I use youtube-dl, works on Youtube too. But I think it's been declared illegal. Looks like you can get it here maybe: https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/
You can do a lot of shit with it. Let me know if you get it to work for you. (because it was declared illegal)
I was able to get an extension for my Opera browser from google linkhttps://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/substack-video-dl/dmndahpghadhpmdegkhknnkfapojbmac or google 'download substack videos' and hit the first google add - it works
Who cares what people think. I don't have a cell either.
I built an ISP in 1993/4. We ordered a Sun box, $20k. They didn't have one to give us so they gave us an Axil clone to use while we waited. We got it all working on Linux, sent them back their Axil and said 'no thanks'. Saved 20 grand. I dropped DOS like a hot rock.
I'm retired, my last job was designing air traffic control systems. On Linux. It runs Hong Kong's new airport. (among others)
Yes love the new camera!
Yabbut now I have to figure out how to download it. My standard methods haven't worked.
There's always capture, but that's real time. I could download this in 20 seconds on Bitchute. Then again maybe he will publish it there.
I had problems downloading on substack as well, so I manually did a screen recording and uploaded to my MEGA cloud account
He posted it on BitChute. But thanks.
How do you download on bitchute? I figured it out on odysee, but not there???
I use youtube-dl, works on Youtube too. But I think it's been declared illegal. Looks like you can get it here maybe: https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/
You can do a lot of shit with it. Let me know if you get it to work for you. (because it was declared illegal)
But not un lawful lol. Corporations make rules without your consent .
Yes. You don't have to play their game but you do need to know the rules.
maybe I'll just stick to odysee. don't want to play with the illegal right now.
There's no good reason for it to be illegal other than the Khazar owned courts are biased towards the Khazar owned entertainment empire.
If you can play it on your computer you can record it. There might be a problem if you repost it but legally you can download it.
ok, thanks!
I was able to get an extension for my Opera browser from google linkhttps://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/substack-video-dl/dmndahpghadhpmdegkhknnkfapojbmac or google 'download substack videos' and hit the first google add - it works
I had videodownloadhelper on Firefox but I don't use either of those browsers. However, he posted it on Bitchute so I have it.
Thanks for your reply.
It downloaded as mp3 (audio) as did the yt-dlp it was based on. So no go, but a couple new tools I'll try elsewhere. So that's good.
I use a bunch of distros. This one is Fedora. I installed it from the Fedora repository as per instructions. Telling it to download video failed.
Even suggesting that I might use windoze leaves a foul taste in my mouth.
Who cares what people think. I don't have a cell either.
I built an ISP in 1993/4. We ordered a Sun box, $20k. They didn't have one to give us so they gave us an Axil clone to use while we waited. We got it all working on Linux, sent them back their Axil and said 'no thanks'. Saved 20 grand. I dropped DOS like a hot rock.
I'm retired, my last job was designing air traffic control systems. On Linux. It runs Hong Kong's new airport. (among others)
It came in without having to click on my Apple 5-G
Maybe its military leadership need to know information