Kozyrev's Experiments: Aluminum's Alchemical Correlation to the Emotion of Sadness:
One thing that is interesting about Kozyrev's experiments from an alchemical perspective is aluminum's correlation to the the emotion of sadness. In alchemy, the metals used are related to planets, which in turn carry their own astrological significations which archetypally relate to schemas of emotions, qualities, and psychological schemas.
For example, the Sun relates to Gold, the Moon to Silver, Mercury to Mercury, Venus to Copper, Mars to Iron, Jupiter to Tin, and Saturn to Lead. (You can research the astrological significations yourself.)
Modern day alchemists that make things like Organite, for example, do not like to use aluminum in their products, as a metal substrate, because experience has shown that it brings up a lot of sadness in people. Not the best marketing strategy, to say the least, unless you promote your organite as some sort of Shadow Work device and support the energy of the aluminum with healing stones that work in tandem with it.
This thing with aluminum relating to sadness is interesting since some of the people that were a part of the Russian government's experiements with the aluminum mirror funnelz based on Kozyrev's experiments, committed suicide after the experience. It's also extremely interesting that chemtrails and many "health" and "hygiene" products contain aluminum....
You're welcome. To further elaborate, the reason I'd choose copper is not only does it give off fantastic energy (and energy tools like tensor rings are made out of it for this reason) but it is also related to Venus/Taurus which relates to aesthetics, sensuality, etc. which includes food preferences. So from my perspective it's kind of the perfect metal for cooking.
Then again, how expensive are medical bills? This is my main argument for buying all our food from local farms too. It might be more expensive, but so is getting sick.
Copper if you can afford it (but then again how expensive are medical bills?), stainless steel, tempered glass, and ceramic too. Definitely NOT aluminum cookware - it's criminal that aluminum and anything "non-stick" is still even being sold.
I see no reason to use a product that contains both aluminum and polytetrafluoroethylene, when there are perfectly good copper pans available. And if a person cannot afford all copper, stainless steel works just fine as well.
Do they really use polytetrafluroethylene? This is what they say about their non-stick surface. "Protected between the steel hexagon peaks are nonstick valleys. We’ve used a high-grade non-toxic Japanese coating infused with diamond dust for extra toughness."
The Hexclad aluminum core does not touch the food surface. The pans are mostly stainless steel as you can prove with a magnet. And they are heavy like steel.
Hexclad is great and Hexclad pans can be placed in the dishwasher. Copper will turn color after repeated dishwashing cycles. So if you want to maintain the great look of copper, hand washing is best.
I have one Hexclad frying pan and I love it. The rest of my cooking utensils are stainless steel, which can work like nonstick if applying temperature correctly when cooking food. And of course I have a cast iron pan.
People are so married to the idea of "convenience", and companies love to overcomplicate things in their eternal search for a proprietary product. Unfortunately whether it touches the food or not isn't the point for me - it's just not a good idea, and I see no need for adding PTFE to anything - it's toxic.
When it comes to my health, and the health of those I love, I don't mind scrubbing steel or copper pans. It's not even that hard if I do it right: when the pan is still hot, add super cold water so it steams, let it cool, and it's much easier to clean. I rarely put a pan in the dishwasher anyway.
I read the site and it mentions PTFEs with regard to Teflon pans, but not in Hexclad pans. If they use it, they don't admit it. Not on their web site at least.
Not only is this fantasic information, it also encourages me to read his work! Thanks!
I always believed that eating with silver utensils was better for your health. Later learned, indeed it IS, but for a different reason that I suspected - kings used silver utensils because they turn color if someone puts arsenic in their food!
Yea man! Check it out! Colloidal silver is just the start. You can eat monotonic gold (ormus) and other monoatomic elements. It's sort of like a way to take "hallucinogens" without tripping. Set and setting still required. Check out Ken Rhola's site or Ancient Tek elixirs.
I can't remember the exact terminology but around earth/terra is say, an aura which feeds off humanity's vibration. The fuktards spraying Al over us is having the desired effect of keeping us depressed, sad, tired, anxious, fearful, etc... And, if only 32-34% of us are humans... we don't really have to wonder why this is taking so long. Faith, we'll get there ofc it will just be interminably arduous...
Are you talking about Steiner's 8th Sphere? I'm curious to know what exactly you mean about the 32-34% comment ...and what you mean about "taking so long." Can you please expound on those? I would love to know more. Thank you.
Faith, yes. Tested, tried and true faith. I believe... I mean... haha, I don't "believe" ...because that would be blind faith, but in a manner of speaking I believe this tested faith and confidence will eventually get us there. And I think we have the support of our Solar Center. Recently we had an X1.2 (or so...) level solar flair. Every time we have one of these I experience an expansion in my healing or conscious awareness, like a harmonious astrology alignment or something, and so I'd imagine others are experiencing this as well. I hope so. So... how's that for going above the chain of command? Not that 8th Sphere beings are above us in any sort of solar system chain of command... (if that's what you were referring to) but if the wounded child of the collective is in our way... I mean... supported by human psychopathic counterparts or not, experience in healing has shown me, if nothing else, that you can't bypass this step. Then again, those 8th Sphere underdeveloped beings have been with us since Lemuria supposedly, wrecking havoc... And so who the fuck knows. Maybe they need to be jettisoned from the Earth or the solar system? If this is even possible...?
Apparently only 32-34% of the human population are true humans with the God connection. The balance are hybrids, clones, etc. Like 'they' created the 'extras' to help influence their agendas.
Hmm... Clif talks about these hybrids in relation to the bug/mantis/Trantaloid beings. Is this what you mean by "extras"? Personally I'm not a fan of the NPC theory because of how pathological that kind of thinking is. Whatever they are, they're still sentient beings. But I'm sure this isn't what you mean.
Cliff your wrong XRP is all premined and no more can be made it also has a burn rate from transactions so it is deflationary coin. Also what you do not understand is XRP is a trogen horse . Your correct the banks will use it but it will be the reason they lose control . Just the oppisite of what you say.
I wrote this earlier in the year in the comment section on cliffs substack. Not to say the tokenomics of XRP is wonderful like ETH or BTC but more than half is in circulation now and the max supply is caped at 100 billion tokens. That is a fact and next year XRP will go crazy. I expect any minute to see XRP shot like it always does past $1 - $1.30. Allot people don’t like XRP (the bankers coin). I have no love affair with it, I am in it to make money to invest into other goals I have.
You are correct but you neglect the fact that CBDCs minted off XRP are like printing money now.
Clif is off base. XRP is much more than a CBDC factory. CBDCs will be rejected but XRP is decentralized and will be used for much more than CBDCs. CBDCs can also be made in a decentralized fashion without the need for IDs. But will the Centralized Banks get a clue before they are put out of business?
What they are related to or connected with is a good example. They are dishonest and all lying to everyone. Every crypto is Centralised ecxept for BSV, which is transparent i sted of centralised.
I like Kraken. The problem is they all require KYC now. Kraken has debit card on ramps for fiat but the off ramps due to our dystopian government SEC has to be wire transfer. Coinbase and Uphold maybe Gemini. Uphold has high fees and terrible bid/ask spreads. I use them mostly as off ramps to fiat.
The ONLY REAL Utility of a USEFUL & LIMITLESS Blockchain for the Digitalisation of all things is the BSV (even IBM is on it, many many businesses and things are already, even some authoritarian stuff if already on there). It's a technology thing!
Hi Mike. So is crypto.com a good place to buy and hold or should I get a wallet? Also, to confirm, you think XRP will shoot up and at that time it would be good to sell?
You have to use a wallet or you are at risk of loosing everything like my Coinbase account last year. Luckily it was only 6k in Coinbase. I learned a lesson and now I have wallets 4 different kinds. Ledger is a pain in the ass, Tresor is ok for a couple crypto’s and D’Cent sucks ass. My favorite is Tangem wallet. 5 minute set up thousands of crypto’s and you order three cards so if you loose one you have 2 extras. I’ve been doing this since 2017. Lost my ass not selling in 2018, did pretty good in 2021 but this time 2024, I am banking it all. Or de banking I guess
I don’t recommend XRP. The first ETFs will be BTC, then ETH, then Chainlink. LINK is a bit of a WEF coin but is very closely tied with the massive Global money markets like SWIFT and is actually useful, as opposed to XRP, which has no real world use case.
I installed Crypto.com when first available in the US. It works well and handles most of the coins I hold. I like the debit card feature for paying rent and shopping. I also have a Trezor, and their customer support is excellent.
I keep hearing people making statements which make it clear that most people seem to have been made to believe that centralised is a good thing against crime and corruption, but which is not true at all. What is true is that all cryptos are centralised, yet many pretend not to be. What we want for our financial freedom is decentralized for us to be free, but transparent against crime and corruption, so that such entities can be tracked and found through the transparent system. BSV is exactly that.
XRP might well have a short high, but no Honest future.
Most important for a any digital coin/token to have a solid and honest future, are such factors as scalability and STABILITY and instant transactions, all of which the BSV blockchain is actually leading in, while it is the only one that can be burdened limitlessly with all that the world can possibly digitalize and so many times more than that. AT THE SAME TIME the reasons why we might hear little birds singing about all cryptos being "killed" any moment, is because they are not transparent.
Takes months of digging to learn the truth. And I was never into money and finance and surely not any digitals. BUT the downside of that made me just on this crisis of the consequences from an irresponsible ~ enslaved and totally institutionalised species, as it became clear to me that Now I Better learn, especially because there are the so-called "wealth transfer" opportunities, while all the current madness makes the finance world exiting right now, and exiting makes it feasible and easier to be interested enough to actually learn. It's been over a year now, and admittedly I didn't expect that it would lead me into digging into learning about the insanity of any electronic money.
All the 'Big Boys' in Banking and Finance have supported the development of XRP. They aren't necessarily bad. The big problem has mainly been the political-religious-military axis. Finance and Banking is all about increasing wealth and prosperity. They actually don't care about politics unless a gun is held to their collective heads. Wealth is a kind of power, physical force is another kind of power. Bankers and merchants always look for ways to make profit off whatever goes on in the world. They, therefore, are apolitical, areligious, and amoral.
Cliffs problem with XRP is that he knows there is banking crisis coming. The XRP chain is owned by the banks which they will liquidate anything to raise funds during a crisis, including XRP. Leaving all the fan boys holding a worthless WEF token.
HODL no, buy and hold till it gets to a level your comfortable with and sell. HODL Bitcoin, ETH and a few others with good tokenomics. Personally I will not hold much into mid 2025. I will sell n the way up and I do believe this market will scream starting next year.
for example, * Blockchain events speeches are informative, * listening to the serious developers and investors, * keeping an eye on the live action such as the statistical action of these technologies, * reading some books such as for example NUMBER GO UP by Zeke Faux
as far as xrp, you should not use the word "premined" because it is not mined... it is created programmatically -- i call it "pulled out of someone's ass". does not matter how many... each coin has zero intrinsic value and all of its value is purely speculative. eventually, this coin will match it's intrinsic value of zero ;--)
I have been waiting my whole long life to see this evil babylon bankster system to go done. Hello humans - are your awake and aware? Exciting and scary - evolution is tough! So grateful for Uncle Clif for the ongoing education. Keep it up and we can get there to the higher ground.
Long time listener and Learner. You are a better history teacher than I ever encountered from high school thru indoctrination university.
Do you have any wisdom to impart on the recent podcasts, one was from Mike Adams-the health ranger, on the chna soldier invasion, as it is being reported,(one actually down in the Darrian Gap is Michael Yon) at least 1000 some soldiers are coming into our Country DAILY. Apparently there are weapons and uniforms waiting for them here.
My question: Do you see any evidence this is true? and if so, what could possibly help this crisis??? I would like to find the storage units and get those weapons, but how does one find them?
Thanks for any insight or anyone who has info to add.
There is a YouTube video of Democrat Senator Durbin recently acknowledging that they are bringing in these Chinese military age men to have them become citizens and enlist in our armed forces since are recruitment levels are down. If I locate it, I will come back and post it. I’ve watched the videos of what Mike Adams is reporting on regarding these Chinese military age men. It is happening. Don’t ignore it. Obiden/Obama will turn them against us and I do believe without a doubt they will be armed to attack Americans.
Thank you so much!!! I could not locate it again! I’ll keep it for reference and sharing to others!!! Also, I believe that Obama and his puppet Obiden will use it against Americans! 2024 is getting close and they will do anything they can to complete the destruction of America.
actually your comment is worth more than you think. absolutely agree Adams has an infinity for drama... his warning podcast must have caught me at a weak moment.
although, I do believe the huge amount of young fit men invading our Country....I'll be keeping my eyes open for those weapon stashes!!!
I don't like anyone. I like the idea of taking down illegitimate governments. I have no idea how.
Israel has been committing major war crimes for 75 years against the Palestinians and have now stepped up the genocide. Were it not for Hamas forcing this to stage front they could continue their slow ethnic cleansing. Most of the actual 'terrorism' attributed to the attack was committed by the IDF on their own people. I have to side with Hamas.
It doesn't make sense and what you say is a scenario that I had considered. Feels like hopium. I have come across moderately compelling arguments for these things. Example: When he says take the vaccine he means Ivermectin (I think it was Ivermectin) and the initiated understand this. Hard to swallow. I tend to lean away from your explanation but I try to keep an open mind.
People keep advising Ripple and Lumen. XRP and XLM. But those are THEIR cryptos. The bank's cryptos! Banks is exactly what we don't need with decentralized money! So I tell them they're insane, and tell them I invest in OUR cryptos, regardless if it will make me rich, I invest in Monero, Pirate Chain and Dero, which are privacy cryptos, and therefore fully autonomous!
I had some questions about the economy and XRP, but this devolved into a religious thing again. Personally, I do not buy the "space alien" crap. And I do believe we were created. It is up to each human to research and decide for themselves WHO that Creator is.
They may have to decide if they believe the Creator is Yahweh, or the Annunaki, or another Elohim. I personally believe the Creator is Yahweh, the Elohim of the Bible, the Bible being the Torah, upon which the New Testament is based.
The "jews" rejected Yahweh millenia ago, hence their rejection of the Messiah also.
If the Dollar is revalued, the bottom 2/3 will be at risk of losing their homes. The value of the currency will go down but the loan amounts will stay the same. The predator class will use this time to buy many homes for cheap. More than half the population will take whatever the KM offers. It will simply be the last coup for wealth transfer. May be 35% of the population can hold out for a while. The lockdowns was not just a wealth transfer program, and it was also a behavior study, a large Milgram experiment study. The info was fed into AI. I am not that optimistic about the people winning. Lastly, I believe the El is here. Of course, I am using the word EL loosely. . My intuition tells me the original group was removed. or capitulated. The remnants are here, as you describe. I am staying out of the fight againsnt the El.
I have many very interesting stories to share about the El. Stories too crazy for right now. I will share the following. As a kid, I lived in Brazil for a few years. We were mandated to take an injection. I do not remenber what type. It came out of a gun type device. I clearly remember a voice saying to me, "don't worry, this one is okay. You will get sick but the long-term effects will be removed. The one you must reject will come later in life". Following that injection, I became a kid filled with health problems. Always sick. One day, the same voice asked me if I wanted to stay or leave. After that, my illnesses went away and became a very robust person with a very strong immunwe system. And yes, I refused the injection of the past years. Lost just about everything. . True story.
This is a great question and I wish most people understood this as we listen to all these recordings! The Elohim are simply devolved humans like fallen angels. We all ascend into a light body during the golden age but we continuously have free will and at any point, any being can choose to begin to devolve, like Satan's story in the Bible when he wanted to become better than God. That's why Cliff constantly reminds us that they are not creators and they cannot create.
Elohim is actually a term that refers to people from a previous Golden age with technology we don't have access to right now but those beings can either be good or bad depending on the choices they made. Cliff refers to the -ones who enslaved a certain race on earth getting us into the predicament we are in now
My banker thought a CBDC was marijuana oil...
Hello Human 🖖
Hello Human!
Hello Human!
Hello Human!
Hello Human
Hello Humans (( - :
Human means sea monster in legalize
Hello Human
Hello Space Alien
Hello Human 🤘
Hello Spock... Peace and Longlife...🖖🏽
Kozyrev's Experiments: Aluminum's Alchemical Correlation to the Emotion of Sadness:
One thing that is interesting about Kozyrev's experiments from an alchemical perspective is aluminum's correlation to the the emotion of sadness. In alchemy, the metals used are related to planets, which in turn carry their own astrological significations which archetypally relate to schemas of emotions, qualities, and psychological schemas.
For example, the Sun relates to Gold, the Moon to Silver, Mercury to Mercury, Venus to Copper, Mars to Iron, Jupiter to Tin, and Saturn to Lead. (You can research the astrological significations yourself.)
Modern day alchemists that make things like Organite, for example, do not like to use aluminum in their products, as a metal substrate, because experience has shown that it brings up a lot of sadness in people. Not the best marketing strategy, to say the least, unless you promote your organite as some sort of Shadow Work device and support the energy of the aluminum with healing stones that work in tandem with it.
This thing with aluminum relating to sadness is interesting since some of the people that were a part of the Russian government's experiements with the aluminum mirror funnelz based on Kozyrev's experiments, committed suicide after the experience. It's also extremely interesting that chemtrails and many "health" and "hygiene" products contain aluminum....
Very interesting information.
Ty, I’m getting rid of my aluminum cookware today! God bless. Recommend replacement?
I mean, if I had the money I'd buy copper. Pretty expensive though.
Interesting, thanks 😊
You're welcome. To further elaborate, the reason I'd choose copper is not only does it give off fantastic energy (and energy tools like tensor rings are made out of it for this reason) but it is also related to Venus/Taurus which relates to aesthetics, sensuality, etc. which includes food preferences. So from my perspective it's kind of the perfect metal for cooking.
Then again, how expensive are medical bills? This is my main argument for buying all our food from local farms too. It might be more expensive, but so is getting sick.
Copper if you can afford it (but then again how expensive are medical bills?), stainless steel, tempered glass, and ceramic too. Definitely NOT aluminum cookware - it's criminal that aluminum and anything "non-stick" is still even being sold.
I see no reason to use a product that contains both aluminum and polytetrafluoroethylene, when there are perfectly good copper pans available. And if a person cannot afford all copper, stainless steel works just fine as well.
Do they really use polytetrafluroethylene? This is what they say about their non-stick surface. "Protected between the steel hexagon peaks are nonstick valleys. We’ve used a high-grade non-toxic Japanese coating infused with diamond dust for extra toughness."
The Hexclad aluminum core does not touch the food surface. The pans are mostly stainless steel as you can prove with a magnet. And they are heavy like steel.
Hexclad is great and Hexclad pans can be placed in the dishwasher. Copper will turn color after repeated dishwashing cycles. So if you want to maintain the great look of copper, hand washing is best.
I have one Hexclad frying pan and I love it. The rest of my cooking utensils are stainless steel, which can work like nonstick if applying temperature correctly when cooking food. And of course I have a cast iron pan.
Hi Kenneth, yes on their website here, it admits to using PTFE (aka polytetrafluroethylene, or Teflon): https://hexclad.com/pages/faq#:~:text=Does%20HexClad%20contain%20PTFE?
People are so married to the idea of "convenience", and companies love to overcomplicate things in their eternal search for a proprietary product. Unfortunately whether it touches the food or not isn't the point for me - it's just not a good idea, and I see no need for adding PTFE to anything - it's toxic.
When it comes to my health, and the health of those I love, I don't mind scrubbing steel or copper pans. It's not even that hard if I do it right: when the pan is still hot, add super cold water so it steams, let it cool, and it's much easier to clean. I rarely put a pan in the dishwasher anyway.
I read the site and it mentions PTFEs with regard to Teflon pans, but not in Hexclad pans. If they use it, they don't admit it. Not on their web site at least.
Not only is this fantasic information, it also encourages me to read his work! Thanks!
I always believed that eating with silver utensils was better for your health. Later learned, indeed it IS, but for a different reason that I suspected - kings used silver utensils because they turn color if someone puts arsenic in their food!
Yea man! Check it out! Colloidal silver is just the start. You can eat monotonic gold (ormus) and other monoatomic elements. It's sort of like a way to take "hallucinogens" without tripping. Set and setting still required. Check out Ken Rhola's site or Ancient Tek elixirs.
I can't remember the exact terminology but around earth/terra is say, an aura which feeds off humanity's vibration. The fuktards spraying Al over us is having the desired effect of keeping us depressed, sad, tired, anxious, fearful, etc... And, if only 32-34% of us are humans... we don't really have to wonder why this is taking so long. Faith, we'll get there ofc it will just be interminably arduous...
Are you talking about Steiner's 8th Sphere? I'm curious to know what exactly you mean about the 32-34% comment ...and what you mean about "taking so long." Can you please expound on those? I would love to know more. Thank you.
Faith, yes. Tested, tried and true faith. I believe... I mean... haha, I don't "believe" ...because that would be blind faith, but in a manner of speaking I believe this tested faith and confidence will eventually get us there. And I think we have the support of our Solar Center. Recently we had an X1.2 (or so...) level solar flair. Every time we have one of these I experience an expansion in my healing or conscious awareness, like a harmonious astrology alignment or something, and so I'd imagine others are experiencing this as well. I hope so. So... how's that for going above the chain of command? Not that 8th Sphere beings are above us in any sort of solar system chain of command... (if that's what you were referring to) but if the wounded child of the collective is in our way... I mean... supported by human psychopathic counterparts or not, experience in healing has shown me, if nothing else, that you can't bypass this step. Then again, those 8th Sphere underdeveloped beings have been with us since Lemuria supposedly, wrecking havoc... And so who the fuck knows. Maybe they need to be jettisoned from the Earth or the solar system? If this is even possible...?
Apparently only 32-34% of the human population are true humans with the God connection. The balance are hybrids, clones, etc. Like 'they' created the 'extras' to help influence their agendas.
Hmm... Clif talks about these hybrids in relation to the bug/mantis/Trantaloid beings. Is this what you mean by "extras"? Personally I'm not a fan of the NPC theory because of how pathological that kind of thinking is. Whatever they are, they're still sentient beings. But I'm sure this isn't what you mean.
Cliff your wrong XRP is all premined and no more can be made it also has a burn rate from transactions so it is deflationary coin. Also what you do not understand is XRP is a trogen horse . Your correct the banks will use it but it will be the reason they lose control . Just the oppisite of what you say.
I wrote this earlier in the year in the comment section on cliffs substack. Not to say the tokenomics of XRP is wonderful like ETH or BTC but more than half is in circulation now and the max supply is caped at 100 billion tokens. That is a fact and next year XRP will go crazy. I expect any minute to see XRP shot like it always does past $1 - $1.30. Allot people don’t like XRP (the bankers coin). I have no love affair with it, I am in it to make money to invest into other goals I have.
You are correct but you neglect the fact that CBDCs minted off XRP are like printing money now.
Clif is off base. XRP is much more than a CBDC factory. CBDCs will be rejected but XRP is decentralized and will be used for much more than CBDCs. CBDCs can also be made in a decentralized fashion without the need for IDs. But will the Centralized Banks get a clue before they are put out of business?
What they are related to or connected with is a good example. They are dishonest and all lying to everyone. Every crypto is Centralised ecxept for BSV, which is transparent i sted of centralised.
So BSV is a project you SCAM for. GOT IT!
Ah wake up.
lol well put
Thou shall have no crypto before the corn!
You invited Nemesis right there. I wish you both wisdom. And so be it.
Mike - if I want to buy some XRP, what is the best and easiest way? I tried to open an account with Uphold, but I could not get verified.
Don't use Uphold, their fees are ridiculous, use Coinbase or Gemini
I like Kraken. The problem is they all require KYC now. Kraken has debit card on ramps for fiat but the off ramps due to our dystopian government SEC has to be wire transfer. Coinbase and Uphold maybe Gemini. Uphold has high fees and terrible bid/ask spreads. I use them mostly as off ramps to fiat.
Try Kraken. Took me about a week to get verified
The ONLY REAL Utility of a USEFUL & LIMITLESS Blockchain for the Digitalisation of all things is the BSV (even IBM is on it, many many businesses and things are already, even some authoritarian stuff if already on there). It's a technology thing!
IBM is on it correct but thats why they partnered with Casper CAsper is a sleeping Giant
Can you elaborate on How it could truly be a giant? I'm always curious to learn!
IBM has a poor reputation. Who even uses their hardware or worthless services anymore?
Hi Mike. So is crypto.com a good place to buy and hold or should I get a wallet? Also, to confirm, you think XRP will shoot up and at that time it would be good to sell?
You have to use a wallet or you are at risk of loosing everything like my Coinbase account last year. Luckily it was only 6k in Coinbase. I learned a lesson and now I have wallets 4 different kinds. Ledger is a pain in the ass, Tresor is ok for a couple crypto’s and D’Cent sucks ass. My favorite is Tangem wallet. 5 minute set up thousands of crypto’s and you order three cards so if you loose one you have 2 extras. I’ve been doing this since 2017. Lost my ass not selling in 2018, did pretty good in 2021 but this time 2024, I am banking it all. Or de banking I guess
Okay, great to know. I appreciate your help on this. Gratitude my friend
I don’t recommend XRP. The first ETFs will be BTC, then ETH, then Chainlink. LINK is a bit of a WEF coin but is very closely tied with the massive Global money markets like SWIFT and is actually useful, as opposed to XRP, which has no real world use case.
Yeah, I'm hearing mixed reviews of XRP and will stay with BTC and ETH. So much information out there it's hard to know.
Why Tangem over the other wallets?
I have a crypto.Com account but I have never used it. What is your experience as an American using this exchange?
I've had it for 4 years and have had no problems. Quick to buy and sell in my experience.
I installed Crypto.com when first available in the US. It works well and handles most of the coins I hold. I like the debit card feature for paying rent and shopping. I also have a Trezor, and their customer support is excellent.
When or what would be the trigger to sell your XRP? I have a small amount. Thanks!
I am also big on XRP, but always open to alternative thoughts. Let's assume Clif is right. How would bankers do it?
● Push down other Cypto, https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/06/jamie-dimon-lashes-out-on-crypto-if-i-was-the-government-id-close-it-down.html
● Make XRP look like the best option. https://u.today/xrp-case-between-ripple-and-sec-could-be-settled-today
● Force a fiat crash globally. https://twitter.com/DarioCpx/status/1732707394470457665?t=yk1Y6x0yWf9h9lrDDkFz5Q&s=19
All this said, if/when XRP moons, I will diversify my investment once FOMO hits, the media is promoting it, and the gov't says I NEED IT!
I keep hearing people making statements which make it clear that most people seem to have been made to believe that centralised is a good thing against crime and corruption, but which is not true at all. What is true is that all cryptos are centralised, yet many pretend not to be. What we want for our financial freedom is decentralized for us to be free, but transparent against crime and corruption, so that such entities can be tracked and found through the transparent system. BSV is exactly that.
XRP might well have a short high, but no Honest future.
Most important for a any digital coin/token to have a solid and honest future, are such factors as scalability and STABILITY and instant transactions, all of which the BSV blockchain is actually leading in, while it is the only one that can be burdened limitlessly with all that the world can possibly digitalize and so many times more than that. AT THE SAME TIME the reasons why we might hear little birds singing about all cryptos being "killed" any moment, is because they are not transparent.
Takes months of digging to learn the truth. And I was never into money and finance and surely not any digitals. BUT the downside of that made me just on this crisis of the consequences from an irresponsible ~ enslaved and totally institutionalised species, as it became clear to me that Now I Better learn, especially because there are the so-called "wealth transfer" opportunities, while all the current madness makes the finance world exiting right now, and exiting makes it feasible and easier to be interested enough to actually learn. It's been over a year now, and admittedly I didn't expect that it would lead me into digging into learning about the insanity of any electronic money.
Check out Java at min 6:41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnPHLR7qV4U
It's not really "pre-mined" because it's not a blockchain, it's a consensus algo. So, it's a ledger not a blockchain, but yes, all are in existence.
I'm not sure what Clif's problem is about XRP.
All the 'Big Boys' in Banking and Finance have supported the development of XRP. They aren't necessarily bad. The big problem has mainly been the political-religious-military axis. Finance and Banking is all about increasing wealth and prosperity. They actually don't care about politics unless a gun is held to their collective heads. Wealth is a kind of power, physical force is another kind of power. Bankers and merchants always look for ways to make profit off whatever goes on in the world. They, therefore, are apolitical, areligious, and amoral.
Since when are bankes not bad? They are the worst.
he is misinformed thats the problem
Cliffs problem with XRP is that he knows there is banking crisis coming. The XRP chain is owned by the banks which they will liquidate anything to raise funds during a crisis, including XRP. Leaving all the fan boys holding a worthless WEF token.
Anythings owned by the banks is Not For the people, but to suck the life out of people.
Crypto pepper so you think XRP is a good investment to hodl and then sell when it shoots up?
I'm going to sell 80% between $7-9.
The remaining 20% is ride or die.
Okay, makes sense. Thank you for replying back.
Sounds clever enough.
HODL no, buy and hold till it gets to a level your comfortable with and sell. HODL Bitcoin, ETH and a few others with good tokenomics. Personally I will not hold much into mid 2025. I will sell n the way up and I do believe this market will scream starting next year.
If it is a part of your diversification, Yes! And surely I'd sell when the high comes. Because it doesn't have an honest future.
I like how you think - a contrarian's contrarian!
Where do you suggest people can go to learn more about this? Thank you.
For your inspiration
for example, * Blockchain events speeches are informative, * listening to the serious developers and investors, * keeping an eye on the live action such as the statistical action of these technologies, * reading some books such as for example NUMBER GO UP by Zeke Faux
Thank you
I highly recommend checking out Blockchain Backers YouTube channel.
He does a live every weekday in the morning and then about 3-4 videos a week with what he thinks about the market.
He mainly talks technical analysis.
Thank you
if you want fundamental of XRP digital perspectives tecknical Block chain backer and my favorite Waters Above . Both excelent
as far as xrp, you should not use the word "premined" because it is not mined... it is created programmatically -- i call it "pulled out of someone's ass". does not matter how many... each coin has zero intrinsic value and all of its value is purely speculative. eventually, this coin will match it's intrinsic value of zero ;--)
Pre-mined is just a fancy term for created out of thin air.
Mining involves work, time, energy, etc. hence the term proof of work.
Yes! He doesn't get it. Thank you!
I think XRP runs counter to the idea of Freedom. If the banks like it, I'll pass.
Is saying "your wrong" ironic?
I really look forward to these...many thanks Uncle Clif!
Seeds and old books. Knowledge is the currency that last forever, is it not?
I have been waiting my whole long life to see this evil babylon bankster system to go done. Hello humans - are your awake and aware? Exciting and scary - evolution is tough! So grateful for Uncle Clif for the ongoing education. Keep it up and we can get there to the higher ground.
Hi Cliff,
Long time listener and Learner. You are a better history teacher than I ever encountered from high school thru indoctrination university.
Do you have any wisdom to impart on the recent podcasts, one was from Mike Adams-the health ranger, on the chna soldier invasion, as it is being reported,(one actually down in the Darrian Gap is Michael Yon) at least 1000 some soldiers are coming into our Country DAILY. Apparently there are weapons and uniforms waiting for them here.
My question: Do you see any evidence this is true? and if so, what could possibly help this crisis??? I would like to find the storage units and get those weapons, but how does one find them?
Thanks for any insight or anyone who has info to add.
Freedom Fighter in the Dakotas
There is a YouTube video of Democrat Senator Durbin recently acknowledging that they are bringing in these Chinese military age men to have them become citizens and enlist in our armed forces since are recruitment levels are down. If I locate it, I will come back and post it. I’ve watched the videos of what Mike Adams is reporting on regarding these Chinese military age men. It is happening. Don’t ignore it. Obiden/Obama will turn them against us and I do believe without a doubt they will be armed to attack Americans.
Thank you so much!!! I could not locate it again! I’ll keep it for reference and sharing to others!!! Also, I believe that Obama and his puppet Obiden will use it against Americans! 2024 is getting close and they will do anything they can to complete the destruction of America.
actually your comment is worth more than you think. absolutely agree Adams has an infinity for drama... his warning podcast must have caught me at a weak moment.
although, I do believe the huge amount of young fit men invading our Country....I'll be keeping my eyes open for those weapon stashes!!!
Not sure if "infinity" was intentional and it gave me a chuckle because it's true, but I think you meant "affinity."
LOL! He does sell good stuff, and I find him abrasive as well. I don't have much faith in Trump with his "beautiful Israel".
"Natural News" is not the first choice for mega-accurate stuff...
Yes, Trump has some serious flaws... but who do you like better?
IMO. Israel and Hamas are BOTH terrorist orgs...
I don't like anyone. I like the idea of taking down illegitimate governments. I have no idea how.
Israel has been committing major war crimes for 75 years against the Palestinians and have now stepped up the genocide. Were it not for Hamas forcing this to stage front they could continue their slow ethnic cleansing. Most of the actual 'terrorism' attributed to the attack was committed by the IDF on their own people. I have to side with Hamas.
It doesn't make sense and what you say is a scenario that I had considered. Feels like hopium. I have come across moderately compelling arguments for these things. Example: When he says take the vaccine he means Ivermectin (I think it was Ivermectin) and the initiated understand this. Hard to swallow. I tend to lean away from your explanation but I try to keep an open mind.
It could very well all be posturing, we'll see.
People keep advising Ripple and Lumen. XRP and XLM. But those are THEIR cryptos. The bank's cryptos! Banks is exactly what we don't need with decentralized money! So I tell them they're insane, and tell them I invest in OUR cryptos, regardless if it will make me rich, I invest in Monero, Pirate Chain and Dero, which are privacy cryptos, and therefore fully autonomous!
Hey Clif, Check your email at halfpasthuman... We build stuff... 💪😀
Listening to you talking about the El's, i had a funny thought, isn't it interesting that Israel named it's airlines El Al? :)))
El Niño!
I had some questions about the economy and XRP, but this devolved into a religious thing again. Personally, I do not buy the "space alien" crap. And I do believe we were created. It is up to each human to research and decide for themselves WHO that Creator is.
They may have to decide if they believe the Creator is Yahweh, or the Annunaki, or another Elohim. I personally believe the Creator is Yahweh, the Elohim of the Bible, the Bible being the Torah, upon which the New Testament is based.
The "jews" rejected Yahweh millenia ago, hence their rejection of the Messiah also.
So, should I buy some XRP?
Clif does not recommend XRP.
Marvin the Martian said it best...."Stupid Frickin Earthlings " !
Hello humans!
If the Dollar is revalued, the bottom 2/3 will be at risk of losing their homes. The value of the currency will go down but the loan amounts will stay the same. The predator class will use this time to buy many homes for cheap. More than half the population will take whatever the KM offers. It will simply be the last coup for wealth transfer. May be 35% of the population can hold out for a while. The lockdowns was not just a wealth transfer program, and it was also a behavior study, a large Milgram experiment study. The info was fed into AI. I am not that optimistic about the people winning. Lastly, I believe the El is here. Of course, I am using the word EL loosely. . My intuition tells me the original group was removed. or capitulated. The remnants are here, as you describe. I am staying out of the fight againsnt the El.
I have many very interesting stories to share about the El. Stories too crazy for right now. I will share the following. As a kid, I lived in Brazil for a few years. We were mandated to take an injection. I do not remenber what type. It came out of a gun type device. I clearly remember a voice saying to me, "don't worry, this one is okay. You will get sick but the long-term effects will be removed. The one you must reject will come later in life". Following that injection, I became a kid filled with health problems. Always sick. One day, the same voice asked me if I wanted to stay or leave. After that, my illnesses went away and became a very robust person with a very strong immunwe system. And yes, I refused the injection of the past years. Lost just about everything. . True story.
And who created the Elohim? Just asking.
This is a great question and I wish most people understood this as we listen to all these recordings! The Elohim are simply devolved humans like fallen angels. We all ascend into a light body during the golden age but we continuously have free will and at any point, any being can choose to begin to devolve, like Satan's story in the Bible when he wanted to become better than God. That's why Cliff constantly reminds us that they are not creators and they cannot create.
Elohim is actually a term that refers to people from a previous Golden age with technology we don't have access to right now but those beings can either be good or bad depending on the choices they made. Cliff refers to the -ones who enslaved a certain race on earth getting us into the predicament we are in now
And IF created consciously. That wud b as royal a fukup as 'creating' humans.