I find his talking about the berries to be very educational and interesting. I consider anyone who has thoughts that they are able to articulate and share to be a benefit.
Hitler kicked the banks out and created a currency based on labor. Germany recovered from the depression ahead of all other nations. Germany issued interest free loans for houses and created the VW concept and built the autobahns for the population to drive on.
Hitler was loved by the German people and was not a homicidal maniac. Western propaganda made Hitler the demon we were indoctrinated with. Check out Ernst Zundel on Bitchute. Also watch The Holohaox.
The media has depicted Hitler as a really bad guy, my rule of thumb is to believe the opposite of anything the media says. Look at how Putin depicted; probably is a good idea to do your own research and decide for yourself.
Putin has been a part of the Russian Mafia,, who do you think controls the Russian Mafia? Savoya family. A Jesuit family. The Jesuits gave the Rothchilds their money to hide from the POpE( back in the day). Giving the Rothchilds more power . But the Jesuits make the rules.
Let's not forget that Islam forbids 'usury' which is the parasitic interest on loans, so true Islamists avoid the interest based financial system too. That is probably another reason why the bankster cabal hates them. Remember what happened to Muammar Gaddafi when he tried to create a gold backed currency for Libya.
Yes, I am aware. I am not anti-Semite, but I am anticorruption. I am no fan of those who think the Talmud is a "holy" book. The Talmud is a book that gives excuse to behaving badly, and and it condones corruption. Goyim are fair game. Morality is non-existent when applied to goyim.
A Hitler on the other hand was a genius. He knew multiculturalism is a failed strategy for an enlightened society.
Equating "Semites" to "Zionists" is just another false paradigm.
Those 2 are far from the same thing. Not all Semites are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Semites, so it is impossible to be accused of being anti-semitic by being anti-zionist or vice versa.
Zionism is more of a political or idealogical entity than anything else.
When we are dealing with Name Stealers things inevitably become complex and confusing. I understand Clif's thesis; but I was also interested to read a different one:
Yes, so it's probably more accurate to equate zionists with Khazarians than with anyone else? There are a lot of other dangerous secret societies that fit in well with them too...
Just tell them you are disagreeing with zionists or Khazarians not jews, and let them figure that out. When being anti-Khazarian becomes as forbidden as being anti-zionist or anti-semitic, then that circle is complete and they have revealed their connection.
They used Hitler and made him the fall guy if you hunt for truth you will see they have erased much of our history but if to do the research you will find truth
Hi John, I think many were killed but not as many as our history books in the US want us to beleive. I believe many stories printed throughout history are lies. They profit from lies. Did you ever watch the Archaix channel on YouTube? He is pretty knowledgable and is very smart. I am learning a great deal from Jason. He talks about things none else does. He will be starting the Archaix tv channel soon where he can expose much more about our history. It is going to be explosive to say the least. I just thought that I would share this with you. Very interesting topics too such as the Phenoix Phenominom.
Archaix tv I believe starts in July. This will be the only channel that I will be willing to pay for. This is how good the information is. It is so addictive. I love to learn new stuff!
Hitler was a stupid puppet for the Jesuit agenda. The Jesuits provided the funds to give to the Jewish bankers to give to both sides. Especially eugenics funding. Hitler was a good speaker but stupid to fall for it.
Hitler was far from stupid. His mistake was thinking the world rejected Communism. The people of Allied countries were duped into fighting on the side of the murderous psychopath Stalin.
General Patton knew who the real enemy was. But Eisenhower and Churchil were lapdogs for International Jewry.
Khazars are just the financial arm of the Jesuits. Hitler was stupid for falling for it. And anyone who keeps saying the Khazars are the head of the snake hasnt done ENOUGH reading.
Of course we have heard that the Vatican is the top Satanic dog. The hierarchy is Vatican, London, Washington.
What did Hitler fall for? What happened as a result of him falling for; what?
Hitler laid out his philosophy in Mein Kampf. His speeches were consistent with his philosophy. His deeds greatly benefited the German people between the wars. Had he been allowed to fight the Communists in Russia as he wanted, the world would be a far better place today. Instead it is taboo to question the lies we have been told. The "censors" use the weaponized legal system to punish those who question the "official" narrative.
I have seen no evidence for what you say, and you haven't provided any. It is easy to say things; do you have any sources to back it up? There are plenty of rumors about Hitler out there. Like the one most people still believe, that Hitler murdered 6 million. Totally laughable if you bother to think it through. Most are indoctrinated and believe the BS. I have read lots of books about Hitler and the Nazis. Much of it was lying propaganda written by the victors.
As a young man I fell for it myself till I visited Auschwitz. Then the story didn't make sense. Genocide on an industrial scale was not possible. The few crematoriums on site could not have kept up with the numbers we were given. The forensic evidence proved the gas chambers didn't exist.
Hitler was forced into a war he didn't want. So were his predecessors. International Jewry couldn't stand to have a German powerhouse in Europe, unwilling to be slaves. They didn't want the goyim to be able to resist their plan for world Communist domination.
Neville Chamberlain negotiated peace with Hitler. He was obviously stabbed in the back at home, not by British citizens but by the Jewish power structure. So instead of criticizing Hitler, perhaps you should look into what was going on with Roosevelt, Churchill and their buddy Stalin. We suffer today not from what Hitler did, but from what these three evil bastards did.
If you can understand Spanish, there is a historian from Spain, Jorge Guerra, who has the most comprehensive historical Jesuit Summaries on video. Although the books outlined above are probably better sources if you, like myself, do not trust easily. If you do not know other languages, I highly recommend learning at least Spanish, German and French Italian, for a lot of Jesuit information will be under those. Not German as much but I only include German due to the context of our above interchange. World War 1-2.
The Jesuits led the antisemitic propaganda, all while voting in dictatorial powers by the Centre Party. Led by Jesuits.
All while funding the Khazarian bankers, while they paid the communists in the Soviet Union to stir up a revolution bc the monarchy there declined their central banking system.
La Civilta Catolica, a Jesuit Magazine, obviously antisemitic. Led the propaganda agenda against Jews.
That while yes, Jewish (Khazarian) bankers did manipulate the economy, the rest of the antisemitic propaganda was mostly due to mob mentality against a thriving population of immigrants. This always happens when migrations of people occur. Human nature. Some claims legitimate because with new population, new culture, it is bound to clash. But it doesnt mean the propaganda of “eating christian children” was legitimate.
Hitler did not write Mein Kampf, but it was Bernhardt Stempfle, a Jesuit.
Catholicism and the Roots of Nazism by Derek Hastings
Behind the Dictators by Leo Lehmann
Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps
The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris
The Vatican-Moscow Washington Alliance by Avro Manhattan
Hitler the Pawn, by Rudolph Olden
Hitler, by Ian Kershaw
Hitler a Bio, by Konrad Heiden
Christian Antisemitism by William Shirer
Books that while singularly do not reach to the same conclusion. Together, however, outline a clearer picture that Hitler was surrounded by Jesuits, knights of the Order of Malta, Von Papen, Himmler, Geobbels, Gehler.. etc. he himself admired a socialist christian Karl Lueger. Studied in Vienna in a Jesuit school.
Unfortunately, if you believe Clify, you still have the idea that some good, clean, independent and safe money source will rise to replace the dollar. That is myopic insanity and as delusional as thinking the dollar will last forever.
Bitch you seem like a weak jealous crybaby. Normal people move along if they hate the content. While you hunt Clif. You seem stalker desperate and retarded. NO ONE CARES WHAT A PSYCJO STALKER THINKS
Ms, How about discussing the content instead of ad Hominem, detritus? My comment is made AFTER exchanging directly with Clify, asking him to explain how a free-market currency arises from the collapse of the Dollar, to which Clify offered no response whatever. I believe readers and followers such as you deserve a little reflection on what Clify is really saying and how it glosses over reality with the shot of Hopium you seem to be addicted to. Get yourself into therapy, Ms., because no magical White Hat is coming forth with a dollar replacement currency. Ad Hominem is the ultimate Duh, and it reflects on you, Ms.
You asked him, directly, how an alternate currency could arise from the collapse of the dollar.
And, he did not bother to answer you?
OH WAAAA! Did you want your binky, cry-baby?
As if you, pseudo "Dr" Phong, were held in such high regard that ANY query from your 'not-so' highness demands acknowledgement! Haha.
That said - How does ANY currency develop as a medium of exchange? DUH!
The free market (supply and demand) sets the value of goods and services. First, barter would determine a fair rate of exchange. Then, upon consensus of the 'traders', a currency of intrinsic value would take the place of bartering. Just as it has throughout history. Another DUH. Double DUH!!
Read a book, doc. Might learn somethin'.
Or, as ole Buggs would say - while munchin' a fresh carrot;
Again, Cliffy-Shill, like your other ego, DumbDee, you Abide only in stupidity, and probably do not fully qaulify as a Dude, just wishful thinking. But look up "ad Hominem," and when you figure it out, try to respond constructively.
For one; clifs analysis on who is running the show is definitely incorrect. The Khazars(fake jews) are not in charge. They do NOT and Have not made the rules. They simply follow the rules/orders and try to benefit themselves. The Society of Jesus has for centuries made the rules of how the world operates. International Bank of Settlements ran by Jesuit families. Jesuits gave all of their money to the Rothchilds to try and hide their money from the PoPe... the rothchilds were not even a bank until then, they were just loan bondsman and charged interest. Which the Catholic church frowned upon back the . The Jesuits knowing the Catholic church would take their treasure, they decided to hide it and use the rothchilds as their banker. By doing so however, it allowed the Rothchilds to become more like a bank.
You are upset and putting words in my mouth. I just like you and mr cliff can be wrong. On my previous comment, I know he is. The road does not lead to the Khazars. But that doesnt mean I think His material is useless. But being emotional about a person you are following to the point of cognitive incoherence, smells like a cult following.
Why are you here, stinking up the place with your imbecilic troll BS? Don't you have a NAMBLA meeting to attend? Tranz surgery coming up? Bestiality trial looming?
Lol, I grow 50 year old heirloom strawberries and 30 year old raspberries OUTSIDE (gasp...). We are in the pumice zone of southern Oregon and thus get snow and cold temps. My plants would rebel at being placed in a greenhouse! Both spread copiously and with vigor. Tell me where to ship you a few strawberry plants; my berries are sweet and heavy with flavor. You can't buy this quality anymore.
Why does the timeline keep slipping...was all failing at end of May, then in June and now July? I love listening but starting to wane. Still on the Clif ship though.
It's the sugar I have a problem with. That and I want toast with my jam and I no longer eat bread.
Maybe I should freeze banana strawberry smoothies.
Had a dicussion over the weekend about pies. I think putting stawberries with rhubarb in a pie is a waste of stawberries. The rhubarb totally overwhelms them, just make rhubarb pie and eat the stawberries.
When Strawberries are on sale, I score 20 pounds, then tediously slice each one into thin pieces and put them in the dehydrator. When they are done a ton of them will fit into a large jar, ... but they never last because my 10yr old plows through them so fast. No added sugar !! Last for ages dehydrated. I was thinking about making some preserves with very little sugar though. I also stock up on onions and bell peppers of all colors and chop and slice and dehydrate. They are very handy to throw into soups and stews.
If I have a lot of bell peppers I roast them and store them in olive oil. Once out on the boat I used that oil to brush zuchinis on the grill, awesome!
I've never used a dehydrator, maybe I should look into that.
I make beef jerky too. And Banana chips, & fruit roll-ups.. I got a good deal on the $120 Cabels'a 6 tray dehydrator on sale for $80, but they sure stuck it to me on the required 2 packs of silicone tray liners that keep small stuff from falling through the large holes on the trays. Then there was the two packs of fruit roll-up trays, ... then the Jerky Blaster 1.5qt caulking gun for making ground beef jerky strips. I would say that for the most part, these accessories are not completely mandatory, but the rack liners are certainly handy.
After Mom died the family told me to get rid of all the "Stuff" but I couldn't do it. As a result I have a lot of old canning jars, big pots and other assorted goodies I can use. My siblings and extended family missed the boat. lol
To avoid some of the tedium of the strawberry slicing, could you find an egg-slicer? One that has thin enough slices. With 20 pounds of strawberries, it could help save time! P.S. sounds awesome and delicious
Same here. Today is the day I decided to get out a Chuck Roast to marinade early in the morning so I can broil it for dinner. And I am going to use my commercial potato slicer to smash out a big batch of french fries. Mmmmm, Carbs. And I don't care if my body chooses to turn the spuds into sugar. Does it matter if I make blanched and frozen Asparagus with that ?? lol
Yeah. I relaxed and became a better guest by just eating what is put in front of me if it isn't toxic. Haven't been home much in the last few weeks and I do see a weight gain.
Cutting out carbs really does put a dent in your cuisine.
Study astrology people! Understanding the archetypes in relation to temporal events, past present, and future, will greatly expand on one's understanding of what's happening where the "rubber meets the road(s)," so to speak. I highly recommend Astrology With Heather and her social circle of astrologers and Tarot readers. The truth is out there... It's just not manifest yet!
I like it when Clif has to do his chores
LOL! So do I! It means we get some more good info. 😃
Thanks for posting!
Who gives a shit about berries!!
I do😁🤪😋
Think of huckleberries as a launchpad for ideas ha ha ha ha.
I find his talking about the berries to be very educational and interesting. I consider anyone who has thoughts that they are able to articulate and share to be a benefit.
Hitler kicked the banks out and created a currency based on labor. Germany recovered from the depression ahead of all other nations. Germany issued interest free loans for houses and created the VW concept and built the autobahns for the population to drive on.
Hitler was loved by the German people and was not a homicidal maniac. Western propaganda made Hitler the demon we were indoctrinated with. Check out Ernst Zundel on Bitchute. Also watch The Holohaox.
The media has depicted Hitler as a really bad guy, my rule of thumb is to believe the opposite of anything the media says. Look at how Putin depicted; probably is a good idea to do your own research and decide for yourself.
Putin has been a part of the Russian Mafia,, who do you think controls the Russian Mafia? Savoya family. A Jesuit family. The Jesuits gave the Rothchilds their money to hide from the POpE( back in the day). Giving the Rothchilds more power . But the Jesuits make the rules.
No, Putin banned the elites from Russia after he paid them off.
Putin is part of the grimaldi Mafia, grimaldi mafia works hand in hand with the Savoya/Saboya Jesuit Family.
Let's not forget that Islam forbids 'usury' which is the parasitic interest on loans, so true Islamists avoid the interest based financial system too. That is probably another reason why the bankster cabal hates them. Remember what happened to Muammar Gaddafi when he tried to create a gold backed currency for Libya.
The Bible also forbids usury. In our society it may be legal but it's not lawful.
Are you suggesting that the holocaust didn't happen? In many places it is illegal to disagree with the Jew.
Yes, I am aware. I am not anti-Semite, but I am anticorruption. I am no fan of those who think the Talmud is a "holy" book. The Talmud is a book that gives excuse to behaving badly, and and it condones corruption. Goyim are fair game. Morality is non-existent when applied to goyim.
A Hitler on the other hand was a genius. He knew multiculturalism is a failed strategy for an enlightened society.
Talmud "worship" promotes dangerous attitudes.
Equating "Semites" to "Zionists" is just another false paradigm.
Those 2 are far from the same thing. Not all Semites are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Semites, so it is impossible to be accused of being anti-semitic by being anti-zionist or vice versa.
Zionism is more of a political or idealogical entity than anything else.
If there are any Semitic Zionists I expect they are a rarity. Khazars are European.
Palestinians are Semites, not a whole lot of Semites with Israeli passports.
That seems to be true for sure!
So is it safe to say that so called Zionists are really Khazarians in disguise?
Do I dare even ask that?
It's a good bet.
Why of course you dare ask that and what a great question.
Well, let’s see who repopulates Ukraine after the profiteers finish leveling it and rebuilding it with other people’s money.
Definitely. Most European Jews are Khazars. Eran Elhaik( geneticist) proved this. But his work has been censored.
When we are dealing with Name Stealers things inevitably become complex and confusing. I understand Clif's thesis; but I was also interested to read a different one:
As so often, I am left scratching my hurting head :)
Not all Zionists read the Talmud I suspect.
But all Zionists have dangerous attitudes.
Their Rabbis read the Talmud.
But anyone can criticize white people anytime, anyplace.
Yes, so it's probably more accurate to equate zionists with Khazarians than with anyone else? There are a lot of other dangerous secret societies that fit in well with them too...
I am Canadian, it has recently become illegal for me to disagree with the Jew.
Just tell them you are disagreeing with zionists or Khazarians not jews, and let them figure that out. When being anti-Khazarian becomes as forbidden as being anti-zionist or anti-semitic, then that circle is complete and they have revealed their connection.
I do that a lot online.
Zionism is an invention of the Khazars and Jesuits. Khazars do not make the rules they simply play them. Jesuits make the rules.
They used Hitler and made him the fall guy if you hunt for truth you will see they have erased much of our history but if to do the research you will find truth
If you tell me it is illegal to disagree with your version of history, I KNOW you are lying to me.
Yes, much if not most of what we think we know is crap. Interesting predicament.
Hi John, I think many were killed but not as many as our history books in the US want us to beleive. I believe many stories printed throughout history are lies. They profit from lies. Did you ever watch the Archaix channel on YouTube? He is pretty knowledgable and is very smart. I am learning a great deal from Jason. He talks about things none else does. He will be starting the Archaix tv channel soon where he can expose much more about our history. It is going to be explosive to say the least. I just thought that I would share this with you. Very interesting topics too such as the Phenoix Phenominom.
I occasionally watch Jew Tube videos but I don't use my Google account so no following.
Archaix tv I believe starts in July. This will be the only channel that I will be willing to pay for. This is how good the information is. It is so addictive. I love to learn new stuff!
This is the holocaust that happened. Hellstorm
All true... here is some info on both:
Did you understand what they said about David Irving late in the interview ? ... and thanks a lot for the links !!!
Which video? The Hitler one or the Max Igan one? Give me a time stamp to save time...
All true. Also suggest watching the documentary Europa: The Last Battle
Saw it. It is excellent.
Mike and Eric interviewed Fred Leuchter a few months ago... https://odysee.com/@KKKULTOFFLOPPA:9/StrikeMike179:f
Thanks for this link to this interview, it is great !
Thanks. More confirmation.
A painting by Hitler.
I'll see your painting and raise you a song... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Isbf8JEtblg
yes - I love his art - a real master.
Black is white, war is peace, heroes are traitors, and traitors are heroes. [Reverse for truth]
Thank you for leaving this comment.
Hitler was a stupid puppet for the Jesuit agenda. The Jesuits provided the funds to give to the Jewish bankers to give to both sides. Especially eugenics funding. Hitler was a good speaker but stupid to fall for it.
Hitler was far from stupid. His mistake was thinking the world rejected Communism. The people of Allied countries were duped into fighting on the side of the murderous psychopath Stalin.
General Patton knew who the real enemy was. But Eisenhower and Churchil were lapdogs for International Jewry.
Khazars are just the financial arm of the Jesuits. Hitler was stupid for falling for it. And anyone who keeps saying the Khazars are the head of the snake hasnt done ENOUGH reading.
Of course we have heard that the Vatican is the top Satanic dog. The hierarchy is Vatican, London, Washington.
What did Hitler fall for? What happened as a result of him falling for; what?
Hitler laid out his philosophy in Mein Kampf. His speeches were consistent with his philosophy. His deeds greatly benefited the German people between the wars. Had he been allowed to fight the Communists in Russia as he wanted, the world would be a far better place today. Instead it is taboo to question the lies we have been told. The "censors" use the weaponized legal system to punish those who question the "official" narrative.
I have seen no evidence for what you say, and you haven't provided any. It is easy to say things; do you have any sources to back it up? There are plenty of rumors about Hitler out there. Like the one most people still believe, that Hitler murdered 6 million. Totally laughable if you bother to think it through. Most are indoctrinated and believe the BS. I have read lots of books about Hitler and the Nazis. Much of it was lying propaganda written by the victors.
As a young man I fell for it myself till I visited Auschwitz. Then the story didn't make sense. Genocide on an industrial scale was not possible. The few crematoriums on site could not have kept up with the numbers we were given. The forensic evidence proved the gas chambers didn't exist.
Hitler was forced into a war he didn't want. So were his predecessors. International Jewry couldn't stand to have a German powerhouse in Europe, unwilling to be slaves. They didn't want the goyim to be able to resist their plan for world Communist domination.
Neville Chamberlain negotiated peace with Hitler. He was obviously stabbed in the back at home, not by British citizens but by the Jewish power structure. So instead of criticizing Hitler, perhaps you should look into what was going on with Roosevelt, Churchill and their buddy Stalin. We suffer today not from what Hitler did, but from what these three evil bastards did.
If you can understand Spanish, there is a historian from Spain, Jorge Guerra, who has the most comprehensive historical Jesuit Summaries on video. Although the books outlined above are probably better sources if you, like myself, do not trust easily. If you do not know other languages, I highly recommend learning at least Spanish, German and French Italian, for a lot of Jesuit information will be under those. Not German as much but I only include German due to the context of our above interchange. World War 1-2.
The Jesuits led the antisemitic propaganda, all while voting in dictatorial powers by the Centre Party. Led by Jesuits.
All while funding the Khazarian bankers, while they paid the communists in the Soviet Union to stir up a revolution bc the monarchy there declined their central banking system.
Trump went to a Jesuit College. He does not appear to be antisemetic to me. Something doesn't smell right about tour comment.
La Civilta Catolica, a Jesuit Magazine, obviously antisemitic. Led the propaganda agenda against Jews.
That while yes, Jewish (Khazarian) bankers did manipulate the economy, the rest of the antisemitic propaganda was mostly due to mob mentality against a thriving population of immigrants. This always happens when migrations of people occur. Human nature. Some claims legitimate because with new population, new culture, it is bound to clash. But it doesnt mean the propaganda of “eating christian children” was legitimate.
All of them funded by the Jesuits. Communism an invention of the Jesuits. Not Jews. Karl Marxs mentor, Jesuit. Went to a Jesuit University.
Hitler did not write Mein Kampf, but it was Bernhardt Stempfle, a Jesuit.
Catholicism and the Roots of Nazism by Derek Hastings
Behind the Dictators by Leo Lehmann
Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps
The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris
The Vatican-Moscow Washington Alliance by Avro Manhattan
Hitler the Pawn, by Rudolph Olden
Hitler, by Ian Kershaw
Hitler a Bio, by Konrad Heiden
Christian Antisemitism by William Shirer
Books that while singularly do not reach to the same conclusion. Together, however, outline a clearer picture that Hitler was surrounded by Jesuits, knights of the Order of Malta, Von Papen, Himmler, Geobbels, Gehler.. etc. he himself admired a socialist christian Karl Lueger. Studied in Vienna in a Jesuit school.
So, what policies did the Jesuits influence in Germany between the wars?
Thank you, Clif. 🙏🙏🙏 I am amazed at how many people are still sleeping and don't see that the dollar is dying. Very sad. God bless you.
Yup, its going to be one hell of a summer
Unfortunately, if you believe Clify, you still have the idea that some good, clean, independent and safe money source will rise to replace the dollar. That is myopic insanity and as delusional as thinking the dollar will last forever.
Bitch you seem like a weak jealous crybaby. Normal people move along if they hate the content. While you hunt Clif. You seem stalker desperate and retarded. NO ONE CARES WHAT A PSYCJO STALKER THINKS
Ms, How about discussing the content instead of ad Hominem, detritus? My comment is made AFTER exchanging directly with Clify, asking him to explain how a free-market currency arises from the collapse of the Dollar, to which Clify offered no response whatever. I believe readers and followers such as you deserve a little reflection on what Clify is really saying and how it glosses over reality with the shot of Hopium you seem to be addicted to. Get yourself into therapy, Ms., because no magical White Hat is coming forth with a dollar replacement currency. Ad Hominem is the ultimate Duh, and it reflects on you, Ms.
You asked him, directly, how an alternate currency could arise from the collapse of the dollar.
And, he did not bother to answer you?
OH WAAAA! Did you want your binky, cry-baby?
As if you, pseudo "Dr" Phong, were held in such high regard that ANY query from your 'not-so' highness demands acknowledgement! Haha.
That said - How does ANY currency develop as a medium of exchange? DUH!
The free market (supply and demand) sets the value of goods and services. First, barter would determine a fair rate of exchange. Then, upon consensus of the 'traders', a currency of intrinsic value would take the place of bartering. Just as it has throughout history. Another DUH. Double DUH!!
Read a book, doc. Might learn somethin'.
Or, as ole Buggs would say - while munchin' a fresh carrot;
"What a Ma - Roon!"
Well... she does have a point... after all... as you know... you ARE an asshole, douchebag and loud-mouthed eunuch.
Clif is busy, he has no tome for cockroaches like you. Get lost, shitbag.
Got it, Froggy?
Again, Cliffy-Shill, like your other ego, DumbDee, you Abide only in stupidity, and probably do not fully qaulify as a Dude, just wishful thinking. But look up "ad Hominem," and when you figure it out, try to respond constructively.
Just put that a-hole on BLOCK Click on his name...
For one; clifs analysis on who is running the show is definitely incorrect. The Khazars(fake jews) are not in charge. They do NOT and Have not made the rules. They simply follow the rules/orders and try to benefit themselves. The Society of Jesus has for centuries made the rules of how the world operates. International Bank of Settlements ran by Jesuit families. Jesuits gave all of their money to the Rothchilds to try and hide their money from the PoPe... the rothchilds were not even a bank until then, they were just loan bondsman and charged interest. Which the Catholic church frowned upon back the . The Jesuits knowing the Catholic church would take their treasure, they decided to hide it and use the rothchilds as their banker. By doing so however, it allowed the Rothchilds to become more like a bank.
What does this have to do with my comment on blocking the festering asshole Dr. Phrog?
But you are thinking that you are smarter than Clif is... ?? hardly.
BTW: Why are you here if you think Clif's takes are not worthy?
You are upset and putting words in my mouth. I just like you and mr cliff can be wrong. On my previous comment, I know he is. The road does not lead to the Khazars. But that doesnt mean I think His material is useless. But being emotional about a person you are following to the point of cognitive incoherence, smells like a cult following.
AM I interrupting your snort of Cliffy Hopium, little dude?
Why are you here, stinking up the place with your imbecilic troll BS? Don't you have a NAMBLA meeting to attend? Tranz surgery coming up? Bestiality trial looming?
Go away, you pathetic hemorrhoid.
Lol, I grow 50 year old heirloom strawberries and 30 year old raspberries OUTSIDE (gasp...). We are in the pumice zone of southern Oregon and thus get snow and cold temps. My plants would rebel at being placed in a greenhouse! Both spread copiously and with vigor. Tell me where to ship you a few strawberry plants; my berries are sweet and heavy with flavor. You can't buy this quality anymore.
Send some to me please
Clif highly recommends that you listen to the New Bard: Remarque88 on Bitchute... in fact binge ! !
I agree..he is a smart guy and a straight shooter!
I love that guy.
Thanks for the recommendation!
"I'm your huckleberry. That's just my game." ~Doc Holliday
(Some ignoramus had to say it!)
best channel
Thank you, Clif
Thank you, thank you Clif!!
Hello Human Cliford! Respect!
Did anyone else see how substack enabled "local payments" allowing people to pay in their local currencies?
The main currency symbol in the substack windows pop-up was bitcoin!
No. Is the choice dependent on the writer? Thx.
Why does the timeline keep slipping...was all failing at end of May, then in June and now July? I love listening but starting to wane. Still on the Clif ship though.
He has mentioned many times that his ‘predictions’ are just interpretations which are based on the data he has gathered over the past 20 some years.
We need to remember that timelines are never set in stone and can slide forward or backward at any point.
Interesting guy but fuck is he wrong 99.5% of the time.
Yeah, the Big Ugly was supposed to be a tough summer, with shit hitting the fan real good BY Fall. Hmmmm.
I got dingleberries all year long!
Shave !!
Or wipe !!
My guy, see a doctor!
I stopped making strawberry jam. Too frikking good with too much sugar. You can put less sugar in but then it isn't as good.
Strawberries are very good with no processing whatsoever. They don't last long though.
Try strawberry banana freezer jam, even better!
It's the sugar I have a problem with. That and I want toast with my jam and I no longer eat bread.
Maybe I should freeze banana strawberry smoothies.
Had a dicussion over the weekend about pies. I think putting stawberries with rhubarb in a pie is a waste of stawberries. The rhubarb totally overwhelms them, just make rhubarb pie and eat the stawberries.
I don't eat pie any more either. Dammit.
When Strawberries are on sale, I score 20 pounds, then tediously slice each one into thin pieces and put them in the dehydrator. When they are done a ton of them will fit into a large jar, ... but they never last because my 10yr old plows through them so fast. No added sugar !! Last for ages dehydrated. I was thinking about making some preserves with very little sugar though. I also stock up on onions and bell peppers of all colors and chop and slice and dehydrate. They are very handy to throw into soups and stews.
If I have a lot of bell peppers I roast them and store them in olive oil. Once out on the boat I used that oil to brush zuchinis on the grill, awesome!
I've never used a dehydrator, maybe I should look into that.
I make beef jerky too. And Banana chips, & fruit roll-ups.. I got a good deal on the $120 Cabels'a 6 tray dehydrator on sale for $80, but they sure stuck it to me on the required 2 packs of silicone tray liners that keep small stuff from falling through the large holes on the trays. Then there was the two packs of fruit roll-up trays, ... then the Jerky Blaster 1.5qt caulking gun for making ground beef jerky strips. I would say that for the most part, these accessories are not completely mandatory, but the rack liners are certainly handy.
After Mom died the family told me to get rid of all the "Stuff" but I couldn't do it. As a result I have a lot of old canning jars, big pots and other assorted goodies I can use. My siblings and extended family missed the boat. lol
I have my gramma's canner.
To avoid some of the tedium of the strawberry slicing, could you find an egg-slicer? One that has thin enough slices. With 20 pounds of strawberries, it could help save time! P.S. sounds awesome and delicious
They are crunchy, and a little tart at times because no sugar, but they do taste pretty good and all natural.
What I want to try, is thin slicing apples and dehydrating them. And then see if I can rehydrate and use to bake an apple pie.
I hear you. All the tasty things are now in the “no” zone. Trying to pass up bread, pasta, and more myself. 🙁
I'm too old I guess. If I don't see a spud next to my steak, I feel unAmerican. lol
Spuds. Yummm. Having some today.
If I listen to everyone who says don’t eat this or don’t eat that, I would be on a distilled water diet.
Same here. Today is the day I decided to get out a Chuck Roast to marinade early in the morning so I can broil it for dinner. And I am going to use my commercial potato slicer to smash out a big batch of french fries. Mmmmm, Carbs. And I don't care if my body chooses to turn the spuds into sugar. Does it matter if I make blanched and frozen Asparagus with that ?? lol
Yeah. I relaxed and became a better guest by just eating what is put in front of me if it isn't toxic. Haven't been home much in the last few weeks and I do see a weight gain.
Cutting out carbs really does put a dent in your cuisine.
Thanks for sharing Clif. Appreciate it!
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