karma, is that not a future consequence of one's own thoughts, actions, and reactions? One may see it as a mystical concept with Eastern roots. However, since nwe are a lower=level/frequency version of what Clif terms Big Consciousness, our thoughts, which occur in the instantaenous "now" in which there is no time...they can, and do, whip back to meet us at some future time (as we know it). This is perhaps what Chjrist was alluding to when he said treat others as you would be treated...we ARE the creators of our personal future, in all aspects...and Big Consciousness does not interfere in our creations. Why? Because humans have free will. Interference would therefore inhibit and perhaps even nullify their creative power of thought, choice, and decisions.
Thought are not your burden as some disturbing thoughts aren't yours. They come and pass. We shake our heads and say where the fuck did that come from,
Thank you.
Kind of like if I drop a container full of coffee beans (the action), the karma is that there will be a lot of coffee beans on the floor that need to be cleaned up.
I often think these things are too “spiritualized,” or another term I don’t like to use.
Humans just seem to overcomplicate many things. I don’t have answers - it just seems unnecessarily convoluted.
“Concept originates,” “some believe,” “others view,” “from a philosophical standpoint ,” “in short.” And there are even MORE talkings about it!
See what I mean?
Ah ha! Overcomplicate. Be still thy racing mind
I have proven karma exists, at least anecdotally. One night a few years back I was walking home from work. It was Winter and it has snowed earlier during the day, warmed up a touch and melted so the sidewalk I was strolling upon was a tad slippery. Out of the corner of my eye about 2 or 3 houses from home I spotted a rabbit minding its own business as rabbits do. For some dumbass reason I thought to myself "I'm going to scare that rabbit". So I lunged forward and of course as no surprise the rabbit ran away startled, or at least was like "dumbass human, why have you bothered me?". I smirked, proud of myself for whatever egotistical reason, took one step and nearly toppled over from losing my footing. Instant karma, and well deserved!
We simply do not know much about karma (or much else actually!) However it would be good to experiment and study it to see patterns. The patterns may be hard to see for a long time but we are not studying or experimenting with karma or manifestation and thus we are still in the dark about them.
“… for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” This Bible verse from Paul’s letter to the Galatians takes on new meaning after listening to Clif’s talk. In other words we should live our lives with a focus on our spiritual health & the consequences of karmic reality- not on the grit.
Someone told me the Bible says your karmic sins of the past are cleansed after seven generations yet I'm under the belief that it continues for an eternity passed down from one generation to the next.
Where? What?
$2 silver day yesterday. Will we see $5 day soon?
Precious metals going to the moon Alice€$$$$$$$
Bang Zoom!!
Clif, it looks like a big postcard behind you and you are the message!
I just could never figure out why we're here just to go thru carp since birth then eventually die.. what's the point.. Just doesn't make sense. 🥴
Linda. You are loved. You were created by a loving God who has a plan for your life now, and throughout all of eternity. He gives hope and purpose to life. Seek him and you will find him. I did. His name is Jesus and I found him when I finally got around to reading the Bible. The Book of John is a great place to start. Life is beautiful when viewed through the lens of scripture. I pray that for you 🙏
Could be wrong, but I think you got off on the wrong stop Dave. Very few to zero bible-thumpers 'round these parts, tho ya might find a number of Naked Bible thumpers, who knows?
As far as this Jesus fellow, man he keeps a might fine lawn, oh si si.
No wrong stop. I’m not threatened by people who think differently. Clif has opened my eyes to a lot. I revere him as a brilliant thinker. He gets some things wrong but that’s ok. Jesus is Lord and Savior still.
Yup. I totally agree! Im a Christian too and do learn from Clif
Dave isn't the only Christian here. I listen to folks like Clif, because no one person has all wisdom and knowledge. Truth is truth, no matter where it comes from. we can learn from anyone and anything.
God is knocking.....
AMEN! I believe His return is soon! Soon like within the next 20 years. I'm thinking really soon if stuff that Sabrina Wallace talks about is happening bc they are getting the tech into our bodies whether or not we take their DCS (depop clot shots), so they are really pushing to change us like that turd Harari or whatever his name is you know Klaus' little weirdo puppet with his surveillance under the skin garbage is pushing.
You know the Jews don't believe there is a sky daddy up there watching over you and every move is judged for the Gates of Heaven hallelujah praise Jesus oh my lord giveth to thee
Linda, life's a beach and then you die
Check out Howdie Mickoski Linda, he has an interesting philosophy on getting out of this shit show.
Reminds me of the movie Flatliners.