Yaaaaay! A new podcast from Uncle High!

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Clif, If I remember right, in the past u said we shot down space aliens air craft. The only way this can possibly happen is with the blessings of the space aliens. All the aliens space craft that crash in the USA and around the world is a disguise gift from the aliens to humans !

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I highly doubt any aliens the government potentially meets are incapable of crashing or being shot against their wills.

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Hello Woo Crew! You guys might want to check out Jim Willie and Jean-Claude on Rumble today. They are rocking it all out! Love you guys! https://rumble.com/v42d6xt-the-jean-claude-and-jim-willie-show-ustbond-default-and-banking-crisis.html

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Jim Willie is very entertaining the first 4 times you hear him....after that you find he is a one trick pony saying the same old same old every damn day ....first it was the BRICs, now the Bond market......and then his same old stories.

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You have to remember there are new people discovering Dr Jim Willie, repetition is the way we learn, look around you see how many dumb f*cks there are who believe what they see on MSM, that's.... repetition.

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Super dumbFu@ks. Got many in my family. Tough during the holidays to hold my tongue!!!

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Max Igan's latest post on the Zio-Gaza war is quite gut-wrenching. The beginning insert of Zionist Jews hijacking Judaism, the perverted Roman Catholic Bible/Christianity is what Clif has described regarding the El Oh Heem. There's been a complete distortion of historical biblical and religious facts regarding the many people who inhabited Judea, and Christ, who was not a fictitious 1775 AD invented "JEW". https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/12/new-max-igan-lets-talk-about-the-jews-2547970.html

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I have given up trying to illuminate friends and family, they just glaze over, I don't have to hold tongue I just smile, enjoy the positive things, but be there if they need you.

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Currently, I am 3k miles from my home saving my mothers life while battling resistance from her favorite sister of 87 yrs. Darkness and liberal ignorance abounds. It's a tough dynamic. I have tried to smile for many years. It hasn't made a difference. My 61K ft view reveals ancestral or familial karma with the entire clans. Hard to shake the Druid clutch. Thanks though. I'll keep the upper hand until I break the chains. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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Ignore him at your own risk

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He's not CNN with a new lead story every day. He gives his assessment of the big picture, which evolves by the decade, not by the day. The truth is unchanging.

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Thanks for the link. Don’t like to miss Jim W.

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I'll watch because he generally h as good info, although Jim Willie's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. It's all I can do to listen to him.

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Yes, maybe you can put on the closed captioning?

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That would probably be even more annoying. I'll just put on my big girl pants and listen.

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He's always been like that. High voice. I listened to him 10-12 years ago for a couple of years and some of the guys on Kitco.com.

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I saw a video about why nails on a chalkboard makes us crazy. It's because it falls in the same frequency range of primate screams in the forest trees. It's like cellular memory for us from back in the day. I'm not even going to make a rude analogy with Jim.

OK, yes, I will. It's when Jim goes ape shit. hehe

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Inmy viewpoint,we are moving into a more inner spiritual nature. Something like the species in Avatar?? Where we discover that we are all connected. That and we see our fellow humans soul.

I also believe a large % of us are good,seriously inherently good.

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There is now no choice.

The endowments have already occured a while back.

The Endowments of the Human race are Respect and Honour of this Planet and All that is here .

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Dec 20, 2023
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This is our default thinking. But the truth is a shock when we finally (if ever) discover it...that not all of us arrive here with a conscience. Same machine, different features. A soul/conscience is the quintessential ingredient in being human and it is demonstrably missing in a persistent percentage of us. (ref: The Sociopath Next Door, M. Stout) There are groups who have been found to lack other interesting features as well (the anumerate S.American Piraha, for example) Just sayin'...we aren't all born with the same set of features. I think this is a very imp. lesson we should be helped to learn as early in life as possible, esp regarding psychopaths, they can, and often do destroy the unaware innocents.

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Through deception, demons possess much of humanity. The offspring of Satan's degenerate minions have worked 24/7 for thousands of years to make it so. Hurray for the Zio's! They've been Lucifer's diehard workforce and will be the end of the human race through their final war of wars, WWIII. Nothing has stopped their many genocides over the centuries, so don't bank on any heroes to save your ass. Sorry, but Stockholm Syndrome is not selective.

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Dec 21, 2023
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...including Second Death? Home away from HOME, maybe?

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Yup! I believe the purpose of the Catholic Church is to instill guilt, fear, submission. They prevent us from developing our innate creative power and extraordinary abilities. Only this way they can control us, and harvest us when they want. It’s a cage, like Plato’s cave.

The way christians define themselves is pretty self-explanatory: GOD FEARING.

And the way the Bible calls people: GOD’S SHEEP.

Helloooo 👋 😂😂😂

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Wow another treat this week - thank you clif

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Listening to these podcasts is like practicing Zazen; not meant for comfort or ease, but will do you the power of good in the long run. 🙏

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I use to be a Bible Believing Person. I staked it on The Prophesy within. Then I started seeing contradictions. and The Prophesies were unraveling, not to mention how God's Chosen were acting like anything but. Also, would an all loving God Chose one group out of hundreds, and if so what did that make of him. So my critical thinking nature got the better of me. I still believe in a Creator, but not the one described in the Bible.

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I used to study with Orthodox Jews a decade ago in my search for truth …here is how they wld answer ur question. They can point to places in the Torah where it reads that the Torah was offered to each of the 70 nations that r in the Bible…all refused except Israel/Hebrews. So God didn’t choose them, they chose God by agreeing to follow all the laws in the Torah. Remember at this time monotheism was far from mainstream, it makes sense the nations wld deny Torah. It’s is also well explained in chassidic teachings what “let US make man in OUR image really means”…it’s late here so I can tell you what is explained regarding this very common question another time if you like. Hope this helps.

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IMO, it will take a lot more than Biglino and Wallis to get the normies to take a closer look at their religions. They will brush off factual data about the Elohim unless it comes from the Vatican.

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Humans do not like "changes to their cages", but that pales in comparison to how far they will go to avoid upsetting closely held beliefs. Quite literally some will kill you first. Clif understands this all too well. But most will simply reject you. Close friends will cut you off, but even your family will lock you out over things that made them think. It is easier for them, I think. We learn they'd rather dismiss us than consider the possibility their ideas might need adjustment. I thought everyone was interested in discovering the truth, but actually, most are more concerned with 'being right'. Eject you along with your uncomfortable ideas is much easier because they are simple monkeys running on a Chimp Chip without the "awe and wonder" expansion module. I often feel a bit sorry for these types, but then I move on. Life's too short...and awesome!

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It makes a lot more sense when you view the whole panoply of human interactivity in the lens of reincarnation and karma. And this planet is just one big repeating field trip. The things is, we aren't forced to. We chose to, and make agreements with others to settle karma from a past life. Or create more. Baby souls are good at that. (ISIS, for example)

Clif looks at reincarnation as a solitary, isolated activity while "off-planet," and he may be right. Given evidence I've read, I think it's a lot more complex than anyone comprehends.

Of course, this has nothing to say about space aliens. That requires a total rearrangement of every paradigm, except for the oldest, which is likely based on an active experience of same, not a detached, armchair, intellectual realization of their existence that we have now. It's been a long time since humanity was forced to face something universally unpleasant. We have no idea how bad it can get. Just as we didn't focus on how corrupt our gov't was until it was forced on us.

On the other hand, we're rising out of the galactic plane. Transitions are always painful. Costly. Conflictive. This is the "harvesting" Ra mentioned.

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i think I love you

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Love the allusion to the Zoo-po😉

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Zoo-oo! Oops

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I agree....NOTHING will come between devout Christians and their mega churches...

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I first learned about all of this from Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, PhD - Patristics. Drs. Joseph Farrell along w/Dr. Scott DeHart (both went to Oxford before it went woke) and after having access to certain texts/manuscripts, studying them thoroughly, left the field of theology. RELIGION, LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE, was created to control us. They both have written books on this.

Interesting forum site -


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The Jews are Losing!

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The world is waking up to the fact that it is Jews that are full of hatred and are the murdering bastards who have brought nothing but death and destruction and depravity to the world...after robbing everyone....all communism - whether Mao, Bolshevik Lenin or Obiden is 100% Jewish.... they are responsible for so much human slaughter that they deserve whatever is coming for them now....look at everyone of these politicians kissing Israeli ass - explains perfectly why America is circling the drain....split Israel from the US Government tit and they all die.....hoping to see it in my lifetime..not even 5000 more Hollywood pedophile movies about the "holocaust" can gain them any sympathy now...

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Also, I would point out, that there are a couple, foreign, movies about the Holodomor. Seems a little lopsided. One could come to the conclusion that Hollywierd is biased.

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See, “The Greatest Story Never Told”, the last few Parts especially. It reveals the Lie.

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It's 6 hours long.

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As a rule, I never send anything out in the email, ... unless I have consumed it in full beforehand. Ugh ! It was quite a slog, but I sat through the entire 6hrs before hitting "Send". lol Oh well, them's the rules !!

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It's not the consumption itself, it's the length of it. I could break it up I suppose.

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Same with me. I am a night owl and I think I started watching it later at night and had to hit pause to go to sleep and then come back to it the next day to finish it.

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See the last two parts.

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For the thousandth (+) time.

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Go easy on the Jews. They are in their own spiritual battle too.

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Cliff should know that Bo Polony is as big a shyster as any Jew...and he's worse at making predictions than the boardwalk tarot card reader....landed on one of his videos on trashBIN - total creep out - eye roll.....he's the kind of "Christian" I run from...

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Yes! I remember him saying last December bitcoin would be 200,000 He would s full of shit

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LOL! Here we go.

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From the book of Jubilees:

And if thou dost slay a victim as an acceptable peace-offering, slay ye it, and pour out its blood upon the altar, and all the fat of the offering offer on the altar with fine flour (and the meat-offering) mingled with oil, with its drink-offering

--offer them all together on the altar of burnt-offering; it is a sweet savour before the Lord.

And thou wilt offer the fat of the sacrifice of thank-offerings on the fire which is upon the altar, and the fat which is on the belly, and all the fat on the inwards

and the two kidneys, and all the fat that is upon them, and upon the loins and liver thou shalt remove together with the kidneys.

And offer all these for a sweet savour acceptable before the Lord, with its meat-offering and with its drink-offering, for a sweet savour, the bread of the offering unto the Lord,

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Sounds like a feast for maggots

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As we are speaking about all these space creatures - I stare at a full moon through the window with a star bright night and wonder WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON UP THERE?

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I bought a telescope. That fucker is bright. I haven't seen anything move yet.

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LOL!! I bought one too for Christmas! I'm almost scared to see what's up there. But it should be good to keep an eye on our Property too so all good.

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You have to look BEHIND it to see all the aliens!! Hee-HAW!!

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How do you know? Did you look behind it?

Maybe we could send up a space mirror.

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I was being ironical... I think Clif believes people or aliens live there and the moon is man-made.

(I don't)

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He thinks it's man made? I believe he thinks it's alien made.

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YES. I offered to send him some better weed... have nor heard back yet.

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and eating babies.........

Well, there it is.

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Big thing in the oligarch Jew circles. I have read about. Podesta, Clinton, Hollyweird ....

Even if you don't believe in God, surely KARMA is going to bite them at some point...people should heed seriously the warning to protect your children..this is organized crime by the nastiest of the nasty....they will steal your children...look at the new law in California..if you disagree with transgendering your child the state will take the child....and likely your child will end up being raped and murdered by the LA elite...

been going on for a long, long time..

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I’ve read “The King James” version of the Bible many times. I’ve read the Koran several times. I also have a Strongs Concordance and those books are all you need to understand what Clif is saying. Elohim never “created” anything in Genesis chapter one. They let, made, etc but in chapter two verse four, WaHaVeH Elohim formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

The rest of the books tell you what a shitshow they were. I learned this from knowing who God, GOD, Lord, and LORD were. Strongs Concordance defines them. It was an artifice meant to trick or deceive according to the preface of the NIV.

God = Elohim (plural)


Lord = Elohim


Look it up. You don’t need read Hebrew or Sanskrit.

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"WaHaVeH Elohim formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life."


But even if it DID happen (1,000,000,000,000 to 1)... he used a smouldering cow-pie, not "dust from the earth".

Or maybe Play-doh.

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Lol, or horse shit who knows but that’s roughly what it said. Who did they marry? The point was, they “created” nothing. There were humans preexisting.

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and what does this say about Trump? his espoused christianity and his alliance with the zionists???

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I don't understand the disconnect Trump supporters have with reality...his own daughter is a Synagogue of Satan convert...look at the pictures of him with a beanie messing up his hair as he humps the Wailing Wall in Israel....his son in law is from the worst kind of Jews...these are all satanists folks and Trump is in the thick of them...did he reveal the truth about Israelis behind JFK and 9/11? Did he actually BUILD the wall? Hell no....I read that if he is re elected he will let Jared pick his cabinet...more Jew communists......sad truth is at this point there is no not-communist candidate...they all kiss Israeli ass....

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Trump made that trek to the Wailing Wall because MOSAD and Netenyahu threatened his family. It was either do that or lose his kids and I'm sure their death wouldn't have been pretty.

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You are so wrong!

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Dec 21, 2023
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Isn't she also one of Schwabies Young Global Leader types too ??

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Trump is an idiot, a Zionist and an Idiot...A puppet...a walking EGO...

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He's a perfected con man...his words are attractive because Americans want to have and hear about a government that rescues America not destroy it...he looks mighty good compared to all the depraved leftie communists loudly calling for destruction, destruction, destruction...Biden like Obama has made an absolute mockery of all our government ...they couldn't stop at looting the country...they mocked every decent person in the country with all the transgender, queer, faggot, pedophile demands to be elevate the worst of the depraved and mentally ill into positions of power throughout our country....right now the military has a big problem...only fags will join for free sex change operations ...my how the world looks on in horror!

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Boy you are angry and venting. Time to take up Meditation I think. Something to calm that RAGE in you. This wasn't really the place to spew out all that hatred.

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No hatred here...just the facts!

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Tell IT !!

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He's not PERFECT. But he's better than all the REST. Don't make the "Perfect" the enemy of the "GOOD". I wish he'd move to the Independent Party, like RFK Jr. I'd like to see the UNIPARTY destroyed.

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All presidential candidates are stooges for the Globalist except Dr. Shiva...anybody being projected on the MSM, TV, ect...are bought and paid for by the Israeli lobbyist...

No TV for me 15 years...it damages your brain and mind...be very selective on the internet and stay away from mind controlled slaves like "The Dude Lives."

Be Well and be ready to Hunker Down...

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I have to admit I have hooted and roared quite a few times listening to Dr. Ayyadurai, he doesn't seem to have a "Hold Back" button and really rips into all of them. The cursing just ads to the fun.

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so you are voting democrat, i guess

remember that old saw about the lesser of two evils

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I'm voting Dr. Shiva!

The only sane candidate!

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Take another hit off that crack-pipe, Goofy.

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No drugs or alcohol...reality has its own high...piercing through the veil Dude...

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Let the Christians have their religion. You can’t change them. You can’t change Mormons either.

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That’s sweet of you Dan. Your free to be your own god or whatever it is you believe too 💜

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Good point. I have been arguing with my cousin for years about the Bible. How it's interpretation is that of individuals who never understood the fluidity of the Hebrew language. Also?

Why is it they cling to the Kind James version. ? Lol

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Is it because it was the first English translation of the Bible, "edited" by that gifted (Rosicrucian!) writer, Sir Francis Bacon?

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What version should they cling to?

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Paul Wallis says the best one at this time is the Interlinear Bible. It does the least mistranslating and it tells you if the meaning isn't know. :)

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My Greek sucks.

I know, that's a straight line, it's all yours.

This is Revelation 4, Interlinear/King James where I started memorizing Revelation...


The text is the same, in English.

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Ok. Use whatever version you want. I don't read it, so I don't know which is best. :) I am Pagan, Wiccan to be exact. I've been wondering if the Gods and Goddesses we pray to are also Aliens? And which ones? There must be many Races of beings,....not just the EVIL Elohim. I wonder.

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Well, way, way back at one point in our history it was the Earth, the Great Earth Mother. She was supreme.

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I fooled with magic. It can work if you believe it will work because you focus.

I got the 10 but she tore my heart out.

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Yeah, but at least that's better than getting it torn out by a five !!

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A silver lining. Not sure that could happen though.

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You think Trump is not a Jew pretending to be a Christian?

Wanna buy a bridge?!


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I don't care, I am judging him by the things that he DOES, not what you say about him or any one else says about him. And yes, I will vote for him,....even if I have to Write his name on the FORM!

Even if he is in Prison! Because there is no one out there who has done more for America and us, and also knows the Real War is Global like he does. He's looked that evil right in the eye, he will be strong enough to fight it, no one else will even try.

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Perhaps he is the best of a bad bunch; but I still think he's a phoney. RFK Jr is a better option in my opinion; but I have my doubts about his bona fides, too, and for all I know he also could be a phoney.

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Take in a few Dr Shiva Ayyadurai videos. He puts them all on blast for their BS. ..... Tucker, Vivek, Trump and Especially Jr. .

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Many thanks for the recommendation!

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Dec 20, 2023
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Read Paul Wallis's books. Start with Escape from Eden,....then continue on. He has the best logical way to read what's going on in the Old Testament and there is no foreign language barrier as there is with poor Mauro Biglino. You can even have Paul's books read to you on Audible! He reads them himself.

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"Escaping from Eden," by Paul Wallis


Thanks for the recommendation!

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"The Gods of Eden," by William Bramley. A life-changing book:


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I couldn't Sign In, ... didn't want to Sign Up, ..... so I used this one instead. http://whale.to/c/Gods_of_Eden_Bramley.pdf

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Gods of Eden is an absolute masterpiece!!

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Gods of Eden. (Gods is a plural noun.)

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It was my spell checker...geesh friggin grammar nazi

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A poor workman blames his tools. ;-)

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Thank you Clif. Always enlightening our minds.

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The majority of the world does not practice circumcision - which is a daft and unnecessary procedure.

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It's a traumatic mutilation.

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