we want the Truth and nothing but the Truth!

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I totally agree with wanting to know the real truth about our world

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Most cannot handle the truth. The Truth is Christ. He came to save us from this prison planet. The aliens are the fallen angels and demon off spring. The Gods and demi Gods of Greek Mythology. Satan owns us unless we claim to be Gods though our faith in Him. We are already damned. You can stay or you can get off this rock through Christ.

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Oh boy, you've got it bad! You are gonna have a melt down when the truth comes out. Funny you should say "Most cannot handle the Truth" and then refuse to look at the truth! LOL! Open your eyes and see that you have been scammed for 2000 or more years. Read "The Naked Bible: The truth about the most famous book in history".

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Amanda, I've read a lot of books. I take everything with a grain of salt. Every book I read- grain of salt. Even Mauro Biglino's. There is truth everywhere but nothing is 100% truth.

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The truth is in our hearts…where we connect to source (God for me)

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Maybe, but I think Mauro Biglino is just stating facts. He really isn't trying to say anything that the Jewish Rabbi's don't already acknowledge. It's just the Christians who swear Jesus is a son of a god and that their way is THE ONLY WAY. No way is the ONLY way.

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I absolutely believe in Christ and the triune Godhead. However, I also recognize that we have been lied to in profound ways. I can accept that the fallen Angels and Satan have controlled Earth for millions of years. This is why Christ came to this prison planet. It was and it a rescue mission. Did it ever occur to you that we might be part of the 1/3 of Angels who fell with Satan? So much we don't know. I can deal with anything. You better have a bedrock of faith or understanding as we are fully challenged.

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I know these believers are in for a horrifying awakening. The body of Christ the blood of christ. kneeling in front of his eternal torture.

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Only those who have fixed and crystallized understanding and do not have a connection with the Holy Spirt. If you do not have a real relationship with Christ then I can understand your view. But millions do have this connection and already know we have been lied to and are spiritually prepared for this. You do realize what is being discussed here is a version of Revelation, don't you?

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Ok I do hear you. And your devotion is admirable but the people who constructed your religion have kidnapped your messiah and warped your ritual. This is common sacrament for a satanic ritual. You may have to consider that some of what you believe is corrupted by this force. Swear no allegiance to any one of thing outside of your family. They are feeding off of you and your energy. I have been in your shoes. There are reasons that some priests leave once they find out the truth. Look up Sargon of Akkad. It start there.

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Christ is the only thing to hold onto. Everything else is subject to corruption.

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Amazing reply to the mind washed Bluto, hope he finds his way back.

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I agree! Can't believe that xtians have not work that one out! A god that never came back, despite all the chaos, killing and abuse of children (just one example!) Do you want to tell me he does know this... well, if the big book was worth it! A loving god would have come and help the people, if he did not deceived the people for 2000 yrs!

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AMEN!!! That is why I could never feel comfortable with being Catholic. I was raised catholic, spent my youth in a Christian Youth Group which I enjoyed very much. Sometimes I feel guilty for not being a christian,....after all, what if I'm wrong? And there is a christian god? I'm definitely worshipping idols! I'm Pagan! YIKES!

But as an adult in my 60's now,.....and thinking rationally about the Christian faith,....it just makes no sense to me. I've seen People pray for help when diagnosed with cancer,....then when it didn't come, they'd excuse the lack of "miracle",.....and say "It's gods will that I suffer and die from Cancer. He knows its the right thing for me to do, and it's wrong for me to second guess my god". After all he's omnipotent, right? He KNOWS ALL!

That made no sense to me. Just like it says in the bible that "that god watches over the sparrow, how much more must he watch over and care for you!" (not said but implied,....your sooo much more important than a sparrow!). But Chairman MAO waged the most horrific WAR ON SPARROWS for 2 years! They were almost extinct! Where was the sparrow's god then? Why didn't he strike them all down for the murder of his beloved Sparrows? And when the Jews were being herded into the concentration camps, and killed and starved,....where was their god then? Did they tell themselves that this was what their god wanted for "HIS" chosen people? They were guilty of SIN,....therefore they must be slaughtered? They deserve it? Just like the Sins of the fathers are put upon their Sons? We are all BORN with sin? A tiny new born baby, one that luckily wasn't aborted,....is born with SIN in it? He must be baptized to get that sin off and have a chance to go to "heaven" and sit around worshipping the god all day?

None of that makes a bit of common sense! How can any people believe things like that? It's like it's another global Mass Formation Psychosis or brain washing from infancy.

Same thing with the War on Sparrows, how can a whole Country, right down to it's little children go around killing nestlings and eggs in their nests and think that is ok? You must know instinctively that it's wrong to kill baby birds no matter who tells you to do that!

Humans are so easily fooled by these monsters with their hidden agendas. Abortion is the same thing,.....the Globalists,...like Bill Gates in order to increase depopulation and have a good supply of baby parts or whole ones now,......tell the PEOPLE "it's YOUR RIGHT to kill your baby, and you must fight for it!".

Then here's the other insanity we are seeing right now! In Monty Python Life of Brian,......Loretta ( a man) wanted the RIGHT to have Babies! LOL! Like Buttigieg! It's hilarious! . And all of a sudden, men having the RIGHT to have babies, and women having the RIGHT to kill their own child right up to after birth becomes the most important rights they have? Not Freedom, or the Right to bear Arms, or the right to chose what medicines are put into your body,.....but the right to bear or kill a baby????????? The Globalists have skewed the people so far toward EVIL that they can't even come back!

Something is wrong with that!!! I think the Aliens should have done a better job with their DNA manipulations, we are weak minded and selfish!

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So, you lost faith because we have been lied to and we don't fully know how to heal as Christ did? I get it. Not blaming you. But, for me, I think about what Christ did. And how he absolutely tore the vale of the lie and spells Satan had over us. That is our only way out of this Prison Planet IMO. Faith and love in Him.

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"Lost my faith"? You could look at it that way. But I consider myself having found my faith; faith in the beautiful world around me, and the cycles of the seasons, the natural behavior of the creatures that share this planet with me. I have faith in the divine energy that makes it all work. You may think that's some god,....but I do not. I consider myself a Recovering Catholic. LOL! That's what most Pagans think,....they are so thankful to be out from under that deep, dark, guilt ridden, evil religion. A religion used to control the masses and keep them inline. No thank you, I'll pass. I don't believe in your ONE And ONLY WAY. That is a lie that a group of men made up to keep you from knowing how many other ways there are to the Divine Energy. As many ways as there are humans!

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You are missing my point. I am on board with what you point out. Respectfully yours!

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" . . . claim to be Gods . . ." umm, hate to spoil your fantasy, but we are created beings.

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God’s. Possessive. We need to belong to Him was and is point. My bad with a missed apostrophe.

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If this path you are on makes you happy, then stay on it....if you'd like a different path,.....there are so many to chose from! All lead to one place, the Divine Center of the Universe. You pick.

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Amanda - We don't know the challenges Bluto has in this life. He's probably on the path he needs to be, and I think we are finding out why - to un brain wash himself. We can guide, but we can't do it for him.

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Interesting. I agree but to un brainwash myself I would need objective verifiable truth to contradict my current set of truths. I have those by hard work. It will take significant data to un seat my them. Not impossible and given what may be coming it may even be probable. We’ll see.

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That is SO obviouse.......the qustion most Hu-Mans have is by whom, and for what purpose? This is a question Clif never addresses......"Story Tellers" ( inc Biglino's interpratation of the Original Hebrew Text who Clif recommend we all read) such as David Icke (who Clif has in the past referenced favourably) and Kerry Cassidy and many others all tell the same story some with hard evidance backing up their "Story Telling". Clif is not one for telling any story of any practical use, but, he is one who likes to critisise the "Story Tellers".....he does have a "Story" about "The Bug" however. It being in the centre of a Spiders Web!!!! This blog of his is highly entertaining which is why I follow it and seems to be directed at the "Thinking Sheeple" out there which puts him in the positin of being Controlled Oposition for the "Academic Thinker" seeking answers. He is someone who has yet to acuratly predict ANYTHING yet, and has disappeared from Video presentaions for obviouse reasons!!!

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LOL! you underestimate him at every turn. Clif is just busy,....he's building a road to a new wooded property over the water, his wife is needing him, and he has 2 giant dogs! He's also a Care Giver for people around him,....he didn't "Disappear"! He's just a man with a lot on his Plate at the moment. It's hard to be patient for his videos,....but they are always worth it. No matter what the topic, I always learn something. He's been beside us, helping us to understand and see the bigger picture for almost 2 years during this Plandemic,.....we're good now to carry on. He has to take care of his own too!

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I'm listening to the audio book.....and I agree with what he is saying,.....but after watching people get arrested all over the Country just for their words! I'm almost getting ready to get off social media for my own safety. They are forcing plea deals down people's throats too, by telling them they'll rot in prison for life if they don't take the deal,....the deal isn't a deal at all! It's years and years in prison. They LIE. Speaking up is for others,...I'm too much of an old coward.

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Thank you,....it looks very interesting. I will forward it to clif...his email is on his Halfpasthuman site you know, if you want to write him. He doesn't reply all the time,....but sometimes he does.

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That does not make his statement any less valid imo.

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seeing a lot of confused people in the comments here (obviously not referring to parent comment).

all you need to know is the people running the world right now (the KM and other assorted occult derivatives that yes, do include Talmudism aka modern day Judaism) hate nothing more than Christ and his sheep. You know what they love? pagan new age shit that childless women and people like Clif who are trying to "figure it out" fall for.

It's not complicated, and its pretty well laid out in the bible - nothing explains the state of the world better and more simply. Not only that, but the deceivers flat out explain their strategy and plans if you just read what they write. If you lack the discernment to figure this out it's your own fault.

"You are gonna have a melt down when the truth comes out." LMAO! retards like amanda wilson are already melting down and the party hasn't even started.

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You are correct. Why was Christ’s mission of salvation so brilliant? He knew Satan would corrupt everything so his message was simply The Cross! Satan would deny the cross and The Resurrection. This is THE ONLY requirement for SALVATION. liturgy, canon, history, aliens, whatever. It can be and is corrupt and we don’t know the true truth. Clif is correct on this. But it doesn’t matter. We who believe in The Resurrection have salvation.

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I'm wary of people like you who either claim they know the answers, or tell others not to seek them.

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Take a stand. Once you do that the truth will make itself known. I know what I know based on this basic precept.

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I have, but it is my own and belongs to me. It has zero to do with nefarious religions which exist solely to control me, other than cause me frustration and hurt that so many are that fucken stupid as to think their bastardised little books of desert ramblings are in any way relevant to the process.

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I see. You are afraid of change and scared to find out that your whole life has been based on a narrative cooked up by some powerful men for you to live in. And you obviously haven't even opened the book Clif mentioned....The Naked Bible: The truth about the most famous book in History. Take a chance Mr. Meat, and open the book! It is amazing! OR do you still believe like the LIBERALS do,.....that whether or not you have the truth, your way is the only way. Facts be damned! That has lead us right to where we are today. You must let go of your preconceptions,......they may be incorrect, or they may not be. But how will you know if you don't take your head out of the sand and open your eyes to NEW information and ideas? Our lives can't be founded on things we learned when we were toddlers, right? We had to take in new ideas and new information or we never would have grown up. We are still growing......and new information is a big part of learning about our Universe. Unless of course, you want to stay a toddler,.....your choice of course. Staying a toddler is safer I guess, but so boring.

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Amanda you are projecting, coping, and seething. I am very interested in bible history and may read that book at some point, but I highly doubt it's as poignant as you or Clif make it seem. You assume people are Christians because of what they were taught as a toddler. I'm a Christian because of my experience in this world, which is run by pagans by the way.

Here is the crux of it, you are not interested in truth, you are interested in what feels right and good to you. This is why you are and will continue to be wrong. Your original comment basically posed the question, "if God is real why do bad things happen?" which demonstrates how little questioning, reading, and introspection you've actually done - you are the one with the toddler's understanding of the world.

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May 22, 2022
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Kit - except Amanda isn't telling people she has the answers, which Bluto is doing, emphatically. She is telling people they HAVE choices and to seek them out, so are you confused and meant to call Bluto a retard, which is not cool, or are you jus trollin' so making sense doesn't matter, its all about polluting a thread?

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Jun 8, 2022
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Agreed Kit, you don’t have a clue. Meanwhile, your response proves my point.

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LOL! I've been called worse! I'm a Pagan, everyone hates us Pagans. :)

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You sound defensive.

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Gee, you were even more harsh than I was!

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Matt. 24:9 “because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold”

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Whattt??? Came to save us.... and we still in the mess... even BIGGER! OMW!!

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That isn't the truth, that's just a story you heard that felt comfy enough to keep around because you got lazy.

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Not lazy. I have earned my point of view. It hard to gain faith through thought, reason and logic. Much easier to bliss out and trust. I now know that all roads lead to Him. His fingerprints are everywhere.

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Yes, though it concerns me deeply that anyone dares think they know what 'He' is. That's the lazy part, in my view. God, yes. Human conceptualizations of God, no. Religions are the latter. Perhaps we can meet at the middle of thr venn diagram in just accepting and appreicating that God exists.

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Exactly. We define it for ourselves. Live accordingly.

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Does "he" exist? It looks to me as if there are many "gods".....they come in all shapes and sizes with many different themes. Gee, that sounds Pagan!

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Of course organized religion is comfy. They made it that way,....comfy and beautiful, full of fantasy and allegory, stories that people don't understand, (we love "MYSTERIES") but they none the less cling to. And what could be more comfy than "FAITH with no Evidence". How can any one argue with that? LOL! They knew what they were doing,.....it's been done 1000's of times in the past and is still being done now with the Covidian Cult! LOL! All safe and comfy if you get your 5th booster,.....all these things that make one feel safe are meant to keep you in a cage. A cage you grow to love.

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You Tube censors stuff about advanced technology, too.

I traded comments with someone on You Tube. He wrote this to me. And the algos deleted it. 🤔

Mark Butler

Chris Wyma exactly. Those "physics defying" maneuver are anti-gravity tech we reverse engineered 70 years ago. Haha rockets? Get out of here. If only the public knew of the secret space program that their hard earning taxpaying money goes to

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Actually, we've had access to electrogravitic tech since Maxwell expressed Faraday's experiments in quaternion form. Heaviside 'edited' 22 equations down to only the 4 equations that engineers are taught now. But 'they' have had the full knowledge since the 1880's. Most of what we see at night are ours. Some folks, like Tom Bearden, have patented energy production technologies similar to our exotic propulsion systems, and that of "others". The true purpose of the patent office is to suppress innovation that would threaten energy and oil companies. And if, by some chance, a patent is accidentally granted, then manufacturing and distribution is suppressed by 'other means'.

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Secret space program? Remember what Q said? Many govts feed the eye. There’s your big secret.

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Visions of the Louise Bourgeois's Maman spiders placed strategically around the world to soften the peeps into accepting these 'demonic' iconic symbols. Look it up on Wikipedia for the photo of the 'things'.

Craziest part of all this, is the realization (or lack thereof) that entities from other planets and systems walk among us now, and we aren't aware of them.

They have been for eons and many don't look that different as humanoids, except for more developed brains and mental capacity, thus capabilities.

Let's get real, folks. We are all aliens here as earth minus evolution theories, was a boiling, steaming, rock covered with water.

Those not from earth aren't stupid.

They are here.

We earthlings (terrans) are NOT there.

I'd bet these races are quite aware of the freak show the KM is about to produce and either laughing inwardly (if they can) or planning to thwart their KM show for their own safety.

Recall the witch hunts and inquisitions of yesteryear.

So, thanks again Clif for your insight and mental deductions.

I'll keep looking up, unlike Sleepy Joe, to at least be able to prevent a bird from pooping on my jacket if I do.

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Exactly! We are all here because ‘we are not all there’

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We are not all there, because we are all here. LOL! Sounds so deep, doesn't it? :)

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You guys are so funny! This topic has brought out all the crazy in us hasn't it! I was thinking about the spiders in Mirkwood in the HOBBIT! YIKES! Any one have a Master Ring I could borrow?

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you been following Kerry!....Uncle Clif might slap you on the wrists!

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Kerry who?

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Been too busy with PCO projects to follow anyone; am I missing something?

What does Kerry have to do with the price of eggs? That and a box of soggy cigars butts will get ya nowhere 'cept a headache......HA!

Kerry who?

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You make no sence...try proper English

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proper English, sense not sence.

Trolls/bots need to study or adjust the algorithm for grammar and spelling if one chooses to opine.

Puns, or rhetorical humor need not make sense.

Regarded as in-jokes or idiomatic constructions, it exploits multiple meanings of a term, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect.

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Try reading and understanding this then comment!....I suggest Clif does the same


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LOL! Love this! I posted a comment on your most recent Bitchute video cuz I didn't know how to contact you about this very thing now happening not 30 minutes before you posted this; of course I didn't so eloquently elaborate nor could I on the subject. Thank you.. Well the one thing I do know is that if we're still here for all this we're supposed to be here in this now!! Hahaha I and many I know have had near death experiences...probably several...buuutttt, we're still here for this big I wanna say final showdown. I've always wanted to see what's been hidden in the 52 miles of archives under the Vatican. Don't ya know that shit's gonna set a lot of us (if not all of us) free indeed!! On our toes with a bucket of popcorn and a huge grin on my face!! On with the show!

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It's funny, that was my first thought too about this Bible Scam coming out,....how freeing it will be for so many grim, tight lipped Christians who can never just be the animal they are,....always having to try to be something else. So many people live with guilt and fear of this "God" and heaven and hell. It's really nice to know that none of that stuff is real. Now people can breath and relax and just enjoy being alive right here, right now. No more fear about where they go when they die. Suffer no Guilt.

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I think they just don't want to be wrong. Denial seems to be an organic substructure of the brain. They sense their heads will explode if they take in too much at once. Someone needs to come up w a step by step un brain washing kit.

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Of course, they want to cover all bases....just in case there is a HELL.

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Today, I have officially reached the end of allowing any Storytelling Hour — either Clif's or anyone else's — to enchant (enchain) me any longer. I'm not prepping for anything. I am returning to life as I live it.

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LOL! you've had enough, eh? Time will tell us any way.

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Someone who has done zazen and vipasyana meditation for 20 to 30 years —as Clif says he has— is not going to be talking about even half the stuff he does, never mind space aliens. Anyway, we can choose whether we use time, or are used by it.

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Kinda judgy for someone so supposedly enlightened. Trust, but verify. I'd rather listen to someone who does just that, and is good at it ie Clif, than someone who wanders off to meditate amid an air of apathy and indifference.

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Clif, what are your thoughts about our food supply & the WHO treaty coming up? Are we going to give up our sovereignty as a nation & if so…what does that mean in our day to day lives? Can we get out of the treaty?

As far as the food supply…are we going to be eating bugs & lab grown meat?

Just trying to understand how far this shit is going

Bring the space aliens. I need some good entertainment! Hollyweird is imploding & it’s glorious😂

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Every time I read about how we supposed to be eating bugs with relativeproponents, Bill Gates in first place, I get cranky. How does that narrative compound with the fact that bugs and other insects are supposedly dying out.

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Maybe we can eat Bill Gates instead? He's looking nice and plump nowadays.🤣

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He looked like he had a pair of Boobs too in a video I saw recently....might be Man Boobs from not enough testosterone and too much Estrogen????

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Did you see how he has invented lab created breast Milk? He got it ready for when they sent all the baby formula to the Border and to the Ukraine. What foresight!

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Clif is famed for his "Bug"...has a dirct line to Bill Gates?

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Clif, I too would really like to know your mind on this above comment. I'm worried too about the WHO/WEF/UN Treaty......it seems to me that it's the final part of the great reset. How can they do something like this? Doesn't our Constitution make this kind of thing ILLEGAL? I don't want UN Troops from China on my door step force vaxxing me for the next plandemic! How likely is this to go through? Please, do a video on this topic!

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Clif does not do vids anymore....maybe because he is no longer allowed to despite what he says......his blog i.e. this newsletter....is probably written by the DS now to cause confusions by Divide and Rule techniques, hence his rants about Kerry Cassidy.....who, BTW only tells the same story as Clif's friend David Icke.....and Mike Adams!!

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I've been wondering recently how many "clif highs" there are.

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Yep, Clif is clearly a disinformation agent and always has been.

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Clif has already explined "The Bug" connection in one of his videos

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In my opinion…Kim Goguen is a shill 100% don’t trust that woman.

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Nice point about Mlle. Goguen. IMO, I think she is 100% AI. Check out the lack of affect in her face.

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I am beginning to agree with your thoughts. I at first was fascinated by all the interviews of Kim Goguen, yet she has failed to produce any evidence of her claims. She has history of Marduk and the Annunaki, but extraordinary claims require proof. I can only relate to what she claims as her group to what Jason Shurka is now reporting of a hidden group here for thousands of years secretly and now pushing people toward some new belief called The Light System. I am very wary of it all.

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Beyond Mystic's Janine was enamored by her. Couldn't finish the first interview I watched w them, it was so sickening. It actually turned me off to Janine for awhile and I'm still not where I was. Same w some other chick Janine interviewed on her own channel that kept saying she was an enlightened high vibration paladian or something, but didn't even know what it felt like to feel the overwhelming love energy during a reading. Gave a flippant, 'what is love anyway' answer ala Prince Charles when Janine asked if she felt it. If she had a beating heart, she would have felt it at some point, if not w ea reading. I can't deny how stupid Janine is around these bots, like she's been mind melded and overpowered. It's freaky. Something is definitely up w Kim and her brethren. Its like they are all manufactured, not created naturally, so the answers to some questions aren't organic. Watching them fumble F around trying to relate a feeling or emotion they clearly have never felt is telling. Meanwhile, Janine needs to pull cards on herself, so she can hopefully snap out of it when the Fool comes up.

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Even Kerry Cassidy in her interview with her put her through a grilling....one isleft withthe impression Kerry was NOT impressed with her which might make Clif confused???

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Bring it on. Me and my bad ass SFPD can take on Martians. We are ruled by Romulans after all.

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Darn, I was sure it would be the Vulcans first! I've been waiting for them for decades!

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Offs seriously.....I was gobbling it all up!! NOW what.... Ah well, will just have to switch off everybody and only follow Clif. At least my husband will be happy to hear this. He was ready to get me certified with all my alien talk LMFAO!!!

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First things first, I immediately put on Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, full volume, 11, OK now I'm ready to post. For newbies here, Clif told us this was going to happen, and even gave dates and yes they were mid-late May. Now I know we have a very mixed crowd here, and no normie, me, but the alien stuff, the KM histories, all new to my virgin ears so def a normie to those and others topics frankly. But I'm catching up, and like most I would guess enthralled. Clif's truly astonishing hit rate with many of his algo based predictions, so very accurate on occasion, makes it easy for even a true sceptic of every-fucking-thing, to accept these realities and possibilities. We're discerning people, and I bet we all still have large grains of salt for any info to pass muster, but Clif has proven himself time and again but very much so recently.

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You’re starting with ziggy- that’s a good thing.

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What like his"prediction" of the price of Silver?

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Unfortunately, Cliff believes Jehovah is evil as he declared in a recent video; nor does he accept fallen angels to exist; hence he will not accept the space aliens to be the same fallen angels interacting with humans even now. The Book of Enoch should be required reading: it exposes the interactions of the fallen angels in early human history.

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Also please add to your required reading assignment Sitchin's The Earth Chronicles and Mauro Biglino's Naked Bible--be patient with Mauro's book as it is an English translation from Italian and is in critical need of serious editing. For those fluent in Italian, check out Mauro's work in his native language. Lucky you if you are able to do this! Keep on keepin' on!

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I'm in the middle of The Naked Bible: the Truth about the most famous book in history. It is eye opening and soooo freeing! I don't have to have that nagging feeling I'm wrong and there might be a god. Now I can relax and just follow the earth religion I love, Wicca. No fear, no guilt, no trying to be something I'm not,.....I love being Pagan!

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I've replied to you before. I just don't get why you are part of any religion, semi religion, etc at all? Is it like a way to have like minded friends, cause that I understand?

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most Sheeple follow this "Religion"....naturally I do not and being British especially NOT. When we get rid of our Monarchy that will be partway though getting rid of ALL Governements....we dont NEED them especially The WEF and NWO!


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Most sheeple are Wicca, really Horseman.

Lying invalidates your argument.

Lying outlandishly makes you a Troll.

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Maybe Clif should read it too!

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I have read this book on Clif's recommendation....it seems he has not read it as he now says "Story Tellers" are not to be believed.....he needs to make up his mind ....if it is him writing these Newsletter that is!

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He is not alone. Ramtha, energeticsynthesis.com and Sal Rachele and the founders among others have essential said the same. Jehovah was the war god of the hebrews and genocide was part of that tribe.

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It is slowly being revealed. Mauro Biglino's book The Naked Bible is providing what was hidden from humanity since the time of the Roman Empire. We are relearning our real history and hopefully a better future.

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Yup....I suggest Clif reads it too.....a great "Story Telling" book......similar to what Kerry Cassidy talks about!!

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So what your saying is Juan and the gang are plants? Lol. Im very open minded, i have been taking in ALL information to decide for myself intuitively and there’s alot of “filler” in most of it but some real interesting shit for someone who is trying to find truthful answers. Haha. I welcome the full and complete truth even though it will crush all the false teachings and so called belief systems we were brainwashed to believe. It the most fascinating time to be alive!! Thats for sure!!


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Me too....that is why what Clif says about the "Story Tellers" is VERY suspect....him included with his "Bug" being in the centre of the spider's web!!

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Was saying if this guy is a faketriot he’s fuckin good!! Lol. My spidey sense is always tingling. Lol

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Can't wait! Have been waiting for this since my Mom disclosed that she saw a UFO flying over the Olympics (from our back patio in Bremerton). She was very nonchalant with the comment. But she was very amazing.

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Are you still in Bremerton? Do you know the approximate year? We are still in Kitsap county.

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Nope, we're over on Mercer Island. Mom said it was when we were building the 'big house' out at the end of Lafayette....so that would've made it mid-50s!

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Thank you. I guess there are a few clif fans here in his backyard. BTW, in the 1950's an uncle living in Navy city, part of Bremerton, also saw what he called a flying saucer. hummm

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Feeling a bit like a fart in a hurricane these days... at this point ..just bring it all on (spider monkey from space, underground lizard people, inter dimensional looking glass time traveling Nazi's, whatever) as all of our institutions are corrupt and rotten to the core; our history nothing but lies . ...there is no fixing this evil matrix we are currently trapped in. Gonna put my faith in God.. and will try to stay positive.. We are the awakened ready remnant. We will walk tall and tune into Clif for some direction and ballast (when he isn't working on his too steep new driveway, burping up chaga mushrooms or looking for fish carrying eagles landing on his roof).

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Well, the last time things in the human world were so diabolically corrupt, we were treated to a ginormous flood. Not this time. This time, WE get to get up off of our duffs and fix it.

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Noah like Flood or perhaps a classic fall of Babylon situation is underway. Either way, agree we can't be bystanders waiting to be saved .. God acts though us, so time to strap on the full armor of God to win this largely spiritual war. Call it energy .. light.. vibrations .. whatever.. we ride the good wave .. the tsunami .. into this fight to crush these name stealing, child abusing, Luciferian rats. The day can't come soon enough.

The Fall of Babylon Announced (18:1-3)

18:1-3 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

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Clif is controlled oposition and so far none of his predictions have come true....not even Silver values reaching $600!!!!!....as entertaining as he is I still follow him for some fun

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Is it just me or does Clif have a whole lot of issues with other people in this movement , almost like some scary fixation trying to tear everyone else down while he dazzles you with his brilliant knowledge of history and his high intellect. It seems someone so smart should not waste his time on such petty attacks of others that he disagrees with.

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I don't think he's being petty. He is just trying to keep people on the right path instead of getting sucked up by another "Religion" that's just a scam. Especially putting their faith and maybe hard earned money into a SCAM. He asks for nothing and he gives freely of his time and energy. Don't pick on Clif! GRrrrrr.

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I'm not picking on Clif, I think he's a brilliant man but people will believe and follow who they're drawn to and his calling people names is beneath him. I take every bit of info I get from many varied sources with a grain of skepticism, even the info that Clif doles out has elements of unbelievability . This life is a puzzle and we all need to fit the pieces together for ourselves, I think people should just lighten up a little.

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Indeed!! Clif (if it is him even) needs to take heed of your comment

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Clif is encouraging people to be critical thinkers.

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I'll give this some credence. Not fully but some.

So maybe it's worked with me? :)

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I quite agree.....couldnt put it better myself.....I suspect he has been "terminated" and someone else ls "being" Clif now. Here in the UK we have The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) "Brigade 77" recently set up by the British Gov to counter "Fake News". They are sophisticated in their properganda and are now infiltrating the "alt Media" and impersonating them....Hello Clif....show your REAL self please????

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Clif seems to have special knowledge which would render those others simply, uhh, incorrect.

For now, I'm putting Clif in the "Clif drawer," allowing him to turn out to be correct :)

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Thanks, Ken. My thoughts exactly.

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Let’s get this crap show on the road and be done with it. Bottom line….after all their trouble (KM), God wins.

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