I have a 3D printer.

I have the parts for a CnC.

Just sayin.

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who is John Galt? 😎

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We need John Galt right now to shut this damn thing down.

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Time for US to be the hero(es) we have been waiting for. No one is coming to help. We made this monster by keep feeding it and failing to control it. It's going to fall on us to take it down

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You haven't seen the movies?

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Much better than every movie ever produced.

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i remember reading this book and falling asleep for the night and wake up and before coffee and pick back up where i left off first thing in the morning; something very special about this book by Ayn Rand;

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Yes they are. In this case I didn't know that there were books.

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Of course you do. I mean, your 'handle' is: "John Gault" : )

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Yeah, that moniker might have been a bit ambitious.

What was I thinking!

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can you print dark chocolate bars too?

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You don't need a 3D printer for that. A can of Hershey's and some butter/cream, a little sugar and a mold. I could 3D print a mold.

Make some caramel, put that in a mold, freeze it,

Voila! That's how you get the Caramel in the Caramilk.

Sounds like fun, too much sugar Roman.

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Love that you would already know how to do this. Can't the printer run on sugar ? Or use coconut sugar, this way it doesn't count.

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Feb 4, 2024
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I have some flex, not sure if it's food safe.

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Food, making stuff from scratch.... now that's my 'jam'. Need the base components though...

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I get almost all of them from AzureStandard, coconut sugar, organic milk chocolate chips, even jam, jam making ingredients, everything. (Drop shipped free, 2x month!) You know I'm going to craft something special to go with my next Uncle Clif installment

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Takes time but well worth it. What's the latest thing you've made?

For us it was pierogies.

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Nice one! Love pierogies! And yes they take time, but are so worth it!

I am a chef of 35 years - worked on 4 continents. I've been baking since I was 7 yrs old and started training in butchery in my 1st year. So I make all sorts of stuff all the time (including inventing random stuff - that has had some awesome results). Eg: I made a hazelnut, fig, ginger and pear cake (GF/DF) that I called "Gingerbread’s hot sister" 'cause listing all the ingredients is tedious & a mouthful.

On the weekend I did Confit Duck legs (40 of them), served them with a shredded celeriac, fennel and snow pea salad (like a variation on a Remoulade with a Green Goddess - mayo based avocado, caper & herb dressing); & a red cabbage, beetroot, apple, walnut and dried sour cherry salad with a red wine vinegar & mustard vinaigrette .... and some other stuff. I'm in the sub-tropics in Australia - it's hot - so salads are the go right now.

Keep cooking! The world would be a better place if more people shared healthy home made food and conversation. 😏

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I generally go with ... whatever is at hand.

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Teehee : ) Naw, I'm thinkin' its perfect.


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Feb 4, 2024
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Serendipitous, or not so much considering my handle, I am watching that right now. Dagney is in Galt's Gulch, declaring that she is returning to save the world, Galt is trying to talk her out of it.


Mari Gold told me it existed. Didn't know.

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The book is better

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Feb 4, 2024
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I found it yesterday. I also have a roll of 4mm thick copper wire I found in an abandoned RV deep in the woods. Got lots of cool stuff out of that.

Universe provides.

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I see a shareware revolution. You could print a SAAB (or anything else). This Postscript idea is really going to work out. Printing technology is going to allow cottage industry to fill gaps in the supply chain. Local manufacture is going to win out because of the prohibitive cost of shipping. Cottage production at factory specs.

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Prusa makes his 3D printers with 3D printers but he is making 3D printers.

I've thought about that. Build a printer, put it into production, build a printer sell it...

Realistically 3D printing is good for prototyping. It takes a while to produce a part.

So one offs sure, but expensive. I suppose learning about plastic injection is the logical next step to achieve any kind of efficiency.

I would need to put the CnC back together to make injection moulds. I Wonder if I could make it work on 12 - 48v DC. Probably. I know I can with the printer.

Can you recycle plastic for injection moulding? If so, it's all there.

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Jesus christ, you have a ton to learn about those old technologies.

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No, I'm John Galt.

I was Jesus Christ in my last incarnation.

Also, I will always have a ton to learn.

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You are awesome!!😎

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I'm buying at least one 3D printer. Just sayin'.

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I actually have three. They get out of date. Newer printers work much better.

I recommend laying out the bucks for a Prusa.

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Feb 4, 2024
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What if we did a little body work and made it a floaty Kia?

I want a floaty Tacoma.

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omg. A Floaty Tacoma (!) LOL!!! THAT is a dream-come-true : )

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Yeah but it would be too cool to haul manure in . . .

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always liked those cars

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you just pulled the trigger on the rail gun you just made and your wife favorite rose is no longer there. AHHHHHHH!

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I second that motion!

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Sluuuuurp! Aaaaaah!

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or your favorite wife is no longer there...

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USA military has been fighting people wearing only sandals for 30 years now, and USmilitary has NOT been winning. No recent experience fighting peer-related enemies (like Russa or Iran). (see Catherine Austin Fitts solari.com Money and Markets report for Feb 1 2024 ... subscirption needed)

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Good point - although I did like Trump's approach -- we're leaving, no hard feelings, but if you shoot one of us while we're leaving, I'm gonna flatten you. And it worked.

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Yeah, Trump worked

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Yes! I watched Catherine Austin Fittts last night! Great show!


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Bright Lady!

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Greg still believes Trump was duped and had no idea what was happening. How sad. Greg is a Normie he accepts that Pfizer did the whole thing (Karen Kingstons crap) but not that the DOD ordered the shit under EUA as a demonstration of a countermeasure. Trump knew exactly what was happening. THEY will insert that bastard again this year to finish off America next year. TRUMP IS NOT OUR FRIEND.

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Trump was “installed” in 2016 by the Elites to distract, disrupt and destroy the American populace. If he is once again “installed” as POTUS in the next (s)election, it’s going to be disastrous for much of the world.

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You're completely full of shit.

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And you are completely clueless. It is high time you discovered what is happening around you, Normy.

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Greg will never have Cliff on again though, no matter how bad Bo Polny’s calls turn out.

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Better yet! Today's info. from Catherine Austin Fitts free section - https://home.solari.com/the-solari-papers-2-u-s-state-bullion-depositories/ Watch Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog interview w/Catherine today! Feb. 4/24 even if you live on gov. pension & depend on food banks for sustenance :-) There are millionaires/billionaires & eventually trillionaires who really need a safe place to store their massive wealth AWAY from those at the centre of the web & genuinely believe they own it all including the very wealthy (The Great Taking - David Webb) & so on...

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Interesting video.

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Thank you Clif for all the heads up forecasting that you continue to pour out to us, Much appreciated!!!. Please be careful out there!!!

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Thanks Clif!

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Clif, my son is a Major in the Air Force. He has the highest clearance and his career path is Cyber. When my son was applying to the Air Force Academy he tested in the top 1% of the nation. While in High School he had a liaison to help with his application. My son's high school was all about computers and at that time was ranked #11 in the country (California Academy of Math & Science). When my son took his physical fitness test, he passed but his liaison said he would never make it because he wasn't a "jock". Unfortunately, the liaison was not aware the Air Force was now looking for nerd techies. In fact, my son got an early acceptance into the Academy. 3-D printers? He currently has 4 and will be setting one up for my husband and my son will run it from his home, hundreds of miles away. I have no idea what he does, but his commanding officer when he became Captain said he protects us from bad people. Military understands and I'm not a fan of the military any longer.

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You can still be a fan of the military. NOT the band of misfits, Obama's queer army, We have a parallel one working. Guys who said no freakin' way to the deathvax. I've been an Intelligence Officer for 49 years. At first I was a ghost then my identity (which one?) was stolen. I've been in 3 wars and look for another. Simultaneously I know what war brings and I'm in no hurry. Sherri is right Peace through strength. I've been scheduling injured men to be on air ambulances, while I stock up my guns M38, quad 450, a snub-nosed .22 with no safety, a Taurus g3 NEVER to be fired in the house-the walls will come down. a few deer rifles, and our service dog.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Join the club. What I did was empty my bank account. Before you do that if you have direct deposit change it to your address.

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You can start a print remotely. You can monitor a print remotely. You cannot maintain the printer or remove completed pieces remotely.

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good job mom. Take's dedication to get in. I've got two.

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Clif you have been so far ahead of this all along, and now we see pretty much everything well most everything manifesting pretty much on schedule ( the English shed-you'll, thank you very much ). Take a bow, sir, take a bow, but please get ready for your encore, to be sure.

A major theme of yours very early on was Secrets Revealed; no one can say you didn't 100% nail that bitch. another was WE ARE WINNING. In that light, here is a wonderful summary post that exemplifies how we are doing ( spoiler alert: WINNING BIGLY ).

Fuck the motherWEFers, the Trilateral Commission, the alphabet people, fuck em all.



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Good morning Woo Crew! Yes, we all need to start thinking Outside of the Box! Love you guys! 😘😍🥰😎

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C'mon boys. Roll out!

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Let's get this rolling ASAP.

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🙏 RIP Boris. Love your Posts, look forward to all of them

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All I can say is it's about time for balance to be restored. Living in harmony thru strength.😁

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I love the AI illustration. Thinkin' that's Cliff a few years back... : )

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I doubt clif ever had hair on his head 😻

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Or a long-ass pony tail

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= )

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Zero Point Tech. :) Good time to be alive.

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Yeah , I think this as well from observation. Humanity is going to get it's freedom , no matter what . The best thing anyone could do is self govern and the big guys back down the authority, who lust for control. Humanity will come together and out the so called authorities , no matter what lol. Time to give it up the last lustful control then there will be hardly any casualties. Then humanity can actually get to task on real living.

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Oregon, last night watched 3 high altitude UFO'S pass in sight, two yrs ago sat in my car watching 100's buzz around up there. For some reason they left their lights on.

I've seen a huge UFO pass low, I was lucky looking that precise moment for it was fast, left light streak leaded by Crescent moon shape craft. I thought it was going to crash, but that was due to how low it was and size. No boom.

Point, "they" already got these thing's, guessing a long time.

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